Spelling suggestions: "subject:"andresin"" "subject:"centresin""
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Avaliação da resistência adesiva, por meio do teste de microtração, da interface pino de fibras de vidro / cimento / dentina radicular variando-se cimentos, adevivos dentinários e tempo de armazenamento / Microtensile bond strength of the post-resin / resin cement/ root dentin, varying resin cement, dentin bonding system and term water storageTatiany de Mendonça Neto 10 September 2007 (has links)
Avaliou-se, por meio do teste de microtração, a resistência adesiva da interface pino de fibras de vidro /cimento/ dentina radicular, variando-se cimentos, adesivos dentinários e tempo de armazenamento. Foram utilizados dentes caninos humanos permanentes, extraídos por razões periodontais, que tiveram suas coroas seccionadas e as raízes preparadas para receber pinos de fibras de vidro (Fibrekor). Os dentes foram aleatoriamente divididos em grupos de dez, variando a técnica de cimentação adesiva e o tempo de armazenamento. Os cimentos utilizados foram (1) Panavia F, (2) Variolink II, (3) Enforce, com seus respectivos adesivos. Avaliou-se também a influência da aplicação de uma camada do adesivo hidrofóbico Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus [SBMP] com o cimento Panavia F e Enforce. Espécimes cimentados com Variolink II, Panavia F com SBMP e Enforce com SBMP foram armazenados em água destilada por três meses. Após a cimentação, as raízes foram seccionadas (longitudinalmente e horizontalmente) com disco diamantado obtendo-se espécimes de 1mm de espessura, dois por terço da raiz. Os espécimes foram submetidos ao teste de microtração e o modo de fratura analisado em microscópio óptico. Os valores médios de resistência (MPa) foram submetidos aos testes ANOVA e Tukey (p < 0,05). A análise estatística mostrou (1) diferenças significativas na resistência adesiva entre cimentos e terços sendo que na média total dos terços, o cimento Variolink II foi superior aos outros cimentos; (2) na análise por terços, o cimento Variolink II mostrou valores estatisticamente superiores para o terço cervical. Os cimentos Panavia F e Enforce apresentaram valores significativamente menores no terço cervical; (3) diferenças significativas na resistência adesiva, com a aplicação do adesivo hidrofóbico, independente da região avaliada; (4) diminuição significativa na resistência adesiva para os cimentos Variolink II e Enforce, após armazenamento em água; (5) após o armazenamento, o cimento Variolink II apresentou diminuição na resistência adesiva no terço cervical e o cimento Enforce nos terços médio e apical. O cimento Panavia F exibiu aumento significativo da resistência adesiva nos terços cervical e médio, e diminuição no terço apical; (6) em microscopia óptica, um padrão de fraturas predominantemente do tipo adesiva para todos os experimentos. / This study evaluated the microtensile bond strengths of the fiber post-resin / resin cement/ root dentin when were varied the resin cement, dentin bonding system and longterm water storage. Were used for this study, human canines teeth extracted for periodontal reasons. The crown was sectioned and root canals were prepared for fiber post-resin (Fibrekor). The teeth were randomly assigned into experimental groups (n = 10) when were varied the resin luting technique and term water storage. The resin cements were (1) Panavia F, (2) Variolink II, (3) Enforce mediated by their respective adhesives. Experimental groups, using Panavia F and Enforce, were prepared in the same way, except that the additional layer of a low-viscosity bonding resin (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus [SBMP]) was placed on the bonded root dentin surface before luting the fiber post-resin. The teeth were stored for 3 months and subsequently prepared for microtensile bond strength testing. Beams of approximately 1mm2 were tested in tension at 0,5mm/mim in a universal testing machine. Fractured surfaces were examined under X 40 stereomicroscope to determine the mode of fracture. The data were divided into cervical, middle and apical regions and analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey\'s test (p < 0,05). The results of tensile bonding strengths showed (1) significant differences among resin cements and root dentin regions, were presented higher mean bond strength values to Variolink II, when compared with others; (2) the cervical third of Variolink II demonstrated higher values, to Panavia F and Enforce demonstrated lower values for that regions; (3) the application of the additional layer of the hydrophobic adhesive resulted in significant improved in the tensile bonding strength; (4) water storage for 3 months produced bond strengths that were significant lower for Variolink II e Enforce; (5) after storage, the Variolink II reduced bond strengths in the cervical third and Enforce in the middle and apical regions. The cervical and middle third of Panavia F presented higher mean bond strength values and apical regions demonstrated lower values; (6) No cohesive fractures within resin cement, fiber-reinforced composite resin post, or root dentin were identified.
