Spelling suggestions: "subject:"encoding RNAs"" "subject:"downcoding RNAs""
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RNAs não-codificantes associados a IS200/605: identificação e caracterização funcional na archaea Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 / Non-coding RNAs associated with IS200/605: Identification and functional characterizal in the archaea Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1José Vicente Gomes Filho 13 June 2017 (has links)
Os elementos genéticos móveis (mobile genetic elements MGEs), são elementos extremamente importantes para plasticidade e evolução dos genomas. Uma das classes mais importantes de MGEs são as sequências de inserção (insertion sequences - IS). Estes elementos são encontrados em bactérias e archaea e apresentam grande diversidade de famílias e mecanismos de movimentação. Uma família interessante de IS é IS200/605, esta família encontra-se distribuída em bactérias, archaea e vírus e utiliza substratos de DNA de fita simples para seu processo de transposição. Neste trabalho, através da análise de dados públicos de transcritoma identificamos RNAs sobrepostos ao 3\' de genes tnpB de IS200/605 em archaea e bactérias, estes transcritos foram chamados de sense overlapping transcripts (sotRNAs). As extremidades 5\' e 3\' dos sotRNAs foram mapeadas através de dados de RNA-seq de pequenos RNAs (sRNA-seq) e validadas através da técnica de C-RACE. Análises de sequência e estrutura secundária demonstraram que estes RNAs apresentam um motivo conservado chamado de RE-like. Utilizando a sequência consenso deste motivo pudemos identificar RNAs intergênicos derivados de IS200/605 em H. salinarum NRC-1. Para caracterização funcional, construímos linhagens superexpressando os RNAs VNG_sot0042 e VNG_R0052, ambos contendo o motivo RE-like. Curvas de crescimento, utilizando as linhagens construídas demonstraram que a superexpressão destes RNAs aumenta o crescimento de H. salinarum demonstrando sua funcionalidade. Devido a presença do motivo RE-like, extremidades 5\' e 3\' determinadas e fenótipo visualizado em curva de crescimento padrão, o sotRNA VNG_sot0042 foi estudado mais a fundo. Realizamos experimentos de RNA-seq para avaliar o impacto desta superexpressão no transcritoma de H. salinarum NRC-1, assim como experimentos de SILAC para identificação de proteínas parceiras em larga escala. Nestes ensaios identificamos proteínas e genes associados ao processo de adesão, geração de células persistentes e resistência a metais pesados. Ensaios de adesão e sobrevivência a metais pesados demonstraram que a linhagem de superexpressão apresenta maior capacidade de aderir a vidro e maior sobrevivência em diversas condições de estresse. Deste modo, podemos sugerir que ncRNAs derivados de IS200/605 são importantes moléculas regulatórias em H. salinarum NRC-1 e nos ajudam a compreender a manutenção de IS200/605 e seus derivados nos genomas de procariotos. / Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) are extremely important for plasticity and evolution of genomes. Their impacts are diverse and could be related to antibiotic resistence or symbiosis. One of the most important class of MGEs are insertion sequences (ISs). These elements are found widespread throughout bacteria and archaea, presenting a great diversity of families. An interesting family is the IS200/605, this family is found widespread in bacteria, archaea and viruses and is divided in three subgroups according to it\'s genetic composition: IS200 with tnpA gene alone, IS605 with tnpA and tnpB and IS1341 with tnpB only. Another interesting aspect is the utilization of single-stranded DNA as a substrate during the transposition process. In this work, through the analysis of public available transcriptomic data we identified transcripts that overlaps the 3\' end of tnpB in IS200/605 in both bacteria and archaea. These transcripts were named sense overlapping transcripts (sotRNAs). Sequence and secondary structure analysis showed a conserved motif present in sotRNAs, the RE-like motif. Using the consensus sequence of this motif we identified novel intergenic ncRNAs containing this motif that are derived from IS200/605. For functional characterization we overexpressed a sotRNA (VNG_sot0042) and a intergenic (VNG_R0052), both containing the RE-like motif. Standard growth curves demonstrated that the overexpression of these ncRNAs improve H. salinarum growth showing that this RNA is functional. To further evaluate the impact of the overexpressions we prepared RNA-seq libraries of the strain overexpressing VNG_sot0042 and in parallel performed SILAC experiments to identify potential protein-RNA interaction partners. Differentially regulated genes and interacting proteins associated with adhesion and persistent cells generation were found. Adhesion and survival assays showed that the lineage overexpressing VNG_sot0042 has a better capability to adhere in glass surfaces and survive more in diverse stressful conditions.
