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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyanlända, inkludering och samverkan i fritidshemmet : Etnografisk studie om inkludering av nyanlända elever i fritidshemmet samt samverkan mellan nyanlända föräldrar och fritidslärar

Cvrk, Amira, Kafaji, Nora January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate what methods are most effective in including newly arrived students in the after–school program. But also how bad cooperation between the newly arrived parents and teacher can affect the newly arrived students' school attendance. We have conducted this study by interviewing five different teachers with different teaching qualifications and by using previous research. During our writing process a war in Europe broke out. This motivated us to gain an understanding of how the school works with different methods for newly arrived students and how cooperation between newly arrived parents and teachers had an impact on the student. To find this out, we have looked up previous researchon these topics and held interviews with experienced teachers who work in after-schoolcenters. To create perspective, we have also chosen to use different levels of education for the teachers we have interviewed. And with these interviews and previous research we have hadan aim to answer the effects of poor interaction between parents. And what methods are themost effective way to include a newly com student in class. Throughout our writing processwe have used the sociocultural perspective to understand how cultural thinking plays a role insocial contexts. By studying this from a sociocultural perspective we have come to the conclusion that the most effective method for inclusion of newly arrived students is using pictures and visual instruments. Furthermore, poor cooperation between the newly arrived parents and teachers affect the newly arrived student’s school attendance negatively.

Villkor och förutsättningar för rektorers beslut kring nyanlända elever. : En fallstudie om beslutsfattande och organisatoriskt lärande i tre kommuner / Conditions and prerequisites of decision-making concerning newly arrived students : A case-study about decision-making and organizational learning in three municipalities

Tistad, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
During the 2010s Swedish principals received an increased responsibility to make decisions regarding the schooling for individual students. Simultaneously the influx of immigrants to Sweden was high and the responsibility of sorting out housing and schools for the migrants was split between the municipalities. This meant more schools received responsibility for newly arrived students. Laws and regulations regarding newly arrived was changed gradually after 2015 and principals were given increased responsibility of the decision-making. In the light of this a case study was designed to increase knowledge about decision making and influencing process relating to newly arrived students schooling. A partial purpose was to deepen the understanding around principals’ conditions and prerequisites to make decisions in line with the education act. Principals and representatives of the administration in the form of unit managers for mother tongue or reception units were interviewed. The study’s theoretical perspective emanates from theories of bounded rationality, institutional logics and a framework on organizational learning that describes how routines are developed. The result showed that decision-making was influenced by the frames and organizational conditions which existed in the context of each municipality and school. The decision-making usually happened with the hallmark of bounded rationality; the decision makers used solutions which had worked prior to achieve a result that they regarded as sufficient. This meant that the organizational solutions that were available in the organization prior were used to incorporate the new students in the school. Decision-making could be understood from several competing institutional logics: to realize political goals and comply with legislation (bureaucratic logic), to be an attractive school (market logic), to provide students with a good education (professional logic) and to use resources efficiently (organizational logic). The three cases showed major differences regarding the development of routines in the organisation. In one of the municipalities there were routines in place for a few important areas of decisions such as school placement processes and home multilingual classroom assistance. This led to a quick reception and school start for the newly arrived students while the lack of a functional routine in another municipality led to long school placement processes and frustration among the decision-makers. The results of the study points to the importance of having discussions on individual, group and organizational levels to develop routines which reduces the need of repeated decision-making. The result deepens the understanding of the complex context principals and unit managers must deal with in decision-making and underlines the importance of having discussions at the individual, group and organizational level to develop routines that reduce the need for repeated decision-making. / Svenska rektorer fick under 2010-talet ett gradvis utökat ansvar för att fatta beslut kring enskilda elevers skolgång. Samtidigt tog Sverige emot många nyanlända och ansvaret för att ordna boende och skola för gruppen fördelades mellan alla Sveriges kommuner. Det innebar att fler skolor fick ansvar för nyanlända elever. Lagstiftning och reglering kring nyanlända elever förändrades successivt efter 2015 och rektor fick utökat ansvar för beslutsfattandet. Med detta som bakgrund utformades en fallstudie med syfte att öka kunskap om besluts- och påverkansprocesser kring nyanlända elevers skolgång. Ett delsyfte var att fördjupa förståelsen kring rektorers villkor och förutsättningar att fatta beslut som följer skollagen. Rektorer och representanter för förvaltningen i form av enhetschefer för modersmåls- eller mottagningsenheter intervjuades. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår från teorier om begränsad rationalitet, institutionella logiker och ett ramverk om organisatoriskt lärande som beskriver hur rutiner utvecklas. Resultatet visar att beslutsfattandet påverkades av de ramar och organisatoriska villkor som fanns i respektive kommun och i respektive skolas kontext. Beslutsfattandet skedde ofta med den begränsade rationalitetens kännetecken: beslutsfattarna använde sig av lösningar som fungerat tidigare för att uppnå ett resultat som de uppfattade som tillräckligt bra. Det innebar att de organisatoriska lösningar som fanns tillhands i organisationen sedan tidigare användes för att slussa in de nyanlända eleverna i skolan. Beslutsfattandet gick att förstå utifrån flera konkurrerande institutionella logiker: att förverkliga politiska mål och följa lagstiftningen (byråkratisk logik), att vara en attraktiv skola (marknadslogik), att ge eleverna en god utbildning (professionell logik) och att utnyttja resurser effektivt (organisationslogik). De tre fallen uppvisade stora skillnader gällande utvecklandet av rutiner i organisationen. I en av kommunerna fanns rutiner på plats för flera viktiga beslutsområden som skolplacering och studiehandledning på modersmålet. Det ledde till snabbt mottagande och skolstart för de nyanlända, medan avsaknad av fungerande rutin i en annan kommun ledde till utdragna skolplaceringsprocesser och frustration bland beslutsfattarna. Resultatet fördjupar förståelsen för den komplexa kontext rektorer och enhetschefer har att hantera i beslutsfattandet och understryker vikten av att föra diskussioner på individ-, grupp och organisationsnivå för att utveckla rutiner som minskar behovet att upprepat beslutsfattande.