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Estudo in vitro da adaptação de retentores intra-radiculares fundidos, modelados com diferentes resinas acrílicas autopolimerizáveis / In vitro study of the fit of cast post and core, obtained from different acrylic resin patternsDenise Galhardo Rennó 21 September 2005 (has links)
Dentes tratados endodonticamente se encontram freqüentemente mutilados por cárie ou pelo próprio acesso ao canal. A estrutura dental remanescente necessita de tratamento especial para prevenir futuras fraturas. Quando uma grande parte da coroa dental foi perdida, é comum não haver retenção para a restauração na dentina remanescente. Nestas situações, uma restauração com retenção intracanal se faz necessária. Apenas a porção radicular pode oferecer a retenção apropriada para a instalação de uma coroa artificial estética e funcional. Diferentes técnicas podem ser usadas para a fabricação do retentor intra-radicular fundido. Neste estudo, foi escolhida a técnica direta para a confecção dos padrões de fundição em resina acrílica autopolimerizável. Usamos seis padrões metálicos com dimensões que simulavam dentes anteriores preparados para receber um retentor intra-radicular. Os condutos foram preenchidos com resina acrílica, usando um pincel bem fino, e pinos plásticos foram inseridos no interior dos canais. Após a polimerização do pino, adicionamos novas porções de resina acrílica para confecção das partes correspondentes aos núcleos. Essa técnica permite a correção de eventuais falhas, caso haja necessidade. Os padrões de fundição foram então incluídos em material de revestimento e fundidos em liga de níquel-cromo. O retentor intra-radicular fundido foi removido do revestimento e limpo. Apenas removemos os nódulos da superfície do metal, a qual recebeu, posteriormente, jateamento com óxido de alumínio. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a adaptação marginal de 54 retentores intra-radiculares fundidos, modelados com três resinas acrílicas autopolimerizáveis diferentes: 18 em DuraLay (Reliance Dental MFG Co., USA); 18 em Pattern Resin (GC Products, Japan); 18 em Cop Clas (Artigos Odontológicos Clássico Ltda., Brasil). Os retentores intra-radiculares fundidos foram assentados sobre os seis padrões metálicos. As fendas marginais foram observadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). As medições foram registradas e submetidas à análise estatística. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: (1) Os retentores intra-radiculares fundidos obtidos de padrões de fundição modelados com a resina DuraLay mostraram-se significativamente melhor adaptados (42,31 µm ± 9,54 µm) quando comparados aos retentores intra-radiculares fundidos obtidos de padrões das resinas Pattern Resin (73,25 µm ± 32,86 µm) e Cop Clas (95,32 µm ± 45,02 µm) respectivamente; (2) Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,273) na diferença média das fendas marginais dos retentores intra-radiculares fundidos modelados com a resina Pattern Resin e modelados com a resina Cop Clas (22,07 µm ± 13,13 µm). / Endodontically treated teeth are often mutilated by caries and access requirements. The remaining structure requires special treatment to prevent further destruction. When a large portion of the clinical crown has been lost, it is often impossible to achieve sufficient anchorage of a restoration in the remaining dentin. In such situations, a root-canal-retained restoration is required. Only the root portion can offer the needed retention for a functional and esthetic artificial crown. Different approaches can be taken to the fabrication of cast posts and cores. In this study, direct method was chosen to fashion it, by auto polymerizing acrylic resin. We used six standard metal patterns that simulate an anterior tooth prepared to receive cast post and core. Burn-out plastic patterns were fitted into the root canal and, using a fine sable hair brush, the polymer was introduced to fill the canal. After polymerization of the post, additional auto -polymerizing acrylic resin was added to form the core portion. This process can be repeated and correct if necessary. The acrylic resin patterns were then invested and casting was performed using nickel-chromium alloy. The cast was removed from investment. Cleaning was performed exclusively to remove the small positive nodules on the metal post and sandblast surface. The aim of this research was to compare the marginal fit of 54 cast posts constructed with three auto -polymerizing acrylic resins: 18 of DuraLay (Reliance Dental MFG Co., USA); 18 of Pattern Resin (GC Products, Japan); 18 of Cop Clas (Artigos Odontológicos Clássico Ltda., Brasil). The posts and cores were seated over the six standard metal patterns. Marginal discrepancies were bserved in scanning electron microscope (SEM). The measurements were registered and statistically analyzed. The results obtained showed that: (1) The cast post and core obtainedfrom DuraLay (42,31 µm ± 9,54 µm) had significant best fit than the cast post and core obtained from the others acrylic resins, Pattern Resin (73,25 µm ± 32,86 µm) and Cop Clas (95,32 µm ± 45,02 µm) respectively; (2) No significant statistic difference occur p=0,273) in the average marginal gap between the cast posts and cores obtained from Pattern Resin and Cop Class (22,07 µm ± 13,13 µm).
