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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ermittlung bleibender Bodenverformungen infolge dynamischer Belastung mittels numerischer Verfahren

Wegener, Dirk 25 October 2012 (has links)
In der Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie man die Bodensteifigkeit bei sehr kleinen Dehnungen sowie die Abnahme der Steifigkeit mit zunehmender Scherdehnung in Labor- und Feldversuchen ermitteln kann. Dazu werden typische Eigenschaften mineralischer und organischer Böden einschließlich Korrelationen zusammengestellt und wesentliche Unterschiede zum Bodenverhalten bei großen Dehnungen, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Steifigkeit und der Spannungsabhängigkeit aufgezeigt. Weiterhin wird dargelegt, wie man mit dem hypoplastischen Stoffgesetz mit intergranularen Dehnungen das Bodenverhalten bei kleinen Dehnungen wirklichkeitsnah erfassen kann und wie die Stoffparameter zu bestimmen sind. Für die realistische Erfassung des Bodenverhaltens infolge zyklischer Belastung einschließlich der Ausbildung von Hystereseschleifen wird eine Modifizierung des hypoplastischen Stoffgesetzes unter Einführung eines zusätzlichen Stoffparameters vorgenommen. Es wird gezeigt, wie dieser Parameter in zyklischen Laborversuchen bestimmt werden kann und wie damit die Akkumulation von Dehnungen bei drainierten Bedingungen bzw. von Porenwasserdrücken bei undrainierten Bedingungen zuverlässig prognostiziert werden kann. Anhand der dynamischen Beanspruchung eines Eisenbahndammes auf weichem, organischem Untergrund wird das modifizierte hypoplastische Stoffgesetz mit intergranularen Dehnungen für ein bodendynamisches Randwertproblem angewendet und gezeigt, dass damit das Bodenverhalten realistisch abgebildet werden kann. Die Berechnungsergebnisse zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen von Schwingungsmessungen und Langzeitverformungsmessungen. Es werden bodendynamische Berechnungen zur Wellenausbreitung sowohl eindimensional als auch im Halbraum mit unterschiedlichen Stoffgesetzen geführt und Vergleiche mit analytischen Lösungen vorgenommen. Dazu wird gezeigt, welche Anforderungen an numerische Berechnungen zur Wellenausbreitung, insbesondere hinsichtlich Wahl der Zeitschritte, Elementgröße bzw. Knotenabstände, Größe des FE-Netzes und Modellierung der FE-Ränder erforderlich sind.:1 Einführung 2 Bodensteifgkeit 2.1 Defnition der Scherdehnung und der Schubspannung 2.2 Versuchstechnische Ermittlung der Bodensteifgkeiten 2.3 Ermittlung der Bodensteifgkeiten im Feld 2.4 Ermittlung der Bodensteifgkeiten im Labor 2.5 Bodensteifgkeit bei sehr kleinen Dehnungen 2.6 Abnahme der Steifigkeit mit zunehmender Scherdehnung 2.7 Bodenverhalten und Scherdehnungsgrenzen 2.8 Weitere bodendynamische Eigenschaften 3 Hypoplastisches Stogesetz 3.1 Allgemeine Formulierung der Hypoplastizität 3.2 Intergranulare Dehnungen 3.3 Bereich mit sehr kleinen Dehnungen 3.4 Bereich mit kleinen bis mittleren Dehnungen 3.5 Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit dem HS-Small-Modell 3.6 Zusammenfassung und Wertung der Ergebnisse 4 Numerische Berechnungen zur Wellenausbreitung 4.1 Eindimensionale Wellenausbreitung 4.2 Wellenausbreitung im Halbraum 4.3 Wellenausbreitung im porösen Medium 5 Anwendungsbeispiel 5.1 Geometrische Situation, Baugrundschichtung 5.2 Bodenmechanische und bodendynamische Kennwerte 5.3 Schwingungsmessungen 5.4 Messung von bleibenden Verformungen 5.5 Belastung 5.6 Numerische Modellierung 5.7 Hypoplastische Berechnung 5.8 Vergleich Mess- und Berechnungsergebnisse 5.9 Linear elastische Berechnung 5.10 Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit hypoplastischer