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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

\"Há muito tempo que não te escrevo...\": reunião da correspondência alencariana (edição anotada) / \"Há muito tempo que não te escrevo...\": gathered correspondence of Alencar (annotated edition)

Patricia Regina Cavaleiro Pereira 23 April 2012 (has links)
Apresentamos, nesta dissertação, a correspondência reunida do escritor e político José Martiniano de Alencar (1829-1877) em uma proposta de edição anotada. Trata-se do estudo e da organização de 279 cartas, acompanhadas de notas e de 61 fac-símiles de documentos conservados em diferentes instituições brasileiras (Academia Brasileira de Letras, Biblioteca Nacional, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa e Museu Imperial). Para melhor análise das missivas, objetivando abarcar por diferentes ângulos a trajetória biográfica da personalidade em questão, propomos a divisão do epistolário alencariano (ativo e passivo) em quatro categorias: cartas pessoais, jornalísticas, literárias e políticas. / We present here the correspondence gathered of the writer and politician José Martiniano de Alencar (1829-1877) in an annotated edition. It is a study and organization of 279 letters, accompanied by notes, and of 61 facsimiles of documents, stored in various Brazilian institutions (the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the National Library, the House of Rui Barbosa Foundation, and the Imperial Museum). For a better analysis of the letters, in order to cover various angles of the biography of the person in question, we have chosen to divide his correspondence (active and passive) into four categories of letters: personal, journalistic, literary, and political.

“A house recommended”: the sensory archaeology of sexuality, embodiment, and creation of space in a mid-nineteenth-century brothel in Boston, Massachusetts

Luiz, Jade Whitney 15 November 2018 (has links)
Few verifiable first-hand accounts of the lives of past sex workers exist. What, then, were their daily lives like? Can archaeology assist us in understanding the daily lived experiences of sex workers, brothel managers, and visitors to the brothel? Despite excellent research in this subject, archaeologists have yet to adequately address the daily lived experiences within sites of prostitution. Using artifacts collected from the privy feature of the 27/29 Endicott Street house lot in Boston’s North End neighborhood, this dissertation examines the relationships among embodiment (or the exterior and interior experiences of the body), sensual experience, and identity through analysis of “assemblages of practice,” or artifacts used together to accomplish specific projects in everyday life (e.g., personal grooming, presentation of self, dining, place-making). Employing theories of embodiment and an archaeology of the senses, my study of the Endicott Street collection contributes a new methodological and theoretical framework for studying the archaeology of prostitution across time, space, and culture. Through the analysis of household artifacts such as teawares and lighting, geographic location in the city, and historical crime reports, I determined that the brothel environment was constructed both to avoid police notice and to provide an atmosphere of genteel anonymity to its customers. Likewise, the embodied experiences of women working here were as much a part of the brothel’s economy as were services offered in addition to sex. Artifact and documentary evidence suggests that the closing of the brothel and the filling of the brothel privy appear to signify the end of financial prosperity at the property. Ultimately, this dissertation finds that the practice of nineteenth-century sex work involved a careful construction of fantasy for brothel customers, and that this fantasy had the potential to provide financial stability and security for the madam of the establishment, if not for the women working as prostitutes.

A literatura e seus variados fins domésticos: tradução e comentário de quatro contos de Púchkin / A literatura e seus diversos usos domésticos: tradução e comentário de quatro contos de Púchkin

Mendes, Cecília Rosas 04 September 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a tradução de quatro contos de Aleksandr Púchkin: Do Editor, A Nevasca, A Senhorita Camponesa e História do Povoado de Goriúkhino, seguidos de um comentário. No começo do século XIX, a ficção de prosa era vista como um gênero menor na Rússia. O livro Contos do Falecido Ivan Pietróvitch Biélkin, de Púchkin, publicado em 1831, é considerado um marco na história da literatura russa e a inauguração de uma tradição de prosa ficcional. Púchkin dialoga constantemente com a obra de Karamzin, seu mentor desde a juventude e escritor consagrado na época. Karamzin era autor de diversos idílios e novelas sentimentalistas no campo da ficção, e de obras sobre a história da Rússia. Sua influência transparece nos personagens dos contos de Púchkin, mas as expectativas do leitor são sempre subvertidas. / This work brings the translation of four short stories by Aleksandr Pushkin: From de Editor, The Snowstorm, Mistress into Maid and History of the Village of Goriukhino, followed by a comment. In the early nineteenth century, prose fiction was regarded a minor genre in Russia. The book The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin, published in 1831, is a landmark in the history of Russian literature and the start of a prose fiction tradition. Pushkins work often refers to Karamzin, his mentor since youth and a renowed writer at that time. Karamzin was the author of many idylls and sentimentalist novels, in fiction, and of books about Russian history. His influence is seen in the characters of Pushkins tales, who ironically subverts the reader expectations.

