Spelling suggestions: "subject:"news discourse"" "subject:"jews discourse""
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The Poverty of News Discourse: The news coverage of poverty in New ZealandSummers, John Henry January 2006 (has links)
This thesis uses methods of discourse analysis to examine the news coverage of poverty in New Zealand. It seeks to find the extent to which dominant discourses, those that reinforce the dominant order, are reproduced and become hegemonic in the coverage of poverty. The use of news sources and their effect on poverty coverage, as well as the news' assumption of shared values are also examined. This thesis argues that through such processes news coverage reproduces dominant discourses that elide the extent to which poverty can be seen as an important and problematic social issue in New Zealand. This thesis analyses a range of New Zealand news texts about poverty. It looks at the press coverage of a Unicef announcement about child poverty in 2005. It also includes an analysis of news stories that refer to poverty, the poor and issues of welfare over a month in 2005. The final chapter of research analyses two television documentaries, The Streetkids and Life on the Streets, that are about aspects of homelessness in New Zealand. This study finds the reporting of poverty in New Zealand to be inadequate, containing debate over poverty and reproducing the hegemony of dominant discourses.
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Constructing a Traitor: How New Zealand Newspapers Framed Russell Coutts' Role in the America's Cup 2003Gajevic, Slavko January 2007 (has links)
This thesis investigates how the news media constructs reality through newspaper representation of the role of a hero in society and a hero's loyalty to the nation. The research is based on a case study of New Zealand newspapers and how they framed Russell Coutts' role in the America's Cup 2003. Russell Coutts was the leading figure of "Team New Zealand"in 1995 and in 2000 when his team won and defended the America's Cup. He was praised by New Zealand newspapers as a hero during the time he led "Team New Zealand"from one victory to another. But, after the victory in 2000, Russell Coutts signed a contract with the rival team "Alinghi"and the framing of his heroic role in the New Zealand press changed. He became a defector from his team and he was framed as a traitor to his own country. Using discourse studies and semiotics as the main theoretical and methodological background, this thesis analyzes how the process of news framing is influenced by the rules of journalistic practice and by the wider social environment. The thesis explores how news values blend with mythological narrative in journalists' daily routine of producing news stories that both construct reality and reaffirm society's dominant values. The study reveals that the re-presentation of the nation in the news media is a simplified construction of an ideal and transcendental identity. Consequently, the role of the hero is framed as a representation of that ideal, and the hero is framed as a loyal leader - someone who should lead, not challenge, society's rules. The thesis discusses the news media's power to define identity by questioning a prominent individual's loyalty to the nation. The research illustrates that even a hero whose position is firmly established within the particular society can be radically re-defined if that hero is not following the expectations of the press and the rules of the society
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Äktenskapet kommer ut : Dagspressens rapportering om registrerat partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskapHansson, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur rapporteringen om registrerat partnerskap och könsneutralt äktenskap i svensk dagspress såg ut under perioden 1 januari till 31 mars 1995 respektive 1 maj till 31 juli 2009. Genom att jämföra hur samkönade relationer, äktenskap och familjebildning gestaltas i texterna under de båda tidsperioderna, har syftet varit att undersöka huruvida rapporteringen har förändrats i riktning mot en mer tolerant diskurs. Studiens frågeställningar rör bland annat förekomsten av olika former av uttryck för diskursiv diskriminering i texterna samt andelen positiva/negativa uttalanden. Studien utgår från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv, och betraktar de dagliga medierna som betydelsefulla agenter när det gäller att befästa eller utmana diskurser om vad som betraktas som normalt avseende olika sociala grupper. 341 artiklar i svensk dagspress har undersökts med hjälp av kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Tjugo artiklar har också valts ut för en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Norman Faircloughs modell och Kristina Boréus typologi över diskursiv diskriminering. Resultatet visar att negativa uttalanden om samkönade relationer inte är lika vanliga 2009 som de var 1995, och att representationerna har förändrats i riktning mot en större mångfald när det gäller könsfördelning såväl som olika former av sexuell orientering. Samma mönster kan ses när det gäller negativ andrafiering och förslag som pekar mot negativ särbehandling av samkönade par, vilka inte är lika vanliga 2009 som de var 1995. Den övergripande slutsatsen är att dagspressens rapportering om samkönade relationer har förändrats i riktning mot