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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolution topographique, tectonique et sédimentaire syn- à post-rift de la marge transformante ouest africaine / Syn-to post-rift topographic tectonique and sedimentary evolution of the west African transform margin

Ye, Jing 07 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente la première étude Source-to-Sink de la marge Atlantique Equatoriale africaine au Méso-Cénozoïque. Nous avons dans un premier temps produit, à partir d'une nouvelle méthode intégrant les limites d'érosion des dépôts préservés dans les bassins et leur extension initiale minimum, une nouvelle reconstruction paléogéographique et structurale couplant pour la première fois le continent ouest africain et l'Atlantique Equatoriale au cours du Méso-Cénozoïque. Ceci nous permet de suivre l'évolution depuis 200 Ma des domaines en érosion (sources) et en sédimentation (puits) à l'échelle continentale. Nous montrons en particulier qu'au Crétacé supérieur la zone correspondait à un grand bassin intracratonique Saharien qui exportaient ses sédiments à la fois vers la Téthys et vers l'Atlantique Equatoriale. La fragmentation de ce bassin a eu lieu à l'Oligocène par le soulèvement du bouclier du Hoggar qui a isolé les petits dépôt-centres résiduels actuels. Le développement de cette topographie particulière est issu de la superposition de différentes longueurs d'onde de déformation à l'échelle continentale combinant les bourrelets marginaux longeant la marge équatoriale et un bombement de type " point chaud ".Nous avons ensuite caractérisé, à partir de l'interprétation des données sismiques et des puits, la segmentation de la marge continentale équatoriale en segments transformants et divergents et l'architecture stratigraphique post-rift du prisme stratigraphique associée au Crétacé Supérieur. Nous montrons que les parties proximales (dépôts de plateforme et pente continentale) des prismes stratigraphiques du Crétacé Supérieur ne sont préservés que le long des segments divergents de la marge, et pas le long des segments transformants. Nous interprétons cette différence de préservation comme résultant de mouvements verticaux post-rift plus importants dans les domaines proximaux des segments transformants empêchant la préservation des termes proximaux des systèmes sédimentaires. La caractérisation des architectures stratigraphiques post-rifts a ensuite permis la quantification des volumes sédimentaires préservés dans ces bassins de marges passives. En parallèle, de nouvelles données de thermochronologie basse-température (AFTA et (U-Th-Sm/He sur apatite) acquises à l'Université de Glasgow sur les échantillons de trois profils perpendiculaires à la marge équatoriale ont permis de quantifier l'histoire de l'érosion et les volumes dénudés sur le domaine continental au cours du Méso-Cénozoïque. Ces données montrent que le seul événement thermique majeur enregistré correspond au refroidissement lié à la dénudation d'une topographie syn-rift le long de la marge. Le bilan d'érosion et d'accumulation montre que les ordres de grandeur des volumes dénudés et accumulés sont comparables à l'échelle de la marge équatoriale au cours du Méso-Cénozoïque. Certaines périodes (Crétacé Supérieur et depuis le Miocène Supérieur), montrent cependant un excès d'accumulation qui pourrait être associé à la remobilisation de sédiments précédemment stockés dans des bassins intracontinentaux ou sur la plateforme de la marge. / This PhD thesis presents the first source-to-sink study of the African Atlantic Equatorial margin. We established new Meso-Cenozoic paleogeographic and structural reconstructions, integrating the West African sub-continent and the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, based on a new mapping method defining both erosion limits of preserved deposits and their minimum original extension. We show the evolution over 200 Myrs of the eroding (sources) and accumulating domains (sinks) at continental scale. We demonstrate in particular that during the Cretaceous, a large Saharan intracratonic basin was exporting sediments toward both the Tethys and the future Atlantic Equatorial Ocean. The fragmentation of this basin occurred in the Oligocene, by the growth of the Hoggar swell that isolated the present-day small residual depot-centers. The development of this specific "basin and swell" topography results from the superimposition of various deformation wavelength at continental scale combining a marginal upwarp along the equatorial margin and a hot spot swell. We then characterized, from the interpretation of seismic data and well logs, the segmentation of the Equatorial Atlantic passive margin and the stratigraphic architecture of the post-rift Upper Cretaceous sedimentary wedge. We show that the proximal parts of the Late Cretaceous sedimentary wedge are only preserved along divergent segments of the margin and not along transform segments. We interpret this differential preservation as the result of a greater uplift, during the early post-rift, in the proximal parts of the transform segments preventing the preservation of the proximal terms of the sedimentary systems. The transform segments are associated with narrow necking zone, resulting in greater flexural uplift than divergent segments showing wider necking zones, in particular during the early post-rift. The characterization of the stratigraphic architecture of the post-rift sedimentary wedge then allowed for the quantification of accumulation history in the passive margin basins. New low-temperature thermochronological data (AFTA and Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He) acquired at the University of Glasgow on the samples of three regional transects perpendicular to the margin allowed for the quantification of the denudation history and eroded volume on the continental domain. These data shows that the major thermal event recorded by those samples is the cooling phase related to the erosion of a rift-related topography along the margin. Erosion and accumulation budgets fall within the same order of magnitude. During some given periods (Late Cretaceous and since the Late Miocene), excess in accumulation may be associated with the reworking of sediments previously stored within intracontinental basins or on the shelf of the margin.

