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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facebook : A Comparative Study of its Usage on Smartphone vs. Computer

Munitzk, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
This research aims at analysing how the usage of Facebook differs on mobile phones and computers from the view of an end user. 10 people were consulted in semistructured interviews about their individual usage. Topics of the interviews included the amount of time they spend on Facebook on their mobile phones and how often, why they are using it on this device and when they rather use a computer. The results of the interviews indicate that people mostly use their mobile phone on their every-day journeys, esp. while they use public transport and they are bored waiting for or beeing on the means of transport. Often they just check the Newsfeed to see what their friends are doing. They mainly want to be informed about the activities of their friends, therefore, produce less content themselves on Facebook Mobile rather than on their computer. The questioned users do not have the feeling they need to log in on Facebook, instead they do it subconsciously all the time. The small screen and keypad on the mobile phone are still the main reasons why the usage of Facebook on the computer is more convenient. Nevertheless, because Facebook on the mobile phone is limited in its features it also offers a good overview. The non-available features on mobile devices are simply not missed and for this reason not even used on the Facebook computer version. However, if a function should be executed, which does not exist on the mobile phone the users are waiting until they can access a computer but possibly they forget about it by then and the importance of the accomplishment disappears.

Influence of Personal and State Level Variables on Perception of State Emergency Management Network Resilience In 47 States

Jennison, Victoria 01 January 2015 (has links)
Emergency management coordination in the United States has fallen victim to over a century of strategies to organize, reorganize, consolidate, or decentralize disaster preparedness, planning and response. Regardless of the agency in charge at the federal level, individual citizens have been responsible for their own well-being immediately after any disaster or emergency event for more than 100 years because it takes time to mobilize and deliver aid. The system most often charged with managing that mobilization during an emergency event that exceeds the response capacity of local public safety agencies is the state emergency management network. Many entities in a state emergency management network have different responsibilities during disaster states vs. non-disaster states. Regardless of their role and function, entities need to be able to exchange resources and information with each other, often under time, economic, or other constraints during disasters. This resource exchange generates trust, an essential element of a resilient network. Resilient networks suffer fewer negative impacts from disaster related loss and are more likely to retain collective capacity to respond and help communities recover. The purpose of this study is to explore the ability of individual and state level attributes to explain variability in perception of network resilience. One-hundred fifty one state emergency management agency employees were surveyed regarding their perception of 5 constructs of network resilience (rapidity, redundancy, relationships, resourcefulness, and robustness) and individual level attributes. State level indicators from FEMA, NEMA, American Human Development Index, and Social Vulnerability Index were also analyzed. Overall, it was found that the individual attribute of perception of network integrity had the most influence on perception of network resilience, followed by perception of community resilience and state level attributes including disaster experience, state well-being, and number of full time state emergency management agency employees. These findings can improve network resilience by informing state emergency management network development activity. Networks that increase member opportunities to develop relationships of resource and information exchange will increase their resilience. That increased network resilience impacts community resilience because, as Winston Churchill's wise words during World War II reconstruction advise, "We shape our communities and then they shape us".

Einflusskompetenz 2.0 – eine Analyse erfolgsstrategischen Nutzerverhaltens in webbasierten Business-Netzwerken

