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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumidores on-line e seus Pit Bulls: uma exploração netnográfica da manufatura e movimento de significados no mundo dos bens

Sales, Ronaldo Héber Torres Barreto 17 April 2004 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-04-07T21:46:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sales, Ronaldo Héber Torres Barreto.pdf: 652887 bytes, checksum: 949d2d98797713b21a6a780b72db7327 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-04-19T18:32:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Sales, Ronaldo Héber Torres Barreto.pdf: 652887 bytes, checksum: 949d2d98797713b21a6a780b72db7327 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-19T18:32:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sales, Ronaldo Héber Torres Barreto.pdf: 652887 bytes, checksum: 949d2d98797713b21a6a780b72db7327 (MD5) / Esta dissertação discute o papel das comunidades on-line no processo de manufatura e movimento de significados no mundo dos bens a partir da exploração etnográfica de uma lista de discussão por e-mail dedicada ao American Pit Bull Terrier, a Pit Bull BR. O estudo desse grupo buscou ainda atender a outros dois objetivos: primeiro, ampliar a compreensão sobre o relacionamento entre os consumidores e seus cães; e depois, contribuir para um debate científico nacional em torno dos aspectos socioculturais do relacionamento entre os brasileiros e seus animais de companhia. Ao longo da pesquisa, verificou-se que a comunidade Pit Bull BR não é apenas um recurso usado pelos seus membros para se apropriarem e cultivarem os significados carregados pela raça Pit Bull, mas também serve rotineiramente como uma plataforma completa para a manufatura e movimento dos significados culturais relacionados à raça. O grupo revelouse muito empenhado na luta contra a marginalização da raça e dos seus donos, envolvendo-se rotineiramente na re-construção da imagem pública do Pit Bull. Constatou-se, porém, que os significados cultivados pela comunidade variavam de acordo com o grupo social de origem dos membros da lista de discussão. A parte final da dissertação discute as implicações desses achados para o entendimento da relação dos consumidores com seus Pit Bulls e do papel das comunidades on-line orientadas ao consumo nos sistemas de moda e de publicidade. Recomendações para práticas de marketing e para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas relacionadas à aquisição e posse de cães da raça são discutidas na conclusão. This dissertation discusses the role of the on-line communities in the process of manufacture and movement of meanings in the world of goods through the ethnographic exploration of a list of discussion by email, the Pit Bull BR, dedicated to the American Bull Terrier. The study of this group went further ahead and sought to attain two other goals: first, to extend the understanding of the relationship between the consumers and their dogs; afterwards, they sought to contribute to a national scientific debate about the sociocultural aspects of the relationship between Brazilians and their pets. Throughout the research, we verified that the community Pit Bull BR is not just a resource used by its members to appropriate and cultivate the meanings carried on by the breed Pit Bull, but it also works regularly as a complete platform to the manufacture and to the movement of the cultural meanings related to the breed. The group came about as very engaged in the fight against the marginalization of such breed and of its owners, regularly involving itself in the reconstruction of the public image of the Pit Bull. We testified, however, that the meanings cultivated by the community vary according to the original social groups of the members of the discussion list. The final part of the dissertation discusses the implications of these findings in the understanding of the relationship of the consumers with their Pit Bulls, and of the role of the on-line communities guided for consumption in the systems of fashion and publicity. Recommendations for marketing practices and for the development of public politics related to the acquisition and ownership of pure-breed dogs are discussed in the conclusion.

En förändrad publik och logik i public service - En netnografisk studie om SVT:s arbete med att nå ut till publiken i sociala medier

Ahlerup, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
I den här studien undersöker jag hur SVT arbetar i sociala medier för att nå ut till, och interagera med sin publik. Studien syftar till att belysa detta utifrån SVT som public service-företag och hur de når ut till sin publik i ett digitaliserat medielandskap. Ett medielandskap präglat av tvåvägskommunikation i Webb 2.0 utmanar SVT som TV-bolag att nå publiken utanför det traditionellt avsedda medieutrymmet. Studien gjordes med hjälp av en netnografisk metod där tre programproduktioner av SVT analyserades. Materialet och resultatet analyserades vid sidan av tidigare forskning inom fältet, och utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven produktiva publiker och medielogik. Resultatet visar att alla tre produktionerna bjuder in publiken, men att det är olika hur de vidare interagerar med den. Förståelsen för publiken i sociala nätverk visade sig inte finnas där i alla forum, men det var tydligt att den produktion som faktiskt interagerade med publiken skapade en närmare relation till den. Vidare initierade resultatet en argumentation om SVT:s ompositionering till public service media, och arbetet i relation till dess professionella uppdrag och värderingar. Det fanns många likheter i resultaten i jämförelse med tidigare forskning rörande sociala mediers möjliggörande att nå ut till och aktivera fragmenterade målgrupper och bristen på förståelse av publiken i sociala nätverk. / In this paper I examine how the Swedish public service broadcaster, Sveriges Television (SVT) works with social media in the sense of how they reach out to, and interact with, the audience. The study aims to shed light on this from the view of SVT as a public service company and how they reach out to their audience in a digitalized media landscape. A media landscape characterized by two-way communication in Webb 2.0 challenges SVT as a TV company to reach the audience outside the traditionally designated media space. The study was done using a nethnological method where three productions of SVT were analyzed. The material and the results were analyzed alongside previous research in the field, and from the theoretical perspectives of productive publics and media logic. The result shows that all three productions invite the audience, but they differentiate in further interactions with the audience. The understanding of the audience in social networks did not appear in all forums, but it was clear that the production that did interact with the audience created a closer relationship with them. Furthermore, the result initiated an argument about SVT’s repositioning to the public service media, and the work in relation to it’s professional mission and values. There were many similarities in the results compared to previous research on social medias enablement to reach and activate fragmented audiences and the lack of understanding of the audience in social networks