und elastischer Berechnung 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Summary Literaturverzeichnis Symbolverzeichnis Anhang A Berechnungen zur Wellenausbreitung Anhang B Eingabedateien für Berechnungen mit TOCHNOG Anhang C Herleitungen der Biot-Theorie / In this thesis it is shown how to determine the soil stiffness at very small strains, as well as the decrease in stiffness with increasing shear strain amplitude in laboratory and field tests. Typical properties and empirical correlations of coarse-, fine-grained and organic soils are collected and significant differences in soil stiffness and stress-dependence at small strains compared to large strains are shown. Further it is shown how one can realistically reproduce the soil behaviour at small strains with the hypoplastic constitutive model with intergranular strains and how the material parameters are determined. For a realistic prediction of soil behaviour due to cyclic loading including hysteresis loops in the stress-strain relationship, a modification of the hypoplastic constitutive model is made by using an additional material parameter. It is shown how this additional parameter can be determined in cyclic laboratory tests and how the accumulation of strains in drained conditions and excess pore pressures built up in undrained conditions can be realistically reproduced. Based on the dynamic load on a railway embankment on soft marshy ground, the modified hypoplastic constitutive model with intergranular strains is applied for a boundary value problem. It is demonstrated, that the soil behaviour can be reproduced realistically. Numerical results show a good agreement with results of vibration measurements and measurements of permanent displacements. A dynamical numerical analysis is performed for both one-dimensional and half-space conditions. Different constitutive models have been applied and compared with analytical solutions. The results demonstrate requirements on numerical analysis of wave propagation, in particular with regards to time steps, element size, node spacing, size of the FE mesh and boundary conditions.:1 Einführung 2 Bodensteifgkeit 2.1 Defnition der Scherdehnung und der Schubspannung 2.2 Versuchstechnische Ermittlung der Bodensteifgkeiten 2.3 Ermittlung der Bodensteifgkeiten im Feld 2.4 Ermittlung der Bodensteifgkeiten im Labor 2.5 Bodensteifgkeit bei sehr kleinen Dehnungen 2.6 Abnahme der Steifigkeit mit zunehmender Scherdehnung 2.7 Bodenverhalten und Scherdehnungsgrenzen 2.8 Weitere bodendynamische Eigenschaften 3 Hypoplastisches Stogesetz 3.1 Allgemeine Formulierung der Hypoplastizität 3.2 Intergranulare Dehnungen 3.3 Bereich mit sehr kleinen Dehnungen 3.4 Bereich mit kleinen bis mittleren Dehnungen 3.5 Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit dem HS-Small-Modell 3.6 Zusammenfassung und Wertung der Ergebnisse 4 Numerische Berechnungen zur Wellenausbreitung 4.1 Eindimensionale Wellenausbreitung 4.2 Wellenausbreitung im Halbraum 4.3 Wellenausbreitung im porösen Medium 5 Anwendungsbeispiel 5.1 Geometrische Situation, Baugrundschichtung 5.2 Bodenmechanische und bodendynamische Kennwerte 5.3 Schwingungsmessungen 5.4 Messung von bleibenden Verformungen 5.5 Belastung 5.6 Numerische Modellierung 5.7 Hypoplastische Berechnung 5.8 Vergleich Mess- und Berechnungsergebnisse 5.9 Linear elastische Berechnung 5.10 Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit hypoplastischer und elastischer Berechnung 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Summary Literaturverzeichnis Symbolverzeichnis Anhang A Berechnungen zur Wellenausbreitung Anhang B Eingabedateien für Berechnungen mit TOCHNOG Anhang C Herleitungen der Biot-Theorie