Dopheide, Niklas, Staar, Henning, Böhm, Karl Maximilian, de Schrevel, Eva, Janneck, Monique January 2014 (has links)
Im Arbeitskontext ist das auf die Beeinflussung anderer Personen ausgerichtete Handeln ein wichtiges Element beruflichen Erfolgs. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Aktivitäten wie die Selbstdarstellung bei der Bewerbung oder in Verhandlungssituationen, der Aufbau gewinnbringender sozialer Netzwerke sowie der Erhalt relevanter arbeitsbezogener Informationen. Ausgeprägte mikropolitische Kompetenzen gelten dabei als hilfreich, um solche sozialen Einflussversuche in Organisationen erfolgreich zu gestalten und die eigene Karriere zu fördern. Zusätzlich zu solchen „Einflusskompetenzen“ werden seit einigen Jahren durch wesentliche Um- bzw. Neugestaltungen von Arbeitsprozessen und -strukturen weitere personale Fertigkeiten für den beruflichen Erfolg und die Karriere relevant: So wird durch eine steigende Virtualisierung von Arbeits- und Geschäftsprozessen und der damit verbundenen Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK) der kompetente Umgang mit den verwendeten Medien zu einer wesentlichen Schlüsselqualifikation im beruflichen Kontext . Um am Markt als Unternehmen oder Arbeitnehmer sichtbar und handlungsfähig zu sein, ist die Nutzung webbasierter Dienste zur medialen Darstellung der eigenen Identität sowie zum Austausch fachbezogener Informationen mittlerweile fester Bestandteil. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll am Beispiel von XING, dem mit mehr als sieben Millionen Mitgliedern im deutschsprachigen Raum führenden beruflichen Online-Netzwerk, untersucht werden, welche medien- und einflussbezogenen Fertigkeiten der Nutzer relevant sind, um erfolgreich diese Plattform zu nutzen. Es werden Konzepte zur Medien- und Einflusskompetenz, die Mthodik beschrieben und Ergebnisse dargestellt.

Network Representation Theory in Materials Science and Global Value Chain Analysis

Haneberg, Mats C. 07 April 2023 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two distinct chapters. In the first chapter, we apply network representation learning to the field of materials science in order to predict aluminum grain boundaries' properties and locate the most influential atoms and subgraphs within each grain boundary. We create fixed-length representations of the aluminum grain boundaries that successfully capture grain boundary structure and allow us to accurately predict grain boundary energy. We do this through two distinct methods. The first method we use is a graph convolutional neural network, a semi-supervised deep learning algorithm, and the second method is graph2vec, an unsupervised representation learning algorithm. The second chapter presents our dynamic global value chain network, the combination of the dynamic global supply chain network and the dynamic global strategic alliance network. Our global value chain network provides a level of scope and accessibility not found in any other global value chain network, commercial or academic. Through applications of network theory, we discover business applications that would increase the robustness and resilience of the global value chain. We accomplish this through an analysis of the static, dynamic, and community structure of our global value chain network.

Sociální sítě a církevní společenství / Social Networks and the Curch Community

Vondra, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe forms and the potential of social networks within a church community from the perspective of the inclusion. The thesis specifies what social networks are, how they relate to community, and how they can be explored. It deals with a local congregation as the main unit of a church and its specification in The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. It also describes various views of the inclusion. The research part of the thesis depicts the process of entering a particular local congregation of The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. Using this example, the thesis categorizes different forms of inclusion including the biblical commandment of love, and captures the ever changing ways and powers of the social networks within a church as they attract and carry a person. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Generace Y jako publikum alternativní hudby a role nových médií při utváření komunity a vkusu / Generation Y as an Alternative Music Audience and the Role of New Media in the Creation of Community and Taste

Masná, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis examines how have the habits of music users changed after they had become internet users. The goal of the thesis is to put some light on the relation of part of the generation Y to the new media A method of deduction is used based on the theory of hypothesis which is subsequently evaluated by the audience (generation Y) of alternative music (surveyed years of birth 1984-1991). In the first chapter the generation Y is defined according to some of foreign authors' theories and then put in the context of the Czech environment. A technology background and possible influences on the behaviour of the music users of this generation is described. The second chapter describes transformation of the music industry from the late 90's till now which has been happening thanks to the new possibility to distribute various content on the Internet. I focus in particular on the peer-to-peer networks. By explaining the development of this matter I prepare a basis for a better understanding to both respondents' behaviour and their attitudes to illegal music downloads. I also touch upon the new media's role in the taste formation and the change of relationship between a performer and a music fan. The third chapter considers Internet to be the communication platform of the generation Y. It gives such a hypothesis that...

