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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de méthodes de référence pour les biomarqueurs du bilan lipidique : application au contrôle qualité en biologie clinique / Development of reference methods for lipid profile biomarqueurs : application to quality controle in clinical chemistry

Heuillet, Maud 13 December 2013 (has links)
En biologie clinique, il est indispensable de disposer de mesures fiables et comparables dans le temps et entre les laboratoires afin de permettre un dépistage et un suivi appropriés des patients. Pour cela, il est indispensable d’établir leur traçabilité métrologique aux unités du système international notamment par des méthodes de référence primaires ou des matériaux de référence certifiés (MRC) d’ordre supérieur. Ces travaux de thèse ont consisté à développer et valider des méthodes de référence pour le cholestérol total, les triglycérides, le HDL-cholestérol et le LDL-cholestérol. Leur valeur ajoutée par rapport à une valeur consensuelle a été démontrée lors d’évaluations externes de la qualité. Elles ont également permis de certifier un MRC qui pourra être utilisé pour le contrôle qualité et/ou l’étalonnage des méthodes de routine. Nous avons montré que le MRC était commutable pour la plupart des méthodes de routine pour les différents biomarqueurs, ce qui a permis de l’utiliser pour évaluer leur justesse. Les méthodes de routine avaient généralement tendance à sous-estimer la concentration en triglycérides (en particulier aux valeurs basses) et à surestimer nettement la concentration de cholestérol total et de LDL-cholestérol (en particulier aux concentrations proches du seuil de décision clinique), ce qui se traduit par une augmentation du nombre de faux-positifs (patients traités à tort). Une approche de correction de non commutabilité a également été proposée afin de permettre l’utilisation de matériaux non commutables pour évaluer la justesse. Pour conclure, ces travaux ont démontré l’importance de disposer de méthodes de référence ainsi que de MRC commutables / Reliable measurements in medical biology are essential for early screening and appropriate follow-up of patients. Ensuring metrological traceability of clinical measurements to higher order reference methods or certified reference materials enables to obtain comparable results over time and between different laboratories that could use different methods to quantify the same biomarker.In this study, reference methods were developed and validated for lipid profile biomarkers (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, and LDL-C). Their value added in proficiency testing schemes was demonstrated against consensus mean. They were also used to characterize a certified reference material (CRM) that may be used both as quality control and/or calibrator of field methods. The CRM was shown to be commutable for most field methods and lipid profile biomarkers, which proved it was suitable to assess trueness. Results of our multicenter study showed that field methods tend to underestimate triglycerides (particularly at low concentrations) and overestimate total cholesterol and LDL-C (especially around the clinical threshold), resulting in false positives and significant patient misclassifications. An approach of non-commutanility correction was also presented to allow trueness assessment with non-commutable samples. In conclusion, this work highlights the importance of using reference methods and also commutable CRM to rigorously assess accuracy of field methods used in clinical laboratories

Méthodes de réduction de modèles appliquées à des problèmes d'aéroacoustique résolus par équations intégrales / Reduced order methods applied to aeroacoustic problems solved by integral equations

Casenave, Fabien 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de deux thématiques : les méthodes numériques pour la propagation d'ondes acoustiques sous écoulement et les méthodes de réduction de modèles. Dans la première thématique, nous développons une méthode de couplage d'éléments finis et d'éléments de frontière pour résoudre l'équation d'Helmholtz convectée, lorsque l'écoulement est uniforme à l'extérieur d'un domaine borné. En particulier, nous proposons une formulation bien posée à toutes les fréquences de la source. Dans la deuxième thématique, nous proposons une solution au problème classique d'accumulation d'arrondis machine qui survient en calculant l'estimateur d'erreur a posteriori dans la méthode des bases réduites. Par ailleurs, nous proposons une méthode non intrusive pour calculer une approximation sous forme séparée des systèmes linéaires résultant de l'approximation en dimension finie de problèmes aux limites dépendant d'un ou plusieurs paramètres / This thesis has two topics : numerical methods for acoustic wave propagation in a flow and reduced order models. In the first topic, we develop a coupled finite element and boundary element method to solve the convected Helmholtz equation, when the flow is uniform outside a bounded domain. In particular, we propose a formulation that is well-posed at all the frequencies of the source. In the second topic, we propose a solution to the classical problem of round-off error accumulation that occurs when computing the a posteriori error bound in the reduced basis method. Furthermore, we propose a non intrusive method for the approximation, in a separated representation form, of linear systems resulting from the finite-dimensional approximation of boundary-value problems depending on one or several parameters

