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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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消費性耐久財創新擴散決定因素之研究-以蘋果iPad為例 / A study on consumer durables innovation diffusion dominant factors - based on Apple iPad

呂政霖 Unknown Date (has links)
現代科技產業發達,「消費性耐久財」,也就是所謂的科技產品日新月異,新產品推出後開始其創新擴散與為大眾所接受的過程。在科技產品相同品項中,常存在著代表標準的主流技術或產品,而該主流品牌易成為上下游廠商競相合作的對象,這樣的地位也保證著高度的消費者採用意願。個人自我創新特質可決定是否採用新技術產品,不可忽略的是來自週遭人群採用的網路外部性影響,越多人採用能降低使用上的風險與不確定性,並提高生活與工作上的效率;互補性產品推出亦會因多人採用而越發完善,如此便能更確立其產品或技術在市場中的主流地位。 本研究以2010年初上市的蘋果電腦iPad為主要被接受科技,至今已帶動許多科技大廠投入平板電腦市場,其中不乏電腦與智慧型手機業者,甚或是電信業者亦欲加入此新世代多點觸控風氣盛行的平板電腦產業,蘋果電腦iPad的銷售量居高不下,顯示其儼然已位居主流產品地位。為了能探究其活化已瀕臨死亡的平板電腦市場之因,本研究認為應以創新擴散理論、科技接受模型與網路外部性的組合做為研究探討基礎理論,並採用品牌形象、涉入程度與資訊構面來輔佐加強,以達到與過去國內科技產品創新接受模型的差異化的目的,提供不同方向的切入點。本研究盼能在以問卷量化設計的構面採用中,將蘋果iPad此等消費性耐久財的廠商面與消費面間策略取得平衡探討,提供給平板電腦廠商思考行銷與聯盟策略上的參考依據,而本研究結果發現如下: (一) 個人內在創新特質與兩種外部因素代表的網路外部性,會正面影響採用者對於蘋果iPad的正面創新知覺特質,形成正面的採用態度;在採用者部份負面創新知覺特質上,也有負面效果存在。 (二) 尚未購買者的採用意願較不受負面創新知覺特質影響,正面知覺特質有助於增加已購買者的未來繼續採用意願。 (三) 有形與無形品牌形象中,唯有無形者對於繼續採用意願的增強無效。 (四) 加入對於蘋果iPad產品涉入程度考量後的廠商與消費資訊,並不完全提升對繼續採用意願的影響效果,且對於採用意願無顯著影響。 故整體而言,平板電腦廠商,應能由廠商與消費面切入思考產品研發與行銷策略,由目標市場的需求做基礎考量新產品功能,並善用品牌、銷售與廠商策略聯盟資訊,增強採用者的好印象,才能真正擴散其創新科技以達永續經營。 關鍵字:創新擴散、科技接受、網路外部性、涉入程度、品牌形象 / Global technical industry booms, especially the “consuming durable,” or the so-called “technical products” evolves fast. After new products are launched, the innovation diffusing and generally accepted procedure starts. Among the same technical items, there is always a mainstream technology or product which could play the role as a referred standard. And the mainstream brand would easily become the one that up and downstream manufacturers long to cooperate with. The position will also present the highly consumer accepting intention. Self-innovation could be an important dominant factor deciding whether to accept product with new technology. However the external network effect from the acceptance of people around is indispensible as well. As a rule of thumb, more acceptances could reduce the risk and uncertainty when using the targeted product or technology. Meanwhile, this will also increase the efficiency in daily life or at work. Complementary goods would develop more completely because of mass acceptance and this way it will help ensure the mainstream role of product or technology in the market. The research would take Apple iPad which was launched in the early of 2010 as the main accepted technology. It has encouraged many famous technical firms to join the new generation tablet PC market, including not only the originally computer and cell phone but also telecommunication firms. The highest sales among the tablet PC market showed iPad’s role as the mainstream product and technology. This research would take innovation diffusion theory, technology acceptance model and network externality as the basic theoretical combination to discuss the phenomenon that iPad helped excite tablet PC market. Besides, we add brand image, involvement, and information factors to our research framework so as to distinguish from and hope could provide more perspectives to the past theories discussing consuming durables’ innovation diffusion. And we expect to design ideal questionnaires including all the factors discussed, strike a discussing balance between firm and consumer strategies, and providing the consequence for Tablet PC firms’ considering marketing and cooperation strategies as supporting references. The following points are main conclusions of this research: 1. Internal self innovation and two kinds of network externality have positive effects on consumers’ positive innovative perceptions when accepting iPad; negative effects on negative innovation perceptions. 2. Potential buyers’ accepting intentions are less affected by negative innovative perceptions, but positive innovative perceptions would positively affect buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 3. Only intangible brand image has no effect on buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 4. After taking iPad product involvement into consideration, we found that the effects of information on accepting intentions will not be enhanced but will have partial effect on continuing accepting intentions. Considering everything, Tablet PC firms should do the product R&D and marketing plan on the basis of firm and consumer, launch the new function by taking consumer’s demand into consideration, and take full advantage of brand, sales and firm cooperation information to leave good impression on consumers. This way, they could really diffuse innovation and fulfill the goal of eternal operation. Keywords: Innovation Diffusion, Technology Acceptance, Network Externality, Brand Image, Involvement.