Идентификовање и анализа Миланковићевих циклуса записаних у лесно-палеоземљишним секвенцама у Војводини / Identifikovanje i analiza Milankovićevih ciklusa zapisanih u lesno-paleozemljišnim sekvencama u Vojvodini / Identification and analysis of Milankovitch cycles in Vojvodinian loess-paleosol

Basarin Biljana 05 September 2011 (has links)
<p>Лес у Војводини има највећу моћност и сматра се за најкомплетнији палеоклиматски архив у Европи. На основу кореалице између две најзначајније лесно-палеоземљишне секвенце, Старог Сланкамена и Тителског брега, створен је синтетички профил коришћен у овој студији. Истраживања Марковића и сарадника (2011) показала су да лесно-палеоземљишна секвенца у Старом Сланкамену има старост од око милион година. С друге стране, високе стопе седиментације и комплетност последњих пет глацијално-интерглацијалних циклуса на Тителском брегу чине овај локалитет најдетаљнијим палеоклиматским архивом у поменутом периоду, у овом делу Европе. Временска скала војвођанског леса формирана је тунирањем резултата магнетног сусцептибилитета према астрономским параметрима, нагибу Земљине осе ротације и прецесије. Овако добијена временска скала показује да је граница између нормалне епохе магнетног поларитета Бринес и епохе реверсног поларитета Метујама значајно старија. Ова граница утврђена је палеомагнетним мерењима у лесном хоризонту V L9. Добијени резултати стоје у доброј корелацији са резултатима палеомагнетних мерења (Marković et al., 2011). &quot;Lock in&quot; ефекат утврђен за војвођански лес знатно је већи у односу на онај у кинеским лесно-палеоземљишним секвенцама, због снажно развијеног коренског система чије постојање је уврђено у V S8 и које се протеже неколико метара у дубину све до лесног хоризонта V L9. Спектрална и вејвлет анализа временске скале војвођанског леса показују присуство орбиталних параметара: ексцентрицитета земљине орбите, промена нагиба Земљине осе ротације и прецесије. Доминантне су компоненте мањих фреквенција, ексцентрицитета, док су краћи орбитални периоди промена нагиба осе ротације и прецесије слабије изражени. Овакви резултати проистичу, пре свега из чињенице да синтетички профил има старост од око милион година и да се само доњи, старији део секвенце може посматрати као део такозваног 41 ky, када доминира фреквенција промена нагиба осе ротације. Вејвлет анализа временског модела показује присуство Средње плеистоцене транзиције, што указује да обитални утицај ексцентрицитета постаје доминантан пре око 650 ky. Резултати стоје у доброј корелацији са секвенцама са Кинеског лесног платоа (Sun et al., 2006)и из Централне Азије(Ding et al., 2002), али такође и са дубокоморским седиментима (Shackleton, 1990). Захваљујући комплетности и старости лесно-палеоземљишне секвенце, омогућено је истраживање палеоклиматске еволуције и утицај орбиталних параметара на палеоклиматске прилике у овом делу Европе. Секвенца се може посматрати и као спојница између западноевропских и азијских лесних профила, значајна за изучавање континенталне и глобалне палеоклиматске еволуције.</p> / <p>Les u Vojvodini ima najveću moćnost i smatra se za najkompletniji paleoklimatski arhiv u Evropi. Na osnovu korealice između dve najznačajnije lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence, Starog Slankamena i Titelskog brega, stvoren je sintetički profil korišćen u ovoj studiji. Istraživanja Markovića i saradnika (2011) pokazala su da lesno-paleozemljišna sekvenca u Starom Slankamenu ima starost od oko milion godina. S druge strane, visoke stope sedimentacije i kompletnost poslednjih pet glacijalno-interglacijalnih ciklusa na Titelskom bregu čine ovaj lokalitet najdetaljnijim paleoklimatskim arhivom u pomenutom periodu, u ovom delu Evrope. Vremenska skala vojvođanskog lesa formirana je tuniranjem rezultata magnetnog susceptibiliteta prema astronomskim parametrima, nagibu Zemljine ose rotacije i precesije. Ovako dobijena vremenska skala pokazuje da je granica između normalne epohe magnetnog polariteta Brines i epohe reversnog polariteta Metujama značajno starija. Ova granica utvrđena je paleomagnetnim merenjima u lesnom horizontu V L9. Dobijeni rezultati stoje u dobroj korelaciji sa rezultatima paleomagnetnih merenja (Marković et al., 2011). &quot;Lock in&quot; efekat utvrđen za vojvođanski les znatno je veći u odnosu na onaj u kineskim lesno-paleozemljišnim sekvencama, zbog snažno razvijenog korenskog sistema čije postojanje je uvrđeno u V S8 i koje se