As personagens femininas em Le père Goriot de Honoré de Balzac / The female characters in Le Pere Goriot, of Honoré de Balzac

Souza, Andreia Maria de 14 September 2012 (has links)
São poucos os estudos sobre as personagens femininas dentro de La Comédie Humaine, e estes se tornam ainda mais restritos quando tratam daquelas que aparecem no romance Le père Goriot. Nesse sentido, este trabalho pretende analisar como são construídas e organizadas dentro da narrativa, tendo em vista que sua composição é realizada de acordo com uma estratégia, bem como sua organização no texto. Outrossim, as personagens femininas são de grande importância na narrativa balzaquiana, apesar de aparentemente ocuparem apenas o segundo plano, pois são elas que, na maioria das vezes, vão auxiliar as personagens masculinas em seus projetos de ascensão social, a ponto de Rastignac, por exemplo, só ter conseguido sucesso por intermédio de sua tia, Mme de Beauséant. Isso sem contar a dona da pensão, Mme Vauquer, que é a primeira a ser descrita durante a narrativa e tem importância capital no destino de outras figuras hospedadas em seu estabelecimento. Por outro lado, a técnica mais conhecida utilizada por Balzac e que foi por ele desenvolvida é o retorno de personagens. No entanto, há outras de grande importância, e uma delas é o fato de que, para conseguir criar a quantidade de personagens existente dentro de La Comédie Humaine, foi necessário recorrer a um recurso de economia, ou seja, apresentar várias delas com características semelhantes, podendo ser ligadas duas a duas. Procuramos desenvolver esse aspecto ao longo deste trabalho, juntamente com as questões que permeiam o papel das figuras femininas, assim como o arrivismo e a sua importância para as masculinas. / There are few studies about the female characters in La Comedie Humaine, and these are even more restricted when they treat about those which appear in the novel Le Pere Goriot. Thus, this paper intends to examine how they are constructed and arranged within the narrative, considering that their composition is performed according a kind of strategy, as well as your organization in the text. Furthermore, the female characters are very important in Balzac\'s narrative, although apparently only occupying the background, because they are who, in most of the cases, will help the male characters in their projects of social mobility, until the point of Rastignac, for example, has only achieved success with the help of his aunt, Mme de Beauseant. This without counting the owner, Mme Vauquer, who is the first character to be described in the narrative and who has a capital importance in the destiny of other figures that are hosted on her property. Moreover, the technique most known and used by Balzac and which was developed for him is the return of characters. However, there are other techniques also very important, and one of them is the fact that, to achieve to create the amount of characters existing in La Comedie Humaine, it was necessary to apply a resource of economy, or, in other words, to present lots of characters showing similar characteristics and connected two by two. We were seeking to develop this aspect throughout this work, together with the questions that underlie the role of the female characters, as well as the arrivisme, and this importance for the male.

Homens de ferro. Os ferreiros na África central no século XIX / Men of iron. Blacksmiths in central Africa in the nineteenth century

Silva, Juliana Ribeiro da 22 August 2008 (has links)
Essa monografia tem como objetivo compreender a atuação dos ferreiros frente às transformações ocorridas no século XIX na África central. As inúmeras modificações ocorridas na região afetaram diretamente a vida dos ferreiros. A intensificação do chamado comércio legal e o acesso às áreas mais interioranas levaram ao aumento da solicitação do trabalho desses especialistas, que rapidamente se adequaram às novas demandas e souberam aproveitar as oportunidades surgidas. A introdução da metalurgia do ferro na África central proporcionou intensas modificações nas sociedades africanas, contribuindo para colocar os ferreiros num lugar privilegiado dentro das suas comunidades. O trabalho do ferreiro, além de ser exclusivamente masculino, era cercado por segredos inacessíveis à maioria. A visão de mundo baseada no equilíbrio entre homem e natureza exigia desse profissional, não apenas o conhecimento profundo do meio-ambiente, mas também das forças espirituais que o regem. Por isso, esses especialistas desempenhavam inúmeros papéis além daqueles ligados propriamente ao seu ofício, como a participação nas cerimônias de entronização e morte de chefes e, em algumas regiões, nos rituais ligados à fertilidade. / The subject of this work is to understand the role of blacksmiths within the transformations of the nineteenth century in Central Africa. The many modifications that took place in the region directly changed the way of life of the blacksmiths. The intensification of the so called legal trade in the region and the access to inland areas led to the increase request of these professionals which rapidly adequate their selves to the new demands, benefiting from the new opportunities. The introduction of iron metallurgy in Central Africa provided intense modifications in African societies and contributed to put the blacksmiths in a special place. Ironworking was exclusively masculine and surrounded by secrets hidden to most people. The African vision of world based on the balance between men and nature required from the blacksmiths not only a profound knowledge about the environment but also a vast perception of the spiritual forces that regulate it. Therefore the blacksmiths played innumerous roles besides their professional and technical assignments. They participate as key figures in inauguration and death ceremonies of chiefs and in some regions also in fertility rituals.

