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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Hegemoniekämpfe in Frankreich : laizismus, politische Repräsentation und Sarkozysmus / Les luttes d'hégémonie en France : laïcité, représentation politique et sarkozysme / The Hegemony Struggles in France : secularism, Political Representation and Sarkozysm

Lindner, Kolja 19 January 2015 (has links)
De nombreuses analyses du « sarkozysme » ont souligné l’importance de la communica-tion politique pour appréhender sa spécificité. Ces analyses insistent sur le charisme de certains acteurs pour la compréhension des constellations politiques. Mon travail propose une approche différente et cherche à explorer le sarkozysme dans un contexte sociopolitique plus large. Je pose la question de savoir comment, dans un contexte de crise, la droite sous N. Sarkozy a pu organiser de nouvelles formes de consentement au pouvoir et quels ont été les développements que ces aspirations ont connu. Pour ceci, je m’appuie sur le concept d’hégémonie, débattu en théorie politique. Avec deux études de cas, qui traitent respectivement de la question de la laïcité et de la représentation politique, je cherche à comprendre l’intervention politique de la droite à des fins hégémoniques. Ces deux champs forment des vecteurs centraux du républica-nisme français et sont hautement contradictoires, raison pour laquelle je propose des contextua-lisations historico-théoriques détaillées.Mon intérêt pour la question que pose ce travail date de 2007, quand le sarkozysme a connu son plein essor. A l’époque, on a pu poser la question d’un « thatchérisme à la française » (Stathis Kouvélakis). C’est la raison pour laquelle j’ai d’abord inscrit mon travail dans la conti-nuité des premières Cultural Studies et leur analyse du thatchérisme. Je comptais entreprendre une analyse de la restructuration des institutions qui prenne en compte la question de l’hégémonie et de la coercition et me concentrer sur les transformations des appartenances col-lectives et sur la désorganisation de l’opposition politique et sociale. Toutefois, l’hégémonie est un objet dynamique, ou mieux : un rapport mouvant. Ainsi se révélait pendant ma recherche l’échec de l’ambition hégémonique en question. En même temps que se confirmait mon hypo-thèse que l’action politique du sarkozysme était liée à des crises et transformations importantes. Il a donc fallu trouver une empirie permettant de démontrer, plus qu’initialement prévu, un développement. / My doctoral dissertation, an investigation of the emergence and collapse of a project for politi-cal hegemony in France, sets out from a consideration of competing theories of culture (Anto-nio Gramsci, Stuart Hall). Central to the dissertation are questions involving social representa-tions and ethnic minorities. After a critical assessment of the concept of hegemony, I analyse the debate on secularism, its ambivalences and contradictions, whereas another chapter dissects the crisis of political representation in France. In the second part of my thesis, I deal with the hegemony politics engaged by the bourgeois right on these topics from 2002 to 2012

Les arrangements pour claviers des oeuvres théâtrales de Jean-Baptiste Lully dans leur contexte historique, esthétique et social (1661-1715) / The arrangements for keyboards of the theatrical works by Jean-Baptiste Lully, taken in their historical, esthetic and social context (1661-1715)