Funktionsaktivsm : Onlineaktivism och samhällsengagemang på Twitter / Disabiltiy Activism : Online aktivsm and civic engagement on Twitter

Wintzell, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Activism and Civic engagement on social media have been taking place since they became a part of communication takes place in people’s everyday lives (Mihailidis 2015). This thesis aims to study the new opportunities for civic engagement and activism that have arisen through the growth of digital media. This work aims to study this by specifically studying how activism surrounding disability and disabled people (disability activism) takes place on the social media platform Twitter. Since the needs of disabled people are often not a priority in the development of technology (World Health Organization 2011, s.184). In this study a mediated community of disability activists and their activity on Twitter are studied using nethnography. The observations of which are analyzed through theoretical foundations in infrastructuring (Mosconi et al. 2017), design in relation to civic engagement (Korn & Voida 2015), and the role of mediated communities in activism (Fromm 2015). The primary result of the nethnography is the observation of how the disability activists appropriated Twitter as an infrastructure for their activism, as well as three analytical categories of the activity that was observed during the field work. Based on this categorization and analysis of the activists’ user behavior the main contribution of this thesis is formulated: A description of how disability activists engage in infrastructuring of Twitter to create a platform where their mediated community can engage in online activism and civic engagement. / Aktivism och samhällsengagemang i sociala medier har skett sedan de blev en del av hur kommunikation sker i människors vardagsliv (Mihailidis 2015). Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka de nya möjligheterna för samhällsengagemang och aktivism som uppstått genom utvecklingen av digitala medier. Detta verk ämnar undersöka detta genom att specifikt undersöka hur aktivism kring funktionsvariation och funktionsvarierade personer (funktionsaktivism) sker på den sociala mediaplattformen Twitter. Då funktionsvarierade personers behov ofta inte prioriteras i teknologisk utveckling (World Health Organization 2011, s.184). Genom en netnografi undersöks i denna studie en medierad gemenskap av aktivister och deras aktivitet på Twitter. Observationerna analyseras och diskuteras utefter teoretiska grunder i infrastrukturering (Mosconi et al. 2017) och design i förhållande till samhällsengagemang (Korn & Voida 2015), samt medierade gemenskapers roll i aktivism (Fromm 2015). De primära resultaten av netnografin är observationen av hur funktionsaktivister approprierade Twitter som infrastruktur för sin aktivism, samt tre analytiska kategorier av aktiviteten som observerades under fältarbetet. Utifrån denna kategorisering och analysen av aktivisternas användarbeteende formuleras uppsatsens huvudsakliga bidrag: En beskrivning av hur funktionsaktivister bedriver infrastrukturering av Twitter för att skapa en plattform där deras medierade gemenskap kan bedriva aktivism och samhällsengagemang.

Reko mat : Analys av REKO:s policy och nätverksstruktur ur ett antropologiskt-netnografiskt perspektiv / Simply food : nethnographic & anthropological analysis of policy and structure of local food networks in Sweden

Gruvaeus, Axel January 2019 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet undersöks policy och nätverksstruktur för REKO-konceptet – ett sätt för små livsmedelsproducenter att genom Facebook samordna försäljning direkt till slutkonsumenter. Uppsatsen diskuterar REKO som ett samtidsfenomen påverkat av stora trender som den digitala omvandlingen av samhället och en allt längre livsmedelskedja. Den beskriver och diskuterar hur policy skapas och sprids i ett platt nätverk utan formell beslutsfattning. Analysen av policyn visar vidare att ”enkelhet” är en fokalpunkt i nätverket, vilket är laddat med olika värde beroende på ställning i nätverket. Arbetets netnografiska underlösning beskriver och analyserar nätverksstrukturen ur olika aktörsperspektiv – vilket visar att då REKO syftar till att uppnå olika mål för dess aktörer kan det gestaltas annorlunda beroende på aktörsperspektiv. Arbetet sätter även fenomenet REKO i en allmän teknokulturell kontext där internet och dess sociala medier får en allt större betydelse för människan. / This bachelor level thesis examines policy and network structure for the Swedish food distribution network called REKO. A network which matches local producers with consumers through Facebook. The thesis discusses REKO as a cotemporally example of technoculture under influence of trends such as the digital transformation of social life and longer distances between producer and end consumer. The thesis also describes and discuss how policy is made and recreated in a flat network without legal bodies. The policy analysis shows how “simplicity” is a focal point loaded with different meanings and goals. In the nethnographic part of the study describes the shifting shape of the network. Lastly the thesis puts REKO in a general technocultural context where internet and social media still gets a bigger role for humanity.

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