en mer tolerant diskurs. / This study examines the coverage of registered partnership and same-sex marriage inSwedish daily newspapers at two periods of time; 1995-01-01–1995-03-31 and 2009-05-01–2009-07-31. By comparisons between the representations of same-sex couples and the construction of the concept of marriage and family during the two periods, the aim has been to analyse whether the coverage of the topic has changed towards a more tolerant discourse. The questions raised concern for example the presence of different forms of discursive discrimination in the texts, and the frequency of positive/negative statements. The study is based on a social constructive perspective, and the assumption that the daily newspapers are important agents when it comes to maintaining or contesting the discourse on what is regarded as normal concerning different social groups. 341 articles in Swedish newspapers have been analysed using quantitative content analysis, and twenty articles have been selected for a critical discourse analysis based on Norman Fairclough’s approach and Kristina Boréu’s typology of discursive discrimination. The results show that negative statements about same-sex relations are less frequent in the texts 2009 compared to 1995 , and that the representations have changed towards a larger diversity concerning female and male same-sex couples as well as regarding different sexual orientations. The same pattern applies to negative other-presentation and proposals pointing towards unfavourable treatment of same-sex couples, which are not as visible in the daily newspapers in 2009 that it was in 1995. The overall conclusion is that the media coverage about same-sex couples has changed towards a more tolerant discourse.
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Constructing Allies versus Non-Allies in News Discourse : A Discursive News Values Analysis of US Media Reporting on Two Territorial DisputesKitano, Linus January 2019 (has links)
News values are used by journalists to construct events and news actors as newsworthy.The present study investigates the use of news values in the reporting on two territorial disputes, one between China and Japan (Diaoyu/Senkaku) and one between Japan and South Korea (Dokdo/Takeshima), in the US news outlets CNN, FOX News and the Washington Post. In addition, it also examines what news values tend to be associated with the involved parties, US-allies Japan and South Korea, and US non-allies China, as well as to what extent the news values associated with Japan differ between the reporting on the two disputes. This is done through a Discursive News Values Analysis (DNVA) which examines how news values are construed using linguistic resources. The aim is to produce new insights into how international conflicts are reported on, and how certain nations are made newsworthy in US media. The results suggest that the news values of Eliteness, Negativity, Superlativeness and Timeliness were foregrounded in the reporting on both disputes, while Proximity was far more common in the Diaoyu/Senkaku dispute articles. Eliteness and Personalisation were commonly associated with US allies while a combination of Superlativeness and Negativity was more common with US non-allies, which resulted in Negativity being further emphasised. Finally, Proximity was far more commonly associated with Japan in the Diaoyu/Senkaku dispute articles compared to the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute articles. Thus, the analysis shows that US allies tend to be constructed as newsworthy in a more positive light than non-allies, and it also indicates that nations defending a contested area in a territorial dispute appear to be framed more positively than their counterparts.
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Nas redes dos telejornais: o tecido discursivo e a formação de memória social / The discourse of television news programs: the analysis of the linguistic and the building of the social memoryAlmeida, Valéria Paz de 11 December 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é mostrar como o discurso dos telejornais pode construir determinada memória social de um acontecimento, pelo entrelaçamento de vozes, imagens e designações. Para isso, partimos da análise de elementos lingüísticos, argumentativos e enunciativos desse tipo de discurso, que tem papel fundamental na mediação dos demais discursos sociais. Procuramos mostrar como os telejornais articulam as várias vozes tornadas públicas no espaço da mídia e organizam as estratégias de referenciação dos fatos num processo de construção de um mundo textual homogêneo, que se tornará material simbólico a ser captado pela memória social. Como se trata de um discurso verbo-visual, investigamos também a confluência de elementos lingüísticos e imagéticos na trama discursiva, que a nosso ver aumenta o poder de penetração na memória social pela via da memória eletrônica da televisão, que controla lembranças e esquecimentos por meio da seleção e da edição de acontecimentos, fixando-lhes determinados sentidos e construindo modos de recordação. Empreendemos o exame do discurso de telejornais mediante um estudo de caso, o episódio dos ataques aos Estados Unidos em 11 de setembro de 2001, tendo como base teorias da argumentação, conceitos da análise do discurso, como o de polifonia, estudos sobre os processos de referenciação, concepções a respeito da imagem