Understanding the partitioning and concentration of trace elements in the plant organs of some food crops : influence of the plant allometry and of the growth stage / Compréhension de la répartition et de la concentration des éléments traces dans les organes de plantes cultivées pour l'alimentation : influence de l'allométrie et du stade de développement

Liñero Campo, Olaia 29 April 2016 (has links)
Le travail est axé sur l'accumulation d'éléments chimiques essentiels et non essentiels avec une attention particulière pour les parties des consommées, en lien avec la qualité sanitaire des produits alimentaires. Le travail de thèse est divisé en deux grandes parties. La première porte sur une expérimentation en plein champ où des plantes de blettes et de tomates ont été cultivées du stade plantules jusqu'à la maturité pendant 5 mois avec des pratiques agricoles conventionnelles ou biologiques. Les plantes ont été récoltées à 6 stades différents de croissance et nous avons déterminé la concentration des organes végétaux pour 27 éléments chimiques. L'objectif était d'étudier la répartition des éléments entre les organes en fonction de l'âge de la plante et des pratiques culturales.La seconde partie de la thèse a été consacrée à la compréhension et à la modélisation de la répartition du cadmium (Cd) chez le tournesol aux stades reproducteurs. Des plantes ont été cultivées du stade plantule jusqu'à la maturité, en solution nutritive avec une faible concentration en Cd cohérente avec les expositions aux champs. Durant la phase reproductive, cinq échantillonnages ont été effectués pour comprendre la répartition du Cd entre les organes ainsi que l'origine du Cd des graines (prélèvement racinaire versus remobilisation à partir d'autres organes). Au stade du bouton floral et pendant le remplissage des graines, le devenir du Cd récemment absorbé par les racines a été suivi et modélisé par traçage isotopique avec du 111Cd. Les rôles de la transpiration et de l'allométrie entre organes ont été plus particulièrement examinés. / This work is focuded on the accumulation of essential and non-essential elements, paying a special attention to the dible part of the plants, in terms of food safety and human health. The thesis work has been divided in two main parts. The first one is related to a field expeiment performed in open-air plots, where Swiss chards and tomato plants were grown from seedlings to maturity in a natural soil during five months, using organic or conventional agricultural practices. Plants were harvested at six different growth satges and the total concentrations of 27 elements were measured in all plants organs. The objective was to study the partitioning of elements between the plant organs, depending on the plant age on the cultivation practice. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the understanding and modelling of the partitioning of cadmium (Cd) in sunflowers at the reproductive stages. Sunflowers wre grown in nutrient solution at low Cd availability consistent with thaht found in the field, from germination toi maturity. During the reproductive period, five samplings were carried out to investigate the partitioning of the total Cd between plant organs and the origin of the Cd allocated to seeds (root uptake vs; remobilization from other plant organs). At the flower bud and grain filling stages, the partitioning of the Cd recently taken up between the different plant organs was followed and modelled by exposing several plants for the three days to a 111Cd enriched nutrient solution. The roles of the transpiration and of the plant allometry were specially investigated.