proteže nekoliko metara u dubinu sve do lesnog horizonta V L9. Spektralna i vejvlet analiza vremenske skale vojvođanskog lesa pokazuju prisustvo orbitalnih parametara: ekscentriciteta zemljine orbite, promena nagiba Zemljine ose rotacije i precesije. Dominantne su komponente manjih frekvencija, ekscentriciteta, dok su kraći orbitalni periodi promena nagiba ose rotacije i precesije slabije izraženi. Ovakvi rezultati proističu, pre svega iz činjenice da sintetički profil ima starost od oko milion godina i da se samo donji, stariji deo sekvence može posmatrati kao deo takozvanog 41 ky, kada dominira frekvencija promena nagiba ose rotacije. Vejvlet analiza vremenskog modela pokazuje prisustvo Srednje pleistocene tranzicije, što ukazuje da obitalni uticaj ekscentriciteta postaje dominantan pre oko 650 ky. Rezultati stoje u dobroj korelaciji sa sekvencama sa Kineskog lesnog platoa (Sun et al., 2006)i iz Centralne Azije(Ding et al., 2002), ali takođe i sa dubokomorskim sedimentima (Shackleton, 1990). Zahvaljujući kompletnosti i starosti lesno-paleozemljišne sekvence, omogućeno je istraživanje paleoklimatske evolucije i uticaj orbitalnih parametara na paleoklimatske prilike u ovom delu Evrope. Sekvenca se može posmatrati i kao spojnica između zapadnoevropskih i azijskih lesnih profila, značajna za izučavanje kontinentalne i globalne paleoklimatske evolucije.</p> / <p>Loess in Vojvodinaregion (Northern Serbia) is some of the thickest and most complete in Europe. Synthetic profile was developed based on the interprofile correlation between the two most important loess paleosol sequences, Stari Slankamen and Titel Loess Plateau. Recent study (Marković et al., 2011) showed that loess at Stari Slankamen site spans the last million years. On the other hand, high accumulation rates and the completeness of the last five glacial cycles recorded at Titel Loess Plateau preserve detailed climate proxy archive. Magnetic susceptibility record was tuned to orbital obliquity and precession, thus yielding an improved astronomical time scale for the synthetic loess-paleosol sequence. The time scale indicates much older age for the Bruhnes Matuyama boundary, recorded in loess unit V-L9, whish is in good agreement with the recent results obtained during paleomagnetic measurements (Marković et al., 2011). The lock in effect is much grater than in Chinese loess sequences, due to the strong root channels, which penetrate several meters down through V S8 into V-L9 and probably influence the magnetic properties of the sediments. Spectral and wavelet analysis of tuned magnetic susceptibility record reveal the presence of typical orbital frequencies, corresponding to eccentricity, obliquity and precession. Eccentricity frequencies of solar irradiance are dominant, while relatively short time frame of the investigated profile, since the lower part of sequence can be assigned to the so called 41 ky world. Wavelet analysis reveals the presence of Mid Pleistocene Transition, indicating that the eccentricity parameter becomes dominant from 650 ky. The results are in good agreement with sequences from Chinese Loess Plateau (Sun et al., 2006) and Central Asia (Ding et al., 2002) but also with deep sea sediments (Schackleton, 1990). Spectral and wavlet analysis of tuned magnetic susceptibility record reveal the presence of typical orbital frequencies, corresponding to eccentricity, obliquity and precession. Eccentricity frequencies of solar irradiance are dominant, while relatively short time orbital cycles of obliquity and precession are week. This can be attributed to the time frame of the investigated profile, since the lower part of the sequence can be assigned to the so called 41 ky world.Wavlet analysis reveals the presence of Mid Pleistocene Transition, indicating that the eccentricity parameter becomes dominant from 650 ky. The results are in good agreement with sequences from Chinese Loess Plateau (Sun et al., 2006) and Central Asia (Ding et al., 2002) but also with deep sea sediments (Shackleton, 1990). Due to the completeness and the time frame of studied loess paleosol sequence, the site provides an opportunity for investigating the evolution and climate dynamics in this part of europe. The syntjetic profile can be seen as rare paleoclimate archive that enables the reconstruction of orbital influences over Pannonian Basin and can be seen as link between west European sequences and Asian loess.</p>