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Avaliação das propriedades físicas de resinas compostas restauradoras pré-aquecidas e resinas fluidas com a finalidade de cimentação de facetas cerâmicas / Evaluation of the physical properties of preheated restorative resin composites and fluid resins for ceramic veneer cementationSandra Barbosa Moraes de Almeida 07 December 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades físicas de resinas compostas restauradoras pré-aquecidas e de resinas fluidas com finalidade de cimentação de facetas de cerâmicas em comparação aos cimentos resinosos. Foram produzidos corpos de prova de duas marcas comerciais 3M ESPE e Ivoclar Vivadent, sendo: duas resinas restauradoras (Filtek Z250XT e Tetric N Ceram) nas condições: temperatura ambiente (RZ e RT), aquecidas à 45°C (RZ45 e RT45), aquecidas à 60°C (RZ60 e RT60); duas resinas fluidas (Filtek Z350 Flow e Tetric N Flow) denominadas FZ e FT e dois cimentos resinosos (Relyx Veneer e Variolink N) denominados CR e CV. Os grupos experimentais foram avaliados quanto à espessura de película por duas metodologias, resistência à flexão biaxial (RFB) e módulo de elasticidade (ME) executados em máquina de ensaio universal (modelo 5565, Instron Corp, Canton MA, EUA), microdureza Knoop feitas em microdurômetro (Shimadzu HMV-2, Tóquio, Japão) e diferença de cor (?E), razão de contraste e opalescência realizadas no espectrofotômetro CM-3770 (Konica Minolta, Japão). Os dados foram avaliados por análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As resinas restauradoras apresentaram películas com espessura maiores que 100 ?m, enquanto as resinas fluidas e os cimentos resinosos apresentaram valores menores que 50 ?m. Os grupos experimentais RZ, RZ45 e RZ60 apresentaram os maiores valores de KHN, RFB e ME. Os grupos RT, RT45, RT60, FT, CV e CR apresentaram os menores valores de RFB e semelhantes entre si. Para a KHN, os grupos RT, RT45, RT60, FZ e CR apresentaram valores intermediários e semelhantes entre si, e superiores aos grupos FT e CV. Os resultados de ?E mostraram valores acima de 2 para todos os grupos experimentais, com exceção do RZ60. Os maiores valores de ?E foram evidenciados nos grupos RT45 e RT60. A razão de contraste foi estatisticamente menor para o grupo CV e os maiores valores de opacidade foram encontrados nos grupos RZ, RZ45 e FZ. A opalescência foi superior nos grupos FZ, CR, FT e CV. Considerando as limitações do presente estudo, concluiu-se que os tratamentos térmicos não alteraram as propriedades mecânicas das resinas restauradoras e não promoveram uma redução da espessura de película que atenda aos requisitos da ISO4049. As resinas fluidas e os cimentos apresentaram espessura de película inferior à 50?m e propriedades mecânicas que atendem à normativa ISO4049. A opalescência maior foi encontrada nos cimentos resinosos e a diferença de cor e razão de contraste apresentaram resposta grupo dependente. / The objectives of this study were to evaluate the physical properties of preheated restorative resin composites and fluid resins with the purpose of cementation of ceramic veneers in comparison to resin cements. Specimens were prepared with two restorative resin composites (Filtek Z250XT and Tetric N Ceram), in the following conditions: room temperature (RZ; RT), heated at 45°C (RZ45; RT45), and heated at 60°C (RZ60; RT60). Two flowable resins (Filtek Z350 Flow and Tetric N Flow) named FZ and FT and two resin cements (Relyx Veneer and Variolink N), called CR and CV, were also used. The experimental groups were evaluated in regards to film thickness with two methodologies; biaxial flexure strength (BFS) and modulus of elasticity (ME) (model 5565, Instron Corp, Canton MA, USA); Knoop microhardness test (KMT) (Shimadzu HMV-2, Tokyo, Japan), color difference (?E), contrast ratio and opalescence test (CM-3770d, Konica Minolta, Japan). Data were assessed by ANOVA and a post-hoc Tukey test (p<0.05). The restorative resins presented film thickness larger than 50?m, whereas the flowable resins and resin cements showed inferior values. The experimental groups RZ, RZ45 and RZ60, revealed greater values of KHN, BFS and ME. The RT, RT45, RT60, FT, CV and CR groups showed lower values for BFS and similar to each other. For KHN the RT, RT45, RT60, FZ and CR groups exposed intermediate and similar values to each other, and superior values to FT and CV groups. Color difference (?E) results demonstrated results superior than 2 for all experimental groups, with the exception of RZ60 group. The greater values of ?E were shown in RT45 and RT60 groups. Contrast ratio was statistically lower for the CV group and the highest values of opacity were verified in RZ, RZ45 and FZ groups. Opalescence was superior in FZ, CR, FT and CV groups. Considering the limitations of this study, the results demonstrated that preheated treatments did not modify the mechanical properties of restorative resin composites and didn\'t reduce film thickness which attend to ISO4049 parameters. Flowable resins and cements obtained film thickness inferior to 50?m and biaxial flexure strength results that are presented by the ISO4049. The greater opalescence was shown in the resin cements, also color difference and contrast ratio revealed results that were group dependent.
