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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Accélération de l'exploration de l'espace chimique du cytochrome P450 BM3 par des méthodes de criblage à haut débit et bio-informatiques

Rousseau, Olivier 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A proteome-wide screen utilizing second generation sequencing for the identification of lysine and arginine methyltransferase protein interactions

Weimann, Mareike 13 September 2012 (has links)
Proteinmethylierung spielt eine immer größere Rolle in der Regulierung zellulärer Prozesse. Die Entwicklung effizienter proteomweiter Methoden zur Detektion von Methylierung auf Proteinen ist limitiert und technisch schwierig. In dieser Arbeit haben wir einen neuen Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid-Ansatz (Y2H) entwickelt, der Proteine, die miteinander wechselwirken, mit Hilfe von Sequenzierungen der zweiten Generation identifiziert (Y2H-Seq). Der neue Y2H-Seq-Ansatz wurde systematisch mit dem Y2H-Seq-Ansatz verglichen. Dafür wurde ein Bait-Set von 8 Protein-Arginin-Methyltransferasen, 17 Protein-Lysin-Methyltransferasen und 10 Demethylasen gegen 14,268 Prey-Proteine getestet. Der Y2H-Seq-Ansatz ist weniger arbeitsintensiv, hat eine höhere Sensitivität als der Standard Y2H-Matrix-Ansatz und ist deshalb besonders geeignet, um schwache Interaktionen zwischen Substraten und Protein-Methyltransferasen zu detektieren. Insgesamt wurden 523 Wechselwirkungen zwischen 22 Bait-Proteinen und 324 Prey-Pr oteinen etabliert, darunter 11 bekannte Methyltransferasen-Substrate. Netzwerkanalysen zeigen, dass Methyltransferasen bevorzugt mit Transkriptionsregulatoren, DNA- und RNA-Bindeproteinen wechselwirken. Diese Daten repräsentieren das erste proteomweite Wechselwirkungsnetzwerk über Protein-Methyltransferasen und dienen als Ressource für neue potentielle Methylierungssubstrate. In einem in vitro Methylierungsassay wurden exemplarisch mit Hilfe massenspektrometrischer Analysen die methylierten Aminosäurereste einiger Kandidatenproteine bestimmt. Von neun getesteten Proteinen waren sieben methyliert, zu denen gehören SPIN2B, DNAJA3, QKI, SAMD3, OFCC1, SYNCRIP und WDR42A. Wahrscheinlich sind viele Methylierungssubstrate im Netzwerk vorhanden. Das vorgestellte Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungsnetzwerk zeigt, dass Proteinmethylierung sehr unterschiedliche zelluläre Prozesse beeinflusst und ermöglicht die Aufstellung neuer Hypothesen über die Regulierung Molekularer Mechanismen durch Methylierung. / Protein methylation on arginine and lysine residues is a largely unexplored posttranslational modification which regulates diverse cellular processes. The development of efficient proteome-wide approaches for detecting protein methylation is limited and technically challenging. We developed a novel workload reduced yeast-two hybrid (Y2H) approach to detect protein-protein interactions utilizing second generation sequencing. The novel Y2H-seq approach was systematically evaluated against our state of the art Y2H-matrix screening approach and used to screen 8 protein arginine methyltransferases, 17 protein lysine methyltransferases and 10 demethylases against a set of 14,268 proteins. Comparison of the two approaches revealed a higher sensitivity of the new Y2H-seq approach. The increased sampling rate of the Y2H-seq approach is advantageous when assaying transient interactions between substrates and methyltransferases. Overall 523 interactions between 22 bait proteins and 324 prey proteins were identified including 11 proteins known to be methylated. Network analysis revealed enrichment of transcription regulator activity, DNA- and RNA-binding function of proteins interacting with protein methyltransferases. The dataset represents the first proteome-wide interaction network of enzymes involved in methylation and provides a comprehensively annotated resource of potential new methylation substrates. An in vitro methylation assay coupled to mass spectrometry revealed amino acid methylation of candidate proteins. Seven of nine proteins tested were methylated including SPIN2B, DNAJA3, QKI, SAMD3, OFCC1, SYNCRIP and WDR42A indicating that the interaction network is likely to contain many putative methyltransferase substrate pairs. The presented protein-protein interaction network demonstrates that protein methylation is involved in diverse cellular processes and can inform hypothesis driven investigation into molecular mechanisms regulated through methylation.