Přízemní ozon jako jeden z faktorů oxidativního stresu v podmínkách horských lesů. / Surface ozone as a factor of oxidative stress in mountain forests.

Bendáková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This study presents mountain forest Norway spruce (Picea abies) injured by surface ozone and oxidative stress. Norway spruce is not a sensitive species but it is the most representative tree in our country and this is the reason to pay attention on its injury. Study was connected to the ozone measurement by CHMI in Jizerske mountains. Aim of our study was to find influence of surface ozone on the forest and show correlation between ozone concentrations, altitude and Norway spruce injury. Ozone concentrations are growing with the altitude. Increasing percentage of injury with growing concentrations and altitude was expected. Needles were collected at the altitude 750-1100 meters. Collected needle years were 2006, 2007 and 2009. The 2009 year was not evaluated because no symptoms were found. Injury was observed on the maroscopical, microscopical and biochemical level. Visual injury was assessed by percentage of injured needle surface by chlorosis and necrosis. Microscopical analysis studied injury on cross and longitudinal sections of needles. On the longitudinal sections were visible typically bone-cells. These cells have lost its shape by ozone stress and were narrowed in its width. Bone-cells were best visible near the stomata. Four symptoms were observed on the cross sections: tannin...

Indonesian coastal wetlands / The past dynamics of environment and carbon, the potential for climate change mitigation and the assessment for conservation, management and restoration

Hapsari, Kartika Anggi 19 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Akumulační zásobníky v otopných systémech / Accumulation tanks in heating systems

Železná, Karolína Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is accumulation tanks in heating systems. The first part introduces the topic of thermal energy storage and types of accumulation tanks. The second part describes two specific options of heating the building of the boarding house and the restaurant with the use of storage tanks in the heating system. A gas condensing boiler is designed as a heat source in one variant and a pellet boiler in the other variant. The third part deals with experimental measurements, in which the accumulation tank with the installation for better stratification of hot water and the accumulation tank without the installation are compared.

Hierarchical Structure, Properties and Bone Mechanics at Macro, Micro, and Nano Levels

Hamandi, Farah Mohammed Ridha Abdulateef 17 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Beitrag zur Dimensionierung von Fördersystemen mit Staurollenketten

Dombeck, Uwe 26 March 2013 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Untersuchung der Beanspruchungen von Staurollenketten. Zunächst wurde in den Grundlagen der Aufbau von unterschiedlichen Staurollenkettenarten dargestellt, die Eigenschaften miteinander verglichen und kategorisiert. Aufbauend auf dem anschließend geschaffenen Verständnis der wirkenden Reibpaarungen bzw. -arten wurden FEM-Analysen durchgeführt, um dadurch auftretende Spannungen zu detektieren und das thermische Verhalten der unterschiedlichen Werkstoffpaarungen zu ermitteln. Innerhalb der praktischen Versuche der Arbeit kam es zur Ermittlung der Bruch- und Dauerfestigkeiten nach ISO15654 [DIN04]. Zur Untersuchung der Eigenschaften der Ketten unter praxisnahen Randbedingungen wurde ein Versuchsstand konzipiert, welcher die Ermittlung von Kennwerten zwei unterschiedlicher Kettengrößen unter härtesten Bedingungen ermöglicht. Durch diesen Versuchsstand wurden die Staukraft, die Kettenzugkraft durch das Drehmoment am Antrieb, die Kettengeschwindigkeit, die Kettenlängung und das Temperaturverhalten dauerhaft überwacht. Im letzten Kapitel der Arbeit wurde eine Überwachungsstation für unterschiedliche Baugrößen von Staurollenketten entwickelt und die Funktionsweise durch Versuche nachgewiesen. / This dissertation is dealing with the investigation of the load behaviour of accumulation roller chains. Initially, the structures of different types of accumulation roller chains are described, properties are compared and categorised. Based on the created understanding of acting tribological pairing and friction mechanisms, FEM analysis have been performed to evaluate occurring stresses and determine the thermal behaviour of the various material combinations. Within the testing procedures, breaking strength and fatigue strength have been investigated in accordance with DIN ISO 15654 [cf. DIN04]. A test bench has been developed for practically relevant testing of the chains, where determination of characteristic values can be done under hard testing conditions for two different chain types. The test bench ensures measurement and survey of accumulation forces, tensile chain forces (by torque moment at drive), chain speed, chain elongation and chain temperature during whole testing time. The last chapter of the dissertation deals with the development of a 'control and monitoring unit' for accumulation roller chains with various dimensions including proof of function by trials.


