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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação das propriedades físicas de resinas compostas restauradoras pré-aquecidas e resinas fluidas com a finalidade de cimentação de facetas cerâmicas / Evaluation of the physical properties of preheated restorative resin composites and fluid resins for ceramic veneer cementation

Almeida, Sandra Barbosa Moraes de 07 December 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades físicas de resinas compostas restauradoras pré-aquecidas e de resinas fluidas com finalidade de cimentação de facetas de cerâmicas em comparação aos cimentos resinosos. Foram produzidos corpos de prova de duas marcas comerciais 3M ESPE e Ivoclar Vivadent, sendo: duas resinas restauradoras (Filtek Z250XT e Tetric N Ceram) nas condições: temperatura ambiente (RZ e RT), aquecidas à 45°C (RZ45 e RT45), aquecidas à 60°C (RZ60 e RT60); duas resinas fluidas (Filtek Z350 Flow e Tetric N Flow) denominadas FZ e FT e dois cimentos resinosos (Relyx Veneer e Variolink N) denominados CR e CV. Os grupos experimentais foram avaliados quanto à espessura de película por duas metodologias, resistência à flexão biaxial (RFB) e módulo de elasticidade (ME) executados em máquina de ensaio universal (modelo 5565, Instron Corp, Canton MA, EUA), microdureza Knoop feitas em microdurômetro (Shimadzu HMV-2, Tóquio, Japão) e diferença de cor (?E), razão de contraste e opalescência realizadas no espectrofotômetro CM-3770 (Konica Minolta, Japão). Os dados foram avaliados por análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). As resinas restauradoras apresentaram películas com espessura maiores que 100 ?m, enquanto as resinas fluidas e os cimentos resinosos apresentaram valores menores que 50 ?m. Os grupos experimentais RZ, RZ45 e RZ60 apresentaram os maiores valores de KHN, RFB e ME. Os grupos RT, RT45, RT60, FT, CV e CR apresentaram os menores valores de RFB e semelhantes entre si. Para a KHN, os grupos RT, RT45, RT60, FZ e CR apresentaram valores intermediários e semelhantes entre si, e superiores aos grupos FT e CV. Os resultados de ?E mostraram valores acima de 2 para todos os grupos experimentais, com exceção do RZ60. Os maiores valores de ?E foram evidenciados nos grupos RT45 e RT60. A razão de contraste foi estatisticamente menor para o grupo CV e os maiores valores de opacidade foram encontrados nos grupos RZ, RZ45 e FZ. A opalescência foi superior nos grupos FZ, CR, FT e CV. Considerando as limitações do presente estudo, concluiu-se que os tratamentos térmicos não alteraram as propriedades mecânicas das resinas restauradoras e não promoveram uma redução da espessura de película que atenda aos requisitos da ISO4049. As resinas fluidas e os cimentos apresentaram espessura de película inferior à 50?m e propriedades mecânicas que atendem à normativa ISO4049. A opalescência maior foi encontrada nos cimentos resinosos e a diferença de cor e razão de contraste apresentaram resposta grupo dependente. / The objectives of this study were to evaluate the physical properties of preheated restorative resin composites and fluid resins with the purpose of cementation of ceramic veneers in comparison to resin cements. Specimens were prepared with two restorative resin composites (Filtek Z250XT and Tetric N Ceram), in the following conditions: room temperature (RZ; RT), heated at 45°C (RZ45; RT45), and heated at 60°C (RZ60; RT60). Two flowable resins (Filtek Z350 Flow and Tetric N Flow) named FZ and FT and two resin cements (Relyx Veneer and Variolink N), called CR and CV, were also used. The experimental groups were evaluated in regards to film thickness with two methodologies; biaxial flexure strength (BFS) and modulus of elasticity (ME) (model 5565, Instron Corp, Canton MA, USA); Knoop microhardness test (KMT) (Shimadzu HMV-2, Tokyo, Japan), color difference (?E), contrast ratio and opalescence test (CM-3770d, Konica Minolta, Japan). Data were assessed by ANOVA and a post-hoc Tukey test (p<0.05). The restorative resins presented film thickness larger than 50?m, whereas the flowable resins and resin cements showed inferior values. The experimental groups RZ, RZ45 and RZ60, revealed greater values of KHN, BFS and ME. The RT, RT45, RT60, FT, CV and CR groups showed lower values for BFS and similar to each other. For KHN the RT, RT45, RT60, FZ and CR groups exposed intermediate and similar values to each other, and superior values to FT and CV groups. Color difference (?E) results demonstrated results superior than 2 for all experimental groups, with the exception of RZ60 group. The greater values of ?E were shown in RT45 and RT60 groups. Contrast ratio was statistically lower for the CV group and the highest values of opacity were verified in RZ, RZ45 and FZ groups. Opalescence was superior in FZ, CR, FT and CV groups. Considering the limitations of this study, the results demonstrated that preheated treatments did not modify the mechanical properties of restorative resin composites and didn\'t reduce film thickness which attend to ISO4049 parameters. Flowable resins and cements obtained film thickness inferior to 50?m and biaxial flexure strength results that are presented by the ISO4049. The greater opalescence was shown in the resin cements, also color difference and contrast ratio revealed results that were group dependent.