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Análise exploratória em larga escala de microRNAs expressos em tilápia do Nilo utilizando ferramentas de bioinformáticaBovolenta, Luiz Augusto. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Ney Lemke / Resumo: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenas moléculas de RNA que regulam pós-transcricionalmente a expressão de genes, modelando o transcriptoma e a produção de proteínas. Em geral, os miRNAs são conservados no genoma de eucariotos, sendo considerados elementos vitais em diversos processos biológicos durante o desenvolvimento, tais como crescimento, diferenciação e morte celular. A grande diversidade de miRNAs identificados está restrita a poucas espécies e apenas uma parte do total de alvos de miRNAs preditos foi caracterizada funcionalmente. Nesse contexto, o uso da tecnologia de sequenciamento de alto rendimento (high throughput sequencing) atrelada à análise de nível transcricional por RT-qPCR possibilitam a identificação do microRNoma. A tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, é considerada um excelente modelo biológico para o estudo de miRNAs em vertebrados devido à sua importância econômica e evolutiva. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: organizar os dados do sequenciamento dos miRNAs da tilapia do Nilo; disponibilizá-los em forma de uma base de dados para a comunidade científica; integrar as informações dos miRNAs identificados com outros bancos de dados de miRNAs; analisar os dados através de análises de bioinformática para determinação de agrupamentos definidos pelo nível de expressão de cada miRNA em seis tipos de tecido (músculo branco, músculo vermelho, testículo, ovário, fígado, olho, cérebro e coração) com distinção entre os gêneros e nas fases do desenvolvimento (2,... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor
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Caracterização da Estrutura e Regulação dos Genes MGC16121 e CR596471 / Structural and Regulatory Characterization of Genes MGC16121 and CR596471Bruna Rodrigues Muys 10 June 2013 (has links)
Os genes MGC16121 e CR596471 localizam-se no cromossomo X (Xq26) entre os loci HPRT1 e PLAC1, uma região rica em genes associados com a reprodução humana. A importância de tais genes reside na possibilidade de estarem envolvidos no desenvolvimento placentário e fetal e de serem expressos em poucos tecidos normais. Camundongos portadores de deleções próximas do gene ortólogo HPRT1 de humanos apresentam cerca de um terço do tamanho dos camundongos selvagens ou em alguns casos são natimortos. No entanto, este fenótipo não é observado quando o gene está mutado. Assim, pode-se supor que o fenótipo anormal das cobaias não é resultado da deficiência do HPRT1, mas sim de genes e/ou microRNAs (miRNAs) próximos a ele. Estes resultados abrem perspectivas em relação ao estudo dos genes MGC16121, CR596471 e miRNAs das vizinhanças. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a estrutura, a expressão e o mecanismo de regulação por metilação dos genes MGC16121 e CR596471. Adicionalmente foram analisados quanto ao perfil de expressão e regulação por metilação os miRNAs das vizinhanças (miR-424, 503, 450a, 450b-5p e 542-3p). O gene MGC16121 mostrou-se específico de placenta e também expresso em 50% das 18 linhagens tumorais analisadas. Já CR596471 e os miRNAs das vizinhanças foram mais expressos em placenta do que qualquer outro tecido normal analisado, sendo o primeiro expresso também em 100% das linhagens tumorais avaliadas. Houve correlação positiva e significativa entre todos os genes e miRNAs em relação à expressão em tecidos normais, porém o mesmo não foi observado para linhagens tumorais. A respeito da regulação, os genes CR596471 e MGC16121 e os miRNAs miR-424, 503 e 450a foram regulados negativamente por metilação do DNA em pelo menos uma das três linhagens tratadas com o agente demetilante 5-aza-2-deoxicitidina. Apoiando este fato, os dinucleotídeos CpG das ilhas CpGs situadas