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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of a Possible Multi-enzyme Complex Involved in Nicotine Biosynthesis in Roots of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

Heim, William 18 September 2003 (has links)
N-methylputrescine oxidase (MPO) is a member of the diamine oxidase (DAO) class of enzymes believed to be responsible for synthesis of the alkaloid nicotine in the roots of Nicotiana tabacum (Mizusaki et al., 1972). A purportedly pure MPO protein from tobacco root culture extracts was used to generate immune antiserum in rabbits (McLauchlan et al., 1993). In an attempt to clone a cDNA encoding MPO, we used this antiserum to screen a tobacco cDNA expression library. Unexpectedly, two previously unreported genes with strong homology to members of a gene family encoding S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) in N. sylvestris and a gene encoding SAHH in N. tabacum were cloned instead. SAHH is an enzyme of the S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) recycling pathway, which also includes SAM synthetase (SAMS) and methionine synthase (MS). These results led to the hypothesis of a multi-enzyme complex, or metabolon, of at least one member of the nicotine biosynthesis pathway, i.e., MPO, and at least one member of the SAM recycling pathway, i.e., SAHH, during nicotine biosynthesis. Metabolons are stable noncovalent complexes in cells that ensure sufficient passage of the product of one enzyme reaction to the next enzyme in the pathway via a "channel" without equilibrating with the bulk solution (Ovádi, 1991). My research employed co-immunoprecipitation studies to determine if other SAM recycling enzymes are associated in a complex with MPO and SAHH, as well as Northern and Western blot analyses to determine if the genes encoding SAM recycling pathway enzymes are coordinately regulated during nicotine biosynthesis. Our results indicate that nicotine biosynthesis-inducing conditions result in differential mRNA accumulation patterns of the three enzymes of the SAM recycling pathway, although to different extents. However, protein levels of SAM recycling pathway members do not appear to reflect the differential mRNA accumulation patterns. We have firmly established an association of SAHH and an enzyme with DAO activity, purportedly MPO. If the enzyme is proven to be MPO, then our data would constitute the first documentation of an alkaloid metabolon. Finally, using a degenerate primer PCR approach, we have cloned a 986-bp gene fragment with homology to copper amine oxidases, the class to which MPO belongs. / Master of Science

Les histones déacétylases de type 2 dans le contrôle de la mort cellulaire induite par la cryptogéine, un éliciteur des réactions de défense chez le tabac / Type-2 histones deacetylases and cryptogein-induced cell death in tabacco

Dutartre, Agnès 19 December 2011 (has links)
La cryptogéine, sécrétée par l’oomycète Phytophthora cryptogea, est un éliciteur protéique des réactions de défense qui active chez le tabac un ensemble d’événements de signalisation conduisant à la mise en place d’une mort cellulaire de type réponse hypersensible et d’une résistance systémique acquise. La caractérisation de la modulation de l’activité de kinases cytosoliques, dont SIPK et WIPK, par des événements de phosphorylation en réponse à la cryptogéine, traduit la place majeure que tiennent les modifications post-traductionnelles dans la cascade de signalisation induite dans les cellules de tabac en réponse à la cryptogéine. Il s’avère que la signalisation cellulaire induite par la cryptogéine, et impliquant ces protéines kinases, converge entre autre vers le noyau à travers la modulation de l’activité d’éléments nucléaires par phosphorylation. Dans ce contexte, d’importants travaux de purification/séquencage, visant à identifier les protéines nucléaires cibles de ces activités kinases, ont permis d’identifier deux isoformes redondantes d’histones désacétylases de type 2 nommés NtHD2a et NtHD2b qui sont rapidement phosphorylées en réponse à la cryptogéine dans les cellules de tabac.Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans l’étude du rôle de NtHD2a/b dans l’établissement du processus de mort cellulaire des cellules de tabac et de la RH in planta en réponse à la cryptogéine. Par des approches de pharmacologie ainsi que des approches de surexpression ou d’invalidation de l’expression de NtHD2a/b chez le tabac, nous avons d’une part confirmé l’implication de NtHD2a/b en tant que régulateurs négatifs de la mort cellulaire induite par la cryptogéine ou d’autres élicitines, et d’autre part mieux appréhendé les événements de la cascade de signalisation prépondérants dans l’établissement de cette mort cellulaire. Les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à la mise en place de la mort cellulaire apparaissent complexes et semblent notamment impliquer la modulation de l’expression de gènes de défense, la synthèse de novo de protéines ainsi que l’activation de protéines kinases, dont notamment WIPK et SIPK.Des travaux relatifs à l’étude des événements de (dé)/acétylation dans les cellules de tabac traitées par la cryptogéine et invalidées dans l’expression de NtHD2a/b suggèrent le concours de modifications post-traductionnelles de protéines nucléaires telles que l’acétylation dans la mise en place de la mort cellulaire induite par la cryptogéine chez le tabac. / Cryptogein, which is secreted by the oomycete Phytophthora cryptogea, is a proteinaceous elicitor of plant defense reactions that activates a set of signaling events leading to the hypersensitive response and to systemic acquired resistance. Although the early cytosolic signaling events induced by cryptogein are well described, the only nuclear events characterized to date are the variations in free calcium concentrations and defense-related gene expression. The characterization of the activation of cytosolic protein kinases, including WIPK and SIPK, by phosphorylation in response to cryptogein highlights the key-role played by posttranslational modifications in cryptogein-induced signaling events in tobacco cells. In this context, purification/sequencing approaches revealed that two redundant isoforms of type-2 nuclear histone deacetylases, NtHD2a and NtHD2b, were rapidly phosphorylated in cryptogein-treated tobacco cells.This thesis work is part of a comprehensive study of the role of NtHD2a/b in the establishment of the cell death process in tobacco cells and of the hypersensitive response in planta, in response to cryptogein. By using a pharmacological approach and overexpression and RNA interference-based approaches, we confirmed the involvement of NtHD2a/b as negative regulators of elicitin-induced cell death and we achieved a better understanding of cell death signaling events. The molecular events that underly the cell death process appear particularly complex and seem to involve the modulation of defense-related gene expression, de novo protein synthesis and protein kinase activation such as WIPK and SIPK.The study of (de)/acetylation events in tobacco cells treated by cryptogein and invalidated in NtHD2a/b expression suggests a role for posttranslational modifications in cryptogein-induced cell death.