Algorithmische Bestimmung der Alterungscharakteristik von Mittelspannungskabelmuffen basierend auf diagnostischen Messwerten und Betriebsmitteldaten / Algorithmic determination of the aging characteristics of medium voltage cable joints based on diagnostic measured values ​​and operating medium data

Hunold, Sven 21 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Zustandsbewertung von Kabeln steht derzeit das Mittelspannungsnetz im Fokus der Betrachtungen. Das Mittelspannungsnetz verbindet das Hochspannungsnetz mit dem Niederspannungsnetz und nimmt damit eine besondere Bedeutung ein. Störungen in diesem Netz wirken sich direkt als Versorgungsunterbrechung auf den Letztverbraucher aus. Rund 80 bis 85 % der Versorgungsunterbrechungen resultieren aus Problemen im Mittelspannungsnetz, sodass dortige Aktivitäten den größten Hebel bei der Steigerung der Versorgungsqualität entwickeln. Mittels Zustandsbewertung von Kabeln können verdeckte Fehler aufgedeckt oder deren Alterungszustand bestimmt werden. Nicht jeder diagnostizierte Fehler führt unmittelbar zum Ausfall. Er beschleunigt jedoch die Alterung, die letztendlich zum Ausfall führt. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Identifizierung von Fehlern in Mittelspannungskabelmuffen im Zusammenhang mit der Alterung, um die Restlebensdauer auszunutzen und dem Ausfall zuvorzukommen. / By evaluating the status of cables, hidden errors can be detected or their aging condition can be determined. Not every diagnosed fault leads directly to failure. However, it accelerates aging, which ultimately leads to failure. The work deals with the identification of faults in medium-voltage cable joints in connection with aging in order to exploit the remaining life and to prevent the failure.

Toxicité neuronale du cholestérol et physiopathologie de la maladie d’Alzheimer : analyse in vivo des conséquences de l’inhibition de la cholestérol-24-hydroxylase / Toxicity of neuronal cholesterol accumulation and Alzheimer’s disease : in vivo consequence of cholesterol-24-hydroxylase