Beyhurst, Laurent 18 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le milieu du clavecin et de l’orgue du Grand Siècle, la personnalité de Jean-BaptisteLully n’est pas celle qui lui est immédiatement associée. Les chroniques, gazettes, récits, lettres envers de Loret ou la correspondance de Madame de Sévigné témoignent de l’engouement de toute unesociété pour le théâtre lyrique de Lully. À notre connaissance, Lully n’a jamais rien écrit pour leclavier : le répertoire français de pièces de clavecin du XVIIe siècle attribue 217 de ses oeuvresarrangées pour le clavier. Ce fait le place en première position devant ses contemporains clavecinistesque sont Jacques Champion de Chambonnières, Louis Couperin, Nicolas Lebègue ou Jean-Henryd’Anglebert. Conservé dans quarante sources, ce répertoire original d’oeuvres théâtrales est composéd’ouvertures, chaconnes, passacailles et de danses en vogue avec une prédilection pour le menuet. SeulJean-Henry d’Anglebert dans ses Pièces de Clavecin, publiées en 1689, en donne un échantillonnagepersonnel exemplaire. Copié par des auteurs anonymes et demeuré manuscrit pour l’essentiel, cerépertoire est diffusé dans des sources internationales, françaises, anglaises, allemandes, autrichiennes,belges (Pays-Bas du sud), danoises, italiennes et espagnoles. Destiné à un public amateur, princessesde sang, jeunes filles de la grande aristocratie et de la bourgeoise, de nombreux arrangements sontégalement pensés pour des musiciens de haut niveau, voire des professionnels. Au même titre que lesversions pour piano à quatre mains des symphonies de Beethoven ou de Brahms au XIXe siècle, cesadaptations pour le clavier d’oeuvres théâtrales de Lully existent pour fournir au grand public unmoyen de s’approprier la musique qu’il aime. Bruce Gustafson, David Fuller et David Chung ontconsacré leurs recherches au clavecin au regard des sources qu’ils ont étudiées. Une autre approchecomplétée par la découverte de nouvelles sources fait prendre conscience que la frontière entre lerépertoire de l’orgue et celui du clavecin est parfois ténue : nos travaux interrogent ces deux aspects dela pratique des musiciens de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle à la lumière de l’oeuvre théâtrale deLully. / One does not immediately associate the eminent figure of Jean-Baptiste Lully with the domainof 17th century harpsichord and organ. Chronicles, gazettes, accounts, Loret’s versified letters or Mmede Sévigné’s correspondence attest to an entire society’s infatuation with Lully’s operatic works. Toour best knowledge, Lully never wrote any specific keyboard piece : yet the 17th century frenchharpsichord repertoire lists 217 of his works arranged for the keyboard. This fact gives him topranking ahead of his harpsichordist contemporaries, such as Jacques Champion de Chambonnières,Louis Couperin, Nicolas Lebègue or Jean-Henry d’Anglebert. This original repertoire of theatricalworks is to be found in 40 sources and comprises overtures, chaconnes, passacaglias and dances whichwere then fashionable, with particular emphasis on the minuet. Only Jean-Henry d’Anglebert gives arepresentative personal selection in his Pièces de Clavecin, published in 1689. This repertoire wascopied by anonymous authors and mostly remained handwritten. It was internationally distributed inFrench, English, German, Austrian, Belgian (Southern Netherlands), Danish, Italian and Spanishliterature. Although it was aimed at a public of music-lovers, such as royal blood princesses, youngladies from high-ranking aristocracy and bourgeoisie, many arrangements were also meant forexperimented musicians and even professionals. Like the piano four-hand versions of symphonies byBeethoven and Brahms in the 19th century, these keyboard adaptations of Lully’s theatrical works weredesigned to provide a large public with access to the music they love. Bruce Gustafson, David Fullerand David Chung have dedicated their research to the harpsichord on the basis of the literature whichthey have studied. An alternative approach, supplemented by the discovery of new sources, helps realizethat sometimes there is only a fine line between the repertoire for organ and that for harpsichord : ourresearch examines these two aspects of musicians’ practices in the second half of the 17th century, in thelight of Lully’s theatrical works.

Brasília na poesia de Nicolas Behr : idealização, utopia e crítica

Furiati, Gilda Maria Queiroz January 2007 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Teoria Literária e Literaturas, 2007. / Submitted by Luis Felipe Souza (luis_felas@globo.com) on 2008-12-17T16:33:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_2007_GildaQueiroz.pdf: 396974 bytes, checksum: 929165e1925d59e5d1cf2638f6f76416 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Georgia Fernandes(georgia@bce.unb.br) on 2009-02-19T17:45:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_2007_GildaQueiroz.pdf: 396974 bytes, checksum: 929165e1925d59e5d1cf2638f6f76416 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2009-02-19T17:45:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_2007_GildaQueiroz.pdf: 396974 bytes, checksum: 929165e1925d59e5d1cf2638f6f76416 (MD5) / O trabalho investiga a presença, na obra de Nicolas Behr, dos conceitos e idéias contidos nas leituras feitas pelo poeta em livros que abordam a construção da cidade de Brasília do ponto de vista das ciências sociais, história e do planejamento urbano. A analogia no conteúdo e a semelhança no vocabulário foram decisivos na escolha de seis textos – de uma mostra de mais de cem títulos – como foco da pesquisa: os de James Holston, Luis Sérgio Duarte da Silva, Brasilmar Nunes Ferreira, Lúcio Costa, Paulo Bertran e Clarice Lispector. Ao promover uma análise dos diversos mecanismos usados no aproveitamento dos textos lidos (como reinvenção, citações e paródias), o trabalho identifica mudanças que ocorrem ao longo das três fases da poesia (produzida de 1977 a 2004) e que se manifestam na variação do formato dos versos, do ritmo e no uso diferenciado de figuras de linguagem e expressões temáticas. A comparação da poesia de Nicolas Behr com a bibliografia selecionada permite observar ainda os resultados operados na construção de uma reflexão crítica do sujeito sobre o projeto urbanístico da cidade de Brasília. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT / This work aims to investigate the presence of concepts and ideas on the poetic work of Nicolas Behr related to books about the construction of Brasília read by the poet from the point of view of social sciences, history and urban planning. The analogy on contents and the similarity on vocabulary were crucial when it came to the choice of six texts – from a sample of more than one hundred titles – as objects of research. The chosen works were the ones by James Holston, Luís Sérgio Duarte da Silva, Brasilmar Nunes Ferreira, Lúcio Costa, Paulo Bertran and Clarice Lispector. By promoting an analysis of several strategies (recreation, quotations and parodies) used on the appropriation of the texts that had been read, the present work identifies changes that occur during the three stages of Behr’s poetry (produced from 1977 to 2004) and become evident through the variety of its lines forms, its rhythm and through the peculiar way it employs figures of speech and idioms. The comparison between the poetry of Nicolas Behr and the selected bibliography allows one to observe the results obtained in the construction of a critical reflection by the subject about the urban project of the city of Brasilia.