A análise do interactoma de SCI1 (Stigma/Style Cell Cycle Inhibitor 1) revela possíveis mecanismos de controle da proliferação celular / The analysis of the interactome of SCI1 (Stigma/Style Cell Cycle Inhibitor 1) reveals possible mechanisms controlling cell proliferation

Strini, Edward José 05 May 2014 (has links)
A biologia da reprodução de plantas é um campo de grande interesse, já que a maioria dos alimentos consumidos pelo homem é composta de partes reprodutivas das plantas (frutos e sementes). O pistilo é o órgão reprodutivo feminino, composto de estigma, estilete e ovário. Devido à importância central do pistilo no sucesso da reprodução de plantas, faz-se necessário um melhor conhecimento dos genes e processos que regulam seu desenvolvimento e funcionamento. Estudos comparativos da expressão gênica nos órgãos vegetativos e reprodutivos de Nicotiana tabacum revelaram genes de expressão preferencial nos órgãos reprodutivos, entre eles alguns codificando proteínas de função ainda desconhecida. Um destes genes foi caracterizado e denominado SCI1 (Stigma/style Cell-cycle Inhibitor 1), por apresentar um papel importante no desenvolvimento do estigma/estilete, atuando como um inibidor de ciclo celular tecido-específico (DePaoli et al., 2011). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os mecanismos moleculares pelos quais NtSCI1 regula o ciclo celular, investigando seus parceiros de interação. Em um ensaio de pull-down, utilizando-se extrato proteico nuclear de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum, vários putativos reguladores de ciclo celular foram identificados, sendo a interação entre NtSCI1 e NtCDKG;2 confirmada por BiFC e localizada no nucléolo. Uma biblioteca de cDNAs de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum, no sistema de duplo-híbrido de levedura, foi construída com sucesso. O screening desta biblioteca, utilizando BD-NtSCI1 como \"isca\", permitiu a identificação de vários parceiros de interação com NtSCI1, entre eles: uma helicase de RNA DEAD-BOX, a proteína 14-3-3D2, dois fatores de transcrição (HOMEOBOX-22 e STOREKEEPER), um fator de splicing portador do domínio SWAP, uma quinase de adenosina e uma transposase. As interações entre NtSCI1 e os três primeiros parceiros citados já foram confirmadas por BiFC (observadas no núcleo e nucléolo) e a interação entre NtSCI1 e Nt14-3-3D2 foi confirmada também por co-imunoprecipitação. O envolvimento de NtSCI1 com a regulação do ciclo celular foi corroborado pela interação entre NtSCI1 e a proteína NtCICLINA-L1 (subunidade regulatória de CDKG;2), confirmada por duplo-híbrido e por BiFC, no nucléolo. A interação entre NtSCI1 e NtCICLINA-RELATED também foi confirmada por BiFC. Para entender a dinâmica de NtSCI1 no nucléolo, foi estudada a localização subcelular da proteína de fusão NtSCI1-GFP durante as fases do ciclo celular. NtSCI1-GFP foi observada no nucléolo de células BY-2 em interfase e prófase, desaparecendo na metáfase e anáfase e reaparecendo no nucléolo no final da telófase, mostrando que a presença de NtSCI1 na célula é controlada pelo ciclo celular. A construção de uma primeira versão do interactoma de NtSCI1 mostrou seu envolvimento direto e indireto com proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo de RNAs, controle da transcrição e regulação do ciclo celular. Estes resultados sugerem que NtSCI1 possa atuar no controle do ciclo celular de forma não canônica, por meio de múltiplos processos paralelos que