Expanding the immune self : impact of non-canonical translation on the repertoire of MHC I-associated peptides

Laumont, Céline M. 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Etude des mécanismes de rupture de tolérance lymphocytaire au cours des déficits immunitaires primitifs de l'adulte avec manifesations auto-immunes / Study of lymphocyte tolerance breakdown in adults primary immunodeficiencies with autoimmunity

Guffroy, Aurélien 01 April 2019 (has links)
L’association entre déficits immunitaires primitifs (DIPs) et manifestations auto-immunes peut sembler paradoxale lorsque l’on aborde les DIPs comme des défauts d’immunité opposés à l’autoimmunité vue comme excès d’immunité adaptative à l’encontre du soi. Néanmoins, loin de se résumer à un simple défaut d’une ou plusieurs composantes du système immunitaire qui prédispose aux infections par divers agents pathogènes, les DIPs sont fréquemment associés à une autoimmunité; parfois révélatrice. Ainsi, les données épidémiologiques issues de registres ou de larges séries de patients atteints de DIPs s’accordent sur une prévalence globale de 25 à 30% de complications auto-immunes (au premier rang desquelles figurent les cytopénies auto-immunes). Différentes hypothèses sont avancées pour rendre compte de l’auto-immunité dans les DIPs. On peut citer : 1°) une perturbation profonde de l’homéostasie lymphocytaire, en particulier dans les déficits immunitaires combinés sévères (CID) avec lymphopénies T et B ; 2°) des défauts intrinsèques des lymphocytes B permettant une rupture de tolérance précoce des LB auto réactifs ; 3°) un comportement aberrant des LT (défaut de maturation, excès d’activation) ; 4°) une absence de lymphocytes T ou de B régulateurs ; 5°) une production inappropriée de certaines cytokines proinflammatoires comme dans les interféronopathies. Ces hypothèses concernent surtout les DIPs pédiatriques sévères. Mon travail de thèse explore la rupture de tolérance immunitaire adaptative au cours des DIPs de l’adulte par différentes approches. Nous nous sommes en particulier attachés au plus fréquent, le DICV (Déficit Immunitaire Commun Variable), déficit immunitaire humoral pas toujours bien défini sur le plan génétique et physiopathologique qui constitue un défi thérapeutique lorsqu’il est compliqué d’une auto-immunité nécessitant un traitement immunosuppresseur. / The association between primary immune deficiency (PID) and autoimmunity may seem paradoxical when PID is considered only as an immune response defect against pathogens and autoimmunity only as an excess of immunity. Nevertheless, far from being simple immune defects increasing the risk of infections, DIPs are frequently associated with autoimmunity. Even more, autoimmunes manifestations can sometimes reveal a PID. Thus, epidemiological data from registers or large series of patients with PIDs agree on an overall prevalence of 25 to 30% of autoimmune complications (with auto-immune cytopenias as first causes). Several hypotheses have been proposed with different underlying mechanisms to explain the tolerance breakdown in PIDs. We can cite : 1°) a severe disturbance of lymphocyte homeostasis, for example in severe combined immunodeficiencies ; 2°) an impaired B-cell developpement with earlystage defects of tolerance ; 3°) a dysregulation of T cells (developpement or activation impairments) ; 4°) a dysfunction of T-reg (or B-reg) ; 5°) an excess of production of proinflammatory cytokines. These hypotheses are especially true for early-onset PIDs (in infancy). In this work (PhD), we explore the mechanisms of tolerance breakdown involved in adults PIDs. We use several approaches to describe the pathways leading to autoimmunity, focusing on the most common PID in adult : CVID (common variable immunodeficiency). This syndrome is not well defined on the genetic and physiopathological level. It is still a therapeutic challenge when complicated by autoimmunity (requiring immunosuppressive therapy).