Nicola Cusano a colonia : la dottrina dell'intelletto di nicola cusano nel contesto delle sue possibili fonti albertine e renane / Nicolas de Cues à Cologne : la doctrine de l’intellect chez Nicolas de Cues par rapport à ses possibles sources albertines et rhénanes / Nicholas of Cusa at Cologne : the theory of intellect by Nicholas of Cusa in the context of his possibles albertis and rhenans sources

Fiamma, Andrea 21 April 2016 (has links)
Par la présente recherche, nous cherchons à soutenir que dans l'éducation philosophique du jeune Nicolas de Cues (entre 1424 et 1431), la tradition albertine de Cologne, diffusée par Heymeric de Campo, a joué un rôle important. Nous pensons aussi que les traces de cette influence de l'albertinisme colonien émergent en particulier dans les écrits épistémologiques du Cusain, en particulier dans le De coniecturis et dans la collection « Idiota ». Nous montrerons que Nicolas de Cues, qui a personnellement connu Heymeric, a eu grâce à lui connaissance des doctrines néo-platoniciennes qui émergent dans le De docta ignorantia et dans les œuvres cusaniennes des années 1440. Contrairement à la perspective historiographique, qui a soutenu une origine byzantine du néoplatonisme de Nicolas de Cues, nous voulons ici montrer une origine colonienne. Nous sommes également convaincus que cette approche méthodologique permet de saisir efficacement la pensée de Nicolas de Cues dans son contexte historique, « 1430-1464 », et topographique, « entre Cologne et Rome ». Elle fournit aussi une clé pour éclairer le rapport entre la philosophie de Nicolas de Cues et certains penseurs modernes : la Cusanus-Renaissance de la première moitié du XXe siècle avait attribué à Nicolas de Cues le titre de « premier philosophe moderne » parce que, contrairement à la tradition scolastique, il aurait placé au centre de ses œuvres le problème de la connaissance humaine, ouvrant ainsi la voie à la révolution subjectiviste de la modernité. Une telle attention pour la connaissance humaine se retrouve également dans la tradition albertine, décrite comme un « illuminisme » au Moyen Age / In this research, we present the hypothesis that the Albertist tradition in Cologne played a significant role in how young Cusanus acquired his philosophical education, in the years from 1424 to 1431, and that the mediator was Heymericus de Campo. We claim that some traces of this albertist influence can be seen above all in Cusanus' gnoseological works, particularly in De coniecturis and in the Idiota collection. Contrary to the historiographical perspective that maintained the hypothesis that Cusanus’ neo-Platonism derived from Byzantine thought, we should like to sustain here that it originated in the school of Cologne and Rhenish philosophy. We are further convinced that this methodological approach provides an efficient tool for interpreting and capturing Cusanus’ thought within its contexts, both historical ( from “1430 to 1464”) and geographical (“from Cologne to Rome”). Moreover, finding traces of Albertism in Cusanus’s education and works offers a new key to interpreting and clarifying his relationship with modern philosophy. The Cusanus-Renaissance in the first half of the twentieth century saw in Cusanus the first modern philosopher because, unlike those of the Scholastic tradition, he was thought to have placed human knowledge at the core of his works, thus paving the way for the modern, subjectivist revolution. From this standpoint, Albert the Great and his “school” seem be be forerunners of the modern tradition, so much so that it was described as “Enlightenment in the Middle Ages