Richard T Roth (11206164) 30 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Cereal rye (<i>Secale cereale</i>, L., CR) is the most commonly utilized cover crop species within the United States. Yet, the total land area planted to CR on an annual basis remains relatively low despite its numerous proven environmental benefits. The relatively low rates of CR adoption could be due to a dearth of knowledge surrounding certain agronomic and economic components of CR adoption. Currently, there exists knowledge gaps within the scientific literature regarding CR performance, N cycling, and associated economic risk. <a>Thus, to address the above-mentioned knowledge gaps, three individual studies were developed to: i) investigate the fate of scavenged CR nitrogen (N) amongst soil N pools, ii) assess the suitability of visible-spectrum vegetation indices (VIs) to predict CR biomass and nutrient accumulation (BiNA), and iii) characterize the economic risk of CR adoption at a regional scale over time.</a></p> <p>In the first study, <sup>15</sup>N, a stable isotope of N, was used in an aerobic incubation to track the fate of CR root and shoot N among the soil microbial biomass, inorganic, and organic N pools, as well as explore CR N bioavailability over a simulated corn growing season. In this study, the C:N ratio of the shoot residues was 16:1 and the roots was 31:1 and differences in residue quality affected the dynamics of CR N release from each residue type. On average, 14% of whole plant CR N was recovered in the soil inorganic N pool at the final sample date. Correspondingly, at the final sampling date 53%, 33%, and less than 1% of whole plant CR N was recovered as soil organic N, undecomposed residue, and as microbial biomass N, respectively. Most CR N remained unavailable to plants during the first cash crop growing season subsequent to termination. This knowledge could support the advancement of N fertilizer management strategies for cropping systems containing cereal rye.</p> <p>In the second study, a commercially available unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) outfitted with a standard RGB sensor was used to collect aerial imagery of growing CR from which visible-spectrum VIs were computed. Computed VIs were then coupled with weather and geographic data using linear multiple regression to produce prediction models for CR biomass, carbon (C), N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and sulfur (S). Five visible-spectrum VIs (Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI), Green Leaf Index (GLI), Modified Green Red Vegetation Index (MGRVI), Red Green Blue Vegetation Index (RGBVI), and Excess of Green (ExG)) were evaluated and the results determined that MGRVI was the best predictor for CR biomass, C, K, and S and that RGBVI was the best predictor for CR N and P. Furthermore, the final prediction models for the VIs selected as the best predictors developed in this study performed satisfactorily in the prediction of CR biomass, C, N, P, K, and S producing adjusted R<sup>2</sup> values of 0.79, 0.79, 0.75, 0.81, 0.81, and 0.78, respectively. The results of this study have the potential to aid producers in making informed decisions regarding CR and fertility management. </p> <p>In the final study, agronomic data for corn and soybean cropping systems with and without CR was collected from six states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin) and used within a Monte-Carlo stochastic simulation to characterize the economic risk of adopting CR at a regional scale over time. The results of this study indicate that average net returns to CR are always negative regardless of CR tenure primarily due to added costs and increased variability in cash crop grain yields associated with CR adoption. Further, the results demonstrate that the additional risk assumed by adopting CR is not adequately compensated for with current CR adoption incentive programs and that the risk premium necessary can be 1.7 to 15 times greater than existing incentive payments. Knowledge gained from this study could be used to reimagine current incentive programs to further promote adoption of CR.</p>

The Value of Light in Contemporary Memorials : Understanding the needs of contemporary memorials and how they can be accomplished with light. Proposal of a light installation for commemorating the 1989 acticommunist Revolution in Timisoara.

Tripsa, Silvia Casandra January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis is a research about the relationship between memorials and light. It first studies the characteristics of cultural memories and tries to find what the advantages of using lighting as a means of commemoration are. The nowadays memorials are very different compared to the traditional monuments and they should include a changing narrative, treating local and universal messages. They should involve the public.A contemporary memorial is ephemeral and continuously changing- the same as light is.A series of contemporary memorials have been selected to understand the tools that makes them successful. Furthermore, it was analyzed how these parameters could be achieved through light. 12 memorials that use light as an eloquent tool have been interpreted according to certain criteria.The second part of the thesis is an applied project related to the events that happened in Timisoara, Romania, in 1989 during the anticommunist Revolution. The process of creating memorials for Timisoara is a key focus of the study. The development is equally important as the end result. It searches for the significant messages and lessons of the event. Testimonials of the participants to the revolution have been studied. Interviews and questionnaires have been developed. Following this, significant places in the city and messages were chosen. The research will conclude with a lighting installations project proposal.