interconectam aspectos da regulação da transcrição e o processamento de RNAs com o controle do ciclo celular. / The biology of plant reproduction is a field of great interest, since most of the food consumed by humans is composed of reproductive parts of plants (fruits and seeds). The pistil is the female reproductive organ, composed of stigma, style and ovary. Due to the central importance of the pistil in the success of plant reproduction, a better knowledge of the genes and processes that regulate pistil development and function is necessary. Comparative studies of gene expression in vegetative and reproductive organs of Nicotiana tabacum have revealed genes preferentially expressed in the reproductive organs, among them some encoding proteins of unknown function. One of these genes was characterized and denominated SCI1 (Stigma/style Cell-cycle Inhibitor 1), since it has an important role in stigma/style development, acting as a tissue-specific cell-cycle inhibitor (DePaoli et al., 2011). The objective of the present work was to study the molecular mechanisms through which NtSCI1 regulates the cell cycle investigating its interaction partners. In a pull-down assay, using nuclear protein extracts from N. tabacum stigmas/styles, several putative cell cycle regulators were identified. Among them, the interaction between NtSCI1 and NtCDKG;2 was confirmed by BiFC and localized in the nucleolus. A N. tabacum stigma/style cDNA library in the yeast two-hybrid system was successfully constructed. The screening of this library, using BD-NtSCI1 as bait, allowed the identification of several NtSCI1 interaction partners, among them: a DEAD-BOX RNA helicase; the 14-3-3D2 protein; two transcription factors (HOMEOBOX-22 and STOREKEEPER); a splicing factor containing a SWAP domain; an adenosine kinase; and a transposase. The interactions between NtSCI1 and the first three mentioned partners have already been confirmed by BiFC (observed in the nucleus and nucleolus) and the interaction between NtSCI1 and Nt14-3-3D2 was also wconfirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. The NtSCI1 involvement in cell cycle regulation was corroborated by the interaction between NtSCI1 and the NtCYCLIN-L1 (a regulatory subunit of CDKG;2), which was confirmed by two-hybrid and BiFC in the nucleolus. The interaction between NtSCI1 and NtCYCLIN-RELATED was also confirmed by BiFC. To understand the dynamics of NtSCI1 in the nucleolus, the subcellular localization of the fusion protein NtSCI1-GFP was studied during the different cell cycle phases. NtSCI1-GFP was observed in the nucleolus of BY-2 cells at interphase and prophase, disappearing at metaphase and anaphase and reappearing in the nucleolus at the end of telophase, showing that NtSCI1 presence in the cell is controlled by the cell cycle. The construction of the first version of NtSCI1 interactome showed its direct and indirect involvement with proteins related to RNA metabolism, transcription control and cell cycle regulation. These results suggest that NtSCI1 may act in cell cycle control in a non-canonical way, through multiple parallel processes interconnecting aspects of transcription regulation, RNA processing and cell cycle control.

Caracterização das plantas transgênicas de silenciamento e de superexpressão do gene 092H06 e estudo da sua proteína recombinante / Characterization of transgenic plants silencing and overexpression the 092H06 gene and the study oh its recombinant protein.