Lirismo e testemunho na poesia de Nicolas Behr

DORIA JUNIOR, E. F. 31 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T14:11:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_4154_.pdf: 513235 bytes, checksum: 3d581005ba07e52584758ef595bf331c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-31 / Este trabalho tem o propósito de estudar e estender as noções de testemunho na literatura, a partir de textos relativos ao genocídio ocorrido durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, de 1939 a 1945, e de textos relativos aos sangrentos anos ditatoriais no Brasil militarizado dos anos 1960 e 70. A hipótese, na esteira de autores como Giorgio Agamben e Márcio Seligmann-Silva, é detectar um teor testemunhal na obra poética de Nicolas Behr, obra que se inicia na década de 1970, continua nos anos 2000 e tem como traço marcante a presença da cidade de Brasília e, por extensão, uma vasta simbologia política que dela emana

EnREDDando agricultores, florestas e carbono

Cardozo, Laura Milena Guerrero January 2013 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política, Florianópolis, 2013. / Made available in DSpace on 2013-07-16T21:05:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 317603.pdf: 47042021 bytes, checksum: a52a63b70e3178101e6d3f0eeb265762 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso do projeto de Redução de Emissões de Desmatamento e Degradação REDD, desenvolvido na região de San Nicolas, no departamento de Antioquia, Colômbia, desde 2004. Buscando compreender as relações, lutas e acomodações que acontecem nas interfaces entre os atores locais e globais que interagem no projeto, a investigação tem como objetivo analisar o processo de tradução que acontece nas interfaces entre os habitantes das florestas e os demais atores relevantes no cenário local da iniciativa florestal. Apoiada nas perspetivas teóricas do ator-rede (Actor Network theory) proposta por Bruno Latour e Michel Callon, do Ator-orientado de Norman Long e da sociologia ambiental de John Hannigan a pesquisa analisa como a instituição governamental Cornare, através da ONG Masbosques, tenta se estabelecer como ator-mundo da rede procurando traduzir os interesses dos diversos atores e se tornar seu porta-voz legítimo. Constatou-se que a interface entre a Cornare/Masbosques e os habitantes das florestas envolve temas e visões de mundo em conflito e muita dissonância, enquanto a interface entre Cornare/Masbosques e os atores-globais ocorre facilmente. A Cornare/Masbosques conseguiu envolver os atores globais (como a OIMT, a EMPA e o Banco Mundial) ao se orientar nos interesses deles, porém, essa virada levou a uma perda do alistamento dos atores locais conseguida até o ano de 2004. Nesse sentido, constatou-se que atualmente não há uma rede do REDD estável em San Nicolas e a que Cornare/Masbosques está distante de se estabelecer como ator-mundo.<br> / Abstract : This research is a case study of the project for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation REDD, developed in the region of San Nicolas, in the department of Antioquia, Colombia, since 2004. Trying to understand the relationships, struggles and accommodations that take place at the interfaces between the local and global actors who interact in the project, the research aims at analyzing the translation process that takes place at the interfaces between forest dwellers and other parties involved in the local scene forestry initiative. Supported by the theoretical perspectives of actor-network (Actor Network Theory) proposed by Bruno Latour and Michel Callon, the Actor-oriented of Norman Long and Environmental Sociology of John Hannigan this research analyzes how the government institution Cornare through NGOs Masbosques tries to establish himself as an actor-world network seeking to translate the interests of various actors and become their spokesperson legitimate.It was found that the interface between Cornare/Masbosques and forest dwellers involves themes and worldviews in conflict and a lot of dissonance, while the interface between Cornare/Masbosques and global actors occurs easily. The Cornare/Masbosques could involve global players (such as OIMT, EMPA and the World Bank) to orient themselves in their interests, but this turn led to a loss of enrollment of local actors achieved by the year 2004. Accordingly, it was found that there is currently a network of REDD stable in San Nicolas and that Cornare/Masbosquesis far from establishing himself as an actor-world.