próximas às regiões 5 dos genes CR596471 e MGC16121 foram pelo menos em parte desmetilados após o mesmo tratamento.Os dados relativos à estrutura primária dos genes indicam que os transcritos, apesar de serem lncRNAs apresentaram características de mRNAs. Para MGC16121 foi determinado um transcrito composto de 3 éxons e, para CR596471, um transcrito composto de 3 éxons e outro composto de 2 éxons. Os transcritos aqui determinados são relativamente conservados quando comparados a sequências de RNA encontradas em outros mamíferos, principalmente em primatas. Adicionalmente, o transcrito de MGC16121 possui subestruturas secundárias visivelmente semelhantes com aquelas dos transcritos homólogos encontrados em alguns primatas. De acordo com os resultados, o gene MGC16121 pode ser considerado um possível bom marcador para diagnóstico, prognóstico e talvez para terapias contra cânceres. Todavia, mais experimentos devem ser realizados para verificar a função dos genes MGC16212 e CR5976471, além de avaliar mais robustamente a capacidade do gene MGC16121 ser utilizado como ferramenta na medicina contra o câncer. / CR596471 and MGC16121 genes lie on chromosome X (Xq26) between the HPRT1 and PLAC1 loci, a region rich in genes associated with human reproduction. The importance of such genes is the possibility that they might be involved in placental and fetal development, aware that they are expressed in few normal tissues. Deletions in mice around the orthologous gene of human HPRT1 affect their development or lead to stillbirth. However, this phenotype is not observed when this gene is mutated. So we can assume that the abnormal phenotype of mice cannot be due to HPRT1 deficiency, but to genes and/or microRNAs (miRNAs) nearby. These results support the idea of investigating the mechanisms involved in the regulation of the MGC16121 and CR596471 genes, and their neighbor miRNAs. This study aimed to characterize the structure, expression and regulation mechanism by methylation of genes MGC16121 and CR596471. In addition, the expression profile and methylation regulation of the neighbor miRNAs (miR-424, 503, 450a, 450b-5p and 542-3p) were analyzed. MGC16121 was demonstrated to be placenta specific and expressed in 50% of 18 tumor cell lines analyzed. CR596471 and the neighbor miRNAs were more expressed in placenta than in any other normal tissue analyzed. The former was also expressed in all tumor cell lines evaluated. There was significant and positive correlation between all genes and miRNAs regarding normal tissue expression. However, the same was not observed for the tumor cell lines. With respect to regulation, the genes CR596471 and MGC16121, and miRNAs miR-424, 503 and 450a were negatively regulated by DNA methylation at least in one of the three cell lines treated with the demethylating agent 5- aza-2-deoxycytidine. Supporting these results, the CpG dinucleotides from CpG islands located near the CR596471 and MGC16121 5 regions were at least partially demethylated after the same treatment. The data concerning to genes primary structures indicate that the transcripts, despite of being considered lncRNAs, presented mRNAs characteristics. It was determined one transcript for MGC16121 gene which consisted of three exons, and for CR596471 gene, two transcripts were found, one with three exons and other composed of two exons. The transcripts herein determined are relatively conserved when compared to RNAs sequences found in other mammals, mostly in primates. Besides, the MGC16121 transcript presents similar secondary substructures to those found in homologous transcripts from other primate species. According to the results, MGC16121 gene could be considered a possible good biomarker to diagnosis, prognosis and perhaps to therapies against cancers. Nevertheless, more experiments must be accomplished in order to verify the functions of MGC16121 and CR596471 genes, in addition to evaluate more robustly the competence of MGC16121 gene to be used as a tool in medicine against cancer.