Cossalter, Viviani 21 November 2012 (has links)
A eficiência da reprodução sexual de plantas depende do correto desenvolvimento dos órgãos sexuais: estame e pistilo. Mecanismos moleculares complexos controlam a proliferação e expansão celular que resultam no correto desenvolvimento destes órgãos. Em nosso laboratório foi identificado um gene preferencialmente expresso no pistilo de Nicotiana tabacum, o gene 092H06. Este gene codifica uma pequena proteína de 68 aminoácidos, e função desconhecida. Análises anteriores sugerem que o produto proteico do gene 092H06 seja responsável por inibir o processo de expansão celular nos órgãos reprodutivos (Brito,2010). Para compreender o papel deste gene, no desenvolvimento do pistilo, foram realizados experimentos de qRT-PCR para determinar se os níveis de expressão de genes para -expansina, -expansina, ciclina B1.2 e actina, ligados aos processos de divisão e expansão celular, em plantas transgênicas de silenciamento e superexpressão do gene 092H06. Foram realizadas análises morfológicas nos estigmas/estiletes e ovários das plantas transgênicas de segunda geração (T2), por microscopia óptica. Os resultados mostram uma tendência de aumento no volume das células tanto nas plantas transgênicas de silenciamento, como nas de superexpressão. Entretanto, nas plantas de silenciamento ocorreu um aumento visível das estruturas reprodutivas, o que não foi observado nas plantas de superexpressão. Adicionalmente, foram realizados experimentos de citometria de fluxo, para verificar a ocorrência de endorreduplicação. Os resultados mostraram que não ocorreu endorreduplicação nas células das plantas transgênicas. No screening de uma biblioteca de duplo híbrido, usando 092H06 como isca, foram encontrados 4 candidatos a parceiros de interação: 1) biotin/lipolyl attachmente domain-containing protein; 2) unknown protein; 3) trypsin proteinase inhibitor precursor e 4) RING/U-box. Para auxiliar no estudo da função do gene 092H06, a proteína recombinante 092H06-Histag foi produzida com sucesso, na forma solúvel, em E. coli. Os resultados alcançados neste trabalho contribuem para avançar o conhecimento sobre este novo gene expresso nos órgãos reprodutivos das plantas. / The efficiency of plant sexual reproduction depends on the correct development of the sexual organs: stamen and pistil. Complex molecular mechanisms control cell proliferation and expansion that result in the correct development of these organs. In our laboratory a gene preferentially expressed in Nicotiana tabacum pistil has identified, the 092H06 gene. This gene encodes a small protein of 68 amino acids of unknown function. Previous analyzes suggest that the protein product of the gene 092H06 is responsible for inhibiting the cell expansion process in the reproductive organs (Brito, 2010). To understand the role of this gene in pistil development, experiments of qRT-PCR to determinate the expression levels of the -expansins, -expansins, cyclin B1.2 and actin, genes which connected to the cell division and expansion processes, were carried out on transgenic plants silencing and overexpressing the 092H06 gene. Morphological analyzes on stigmas/styles and ovaries of second generation (T2) transgenic plants were performed by optical microscopy. The results show a tendency to increased cellular volume on the silencing transgenic plants, as well as on the overexpressing plants. However, in the silencing plants there was a visible increase of the reproductive structures, what has not been observed on the overexpressing plants. Additionally, flow cytometry experiments were carried out to verify the occurrence of endoreduplication. The results showed that no endoreduplication has occurred on the cells of the transgenic plants. The screening of a yeast two-hybrid assays, using 092H06 as bait, has found 4 interaction partners candidates: 1) biotin/lipolyl attachment domain-containing protein; 2) unknown protein; 3) trypsin proteinase inhibitor precursor and 4) RING/U-box. To assist the study of the 092H06 function, the recombinant 092H06-HIStag protein has been produced with success, in the soluble form, in E.col. The results obtained in this work contribute to advance the knowledge of this novel gene expressed on the plant reproductive organs.

Caracterização das plantas transgênicas de silenciamento e de superexpressão do gene 092H06 e estudo da sua proteína recombinante / Characterization of transgenic plants silencing and overexpression the 092H06 gene and the study oh its recombinant protein.