Djelti, Fathia 30 September 2013 (has links)
Le vieillissement normal s’accompagne d’une diminution du contenu du cholestérol cérébral. Au contraire, une accumulation de cholestérol est associée aux processus toxiques dans plusieurs pathologies dégénératives (maladie d’Huntington, maladie de Parkinson, épilepsie, maladie de Niemann Pick de type C, maladie d’Alzheimer). De plus, les parallèles étroits existent entre la physiopathologie moléculaire de la maladie d’Alzheimer et celle de la maladie de Niemann Pick de type C, maladie de l’homéostasie du cholestérol. Ainsi on retrouve dans ces deux pathologies une hyperphosphorylation de la protéine Tau, associée à une augmentation des endosomes élargis et à la production de peptides A. L’ensemble de ces éléments évoque le rôle potentiel de la surcharge en cholestérol cérébral comme facteur favorisant le développement de la maladie d’Alzheimer. L’objectif de mon travail de doctorat a été de déterminer si une surcharge en cholestérol in vivo dans les neurones de l’hippocampe, région précocement touchée par la maladie d’Alzheimer, pouvait être à l’origine de processus neurotoxiques et de modifications biochimiques et neuropathologiques proches de ceux qui sont observés dans cette pathologie. La quasi-totalité du cholestérol cérébral est synthétisée in situ, la barrière hémato-encéphalique ne permettant qu’un apport minime du cholestérol périphérique. L’excès de cholestérol est exporté de la circulation sanguine sous la forme du 24-hydroxycholestérol, un métabolite produit exclusivement dans les neurones par la cholestérol-24-hydroxylase codée par le gène Cyp46a1.La surcharge en cholestérol a été induite in vivo par inhibition de la cholestérol-24-hydroxylase, dans l’hippocampe par une stratégie d’ARN interférence délivré par une injection stéréotaxique d’un vecteur AAV5. Nous avons étudié, d’une part la capacité d’une accumulation de cholestérol à induire chez la souris normale, un phénotype clinique et neuropathologique proche de la maladie d’Alzheimer et d’autre part si cette même accumulation de cholestérol neuronal pouvait aggraver ou compléter le phénotype Alzheimer d’un modèle murin de la maladie, la souris APP23. L’injection du vecteur AAV5-shCYP46A1 dans la stratum lacunosum moleculare de l’hippocampe conduit à une inhibition significative de l'expression du gène Cyp46a1, associée à une diminution de la concentration du 24-hydroxycholestérol et une augmentation du contenu en cholestérol dans les neurones de l’hippocampe, 3 semaines après l’injection. En réponse à cet excès de cholestérol, des mécanismes régulateurs permettent de diminuer, d’une part l’import et d’augmenter l’export du cholestérol de la cellule et d’autre part d’augmenter le contenu en phosphatidylcholine afin de rétablir un ratio phospholipide/cholestérol physiologique. Cependant, l'accumulation majeure de cholestérol intracellulaire conduit, 3 semaines après l’injection, à une activation de la réponse UPR (Unfolded Protein Response ou stress du réticulum endoplasmique) caractérisée par l'expression des gènes codant les facteurs XBP1s, ATF6, GRP78 associée à celles des protéines PERK phosphorylée, CHOP et caspase 12, entraînant l'activation des caspases 9 et 3. Elle est associée à la phosphorylation des protéines GSK3 (Tyr216) et Tau (Thr231). En parallèle, l’augmentation du cholestérol induit, 3 semaines après l’injection, une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Rab5 (marqueur des endosomes précoces) et une relocalisation de la protéine APP dans les fractions de radeaux lipidiques associées à l'activation de la voie amyloïdogénique (production des fragments-CTF et des peptides A42). L’étude lipidomique met en évidence, 4 semaines après l’injection, une augmentation du contenu en céramide à longues chaînes et à une augmentation des gangliosides. Tous ces éléments aboutissent à un processus de perte neuronale associée à un recrutement des astrocytes dès la quatrième semaine après l’injection.... / An increasing number of arguments suggest a close and complex link between cholesterol metabolism and neurodegenerative diseases, particularly with Alzheimer’s disease. Normal ageing is associated with a decrease of brain cholesterol content. Conversly, accumulation of brain cholesterol is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases (Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, epilepsy, Niemann Pick C disease, Alzheimer’s disease). Moreover, close connections exist between molecular physiopathology of AD and that of Niemann Pick, a disease of cholesterol homeostasis. Altogether, these results suggest that cholesterol overload might play a role, as an initiating factor for the development of AD.In the brain, cholesterol metabolism is tightly controlled. In adults, cholesterol is mainly synthetized by astrocytes, then shuttles to neurons where it is used. All cholesterol excess must be eliminated. Cholesterol cannot cross freely the blood-brain-barrier. To be metabolized, brain cholesterol must be converted in 24-hydroxy-cholesterol by the cholesterol-24 hydroxylase enzyme, coded by CYP46A1 gene. The objective of my PhD project was to determine if cholesterol accumulation in vivo in hippocampal neurons, a region early involved in AD pathology, could trigger neurotoxic processes with biochemical and neuropathological modifications close to what is observed in AD. Cholesterol overload in vivo was induced by inhibiting cholesterol 24-hydroxylase enzyme activity, using an RNA interference strategy. Stereotactic injection of an AAV5- shCYP46A1 vector in the stratum lacunosum moleculare of the hippocampus led to significant and rapid (as soon as 3 weeks after injection) inhibition of the Cyp46a1 gene in the hippocampus with an absence of RNA interference off-target effect. This inhibition was associated with a decrease of 24-hydroxycholesterol content and an increase of the cholesterol content. In response to this cholesterol excess, cell control mechanisms were initiated leading to decrease import and increase export of cholesterol, accompanied with an increase of phosphatidylcholine content to restore a physiological ratio of phospholipide/cholesterol. However, major accumulation of cholesterol led to neuronal death with activation of caspases 9 et 3, suggesting an apoptotic process. The cholesterol overload drives to an endoplasmic reticulum stress, with activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and expression of spliced XBP1, ATF6, GRP78, phosphorylated PERK, CHOP and caspase 12. These modifications were associated with phosphorylation of GSK3 (Tyr 216) and tau (Thr 231) proteins. In parallel, cholesterol accumulation led to increased expression of Rab5 (early endosome marker) and relocalization of APP in rafts domains associated to activation of amyloid pathway (production of -CTF fragments and A42 peptides). Lipidomic analysis showed an increase of ceramides and gangliosides content. All these modifications were associated with neuronal death 4 weeks after injection and astrocytosis, leading to an EEG theta rhythm accelerated to beta frequencies, memory deficits and hippocampal atrophy. In a mouse model of Alzheimer disease, the APP23 mouse, cholesterol accumulation led to major aggravation of the phenotype, with increased production of A peptides, occurring of tau phosphorylation and UPR response, leading to accelerated neuronal death. Altogether, these results suggest a direct link between cholesterol accumulation in the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. Brain cholesterol accumulation could seed the sows to the development of Alzheimer’s pathology. Reducing cerebral cholesterol could thus be a relevant therapeutic strategy to prevent the development, or at least slow down the evolution of the pathology in Alzheimer’s disease.

