Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncanonica"" "subject:"noncanonical""
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Les FUGAE dans l’œuvre de Josquin Desprez : inventaire et confrontation des sources / Fugae in the Works of Josquin Desprez : census and confrontation of sourcesBunel, Guillaume 06 June 2016 (has links)
Notre thèse se propose d'étudier les questions liées à la réalisation sonore des fugae, à partir des sources musicales d'un corpus d'œuvres attribuées à Josquin Desprez. Au sein du vaste répertoire des fugae composées au tournant du XVIe siècle, celles composées par Josquin constituent un ensemble remarquable par sa diversité, sa richesse technique et musicale, ainsi que par la complexité des questions qu'il soulève. En effet, la réalisation de ces fugae pose des difficultés liées d'une part à l'interprétation de leurs notations canoniques, et d'autre part à la réalisation de leurs parties fuguées. Si les théoriciens contemporains du compositeur définissent en effet la fuga comme une imitation rigoureusement exacte entre la partie de dux et celle(s) de comes, force est de constater que toutes les fugae considérées dans cette thèse ne répondent pas à ce critère. Certaines ne permettent pas une imitation parfaitement exacte ; d'autres semblent permettre plusieurs réalisations distinctes, parfois radicalement différentes. Bien que des théoriciens plus tardifs – en particulier Zarlino – introduiront des termes permettant de penser ces autres types d'imitation, ceux-ci n'existent pas encore du vivant de Josquin. Les pratiques compositionnelles attestées au sein des œuvres étudiées divergent ainsi, à maints égards, de la théorie contemporaine. À travers une étude des sources musicales des fugae retenues, ainsi que d'un ensemble de sources théoriques imprimées avant 1530, nous tenterons de comprendre les raisons motivant ces écarts, mais également de saisir les enjeux de la réalisation sonore des fugae, à partir des notations canoniques préservées dans les sources. / This dissertation investigates the musical sources of a corpus of fugal works attributed to Josquin Desprez, in order to study the various issues arising from the interpretation of fugae. Within the large repertoire of fugae composed at the turn of the 16th century, those composed by Josquin stand out as exceptionally diverse and rich, technically and musically. What's more, they arise many difficult issues for the singers. Indeed, those fugae confront us with problems related to the interpretation of canonic notations, on the one hand, and with the realization of the fugal parts themselves, on the other hand. Whereas the contemporary theorists define fuga as a perfectly exact imitation between the dux and the comes parts, it is noticeable that every fuga studied in this dissertation do not meet this criterion. Some of them cannot be sung with an exact imitation; others seem to allow several possible realizations, sometimes radically different. Although later theorists – Zarlino, in particular – will introduce specific terms that refer to those other types of imitation, those terms do not exist during Josquin's lifetime. In multiple ways, compositional practices that can be observed within the works studied diverge from the musical theory of the time. A study of the musical sources of the fugae selected, and of an important corpus of contemporary theoretical sources will lead us to a better understanding of the reasons that motivated those divergences, and of the issues related to the realization of fugae from canonic notations preserved in the sources.