Systems biology of the human MHC class I immunopeptidome

Granados, Diana Paola 10 1900 (has links)
Le système de différenciation entre le « soi » et le « non-soi » des vertébrés permet la détection et le rejet de pathogènes et de cellules allogéniques. Il requiert la surveillance de petits peptides présentés à la surface cellulaire par les molécules du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe I (CMH I). Les molécules du CMH I sont des hétérodimères composés par une chaîne lourde encodée par des gènes du CMH et une chaîne légère encodée par le gène β2-microglobuline. L’ensemble des peptides est appelé l’immunopeptidome du CMH I. Nous avons utilisé des approches en biologie de systèmes pour définir la composition et l’origine cellulaire de l’immunopeptidome du CMH I présenté par des cellules B lymphoblastoïdes dérivés de deux pairs de fratries avec un CMH I identique. Nous avons découvert que l’immunopeptidome du CMH I est spécifique à l’individu et au type cellulaire, qu’il dérive préférentiellement de transcrits abondants, est enrichi en transcrits possédant d’éléments de reconnaissance par les petits ARNs, mais qu’il ne montre aucun biais ni vers les régions génétiques invariables ni vers les régions polymorphiques. Nous avons également développé une nouvelle méthode qui combine la spectrométrie de masse, le séquençage de nouvelle génération et la bioinformatique pour l’identification à grand échelle de peptides du CMH I, dont ceux résultants de polymorphismes nucléotidiques simples non-synonymes (PNS-ns), appelés antigènes mineurs d’histocompatibilité (AMHs), qui sont les cibles de réponses allo-immunitaires. La comparaison de l’origine génomique de l’immunopeptidome de soeurs avec un CMH I identique a révélé que 0,5% des PNS-ns étaient représentés dans l’immunopeptidome et que 0,3% des peptides du CMH I seraient immunogéniques envers une des deux soeurs. En résumé, nous avons découvert des nouveaux facteurs qui modèlent l’immunopeptidome du CMH I et nous présentons une nouvelle stratégie pour l’indentification de ces peptides, laquelle pourrait accélérer énormément le développement d’immunothérapies ciblant les AMHs. / The self/nonself discrimination system of vertebrates allows detection and rejection of pathogens and allogeneic cells. It requires the surveillance of short peptides presented by major histocompatibility class I (MHC I) molecules on the cell surface. MHC I molecules are heterodimers that consist of a heavy chain produced by MHC genes and a light chain encoded by the β2-microglobulin gene. The peptides presented by MHC I molecules are collectively referred to as the MHC I immunopeptidome. We employed systems biology approaches to define the composition and cellular origin of the self MHC I immunopeptidome presented by B lymphoblastoid cells derived from two pairs of MHC-identical siblings. We found that the MHC I immunopeptidome is subject- and cell-specific, derives preferentially from abundant transcripts, is enriched in transcripts bearing microRNA response elements and shows no bias toward invariant vs. polymorphic genomic sequences. We also developed a novel personalized approach combining mass-spectrometry, next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics for high-throughput identification of MHC I peptides including those caused by nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (ns-SNPs), termed minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHAs), which are the targets of allo-immune responses. Comparison of the genomic landscape of the immunopeptidome of MHC-identical siblings revealed that 0.5% of ns-SNPs were represented in the immunopeptidome and that 0.3% of the MHC I-peptide repertoire would be immunogenic for one of the siblings. We discovered new factors that shape the self MHC I immunopeptidome and present a novel strategy for the identification of MHC I-associated peptides that could greatly accelerate the development of MiHA-targeted immunotherapy.