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Selamento de fossas e fissuras após 6 meses com diferentes materiais: Resinoso X Ionómerico / Pit and fissure sealants with different materials: Resin Based X Glass Ionomer Cement Results after six monthsPriscilla Santana Pinto Gonçalves 24 May 2013 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou e comparou, após 6 meses, dois materiais usados como selantes de fossas e fissuras, FluroShield® (Dentsply, Germany) e Clinpro™ XT Varnish (3M ESPE, Dental Products, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A.) quanto à retenção e características superficiais. Além disso, comparou-os, com um grupo controle não selado, com relação à incidência de cárie no período. Participaram deste trabalho, 31 crianças de 6 a 8 anos de idade, com no mínimo dois primeiros molares permanentes hígidos e história de cárie, num total de 114 dentes divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos: CLP (Clinpro™ XT Varnish), FS (FluroShield®) e ctr (Controle). O selamento foi realizado sob isolamento relativo para ambos os materiais testados, após profilaxia prévia com jato de bicarbonato de sódio e água e, condicionamento com gel de ácido fosfórico a 35% por 15 segundos. A avaliação clínica foi realizada por dois examinadores calibrados após 6 meses. Avaliou-se a retenção e a incidência de cárie nas cinco áreas oclusais: OM, OC, OD, OV e OL; e as características superficiais e a retenção considerando a superfície oclusal como um todo. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante para a prevalência de cárie (teste de Kruskal Wallis, p=0,000 a 0,007), para todas as áreas, entre os grupos selados (CLP e FS) e o controle. Sendo que quanto à incidência, só foi verificada diferença significante para a área OL (p=0,014). O teste do Qui-quadrado identificou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os materiais, com relação à taxa de sucesso de retenção da superfície oclusal como um todo, quando se considerou o somatório das cinco áreas (p=0,079) ou quando se verificou a retenção por superfície (p=0,141). No entanto, a análise do conjunto de critérios de retenção na superfície oclusal toda, mostrou uma diferença estatisticamente significante para o FS (teste de Mann-Whitney, p=0,002). Em relação às características superficiais, o FS apresentou superioridade durante o período estudado de forma significativa, indicada pelo teste de Mann-Whitney, para a deterioração marginal (p=0,000), descoloração marginal (p=0,008), e descoloração superficial (p=0,001). Ele também foi superior, mas não significante, quanto à textura superficial. A frequência de bolhas nas superfícies seladas não mostrou diferença significativa (teste do Qui-quadrado, p=0,758) entre os materiais. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que ambos os materiais foram efetivos nos primeiros 6 meses de avaliação, embora, tenha havido melhor desempenho clínico do selante FluroShield®. / This study evaluated and compared two dental sealants, for 6 months. The materials, Fluroshield® (Dentsply, Germany) and Clinpro™ XT Varnish (3M ESPE Dental Products, St. Paul, MN, USA) were analyzed with regard their retention and superficial characteristics. They also were compared with a control group, without sealant, regarding the dental caries incidence. The sample was composed by 31 children from 6 to 8 years of age, with at least two sound first permanent molars, but with a dental caries history. A total of 114 teeth were randomly alocated in three groups: CLP (Clinpro™ XT Varnish), FS (Fluroshield®) and ctr (Control). The sealings were applyed under relative isolation after a previous prophylaxis with a water-air-polishing jet, and an enamel etching with a 35% phosphoric acid gel for 15 seconds. Clinical evaluation was performed by two calibrated examiners after 6 months considering: the sealant retention and the incidence of occlusal caries in five areas: OM, OC, OD, OV and OL and finally, the surface characteristics and retention considering the occlusal surface as only one area. It was shown a significant difference (Kruskal-Wallis test, p=0.000 to 0.007) for the caries prevalence in all areas comparing the sealed group (CLP and FS) versus control. Whereas the incidence, it was only verified a significant diference for the OL area (p=0.014). There was no significant difference (Chi-square test, p=0.079) between the materials regarding the success rate of retention for the occlusal surface when it was considered the sum of the five areas, or for the occlusal surface without divisions (p=0.141). Nevertheless there was a significant difference between the sealants (Mann-Whitney test, p=0.002), with better results for the FS group, when it was analysed the influence of all the retention criteria. Regarding the surface characteristics, the FS group showed a significant superiority (Mann-Whitney test) during the period of the study for the impairment marginal (p=0.000), marginal discoloration (p=0.008), and surface discoloration (p=0.001). Although FS had also been superior for the surface texture, this result was not significant. The frequency of bubbles in the sealed surfaces was not significant (Qui-square test, p=0.758) between the materials. Thus, it can be concluded that both materials were effective during this first 6 months of evaluation, although it is evident that the Fluroshield® sealant had shown a better clinical performance.