Influência do sistema de cimentação e do modo de ativação na resistência ao push-out de pinos de fibra de vidro / Influence of cementation system and activation mode on push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts

Reinaldo de Souza Ferreira 04 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do tipo de sistema de cimentação (condicionamento ácido total ou autoadesivo), do modo de ativação (autoativado ou dual), do terço do conduto radicular (cervical, médio ou apical) e da espessura do filme de cimento sobre a resistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro cimentados em dentes humanos. Quarenta raízes foram incluídas em resina epóxi, submetidas a tratamento endodôntico e obturadas com guta percha e cimento endodôntico sem eugenol. Decorridos sete dias, os condutos foram preparados a uma profundidade de 10mm com brocas padronizadas do sistema dos pinos de fibra (WhitePost DC #2) e aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos, conforme o sistema de cimentação e o modo de ativação: (G1) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (condicionamento ácido total), ativação dual, (G2) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, autoativado, (G3) RelyX U100 (autoadesivo), dual e (G4) RelyX U100, autoativado. Após uma semana, cada raiz foi seccionada em máquina de corte, originando 6 fatias de 1 mm de espessura (n=60). Antes do ensaio de push-out cada fatia foi fotografada em ambas as faces, para determinação do raio dos pinos e da espessura do filme de cimento. Após o ensaio mecânico, novas imagens foram capturadas para determinação do modo de falha. Para automatizar a determinação da espessura de cimento, foi desenvolvida uma macro no software KS 400. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados com ANOVA 3 fatores (resistência de união) e teste de Kruskall-Wallis (espessura do cimento). Comparações múltiplas foram realizadas com o teste Student-Newman-Keuls. Análise de regressão, modelo linear, foi empregada para verificar a correlação entre espessura do cimento e resistência de união. Todos os testes foram aplicados com &#945; = 0,05. O fator cimento exerceu influência significativa para a resistência de união (p = 0,0402): o RelyX U100 apresentou a maior média. A ativação dual elevou os valores de resistência de união em comparação ao modo quimicamente ativado (p < 0,0001). Houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos, sendo G1 (22,4 4,0 MPa) > G3 (20,4 3,6 MPa) > G4 (17,8 5,2 MPa) > G2 (13,5 4,3 MPa). O terço do conduto não exerceu influência significativa sobre a resistência adesiva (p = 0,4749). As espessuras dos filmes de cimento foram estatisticamente diferentes nos diferentes terços: cervical (102 45 m) > médio (75 29 m) > apical (52 28m). Não foi observada forte correlação entre os valores de espessura e os de resistência ao push-out (r = - 0,2016, p = 0,0033). O tipo de falha predominante foi a mista, exceto para o G2, que apresentou 74% das falhas na interface cimento-pino. Dessa forma, o cimento autoadesivo apresentou melhor desempenho que o convencional, e ambos os sistemas duais, sobretudo o RelyX ARC, apresentaram dependência da fotoativação para atingirem maiores valores de resistência de união. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of adhesive cementation system approach (total-etch or self-adhesive), activation mode (self-cure or dual-cure), canal third (cervical, middle or apical) and cement thickness on push-out bond strength of glass fiber post bonded on human roots. Forty roots were embebed in epoxy resin and endodontically treated (filled with guta percha and non-eugenol endodontic sealer). Following 7 days, the post spaces were prepared with low-speed post drills provided by the manufacturer (WhitePost DC #2, FGM) at a depth of 10 mm and the roots were randomly divided in 4 groups, according to cementation system and activations mode: (G1) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (total-etch), dual-cure (G2) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, self-cure, (G3) RelyX U100 (self-adhesive), dual-cure and (G4) RelyX U100, self-cure. After 7 days, each root was sectioned with water-cooled diamond blade, generating six 1-mm thickness slices (n=60). Before push-out bond strength test, digital images of both sides of the slices were captured with digital camera, in order to measure the post radius and the cement thickness. After mechanical test, new images were captured to evaluate the failure mode. A macro was developed in KS 400 software to speed and standardize the evaluation of cement thickness. Results were analyzed using three-way ANOVA (push-out) and Kruskall-Wallis test (cement thickness). Post-hoc multiple comparisons were performed using the Student-Newman-Keuls test. The correlation between resin cement thickness and bond strength was evaluated with regression analysis, linear model. All tests were performed with significance level set at 0.05. Push-out bond strength was significantly influenced by cement type (p= 0.0402): the RelyX U100 cement presented higher mean value. The dual-activated mode increased the bond strength in comparison to self-activated mode (p < 0.0001). Statically differences were observed between groups: G1 (22.4 4.0 MPa) > G3 (20.4 3.6 MPa) > G4 (17.8 5.2 MPa) > G2 (13.5 4.3 MPa). Bond strength was not affected by post space depth (p = 0,4749). The resin cement thicknesses were significantly different in root thirds: cervical (102 45 m) > middle (75 29 m) > apical (52 28m). No strong correlation between cement thickness and push-out bond strength was observed (r = - 0.2016, p = 0.0033). The main failure mode was mixed, except for G2 (74% adhesive failures at post-cement interface). It was concluded tha the self-adhesive cement showed a better performance than the conventional one, and both dual resin systems, specially the RelyX ARC, presented photo-activation dependence to attain greater adhesive bond strength.