Analyse perceptuelle des déterminants de l'engagement sociétal des entreprises marocaines labellisées RSE : de la performance au développement durable - cas du maroc / Analysis perceptuelle of the determiners of the community involvement of the certified Moroccan companies RSE

Taoukif, Fatima Ez-Zahra 17 December 2014 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’analyser les déterminants de l’engagement sociétal des entreprises labellisées RSE, dans un contexte de pays émergent, en l’occurrence le Maroc. Sachant que la démarche de RSE ne connaît pas le même succès dans le monde pour plusieurs raisons liées aux spécificités économiques, culturelles et sociales de chaque pays, ce travail de recherche propose d’analyser empiriquement les bénéfices et freins perçus par les entreprises labellisées RSE de la Confédération Générale des Entreprises Marocaines (CGEM). En effet, face à un contexte marqué par des mutations profondes du nouvel environnement économique international, à savoir, la mondialisation économique et la globalisation financière et les modifications réglementaires et technologiques importantes, il est devenu nécessaire pour l’entreprise de s’inscrire dans des orientations stratégiques portant sur les perspectives du développement durable, et mettant en lumière l’engagement sociétal dans les pratiques managériales dont l’objectif principal est d’assurer sa pérennité. C’est ainsi qu’elle peut concilier préservation de l’environnement et équité sociale d’un coté et les impératifs financiers et économiques de l’autre. En se basant sur des thématiques relatives aux variables démographiques, degré de connaissance et posture managériale, actions menées et outils mobilisés, freins et réticences, et motivations et avantages en matière de RSE, nous mettons l’accent sur les bénéfices et inconvénients de cette démarche.Pour cela, deux parties ont été consacrées pour élucider les différentes questions posées. Après avoir présenté un panorama des approches théoriques et conceptuelles de l’engagement sociétal des entreprises dans la première partie, la deuxième sera consacrée au positionnement épistémologique et méthodologique, et à l’analyse des résultats de l’étude empirique. Les dits résultats permettent de répondre à notre interrogation : Quels sont les déterminants de l’engagement sociétal des entreprises marocaines labellisées RSE? / The Subject of this thesis is to analyze the determiners of the community involvement of a company (RSE) in an emerging country such as Morocco. The purpose of the present research is to analyze this relation empirically. In fact, the new international economic environment characterized by deep changes, particularly, economic and financial globalization as well as the important regulatory and technological modifications that are taking place nowadays tend to give the priority to other strategic orientations relating to the prospects of sustainable development, and clarifying the societal commitment in managerial practices. The main goal of any company is to ensure its sustainability to the benefit of its customers, its shareholders and its collaborators. A company can become a committed social actor and not simply content itself with being an economic agent generating wealth. It can also get involved and adhere to better positioning itself with regard to the sustainable development which requires the production and sale within the best economic conditions while keeping a good image, namely, its ethical behavior, and by guaranteeing that its products are socially humanly and ecologically correct. Thus it can reconcile the safeguarding of the environment, social equity and the financial and economic requirements. Therefore, two parts were devoted to elucidating the various questions raised in this respect: The first part presents a review of the theoretical and conceptual approaches of the social responsibility of a company and its overall Performance and the potential links between these two components. The second part is devoted to the epistemological and methodological positioning, to the presentation of the model and the research hypotheses, as well as the analysis of the results of the empirical study. The results make it possible to answer our question: What are the determiners of the community involvement of the certified Moroccan companies RSE?