Sialotranscriptomics of the brown ear ticks, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann, 1901 and R. Zambeziensis Walker, Norval and Corwin, 1981, vectors of Corridor disease

De Castro, Minique Hilda 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Corridor disease is an economically important tick-borne disease of cattle in southern Africa. The disease is caused by Theileria parva and transmitted by the vectors, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis. There is currently no vaccine to protect cattle against T. parva that is permitted in South Africa. To develop recombinant anti-tick vaccines against Corridor disease, comprehensive databases of genes expressed in the tick’s salivary glands are required. Therefore, in Chapters 2 and 3, mRNA from the salivary glands of R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis was sequenced and assembled using next generation sequencing technologies. Respectively, 12 761 and 13 584 non-redundant protein sequences were predicted from the sialotranscriptomes of R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis and uploaded to public sequence domains. This greatly expanded the number of sequences available for the two vectors, which will be invaluable resources for the selection of vaccine candidates in future. Further, in Chapter 3, differential gene expression analysis in R. zambeziensis revealed dynamic expression of secretory protein transcripts during feeding, suggestive of stringent transcriptional regulation of these proteins. Knowledge of these intricate expression profiles will further assist vaccine development in future. In Chapter 4, comparative sialotranscriptomic analyses were performed between R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis. The ticks have previously shown varying vector competence for T. parva and this chapter presents the search for correlates of this variance. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using these and other publically available tick transcriptomes, which indicated that R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis are closely related but distinct species. However, significant expression differences were observed between the two ticks, specifically of genes involved in tick immunity or pathogen transmission, signifying potential bioinformatic signatures of vector competence. Furthermore, nearly four thousand putative long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) were predicted in each of the two ticks. A large number of these showed differential expression and suggested a potential transcriptional regulatory function of lncRNA in tick blood feeding. LncRNAs are completely unexplored in ticks. Finally, in Chapter 5, concluding remarks are given on the potential impact the R. appendiculatus and R. zambeziensis sialotranscriptomes may have on future vaccine developments and some future research endeavours are discussed. / Life and Consumer Sciences / Ph. D. (Life Sciences)

Emerging sandfly-borne phleboviruses in Turkey, Iran, and Algeria : Virus isolation, characterization, evolution, and epidemiology / Circulation des Phlébovirus en Turquie, Iran et Algérie : Isolement de virus, caracterisation génomique, évolution and épidémiologie

Alkan Yirci, Çiğdem 01 June 2015 (has links)
Circulation des Phlébovirus en Turquie, l'Iran et l'Algérie a été étudiée. L'isolement, la caractérisation génomique, les relations phylogénétiques de six virus ont été présentées: le virus Adana (ADAV), deux souches de virus Toros (TORV), le virus Zerdali (ZERV) de la Turquie; le virus Dashli (DASHV) de l'Iran; le virus Toscana (TOSV) d'Algérie. Cette étude a commencé avec la collection de 38,131 phlébotomes de la nature. La méthode de séquençage de nouvelle génération (NGS) à haut débit nous à été utilisée pour l’analyse des génomes complet des virus isoles. En conclusion, cette étude a d'importantes contributions sur phlébovirus négligées. Voici quelques-unes des contributions significatives; (i) ZERV et TORV qui sont étroitement apparentés au virus Tehran (THEV) et le virus Corfou (CFUV), respectivement, ont été isolés depuis 56 et 30 ans des premiers isolements de THEV et CFUV, respectivement, (ii) Détection du virus ADAV un animal domestique et sur quelques sérums humain par test de neutralisation. Ce virus ADAV constitue avec le virus le virus (SALV), le virus Arbia (ARBV), et le virus (ADRV) le groupe Salehabad. Seul le virus ADRV a été détectée dans le liquide cérébro-spinal auparavant landais que avec les autres, aucune preuve pathogène n’a été détectée, (iii) Nous avons découvert la plus récente circulation phlébovirus en Iran après 56 années, (iv) TOSV a été isolé en Algérie pour la première fois et la circulation a été confirmée par séropositivités dans le sérum humain. / Sandfly-borne phlebovirus circulation in Turkey, Iran, and Algeria was investigated. The isolation, genomic characterization, phylogenetic relationships of 6 viruses was presented: Adana virus (ADAV), two strains of Toros virus (TORV), Zerdali virus (ZERV) from Turkey; Dashli virus (DASHV) from Iran; Toscana virus (TOSV) from Algeria. This study has begun with the collection of 38,131 sandflies from nature. The well established, high-throughput methodology was applied for the discovery of viruses including PCR tools and cell culture methods. Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology facilitated to perform complete genome analysis of the isolated viruses. In conclusion, this study has contributions to the neglected sandfly-borne phlebovirus group and filled some gaps about the circulation of these agents in Turkey, Iran, and Algeria. Following are some significant contributions; (i) ZERV and TORV which are closely related to Tehran virus (THEV) and Corfou virus (CFUV), respectively were isolated after 56 and 30 years of the first isolations of THEV and CFUV, respectively, (ii) There was no evidence of the pathogenicity of Salehabad virus (SALV) and Arbia virus (ARBV) except the detection of Adria virus (ADRV) in CSF until ADAV which belongs to the Salehabad serocomplex was detected in domestic animal and very few human sera by neutralization assay, (iii) We have discovered the most recent sandfly-borne phlebovirus circulation in Iran after 56 years, (iv) TOSV was isolated in Algeria for the first time and circulation was confirmed by seropositivities in human sera.

