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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informacinių žinučių turinio ir raiškos ypatumai: BNS naujienų agentūros atvejis / Distinctive features of content and expression: case study of informational news items of “Baltic news service”

Tuškevičiūtė, Marija 15 June 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe išsamiai tyrinėjamos informacinio žanro – žinučių turinio ir raiškos ypatybės – nustatomos informacinių žinučių temos, informacijos pobūdis, pasiskirstymas pagal įvykio vietą, žinutę sudarančių sakinių ir žodžių kiekis. Didelis dėmesys skiriamas mokslinės literatūros, susijusios su žiniasklaidos žanrų tyrinėjimu ir informacinių žinučių savybėmis, apžvalgai. Renkantis tyrimo medžiagą buvo atsižvelgta į tai, kad šiandieninėje žiniasklaidoje pastebima žinučių gausa, kurių vienas pagrindinių šaltinių yra naujienų agentūra. Lietuvoje veikianti naujienų agentūra „Baltic news service“ kasdien pateikia daugiau kaip 1,000 naujienų, todėl informacinių žinučių turinio ir raiškos analizei atlikti buvo pasirinkta 1,000 žinučių, kurios atrinktos iš 2007 metų naujienų agentūros BNS tekstyno. Siekiant atskleisti informacinių žinučių turinio ir raiškos ypatybes, remtasi turinio analizės kiekybiniu metodu ir tekstynų lingvistikos metodika. Informacinės žinutės išsamiai suskirstytos į 20 temų, į užsienio ir vidines šalies naujienas, pastarosios skirstytos dar detaliau – į regionines ir nacionalines bei nespecifikuotas – kuriose įvykio vieta nenurodoma. Pagal informacijos pobūdį žinutės suskirstytos į įvykines, pranešančias apie konkrečius praeities ir ateities veiksmus, ir neįvykines – prognozes, planus ar šnekos aktus. Atlikta informacinių žinučių turinio analizė parodė, kad BNS naujienų agentūra informacinėmis žinutėmis daugiausiai pateikia verslo ir finansų, teisėsaugos ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of this research is to analyze the content and expression of informational news items. The analysis is based on topic detection, information purpose, distribution depending on event place, estimation of sentences and words in the informational news items. The theoretical part of this research is focussed on the scientific literature, related to exploration of genres and features of informational news items. The research material was chosen because the mass media is spreading, it is noticed abundance of news, mainly in news agencies. „Baltic News Service“ agency releases over 1,000 news items per day, for this reason, 1,000 news items have been selected for this research from 2007 BNS corpora. The methodology is based on content analysis and quantitative methods of corpus linguistics techniques. Informational news items were divided into 20 topics, foreign and national news items, last mentioned were divided into regional and national. Those news items, which does not indicate the place, were named to nonspecific news items. The news items according to information purpose were divided into event describing – particular future and past events and non-events – about prognoses, plans or speech acts. Content analysis showed, that the main topics of informational news items are business and finance, law enforcement and politics, dominate national reports which inform the readers or listeners about future or past events. Foreign news items are mostly used to inform about... [to full text]

L'affaire Girard-Cadière : un fait divers à l'épreuve du temps, de 1728 à nos jours / The Girard-Cadière case