e teorias da memória social. O corpus da tese é constituído pelas edições de 11 de setembro de 2001, 2002, 2003 e 2004 do Jornal Nacional e do Jornal da Record, o que possibilitou analisar a cobertura televisiva sob uma dupla perspectiva: uma dimensão sincrônica e sua extensão diacrônica. Assim pudemos avaliar as estratégias de manipulação cognitiva e afetiva pelas quais se construiu uma versão paradigmática dos fatos, com pouca reflexão sobre seu contexto ou suas implicações históricas, o que por si só pode ter resultado em significativos efeitos sobre a memória social dos eventos. A análise resultou também na observação de muitos pontos de contato entre os dois telejornais, sobretudo no que se refere aos padrões de mediação da realidade e de distribuição dos conteúdos simbólicos, marcas inequívocas da poderosa máquina televisiva, que reinventa a esfera pública ao controlar o intercâmbio de signos e ideologias e posicionar-se como testemunha de um presente perpétuo. / The objective of this dissertation is to show how the discourse of television news programs may build a certain social memory of an event due to the interminglement of voices, images and designations. To this end, we based ourselves on the analysis of the linguistic, argumentative and enunciative elements of this type of discourse, which has a critical role in the mediation of other social discourses. We tried to show how television news programs articulate the many voices that are made public in the media space and organize the strategies of fact referentiation in a process of construction of a homogenous contextual world, which will become symbolic material to be captured by social memory. As this is a verbal and visual discourse, we also investigated the confluence of linguistic and imagery elements in the contrived discourse, which, in our opinion, increases the power of penetration into social memory by way of television\'s electronic memory, which controls memories and forgetfulnesses by means of the selection and edition of events, giving them certain meanings and building ways to remember. We undertook the examination of the discourse of television news programs by way of a case study, the episode of the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, based on argumentation theories, discourse analysis concepts, such as polyphony, studies on the referentiation processes, conceptions of image, and social memory theories. The corpus of this dissertation is made up of the editions of September 11, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 of the Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record, which allowed us to analyze the television coverage under two perspectives: a synchronic dimension and its diachronic extension. Therefore, we could evaluate the strategies of cognitive and affective manipulation by way of which a paradigmatic version of the facts was built, with little reflection about their context or historical implications, which, alone, may have had a significant effect on the social memory of the events. The analysis also resulted in the observation of many points of contact between the two television news programs, particularly with respect to the standards of mediation of reality and distribution of the symbolic contents, unmistakable hallmarks of the powerful television media, which reinvents the public sphere by controlling the exchange of signals and ideologies and standing as a witness of a perpetual present.
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Nas redes dos telejornais: o tecido discursivo e a formação de memória social / The discourse of television news programs: the analysis of the linguistic and the building of the social memoryValéria Paz de Almeida 11 December 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é mostrar como o discurso dos telejornais pode construir determinada memória social de um acontecimento, pelo entrelaçamento de vozes, imagens e designações. Para isso, partimos da análise de elementos lingüísticos, argumentativos e enunciativos desse tipo de discurso, que tem papel fundamental na mediação dos demais discursos sociais. Procuramos mostrar como os telejornais articulam as várias vozes tornadas públicas no espaço da mídia e organizam as estratégias de referenciação dos fatos num processo de construção de um mundo textual homogêneo, que se tornará material simbólico a ser captado pela memória social. Como se trata de um discurso verbo-visual, investigamos também a confluência de elementos lingüísticos e imagéticos na trama discursiva, que a nosso ver aumenta o poder de penetração na memória social pela via da memória eletrônica da televisão, que controla lembranças e esquecimentos por meio da seleção e da edição de acontecimentos, fixando-lhes determinados sentidos e construindo modos de recordação. Empreendemos o exame do discurso de telejornais mediante um estudo de caso, o episódio dos ataques aos Estados Unidos em 11 de setembro de 2001, tendo como base teorias da argumentação, conceitos da análise do discurso, como o de polifonia, estudos sobre os processos de referenciação, concepções a respeito da imagem e teorias da memória social. O corpus da tese é constituído pelas edições de 11 de setembro de 2001, 2002, 2003 e 2004 do Jornal Nacional e do Jornal da Record, o que possibilitou analisar a cobertura televisiva sob uma dupla perspectiva: uma dimensão sincrônica e sua extensão diacrônica. Assim