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Efficience narrative et la transmission des formes de vie : une approche anthroposémiotique de l'autopoièse dans les pratiques ritualisées. / Narrative efficiency and the transmission of patterns of life : an anthroposemiotic analysis of autopoiesis in ritualised practice.Brun, Jean-Louis 22 November 2017 (has links)
Comment l’interprétation d’un texte canonique, lors de sa conversion en cours d’action gestuel, permet-elle de faire persister diachroniquement la forme de vie d’un collectif et de la faire adopter par ses membres ? Cette recherche se fonde sur l’observation participante de deux pratiques ritualisées : le Karatedo et la Franc-maçonnerie, et sur leur « description dense » selon Clifford Geertz. A partir des données ainsi constituées, l’élaboration théorique fait appel à la formule canonique des mythes de Claude Lévi-Strauss, à un modèle de construction des certitudes par les institutions proposé par Mary Douglas et à la notion d’ « instauration » chez Etienne Souriau. Il en résulte un modèle descriptif : un dispositif d’espaces-temps successifs articulant texte et pratique, une syntagmatique modale persuasive et un processus selon lequel le cours d’action, à partir d’un proto-monde sémiotique proposé par la pratique, permet l’instauration d’un monde sémiotique. Cette instauration, englobant la substance et réalisant une prise de forme cohérente du signifiant en même temps qu’une prise de forme congruente du signifié, résulte de fait en transmission efficiente de la forme de vie. Ce processus a les caractéristiques d’un système autopoiétique, selon la notion théorique ainsi désignée par Maturana et Varela. / How does the interpretation of a canonical text by its conversion into a gestural practice allow the diachronic persistence of a community’s pattern of life and the adoption of this pattern of life by the members of this community? This research is grounded in the participant observation of two ritualised practices: Karatedo and Free-masonry, more precisely on their « thick description » according to Clifford Geertz. From the data provided by these descriptions, the construction of a model makes use of the canonical formula of myth by Claude Lévi-Strauss, of the institution of certainty according to Mary Douglas and of the concept of « instauration » by Etienne Souriau. The resulting model describes a process based on the succession of space-times articulating text and practice, a persuasive syntagm of modalities and the instauration of a semiotic world on the basis of a proto-semiotic world provided by the ritualised practice. This process converts the substance of the signifier according to a consistency and that of the signified according to a congruency, thus resulting in the transmission of the pattern of life. This process has the properties of an autopoietic system, according to the theoretical concept named as such by Maturana and Varela.
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Phonological nativization of Dholuo loanwordsOwino, Daniel 09 February 2004 (has links)
This is essentially a phonological analysis of the Dholuo loanwords derived from English and Swahili. This study examines loanword adaptation at three levels: phonemic, phonotactic and prosodic. The study analyses the strategies that the language has used in adapting the foreign phonemes to the native phoneme system. It also examines the way foreign consonant and vowel clusters are adapted to the Dholuo system and how the stress systems in the source languages are adapted to the Dholuo tonal pattern. The Dholuo principles of syllabification are also examined. On adaptation of incoming sounds into the language, the study determined that Dholuo replaces such foreign segments with native sounds which are acoustically and auditorily closest to the foreign sounds. Some foreign sounds, however, are adopted into the sound system of the language, either to fill some phonological gaps in the language or for non-linguistic factors, like the prestige value. The study found that the native speaker-hearer has knowledge of the possible phonetic sequences in his language and performs the simplest possible adaptation in the loanword to make it correspond to these well-formed sequences. This extends to the insertion or deletion of foreign segments to make a loanword conform to the syllable structure constraints of the native system. The study reveals that Dholuo employs several strategies to nativize unnatural, non-canonic syllable structures: epenthetic vowel insertion, extrasyllabic consonant or vowel deletion, devocalization of unnatural vowel sequences, addition of a final vowel, and in some cases, consonant clusters may be tolerated. At the suprasegmental level, the study reveals that stress in the source languages is generally rendered as high tone in the language, while the stressed vowel in the loanword generally determines the ATR harmony in the loanword. The study revealed that if the first syllable in the loanword is stressed, then the loanword will be rendered with +ATR in Dholuo, while an unstressed first syllable will lead to a loanword with –ATR harmony. The study concludes that the means employed by a given language for the adaptation of unnatural, non-canonic syllable shapes are, in a general sense, peculiar to that language, and have nothing to do with the internally-motivated morpheme structure or phonological rules of the target language. The study also concludes that foreign phonemes are directly mapped onto corresponding native phonetic forms, and there is very scarce evidence in the data to support the theory that loanwords are nativized at the abstract phonological level of the target language. / Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / African Languages / unrestricted
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present paper was carried out in two fragments of cilium Forest of Espinilho creek, located in Sant Ana do Livramento, RS state. The study was taken in a fragment of forest, without any cattle for two years, and another one, with cattle on it. The component arborous-bush and the