以網路外部性探討行動應用程式對智慧型手機購買意圖之影響 / Exploring the effect of mobile apps on purchase intention of smart phone by network externalities

黃詩婷 Unknown Date (has links)
當今智慧型手機成長快速,市場潛力大,影響消費者的智慧型手機購買決策因素成為近年來值得研究的議題。但過去有關智慧型手機購買決策的研究中,大多著重在手機的作業系統或是功能層面,並未將行動應用程式(APP)及人際面的影響因素納入考量。因此,本研究以網路外部性、科技接受模型及理性行為理論為基礎,分別從智慧型手機及行動應用程式的屬性面和人際面來探討,目的為找出影響台灣地區現有智慧型手機使用者對智慧型手機再購意圖的因素,並進一步探索這些因素如何影響使用者的態度及再購意圖。本研究結果發現: 1.智慧型手機屬性面:當使用者認為智慧型手機是越有用的、越具娛樂性的,則使用者對智慧型手機的採用態度越正向;當使用者認為智慧型手機是越容易使用的,並不會直接影響其對智慧型手機的態度。 2.智慧型手機人際面:當使用者認為有越多人使用智慧型手機,則使用者對智慧型手機的購買意圖越正向;而無論使用者認為其家人、伴侶、好友、同學或同事支不支持其使用智慧型手機,都不會影響其對智慧型手機的購買意圖。 3.行動應用程式屬性面:當使用者認為在短時間內行動應用程式的數量成長的越快速,則其對智慧型手機的態度會越正面;而無論使用者認為APP數量、種類的多少、價格是否可被接受以及APP的設計品質完不完善等,都不會直接影響使用者對智慧型手機的態度。 4.行動應用程式人際面:當使用者認為其家人、伴侶、好友、同學或同事越支持其使用行動應用程式時,使用者對智慧型手機的態度會越正向。

網路外部性的創造與管理-以Garmin Sports為例 / The network externality of platform – A case study of Sport Industry

林逸安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國人追求健康、愛美等因素而運動風氣蔚為盛行,連帶擴大穿戴型裝置產業發展,越來越多廠商加入。而在競爭激烈的全球市場中,不少廠商以平台經濟模式的建立及善用網路外部性的發展為轉型的策略,其中,如何有效率擴大平台規模及提高顧客黏著度尤其重要。本研究著重於以下三點:個案公司之平台商業模式的運作機制、如何創造不同種類之網路外部性及如何管理網路外部性創造更多效益。 本研究採取單一個案研究法,並挑選從GPS大廠成功涉足智慧型穿戴式裝置且近年來積極轉型之台灣國際航電股份有限公司(Garmin Corp.),經過研究個案公司平台商業模式與網路外部性的創造及管理,歸納本研究之發現:Garmin透過Garmin Sports平台的管理,建立與外部用戶的關係;並藉由穿戴式裝置的租借與其他廠商合作活動帶動運動市場貿易;再教練培訓為中心出發,提供一套專業、完整的課程,建立平台生態圈,擴大平台規模。 本研究之貢獻在於透過Garmin Sports的案例建立一套平台發展與網路外部性的創造與管理之架構,以期了解透過平台網路外部性發展如何提升使用者價值、為使用者帶來更多效益。歸納出三項因素如下: 1. 專業人士與外部廠商 2. 互補品的發展與資料庫的建立 3. 透過多方用戶的選擇與舉辦活動來管理網路外部性 此外,本研究為Garmin Sports平台成立初期,上線時間較短,部分網路外部性的交互影響研究受限。故建議後續研究,可待Garmin Sports平台運作期間較長,其網路外部性的創造與管理及不同種類網路外部性之相互作用亦會較為明顯。 / In recent years, the atmosphere of physical workout becomes prevalent, which results in the expansion of wearable device industry, causing more and more companies join in this industry. Under such a highly competitive global markets, platform transformation gradually becomes a popular strategy. In the research, our main focus lies on what the platform business model is and how to create and manage different kind of network externality. The case study method is applied for this research. We select Garmin Corp, a GPS corporation which successfully develops wearable devices in recent years and has transformed into a new business model as our research subject. With in-depth case study of platform business model and the creation and management of network externality, we conclude our findings as below: Garmin establishes the relationship with external users and cooperates with other companies through the management of the Garmin Sports platform by leasing wearable devices. To expand the scale of the platform, Garmin provides a set of professional training camp and competitions, so as to establish the platform ecosystem. The academic contribution of this study is to create the structure of developing platform and managing network externality, hoping to bring more value and benefits. The factors are as below: 1. Experts and external companies 2. Complementary products and database setup 3. multi-user selection and managing network externality through events In addition, this study is about the beginning of Garmin Sports platform in which on-line time is short and the interaction of network externality is limited. It is recommended that, for the follow-up research, researches should wait for Garmin Sports platform to operate for a longer period of time. Therefore, the creation and management of network externalities and the different types of network interaction will be more obvious.

Online expansion: is it another kind of strategic manufacturer response to a dominant retailer?

He, R., Xiong, Y., Cheng, Y., Hou, Jiachen January 2016 (has links)
Yes / The issues of channel conflict and channel power have received widespread research attention, including Geylani et al.’s (2007) work on channel relations in an asymmetric retail setting. Specifically, these authors suggest that a manufacturer can respond to a dominant retailer’s pricing pressure by raising the wholesale price for a weak retailer over that for the dominant retailer while transferring demand to the weak retailer channel via cooperative advertising. But, is online expansion another kind of strategic manufacturer’s optimal response to a dominant retailer? In this paper, we extend this work by adding a direct online selling channel to illustrate the impact of the manufacturer’s internet entry on firms’ demands, profits, and pricing strategies and on consumer welfare. Our analysis thus includes a condition in which the manufacturer can add an online channel. If such an online channel is opened, the channel-supported network externality will always benefit the manufacturer but hurt the retailers. Consumers, however, will only benefit from the network externality when a dominant retailer is present and will be hurt when both retailers are symmetric. / National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chongqing’s Natural Science Foundation, British Academy

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