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Caractérisation de l'hydrophobie des polymères extracellulaires (PEC) extrait de biofilms : une étude basée sur la technique de la résine DAX-8 / Hydrophobic features of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from biofilms : an investigation based on DAX-8 resin techniqueCao, Feishu 28 June 2017 (has links)
Les propriétés hydrophobes des polymères extracellulaires (PEC) exercent l’influence profonde sur les propriétés de la surface cellulaire. Cependant, de nombreux facteurs tels que les méthodes d'extractions, le type de substrat influencent les caractéristiques des PEC et les informations concernant des caractéristiques hydrophobes sont rarement documentées. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de développer une méthode appropriée pour étudier l'hydrophobicité des PEC, puis d'étudier les caractéristiques hydrophobes des PEC.Le fractionnement hydrphobe par la résine Supelite™ DAX-8 a d'abord été appliqué sur les PEC extraits de boues granulaires anaérobies, deux conditions de pH d'élution (pH 2 et 5) ont été testées. L'impact de sept méthodes d'extraction sur les caractéristiques hydrophobes des PEC a été évalué. Les résultats ont montré que les méthodes d'extraction et le pH de la solution extraitante ont influencé la composition des PEC et leur hydrophobicité. En outre, les extraitants des PEC, par exempe le formaldéhyde, l'éthanol, le dodécylsulfate de sodium (SDS) et Tween 20, ont non seulement introduit une teneur supplémentaire en carbone pendant la mesure du carbone organique total (COT), mais ils ont également interagit avec la résine DAX-8. En comparant la répartition du poids moléculaire apparent (aMW) des échantillons des PEC non traités et ajustés au pH détectés par chromatographie d'exclusion stérique (en anglais SEC), l’information plus complète d’aMW a été préservée à pH 5. Ainsi, le fractionnement hydrophobe par la résine DAX-8 à pH 5 et les méthodes physiques d'extraction PEC ont été préférés dans cette étude.Une analyse qualitative détaillée des caractéristiques hydrophobes des EPS a été étudiée par la technique de la matrice de fluorescence d’excitation-emission (EEM). Les résultats ont montré que les substances de type humique (HS-like) représentaient la majorité des composés organiques des PEC extraits de la boue granulaire anaérobie, et constituaient également le principal support moléculaire de l'hydrophobicité des extraits. Ces composés hydrophobes de type HS étaient essenciellement des molécules petites tailles de 8 kDa à <1 kDa. L’hydrophobité contributée par les protéines (PN) et les polysaccharides (PS) présentait un moindre rapport.Afin d’explorer les propriétés hydrophobes de PN et de PS, ainsi évaluer l'impact de l'addition de Ni(II) sur l'hydrophobicité des extraits des champignons, fongi Phanerochaete chrysosporium a été choisi. Les résultats ont montré que la teneur de PN et de PS dans les PEC extrait de ce type de fongi variait en fonction de la concentration de Ni(II). Avec une augmentation de la concentration de Ni de 0 mg/L à 25 mg/L, la teneur en PN a diminué alors que celle de PS a été augmentée. L'hydrophobicité des PEC du fongi, déterminée par le traitement de la résine DAX-8, a diminué lors que la concentration de Ni augmentait. Par ailleurs, l'intensité du pic de SEC correspondant aux molécules PN-like (Ex/Em = 225/345 nm) de 1,9 × 103 à 10 kDa a été augmentée par l'addition Ni; en même temps, la distribution d’aMW des composés organiques totaux (UV/210) dans les PEC restait presque stable. Ces résultats ont indiqué que les composés de type PN-like peuvent avoir déterminé l'hydrophobicité des PEC fongique dans des conditions de stress.Dans l’extrait plus hétérogène des PEC de boues granulaires anaérobies, des composés HS-like représentaient le composant organique majeur, ainsi le principal support moléculaire de l'hydrophobicité des PEC. En étudiant les caractéristiques hydrophobes des PEC extrait du champignon Phanerochaete chrysosporium, le PN et le PS des PEC jouaient un rôle actif dans la protection du champignon sous le Ni. La concentration élevée de Ni a diminué l'hydrophobicité des PEC fongique, mais elle a augmenté l'hydrophobicité de la surface cellulaire du champignon. Il semble que la présence de Ni favorise l'apparition d'un champignon plus hydrophobe / The hydrophobic properties of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) exert a profound influence on the cell surface properties. However, many factors such as EPS extractions methods, substrate type influence EPS characteristics, and limited information regarding to the hydrophobic features of EPS can be found. The main aim of this study is to develop a proper method to study EPS hydrophobicity, and then investigate the hydrophobic features of EPS.The hydrophobic fractionation by Supelite™ DAX-8 resin was first applied on the EPS extracted from anaerobic granular sludge, two elution pH conditions i.e. pH 2 and 5 were tested. The impact of seven EPS extraction methods on the hydrophobic features of EPS was assessed. The results showed that the extraction methods and bulk solution pH dramatically influenced the EPS composition and their hydrophobicity. Besides, the EPS extracting reagents namely formaldehyde, ethanol, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and Tween 20 not only introduced extra carbon content during total organic carbon (TOC) measurement, but also interacted with the DAX-8 resin. By comparing the apparent molecular weight (aMW) distribution of the untreated and pH-adjusted EPS samples detected by size exclusion chromatography, more complete EPS aMW information was preserved at pH 5. Thus, the hydrophobic fractionation by DAX-8 resin at pH 5 and physical EPS extraction methods were preferred in this study.After identifying the proper conditions for DAX-8 resin fractionation, detailed qualitative analysis of the EPS hydrophobic features was