Managing strawberry pollination with wild bees and honey bees: Facilitation or competition by mass-flowering resources?

Bänsch, Svenja 05 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic analysis of human papillomavirus in a cohort of women in routine care in Northern South Africa

Rikhotso, Rixongile Rhenny 18 May 2019 (has links)
MSc (Microbiology) / Department of Microbiology / BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted virus known to be a causative agent of cervical cancer (CC), one of the most frequent cancers in women worldwide. HPV is a double stranded DNA virus of approximately 7,900 bp; belonging to Papillomaviridae family. To date, about 202 low risk (LR) and high risk (HR) HPV genotypes have been identified. However, available vaccines against HPV infection are designed based on the most common known genotypes. Therefore, it is critical to understand the scope and diversity of HPV genotypes in all geographical locations which can help to inform the design and development of future vaccines. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to describe the burden and diversity of HPV genotypes in a cohort of women in routine care in northern South Africa. METHODS: Eighty seven women consented to participate in the study and each provided a specimen for analysis. With the help of qualified health care practitioners, Aptima Cervical Specimen Collection and Transport Kit (Hologic, San Diego, CA) was used to collect cervical specimens from each study participant following the manufacturer’s procedure. Total DNA was purified from the cervical pellet using QIAamp DNA mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The purified DNA was then subjected to a single round conventional PCR in a reaction volume of 100 μl to amplify HPV L1 gene comprising of approximately 450 bp. A portion of each PCR amplicon from each participant was denatured, hybridized and genotyped using the Linear Array HPV genotyping Test Kit (Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. Branchburg, NJ USA). The kit is designed to detect 37 HPV genotypes (genotypes 6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 40, 42, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 81, 82, 83, 84, IS39 and CP6108). To detect the HPV genotypes, the Linear Array (LA) reference guide was used for results interpretation following the manufacturer’s instructions. The other portion of each of the amplicons was subjected to next generation sequencing (NGS) using the Illumina MiniSeq platform. Using the Nextera XT DNA Library preparation kit, an initial input of 1ng genomic DNA was tagmented, cleaned up, normalized and pooled. The pooled library was then denatured with 0.1 N NaOH and diluted into a final volume of 500 μl at 1.8 pM then sequenced using the Local Run Manager option following the manufacturer’s instructions. The generated sequence data was downloaded into fastaQ format and analysed using Genious 11.0.5 software. RESULTS: Of the 87 participants, the overall proportion of women harbouring HPV DNA by linear array (LA) PCR was 23% (n=20). Of the 20, 16 (80%) were living with HIV. However, this difference was not significant (p=0.077). Genotyping data generated by Roche LA method was successful for all the 20 positive amplicons. In this study, 27 (73%) of the 37 HPV genotypes incorporated in the Roche Linear Array method were detected. The detected genotypes include: types 84, 83, 81, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 66, 62, 61, 59, 54, 53, 52, 51, 45, 42, 39, 35, 26, 18, 16, 6, IS39 and CP6108. Most women (15/20;75%) harboured multiple infections compared to single infection. In terms of genotypes distribution, the most frequent genotypes detected LR HPV types in increasing order of frequency included HPV type 61 and 83 (12%), 62 (36%) and 81 (43%). On the other hand, HPV type 66, 53, 52, 51, 18 and 16 were the most common genotypes detected HR HPV types. In contrast, although genotyping data was successfully generated from 15 of 20 women (75%), NGS technology was seen to be more sensitive compared to Roche LA method. Nearly all the