Reinigung von Abwasserkanälen mittels Niederdruckspülverfahren

Dapoz, Paolo 15 January 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird anfangs dargestellt, wie kostenintensiv und problematisch die Kanalreinigung ausfällt. Durch die demographisch bedingt rückläufigen Schmutzwassermengen und gleichzeitig prognostizierten langen Trockenperioden in den Sommermonaten muss allerdings mit einer verstärkten Akkumulation von Ablagerungen in den Kanalsystemen gerechnet werden. Zudem erweist es sich in Voraussicht auf den Klimawandel als notwendig, den gesamten Kanalquerschnitt für Starkregenereignisse von Ablagerungen freizuhalten; ansonsten ist die häufigere Entlastung des Abwassernetzes in den Vorfluter nach Füllung der vorhandenen Regenrückhaltebecken vorprogrammiert. Die Kanalreinigung wird somit in den nächsten Jahren an Bedeutung gewinnen. Vor allem bei der Reinigung von Großprofilen ist jedoch der Stand der Technik noch nicht ausgereift und die jetzigen Reinigungsmethoden erweisen sich wegen des niedrigen Reinigungserfolges sowie der starken Umweltbelastung durch die genutzten Geräte als ungeeignet. Durch die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte und auf den Stand der Technik gebrachte Reinigungsmethode wird jedoch eine leistungsstarke Alternative geboten. In Zukunft wird es möglich sein, große Kanaldurchmesser fast vollkommen umweltneutral zu reinigen und nur mit Hilfe der Wasserkraft das gesammelte Sediment bis zum nachgeschalteten Sandfang zu mobilisieren. Mit den durchgeführten und hier dargestellten numerischen Versuchen wird in erster Linie eine geometrische Optimierung zur Erreichung der größten Mobilisierungskräfte im Hinblick auf einen ausgewählten Abschnitt der Dresdner Kanalisation vollzogen. In der nachfolgenden physikalischen Modellierung wird der Schwerpunkt auf die optimale Reinigungsgeschwindigkeit gelegt, um ein möglichst großes Volumen an Ablagerungen zu bewegen. Es muss allerdings präzisiert werden, dass während der Modellierung kein Grenzzustand erreicht werden konnte. Dieser wird schließlich durch die folgende analytische Beschreibung des Transportvorganges theoretisch bestimmt. Für das genutzte physikalische Modell wird analytisch ein Grenztransportkörper aus Modellsediment errechnet. Bei einer Übertragung auf den dazugehörigen vorhandenen Abschnitt im Dresdner Kanalnetz durch Ansetzen des Ähnlichkeitsgesetzes wird ein mobilisierbares Grenzvolumen überschlagen. Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse der theoretischen Untersuchungen bzw. der physikalischen Modellierung wurden mit den Betreibern und den Herstellern des neuen Stauwagens diskutiert und hinsichtlich konstruktiver Schwerpunkte optimiert. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kostenoptimierung und der konstruktiven Realisierung wurde von der Firma 'WKS Technik GmbH' ein Forschungsmuster zur Untersuchung in einer Pilottestphase entwickelt und gebaut. In der nachfolgenden dargestellten Testphase wurde das Ergebnis als Pilotprojekt im Dresdner Kanalnetz in mehreren Testläufen erprobt und untersucht. Nach jedem Testlauf wurden die aufgetretenen Probleme analysiert und durch Umbauten oder Veränderungen behoben. Regelmäßige Reinigungsfahrten sollten wegen der geringeren Ablagerungsmengen ein gleichmäßiges Fahren gewährleisten bzw. die Ablagerungen vollständig mobilisieren und bis zum Sandfang transportieren, um sie dort zu entnehmen. Während der Testphase wurde eine viel höhere Sedimentmenge gesammelt und transportiert als die, welche sich aus der analytischen Berechnung ergab. Dies folgte aus dem beim Naturversuch zugelassenen höheren Aufstauniveau hinter dem Spülwagen, welches ausnahmsweise zugelassen wurde, um auf eine zwischenzeitliche Sedimentabsaugung zu verzichten. / The early pages of this research thesis demonstrate how costly and problematic sewer cleaning is. Due to changing demographics causing declining amounts of wastewater and, at the same time, to predicted long dry spells during the summer months, an increased accumulation of sediments in the sewer systems has to be expected. With respect to climate change it is necessary to keep the entire sewer cross section free of sediments in order to manage heavy rainfall events; otherwise a more frequent relief of the wastewater system into the receiving water is inevitable once the rain retention basins have been filled. Thus sewer cleaning will gain in importance within the next few years. Predominantly the cleaning of large-diameter profiles, however, has not reached a state-of-the-art technology, and the current cleaning methods prove themselves to be inapt due to their very limited success as well as to the environmental burden posed by the equipment they employ. The state-of-the-art cleaning method presented in this research paper constitutes a high-powered alternative. In the future, it will be possible to clean large sewer cross sections almost entirely in an environmentally neutral fashion and to mobilize the accumulated sediment all the way to the downstream sand trap by exclusively harnessing water power. The numerical experiments conducted for this paper primarily effected a geometric optimization to achieve the maximal mobilization forces in a selected section of Dresden's sewer system. In the subsequent physical modeling the emphasis is placed on the optimal cleaning speed in order to move a maximum volume of sediments. It has to be clarified, however, that no limit state could be reached during