Lamotte, Stéphane 04 November 2011 (has links)
En 1728, à Toulon, Jean-Baptiste Girard, 48 ans, jésuite, est accusé d’avoir abusé d’une de ses jeunes pénitentes, Catherine Cadière, 19 ans, disposée aux élans mystiques. Le fait divers, banal pour l’Ancien Régime, se transforme en affaire. En 1731, un procès s’ouvre à Aix-en-Provence. Il s’inscrit dans le contexte de la lutte séculaire entre jésuites, jansénistes et philosophes, qui conduit à la condamnation et à l’exclusion des premiers. L’opinion publique se passionne : on se divise, on s’invective, on rit ; les polygraphes, les satiristes comme les épistoliers contribuent à diffuser le récit et le commentaire des péripéties de la procédure. Un des enjeux de notre travail est d’explorer la pluralité des productions écrites et iconographiques du XVIIIe siècle : mandements, poésies, factums, Nouvelles ecclésiastiques, estampes, correspondances. Au final, beaucoup de bruit pour rien : le jésuite comme la pénitente sont relaxés. Pour autant, l’affaire n’est pas terminée. Elle a ébranlé la forteresse jésuite et montré la détermination de ses adversaires. Peu de temps après, l’attentat de Damiens, puis la banqueroute de Lavalette, confirmeront la force de cet antijésuitisme. Au XIXe siècle (avec Michelet, entre autres), comme au XXe siècle, l’histoire resurgit, selon les enjeux du temps. On réécrit son déroulement, en ajoutant des éléments de fiction, ou en l’utilisant à des fins polémiques. Notre intérêt s’est porté sur les rapports entre histoire et littérature et sur les transformations, toujours recommencées, de la mémoire de l’affaire. Ce processus s’explique par les éléments croustillants et mystérieux de l’histoire, qui permettent à chacun de s’y retrouver. / In 1728, JBG, a 48-year-old Jesuit in Toulon, was accused of abusing one of his penitents, Catherine Cadière, a 9-year-old with a tendency for mysical fervour. Though commonplace at the time, the event grew into a public scandal. The case was brought to court in Aix-en-Provence in 1731, in the context of an age-old struggle for power opposing Jesuits, Jansenists and philosophers. Public opinion was fiercely divided : polygraphs, satirists, letter-writers all reported and commented on this eventful case. Our work intends to explore the numerous written or graphic documents published in the 18th century : poems, prints, letters. All in all, much ado about nothing since both JBG and CC were discharged. The controversy, owever, was not over : it weakened the Jesuit influence and showed the determination of its enemies. Shortly thereafter, the candals of Damiens' assassination attempt and Lavalette's bankruptcy confirmed the strength of the anti-Jesuit movement. The tory was revived -by Michelet among others- throughout the 19th and the 20th centuries, always rewritten, with the addition of fictitious elements, for polemic purposes. Our study deals with the connection between history and literature and the ever-fluctuating recollection of the event.

Ämnen och muntliga källor i Rapport och Tv4 Nyheterna

Fridolf, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att mäta hur ofta ämnen och muntliga källor förekommer. Två nyhetsförmedlare har undersökts. Den ena drivs via public service, Rapport, och den andra är ett kommersiellt företag, Tv4 Nyheterna. De två aktörernas resultat jämfördes för att kunna urskilja likheter och skillnader i hur de valde att utforma sina sändningar. Grundtanken som ledde till denna studie var att se om nyhetsförmedlarnas olika organisationer, historia och finansieringssystem leder till att vissa ämnen och muntliga källor tas upp mer eller mindre än i rivalens sändningar. Målet var att mäta, alltså att omvandla sändningarna till siffror som kan tolkas. Därför ansåg jag att en positivistisk infallsvinkel var lämplig. Därför valde jag kvantitavit innehållsanalys som metod. Själva kodningen genomfördes via ett kodschema som definierar de olika alternativen. Resultatet ger en bild av att likheterna mellan de två nyhetsförmedlarna är större än skillnaderna, men såklart existerar det skillnader. En av de kanske största skillnaderna mellan de två finns när man tittar på ämnesfördelningen under utrikesnyheter. Rapport, driven av public service, tar upp inrikesnyheter oftare än vad Tv4 Nyheterna gör. DettaPage 4 of 46är bara en av många skillnader. För att sammafatta, skulle jag vilja påstå att de olika finansieringssystemen leder vissa skillnader men det hela präglas ändå av enighet. / This study aims to measure how often news items and oral sources occur. Two news programs have been examined. One is operated via public service, Rapport, and the other is a commercial company, Tv4 Nyheterna. The results of the two were compared in order to be able to distinguish similarities and differences in how they choose to shape their programs. The idea that led to this study was to see if the news programs different organizations, history and funding systems lead to certain topics and oral sources being addressed more or less than in the rival's broadcasts. The aim was to measure, that is, to convert the broadcast into numbers that can be interpreted. Therefore, I considered a positivistic approach appropriate. Therefore, I chose quantitative content analysis as a method. The coding itself was performed via a code scheme that defines the various options. The result gives the impression that the similarities between the two news programs are greater than the differences, but of course there are differences. One of the perhaps biggest differences between the two is when you look at the distribution of topics under foreign news. Rapport, driven by public service, gives domestic news more space than what Tv4 Nyheterna does. This is just one of many differences. To sum up, I would like to say that the different financing systems lead to some differences, but the whole thing is still characterized by unity.