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Biogenèse et fonctions de petits ARN non-codants dérivant d'ARN de transfert, les tRF, chez les plantes / Biogenesis and functions of tRNA-derived small non-coding RNAs, tRFs, in plantsLalande, Stéphanie 12 December 2017 (has links)
Des petits ARN non codants dérivant d'ARN de transfert (tRF) ont été identifiés dans tous les domaines de la vie, et de plus en plus de fonctions importantes leur sont attribuées chez de nombreux organismes. Dans ce travail mené sur la plante modèle Arabidopsis, nous avons d’abord montré que la population en tRF varie en fonction des tissus et des conditions de stress. Concernant leur biogenèse, les endoribonucléases responsables du clivage des ARNt ont été identifiées, il s'agit des RNases T2, RNS1, 2 et 3. Afin de réaliser une étude structure/fonction, une approche d’expression en système de levure a été initiée pour permettre l’obtention de quantité suffisante de RNS1 purifiée. L’étude des fonctions des tRF montre que certains d’entre eux sont associés à AGO1, qu'ils semblent cibler entre-autres des éléments transposables et qu’ils pourraient avoir une localisation nucléaire. Enfin, deux tRF, le tRF-5D (Ala) et le tRF-5D (Asn) inhibent efficacement la traduction in vitro. Une association de tRF-5D (Ala) aux polyribosomes de plantules d'Arabidopsis a pu être visualisée, suggérant que certains tRF puissent agir en tant que régulateur global de la traduction. / Small non-coding RNAs derived from transfer RNAs (tRFs) have been identified in all domains of life, and more and more important functions are attributed to them in many organisms. In this work on the model plant Arabidopsis, we first showed that the tRF population varies according to tissues and stress conditions. With regard to their biogenesis, the endoribonucleases responsible for tRNA cleavage were identified, it is the RNases T2, RNS1, 2 and 3. In order to carry out a structure / function analysis, heterologous expression in yeast has been developed with the hope to get sufficient amount of purified RNS1. The question of tRF functions has also been studied. It has been shown that some tRFs are associated with AGO1, that they often seem to target transposable elements and could have a nuclear localization. Finally, the study of the involvement of the tRFs in the regulation of translation was tackled. Two tRFs, tRF-5D (Ala) and tRF-5D (Asn) efficiently inhibit translation in vitro. An association of tRF-5D (Ala) with polyribosomes of Arabidopsis seedlings could be visualized suggesting that some plant tRFs could as global regulator of the translation process.
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Long non-coding RNAs in cancer : the role of HOTAIR in Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition / Longs ARN non-codants et cancer : le rôle de HOTAIR dans la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuseBertrand, Claire 27 October 2014 (has links)
Le génome humain est largement transcrit en milliers d’ARN non traduits en protéines. Les longs ARN non-codants (ARNlnc) ont un rôle majeur dans la régulation du génome, au cours du développement et lors de la progression de nombreuses maladies, dont les cancers. La transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (TEM), donnant à une cellule la capacité de former des métastases, semble être un processus crucial transformant une tumeur bénigne en maladie mortelle. Certains ARNlnc ont été associés à ce phénomène, mais leur fonction reste à définir.Un modèle in vitro de TEM et des approches de séquençage d’ARN à très haut débit, nous ont permis de définir un catalogue d’ARNlnc dérégulés entre cellules épithéliales et mésenchymateuses. Parmi eux, nous avons identifié HOTAIR, étudié pour son expression aberrante dans les tumeurs métastasées et son interaction avec les complexes PRC2 et LSD1/CoREST/REST. Par des approches de perte et de gain de fonction, nous avons montré que HOTAIR n’est pas impliqué dans l’initiation de la TEM mais est un régulateur majeur de la prolifération cellulaire ainsi que des capacités de migration et d’invasion des cellules. Nous avons généré des lignées cellulaires sur-exprimant HOTAIR privé de son domaine d’interaction avec PRC2 ou LSD1. L’étude de leur phénotype et l’établissement de leur transcriptome ont permis de montrer que le domaine d’interaction avec le complexe LSD1/CoREST/REST est crucial pour la régulation de nombreux gènes par HOTAIR. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension du rôle des ARNlnc dans la TEM, et de la fonction cruciale de HOTAIR dans l’acquisition d’un phénotype métastatique par des cellules cancéreuses épithéliales. / The human genome is pervasively transcribed into thousands of non-coding transcripts. Numerous studies underline the diversity and importance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in genome regulation and their impact on development and diseases. Processes of cancer progression are extensively studied, in particular the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) that enables epithelial cancer cells to invade other tissues to form metastases. If several lncRNAs have been associated with EMT, their molecular function is not clearly defined. Using a well-established in vitro cell model of EMT and high-throughput RNA sequencing approaches, we defined a catalogue of annotated and novel lncRNAs significantly deregulated between epithelial and mesenchymal states of HEK cells. Among them, we identified HOTAIR, linked to cancer metastasis and described as a scaffold RNA guiding chromatin-modifying complexes PRC2 and LSD1/CoREST/REST. Using loss- and gain-of-function approaches, we showed that HOTAIR is not an inducer of the EMT per se but a major regulator of cell proliferation rate, migratory and invasive capacities. We generated stable cell-lines over expressing HOTAIR transcripts lacking PRC2- or LSD1-interacting domains. Transcriptome analysis and phenotypic studies showed that LSD1-binding domain is crucial for HOTAIR-mediated gene regulation. Altogether, our results give new insights into lncRNAs role in EMT, with a better understanding of HOTAIR-mediated gene regulation mechanism and its role in the acquisition of a metastatic phenotype by cancer cells. Further studies will be performed to deeper investigate lncRNAs role in EMT, particularly for previously unannotated lncRNAs.
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Unresolved Issues in RNA Therapeutics in Vascular Diseases With a Focus on Aneurysm DiseaseSchellinger, Isabel N., Dannert, Angelika R., Mattern, Karin, Raaz, Uwe, Tsao, Philip S. 04 April 2023 (has links)
New technologies have greatly shaped the scientific and medical landscape within the
last years. The unprecedented expansion of data and information on RNA biology
has led to the discovery of new RNA classes with unique functions and unexpected
modifications. Today, the biggest challenge is to transfer the large number of findings
in basic RNA biology into corresponding clinical RNA-based therapeutics. Lately, this
research begins to yield positive outcomes. RNA drugs advance to the final phases
of clinical trials or even receive FDA approval. Furthermore, the introduction of the
RNA-guided gene-editing technology CRISPR and advances in the delivery ofmessenger
RNAs have triggered a major progression in the field of RNA-therapeutics. Especially
short interfering RNAs and antisense oligonucleotides are promising examples for novel
categories of therapeutics. However, several issues need to be addressed including
intracellular delivery, toxicity, and immune responses before utilizing RNAs in a clinical
setting. In this review, we provide an overview on opportunities and challenges for clinical
translation of RNA-based therapeutics, with an emphasis on advances in novel delivery
technologies and abdominal aortic aneurysm disease where non-coding RNAs have
been shown to play a crucial regulatory role.
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Régulation de l'expression du gène Igf2 : nouveaux promoteurs et implication de longs ARN non-codants / Regulation of Igf2 gene expression : novel promoters and involvement of long non-coding RNAsTran, Van Giang 30 June 2014 (has links)
L'expression du gène Igf2, qui est soumis à l'empreinte génomique parentale chez les mammifères, est hautement régulée au cours du développement embryonnaire et de la période périnatale grâce à divers mécanismes transcriptionnels et post-transcriptionnels. Ces mécanismes mettent à contribution de longs ARN non codants produits au sein même du locus, dont le plus connu est l'ARN H19. En utilisant une approche de complémentation génétique par un transgène H19 dans myoblastes H19 KO de souris, nous démontrons l'existence de plusieurs nouveaux promoteurs d'Igf2. L'un de ces promoteurs, qui est conservé chez l'homme, peut être activé par un ARN ectopique antisens d'H19 (lncARN 91H) en dépit d'une méthylation complète de la région de contrôle empreinte située en cis sur le même allèle. Nous montrons également que les lncARN 91H présentent une certaine spécificité tissulaire et que leur transcription peut être initiée à partir des séquences conservées CS4, CS5 et CS9 situées en aval du gène H19. Quant à l'ARN H19, qui est l'ARN non codant majeur du locus, il semble pouvoir réguler ses transcrits antisens dans les myoblastes H19 