Modélisation et caractérisation de l'interaction fluide-structure lors de la mise en oeuvre d'un matériau composite par infusion sous vide / Modeling and characterization of hydro-mechanical coupling within a deformable fibrous medium during the composite material manufacturing by vacuum infusion process

Zénone, Claire-Isabelle 27 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse fait l’objet du développement d’un modèle numérique de la phase d’imprégnation d’une préforme lors du procédé de fabrication d’un matériau composite par infusion sous vide de type VARI (Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion). La caractérisation in situ du comportement mécanique dans l’épaisseur d’une préforme (essais d’infusion réels) est confrontée à sa caractérisation ex situ par une machine de traction/compression. L’effet de différents paramètres est mis en valeur sur le comportement de la préforme (type de chargement appliqué, état de saturation, influence de la viscosité du fluide et de la vitesse de déformation). Les essais ont révélé le caractère viscoélastique d’un renfort de type tissé lors de sa décompression à l’état imprégné et ont permis la définition d’une loi de comportement viscoélastique non-linéaire du renfort lors de cette phase. En vue d’étendre l’usage de cette loi de comportement mécanique à une large gamme de renforts, la même démarche expérimentale est appliquée au cas d’un renfort de type mat, au comportement élastique non-linéaire. La forme générale de la loi de comportement proposée se veut être adaptée à la description des deux types de renforts testés, où les éventuels effets viscoélastiques sont pris en compte selon le renfort étudié. Suite à l’implantation de la nouvelle loi de comportement dans un code numérique dédié à la simulation de la phase de remplissage d’un moule, la comparaison entre les résultats numériques et ceux des essais d’infusion sous vide prouve la fiabilité de ce nouveau modèle pour ces deux renforts à l’architecture bien distincte. / This thesis focuses on the development of a numerical model for the preform impregnation during the VARI (Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion) process for the manufacturing of a composite material. The in situ characterization of the mechanical behavior in the thickness direction of a preform (real infusion tests) was compared with an ex situ characterization by a universal testing machine. The preform behavior was characterized for different parameters such as loading type, saturation state, influence of fluid viscosity and strain rate. All the tests revealed the viscoelastic behavior of a woven fabric during its decompression in the impregnated state, leading to the definition of a non-linear viscoelastic constitutive law of the woven fabric during this phase. To extend the use of this mechanical constitutive law to a wide range of fabrics, the same experimental approach was applied to the case of a random mat fabric with non-linear elastic behavior. The generalized form of the constitutive law is adapted to the description of the two types of fabrics while the potential viscoelastic effects are taken into account according to the fabric type. After the implementation of the new constitutive law in a numerical code for the simulation of a mold filling process, the comparison between numerical and experimental results has proved the reliability of the new numerical model for these two reinforcements with distinct architectures.

Quantification of resin acids, fatty acids and sterols in process and waste water from forest industry / Kvantifiering av hartssyror, fettsyror och steroler i process och avloppsvatten från skogsindustrin

Ismailov, Taner January 2013 (has links)
This work focuses on wood extractives in effluents from the CTMP plant at Skoghall Mill. Pulp and paper industry effluents contain mostly natural compounds which are part of the trees. They are toxic to aquatic life but harmless in nature, as they are present in low concentrations. Processing tons of wood, such as in a pulp mill, strongly increases the concentrations of the toxic compounds (Ali, M. and Sreekrishnan, T., 2001) which have to be treated before transferring to the aquatic environment.Extractives can be found in different forms, as micelles soluble in water, unprocessed in fibers or absorbed on the surface of fibers. It is important to know in which forms extractives are mostly present in the effluent, so that they can be treated more efficiently. It is desired to have extractives absorbed on the fibers and fibrils present in the waste water, so they can be separated from the water and treated separately, e.g. burned for energy recovery. Dissolved extractives complicate the oxygen transfer in an aerated biological treatment step with their surface active properties (Sandberg, 2012).The aim of this study is quantification of extractives on the fibers suspended in the waste water and extractives dissolved in the water. The distribution between the two forms is an important input when designing future effluent treatment. Wood extractives itself are a wide group with different compounds. This work focuses on the main groups present in waste water: resin acids, free and esterified fatty acids and, free and esterified sterols. These groups are analyzed in different process waters and waste water before the waste water treatment plant. The measured concentrations of extractives were as expected, higher in process and effluent waters, lower in white water. Most of the extract was dissolved in the water and unfortunately fiber samples contained very low concentration from the total extract in the samples.