Représentations du fait divers dans le théâtre français (1969-2004) / Representations of news items in french theatre (1969-2004)

Pakrevan, Diana 18 December 2009 (has links)
De nombreux dramaturges contemporains manifestent un intérêt surprenant pour le fait divers, un type dřinformation considéré comme anecdotique, suscitant une curiosité morbide chez le spectateur et difficile à cerner à cause de la variété des sujets quřil aborde. La thèse fondamentale de ce travail est que, par le biais du fait divers, le théâtre cherche une confrontation avec les médias et se redéfinit, repense son rôle. Par lřanalyse des structures dramatiques (espace, temps, action, parole) dřune cinquantaine de pièces françaises publiées dans lřaprès 1968, cette étude vise à répondre à trois questions : quelles sont les représentations du monde offertes par les médias et le théâtre à travers le fait divers ? Quels sont les modes de représentations respectifs ? Quelle est la fonction du théâtre qui en résulte et en quoi sřécarte-t-elle de celle des moyens de communication de masse ? Cette thèse inclut également vingt-cinq interviews avec des dramaturges et un parcours anthologique. / Many contemporary playwrights show a surprising interest for that particular type of news item that French journalism calls Ŗfait diversŗ, which has a bad reputation for being anecdotal, arousing a morbid curiosity in the spectator and being difficult to characterise because of the variety of subjects it treats. The main focus of this work is that, through Ŗfait diversŗ, theatre seeks confrontation with mass media and redefines itself, reconsidering its role. Through the analysis of the dramatic structures (space, time, action, language) of about fifty French plays published after 1968, this study aims at answering three questions: what representations of the world do media and theatre propose through Ŗfait diversŗ? What are the respective modes of representation? What is the function of theatre stemming from them and how does it depart from the one of mass media? This thesis also includes twenty-five interviews with playwrights and an anthology.

“Localisation” and the “Arab Spring”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Translation-Mediated Arabic News Articles on the Unrest in the Arabic-Speaking World (The Case of Robert Fisk and Al Jazeera)

Khidir, Samir January 2017 (has links)
This study is a critical analysis of translation-mediated Arabic news items on the “Arab Spring”. It explores the influence of social, historical, political, localic, and socio-ideological aspects of news translation via certain media agendas, by applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and qualitative descriptive methods in the analysis of the localised news items, interviews with translators, and a corpus of comments by the Arabic-speaking readership. The data analysed in this case study comprise a four-year (2010-2014) collection of news items that were localised by Al Jazeera and published on its website, as well as readers’ commentaries on said localisations, and interviews with two of Al Jazeera’s translators. Making use of this rich source of data, this study aims at finding answers for the questions: Are there discernible patterns in the translated texts? If so, how and for what purpose are they produced and re-produced through localisation in Al Jazeera’s translation-mediated Arabic news articles? Whose interests are served and whose interests are annulled by the reproduction and localisation processes? The three sets of data were thematically coded; then their most salient points and arguments were analysed. The localised news items were examined for clues to the localisation techniques, ideologies, and the agenda(s) of Al Jazeera. The readers’ comments were probed for the influence that the localised news items had on Al Jazeera’s target readership, and were examined to find out which of Al Jazeera’s ideologies resonate with which readers to form Al Jazeera’s target locale(s). The analysis of the interviews with Al Jazeera’s translators was undertaken with the aim of delineating the tasks of these translators, specifically to see to what extent journalism and translation meld, as suggested in much of the research done so far on translating news items. The tripartite analysis has provided a more comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in the production of translation-mediated news items as well as their effect on the readership. It also suggests relatively new insights into viewing the term localisation as a good alternative to acculturation in accounting for news translation. Within the umbrella of the social turn in translation studies (TS), this study suggests that current approaches to studying news translation question large-scale concepts such as culture and acculturation, and proposes they be replaced with the small-scale concepts of locale and localisation. Hence, this study suggests using localisation to extract and understand the underlying particulars of the processes involved in producing translation-mediated news items. The results of the analysis show that Al Jazeera ostensibly promulgates three major ideologies: anti-regimism, Islamistism, and pan-Arabism and embeds these ideologies in the messages it delivers to its target locales through the localised news items. The study concludes that Al Jazeera’s localisation techniques reflect the viewpoints of its benefactor the State of Qatar whose goal is to create a solipsistic identity that distinguishes it from its immediate rivalling neighbours within a dichotomy of the Same and the Other. These localisation techniques are driven by motives associated with the sociopolitical and sociohistorical circumstances of the founding of the State of Qatar and Al Jazeera.

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