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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representation Yesterday and Today: The Changing Link between Public Opinion and Policy Outcomes over Time

Irvine, Michael 01 January 2016 (has links)
Who gets represented in America? How does representation change over time? This thesis attempts to answer both questions, which are necessarily linked to one another. I investigate long-term trends in representation and temporary fluctuations in group influence by using a probit model to examine the link between socioeconomic groups’ policy preferences and outcomes in year-groups roughly corresponding to presidential terms. I find evidence for the suggestion in the literature that American policymaking contains a strong bias in favor of the status quo, but I depart from the literature in finding little evidence for a suggested link between income and political influence. I find evidence of declining policy activity in the 1990s and 2000s relative to the 1980s but little evidence of a long-term trend towards less policy output. In general, I find little evidence of long-term trends in representation, including the idea that our policy outcomes are becoming more correlated with the views of minority groups such as African-Americans and Hispanics.

Development and evaluation of a food frequency questionnaire to assess daily total flavonoid intake using a rooibos intervention study model

Venter, Irma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A comprehensive food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was developed to assess the daily total flavonoid intake over the past fortnight within a 14-week intervention that consisted of four periods to determine the effect of rooibos consumption on oxidative stress in adults (n=40) at intermediate to high coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Within the intervention the comprehensive FFQ validity (against six estimated dietary records and biomarkers), reproducibility (on administrations in the washout and control periods six weeks apart as these periods had similar flavonoid intake restrictions) and responsiveness (across the four intervention periods of changed dietary conditions) was evaluated. The baseline period dietary record and FFQ dietary sources found to contribute most to the participants’ daily total flavonoid intake, considering the percentage contribution, and the between-person variation in intake, considering the stepwise multiple regression analysis, formed the food list of the resultant abbreviated FFQ. The validity, reproducibility and responsiveness of the latter were also evaluated within the intervention and its validity (against dietary records) and reproducibility (on re-administration two weeks apart) in an additional group (n=90) being at low and intermediate CHD risk to evaluate its external strength. The validity and reproducibility evaluations of the comprehensive and abbreviated FFQs in the intervention and abbreviated FFQ within the additional group comprised paired difference tests (to establish the ability to estimate group intakes), correlation coefficients (to establish the ability to rank individual participants), category agreement and gross misclassification next to the weighted kappa statistic (to establish the ability to classify the participants into tertiles and quintiles of intake) and Bland-Altman plots (as representation of the limits of agreement between the two dietary assessment methods). Correlation coefficients were also used for biomarker validity evaluations in the baseline period. The repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Bonferroni correction) was used for the responsiveness evaluations of the comprehensive and abbreviated FFQs across the intervention periods alongside that of the biomarkers as evidence for the changed dietary conditions. The study demonstrated that the comprehensive FFQ could be modified to a format with a brief food list as few items contributed appreciably to the total flavonoid intake and of which most also contributed to the between-person intake variability. The comprehensive and moreover the abbreviated FFQ in the validity evaluations provided sufficiently accurate daily total flavonoid intake estimates. They could determine the intake at group