Metal oxide/organic interface investigations for photovoltaic devices

Pachoumi, Olympia January 2014 (has links)
This thesis outlines investigations of metal oxide/organic interfaces in photo-voltaic devices. It focuses on device instabilities originating from the metal oxide layer surface sensitivity and it presents suggested mechanisms behind these in- stabilities. A simple sol-gel solution deposition technique for the fabrication of stable and highly performing transparent conducting mixed metal oxides (ZnMO) is presented. It is demonstrated that the use of amorphous, mixed metal oxides allows improving the performance and stability of interfacial charge extraction layers for organic solar cells. Two novel ternary metal oxides, zinc-strontrium- oxide (ZnSrO) and zinc-barium-oxide (ZnBaO), were fabricated and their use as electron extraction layers in inverted organic photovoltaics is investigated. We show that using these ternary oxides can lead to superior devices by: prevent- ing a dipole forming between the oxide and the active organic layer in a model ZnMO/P3HT:PCBM OPV as well as lead to improved surface coverage by a self assembled monolayer and promote a significantly improved charge separation efficiency in a ZnMO/P3HT hybrid device. Additionally a spectroscopic technique allowing a versatility of characterisa- tion for long-term stability investigations of organic solar cells is reported. A device instability under broadband light exposure in vacuum conditions for an inverted ZnSrO/PTB7:PC71BM OPV is observed. Direct spectroscopic evidence and electrical characterisation indicate the formation of the PC71BM radical an- ion associated with a loss in device performance. A charge transfer mechanism between a heavily doped oxide layer and the organic layers is suggested and dis- cussed.

Estimation of Nutrient Exports Resulting from Thinning and Intensive Biomass Extraction in Medium-Aged Spruce and Pine Stands in Saxony, Northeast Germany.