Process Characterization Of Composite Structures Manufactured Using Resin Impregnation Techniques

Miskbay, Onur Adem 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the properties of two layer carbon epoxy composite plates manufactured using various resin impregnation techniques / Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), Light RTM (LRTM), Vacuum Assisted RTM (VARTM) and Vacuum Packaging (VP). Throughout the study a different packaging method was developed and named Modified Vacuum Packaging (BP). The mechanical properties of composite plates manufactured are examined by tensile tests, compressive tests, in-plane shear tests and their thermal properties are examined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) tests. All tests were performed according to suitable ASTM standards. The performance of specimens from each process was observed to vary according to the investigated property / however the VP process showed the highest performance for most properties. For most of the tests, VARTM, LRTM and RTM methods were following VP process in terms of performance, having close results with each other.

Étude du comportement au feu de matériaux composites destinés à des applications aéronautiques : expériences et Modélisations / Study of the fire behavior of composite materials for aeronautical applications : Experiments and Modeling

Grange, Nathan 10 July 2018 (has links)
Depuis les débuts de l’aéronautique, le feu fut l’un des premiers risques identifiés. Cependant, ce dernier est encore aujourd’hui la source d’accidents, souvent fatals, faute d’issue lorsqu’il intervient en vol. Dans le même temps, le besoin de réduire la masse des aéronefs actuels, pour limiter les coûts de fonctionnement, a rendu l’utilisation des matériaux composites, particulièrement réactifs au feu, indispensables. Afin de valider la performance au feu de ces matériaux, il est donc nécessaire de certifier leurs performances lorsqu’ils sont soumis au feu. Or ces essais représentent un coût non-négligeable pendant les phases de développement. L’utilisation des simulations numériques semble donc être une bonne alternative afin de limiter le nombre d’essais. Néanmoins ces dernières nécessitent un certain nombre de paramètres d’entrée et une bonne connaissance des phénomènes de dégradation. Ainsi dans ce travail, la dégradation thermique de deux matériaux composite est étudiée, le thermoplastique carbone-PEKK et le thermodurcissable carbone-phénolique. Les propriétés thermiques et cinétiques, indispensables pour la modélisation numérique du comportement au feu des matériaux, sont dans un premier temps caractérisées à petite échelle (ATG/DSC, DIL, diffusivité par méthode flash). Par la suite, ces propriétés sont utilisées dans le modèle de pyrolyse qui est validé à moyenne échelle, à l’aide de mesures de dégradation au cône calorimètre. Enfin, des essais de résistance au feu sont réalisés afin de valider les simulations numériques à grande échelle à l’aide du brûleur NexGen de la plateforme expérimental feux VESTA. De plus, les produits de pyrolyse sont évalués au cours de la dégradation (Py-GC-MS) pour déterminer les limites inférieures d’inflammabilité en fonction de la température et ainsi proposer une classification des matériaux étudiés. / Since the beginning of aeronautics, fire has been one of the first identified risks. However, the latter is still today the source of accidents, often fatal, lack of outcome when it intervenes in flight. At the same time, the need to reduce the mass of current aircraft, to limit operating costs, has made the use of composite materials, particularly fire-resistant, essential. In order to validate the fire performance of these materials, it is therefore necessary to certify their performance when subjected to fire. These tests represent a non-negligible cost during the development phases. The use of numerical simulations seems to be a good alternative in order to limit the number of trials. Nevertheless, the latter require a certain number of input parameters and a good knowledge of degradation phenomena. Thus in this work, the thermal degradation of two composite materials is studied, the thermoplastic carbon-PEKK and the thermosetting carbon-phenolic. The thermal and kinetic properties are first characterized on a small scale (ATG / DSC, DIL, diffusivity by flash method). Subsequently, these properties are used in the pyrolysis model that is validated on a medium scale using calorimeter cone degradation measurements. Finally, fire resistance tests are carried out using the NexGen burner of the experimental VESTA fire platform. In addition, the pyrolysis products are then evaluated during the degradation (Py-GC-MS) to determine the lower flammability limits and thus propose a classification of the materials studied.