level in correspondence with that of the dietary records. The participant intakes could additionally be categorized and in particular ranked greatly alike to the dietary record intakes. The Bland-Altman plots revealed proportional bias regarding overestimation at the higher intake level. The reproducibility also appeared to be greatly satisfactory although seasonal fruit exclusions from the abbreviated FFQ food list may hamper its repeated administration. Both FFQs also confirmed the changed total flavonoid intakes across the intervention periods in relation to changes in the expected direction concerning the plasma total polyphenol, conjugated diene and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance concentrations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Omvattende voedsel frekwensie vraelys (VFV) is ontwikkel om die daaglikse totale flavonoïed inname oor twee agtereenvolgende weke te beraam te midde van ‘n 14-week intervensie. Die intervensie het uit vier periodes bestaan wat die effek van rooibosinname op oksidatiewe stres in volwassenes (n=40), met ‘n intermediêre tot hoë koronêre hartsiekte (KHS) risiko, bepaal het. Binne die intervensie is die geldigheid (teen ses geskatte dieetrekords en biochemiese merkers), herhaalbaarheid (op aanwending ses weke uitmekaar in die uitwas en kontrole intervensie periodes met dieselfde flavonoïed inname bepalings) en waarneembaarheid (oor vier intervensie periodes van veranderde dieet bepalings) van die omvattende VFV geëvalueer. Die dieetbronne in die basislyn periode dieetrekords en vraelyste wat die meeste tot die deelnemers se daaglikse totale flavonoïed inname (baseer op die persentasie bydrae) en die tussen-persoon variasie in inname (baseer op die stapsgewyse meervuldige regressie analise) bygedra het, het die voedsellys van die voortvloeiende verkorte VFV gevorm. Die geldigheid, herhaalbaarheid en waarneembaarheid van dié VFV is binne die intervensie geëvalueer en die geldigheid (teen dieetrekords) en herhaalbaarheid (heradministrasie twee weke later) daarvan in ‘n verdere groep (n=90) met lae en intermediêre KHS risiko as evaluasie van die eksterne vermoë van die VFV. Die geldigheid en herhaalbaarheid evaluasies van die omvattende en verkorte VFV in die intervensie en die verkorte VFV in die verdere groep het bestaan uit gepaarde verskil toetse (bepaling van die groepinname skattingsvermoë), korrelasie koëffisiënte (bepaling van individuele deelnemer rangorde skattingsvermoë), kategorie ooreenstemming en erge wanklassifikasie naas die aangepaste kappa statistiek (bepaling van die vermoë om die deelnemer innames in derdes en vyfdes te klassifiseer) en die Bland-Altman karterings (verteenwoordiging van ooreenstemmingslimiete tussen die twee dieetinname metodes). Korrelasie koëffisiënte is ook gebruik vir biochemiese merker geldigheid evaluasies in die basislyn periode. Die herhaalde metings analise van variansie (ANOVA) (Bonferroni regstelling) is gebruik om die waarneembaarheid evaluasies van die omvattende en verkorte VFV oor die intervensie periodes naas dit van die biochemiese merkers te evalueer as bewys van die veranderde dieet bepalings. Die studie het aangedui dat die omvattende VFV gewysig kon word tot ‘n formaat met ‘n verkorte voedsellys omdat slegs ‘n aantal items merkbaar tot die totale flavonoïed inname bygedra het en die meeste hiervan ook tot die tussen-persoon variasie in inname. Die omvattende en die verkorte VFV het in die geldigheid evaluasies daarvan voldoende akkurate daaglikse totale flavonoïed inname skattings opgelewer omdat groep innames bepaal kon word in ooreenstemming met dit verkry van die dieetrekords en die deelnemer innames bykomend kategoriseer en in besonder grootliks eenders rangeer kon word as met hul dieetrekord innames. ‘n Proporsionele oorskatting by die hoër inname vlakke is wel vir al twee getoon in die Bland-Altman karterings. Die herhaalbaarheid was ook grootliks aanvaarbaar, alhoewel seisoenale vrugte uitsluitings in die verkorte VFV voedsellys die heruitvoering kan bemoeilik. Al twee vraelyste kon ook die veranderinge in die daaglikse totale flavonoïed inname oor die intervensie periodes bevestig in ooreenstemming met veranderinge in die verwagte rigting van die plasma totale polifenool, konjugaat diëne en tiobarbituursuur reaktiewe stof konsentrasies.