Pontes e estradas em uma província no interior do Brasil oitocentista: engenharia, engenheiros e trabalhadores no universo construtivo da infraestrutura viária de Minas Gerais (1835-1889) / Bridges and roads in a province of the nineteenth century Brazil: engineering, engineers and workers in the constructive universe of road infrastructure of Minas Gerais (1835-1889)

Cravo, Télio Anísio 05 December 2013 (has links)
A dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a especificidade da infraestrutura viária da província de Minas Gerais entre 1835 e 1889. Considera-se que as obras viárias envolveram uma rede específica de atores: engenheiros nacionais e estrangeiros, executores das obras (arrematantes, empreiteiros, encarregados) e artífices. Enfatiza-se o processo de adoção de novas tecnologias construtivas e a importância de atores distintos no âmbito da Engenharia no Brasil, assim como as formas de contato e transmissão de conhecimento científico e técnico durante a construção de pontes e estradas. Verifica-se que a modernização viária de Minas Gerais presenciou (i) a intensa circulação de engenheiros e, consequentemente, a junção de problemas técnicos e econômicos na edificação de pontes e estradas; (ii) a fragilidade do sistema de patente de 1830 na tentativa de construção e difusão de uma ponte pênsil no Brasil; (iii) a existência de rotas internas que atendiam a circulação mercantil. O trabalho mostra as relações entre o mercado (setor de exportação e abastecedor de gêneros alimentícios), o Estado e os transportes. Além disso, analisa-se a construção de pontes e estradas no Brasil do século XIX, dando uma atenção especial à disponibilidade de instrumentos científicos. Os resultados mostram que a compra e uso de instrumentos científicos criou uma rede de contato entre engenheiros e uma oficina de instrumentos científicos. A análise dos processos de pontes e estradas forneceu quatro resultados específicos: 1) a relação comercial estabelecida entre o Armazém e Oficinas de Ópticas e Instrumentos Científicos, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e os engenheiros; 2) os produtos comprados e reparados no estabelecimento comercial; 3) a maneira pela qual os engenheiros viajavam e a divisão social do trabalho em torno das tarefas diárias de transporte, desmontagem e manutenção dos instrumentos científicos; 4) os livros comprados nas livrarias em a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Portanto, intenta-se avaliar as relações e negociações estabelecidas entre os indivíduos com formação nos campos disciplinares da Engenharia, ressaltando as interações da ciência, da técnica e da tecnologia com outras esferas, ou seja, as formas de organização da sociedade, a institucionalização da Engenharia, as práticas dos arrematantes e artífices e a condição financeira da província de Minas Gerais no que tange aos investimentos em infraestrutura viária. / The dissertation aims to examine the specificity of the road infrastructure of the province of Minas Gerais between 1835 and 1889. It is considered that the road works involved a specific network of actors: national and foreign engineers, executors of works (bidders, contractors, foremen) and craftsmen. The intent is to highlight the process of adoption of a new technology and the importance of different actors in the context of civil engineer in Brazil, as well the manner in which contact and transmission of scientific and technical knowledge took place during the process of construction bridges and roads. The evidences of modernization on Minas Gerais indicate an intense circulation of engineers and how the activities of engineers interwove technical and economic problems during the process of construction roads and bridges. This research examines the fragility of the Brazilian patent system (1830) in an attempt construction and diffusion of a suspension bridge as well as the presence of internal routes that supported a mercantile circulation. This work shows the relationship between State, market (export sector and non-export sector) and the transport. Moreover, the dissertation examines the construction of bridges and roads in the nineteenth- century Brazil, giving a special attention to the availability of scientific instruments. The results show that purchase and use of scientific instruments created a network between engineers and scientific instrument workshop. The analysis of the processes of bridges and roads provided four specific results: 1) the commercial relationship established between the Optical Warehouse Workshop and Scientific Instruments (Armazém e Oficinas de Ópticas e Instrumentos Científicos) in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the engineers; 2) the products bought and repaired in the commercial establishment; 3) the manner in which the engineers traveled, and the social division of labor around the daily tasks of carrying, dismantling and keeping the scientific instruments; 4) the books bought in the bookstores in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Thus intends to evaluate the relationships and negotiations between individuals with training in disciplines of Engineering, highlighting the interactions of science, technique and technology with other spheres, in other words, the ways of organizing society, the institutionalization of Engineering, practices of bidders and craftsmen and financial condition of the province of Minas Gerais regarding investments in road infrastructure.