Buligon, Ediane Andreia 18 July 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The aim of the present research was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of LVL reinforced with fiberglass with two types of resins. Pinus elliottii veneers with 1,5 mm thickness were used to manufacture of the LVL panels. The panels were manufactured in two steps. The first one was the assembling of the LVL panels with nine layers of wood veneer glued with phenol-formaldehyde resin. The second step consisted into reinforcing the LVL with fiberglass impregnated with epoxy resin (E) or isophthalic resin (I). The treatments were: panels without reinforcement (T), panels reinforced with one fiberglass layer (E T1 e I T1), panels reinforced with two fiberglass layers (E T2 e I T2) and panels reinforced with four fiberglass layers (E T3 e I T3). The size of panel was 45 cm x 34 cm x 1,08 cm. The physical properties tested were density and moisture content. The mechanical properties tested were: static bending in flatwise and edgewise position, modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR); glueline shear strength by compression loading; hardness test; and non-destructive test by ultrasound method. The epoxy and the isophthalic resin showed similar mechanical performance among the different treatments.The resistence and stiffness of the panels were influenced by the reinforcement. The MOE in flatwise position was influenced by one reinforcement layer and the MOR was influenced by two reinforcement layers. In the edgewise position the MOE and the MOR values remained constant among the treatments with two fiberglass reinforcement layers. The MOE in nondestructive test had higher values when compared with the destructive method, however these values remained stable with two layers of reinforcement. Two layers of reinforcement on the tensile and compression side had higher values in hardness test. The epoxy resin presented higher glueline resistence and higher percentage of wood failure. Isophthalic and phenolic resin presented similar values of glueline strenght, however the isophthalic resin had lower percentage of wood failure. Thus, the reinforcement with one layer of fiberglass imprenated with epoxy resin on the tensile side would be enough to promote the mechanical qualities of LVL. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar as propriedades físico-mecânicas de painéis de lâminas paralelas (LVL) reforçadas com camadas de fibra de vidro inpregnadas com dois tipos de matrizes. Lâminas de madeira de Pinus ellliottii com espessura de 1,5 mm foram utilizadas na fabricação dos painéis. A montagem dos painéis foi realizada em duas etapas. A primeira consistiu na fabricação dos painéis LVL com nove camadas de lâminas de madeira unidas com resina à base de fenol-formaldeído na gramatura de 190 g/m2 em linha simples. E a segunda etapa consistiu na aplicação do reforço de fibra de vidro impregnado com resinas epóxi (E) ou poliéster isoftálica com NPG (I). Os tratamentos utilizados foram: painéis sem reforços (T), painéis com uma camada de fibra de vidro (E T1 e I T1), painéis com duas camadas de fibra de vidro, sendo uma camada no lado de compressão e uma camada no lado de tração (E T2 e I T2) e painéis com quatro camadas de fibra de vidro, duas camadas do lado de compressão e duas camadas no lado de tração separados por uma lâmina de madeira (E T3 e I T3). Foram realizadas três repetições por tratamento, totalizando 21 painéis. As dimensões finais dos painéis foram 45 cm x 34 cm x 1,08 cm. Para determinar a qualidade dos painéis LVL foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas (massa específica e teor de umidade) e a resistência mecânica (flexão estática na posição flatwise e egdewise, resistência ao cisalhamento, dureza Janka e teste não destrutivo utilizando ultrassom). A resina epóxi e a resina isoftálica apresentaram as mesmas qualidades mecânicas nos diferentes tratamentos. A aplicação do reforço influenciou na resistência e na rigidez do painel. Na flexão estática na posição flatwise o módulo de elasticidade (MOE) foi influenciado por uma camada de reforço e o módulo de ruptura (MOR) por duas camadas de reforço. Na posição edgewise os valores de MOE e do MOR se mantiveram estáveis com a aplicação de duas camadas de reforços de fibra de vidro. O MOE pelo método ultrassônico apresentou valores maiores quando comparado com o método estático; em ambos os métodos os valores mantiveram-se estáveis com a aplicação de duas camadas de reforço. A dureza Janka foi maior para as painéis com mais camadas de fibra de vidro na posição de tração e compressão. A resina epóxi apresentou maior resistência ao cisalhamento e maior percentual de falhas na madeira, enquanto que a resina isoftálica, apesar de apresentar valores de resistência similares à fenólica, não apresentou boa adesão à madeira, representada pelo baixo percentual de falhas na madeira. A aplicação de uma camada de reforço de fibra de vidro com resina epóxi na posição de tração seria o suficiente para melhorar as qualidades mecânicas dos painéis LVL fabricados com lâminas de madeira de pinus unidas com fenol-formaldeído.

Influência do sistema de cimentação e do modo de ativação na resistência ao push-out de pinos de fibra de vidro / Influence of cementation system and activation mode on push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts

Reinaldo de Souza Ferreira 04 December 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do tipo de sistema de cimentação (condicionamento ácido total ou autoadesivo), do modo de ativação (autoativado ou dual), do terço do conduto radicular (cervical, médio ou apical) e da espessura do filme de cimento sobre a resistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro cimentados em dentes humanos. Quarenta raízes foram incluídas em resina epóxi, submetidas a tratamento endodôntico e obturadas com guta percha e cimento endodôntico sem eugenol. Decorridos sete dias, os condutos foram preparados a uma profundidade de 10mm com brocas padronizadas do sistema dos pinos de fibra (WhitePost DC #2) e aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos, conforme o sistema de cimentação e o modo de ativação: (G1) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (condicionamento ácido total), ativação dual, (G2) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, autoativado, (G3) RelyX U100 (autoadesivo), dual e (G4) RelyX U100, autoativado. Após uma semana, cada raiz foi seccionada em máquina de corte, originando 6 fatias de 1 mm de espessura (n=60). Antes do ensaio de push-out cada fatia foi fotografada em ambas as faces, para determinação do raio dos pinos e da espessura do filme de cimento. Após o ensaio mecânico, novas imagens foram capturadas para determinação do modo de falha. Para automatizar a determinação da espessura de cimento, foi desenvolvida uma macro no software KS 400. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados com ANOVA 3 fatores (resistência de união) e teste de Kruskall-Wallis (espessura do cimento). Comparações múltiplas foram realizadas com o teste Student-Newman-Keuls. Análise de regressão, modelo linear, foi empregada para verificar a correlação entre espessura do cimento e resistência de união. Todos os testes foram aplicados com &#945; = 0,05. O fator cimento exerceu influência significativa para a resistência de união (p = 0,0402): o RelyX U100 apresentou a maior média. A ativação dual elevou os valores de resistência de união em comparação ao modo quimicamente ativado (p < 0,0001). Houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos, sendo G1 (22,4 4,0 MPa) > G3 (20,4 3,6 MPa) > G4 (17,8 5,2 MPa) > G2 (13,5 4,3 MPa). O terço do conduto não exerceu influência significativa sobre a resistência adesiva (p = 0,4749). As espessuras dos filmes de cimento foram estatisticamente diferentes nos diferentes terços: cervical (102 45 m) > médio (75 29 m) > apical (52 28m). Não foi observada forte correlação entre os valores de espessura e os de resistência ao push-out (r = - 0,2016, p = 0,0033). O tipo de falha predominante foi a mista, exceto para o G2, que apresentou 74% das falhas na interface cimento-pino. Dessa forma, o cimento autoadesivo apresentou melhor desempenho que o convencional, e ambos os sistemas duais, sobretudo o RelyX ARC, apresentaram dependência da fotoativação para atingirem maiores valores de resistência de união. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of adhesive cementation system approach (total-etch or self-adhesive), activation mode (self-cure or dual-cure), canal third (cervical, middle or apical) and cement thickness on push-out bond strength of glass fiber post bonded on human roots. Forty roots were embebed in epoxy resin and endodontically treated (filled with guta percha and non-eugenol endodontic sealer). Following 7 days, the post spaces were prepared with low-speed post drills provided by the manufacturer (WhitePost DC #2, FGM) at a depth of 10 mm and the roots were randomly divided in 4 groups, according to cementation system and activations mode: (G1) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (total-etch), dual-cure (G2) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, self-cure, (G3) RelyX U100 (self-adhesive), dual-cure and (G4) RelyX U100, self-cure. After 7 days, each root was sectioned with water-cooled diamond blade, generating six 1-mm thickness slices (n=60). Before push-out bond strength test, digital images of both sides of the slices were captured with digital camera, in order to measure the post radius and the cement thickness. After mechanical test, new images were captured to evaluate the failure mode. A macro was developed in KS 400 software to speed and standardize the evaluation of cement thickness. Results were analyzed using three-way ANOVA (push-out) and Kruskall-Wallis test (cement thickness). Post-hoc multiple comparisons were performed using the Student-Newman-Keuls test. The correlation between resin cement thickness and bond strength was evaluated with regression analysis, linear model. All tests were performed with significance level set at 0.05. Push-out bond strength was significantly influenced by cement type (p= 0.0402): the RelyX U100 cement presented higher mean value. The dual-activated mode increased the bond strength in comparison to self-activated mode (p < 0.0001). Statically differences were observed between groups: G1 (22.4 4.0 MPa) > G3 (20.4 3.6 MPa) > G4 (17.8 5.2 MPa) > G2 (13.5 4.3 MPa). Bond strength was not affected by post space depth (p = 0,4749). The resin cement thicknesses were significantly different in root thirds: cervical (102 45 m) > middle (75 29 m) > apical (52 28m). No strong correlation between cement thickness and push-out bond strength was observed (r = - 0.2016, p = 0.0033). The main failure mode was mixed, except for G2 (74% adhesive failures at post-cement interface). It was concluded tha the self-adhesive cement showed a better performance than the conventional one, and both dual resin systems, specially the RelyX ARC, presented photo-activation dependence to attain greater adhesive bond strength.

Mise en œuvre, instrumentation, validation et modélisation d’un système d’injection RTM pour la fabrication de structures composites de hautes performances / Implementation, instrumentation, validation and modeling of RTM injection system for the manufacturing of structural high performances composites