further investigated. The results showed that the humic-like substances (HS-like) were the major organic constituent of the EPS extracted from the anaerobic granular sludge, and they were also the main molecular support of the EPS hydrophobicity. Those hydrophobic HS-like compounds were mainly small molecules ranging from 8 kDa to <1 kDa. Proteins (PN) and polysaccharides (PS) contributed to the EPS hydrophobicity to a lesser extent.The role of PN and PS in the EPS hydrophobicity was difficult to be shown. It is known that the major organic constituents of the EPS extracted from bacteria, algae and fungi are PN and PS. Therefore, to explore the hydrophobic features of PN and PS, as well as to investigate the impact of Ni(II) addition, on the EPS hydrophobicity, the fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was chosen. The results showed that the contents of PN and PS in the extracted fungal EPS varied with the Ni(II) concentration. With an increase in the Ni concentration from 0 mg/L to 25 mg/L, the PN content was decreased whereas the PS content was increased. The fungal EPS hydrophobicity, determined by the DAX-8 resin treatment, was decreased as the Ni concentration increased.Besides, the peak intensity on the size exclusion chromatography (SEC) corresponding to the PN-like molecules (Ex/Em = 225/345 nm) ranging from 1.9×103 to 10 kDa were intensified by the Ni addition, while the aMW distribution of the total organics (UV/210) in the EPS remained almost stable. These results indicated that those PN-like compounds may determine the hydrophobicity of fungal EPS under stress conditions.For the more heterogeneous EPS extracted from anaerobic granular sludge, HS-like compounds were identified as the major organic component, as well as the main molecular support of the EPS hydrophobicity. By studying the hydrophobic features of the EPS extracted from the fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, it showed that the PN and PS in the EPS played an active role in protecting the fungus under Ni stress. The increased Ni concentration decreased the hydrophobicity of fungal EPS, but it increased the cell surface hydrophobicity of the fungus. It seems that the presence of Ni promoted the fungus becoming more hydrophobic
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Intégration des contraintes d’industrialisation des pièces en matériaux composites pour l’aide à la décision en conception préliminaire appliquée au procédé RTMMouton, Serge 21 May 2010 (has links)
L’intégration des contraintes d’industrialisation, des pièces en matériaux composites, en conception préliminaire, est un enjeu majeur de la compétitivité des entreprises, et s’inscrit dans une démarche de développement durable. Un travail de captation et de mise en forme de la connaissance industrielle a permis de développer une stratégie d’optimisation. Cette stratégie repose sur une approche multi-métiers, elle permet d’estimer la performance technique et économique d’une solution d’industrialisation. L’estimation de la performance est basée sur l’évaluation, pour chaque solution d’industrialisation, du risque de rupture du composant assemblé, du niveau d’intégration fonctionnelle et du coût de fabrication. La définition de la meilleure alternative est obtenue par la comparaison de la performance de solutions et s’appuie sur des méthodes et outils d’aide à la décision. Le risque de rupture est estimé à partir des écarts entre des caractéristiques de la pièce fabriquée par procédé Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) et les caractéristiques nominales. Les caractéristiques de la pièce fabriquée prises en compte sont : - les écarts géométriques, - les écarts de caractéristiques mécaniques. Dans l’industrie aéronautique, certaines pièces de structure en matériaux composites sont réalisées par le procédé RTM. Dans ce type de mise en forme, les caractéristiques mécaniques du composant sont directement liées au niveau d’imprégnation de la préforme. Dans le travail de thèse, les défauts d’imprégnation sont identifiés comme des écarts volumiques d’imprégnation. Ces écarts ont pour conséquence d’altérer les propriétés mécaniques du matériau qui constitue la pièce. L’estimation des écarts volumiques d’imprégnation est obtenue à partir de l’analyse des résultats de la simulation par éléments finis de l’écoulement de résine dans le renfort fibreux (logiciel Pam RTM®). La géométrie de la pièce obtenue par procédé RTM diffère de la géométrie nominale, cet écart est due en partie aux différences entre les caractéristiques physiques des constituants du matériau composite. Les variations géométriques de la pièce fabriquée sont identifiées comme des écarts géométriques de fabrication. Les écarts géométriques sont compensés, lors de la phase d’assemblage, par des déformations garantissant les contacts avec les pièces adjacentes. Ces déformations génèrent un état de contraintes mécaniques au sein de la pièce. La quantification de l’état de contraintes mécaniques est obtenue à partir d’une simulation thermomécanique par éléments finis réalisée par le logiciel Samcef®. L’aide à la décision est basée sur l’étude combinée de l’état de contraintes mécaniques due à la compensation des écarts géométriques et de l’incidence des écarts volumiques d’imprégnation sur les propriétés mécaniques de la pièce. Trois critères permettent d’estimer le risque de rupture du composant assemblé : un critère de rupture des matériaux composites quantifie le risque de rupture, les deux autres critères, prenant en compte les défauts d’imprégnation, majorent le risque de rupture. Afin de faciliter l’interprétation des résultats et la phase de comparaison de solutions, le risque de rupture est présenté sous forme d’une cartographie. En fonction des couplages des valeurs des critères, une optimisation de la conception et/ou de l’industrialisation est proposée. Une évaluation du niveau d’intégration fonctionnelle ainsi que