pudemos avaliar as estratégias de manipulação cognitiva e afetiva pelas quais se construiu uma versão paradigmática dos fatos, com pouca reflexão sobre seu contexto ou suas implicações históricas, o que por si só pode ter resultado em significativos efeitos sobre a memória social dos eventos. A análise resultou também na observação de muitos pontos de contato entre os dois telejornais, sobretudo no que se refere aos padrões de mediação da realidade e de distribuição dos conteúdos simbólicos, marcas inequívocas da poderosa máquina televisiva, que reinventa a esfera pública ao controlar o intercâmbio de signos e ideologias e posicionar-se como testemunha de um presente perpétuo. / The objective of this dissertation is to show how the discourse of television news programs may build a certain social memory of an event due to the interminglement of voices, images and designations. To this end, we based ourselves on the analysis of the linguistic, argumentative and enunciative elements of this type of discourse, which has a critical role in the mediation of other social discourses. We tried to show how television news programs articulate the many voices that are made public in the media space and organize the strategies of fact referentiation in a process of construction of a homogenous contextual world, which will become symbolic material to be captured by social memory. As this is a verbal and visual discourse, we also investigated the confluence of linguistic and imagery elements in the contrived discourse, which, in our opinion, increases the power of penetration into social memory by way of television\'s electronic memory, which controls memories and forgetfulnesses by means of the selection and edition of events, giving them certain meanings and building ways to remember. We undertook the examination of the discourse of television news programs by way of a case study, the episode of the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, based on argumentation theories, discourse analysis concepts, such as polyphony, studies on the referentiation processes, conceptions of image, and social memory theories. The corpus of this dissertation is made up of the editions of September 11, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 of the Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record, which allowed us to analyze the television coverage under two perspectives: a synchronic dimension and its diachronic extension. Therefore, we could evaluate the strategies of cognitive and affective manipulation by way of which a paradigmatic version of the facts was built, with little reflection about their context or historical implications, which, alone, may have had a significant effect on the social memory of the events. The analysis also resulted in the observation of many points of contact between the two television news programs, particularly with respect to the standards of mediation of reality and distribution of the symbolic contents, unmistakable hallmarks of the powerful television media, which reinvents the public sphere by controlling the exchange of signals and ideologies and standing as a witness of a perpetual present.
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English and Vietnamese political news dicourse : a contrastive analysis in terms of stucture, lexis and syntaxHoa, Nguyen, n/a January 1990 (has links)
The present study is one of the first attempts undertaken to
study English and Vietnamese news discourse on a contrastive
basis. More specifically, it investigates the structure, the
lexical and syntactic features of English and Vietnamese
political news discourse.
It is hoped that the results of the study may help the Vietnamese
teacher and student to make better use of newspapers in the
process of English language teaching and learning. In addition, it
is hoped that the study may benefit the journalist, to some
extent, because it is generally assumed that if the knowledge of
news discourse structure, the linguistic features and the factors
involved are professionally known and shared, this will
facilitate news discourse production and comprehension.
The study reveals two different strategies used by English and
Vietnamese political news writers. English news writers
predominantly employ the IP structure pattern whereas
Vietnamese news writers employ BTN (Background-to-News).
Lexically, English newspapers use more lively, vigorous language,
metaphors, puns and hyperbole. In contrast, the occurrence of
serious, formal language is a very pronounced feature of
Vietnamese newspapers. This is the area where Vietnamese
students of English often have difficulty, as is indicated by the
survey. The greatest syntactic difference is sentence order,
namely, English news stories often use S + V + (O) + (A) while
their Vietnamese counterparts use A + S + V + (O) +. The other
difference is that English news paragraphs are mostly single
sentence paragraphs as disctinct from their multi-sentence
Vietnamese ones.
Chapter One is an introduction explaining the rationale, the
methods, and the data for analysis, of the present study.
Chapter Two is concerned with the theoretical background to the
study. It deals with such concepts as cohesion, coherence,
structure, relevance, text and discourse.
Chapter Three provides a contrastive overview of English and
Vietnamese newspapers, essentially in terms of ownership and
the approach to news.