Viviani Cossalter 21 November 2012 (has links)
A eficiência da reprodução sexual de plantas depende do correto desenvolvimento dos órgãos sexuais: estame e pistilo. Mecanismos moleculares complexos controlam a proliferação e expansão celular que resultam no correto desenvolvimento destes órgãos. Em nosso laboratório foi identificado um gene preferencialmente expresso no pistilo de Nicotiana tabacum, o gene 092H06. Este gene codifica uma pequena proteína de 68 aminoácidos, e função desconhecida. Análises anteriores sugerem que o produto proteico do gene 092H06 seja responsável por inibir o processo de expansão celular nos órgãos reprodutivos (Brito,2010). Para compreender o papel deste gene, no desenvolvimento do pistilo, foram realizados experimentos de qRT-PCR para determinar se os níveis de expressão de genes para -expansina, -expansina, ciclina B1.2 e actina, ligados aos processos de divisão e expansão celular, em plantas transgênicas de silenciamento e superexpressão do gene 092H06. Foram realizadas análises morfológicas nos estigmas/estiletes e ovários das plantas transgênicas de segunda geração (T2), por microscopia óptica. Os resultados mostram uma tendência de aumento no volume das células tanto nas plantas transgênicas de silenciamento, como nas de superexpressão. Entretanto, nas plantas de silenciamento ocorreu um aumento visível das estruturas reprodutivas, o que não foi observado nas plantas de superexpressão. Adicionalmente, foram realizados experimentos de citometria de fluxo, para verificar a ocorrência de endorreduplicação. Os resultados mostraram que não ocorreu endorreduplicação nas células das plantas transgênicas. No screening de uma biblioteca de duplo híbrido, usando 092H06 como isca, foram encontrados 4 candidatos a parceiros de interação: 1) biotin/lipolyl attachmente domain-containing protein; 2) unknown protein; 3) trypsin proteinase inhibitor precursor e 4) RING/U-box. Para auxiliar no estudo da função do gene 092H06, a proteína recombinante 092H06-Histag foi produzida com sucesso, na forma solúvel, em E. coli. Os resultados alcançados neste trabalho contribuem para avançar o conhecimento sobre este novo gene expresso nos órgãos reprodutivos das plantas. / The efficiency of plant sexual reproduction depends on the correct development of the sexual organs: stamen and pistil. Complex molecular mechanisms control cell proliferation and expansion that result in the correct development of these organs. In our laboratory a gene preferentially expressed in Nicotiana tabacum pistil has identified, the 092H06 gene. This gene encodes a small protein of 68 amino acids of unknown function. Previous analyzes suggest that the protein product of the gene 092H06 is responsible for inhibiting the cell expansion process in the reproductive organs (Brito, 2010). To understand the role of this gene in pistil development, experiments of qRT-PCR to determinate the expression levels of the -expansins, -expansins, cyclin B1.2 and actin, genes which connected to the cell division and expansion processes, were carried out on transgenic plants silencing and overexpressing the 092H06 gene. Morphological analyzes on stigmas/styles and ovaries of second generation (T2) transgenic plants were performed by optical microscopy. The results show a tendency to increased cellular volume on the silencing transgenic plants, as well as on the overexpressing plants. However, in the silencing plants there was a visible increase of the reproductive structures, what has not been observed on the overexpressing plants. Additionally, flow cytometry experiments were carried out to verify the occurrence of endoreduplication. The results showed that no endoreduplication has occurred on the cells of the transgenic plants. The screening of a yeast two-hybrid assays, using 092H06 as bait, has found 4 interaction partners candidates: 1) biotin/lipolyl attachment domain-containing protein; 2) unknown protein; 3) trypsin proteinase inhibitor precursor and 4) RING/U-box. To assist the study of the 092H06 function, the recombinant 092H06-HIStag protein has been produced with success, in the soluble form, in E.col. The results obtained in this work contribute to advance the knowledge of this novel gene expressed on the plant reproductive organs.

A análise do interactoma de SCI1 (Stigma/Style Cell Cycle Inhibitor 1) revela possíveis mecanismos de controle da proliferação celular / The analysis of the interactome of SCI1 (Stigma/Style Cell Cycle Inhibitor 1) reveals possible mechanisms controlling cell proliferation