du coût de fabrication complète la démarche d’aide à la décision. / Integrating industrialization constraints of composite materials into preliminary design is a major challenge for companies in terms of competitiveness, and is part of a sustainable development approach. Work on capturing and formatting industry knowledge has helped develop a design optimization strategy. This strategy is based on multidisciplinary rules, and estimates the technical and economic performance of an industrialization solution. This estimate is based on the evaluation of failure risk of component assembly, level of functional integration and manufacturing cost. The definition of the best alternative is obtained by comparing solution performances, relying on decision support methods and tools. The failure risk is estimated from differences between the characteristics of the part manufactured by Resin Transfer Molding Process (RTM) and the nominal part (CAD). The following characteristics of the manufactured part are taken into account: ? - geometric deviations, ? - characteristic mechanical deviations. In the aviation industry, some structural composite parts are manufacture by RTM. In this type of manufacture, the mechanical properties of the component are directly related to the level of preform impregnation. In this thesis, the impregnation defects are identified as volumic impregnation deviations. These deviations have the effect of altering the mechanical properties of material. Estimated volume impregnation deviations are obtained by analysing the results of the finite element simulation of resin flow into the fibrous reinforcement (software Pam RTM ®). The part geometry obtained using the RTM process differs from the nominal geometry, with the deviation due partly to differences between the physical components of the composite material. The geometric variations in the manufactured part are identified as geometric manufacturing deviations. These geometric deviations are offset, in the assembly phase, by deformations due to contact with adjacent parts, which generate a state of mechanical stress within the part. The mechanical stress state is quantified from a finite element thermomechanical simulation carried out using the Samcef ® software. Decision support is based on the combined study of the state of mechanical stress due to the compensation of geometric deviations and the incidence of volume impregnation deviations on the mechanical properties of the part. Three criteria are used to estimate the failure risk of the assembled component: a composite materials failure criterion quantifies failure risk; the other two criteria, taking into account the impregnation defects, increase the failure risk. To facilitate interpretation of results and the solution comparison phase, the failure risk is represented by mapping. Depending on the coupling values of the criteria, optimizing the design and/or industrialization is proposed. An evaluation of the level of functional integration and manufacturing cost complete the decision support process.
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Flexural strength and shear bond strength of self-etching/self-adhesive resin luting agentsAdcook, Richard S. January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Traditional resin luting agents generally have mechanical properties that are superior to the newer so-called “universal” self-etching/self-adhesive resin luting agents. However, recent reports indicate that some properties of these new luting agents have been improved, approaching those of the traditional etch and rinse resin luting agents. The objective of this study was to test some mechanical properties of four of these self-etching/self-adhesive resin luting agents [Maxcem Elite (ME), Multilink Automix (MA), RelyX Unicem (RU), SmartCem 2 (SC)] and compare them to a traditional etch and rinse resin luting agent [RelyX ARC (RA)] and a resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement [Fuji Plus (FP)], both of which have much longer histories of clinical success. By
comparing the properties of the newer cements to the standards, it may be possible to determine how clinically successful the newer cements may be. The mechanical properties tested were flexural strength (FS) and shear bond
strength (SBS). The FS test included making beams of each material, storing them in water for periods of time (24 hours and 90 days) and then performing a three-point bending test on a universal testing machine. The 90 day groups were thermocycled. The
SBS test involved preparing human molar specimens, making flat dentin surfaces. Composite cylinders were fabricated, luted to the dentin surfaces with each of the materials tested, stored in water for periods of time (24 hours or 90 days), and then a
knife edge shear test was performed on a universal testing machine. The 90 day groups were thermocycled. A Weibull-distribution survival analysis was performed. The results revealed significant differences in the FS of all materials tested at 24
hours. After 90 days and thermocycling, only SC and RA were not significantly different. At both time periods, FP had the lowest and MA the highest FS. The SBS results showed MA, RA, and RU to have the highest bond strengths; SC and ME the lowest at 24 hours. After 90 days and thermocycling, RA had significantly higher bond
strength than all other groups; ME, FP and SC had the lowest.
The self-etching/self-adhesive resin luting agents all performed at least as well as FP, with the exception of SC (SBS 24 hour). They did not all perform as well as RA, with the exception of SC (FS 90 day), MA (SBS 24 hour, FS 24 hour and 90 day), and RU (SBS 24 hour). The newer luting agents should expect to have clinical success, regarding flexural strength and shear bond strength, at least as good as resin-modified
glass ionomer luting cements and approach the level of traditional etch and rinse resin luting agents.