Waris, Marc 24 December 2012 (has links)
Les matériaux composites ont connu ces dernières années une forte croissance, croissance aujourd'hui renforcée par les nouvelles normes européenne visant à diminuer les émissions CO2 d'ici 2020. La réalisation de pièces complexes peut poser de nombreuses problématiques de fabrication comme la formation de zones sèches, ou la création de distorsions géométriques. Les origines de ces problématiques sont souvent liées à un manque de connaissance et de maîtrise des phases d'imprégnation des renforts et de cuisson du matériau. L'amélioration de la robustesse des procédés nécessite d'avoir une connaissance fine des phénomènes physiques qui ont lieu lors de l'élaboration. Dans cette perspective, les procédés d'élaboration de matériaux composites ont été étudiés à travers la mise en place d'un démonstrateur de laboratoire dans le cadre du projet LCM Smart. Ce pilote d'injection a permis de valider des solutions d'instrumentation, à partir de capteurs innovants (OFS) développés en partenariat avec le laboratoire d'optique Hubert Curien.L'application de cette instrumentation dans le cadre du suivi du procédé RTM a démontré les capacités des OFS pour le suivi des caractéristiques physiques de la pièce (le front d'écoulement, la température, les déformations résiduelles et le degré de cuisson). La comparaison des caractéristiques mesurées avec des simulations numériques effectuées en collaboration avec ESI, a montré une bonne corrélation.Enfin, l'instrumentation a permis de mettre en évidence l’intérêt d’un outillage composite en HexTool pour la réduction des contraintes résiduelles liées à l'interaction outil/pièce. / A significant growth in production and consumption of composite materials can be seen recently; growth reinforced by the new European standards, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by the year 2020.The producing of complex parts can cause many difficulties for manufacturing because of their geometries and / or their constituents (using of various materials). For example, dry zones or geometric distortion formation. The origins of these difficulties are often related to a lack of knowledge and control of the reinforcement's impregnation phases and material curing.Improving the robustness of the processes demands a detailed knowledge of physical phenomena that occur during the producing. For this, we studied the composite materials production through the implementation of a laboratory demonstrator in the project LCM Smart. This pilot injection was used to validate instrumentation solutions, from innovative sensors (OFS) developed in partnership with the optical laboratory Hubert Curien. The application of this instrumentation in the context of RTM process monitoring in the development of simple parts has demonstrated the capabilities of OFS to control physical characteristics of the part (the flow front, temperature, residual strain and curing degree). The comparison of the measured characteristics with numerical simulations carried out in collaboration with ESI showed a good correlation.Finally, instrumentation has demonstrated the capacity of composite tool made by HexTool to minimize the residual stresses due to the tool/part interaction.

Comportamento biomecânico de pinos personalizados em remanescente dentário fragilizado / Biomechanical behavior of personalized posts in weakened dental roots