Edward José Strini 05 May 2014 (has links)
A biologia da reprodução de plantas é um campo de grande interesse, já que a maioria dos alimentos consumidos pelo homem é composta de partes reprodutivas das plantas (frutos e sementes). O pistilo é o órgão reprodutivo feminino, composto de estigma, estilete e ovário. Devido à importância central do pistilo no sucesso da reprodução de plantas, faz-se necessário um melhor conhecimento dos genes e processos que regulam seu desenvolvimento e funcionamento. Estudos comparativos da expressão gênica nos órgãos vegetativos e reprodutivos de Nicotiana tabacum revelaram genes de expressão preferencial nos órgãos reprodutivos, entre eles alguns codificando proteínas de função ainda desconhecida. Um destes genes foi caracterizado e denominado SCI1 (Stigma/style Cell-cycle Inhibitor 1), por apresentar um papel importante no desenvolvimento do estigma/estilete, atuando como um inibidor de ciclo celular tecido-específico (DePaoli et al., 2011). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os mecanismos moleculares pelos quais NtSCI1 regula o ciclo celular, investigando seus parceiros de interação. Em um ensaio de pull-down, utilizando-se extrato proteico nuclear de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum, vários putativos reguladores de ciclo celular foram identificados, sendo a interação entre NtSCI1 e NtCDKG;2 confirmada por BiFC e localizada no nucléolo. Uma biblioteca de cDNAs de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum, no sistema de duplo-híbrido de levedura, foi construída com sucesso. O screening desta biblioteca, utilizando BD-NtSCI1 como \"isca\", permitiu a identificação de vários parceiros de interação com NtSCI1, entre eles: uma helicase de RNA DEAD-BOX, a proteína 14-3-3D2, dois fatores de transcrição (HOMEOBOX-22 e STOREKEEPER), um fator de splicing portador do domínio SWAP, uma quinase de adenosina e uma transposase. As interações entre NtSCI1 e os três primeiros parceiros citados já foram confirmadas por BiFC (observadas no núcleo e nucléolo) e a interação entre NtSCI1 e Nt14-3-3D2 foi confirmada também por co-imunoprecipitação. O envolvimento de NtSCI1 com a regulação do ciclo celular foi corroborado pela interação entre NtSCI1 e a proteína NtCICLINA-L1 (subunidade regulatória de CDKG;2), confirmada por duplo-híbrido e por BiFC, no nucléolo. A interação entre NtSCI1 e NtCICLINA-RELATED também foi confirmada por BiFC. Para entender a dinâmica de NtSCI1 no nucléolo, foi estudada a localização subcelular da proteína de fusão NtSCI1-GFP durante as fases do ciclo celular. NtSCI1-GFP foi observada no nucléolo de células BY-2 em interfase e prófase, desaparecendo na metáfase e anáfase e reaparecendo no nucléolo no final da telófase, mostrando que a presença de NtSCI1 na célula é controlada pelo ciclo celular. A construção de uma primeira versão do interactoma de NtSCI1 mostrou seu envolvimento direto e indireto com proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo de RNAs, controle da transcrição e regulação do ciclo celular. Estes resultados sugerem que NtSCI1 possa atuar no controle do ciclo celular de forma não canônica, por meio de múltiplos processos paralelos que interconectam aspectos da regulação da transcrição e o processamento de RNAs com o controle do ciclo celular. / The biology of plant reproduction is a field of great interest, since most of the food consumed by humans is composed of reproductive parts of plants (fruits and seeds). The pistil is the female reproductive organ, composed of stigma, style and ovary. Due to the central importance of the pistil in the success of plant reproduction, a better knowledge of the genes and processes that regulate pistil development and function is necessary. Comparative studies of gene expression in vegetative and reproductive organs of Nicotiana tabacum have revealed genes preferentially expressed in the reproductive organs, among them some encoding proteins of unknown function. One of these genes was characterized and denominated SCI1 (Stigma/style Cell-cycle Inhibitor 1), since it has an important role in stigma/style development, acting as a tissue-specific cell-cycle inhibitor (DePaoli et al., 2011). The objective of the present work was to study the molecular mechanisms through which NtSCI1 regulates the cell cycle investigating its interaction partners. In a pull-down assay, using nuclear protein extracts from N. tabacum stigmas/styles, several putative cell cycle regulators were identified. Among them, the interaction between NtSCI1 and NtCDKG;2 was confirmed by BiFC and localized in the nucleolus. A N. tabacum stigma/style cDNA library in the yeast two-hybrid system was successfully constructed. The screening of this library, using BD-NtSCI1 as bait, allowed the identification of several NtSCI1 interaction partners, among them: a DEAD-BOX RNA helicase; the 14-3-3D2 protein; two transcription factors (HOMEOBOX-22 and STOREKEEPER); a splicing factor containing a SWAP domain; an adenosine kinase; and a transposase. The interactions between NtSCI1 and the first three mentioned partners have already been confirmed by BiFC (observed in the nucleus and nucleolus) and the interaction between NtSCI1 and Nt14-3-3D2 was also wconfirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. The NtSCI1 involvement in cell cycle regulation was corroborated by the interaction between NtSCI1 and the NtCYCLIN-L1 (a regulatory subunit of CDKG;2), which was confirmed by two-hybrid and BiFC in the nucleolus. The interaction between NtSCI1 and NtCYCLIN-RELATED was also confirmed by BiFC. To understand the dynamics of NtSCI1 in the nucleolus, the subcellular localization of the fusion protein NtSCI1-GFP was studied during the different cell cycle phases. NtSCI1-GFP was observed in the nucleolus of BY-2 cells at interphase and prophase, disappearing at metaphase and anaphase and reappearing in the nucleolus at the end of telophase, showing that NtSCI1 presence in the cell is controlled by the cell cycle. The construction of the first version of NtSCI1 interactome showed its direct and indirect involvement with proteins related to RNA metabolism, transcription control and cell cycle regulation. These results suggest that NtSCI1 may act in cell cycle control in a non-canonical way, through multiple parallel processes interconnecting aspects of transcription regulation, RNA processing and cell cycle control.

