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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rätt stöd i skolan : FMT-metoden som komplement till specialpedagogiska insatser

Wiggander, Katarina January 2010 (has links)
Arbetet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka om FMT (Funktionsinriktad Musikterapi) kan vara ett komplement till den traditionella specialpedagogiska undervisningen i grundskolan. FMT kan kort beskrivas som ett arbete med motorisk utveckling. Motoriken är av betydelse för individens utveckling och förmåga till inlärning. Skolverket har kommit fram till att barn i behov av stöd inte alltid får rätt sorts stöd och försöker genom olika förändringar att komma tillrätta med detta.   Examensarbetet innehåller resultat av praktikarbeten med två barn som tidigare av olika anledningar givit klasslärarna ”huvudbry”. Barnen som även under perioden fått traditionell specialpedagogisk undervisning, har utvecklats mycket positivt. Klasslärarna är eniga om att mitt arbete med FMT har varit en bidragande orsak till barnens utveckling. Arbetet med detta examensarbete har också inriktats på att tydliggöra vad FMT är.

Utvärdering av extubationsparametrar på neurointensivvårdspatienter / Evaluation of extubation criteria in neurocritical care patients

Lejon, Linda, Stenermark, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ur patientsäkerhetssynpunkt är det viktigt att hitta rätt tidpunkt för extubering av intensivvårdspatienter. Inför extubering av neurointensivvårdspatienter behövs speciella överväganden. Samma bedömning som görs på allmän intensivvård kan inte direkt överföras till neurointensivvård, då den neurologiska skadan kan påverka patientens förmåga att andas. Syfte: Syftet var att genom journalgranskning utvärdera parametrar som tidigare forskning visat leder till lyckad extubation av neurointensivvårdspatienter. Metod: En prospektiv studie med jämförande kvantitativ design. Studien utfördes på en NIVA i Sverige, där patienterna inkluderades fortlöpande då de extuberats. Via journalgranskning samlades det in parametrar i samband med extuberingen av de 108 inkluderade neurointensivvårdspatienterna. Utvärdering av de insamlade parametrarna utfördes  genom deskriptiv och analytisk statistik med signifikansanalys i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS statistics 20. Resultat: Denna studie visade att parametern sekretkonsistens påverkade extubationsutgången för neurointensivvårdspatienter. Det sågs även en trend att medvetandegraden påverkar extubations-utgången. För de övriga insamlade parametrarna inom andning och cirkulation, hostkraft, svalgfunktion och sekretmängd fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna lyckade respektive misslyckade extubationer. Gällande värden på parametrar inom andning och cirkulation uppfyllde majoriteten av patienterna, oavsett extubationsutgång, de rekommendationer som finns. Konklusion: Parametrar inom andning och cirkulation kan inte förutsäga extubationsutgång för neurointensivvårdspatienter. Av klinisk betydelse sågs en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna lyckade och misslyckade extubationer för parametern sekretkonsistens och en trend att medvetandegraden påverkar extubationsutgång. För att öka patientsäkerheten vid extubation av neurointensivvårdspatienter behövs ytterligare forskning för att intensivvårdssjuksköterskan ska kunna göra en kvalitativ och säker bedömning. / Background: In the interest of patient safety it is of importance to extubate intensive care patients at the exact right moment. In the case of intensive care patients in neurocritical care special considerations have to be taken into account. Assessments done in general intensive care is not directly applicable to neurocritical care, since the neurologic injury can affect the patients ability to breathe. Objective: Through the examination of medical records this study aims to evaluate parameters that prior research has found to be conductive to a successful extubation of patients in neurocritical care. Method: A prospective study with inferential quantitative design. The study was performed in a neurocritical care ward in Sweden. The patients were included continuously as they were extubated. Medical records were examined in order to gather parameters in connection to the extubation of the 108 included neurocritical care patients.  Descriptive and analytical statistics, including significance analysis, was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.Result: The study showed that the parameter “secretion texture” affected the extubation outcome for the patients in neurocritical care. There was also a tendency that the level of consciousness influenced extubation outcome. The other gathered parameters concerning breathing and circulation, cough strength, swallowing function and secretion volume showed no significant differences between the groups ”successful” and ”failed” extubation. Regarding the parameters for breathing and circulation, the majority of the patients, irrespective of extubation outcome, were extubated with conditions that generally complied with established recommendations. Conclusion: Parameters concerning breathing and circulation do not predict extubation outcome in a neurocritical care setting. There was however a significant difference between the groups for the parameter secretion texture. The tendency that the level of consciousness affected extubation outcome is of clinical relevance. To increase the level of patient safety concerning extubation of neurocritical care patients further research is required to enable the intensive care nurse to make an assessment of high quality and safety.