Nyanlända elevers upplevelser av de hinder och möjligheter som uppstår när de arbetar med Ung Företagsamhets koncept / Newly arrived students experience of the obstacle and opportunities that arise while working with Junior Achievement Program

Johansson, Alicia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av Bourdieus kapitalbegrepp synliggöra hur nyanlända elever upplever de hinder och möjligheter som uppstår när eleverna arbetar med det koncept som Ung Företagsamhet har utformat samtidigt som de studerar på Språkintroduktionen. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har elevernas berättelser tolkats med hjälp av Bourdieus begrepp med fokus på kulturellt kapital, utbildningskapital, språkligt kapital och habitus. Studien har visat att nyanlända elever arbetar hårt med att finna sin nya identitet (habitus) eftersom de upplever att de har mycket att lära sig i sitt nya land oavsett om det handlar om det kulturella kapitalet, utbildningskapitalet eller språkliga kapitalet. Eleverna beskriver arbetet med Ung Företagsamhet med positiva termer då eleverna upplever att deras tidigare tillgångar blir användbara men också att de får en bättre inblick i det svenska samhället. / The aim of this study is, by using Bourdieu's capitalconcept, visible how newly arrived students experiencing the obstacle and opportunities that arise when the students work with the concept that Junior Achievment Program has designed while they study at the program languageintroduction. Through semi-structured interviews the students stories have been interpreted by using Bourdieu's concept with focus on cultural capital, educational capital, linguistic capital and habitus. The study has shown that newly arrived students are working hard to find their new identity (habitus) because they feel like they have a lot to learn in their new country whether it is about culture capital, educational capital or linguistic capital. Students describe their work with Junior Achievment Program only in positive terms because they feel like their previous skills become useful but also that they learn more about the Swedish country.

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