detected genotypes identified by the commercial kit were detected by NGS. In addition, NGS detected 10 namely: HPV types 11, 31, 33, 40, 55, 56, 58, 64, 67, and 82 that were not detected by the LA yet incorporated in the kit. Moreover, it was observed that NGS identified additional 6 HPV types including HPV types 2, 27, 30, 35, 85 and 102 not incorporated in the Roche LA kit. A similar distribution of HPV multiple infections was observed in the study population, however, high frequency of 93% (14 of 15) was detected by NGS. The proportion of women harbouring one or more of the 22 LR HPV types was 100% (n=15).The most frequent LR genotypes in increasing order of frequency was HPV type 62 and 70 (27%), 6 (40%) and 11 (47%). HPV types 40, 42, 54, 72, 64, and 81 were the least detected genotypes with n=1 (7%) each. Furthermore, the common combination observed among the participants was type 6 and 11. In contrast, the most frequent detected genotypes in the study population by NGS under the HR HPV types in increasing order of frequency include type 35 (21%), 39, 56 and 82 (29%), 68 (36%) and 51 (50%). In addition, HPV types 26, 31, 45, 53, 56, 58 and 66 were the least detected genotypes n=1 (7%) in the study population. HPV 39 and 68 were observed as the common combination detected under HR HPV types. Following genotyping by LA and NGS, the demographic and clinical data of all the 20 positive subjects by PCR were subjected to statistical analysis to determine the association between HPV positive DNA status and associated risk factors. Smoking status (p=0.000), age at first sexual intercourse (p=0.011), vaccination status (p=0.000), gender of sexual partner (p=0.000), highest level of education (p=0.004), marital status (p=0.008) and number of sexual partners (p=0.000) were found to be having a positive statistical association. CONCLUSION: Amplification of targeted HPV DNA from cervical specimens demonstrated the presence of HPV infection in the study cohort, with a proportion of 23%. The findings illustrate that there is a diversity of HPV genotypes prevalent in the study population as shown by Roche LA and NGS methods. However, the NGS method was observed to be more sensitive than Roche LA in detecting HPV genotypes. Furthermore, NGS identified 6 additional HPV types not incorporated in the Roche LA. Thus, there are genotypes that may be present in the study population that the Roche commercial kit may fail to detect. Therefore, is it imperative to use both genotyping methods to confirm HPV genotypes. / NRF

Sekvenční varianty genu HNF1B u autozomálně recesivní polycystické choroby ledvin / Sequence variety of HNF1B gene in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

Kavec, Miriam January 2017 (has links)
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare severe inherited disease manifested by cystic renal disease, congenital hepatic fibrosis and dilatatation of bile ducts. The spectrum of clinical manifestations is very wide and variable, depends on the age at which the disease was manifested. In severe forms of the disease, it is possible to detect the first symptoms prenatally around the 20th week of pregnancy due to increased echogenic kidneys and the presence of oligohydramnios. The causal gene of this disease is thePKHD1 gene with protein product fibrocystin that is most likely contributing on maintaining the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ cations. The exact phatophysiology mechanism of ARPKD remains unknown. Phenotypic manifestations of this disease may overlap with mutations associated with other genes. One of the genes mimicking the ARPKD phenotype is the HNF1B gene. Mutations associated with HNF1B gene are the most common monogenic cause of developmental kidney abnormalities. HNF1B is a tissue-specific transcription factor that regulates the expression of PKHD1. In experimental part I worked on genetic analysis of the HNF1B gene in 28 patients who have not been confirmed ARPKD diagnosis by detection of 2 PKHD1 mutations. For the purposes of mutational screening, I used...

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