Malign media patienter på Akademiska sjukhuset 2004-2006

Ek, Miika January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Från misstänkt stroke till möjlig trombolys -en pilotstudie av den akuta delen av vårdkedjan

Blomqvist, Per January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Non-motor symptoms and their use as markers for prodromal and early Parkinson's disease

Stephens, Aubree January 2021 (has links)
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. It is a disease with a broad spectrum of symptoms, both motor and non-motor, but is often only diagnosed when the motor symptoms begin to appear. By this time however, a large amount of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta have already deteriorated. It is therefore of great interest to be able to diagnose the disease earlier on in its progression and perhaps slow down or halt its course. Recent literature has supported the idea that non-motor symptoms begin to appear years, perhaps even decades, before the motor symptoms are visible. This makes them a prime candidate for diagnosing PD earlier on. With the aim of assessing the prevalence of different NMS in prodromal and early Parkinson’s, 19 studies addressing different NMS were analyzed. It was found that NMS are prevalent in both prodromal and early PD. The strongest prodromal predictors for PD were found to be olfactory dysfunction and REM-sleep behavior disorder (RBD).

Effects of early exposure to fluoxetine on behavioural development in zebrafish

Forssten, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Many pharmaceuticals are stable molecules and after human excretion they enter the wastewater facilities where roughly 60 % is removed. The remaining residues will affect the concentration in close by streams and at the effluent, where fish like to spawn. Therefore, the development and behaviour of aquatic life is potentially at risk. I studied the effects of fluoxetine on zebrafish (Danio rerio) younger than 1 month which were exposed from fertilized egg until 6 days post fertilization (dpf). The concentrations tested were related to previous findings in the effluent waters, 1 µg/L and 100 µg/L. With Daniovision it was found that there were most differences at 10 dpf, all three variables tested (distance moved, velocity and time in zone) showed differences between the high and low exposure. These results shed light on the rising problem with anti-depressants in the aquatic environment, affecting fish behaviour, withpotential effect on fish population and in the species.

Handläggning av cerebellär infarkt, basilaristrombos samt karotis- och vertebralisdissektion

Lenngren Hysing, Per January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Upplevelser av stroke / Experiences of stroke

Persson, Lisbeth, Svensson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problemställning: </strong>Stroke är en världsomspännande, allvarlig och kostnadskrävande sjukdom. Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsinsatser av patienter med stroke bör anpassas individuellt och syfta till att främja återhämtning och förhindra komplikationer. Det är därför av vikt för sjuksköterskan att ha kunskap om hur strokedrabbade patienter upplever sin sjukdom. <strong>Syftet </strong>var att belysa patienters upplevelse av att drabbas av och leva med stroke. <strong>Metod:</strong> En litteraturstudie där 11 kvalitativa och 1 kvantitativ artikel som svarade mot studiens syfte ingick. <strong>Resultat och konklusion: </strong>Att drabbas av stroke påverkar personens hela liv med förlorad kontroll över både kropp och personlighet. Oro för att drabbas av en ny stroke leder till ett liv i osäkerhet men också till förändrade levnadsvanor. Stroken påverkar den drabbades roll i familjen och förhållandet, ilska och frustration över situationen går ut över de närmaste. Den sociala relationen med familj och vänner försämras, eftersom kvarstående fysiska eller kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar gör det svårt att delta i sociala sammanhang på samma sätt som innan sjukdomen. Överdrivna känslomässiga yttranden och extrem trötthet försvårar ytterligare social samvaro. <strong>Implikation: </strong>Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan får ökad medvetenhet om strokepatienternas upplevelser för att kunna ge en individuellt utformad omvårdnad. Det finns behov av vidare forskning kring copingstrategier samt strokepatienternas upplevelser av sjuksköterskans omvårdnad.</p> / <p><strong>Problem: </strong>Stroke is a worldwide, serious and costly disease. Nursing interventions of patients with stroke should be individualized and adapted to promote recovery and prevent complications. It is therefore important for nurses to have knowledge of how the stroke affected patients experience their illness. <strong>The purpose </strong>was to illustrate patients’ experience of suffering from and living with a stroke. <strong>Method: </strong>A literature study, where 11 qualitative and one quantitative article that met the study’s purpose, were used. <strong>Results and conclusion: </strong>To suffer a stroke, affects the patient’s whole life with loss of control over both body and personality. Worries concerning the possibility to suffer a new stroke often results in a life of uncertainty but also in changing of lifestyles. The stroke affects the patient’s role in the family and in the relationship with the spouse; anger and frustration over the situation affect the immediate family negatively. The social relationships with family and friends deteriorate, because the residual physical or cognitive disabilities make it difficult to participate in social contexts in the same way as before the illness. Exaggerated emotional expressions and extreme fatigue makes social interaction even more difficult. <strong>Implication</strong><strong>:</strong> It is important that nurses are more aware of stroke patients' experiences in order to provide individualized care. There is a need for further research on coping strategies and the stroke patients' experiences of nursing.</p>