Understanding Mothers of Late Preterm Infants

Baker, Brenda 02 December 2011 (has links)
The experience of becoming a mother is a personal and social experience influenced by individual characteristics, friends and family, and the infant. The journey to become a mother encompasses concepts of maternal competence and responsiveness. The purpose of this study was to examine maternal competence and responsiveness to the infant in mothers of late preterm infants compared to mothers of full term infants. The conceptual model for this work was based on the work of Reva Rubin describing maternal identity and role development. Maternal competence and responsiveness are components of maternal role and are influenced by social support, maternal self-esteem, well-being, stress and mood. In addition, infant temperament and perception of infant vulnerability influence development of maternal competence and responsiveness. A non-experimental repeated measures design was used to compare maternal competence and responsiveness in two groups of postpartum mothers. One group consisted of mothers of late preterm infants 34-36, 6/7 weeks gestation. The second group consisted of mothers of term infants, >/=37 weeks gestation. Both primiparas and multiparas were included in the study. Data was collected in the initial postpartum period prior to discharge from the hospital and again at six-weeks postpartum. No statistically significant differences in development of maternal competence or responsiveness between mothers of LPIs and term infants were identified. This study adds to our knowledge concerning outcomes of mothers of late preterm infants and development of competence and responsiveness.

Les coopérations inter-sectorielles comme réponse aux enjeux managériaux du développement durable : le cas des associations thématiques d’entreprises / Intersector cooperation as an answer to sustainable development managerial issues : the case of theme-based corporate associations in France

Da Fonseca, Marie-Clémence 10 December 2013 (has links)
Au delà des principes généraux de la responsabilité sociétale, comme application des principes du développement durable, ses enjeux managériaux auxquels font face les entreprises demeurent rarement étudiés. La présente recherche s'intéresse précisément à cette question, en mobilisant le courant de la Corporate Social Responsiveness qui propose de porter une attention particulière aux changements organisationnels. Une réponse à ces problématiques managériales semble passer par les stratégies de coopération. Au regard de la littérature, les stratégies de coopération sont un moyen d'obtenir des ressources, des compétences complémentaires et de développer des capacités dynamiques. L'objet de cette thèse porte sur l'étude les stratégies de coopération comme réponse aux enjeux du développement durable, au travers de l'analyse des associations thématiques d'entreprises, dans une perspective fondée sur les ressources. La méthodologie est qualitative et vise à décrire de la manière la plus fine possible les phénomènes et processus à l'œuvre dans les associations thématiques d'entreprises, à travers deux phases d'étude. L'étude exploratoire, basée sur l'analyse des dix-sept associations thématiques recensées sur le territoire français, permet d'identifier différents profils de stratégies de coopération et d'en dresser une typologie. Ils sont définis à partir des représentations du développement durable et du rôle que se donne l'association d'entreprises. Par ailleurs, l'étude de cas explore les mécanismes de coordination à l'œuvre dans ces associations thématiques et permet d'identifier les besoins des entreprises et la nature de la réponse collective.La recherche montre en particulier une diversité d'enjeux vis-à-vis du développement durable, qui va conditionner les besoins des entreprises en termes de ressources et de compétences. Le contexte révèle une complexité de management du fait que le Développement Durable invite à considérer des valeurs et des convictions liées aux personnes qui peuvent entrer en contradiction. Une analyse précise des ressources et des compétences nécessaires aux entreprises pour opérationnaliser une démarche responsable est envisagée. Les principaux résultats sont discutés au regard des recherches antérieures. / There is a relative paucity of studies on the managerial challenges encountered by firms when achieving corporate social responsibility. The present work seeks to fill this void by mobilizing literature on Corporate Social Responsiveness (CSR) and exploring propositions that help explain the organizational changes brought about by the application of CSR. Cooperation strategy seems to be a solution for firms to overcome their managerial challenges. According to the literature, cooperation strategies constitute a “mean” to obtain resources, skills and to develop dynamic capabilities. Hence, the aim of this research is to study strategies of cooperation as a response to the managerial challenges given by the stakes of sustainable development. This is done by analyzing theme-based corporate associations, using a resource-based view. The exploratory nature of the study entails a qualitative methodology which prioritizes the description of an ongoing phenomena and processes. The present work develops in two research stages : First an exploratory phase and subsequently an in-depth case study. The exploratory phase was based on the analysis of seventeen theme-based associations identified throughout France. This initial work allowed identifying a variety of cooperation strategies, which was used to define a typology of theme-based associations. Hereafter distinctive profiles within this typology were drawn and based on : The particular representations of “sustainable development” hold by the members of these associations and on the role assumed by each firm within it. In addition, the in-depth case study allowed us to explore the mechanisms of coordination within these associations, the different motivations for firms to take part in these particular forms and the nature of the collective response. The findings show a wide range of views on “sustainable development” which will determine the needs of any given firm in terms of resources and skills. In addition, the results show that in this particular context, the management of cooperative corporate strategies proves to be a complex and challenging process. As the sustainable development principle, around which these corporative associations are formed, may reveal conflictive values and personal beliefs. The present work contributes with a detailed analysis on the resources and skills required for firms when operationalizing their social responsibility. The results are subsequently discussed in light of existing literature.