Kasuya, Amanda Vessoni Barbosa 02 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-05-03T17:14:13Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017-1-50.pdf: 15013683 bytes, checksum: f8924a9fa740c813552a7c3316dba183 (MD5) Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017-51-111.pdf: 15359599 bytes, checksum: ea14f282d1609854707110f304682486 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Rejected by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com), reason: olhe no guia a forma de nomear arquivos divididos on 2017-05-04T11:04:01Z (GMT) / Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-05-04T17:04:01Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017- Parte 1.pdf: 15013683 bytes, checksum: f8924a9fa740c813552a7c3316dba183 (MD5) Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017- Parte 2.pdf: 15359599 bytes, checksum: ea14f282d1609854707110f304682486 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Rejected by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com), reason: No guia está registrado: - Quando o arquivo tiver que ser dividido, por ser grande, cada um deve ser renomeado da mesma forma, adicionando a indicação da parte, entre parênteses, no final. Exemplos: “Tese - João Alves da Silva - 2015 (1)”, “Tese - João Alves da Silva - 2015 (2)”. on 2017-05-05T12:44:32Z (GMT) / Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-05-05T16:53:52Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017- Parte 1.pdf: 15013683 bytes, checksum: f8924a9fa740c813552a7c3316dba183 (MD5) Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017- Parte 2.pdf: 15359599 bytes, checksum: ea14f282d1609854707110f304682486 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Rejected by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com), reason: on 2017-05-05T17:13:14Z (GMT) / Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-05-05T17:15:42Z No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017 (1).pdf: 15013683 bytes, checksum: f8924a9fa740c813552a7c3316dba183 (MD5) Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017 (2).pdf: 15359599 bytes, checksum: ea14f282d1609854707110f304682486 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-05-08T15:51:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017 (1).pdf: 15013683 bytes, checksum: f8924a9fa740c813552a7c3316dba183 (MD5) Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017 (2).pdf: 15359599 bytes, checksum: ea14f282d1609854707110f304682486 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T15:51:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017 (1).pdf: 15013683 bytes, checksum: f8924a9fa740c813552a7c3316dba183 (MD5) Tese - Amanda Vessoni Barbosa Kasuya - 2017 (2).pdf: 15359599 bytes, checksum: ea14f282d1609854707110f304682486 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objectives of this work were to evaluate the stress distribution (SD), fracture resistance (RF), adhesive strength (AS) and their respective fracture patterns of weekeaned bovine roots, rehabilitated with customized pins with different resinous materials. In addition, the objective of this study was to evaluate the polymerization depth of the resinous materials by Knoop microhardness method (MH). Eight experimental groups were established (n = 10 for FR and AS; n = 5 for MH), with the factor under study: 1. The post type (industrialized glass fiber post relined (I) and personalized post (P), 2. the relining material only for industrialized glass fiber post (experimental composite (e) and composite resin (R)); 3. the material used only for personalized post (experimental composite (e) and bulk fill resin (b), and 4. the amount of remaining dentin (root embrittlement inner wear, in lengths of 5 mm or 10 mm). One hundred and forty bovine roots of similar size were selected and restored according to the group to which they belonged. For FR, Pperiodontal and alveolar bone were simulated and the specimens were placed in an Instron 5965 machine at a 135 ° angle to the long axis and loaded at a constant velocity of 0.5 mm/min in compression until the fracture. The fracture pattern was classified as: F1- crown; F2- root; F3- crown/root; F4- fracture with displacement of the crown/post. For AS, the specimens were sectioned in slices of 1 mm perpendicular to their long axis. Each specimen was placed in a test machine to received the load in the apical-coronal direction, at a constant velocity of 0.5mm / min, pushing the pin through the largest side of the sample until fracture. The fracture pattern was classified as: F1- cohesive of the pin and/or reline material; F2- cohesive of dentin; F3- adhesive of pin/reline material; F4 - Adhesive bonding cement/ eline material and F5 - mixed. For MH, the specimens were sectioned parallel to their long axis. The tests were performed with a Knoop penetrator under a static charge of 50 grams per 10 seconds. MH was calculated as the average value for each third. Finally, the finite element method was used to analyze the DT. 3D virtual models representative of each experimental group were created and analyzed under von Mises equivalent stresses criterion, simulating loading of 100N at a 45o angle with the long axis. The experimental composite proved to be an alternative for the rehabilitation of weakened roots when used to create personalized posts or when used as a relining material, with FR values similar to the traditional technique, but with more favorable stress distributions. Moreover, it presented excellent adhesive strength to the dentin structure, being comparable to conventional composite resin and bulk fill resin. The bulk fill resin resulted in low values of fracture resistance associated with the fracture and displacement of post/crown. Lower microhardness values were observed in the apical third for bulk fill resin. / Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a distribuição de tensões (DT), resistência à fratura (RF), resistência adesiva (RA) e seus respectivos padrões de fratura de raízes bovinas fragilizadas, reabilitadas com pinos personalizados com diferentes materiais resinosos. Além disso, objetivou-se avaliar a profundidade de polimerização dos materiais resinosos por meio do método de microdureza Knoop (MD). Oito grupos experimentais foram criados (n=10 para RF e RA; n=5 para MD), tendo como fator em estudo: 1. o tipo de pino utilizado (pino de fibra de vidro industrializado reembasado (I) e pino personalizado (P)); 2. o material de reembasamento apenas para os pinos industrializados (compósito experimental (e) e resina composta (r)); 3. o material utilizado para confecção apenas dos pinos personalizados (compósito experimental (e) e resina bulk fill (b)); e 4. a quantidade de dentina remanescente (fragilização radicular por desgaste interno nos comprimentos de 5 mm ou 10 mm). Cento e quarenta raízes bovinas com dimensões semelhantes foram selecionadas e restauradas de acordo com o grupo ao qual pertenciam. Para RF, ligamento periodontal e osso alveolar foram simulados e os espécimes posicionados em máquina Instron 5965, em um ângulo de 135° em relação ao longo eixo do dente de modo que recebessem carregamento à velocidade constante de 0,5mm/min em compressão até a fratura. Em seguida, o padrão de fratura foi classificado em: F1- coroa; F2- raiz; F3- coroa/raiz; F4- fratura com deslocamento do conjunto coroa/pino. Para RA, os espécimes foram seccionados em fatias 1 mm perpendicularmente ao seu longo eixo. Cada espécime foi posicionado em máquina de ensaio de modo que recebessem a carga no sentido apical-coronal, à velocidade constante de 0,5mm/min, empurrando o pino através do maior lado da amostra até a fratura. O padrão de fratura foi classificado em: F1 - coesiva do pino e/ou material de reembasamento; F2 - coesiva da dentina; F3 - adesiva pino/material de reembasmento; F4 - adesiva material de reembasamento/cimento e F5 – mista. Para MD, os espécimes foram seccionados paralelamente ao seu longo eixo. Os testes foram realizados com um penetrador Knoop sob uma carga estática de 50 gramas por 10 segundos. MD foi calculada como o valor médio para cada terço. E por fim, o método de elementos finitos foi empregado para analisar a DT. Modelos virtuais 3D representativos de cada grupo experimental foram criados e analisados sob critério de tensões equivalentes de von Mises, simulando carregamento de 100N em um ângulo de 45o com o longo eixo. O compósito experimental demostrou ser uma alternativa para a reabilitação de raízes fragilizadas quando utilizado para criar pinos personalizados ou quando utilizado como material de reembasamento de pinos, com valores de resistência à fratura semelhantes à técnica tradicional porém, com distribuição de tensões mais favoráveis. Além disso, apresentou excelente resistência adesiva à estrutura dentinária, sendo comparável à resina composta convencional e à resina bulk fill. Já a resina bulk fill resultou em baixos valores de resistência à fratura associado ao deslocamento do conjunto pino/coroa protética. Valores de microdureza inferiores foram observados no terço apical para a bulk fill.

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