Calcium signaling in plant defense : involvement of subcellular compartments and glutamate receptors

Manzoor, Hamid 11 May 2012 (has links)
Les plantes présentent une forme d’immunité innée face à des agents potentiellement pathogènes qui se traduit par l’induction de réponses de défense. Les réponses immunes des plantes sont induites après détection de motifs moléculaires associés à des pathogènes ou à des micro-organismes par des récepteurs reconnaissant spécifiquement ces motifs et/ou des molécules dérivées des agents pathogènes ou de la plante, appelés éliciteurs de réaction de défense. La cryptogéine (Cry) et les oligogalacturonates (OGs) sont des éliciteurs établis de réactions de défense et leur reconnaissance induit une signalisation Ca2+-dépendante : un influx calcique et une variation de la concentration cytosolique en Ca2+ libre ([Ca]cyt) sont des événements précoces induisant une voie de signalisation de défense. Nous avons démontré que chez le tabac, les éliciteurs induisent une signalisation calcique dans les mitochondries et les chloroplastes. Des études pharmacologiques indiquent que des canaux IP3-dépendants régulent la signalisation calcique induite par la Cry dans les mitochondries et les chloroplastes. La respiration mitochondriale et les mécanismes de dissipation de l’énergie dans les chloroplastes sont régulés en partie par la [Ca2+] dans ces organites. De plus, nous montrons par des approches pharmacologiques et génétiques, que des homologues aux récepteurs du glutamate (GLRs) participent à la signalisation calcique induite par les OGs dans Arabidopsis. Les GLRs contrôlent en partie la production d’oxyde nitrique (NO) et d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS), ainsi que l’expression de gènes de défense. Par ailleurs, les plantes traitées par des antagonistes des GLRs, présentent une moindre résistance au pathogène fongique nécrotrophique, Botrytis cinerea et à l’oomycète biotrophique, Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. L’analyse de mutants Atglr révèle l’importante contribution de AtGLR3.3 dans la résistance envers H. arabidopsidis. De plus, de frappantes similarités dans l’expression de gènes sont observées après traitement par les OGs ou après infection par H. arabidopsidis. Enfin, une analyse transcriptomique montre qu’environ 60 % des gènes modulés par les OGs ont une expression qui dépend de GLRs. Ces gènes dépendants de GLRs appartiennent à diverses familles fonctionnelles dont celle répondant aux stress biotiques. En conclusion, ces études montrent 1) que les mitochondries et les chloroplastes présentent aussi une signalisation calcique induite par des éliciteurs de réaction de défense chez le tabac et 2) l’implication de GLRs dans la signalisation calcique induite par des éliciteurs ou des agents pathogènes et la résistance envers des agents pathogènes chez Arabidopsis / Plants do not display an adaptive immune system but express an efficient innate immune system defending them by inducing sophisticated multilevel defense responses against different potential pathogens. Indeed, plant immune responses are triggered upon the detection of many common pathogen- or microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs) through specific pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) and/or pathogen- or plant-derived signal molecules called elicitors. Cryptogein (Cry) and oligogalacturonides (OGs) are well known elicitors of defense reactions and their recognition induce a Ca2+-dependent signaling pathway: Ca2+ influx and subsequent free cytosolic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]cyt) variations are earliest steps to trigger downstream plant defense signaling. Here we have demonstrated that elicitor-induced Ca2+ signaling in tobacco also takes place in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Pharmacological studies indicated that IP3-channels play an important role in the regulation of Ca2+ signaling in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Mitochondrial respiration and energy dissipation mechanisms in chloroplasts are partly controlled by [Ca2+] in these organelles. Moreover, using pharmacological and genetic approaches, our data demonstrated that glutamate receptors homologs (GLRs) participate in OGs-mediated Ca2+ signaling in Arabidopsis. GLRs partly control OGs-induced nitric oxide (NO) production, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and expression of defense-related genes. Importantly, plants treated with GLRs antagonists exhibited compromised resistance to necrotrophic fungal pathogen, Botrytis cinerea and biotrophic oomycete, Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. Analysis of Atglr single mutants revealed the important contribution of AtGLR3.3 in resistance against H. arabidopsidis. Moreover, striking similarities in gene expression levels were observed after OGs elicitation/H. arabidopsidis infection. Finally, transcriptomic analysis demonstrated that about 60 % of the total OGs-modulated genes modified their expression in GLRs-dependent manner. These GLRs-dependent genes belong to different functional categories including the category “responses to biotic stresses”. Taken together, these data provide strong evidences of 1) elicitor-induced Ca2+ signaling in mitochondria and chloroplasts in tobacco and 2) the regulation of elicitor/pathogen mediated plant defense signaling pathways through GLRs in Arabidopsis thaliana