Skeppsbyggaren : Ett miljöcertifierat gestaltningsförslag med hållbar stadsplanering i fokus / Skeppsbyggaren : An eco-certified design proposal focusing on sustainable urban planning

Lindeborg, Tomas, Kågström, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Gävle beräknas inom de kommande åren växa med cirka 500 invånare per år, vilket måste avspeglas i satsningar på bostäder, arbete och service. Fastigheten Skeppsbyggaren, mer känd som Philipsontomten, bär anor från svunna industriepoker och har sedan mitten av 1990-talet stått oexploaterad. Genom att närma sig vattnet med en alltmer publik verksamhet och bostäder kan kvarteret Skeppsbyggaren medföra en förtätning samt utvidgning av de centrala delarna i Gävle. Vidare kan fastigheten bli ett bidrag till en redan värdefull kulturmiljö, något som bör ligga i både invånarnas, kommunens och ägaren CA Fastigheters intresse. Vårt arbete har gått ut på att projektera ett miljöcertifierat gestaltningsförslag för Skeppsbyggaren som bidrar till en hållbar stadsutveckling och en positiv exponering av Gävle som stad. Att miljöcertifiera byggnader är något som vunnit mark de senaste åren, men vid projektering av hela bostadsområden finns ett värde i att ta ett ytterligare steg och behandla hållbarhetsfrågor rörande hela stadsdelen. Den problembild som varit knuten till fastigheten är den intilliggande industriverksamheten, områdets ansträngda trafiksituation och att gator i anslutning till fastigheten upplevs som otrygga och därmed oattraktiva att beträda. Även den höga risken för markföroreningar associerade till tidigare verksamheter har varit en central fråga. Med stöd av Gehls och Jacobs teorier om en stadsdelsplanering som lockar till möten, aktiviteter och trygghet har vi med människan i centrum tagit fram vårt gestaltningsförslag. Området utgörs huvudsakligen av flera sammanhängande byggnader som tillsammans skapar en bullerdämpande barriär mot Södra Skeppsbron och Brodingatan. Denna bebyggelse kompletteras med ett punkthus samt en lågbebyggelse i form av radhuskroppar på innergården. Målet har varit att med huskropparnas placering och dess arkitektoniska utformning skapa ett varierat och inbjudande område som uttrycker sitt århundrade med god arkitektur. Resultatet innefattar bland annat ett underjordiskt garage, förslag till systemlösningar, egen elproduktion och brukarrelaterade lösningar för en mindre miljöpåverkan såsom bilpool, urban odling och individuell mätning av elförbrukning med mera. Förslaget uppnår betyget VERY GOOD vid vår certifiering med miljöcertifieringsverktyget BREEAM Communities. / Gävle is expected to increase its population with approximately 500 inhabitants per year in the foreseeable future, which should be reflected in the development of housing, work and services. The building plot Skeppsbyggaren, also known as Philipsontomten (the Philipson plot), dates back to an old industrial epoch and has since the mid-1990s, remained undeveloped. By approaching the water with an increasingly public business and residential district Skeppsbyggaren can lead to a densification and extension of the central parts of Gävle. The site could furthermore contribute to an already valuable cultural environment, which should be of interest for the inhabitants, the society and the owner CA Fastigheter. Our aim has been to design an eco-certified housing project proposal for Skeppsbyggaren, which contributes to a sustainable urban development and a positive exposure of Gävle. In recent years, the certification of building is something that gained ground, but during the development of entire neighborhoods is worthwhile consider sustainability issues at a larger scale, throughout the district. The problems associated with the property have been the adjacent industrial activity, the area’s strained traffic and that the nearby streets are perceived as unsafe and therefore unattractive to use. The high risk of contaminated land linked to past activities was also a central issue. We have developed a design proposal with a people-centered focus supported by Gehl’s and Jacob’s theories of planning a high functional neighborhood that attract human encounters, social activities and security. The area mainly consists of several connected buildings, which together create a noise-reducing barrier against the adjacent streets. This development is complemented by tower blocks and low buildings in the form of townhouses, located in the courtyard. Our aim regarding the positions of the buildings and its architectural designs has been to create a diverse and inviting neighborhood that expresses good architecture out of its own century. The final result includes an underground garage, selection of systems such as ventilation and heating, a local production of electricity and user-related suggestions for a smaller environmental impact such as carpools, urban gardening and individual metering of the consumption of electricity, and so on. Our proposal achieves the grade VERY GOOD in our certification using BREEAM Communities.