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The influence of delayed light curing on the polymerization contraction stress and degree of conversion in dual-cured resin luting agentsIskandar, Mounir January 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The purpose of this study was 1) To determine the impact of eliminating or
delaying the photo-activation procedure on the polymerization contraction stress (PCS)and degree of conversion (DC) of a dual-cured resin luting agent, and 2) To determine the amount of delay in photo-initiation of the dual-cured resin cements that can achieve a reduced PCS value with the highest possible DC. The amount of PCS and DC of a dual-cured resin luting agent was determined using a tensometer and ATR spectroscopic technique, respectively. Photo-activation
delay in seven tested groups was 0 min, 2 min, 4 min, 6 min, 8 min, 10 min and no photoactivation. Five samples for each group were tested. There were two hypotheses for this study: 1) A significant decrease in the amount
of PCS associated with delayed photo-activation, and 2) A significant increase in DC associated with delayed photo-activation.The PCS of the chemical-cure luting agent had significantly lower value than all
of the light-cure groups. For the light-cure groups, those with a 4-min delay had higher PCS than those with delays of 0 min, 2 min, 6 min, 8 min, and 10 min. The zero (0)-min
and 2-min delay had higher PCS than the 6-min, 8-min, and 10-min delay; and the 6-min delay had higher PCS than the 8-min and 10-min delay. The PCS decreased 0.086 MPa per minute of delay. The DC of the chemical-cure luting agent had significantly lower value than the 2-min, 4-min, 6-min, 8-min, and 10-min delaylight cure. For the light-cure
groups, 0-min delay had a lower DC than the 2-min, 4-min, 6-min, 8-min, and 10-min delay; 2-min delay had lower DC than 4-min, 6-min, 8-min, and 10-min delay. The 4-min and 6-min delay had lower DC than the 8-min and 10-min delay; and the 8-min delay had a lower degree of conversion by peak area than the 10- minute delay. The DC increased 0.021 per minute of delay. Extending the stress relief period of the dual-cured luting agents by delaying light activation has a significant impact on PCS and DC values. There was significant
decrease in PCS with the delayed light curing of the resin luting agent. Significant increase in DC was noticed when light activation was delayed in the dual-cured resin luting agents.
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Quantitative comparison of nanoleakage among five resin luting agents after agingChotiwannaporn, Pavinee, 1980- January 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Potential problems of one-step adhesives have been identified, including water uptake and subsequent plasticization, water-and enzyme-induced nanoleakage, and the presence of voids due to phase-separation or osmosis. Clinically, adhesive failures due to marginal degradation present as retention loss, marginal discoloration, and secondary caries. However, the mechanisms of adhesive interface degradation of self-etching and self-bonding resin luting agents are not fully understood. The objective of the study was to investigate adhesive layer degradation by using a nanoleakage technique with five different resin luting agents.
Materials and Methods: Five different resin luting systems, Variolink II, Panavia F2.0, RelyX Unicem, RelyX Unicem2, and Maxcem Elite were evaluated in this study. The 25 dentin specimens were randomly divided into five resin luting agent groups. Flat dentin surfaces were created mid-coronally and were luted with luting agents. Then, each tooth was sectioned occluso-gingivally. The first half of each tooth was used as a control group and the other half was used as the experimental group. The control group was immersed in artificial saliva at 37°C and SEM examination with chemical analysis was performed within 48 hours. In the tested group, all specimens were immersed in artificial saliva at 37°C for 10 days and thermocycled. For the SEM examination, the specimens were immersed in a 50-percent ammoniacal silver nitrate solution for 24 hours.22 SEM was used for observation of silver penetration of the specimens. Three scan lines were selected. For elemental analysis, natural apatite, olivine minerals, and pure silver metal were chosen as standards for Ca, Si and Ag. Data were analyzed using ANOVA with a 5-percent significance level.
Results: At the bottom of the hybrid layer, there was no significant difference in silver uptake within the adhesive interface between luting agents (p > 0.05) and there was no significant change in silver uptake within the adhesive interface after thermocycling (aging) (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: All resin luting agents exhibited nanoleakage after both 24-hour storage and 10-day storage with thermocycling.
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Characterization of paint and varnish on a medieval Coptic-Byzantine icon: Novel usage of dammar resin?Abdel-Ghani, Mona H., Edwards, Howell G.M., Stern, Ben, Janaway, Robert C. January 2009 (has links)
No / A comprehensive study has been undertaken into a 13th century Coptic-Byzantine icon from the St. Mercurius Church, St. Mercurius monastery, Old Cairo, Egypt. The layered structure, pigment composition and varnish identification were revealed by means of optical and Raman microscopy and gas chromatography¿mass spectrometry (GC¿MS). The structure of the icon comprised six layers; wooden panel, canvas, white ground, two bole layers and a single paint layer. Azurite (2CuCO3·Cu(OH)2), cinnabar (mercuric (II) sulfide ¿-HgS), yellow ochre (Fe2O3·H2O), hydromagnesite Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O and lamp black (carbon, C) are the pigments identified in the icon. The green paint area is of interest as it is applied neither with a green pigment nor with a mixture of a blue and yellow pigment. Instead, a yellow layer of dammar resin was applied on top of blue azurite to obtain the green colour. Pinaceae sp. resin mixed with drying oil was used as a protective varnish.
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