The Role of District Leaders in Improving Achievement and Equity: How District Leaders Maintain a Focus on Equity

McIntyre, Lindsa C. January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Vincent Cho / District leaders are under tremendous pressure to narrow disparities in achievement in an effort to close the achievement gap without tremendous guidance from policy makers, researchers or literature. Rorrer, Skrla, and Scheurich (2008) proposed a theory that district leaders enact four essential roles when engaging in systemic reform that improves achievement and equity: (1) providing instructional leadership which consists of building capacity and generating will, (2) reorienting the organization, (3) establishing policy coherence, and (4) maintaining an equity focus. This research examined the essential role of maintaining a focus on equity as a complex multiple construct. This qualitative case study explored how leaders in a Massachusetts public school district that made gains in improving achievement, attempted to maintain a focus on equity when enacting the role of instructional leadership. Drawing upon semi-structured interviews and a review of documents, this study concluded that leaders enacted the role to varying degrees in some ways that were consistent with Rorrer, et al. (2008). Data revealed that leaders attempted to address inequities through responsive leadership practices that connected with their notion of equity as it related to language, special needs, emotional wellness and poverty. Recommendations include how leaders can enact the role in a more informed, intentional, and deliberate manner through the development of Culturally Responsive Instructional Leadership. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

A responsabilidade do poder político no estado constitucional sob o paradigma da democratic responsiveness / Political accountability in the constitutional state in light of democratic responsiveness.