KO complémentés par le transgène H19, mais surtout il participe activement à la régulation post-transcriptionnelle du gène Igf2 chez la souris. Nous observons en effet qu'il favorise la coupure endoribonucléolytique de l'ARN Igf2 par un mécanisme qui reste à découvrir. Enfin, nous mettons en évidence l'existence d'un l'arrêt de l'élongation de la transcription du gène d'Igf2, pour lequel nous proposons un modèle de régulation faisant intervenir un autre long ARN non codant du locus: le lncARN PIHit. Au-delà des mécanismes qui restent à explorer, nos résultats renforcent l'idée que la structure tridimensionnelle de la chromatine participe à la régulation de l'expression des gènes chez les mammifères. / In mammals, the expression of the Igf2 gene, which is subject to parental genomic imprinting, is tightly regulated during embryonic development and the perinatal period through several transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms. These mechanisms are involving long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) produced within the locus; among them the best known is probably the H19 RNA. Using a genetic complementation assay consisting in transfections of an H19 transgene into H19 KO myoblasts, we discovered several novel Igf2 promoters in the mouse. One of these promoters, that is conserved in the human, can be activated by ectopic H19 antisens RNAs (91H lncRNAs) despite a complete methylation of the Imprinting-Control Region located in cis on the same allele. We also show that the 91H lncRNAs possess some tissue-specific features and that their transcription can be initiated from the CS4, CS5 and CS9 conserved sequences located downstream of the H19 gene. On the other hand, the H19 RNA, that is the major lncRNA of the locus, appears to regulate its antisense transcripts in H19 KO myoblasts complemented with the H19 transgene, but its major function seems to be in regulating post-transcriptionally the Igf2 gene expression. Indeed, we have observed that it favours the endoribonucleolytic cleavage of the Igf2 messenger RNAs through a mechanism that remains to be elucidated. Finally, we reveal the existence of a premature transcriptional elongation stop of the Igf2 gene, for which we propose a regulation model involving another lncRNA of the locus: the PIHit lncRNA. Beyond the mechanisms that remain to be explored, our results strengthen the idea that, in mammals, the three-dimensional organization of the chromatin is involved in regulating gene expression.
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Identificação de RNAs longos não-codificadores de proteínas regulados por micro-RNAs / Identification of long non-protein coding RNAs regulated by micro-RNAsAmaral, Murilo Sena 18 December 2013 (has links)
Estudos recentes têm revelado que a maior parte dos transcritos gerados em células humanas é composta por RNAs não-codificadores de proteínas (ncRNAs). Uma parte desses ncRNAs compreende a classe de RNAs curtos, que possuem menos que 200 nucleotídeos. Os micro-RNAs (miRNAs) fazem parte dessa classe e têm sido alvo de grande interesse, pois são preditos como possíveis reguladores de mais de 60% dos RNAs mensageiros (mRNAs) humanos. Outra classe dos ncRNAs é composta por ncRNAs longos (lncRNAs, com mais de 200 nucleotídeos), que são transcritos a partir de regiões intergênicas e intrônicas do genoma humano e possuem várias funções, muitas delas relacionadas ao controle da expressão de mRNAs. Recentemente, os lncRNAs têm sido caracterizados quanto à sua estrutura e função. No entanto, muito pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos pelos quais os lncRNAs são regulados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se lncRNAs são regulados por miRNAs em células humanas. Para tanto, identificamos lncRNAs ligados ao complexo de silenciamento induzido por RNA (RISC) em células da linhagem HeLa, utilizando um método aqui desenvolvido de geração de bibliotecas de cDNA direcionadas para sequenciamento em larga escala na plataforma 454/Roche. Em paralelo, sequenciamos os miRNAs ligados ao RISC nestas mesmas células. Os resultados obtidos mostram que centenas de lncRNAs de diversas classes se ligam ao RISC em células HeLa, juntamente com milhares de mRNAs e várias centenas de miRNAs. Entre os miRNAs, encontramos 37 que são preditos como alvejando os lncRNAs detectados. Estes miRNAs constituem possíveis reguladores dos lncRNAs e, portanto, nosso trabalho estabelece um mapa experimental de interações diretas entre lncRNAs e miRNAs. Dentre os lncRNAs identificados ligados ao RISC neste trabalho, destaca-se o TUG1, lincRNA sabidamente envolvido na regulação de genes relacionados à apoptose e ao ciclo