natural regeneration in these two areas were evaluated as well as the relation of them with the environmental variants by means of a Canonic Correspondence Analysis (CCA). To do so, TRANSECTOS were set up, of variable length, distant 60 meters one from another, where there
were parts of 20m x 20m for the inventory of the adult forest and subparts of 3.16m x 3.16m, inside the parts, for the inventory of the natural regeneration. In the inventory of the arborousbush vegetation, of the land with cattle and of the land without cattle, 42 and 43 parts were set up, respectively. In these parts all the live and dead subjects with CAP≥15.7cm were sampled. The collected data for the phyto-sociological analysis of the species were: CAP and total length. In the subparts, all the regenerative arborous-bush subjects higher than 0.10m and CAP>15.7cm were measured. In order to compose the matrix of the study data information on the environment of each part were collected: soil collection for the physical analysis and pH, determination of the soil depth, reading of the opening of the tree top, determination of the soil declivity and the stones existing in each land part. To obtain the phyto-sociological parameters, the vegetation data were analyzed using Mata Nativa 2® software. It was also analyzed the distribution of the subject density, which was organized according to the class of diameter and length of those two areas. To analyze the environmental correlations of gradients with the flower composition, CCA was used, using the computer program PC-ORD® for Windows, version 5.0. For the study of the arborous-bush vegetation, it is concluded that there was a higher density of subjects in the area with no cattle and, that the more representative families of both areas were the same ones: Myrtaceae e Anacardiaceae. In the area with cattle, the Ocotea acutifolia got a greater ecological
importance while in the area without cattle it was the Ocotea acutifolia. Concerned to the environmental importance in the two areas, it is concluded that Ocotea acutifolia is influenced by higher soil depths, a higher level of clay and lower percentages of stones as well as more sand. It is concluded, from the analysis of regeneration, that the most abundant families were
Myrtaceae e Anacardiaceae. The two areas presented a similar number of subjects in natural regeneration. However, it was observed problems of regeneration in both two areas, being these problems possibly related to the fact that the cattle step on the grass and eat the herbs. About the CCA it was noticed that the cattle did not obtain a significant correlation of the environment with
the large amount of species while the area without cattle got significant results, indicating that L. molleoides e Blepharocalyx salicifolius are relates with bigger opening of dossal and a high percentage of stones, while Sebastiania commersoniana e Sebastiania brasiliensis are co-related with a lower declivity and a higher level of clay. / O presente estudo foi realizado em dois fragmentos de mata ciliar do Arroio Espinilho, localizados no município de Sant Ana do Livramento, RS. Um fragmento sem gado, há dois
anos, e o outro com gado. Foram avaliados o componente arbóreo-arbustivo e a regeneração natural nas duas áreas assim como a relação das mesmas com as variáveis ambientais por meio da Análise de Correspondência Canônica (CCA). Para tanto, foram montados transectos, de
comprimento variável, distantes 60 metros um do outro, onde foram alocadas parcelas de 20mx20m para o inventário da floresta adulta e subparcelas de 3,16mx3,16m, dentro das
parcelas, para o inventário da regeneração natural. No inventário da vegetação arbóreoarbustiva, do fragmento com gado e do fragmento sem gado, foram montadas 42 parcelas e 43 parcelas, respectivamente. Nessas parcelas foram amostrados todos os indivíduos vivos e mortos com CAP≥15,7cm. Os dados coletados para as análises fitossociológicas das espécies foram: CAP e altura total. Nas subparcelas foram medidos todos os indivíduos regenerantes
arbóreos-arbustivos com altura maior que 0,10m e CAP<15,7cm. Para compor a matriz de dados do estudo foram coletadas informações do ambiente de cada parcela: coleta de solo para realização da análise física e pH, determinação da profundidade do solo, leitura da abertura de copa, determinação da declividade do solo e pedregosidade existente em cada parcela. Para obtenção dos parâmetros fitossociológicos os dados de vegetação foram analisados utilizando o software Mata Nativa 2®. Foi analisada, também, a distribuição da densidade dos indivíduos, que foi organizada por classe de diâmetro e altura nas duas áreas. Para analisar as correlações ambientais dos gradientes com a composição florística foi utilizada a CCA, utilizando o programa
computacional PC-ORD® for Windows versão 5.0. Do estudo da vegetação arbóreo-arbustiva conclui-se que houve maior densidade de indivíduos na área sem gado e que as famílias mais representativas das duas áreas foram às mesmas: Myrtaceae e Anacardiaceae. Na área com gado a Ocotea acutifolia obteve maior importância ecológica enquanto que na área sem gado foi a Lithraea molleoides. Com relação às correlações ambientais nas duas áreas concluiu-se que a
O. acutifolia é influenciada por maiores profundidades de solo, maior teor de argila e menores declividades enquanto a L. molleoides é relacionada a maiores percentagens de pedregosidade e maior teor de areia. Da análise da regeneração conclui-se que as famílias mais abundantes
foram a Myrtaceae e Anacardiaceae. As duas áreas apresentaram número semelhante de indivíduos na regeneração natural, no entanto, observou-se nas duas áreas problemas de regeneração sendo estes possivelmente, relacionados ao pisoteio e herbivoria do gado. Quanto
a CCA verificou-se que a área com gado não obteve correlação significativa do ambiente com a abundância de espécies enquanto, a área sem gado obteve resultados significativos indicando, que a L. molleoides e Blepharocalyx salicifolius estão relacionadas com maiores aberturas de
dossel e alta percentagem de pedregosidade enquanto a Sebastiania commersoniana e Sebastiania brasiliensis estão correlacionadas com menor declividade e maior teor de argila.