Corporate Social Responsibility : The future of business or just a beautiful surface?

Lindgren, Sophie, Tuvhag, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
Master Thesis in Marketing,SchoolofBusinessandEconomicsat Linnaeus University, spring 2012 Authors: Sophie Lindgren and Amanda Tuvhag Title: Corporate Social Responsibility – A successful business strategy or just a trend? Purpose: First of all, this thesis wants to describe managers’ expectations regarding customers’ perception about their retail stores CSR initiatives and furthermore their implemented CSR initiatives. Secondly, to describe customer awareness and engagement towards retail stores CSR initiatives. Finally, to compare the results from retail store and customers, in purpose to identify possible gaps between these two. Research questions:RQ1: What expectations regarding customers’ perception of retail stores CSR initiatives do manager of such stores have and how do they perform CSR activities? RQ2:    How aware are customer regarding retail stores CSR initiative and what level of engagement do customer have concerning retail stores CSR activities? Method:    The empirical material is based on both a quantitative and a qualitative investigation. The quantitative investigation is the main study and contains of a customer survey whereby the collected sample consist of 150 respondents. A pilot study have been conducted in order to improve the intension of the survey. Further, the qualitative investigation contains five in-depth semi-strucutred interviews with local store managers of the selected retail stores. Conclusion: Customer thinks retail stores CSR initiatives are important, but they seldom support them. Retail store expect customers to value CSR products/action low in relation to other factors, but retail store are engaging themselves in several CSR actions. Keywords:    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), marketing strategy, business ethics, sustainability, reputation, food industry, retailers, gap-model, perception, customer, retail store industry, expectation, environmentally certified, ecological products, fair trade.

Development Of Forward Flight Trim And Longitudinal Dynamic Stability Codes And Their Application To A Uh-60 Helicopter

Caliskan, Sevinc 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the development of a series of codes for trim and longitudinal stability analysis of a helicopter in forward flight. In general, particular use of these codes can be made for parametric investigation of the effects of the external and internal systems integrated to UH-60 helicopters. However, in this thesis the trim analysis results are obtained for a clean UH-60 configuration and the results are compared with the flight test data that were acquired by ASELSAN, Inc. The first of the developed trim codes, called TRIM-CF, is based on closedform equations which give the opportunity of having quick results. The second code stems from the trim code of Prouty. That code is modified and improved during the course of this study based on the theories outlined in [3], and the resultant code is named TRIM-BE. These two trim codes are verified by solving the trim conditions of the example helicopter of [3]. Since it is simpler and requires fewer input parameters, it is more often more convenient to use the TRIM-CF code. This code is also verified by analyzing the Bo105 helicopter with the specifications given in [2]. The results are compared with the Helisim results and flight test data given in this reference. The trim analysis results of UH-60 helicopter are obtained by the TRIM-CF code and compared with flight test data. A forward flight longitudinal dynamic stability code, called DYNA-STAB, is also developed in the thesis. This code also uses the methods presented in [3]. It solves the longitudinal part of the whole coupled matrix of equations of motion of a helicopter in forward flight. The coupling is eliminated by linearization. The trim analysis results are used as inputs to the dynamic stability code and the dynamic stability characteristics of a forward flight trim case of the example helicopter [3] are analyzed. The forward flight stability code is applied to UH-60 helicopter. The codes are easily applicable to a helicopter equipped with external stores. The application procedures are also explained in this thesis.