celular. Mostramos por ensaio de super-expressão de miRNAs e qPCR que TUG1 é regulado pelo miRNA-148b, um dos miRNAs por nós detectados que possui um sítio alvo altamente conservado em mamíferos localizado na extremidade 3\' de TUG1. Em conjunto, este trabalho contribui para o entendimento da regulação dos níveis de expressão de lncRNAs em células humanas e abre perspectivas para a modulação de miRNAs como estratégia de regulação dos níveis e das funções de lncRNAs. / Recent studies have revealed that the largest fraction of the transcripts generated in human cells is composed of non-protein coding RNAs (ncRNAs). A portion of these RNAs encompasses the class of short RNAs, which are less than 200 nucleotides in length. Micro-RNAs (miRNAs) are part of this class and are of great interest, as they are predicted to target over 60% of the human messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Another class of ncRNAs is composed of long ncRNAs (lncRNAs, longer than 200 nucleotides), which are transcribed from intergenic and intronic regions of the human genome and have several functions, many of them related to the control of the mRNA expression. Recently, the structure and function of lncRNAs have been characterized. However, little is known about the mechanisms involved in lncRNA regulation. This work aimed to evaluate whether lncRNAs are regulated by miRNAs in human cells. For this purpose, we identified lncRNAs bound to the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) in HeLa cells using a method developed here for the generation of strand-specific cDNA libraries for large scale RNA-sequencing in the 454/Roche plataform. In parallel, we sequenced the miRNAs bound to RISC in these cells. Our results show that hundreds of lncRNAs from diverse classes are bound to RISC in HeLa cells, along with thousands of mRNAs and several hundred miRNAs. Among the miRNAs we identified 37 that are predicted to target the detected lncRNAs. These miRNAs are possible regulators of the lncRNAs, and therefore our work establishes an experimental map of direct interactions between lncRNAs and miRNAs. The lncRNA TUG1, a lincRNA involved in the regulation of genes related to apoptosis and cell cycle, was identified among the lncRNAs bound to RISC. We showed by miRNA over-expression and qPCR that TUG-1 is regulated by the miRNA-148b, which is one of the miRNAs detected in our sequencings and has a binding site highly conserved in mammals located at the TUG1 3` end. Taken together, our results contribute to the understanding of the regulation of the lncRNA expression levels in human cells and open perspectives for the modulation of miRNAs as a strategy to regulate the levels and functions of lncRNAs.
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Identificação de perfis de expressão de RNAs codificadores e não codificadores de proteína como preditores de recorrência de câncer de próstata / Identification of protein-coding and non-coding RNA expression profiles as prognostic marker of prostate cancer biochemical recurrenceMoreira, Yuri José de Camargo Barros 27 August 2010 (has links)
O câncer de próstata é o quinto tipo mais comum de câncer no mundo e o mais comum em homens. Fatores clínicos e anatomopatológicos atualmente usados na clínica não são capazes de distinguir entre a doença indolente e a agressiva. Existe uma grande necessidade de novos marcadores de prognóstico, a fim de melhorar o gerenciamento clínico de pacientes de câncer de próstata. Além das anormalidades em genes codificadores de proteínas, alterações em RNAs não codificadores (ncRNAs) contribuem para a patogênese do câncer e, portanto, representam outra fonte potencial de biomarcadores de câncer de próstata. Entretanto, até o momento, poucos estudos de perfis de expressão de ncRNAs foram publicados. Este projeto teve como principal objetivo identificar perfis de expressão de genes codificadores e não codificadores de proteína correlacionados com recorrência de tumor de próstata, a fim de gerar um perfil prognóstico com potencial uso como biomarcadores e elucidar o possível papel de ncRNAs no desenvolvimento do câncer. Para isso, foram analisados os perfis de expressão de genes codificadores e não codificadores de proteína de um conjunto de 42 amostras de tecido tumoral de câncer de próstata de pacientes de amostras de pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia radical, com longo acompanhamento clínico (cinco anos) e conhecida evolução da doença Nós utilizamos microarranjos por nós desenhados e fabricados pela Agilent sob encomenda, interrogando aproximadamente 18.709 transcritos não codificadores longos (>500 nt), sem evidência de splicing, que mapeiam