Knust, Christine, Feger, Karl-Heinz 27 March 2017 (has links)
A growing interest in using forest biomass for bioenergy generation may stimulate intensive harvesting scenarios in Germany. We calculated and compared nutrient exports of conventional stem only (SO), whole tree without needles (WT excl. needles), and whole tree (WT) harvesting in two medium aged Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands differing in productivity, and related them to soil nutrient pools and fluxes at the study sites. We established allometric biomass functions for each aboveground tree compartment and analyzed their nutrient contents. We analyzed soil nutrient stocks, estimated weathering rates, and obtained deposition and seepage data from nearby Level II stations. WT (excl. needles) and WT treatments cause nutrient losses 1.5 to 3.6 times higher than SO, while the biomass gain is only 1.18 to 1.25 in case of WT (excl. needles) and 1.28 to 1.30 in case of WT in the pine and spruce stand, respectively. Within the investigated 25-year period, WT harvesting would cause exports of N, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ of 6.6, 8.8, 5.4, and 0.8 kg·ha−1 in the pine stand and 13.9, 7.0, 10.6, and 1.8 kg·ha−1 in the spruce stand annually. The relative impact of WT and WT (excl. needles) on the nutrient balance is similar in the pine and spruce stands, despite differences in stand productivities, and thus the absolute amount of nutrients removed. In addition to the impact of intensive harvesting, both sites are characterized by high seepage losses of base cations, further impairing the nutrient budget. While intensive biomass extraction causes detrimental effects on many key soil ecological properties, our calculations may serve to implement measures to improve the nutrient balance in forested ecosystems.

Tacit Knowledge Capacity: A Comparison of University Lecturers in Germany and North Cyprus

Kaya, Tugberk, Erkut, Burak 26 April 2019 (has links)
The importance of universities as knowledge hubs is increasing due to knowledge production via research and teaching. An emerging aspect of knowledge management literature is the study of the knowledge requirements of universities. In particular, the transformation from knowledge creation to knowledge sharing has proved to be important in the university context and is subject to cultural differences. For example, previous research has indicated that a physician’s Tacit Knowledge Capacity (TKC) is affected by social software and social media. This creates opportunities to carry out new research on different occupations that have an intense TKC. As part of this research, a survey was conducted in order to assess the TKC of lecturers in both Germany and North Cyprus. These are two countries that have universities providing knowledge management programmes. The research determined the TKC in both countries and compared the two in order to determine if cultural factors affect the TKC of the profession. Through this research, the authors aimed to contribute to the ongoing research on the knowledge requirements of universities that will enable them to be knowledge intensive institutions. The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Near East University, which has 2200 students and 20 chairs, was compared with the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Technische Universität Dresden, which has 2800 students and 23 chairs. The study was carried out to provide an intercultural comparison, which is currently lacking in the Knowledge Management field. The research findings have highlighted the factors influencing the transfer and the accumulation of tacit knowledge.

Artikulace zájmů obcí ČR. Případová studie Středočeského kraje / Municipal interest articulation in the Czech Republic. The case of Central Bohemian Region

Hinda, Michal January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to provide an overview of strategies that are implemented by municipalities in the Central Bohemian region to articulate their interests. As a part of this work, a theoretical framework of interest articulation is covered, including models of direct form, indirect form and semi-direct form of interest articulation. Subject of the research is a sample of 14 municipalities in the Central Bohemian region. The results are based on semi- strucutred interveiws and provide with an overview of specific purposes and respective strategies of the municipalities according to a selected model (direct, indirect and semi-direct) of interest articulation.

Studium tepelných poměrů a vhodných materiálů pro konstrukci energetického zásobníku pro dlouhodobé ukládání energie v podmínkách klimatu ČR / Study of thermal conditions and the appropriate materials for construction of the energy reservoir for long term storage in the conditions of climate CR

Bukvová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Presented work deals with appropriate ways of storing thermal energy and selection of materials for a high capacity storage unit. The thesis describes technologies currently used for long-term storage of thermal energy, the structural arrangement of the thermal unit, physical properties of the materials usable for construction of high-temperature storage units and the utilization of these materials. The thesis also describes the measuring procedure of the material characteristics and the method of evaluation. Size of the solar collector and the required volume of the storage for heat supplying of the selected building in the climatic conditions of the Czech Republic were designed.

Projevy fyzikálních vlastností staviv v budovách v nízkoenergetickém a pasivním stavitelství / The effect of physical properties of building materials in buildings in low-energy construction

Svoboda, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the study of physical properties of various building materials in buildings in low-energy construction. The work is mainly focused on the influence of the thermal accumulation properties of building materials used in buildings in order to achieve low energy consumption for heating. The thesis compares the energy characteristics of five different constructional material variants of the house.

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