Vliv působení uranu na metabolismus sacharidů kultivovaných rostlin. / The effect of uranium on carbohydrate metabolism of cultivated plants.

Lábusová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays, the environmental pollution by heavy metals is very serious problem all around the world. Radionuclides, including uranium, are heavy metals that cause both chemical and radioactive pollution. Naturally occurring uranium is not so dangerous for living organisms. Human activities, especially uranium ore mining and use of phosphate fertilizers, have increased its concentration in the environment with consequent contamination of soil, water and air. Compared to other countries, the Czech Republic is relatively rich in deposits of uranium ore. Extensive mining results in large contaminated areas, containing not only uranium but also other heavy metals and xenobiotics that need to be removed from the environment. One way how to decontaminate soils and waters is phytoremediation. This eco-friendly and cost-effective technique exploits the ability of plants to take up, translocate, transform and sequester xenobiotics. In order to provide functional phytoremediation, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of plant responses to stress caused by xenobiotics. Therefore in my master thesis, I focused on the impact of uranium on physiological processes of uranium-stressed plants, with the emphasis on carbohydrate metabolism and antioxidative defense mechanism. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Análise da resposta antioxidativa de células in vitro de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2) submetidas ao metal pesado níquel / Antioxidant response of BY-2 Nicotiana tabacum cells to nickel stress

Pompeu, Georgia Bertoni 01 February 2006 (has links)
Células de Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2 foram tratadas por cinco dias com 0,075 e 0,750 mM de NiCl2. A relação entre a toxidade do níquel (Ni) e as reações oxidativas foram estudadas nas células durante a acumulação do metal. A atividade da superóxido dismutase não se alterou na presença do Ni. Entretanto, as atividades da catalase e da guaiacol peroxidase aumentaram às 36 e 72h depois do tratamento com o metal. As atividades da glutationa redutase, da glutationa-Stransferase e da ascorbato peroxidase aumentaram nas primeiras horas do tratamento. A peroxidação lipídica da membrana aumentou somente às 24h do tratamento com o metal. Os resultados sugerem que a desordem oxidativa é resultante dos efeitos da toxidade do Ni nas células de Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2. / Células de Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2 foram tratadas por cinco dias com 0,075 e 0,750 mM de NiCl2. A relação entre a toxidade do níquel (Ni) e as reações oxidativas foram estudadas nas células durante a acumulação do metal. A atividade da superóxido dismutase não se alterou na presença do Ni. Entretanto, as atividades da catalase e da guaiacol peroxidase aumentaram às 36 e 72h depois do tratamento com o metal. As atividades da glutationa redutase, da glutationa-Stransferase e da ascorbato peroxidase aumentaram nas primeiras horas do tratamento. A peroxidação lipídica da membrana aumentou somente às 24h do tratamento com o metal. Os resultados sugerem que a desordem oxidativa é resultante dos efeitos da toxidade do Ni nas células de Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2.


DA SILVA, Pedro 10 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
La LTP1 extraite de feuille de Nicotiana tabacum, nommée LTP1_1, a été produite dans Pichia pastoris. Nous avons ainsi déterminé sa structure tridimensionnelle par RMN 2D, 3D et modélisation moléculaire. Différentes études d'interaction et de dynamique ont ensuite mis en évidence des propriétés de fixation particulières comparativement aux autres LTPs. Ces travaux ont servi de base à la détermination de structures d'autres LTP1 de tabac par modélisation comparative et à des simulations de dynamique moléculaire à température ambiante et à haute température. De plus, nous avons cartographié la cavité hydrophobe de la LTP1_1 en utilisant la RMN du xénon hyperpolarisé.<br />L'ensemble de ces travaux a permis d'identifier les acides aminés impliqués spécifiquement dans la fixation des lipides. Nous avons découvert que les propriétés remarquables de fixation des LTP1 sont liées non seulement à leur structure originale mais également à leur dynamique particulière.

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