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A importância da monitoração de variáveis macroeconômicas nos sistemas de informação : evidenciação através de um caso na indústria transformadora de papéisOliveira, Priscila de January 2011 (has links)
O estudo realizado numa indústria transformadora de papéis teve por objetivo contribuir para a evidenciação da importância do monitoramento das variáveis macroeconômicas nos sistemas de informação. Existem ferramentas tecnológicas para processar esse tipo de informação e a literatura oferece suporte para a necessidade desse monitoramento, no entanto, esta prática tem sido objeto de um número limitado de trabalhos empíricos e tem recebido relativamente pouca atenção no ambiente empresarial. Uma possível justificativa, talvez seja a complexidade e o dinamismo dos dados que, além de estarem em constante oscilação per si, interagem entre si e podem ter impactos distintos em cada um dos produtos de uma mesma empresa. A pesquisa que deu origem a esta dissertação, foi realizada como um estudo exploratório descritivo, utilizando-se métodos estatísticos para processar variáveis internas e externas para analisar a importância das variáveis macroeconômicas no gerenciamento de informações de uma empresa selecionada. Escolheu-se uma só empresa com um leque diversificado de produtos e sua relação com seu ambiente externo. Na complexidade interna do negócio foram escolhidos os produtos mais representativos da empresa e cada um deles foram explorados através de duas ferramentas de análise multivariada de dados. Primeiro, fez-se uso da correlação canônica para escolher as variáveis macroeconômicas que possuíam relação mais forte com os produtos selecionados e, em seguida, utilizou-se a regressão linear múltipla para identificar as elasticidades dos produtos em relação a cada uma das variáveis macroeconômicas. Os resultados obtidos, evidentemente, não esgotam o estudo da prática apontada, mas os objetivos propostos e alcançados pela pesquisa, evidenciaram a importância do monitoramento das variáveis macroeconômicas para o caso estudado. / The study formulated in a paper transforming industry intends to contribute in the demonstration of the importance of monitoring macroeconomic variables in Information Systems. There are technological tools to process those data and the literature offers support to this need, nevertheless the subject has receive little attention in the corporate background and was the object of few empiric papers. One reason may be the complexity and the dynamism of the data which besides being in constant oscillation interact among each other and may have distinct impacts in different products of the company. The research performed in this dissertation is categorized as a descriptive exploratory study, using statistical methods to process internal and external variables in order to analyze the importance of the macroeconomic variables in the information management in a firm of choice. It was chosen a single firm with a wide range of products and its relation with the external environment. In the internal complexity of the business it was chosen the most representative products and each one of them were analyzed trough two different multivariate data analysis. First the Canonic Correlation in order to select the macroeconomic variables with the strongest relation to the selected products, subsequently the Multiple Linear Regression with the intention of pinpointing the elasticity of the same products to each variable. The results clearly do not exhaust the subject, however corroborate with the proposed and reached objectives highlighting the importance of monitoring macroeconomic variables for the case studied.