A unique energy-efficiency-investment-decision-model for energy services companies / Gerhardus Derk Bolt

Bolt, Gerhardus Derk January 2008 (has links)
To remain competitive in an environment with limited natural resources and ever-increasing operational costs, energy efficiency cannot be ignored. From this perspective the need for Energy Service Companies (ESCos) has arisen to address the supply constraint of national utilities and emission reductions faced by governments, to mitigate climate change. This has led to the development of two energy-efficiency finance business applications in South Africa, namely Demand-Side Management (DSM) under Eskom and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol. The technologies developed by ESCos, primarily for DSM energy efficiency projects, can be directly applied to generate Certified Emission Reduction (CERs) units, or carbon credits under the CDM business model. ESCo executives now need to decide which option will be more profitable; a once-off Rand/MW value from Eskom-DSM or an annual return on investment (ROI) from selling CERs over an extended crediting period. With a volatile CER price and bureaucratic registration procedures, it is very important that managers have all the right information at hand before making such decisions. A unique energy-efficiency investment decision model is developed that incorporates cost benefit analysis, based on the ESCos chosen risk profile. All attributes to the model of both DSM and CDM are defined, discussed and quantified into a decision analysis framework that would minimize risk and maximize profit. These attributes include life cycle analysis, technology transfer, cash flow, future CER prices, and associated project and political risks. The literature and background information that builds up to the development of this decision model serves as a complete handbook with guidelines to the South African energy services industry and investors. This study proposes a new energy-efficiency methodology under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that would increase the amount of CDM energy efficiency projects in South Africa and internationally. The methodology is designed to improve control system efficiency of any large electricity consumer instead of being equipment-specific. This implies that developers can use the same methodology regardless of whether the end-users are clear water pumping systems, compressed air systems, fans etc. This will reduce the cost of registering new methodologies with the UNFCCC and make CDM a more lucrative option to ESCos and other developers. This new energy-efficiency methodology and finance decision model was used in a case study to test its validity and accuracy. Two supporting technologies, REMS-CARBON and OSIMS, were developed in conjunction with HVAC International and tested at the clear water pumping system of Kopanang gold mine. The results from the case study demonstrated that this model is an acceptable tool in ensuring that ESCos gain maximum benefit from energy efficiency finance initiatives. Due to the experience gained with the modalities, procedures and pitfalls of DSM and CDM, further suggestions are made for new protocols to follow the Kyoto Protocol post-2012. South Africa and specifically ESCos could be very well positioned in a global “cap-andtrade” future carbon market. / PhD (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009

A unique energy-efficiency-investment-decision-model for energy services companies / Gerhardus Derk Bolt

Bolt, Gerhardus Derk January 2008 (has links)
To remain competitive in an environment with limited natural resources and ever-increasing operational costs, energy efficiency cannot be ignored. From this perspective the need for Energy Service Companies (ESCos) has arisen to address the supply constraint of national utilities and emission reductions faced by governments, to mitigate climate change. This has led to the development of two energy-efficiency finance business applications in South Africa, namely Demand-Side Management (DSM) under Eskom and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol. The technologies developed by ESCos, primarily for DSM energy efficiency projects, can be directly applied to generate Certified Emission Reduction (CERs) units, or carbon credits under the CDM business model. ESCo executives now need to decide which option will be more profitable; a once-off Rand/MW value from Eskom-DSM or an annual return on investment (ROI) from selling CERs over an extended crediting period. With a volatile CER price and bureaucratic registration procedures, it is very important that managers have all the right information at hand before making such decisions. A unique energy-efficiency investment decision model is developed that incorporates cost benefit analysis, based on the ESCos chosen risk profile. All attributes to the model of both DSM and CDM are defined, discussed and quantified into a decision analysis framework that would minimize risk and maximize profit. These attributes include life cycle analysis, technology transfer, cash flow, future CER prices, and associated project and political risks. The literature and background information that builds up to the development of this decision model serves as a complete handbook with guidelines to the South African energy services industry and investors. This study proposes a new energy-efficiency methodology under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that would increase the amount of CDM energy efficiency projects in South Africa and internationally. The methodology is designed to improve control system efficiency of any large electricity consumer instead of being equipment-specific. This implies that developers can use the same methodology regardless of whether the end-users are clear water pumping systems, compressed air systems, fans etc. This will reduce the cost of registering new methodologies with the UNFCCC and make CDM a more lucrative option to ESCos and other developers. This new energy-efficiency methodology and finance decision model was used in a case study to test its validity and accuracy. Two supporting technologies, REMS-CARBON and OSIMS, were developed in conjunction with HVAC International and tested at the clear water pumping system of Kopanang gold mine. The results from the case study demonstrated that this model is an acceptable tool in ensuring that ESCos gain maximum benefit from energy efficiency finance initiatives. Due to the experience gained with the modalities, procedures and pitfalls of DSM and CDM, further suggestions are made for new protocols to follow the Kyoto Protocol post-2012. South Africa and specifically ESCos could be very well positioned in a global “cap-andtrade” future carbon market. / PhD (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009