Chapter Four examines the different structure patterns used by
English and Vietnamese reporters and journalists.
Chapter Five and Six study the different lexical and syntactic
features of English and Vietnamese political news discourse,
In chapter Seven, a comparison of English and Vietnamese
political news discourse is given, which is based on the analyses
presented in chapters Four, Five and Six. In addition, it presents
the results of a survey of comprehension difficulty encountered
by Vietnamese students studying English now at the University
of Canberra, and looks at some discourse strategies involved in
news discourse production and comprehension.
The last chapter offers some implications for TEFL in Vietnam,
which are based on the author's own experience and results of a
survey. The author hopes that these implications may be of some
help to the practising teacher as well as the student.
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Representations Of Labor Protests Against Privatization In Turkish Press: The Cases Of Seka And TuprasTirman, Ceyda 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study is to analyze how labor&rsquo / s protests against the privatization in Turkey, are reconstructed in news. So, news discourse on labor protests against privatization of SEKA and TÜ / PRAS investigated in five newspapers of Turkey. During analysis, on which reconciliations meaning in the news are constructed was probed by both identifying the linguistic and narrative aspects of the news. Therefore discourse analyses will be applied to study how and on which level a pro-privatization ideology production is realized in the labor protest against privatization news. So, construction of a hegemonic ideology in Turkey by joining various discourse elements, and if there are any conflicts between parties in this construction was investigated.
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Functional Punishment. A discursive study of functional punishment-representations in MetroXpress’ news articles, 2018Ljungberg, Anja Skov January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis project, the phenomenon of news media representation of punitivism has been researched through a methodology of a socio-semiotic discourse analysis framed within a theoretical structure of Durkheimianism and news value components. Articles concerning MetroXpress’ representation of criminal deviance and punishment were located through a buzzwords search within the newspaper’s online data archives. The search granted a total of 702 word-occurrences appearing in 216 separate news articles. The discourse analysis seperated these articles into the five sub-discourses of “Blurbs”, “Verdicts”, “Spectacle”, “Single Agent Focus” and “Cultural Context”. The distribution of articles pertaining to specific sub-discourses were distributed such that the highest concentration of articles was present in the “Blurbs” discourse, closely followed by “Verdicts”, placing “Single Agent Focus” and “Spectacle” in the middle, while the “Cultural Context” discourse was made up of the fewest articles. The methodology granted insight into functional punishment and MetroXpress’ representation of criminal deviance, revealing the newspaper’s discourse to be one of situated timeliness which positively promoted judicial-systemic activity. Presenting an anti-Durkheimian conception of deviance in relation to its supposed manifestation in any society, the newspaper presents the phenomenon as defeatable by the judicial system. In this regard, MetroXpress has positioned itself as the mouthpiece of the justice system, in such a manner that they function as a legitimizing force for the punitive system. Beyond the hierarchy of eliteness which permeates the discourse, a normalization of the conception of criminal deviants as dysfunctional obstacles who prohibit organic social cohesiveness is another facet of the discourse. Consequently, a primary focal point within the narratives center on the functional relationship between the deviant individual, systemic representatives and their relation to social cohesiveness.
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Ideologie v jazyce médií: Způsoby uchopování zpravodajských témat v českém tisku / Ideology in the language of media:Means of handling news topics in the Czech print mediaKárníková, Lydie January 2011 (has links)
Lydie Kárníková Ideology in the Language of Media Diploma thesis 2011 Abstract The thesis scrutinizes the ways in which three Czech nationwide print media process the same news topics. Through analysis of three thematic discourses it studies the differences in approaching and presenting reality. The main focus lies in the argumentative and language aspects of the media texts with the aim to find implicit references on sets of values and beliefs typical for the perspective of the particular news media title and for the society in general. Implicit sets of values woven into the media contents have a form of an ideology: These ideological ideas can be very different across the society due to the number of opinion groups present within the whole society. In modern democratic countries with opinion plurality there are different ideological ideas neighbouring within the media market. The news as a genre does not allow expressing one's own opinion or approach explicitly: the news media thus embed their opinions into the structures of language. The core hypothesis of this thesis is the ability of language to create meanings. With the help of methodology that combines argumentative approach with analysis of syntactic and lexical modes of expressions the thesis tries to get into the language structure, looking for...
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