Lorencini, Bruno Cesar 21 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central desta tese é formular propostas normativas de delineamento do instituto da responsabilidade do poder político de forma a que este sirva como mecanismo de conformação de um paradigma de democracia qualificada (democratic responsiveness), cujo atributo fundamental é favorecer a correlação entre a atividade política e as expectativas e interesses da sociedade. Sob as premissas de que a qualificação democrática deve ser um objetivo fundamental no Estado Constitucional contemporâneo e de que a agregação de responsiveness ao processo político é, sem dúvida, um expediente necessário para tanto, defendemos em nossa tese a adoção de um modelo normativo em que as três facetas do instituto da responsabilidade responsibility, accountability e liability favoreçam a aproximação entre poder político e sociedade, o que é coerente com uma conformação mais substancial do princípio da soberania popular na experiência democrática, atenuando o déficit que as teorias procedimentais de democracia e a representação política independente causaram nesse campo. Valorizando o papel que a Constituição e o direito exercem em relação ao fenômeno político, apresentamos, como uma primeira proposta para um delineamento do instituto da responsabilidade do poder político que cumpra os objetivos acima colimados, a preferência por um ordenamento legal responsivo (responsive law), em que as normas priorizem o elemento finalístico e se torne possível a responsabilização da atividade política a partir dos resultados por ela alcançados. Outra proposta que apresentamos é a de enaltecer e readequar o papel do judicial review como mecanismo essencial à efetividade da responsabilidade do poder político, especialmente no sentido de assegurar a integridade e efetividade das instituições e procedimentos desenvolvidos no escopo de aperfeiçoar a responsiveness no processo político. Sem implicar a invasão da seara típica dos demais Poderes do Estado, defendemos uma atuação do Judiciário compromissada com a concretização dos requisitos necessários à implementação da democratic responsiveness. Como proposta final, defendemos que a atividade governamental assuma um caráter programático, valorizando o papel que os programas de governo podem assumir na aproximação entre a atividade política e os interesses e expectativas sociais mais prementes, especialmente quando se preveem mecanismos de influência popular na construção de aludidos programas. Esse último aspecto é essencialmente importante para o instituto da responsabilidade em razão de tornar possível a accountability prospectiva, isto é, permitir que a sociedade participe diretamente na fixação das prioridades da atividade governamental a ser desenvolvida, o que, a nosso ver, é uma perspectiva muito interessante para o alcance do modelo de democracia qualificada que defendemos nesta pesquisa. Em sede final, deixamos claro que as propostas apresentadas são apenas linhas indicativas para o alcance de um objetivo que entendemos prioritário na realidade estatal e social contemporânea: o de qualificar nossos institutos e instituições. A nosso ver, a busca do aperfeiçoamento contínuo do Estado Constitucional, da democracia e da responsabilidade do poder político, mediante a fixação de parâmetros e paradigmas de qualidade, deve ser uma tarefa permanente do cientista social, e foi nesse escopo que desenvolvemos a presente tese. / The central goal of this thesis is to devise normative proposals for defining political accountability that can be used as a mechanism to shape democratic responsiveness, whose fundamental attribute is, in turn, to promote the link between political activity and societys expectations and interests. Based on the premises that democratic responsiveness should be a fundamental goal of todays Constitutional State and that adding responsiveness to the political process is, unquestionably, a necessary measure, this study argues for the adoption of a normative model in which the three prongs of political accountability responsibility, accountability and liability promote an approximation between political authority and society, and this is coherent with a more substantial shaping of the principle of the sovereignty of the people in a democracy, thus mitigating the deficiencies caused by procedural democracy theories and independent political representation in this field. Stressing the importance of the role of the Constitution and the Law over politics, our first proposal for defining political accountability that fulfills the goals described above is to adopt a responsive legal system, in which the norms prioritize the final result, and by so doing, accountability attached to political activity takes place based on the results attained by such political activity. Our next proposal is to value and redefine the role of judicial review as an essential tool to promote the effectiveness of political accountability; especially in the sense of ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the institutions and procedures developed within the scope of improving responsiveness in the political process. Without necessarily invading traditional fields under the other Branches of power, this study advocates a more committed Judiciary in terms of achieving the necessary requisites to implement democratic responsiveness. As our third and last proposal, we argue that government activity should play a programmatic role, valuing the role government programs can play in bringing together political activity and the more urgent interests and expectations of society, especially when there are mechanisms for the people to participate in developing said programs. This latter aspect is of utmost importance for accountability because it renders prospective accountability possible, that is, it enables societys direct participation in establishing the priorities of government activity, which, in our point of view, is a very significant perspective for the achievement of the democratic responsiveness advocated herein. Finally, this study emphasizes that the proposals presented are only general guidelines to achieve a goal that we consider urgent in todays social and government scenarios, which is to qualify our institutes and institutions. In our view, the quest to continuously improve the Constitutional State, democracy and political accountability, by setting quality parameters and paradigms, must be a permanent effort on the part of social scientists; and it was within this scope that this study was developed.

Formas responsivas no Facebook: curtir, compartilhar e comentar a divulgação científica em rede social / Responsive forms on Facebook: like, share and comment popular science on social networking sites