the modeling procedure. This limit state is determined theoretically only through the following analytical description of the transport process. For the physical model at hand, the maximum transportable sediment volume made of model sediment is calculated analytically. In an extrapolation for the associated existent section in the Dresden sewer system, a mobilizable limit volume is estimated applying the law of similarity. The results of the theoretical analysis and the physical modeling presented in this work were discussed with the operators and manufacturers of the new storage vehicle and were optimized with regard to constructional core aspects. In special consideration of the cost optimization and the constructional realization, the 'WKS Technik GmbH' company developed and constructed a research prototype for a survey in a pilot test phase. During the subsequent test phase, the result was tried out and examined as a pilot project in several trial runs in Dresden's sewer system. After each trial run, the problems which had occurred were analyzed and then eliminated through constructional modifications or other alterations. Regular cleaning runs were intended to guarantee a steady movement of the cleaning vehicle due to a reduced amount of sediments, or to completely mobilize the sediments and transport them to the sand trap in order to remove them there. The sediment volume actually gathered and transported during the test phase was significantly larger than the one derived from the analytical calculation. This increase results from greater storage depths behind the flush car, which were permitted as an exception for the field test in order to go without any interim sediment extractions. / La prima parte della presente tesi di dottorato mette in evidenza le problematicità legate alla pulizia dei canali delle acque reflue, sottolineando in particolare gli enormi costi generati dall 'alta frequenza di depositi e dalla grandezza delle reti di raccolta presenti sui territori. A causa della riduzione demografica e delle condizioni meteorologiche che si stanno alterando, per il prossimo futuro si prevedono lunghi periodi di siccità, interrotti da acquazzoni intensi e brevi. Questo porterà ad un accumulo di depositi nelle reti di raccolta delle acque miste soprattutto nei mesi estivi, che implicherà a sua volta la necessità di tenere le sezioni dei canali presenti libere da depositi per consentire un appropriato deflusso e ritenzione in presenza delle suddette intense precipitazioni. Se in questi casi la ritenzione della rete fognaria non sarebbe data, infatti, si andrebbe a scaricare acque sporche sempre in maggiore quantità e con maggiore frequenza nei corsi d 'acqua di superficie, inquinando in secondo luogo anche le falde acquifere. Da questo quadro, si evince come la pulizia delle canalizzazioni acquisterà in futuro sempre una maggiore importanza. Attualmente, per la pulizia di canali di grandi dimensioni (maggiori di 1000 mm) non esistono metodi efficaci ed ecologici per movimentare i depositi presenti. Il presente lavoro espone una soluzione competitiva ai suddetti problemi. Grazie al lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo svolto, infatti, è stato elaborato un metodo con cui sarà possibile in futuro pulire canali di grosse dimensioni pressoché senza l\'impiego di energia esterna, ma solamente grazie all 'utilizzo dell 'energia dell 'acqua reflua presente nei canali, mobilizzando i depositi fino al prossimo punto presente dove sarà possibile estrarre dalla rete fognaria il materiale raccolto. L 'analisi numerica eseguita e qui rappresentata porta innanzitutto ad un 'ottimizzazione geometrica ed idraulica che consente il raggiungimento delle maggiori forze di mobilizzazione possibili per un segmento scelto della rete fognaria della città di Dresda (Sassonia). Nelle prove in laboratorio correlate si è cercato di ottimizzare la velocità con la quale deve avvenire la pulizia del fondo del canale in modo da poter trasportare il più elevato volume di sedimenti possibile. Si precisa a questo riguardo che in laboratorio non è stato possibile raggiungere il limite volumetrico correlato al modello fisico utilizzato, perché i soli 24 m di lunghezza del banco di prova non hanno consentito il raggiungimento di tale stato limite. Questo limite è stato determinato successivamente attraverso un modello analitico sviluppato appositamente, il quale descrive la mobilizzazione dei sedimenti attraverso la tecnologia di pulizia utilizzata. Attraverso i fattori di conversione che regolano le leggi fisiche presenti tra modello di laboratorio e natura è stato possibile in seguito rapportare il limite volumetrico al segmento reale utilizzato per le prove numeriche. Usando i risultati ottenuti sia dalle analisi numeriche che dalle prove di laboratorio è stato sviluppato e poi realizzato un prototipo assieme al partner commerciale 'WKS Technik GmbH', prestando particolare attenzione all 'ottimizzazione costruttiva e dei costi di produzione. Questo prototipo è stato testato per diverse volte in un tratto di circa quattro chilometri della canalizzazione di Dresda. Dopo ogni corsa sono stati analizzati i punti deboli del metodo di pulizia nonché del prototipo stesso e si è provveduto ad eliminarli. Gli ultimi test hanno confermato il funzionamento di tale prototipo offrendo inoltre una buona validazione del modello analitico sviluppato in precedenza.

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