Entre tradução, psicanalise e desconstrução : o intervalo anassemico

Ferreira, Regina Maria Fonseca 18 March 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Roberto Ottoni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T01:54:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ferreira_ReginaMariaFonseca_M.pdf: 2600473 bytes, checksum: 2b507f7b1abe62189c61d3cddfe7fea5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002 / Resumo: Esta dissertação reflete sobre o entrelaçamento de quatro textos: Vocabulaire de la Psychanalyse (Vocabulário da Psicanálise), de Laplanche e Pontalis (2001); L 'Écorce et lé Noyau (A Casca e o Núcleo), de Nicolas Abraham (1995); Moi ¿ la psychanalyse (Eu- a psicanálise), de Jacques Derrida (2000); e Ensaio sobre a criação teórica em psicanálise, de Fábio Landa (1999). A análise destes textos permitiu-me concluir que há uma convergência de reflexão que aproxima psicanálise e tradução. Por um lado, Abraham concebeu o conceito da anassemia, que descreve a produção de significado, no campo da psicanálise, concentrada no intervalo entre o consciente e o inconsciente.Ele chegou a este conceito após uma leitura psicanalítica do Vocabulaire de Ia Psychanalyse,o que o levou a detectar um movimento de tradução que ocorre primeiro dentro de uma determinada língua e, então, entre línguas. Por sua vez, Derrida abraça o texto de Abraham e transforma o evento da anassemia em tradução anassêmica, a que ocorre já dentro do próprio texto na língua em que foi concebido e também entre o texto de partida e o texto de chegada. Neste sentido, a produção de significado ocorre no intervalo entre as duas línguas e este intervalo produz negociação e contaminação de significância, reconhecendo,também, a diferença e a alteridade. Com base nesta convergência, concluí, em primeiro lugar, que a noção do "entre", do in between, de Derrida, aborda a tradução como um evento anassêmico, levando em consideração a linha de reflexão psicanalítica de Abraham. Posteriormente, concluí que, embora Derrida aparentemente jamais tenha voltado a mencionar o termo anassemia em seus texto spublicados após o Moi ¿ la psychanalyse, ainda há "sintomas"da anassemia em sua obra, como na noção da différance e do doublé bind, na abordagem do "Eu" [Moi] da psicanálise e na forma com que Derrida declara escrever para seus tradutores e para ser traduzido, colocando-se em um intervalo de negociação e contaminação, no próprio intervalo anassêmico / Abstract: Not informed. / Mestrado / Tradução / Mestre em Linguística Aplicada

Extração liquido-liquido por fase unica : estudo da separação de molibdenio com tiocianato e agua-etanol-alcool amilico

Leygue Alba, Nicolas Miguel Rodrigo 14 July 2018 (has links)
Orientador : Jose Walter Martins / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-14T15:24:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeygueAlba_NicolasMiguelRodrigo_M.pdf: 4087677 bytes, checksum: e01d27a9d8de4d494c2b80646775f452 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1980 / Mestrado

Geology of the Upper Triassic Nicola group in south central British Columbia

Schau, Mikkel Paul January 1968 (has links)
The rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group represent the altered broken remnants of a volcanic island archipelago. About 23,000 feet of Upper Triassic sediments and volcanic rock are present in the thesis area. The group is the product of two cycles of deposition distinguishable on the basis of relative abundance of phenocrysts in the volcanic members. Rocks of the lower cycle (P), characterized by abundant feldspar phenocrysts, are separated into a lower, 6,000 foot thick assemblage of flows, breccias, and tuffs composed mainly of basaltic andesite; and an upper, heterogeneous, 8,000 foot thick assemblage composed of andesitic and rarer basaltic or dacitic agglomerates, breccias, tuffs, flows, and associated sediments as well as coral reef bodies. Rocks of the upper cycle (A), characterized by abundant augite phenocrysts, are separated into a lower assemblage about 7,500 feet thick composed of flows, breccias, tuff, and greywacke with rare limestone; and an upper assemblage about 1,600 feet thick composed of tuff, argillites, and cherts. During the Lower Jurassic, the group was gently folded, variably fractured, and intruded by a sequence of plutons culminating in the near-surface emplacement of huge batholiths. Metamorphism and metasomatism associated with batholiths altered the rocks so that they are now composed of low-grade metamorphic mineral assemblages. By mid-Mesozoic time, the plutons were exposed and a conglomerate laid down. Faulting along previous zones of weakness affected area during late Mesozoic time. Eocene deposits formed in an environment of hills and swamps. By late Miocene, after some jostling of faults blocks, the main topographic features of the Interior Plateau were fixed. Subsequent outpouring of Plateau and Valley basalts as well as glacial erosion and deposits have only mildly affected the main topographic features. The Nicola Group provides a chapter on the evolution of the Cordillera. The relationships provide certain limits to events that occurred outside the thesis area. Equally, relationships within the thesis area cannot all be answered without reference to larger areas. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate

Příspěvek k multikulturnímu soužití ve Francii / Contribution to multicultural coexistence in France

Zentnerová, Kira January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se věnuje současné imigrační a integrační problematice muslimské menšiny ve Francii. Příspěvek se soustředí na analýzu dvou konkrétních problémů: problematiky islámského šátku a občanských nepokojů na předměstí. Součástí práce je zhodnocení reforem a vládních řešení v imigrační a integrační politice Francie.

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