Resurrecting the democracy : the Democratic party during the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1884

Page, Alexander Robert January 2017 (has links)
This thesis places the Democratic party at the centre of the Reconstruction narrative and investigates the transformation of the antebellum Democracy into its postbellum form. In doing so, it addresses the relative scarcity of scholarship on the postwar Democrats, and provides an original contribution to knowledge by (a) explaining how the party survived the Civil War and (b) providing a comprehensive analysis of an extended process of internal conflict over the Democracy's future. This research concludes that while the Civil War caused a crisis in partisanship that lasted until the mid-1870s, it was Democrats' underlying devotion to their party, and flexibility over party principle that allowed the Democracy to survive and reestablish itself as a strong national party. Rather than extensively investigating state-level or grassroots politics, this thesis focuses on the party's national leadership. It finds that public memories of the party's wartime course constituted the most significant barrier to rebuilding the Democratic national coalition. Following an overview of the fractures exposed by civil war, the extent of these splits is assessed through an investigation of sectional reconciliation during Presidential and Radical Reconstruction. The analysis then shifts to explore competing visions of the party's future during the late 1860s and early 1870s when public confidence in the Democracy hit its lowest point. While the early years of Reconstruction opened the party to the possibility of disintegration, by the mid-1870s Democrats had begun to adopt a stronger national party organisation. Through a coherent national strategy that turned national politics away from issues of race and loyalty and towards those of economic development and political reform, while simultaneously appealing to the party's history, national Democratic leaders restored public confidence in the Democracy, silenced advocates of the creation of a new national party, and propelled the party back to power in 1884.

The Postapocalyptic American Frontier: Uncanny Historicism in the Nineteenth Century

Hay, John Andrew January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation reveals a hitherto unrecognized thread of speculative postapocalyptic fantasies underlying nineteenth-century accounts of the American frontier. Many critics have exposed the latent imperialism behind popular myths of primeval wilderness and virgin land; bringing together fictional tales, travel writings, and scientific texts, I show that U.S. authors who enthusiastically celebrated these myths distorted rather than escaped the bounds of history. Their literature results in an uncanny historicism that unsettles narratives of material progress by conflating ancient territorial rupture with a potentially disastrous future. The Illinois prairie of the 1840s thus appeared to Margaret Fuller as a country that has been carefully cultivated by a civilized people, who had been suddenly removed from the earth, with all the works of their hands, and the land given again into nature's keeping. Fuller's notion of hidden destruction behind a vision of natural tranquility was not uncommon. Striving to reconcile their projection of an empty continent with the myriad traces of both Native Americans and prior European settlers, writers such as William Cullen Bryant, James Fenimore Cooper, Henry David Thoreau, and Jack London crafted historical narratives that imagined the swift annihilation of entire populations. For them, the blank slate of the American continent was simultaneously a ruined wasteland, and the mythical American Adam was really an American Noah - a patriarch of a new world built on the violent dissolution of the old. U.S. frontier literature between the War of 1812 and the First World War contains postapocalyptic themes like the last man on earth, the lapse into barbarism, and ruin-strewn landscapes. As a key example, I read Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans (1826) as a narrative of biological extinction that foreshadows his later national apocalyptic allegory The Crater (1847). Similarly, I contend that the industrial ruins a young Thoreau discovered in the Maine woods spurred him to imagine a suddenly depopulated Massachusetts in his journal. These postapocalyptic fantasies often attempted to deny the ongoing presence and property claims of Native Americans by relegating the original inhabitants of American soil to a separate past, yet they also suggested that the United States itself might be subject to imminent catastrophe.