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A importância da monitoração de variáveis macroeconômicas nos sistemas de informação : evidenciação através de um caso na indústria transformadora de papéisOliveira, Priscila de January 2011 (has links)
O estudo realizado numa indústria transformadora de papéis teve por objetivo contribuir para a evidenciação da importância do monitoramento das variáveis macroeconômicas nos sistemas de informação. Existem ferramentas tecnológicas para processar esse tipo de informação e a literatura oferece suporte para a necessidade desse monitoramento, no entanto, esta prática tem sido objeto de um número limitado de trabalhos empíricos e tem recebido relativamente pouca atenção no ambiente empresarial. Uma possível justificativa, talvez seja a complexidade e o dinamismo dos dados que, além de estarem em constante oscilação per si, interagem entre si e podem ter impactos distintos em cada um dos produtos de uma mesma empresa. A pesquisa que deu origem a esta dissertação, foi realizada como um estudo exploratório descritivo, utilizando-se métodos estatísticos para processar variáveis internas e externas para analisar a importância das variáveis macroeconômicas no gerenciamento de informações de uma empresa selecionada. Escolheu-se uma só empresa com um leque diversificado de produtos e sua relação com seu ambiente externo. Na complexidade interna do negócio foram escolhidos os produtos mais representativos da empresa e cada um deles foram explorados através de duas ferramentas de análise multivariada de dados. Primeiro, fez-se uso da correlação canônica para escolher as variáveis macroeconômicas que possuíam relação mais forte com os produtos selecionados e, em seguida, utilizou-se a regressão linear múltipla para identificar as elasticidades dos produtos em relação a cada uma das variáveis macroeconômicas. Os resultados obtidos, evidentemente, não esgotam o estudo da prática apontada, mas os objetivos propostos e alcançados pela pesquisa, evidenciaram a importância do monitoramento das variáveis macroeconômicas para o caso estudado. / The study formulated in a paper transforming industry intends to contribute in the demonstration of the importance of monitoring macroeconomic variables in Information Systems. There are technological tools to process those data and the literature offers support to this need, nevertheless the subject has receive little attention in the corporate background and was the object of few empiric papers. One reason may be the complexity and the dynamism of the data which besides being in constant oscillation interact among each other and may have distinct impacts in different products of the company. The research performed in this dissertation is categorized as a descriptive exploratory study, using statistical methods to process internal and external variables in order to analyze the importance of the macroeconomic variables in the information management in a firm of choice. It was chosen a single firm with a wide range of products and its relation with the external environment. In the internal complexity of the business it was chosen the most representative products and each one of them were analyzed trough two different multivariate data analysis. First the Canonic Correlation in order to select the macroeconomic variables with the strongest relation to the selected products, subsequently the Multiple Linear Regression with the intention of pinpointing the elasticity of the same products to each variable. The results clearly do not exhaust the subject, however corroborate with the proposed and reached objectives highlighting the importance of monitoring macroeconomic variables for the case studied.
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A importância da monitoração de variáveis macroeconômicas nos sistemas de informação : evidenciação através de um caso na indústria transformadora de papéisOliveira, Priscila de January 2011 (has links)
O estudo realizado numa indústria transformadora de papéis teve por objetivo contribuir para a evidenciação da importância do monitoramento das variáveis macroeconômicas nos sistemas de informação. Existem ferramentas tecnológicas para processar esse tipo de informação e a literatura oferece suporte para a necessidade desse monitoramento, no entanto, esta prática tem sido objeto de um número limitado de trabalhos empíricos e tem recebido relativamente pouca atenção no ambiente empresarial. Uma possível justificativa, talvez seja a complexidade e o dinamismo dos dados que, além de estarem em constante oscilação per si, interagem entre si e podem ter impactos distintos em cada um dos produtos de uma mesma empresa. A pesquisa que deu origem a esta dissertação, foi realizada como um estudo exploratório descritivo, utilizando-se métodos estatísticos para processar variáveis internas e externas para analisar a importância das variáveis macroeconômicas no gerenciamento de informações de uma empresa selecionada. Escolheu-se uma só empresa com um leque diversificado de produtos e sua relação com seu ambiente externo. Na complexidade interna do negócio foram escolhidos os produtos mais representativos da empresa e cada um deles foram explorados através de duas ferramentas de análise