Jazyk a překlad v právu / Language, Translation and Law

Lipertová, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
Language, Translation and Law The main objective of this thesis is to explore the interconnection of law and language with a special focus on legal translation. The author of the thesis analyses the history of legal translation together with multilingualism in European Union. The thesis is divided into three major parts: "Language in law", "Translation in law" and "Language(s) and multilingualism in the European Union". The author explains the term legal language in the first part. The attention is directed to indeterminacy and incomprehensibility of the legal language as well as to legal vocabulary and stylistics of legal discourse. The author furthermore analyses the role and legal regulation of the legal language in Czech legislation. The plain language movement is noted as well. The second part of the thesis examines in detail various aspects of legal translation. The author summarises legal translation history worldwide as well as the historical development within the Czech territory. Legal translation is addressed on the basis of the specific use of translation (legislation, international treaties, certified translation and interpretation). In the certified translation and interpretation history the author introduces the sworn interpreters cabinet decree of 22 December 1835 (Hofdecret 109....

A Brief Look at Peruvian Environmental Public Management for Sustainable Development: Interview with Dr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal Otárola / Una Breve Mirada a la Gestión Pública Ambiental Peruana Para el Desarrollo Sostenible: Entrevista al Dr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal Otárola

Cjuro Vera, Cinthia, Velásquez Franco, Cristian 10 April 2018 (has links)
Through this interview, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal refers some crucial aspects related to the management being done by the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) on Sustainable Development. As the first point, the author lists the actions that MINAM has executed under the National Energy Policy of Peru, as well as those measures in which they have been working to reduce the environmental impact in the energy sector. Next, the author explains the reasons why the National Climate Change Strategy of 2003 has been implemented in only 12%; while in relation to the possible configuration of a carbon market in Peru, EnvironmentMinister confirmed its existence, adding that as a result, it has been recently approved a legal formula that defines the legal and institutional framework mechanisms to regulate compensation for ecosystem services such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Finally, Dr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, express its position on the package content reactivating measures that were approved earlier this year by Congress, as well as their expectations of the Twentieth Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention United Nations Climate Change (COP 20) which our country will host. / A través de la presente entrevista, el Dr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal se pronuncia sobre algunos aspectos cruciales vinculados a la gestión que viene realizando el Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) en materia de Desarrollo Sostenible. Como primer punto, el autor realiza un recuento de las acciones que hasta el momento ha ejecutado el MINAM en el marco de la Política Energética Nacional del Perú, así como aquellas medidas en las que viene trabajando para reducir el impacto ambiental en el sector energético. A continuación, el autor explica las razones por las que la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático (ENCC) de 2003 solo se ha dado en un 12%; mientras que, en relación a la posible configuración de un mercado de bonos de carbono en el Perú, el Ministro del Ambiente confirma su existencia, precisando que como consecuencia de ello recientemente se ha arribado a una fórmula legal que permite definir el marco legal e institucional para regular los mecanismos de retribución por servicios ecosistémicos, tales como el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL). Finalmente, el Dr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, expresa su posición frente al contenido del paquete de medidas reactivadoras que fueron aprobadas hace algunos meses por el Congreso de la República, así como sus expectativas respecto a la Vigésima Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP 20) de la cual será sede nuestro país.

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