A gravura como difusora da arte: um estudo sobre a gravura brasileira no final do século XIX a partir da análise dos textos e produão crítica de Félix Ferreira / The engraving as art\'s diffusor: a study about Brazilian engraving in the end of nineteenth century based on texts analysis of Felix Ferreira\'s critical production.

Arnone, Marianne Farah 30 October 2014 (has links)
A finalidade deste trabalho é estudar a gravura brasileira nas três décadas finais do século XIX a partir da produção crítica do escritor, jornalista, editor e historiador Félix Ferreira (Rio de Janeiro, 1841-1898). O foco do trabalho pauta-se na reflexão sobre a gravura tendo como ponto de partida a análise dos trabalhos desse autor que foram estudados durante a minha Iniciação Científica (2008-2010). Por meio da análise desses materiais de autoria de Félix Ferreira, localizados durante o período de pesquisa, notou-se forte preocupação do autor com a consolidação de um ensino artístico profissionalizante no Brasil que buscasse aliar a instrução teórica à prática, em contraposição ao ensino teórico intelectual de caráter humanístico e literário que então predominava nas instituições de ensino. Ele acreditava ser o Liceu de Artes e Ofícios do Rio de Janeiro o ambiente adequado à concretização dessas aspirações, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento do que denominava \"artes aplicadas\", \"artes mecânicas\" ou \"artes industriais\". A questão da gravura é recorrente em seus textos, sempre defendendo o ensino das técnicas, incentivando sua prática e apontando a necessidade de áreas de formação por meio da criação de cadeiras dedicadas à gravura nas instituições de ensino. Destaca-se, nesse contexto, o projeto de Ferreira para a proliferação das publicações ilustradas, sobretudo aquelas destinadas aos temas artísticos e a difusão das obras de arte por meio da imagem gráfica. Tendo em vista todas essas questões, pretendo investigar as ligações do autor com o desenvolvimento da gravura no Rio de Janeiro nas décadas finais do século XIX. / This work intends to study the Brazilian engraving in the three last decades of the Nineteenth-Century, based on the comments of Félix Ferreira production, who was a journalist, editor and historiographer (Rio de Janeiro, 1841-1898). The focus of this work was directed to the reflection about the engraving development, based on the evaluation of the production work of this author which has been studied during my previous studies (2008-2010).Through the analysis of these materials, found during the research period, it was noticed a concern of the author with the consolidation of a professional art education in Brazil which aimed to combine the theoretical instruction to practice, as opposed to theoretical intellectual, humanistic and literary character that prevailed in educational institutions. Félix Ferreira believed that the School of Arts and Crafts of Rio de Janeiro was the appropriate environment for achieving these aspirations based on the development of what he called \"applied arts\", \"mechanical arts\" or \"industrial arts\". The issue of engraving is recurrent in his writings, always defending the teaching of techniques, encouraging their practice and indicating the need for training areas dedicated to engraving in educational institutions. In this context, the Ferreira\'s project for the spread of illustrated publications stands out, especially those intended for artistic themes and the propagation of works of art by the graphical image. Considering all these issues, I intend to investigate the author links with the development of engraving in Rio de Janeiro in the final decades of the nineteenth century

From Batoni's brush to Canova's chisel : painted and sculpted portraiture at Rome, 1740-1830

O'Dwyer, Maeve Anne January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the city of Rome as a primary context of British sociability and portrait identity during the period from 1740 to 1830. Part I considers the work of the portrait painter Pompeo Batoni. It examines the pictorial record of grand tourist sociability at Rome in the 1750s, questioning the complex articulation of nationality among British visitors, and the introduction of overt references to antiquity in the portraiture of Pompeo Batoni. It subsequently interrogates Batoni's use of the partially nude Vatican Ariadne sculpture in five portraits of male grand tourists, dating from Charles John Crowle in 1762, to Thomas William Coke in 1774. Part II of this thesis considers the realities of viewing the sculpted body at Rome, recreating the studios of sculptors Christopher Hewetson and Antonio Canova. It postis the studio space as a locus of sociability for British visitors to Rome, drawing on the feminine gaze in the form of the early nineteenth-century writings of Charlotte Eaton and Lady Murray. The final chapter moves from the focus on British sitters to examine sculpture by Antonio Canova, framing it within a wider discourse of masculinity and propriety. Thte reception of Canova's nude portrait sculpture of Napoleon Bonaparte and Pauline Borghese is considered as indicative of cultural anxieties stemming from new conceptions of gender.

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