Molecular Evolution of Neuropeptide Y Receptors in Vertebrates

Salaneck, Erik January 2001 (has links)
<p>The three evolutionarily related peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) are ligands to at least five G-protein coupled receptors in mammals, which are denoted by numbers. NPY has many physiological effects including stimulation of appetite and regulation of circadian rhythm and blood pressure. This work describes the ancient origin of the NPY receptor genes as deduced from molecular cloning of six receptors in four distantly related vertebrate species. Three of the receptors have been functionally expressed <i>in vitro</i> to determine ligand binding properties. </p><p>The first Y2 receptor from any non-mammalian species was cloned from the chicken. The receptor was found to exhibit substantial structural and pharmacological differences to mammalian Y2, but showed similar anatomical distribution. </p><p>A receptor was cloned in a primitive vertebrate, an agnathan fish, the river lamprey <i>Lampetra fluviatilis</i>. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that it represents an orthologue to the ancestor of Y4 and the teleost subtypes Yb and Yc. </p><p>Three NPY receptors were cloned from a shark, the spiny dogfish <i>Squalus acanthias</i>. These were found to correspond to the three mammalian subtypes Y1, Y4 and y6, and was thereby the first complete Y1 subfamily in any species outside the mammalian lineage. This suggests that all three receptor subtypes arose in the common ancestor of sharks and mammals 420-450 million years ago. </p><p>The sixth described receptor was cloned from the zebrafish, <i>Danio rerio</i>, and was shown to have equal identity to all three mammalian Y1 subfamily receptors. Phylogenetic analyses including the shark and lamprey sequences suggested that Yb may represent a fourth Y1 subfamily gene.</p><p>It has previously been found that the genes for Y1, Y4 and y6 are located on separate chromosomes. Taken together, these results show that the NPY receptor family expanded by chromosomal duplications early in vertebrate evolution, prior to the origin of gnathostomes. This work will be important for the determination of the time points for the origin of the many functions of NPY as well as for the understanding of the processes that shaped the vertebrate genome.</p>

Molecular Evolution of Neuropeptide Y Receptors in Vertebrates

Salaneck, Erik January 2001 (has links)
The three evolutionarily related peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) are ligands to at least five G-protein coupled receptors in mammals, which are denoted by numbers. NPY has many physiological effects including stimulation of appetite and regulation of circadian rhythm and blood pressure. This work describes the ancient origin of the NPY receptor genes as deduced from molecular cloning of six receptors in four distantly related vertebrate species. Three of the receptors have been functionally expressed in vitro to determine ligand binding properties. The first Y2 receptor from any non-mammalian species was cloned from the chicken. The receptor was found to exhibit substantial structural and pharmacological differences to mammalian Y2, but showed similar anatomical distribution. A receptor was cloned in a primitive vertebrate, an agnathan fish, the river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that it represents an orthologue to the ancestor of Y4 and the teleost subtypes Yb and Yc. Three NPY receptors were cloned from a shark, the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias. These were found to correspond to the three mammalian subtypes Y1, Y4 and y6, and was thereby the first complete Y1 subfamily in any species outside the mammalian lineage. This suggests that all three receptor subtypes arose in the common ancestor of sharks and mammals 420-450 million years ago. The sixth described receptor was cloned from the zebrafish, Danio rerio, and was shown to have equal identity to all three mammalian Y1 subfamily receptors. Phylogenetic analyses including the shark and lamprey sequences suggested that Yb may represent a fourth Y1 subfamily gene. It has previously been found that the genes for Y1, Y4 and y6 are located on separate chromosomes. Taken together, these results show that the NPY receptor family expanded by chromosomal duplications early in vertebrate evolution, prior to the origin of gnathostomes. This work will be important for the determination of the time points for the origin of the many functions of NPY as well as for the understanding of the processes that shaped the vertebrate genome.

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