„Community Detection“ als Ansatz zur Identifikation von Innovatoren in Sozialen Netzwerken

Zeini, Sam, Hoppe, Ulrich January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

網路社群知識分享過程之研究-以企業管理教學網站為例 / Knowledge Sharing in the Network Community

吳有順, Wu, Yu-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
知識分享是知識管理成敗的關鍵,網路社群又是資訊科技與網際網路中最適於互動與交流的應用方式,因此,本研究擬以網路社群為研究對象,探討以下研究目的:1.何種類型的個人動機、團隊與組織,較有益於知識的分享。2.資訊系統於知識分享過程中所扮演的角色。3.個人、團隊與組織因素之間的互動情形。 本研究採取「個案研究法」,以深度訪談、初步描述性統計分析以及網路上發言記錄的資料分析進行之。研究程序為確認以網路社群之知識分享為研究主題後,隨即進行相關文獻的蒐集與探討,進而發展出研究架構並據之以設計問卷。接下來,針對問卷的結果進行初步描述性統計分析,將整理後的結果與研究架構對照後,設計訪談大綱並進行深度訪談。最後進行個案分析與命題發展,並推導出結論與建議。 本研究的結論如下:個人因素、團隊設計、高階領導、組織文化與管理制度等因素,都會對知識分享意願產生影響,進而影響知識分享行為。個人因素會影響知識分享的意願。不一樣的想法、習慣、個性、限制或動機等個人因素,會形成不一樣的知識分享意願。不同的團隊成員或設計會有不同的知識分享意願。高階領導會影響知識分享的意願,且高階領導涉入越深,促進知識分享意願的效果越顯著。組織文化會影響知識分享的意願,其中非正式關係越好或是越容許犯錯,越能促進分享意願。管理制度會影響知識分享的意願,其中獎勵、舉辦專案或娛樂活動與建立實務社群等,皆能促進知識分享意願。組織因素中(高階領導、組織文化、管理制度),以高階領導對知識分享意願的影響最大,管理制度最小。個人、團隊、高階領導、組織文化與管理制度等各項影響知識分享意願的因素之間,彼此會互相影響,進而影響知識分享意願。知識分享意願受個人、團隊與組織因素的影響來決定,而良好的資訊系統會間接增強分享意願,資訊系統不好則會降低意願,性質較接近保健因子。影響知識分享行為的因素有知識分享意願與個人限制,如專業能力、電腦能力與時間壓力等,其中以分享意願最為重要。網路社群的知識分享行為對經驗傳承與溝通協調有正面的影響,其影響的效果又受高階領導與組織文化等因素的影響。 本研究的建議如下:1.進行知識管理時,不可忽略知識分享的重要性。本研究所提出的架構,或許還有些許參考的價值。2.可以將資訊系統視為一種限制條件,亦即在一定的資訊系統下,組織如何透過內部的調整與安排,使得知識分享的效果極大化。3.引進知識分享的資訊工具後,必須注意其他配套措施是否完善,諸如個人動機、團隊設計、高階領導、組織文化與管理制度等,以免空有知識分享的工具,而沒有具體的知識分享行為。 / Knowledge sharing is the most important key of knowledge management. Network community, also called virtual community, is the best solution in Internet or Information Technology to communicate, interact and share information or knowledge with others. One of network communities will be observed and three issues will be discussed: 1. What kinds of factors can improve the members’ inclination to share their own knowledge? 2. What is the correlation between the process of knowledge sharing and information technology? 3. How do influential factors interact with each other? What the methodology is used is “Case Study”. There are three data sources-deep interview, elementary descriptive statistics analysis and the analysis of records in the database. Personal factors as well as group and organizational ones can influence the inclination to share, which determines the sharing behavior. As for organizational factors, leadership should be considered with first priority. Poor information system will limit the sharing inclination of members. Using good information system; however, cannot surely improve the sharing. Personal factors, group factors, leadership, organizational culture and managerial system would interact with each other. Moreover, the critical factor of the interaction is leadership. There's a distorting opinion on the correlation between knowledge sharing and information system. Information system wouldn’t work without supporting factors, such as leadership, managerial system and so on. In addition, Knowledge sharing could be done well even without excellent information system.

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