em regiões intrônicas dentro de 5.660 loci genômicos. Os dados de expressão foram extraídos de cada arranjo, normalizados entre todas as 42 amostras de pacientes. Usando uma estratégia de múltipla amostragem, foi identificado um perfil de expressão de mau prognóstico, contendo 51 transcritos intrônicos não codificadores de proteína. O perfil prognóstico de ncRNAs foi aplicado a um conjunto teste independente de 22 pacientes, classificando corretamente 82% das amostras. Uma análise de Kaplan-Meier dos pacientes do conjunto teste indicou que as curvas de sobrevida dos grupos de alto e baixo risco foram significativamente distintas (Log-rank test p = 0,0009; Hazard ratio = 23,4, 95% CI = 3,62 a 151,2), confirmando assim que este classificador é útil para identificar pacientes com alto risco de recorrência. Além disso, estas descobertas indicam um potencial papel destes RNAs intrônicos não codificadores na progressão do tumor de próstata e apontam para os RNAs intrônicos como potenciais novos marcadores de câncer / Prostate cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer in the world, and the most common in men. Clinical and anatomo-pathological factors currently used in clinic are not able to distinguish between the indolent and the aggressive disease. There is a major need of new prognostic makers in order to improve the clinical management of prostate cancer patients. Apart from abnormalities in protein-coding genes, changes in non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) contribute to the pathogenesis of cancer and thus represent another potential source of prostate cancer biomarkers. However, few studies of expression profiles of ncRNAs have been published. This project aimed to identify expression profiles of protein-coding and non-coding genes correlated to prostate cancer biochemical recurrence. For this, we analyzed the expression profile of 42 prostate cancer samples from patients undergoing radical prostatectomy, with long follow-up (five years), and know disease outcome. We used a custom microarray designed by us and printed by Agilent, that probes 18,709 long (>500 nt) ncRNAs mapping to intronic regions within 5,660 genomic loci. The expression data were extracted from each array and normalized across all 42 samples. Using a multiple random sampling validation strategy, we identified an expression profile of poor prognosis, comprising 51 ncRNAs. The prognostic profile of ncRNAs was applied to an independent test set of 22 patients, correctly classifying 82% of the samples. A Kaplan-Meier analysis of the test set of patients indicated that the survival curves of high and low risk groups were significantly different (Log-rank test p = 0.0009, Hazard ratio = 23.4, 95% CI = 3.62 to 151.2) thus confirming that this classifier is useful for identifying patients at high risk of recurrence. Furthermore, these findings indicate a potential role of these intronic non-coding RNAs in the progression of prostate tumors and points to the intronic ncRNAs as potential new markers of cancer.
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Faktory ovlivňující odpověď kolorektálního karcinomu na chemoterapeutickou léčbu / The study of the factors affecting colorectal cancer chemotherapyDolníková, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Application of cytotoxic chemotherapy still remains the essential treatment strategy in advanced colorectal cancer. The intrinsic and acquired drug resistance represents one of the reasons that may even lead to failure of cancer therapy. The DNA damage response pathways have been shown to play an important role in the development of chemoresistance. There is sufficient evidence showing the high-frequency deregulated expression of many DNA repair genes across multiple cancer types. An example of such gene in colorectal cancer is MRE11, which encodes protein known as a sensor of DNA double-strand breaks. In year 2016, there was a substantial study published by our group at The Department of Molecular Biology of Cancer (IEM CAS, Prague), the study analysed the association of polymorphisms in predicted microRNA target sites of double-strand breaks (DSBs) repair genes, including MRE11, and clinical outcome and efficacy of chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. Our hypothesis, based on the mentioned study, is that specifically and exactly defined microRNAs with ability to regulate certain DNA repair proteins may not only affect the survival of colorectal cancer cells, but also the sensitivity to chemotherapy. In practical part of the submitted thesis we have identified miR-140 as a potential regulator of...
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