multivariada de dados. Primeiro, fez-se uso da correlação canônica para escolher as variáveis macroeconômicas que possuíam relação mais forte com os produtos selecionados e, em seguida, utilizou-se a regressão linear múltipla para identificar as elasticidades dos produtos em relação a cada uma das variáveis macroeconômicas. Os resultados obtidos, evidentemente, não esgotam o estudo da prática apontada, mas os objetivos propostos e alcançados pela pesquisa, evidenciaram a importância do monitoramento das variáveis macroeconômicas para o caso estudado. / The study formulated in a paper transforming industry intends to contribute in the demonstration of the importance of monitoring macroeconomic variables in Information Systems. There are technological tools to process those data and the literature offers support to this need, nevertheless the subject has receive little attention in the corporate background and was the object of few empiric papers. One reason may be the complexity and the dynamism of the data which besides being in constant oscillation interact among each other and may have distinct impacts in different products of the company. The research performed in this dissertation is categorized as a descriptive exploratory study, using statistical methods to process internal and external variables in order to analyze the importance of the macroeconomic variables in the information management in a firm of choice. It was chosen a single firm with a wide range of products and its relation with the external environment. In the internal complexity of the business it was chosen the most representative products and each one of them were analyzed trough two different multivariate data analysis. First the Canonic Correlation in order to select the macroeconomic variables with the strongest relation to the selected products, subsequently the Multiple Linear Regression with the intention of pinpointing the elasticity of the same products to each variable. The results clearly do not exhaust the subject, however corroborate with the proposed and reached objectives highlighting the importance of monitoring macroeconomic variables for the case studied.
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Conquestus fuit Domino regi : Etude sur le recours au roi de France d'après les arrêts du Parlement (1223-1285) / Conquestus fuit domino regi : Study on the Recourse to the King of France in the Light of the Parliament’s Decisions (1223-1285)Forcadet, Pierre-Anne 01 October 2012 (has links)
Le riche et complexe « siècle de saint Louis » est celui du déploiement d’une justice royale hiérarchisée et professionnelle employant des centaines de maîtres formés dans les universités. La Cour du roi se réunit à Paris à intervalles réguliers lors de sessions en parlement. La monarchie adopte plusieurs réformes qui permettent aux justiciables d’avoir accès à la justice. Les recours sont alors portés, pour une large part, contre le roi lui-même et les exactions de ses agents. Tant de recours différents peuvent être formés qu’une forme de responsabilité de l’administration royale paraît se mettre en place.Un important contentieux est par ailleurs soulevé par les hommes contre leurs seigneurs laïcs ou ecclésiastiques. La justice royale apparaît alors comme un régulateur des relations féodales. L’appel judiciaire au Parlement, qui se systématise contre les jugements des justices concurrentes, ouvre la voie à la concrétisation de la supériorité de la justice royale, que l’on commence à appeler en français : « souveraineté ».Par acculturation, l’offre et la demande de justice se rencontrent et tendent à consacrer les institutions royales en justice de « droit commun ». Les résistances sont nombreuses de la part des justices concurrentes, mais la Cour du roi reçoit aussi leurs plaintes et, tout en étendant son influence, statue dessus en toute impartialité, ce qui contribue également à légitimer la mise en place d’un État de droit. / The rich and complex « Saint Louis’ Century » is a time of development of a hierarchical and professional royal justice. Hundreds of Masters are trained at the Universities. The king’s Court regularly assembles in Paris during sessions « in parlemento ». The monarchy adopts several reforms allowing an easier access to justice. The recourses are also carried against the king himself and the exactions of his agents. There are so many different types of recourses that the concept of responsibility of the royal administration seems to appear.On the other hand, an important part of the litigations is raised by men against their laïcs or ecclesiastics lords. Royal justice settles as a regulator of the feudal relationships. The judiciary appeal to the Parlement is becoming usual against the other justices. Indeed, it contributes to give concrete expression to the superiority of the king’s justice, which is now called, in French « souveraineté ».By acculturation, the demand and the supply meet and tend to dedicate royal institutions to an « ordinary court ». There are a lot of resistances from other judges, but the curia regis receives and judge impartially these complaints too, which contribute to set of a State under the rule of law.
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