Modolo, Artur Daniel Ramos 28 September 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é abordar a expansão da divulgação científica na Internet por um prisma dialógico. O perímetro do corpus da pesquisa engloba os enunciados postados no Facebook pelas revistas Scientific American Brasil, Pesquisa FAPESP e Superinteressante durante quatro meses do primeiro semestre de 2016 (01 de março de 2016 a 30 de junho de 2016). Empregam-se, como base teórico-metodológica, os conceitos elaborados pelo Círculo de Bakhtin, em especial: responsividade, gêneros do discurso, esferas de atividade humana, autor e ideologia. Dessa forma, almeja-se averiguar em que medida a hipertextualidade, os recursos verbo-visuais e a interação com os demais usuários da rede podem influenciar o conteúdo do enunciado publicado nas páginas de divulgação científica no Facebook. Em um segundo momento de análise, o objetivo é verificar a especificidade de determinadas características da divulgação científica nas redes sociais em comparação a outros meios tradicionais de difusão da ciência: televisão, revista, jornal etc. Para responder tais questões, elabora-se de forma sintética a pergunta de pesquisa: De que maneira as revistas de divulgação científica publicam na rede social Facebook e quais são as consequências discursivas, responsivas e dialógicas desse fenômeno? Por fim, observam-se questões relativas aos gêneros, entre as quais, a autoria e o interlocutor presumido. Além de tais fatores, o emprego ou ausência de referências científicas, assim como o uso de hipertextos com acesso a outros sites e blogs são elementos constitutivos da divulgação científica no Facebook. / The aim of this research is to address the growth of popular science on the Internet through a dialogical perspective. The scope of research encompasses the statements posted on Facebook by Scientific American Brasil, Pesquisa FAPESP and Superinteressante during four months in the first half of 2016 (March 01, 2016 to June 30, 2016). The concepts elaborated by the Bakhtin Circle are used as a theoretical-methodological basis, in particular: responsiveness, speech genres, spheres of human activity, author and ideology. In this way, we aim to investigate the extent to which hypertextuality, verbal and visual resources and interaction with other users of the web can influence the content of the posts published in the pages of popular science on Facebook. In a second step of analysis, the aim is to verify the specificity of certain characteristics of popular science in social networks sites compared to other traditional mediums of science communication: television, magazine, newspaper, etc. In order to answer such questions, the research question is elaborated in a synthetic way: Which way do popular science magazines publish on Facebook and which are the discursive, responsive and dialogic consequences of this phenomenon? Finally, there are issues related to genres, including the authorship and the presumed interlocutor. In addition to these factors, the use or absence of scientific references, as well as the use of hypertexts with links to other websites and blogs are key elements of popular science on Facebook.

The relationship between digital capabilities and digital business performance

Freitas Junior, José Carlos da Silva January 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo das Capacidades Digitais a fim de compreende-las e examiná-las melhor, e analisar o impacto dessas capacidades digitais na performance de negócios digitais. A literatura indica que as Capacidades Digitais são um alicerce fundamental a partir do qual os negócios digitais podem transformar a experiência do cliente, os processos operacionais e os modelos de negócios. Do estudo teórico dessas capacidades emergiram as seguintes questões de pesquisa: quais são as capacidades digitais relacionadas a performance de negócios digitais? E, qual o impacto das capacidades digitais na performance de negócios digitais? Para responder essas questões os objetivos gerais estabelecidos são: entender quais são as capacidades digitais relacionadas ao desempenho dos negócios digitais e medir o impacto dos recursos digitais no desempenho dos negócios digitais. A pesquisa é apresentada em quatro artigos que foram desenvolvidos em sequência de acordo com o processo da pesquisa científica para responder à questão de pesquisa. O primeiro é uma revisão sistemática de literatura que foi desenvolvida para entender as capacidades digitais. Esta pesquisa é apresentada no artigo 1. Na sequência, foram desenvolvidos estudos qualitativos, com entrevistas e estudos de caso apresentados nos artigos 2 e 3. O segundo artigo examina as capacidades digitais e seu papel no desempenho dos negócios digitais. O terceiro trabalho foi desenvolvido para entender a relação entre os ecossistemas digitais e o valor dos negócios digitais. Após isso, o modelo de pesquisa foi ajustado e uma pesquisa quantitativa foi realizada para medir o impacto das capacidades digitais no desempenho dos negócios digitais, que é apresentado no artigo 4. Por fim, foi possível entender que um negócio digital necessita desenvolver capacidades a fim de monitorar o ambiente, ser responsiva, ter processos digitais eficientes e deve ser capaz de pertencer a outros ecossistemas, com isso ela conseguirá melhorar sua performance. Além disso, os principais resultados indicam que a capacidade de resposta é um recurso crucial que causa um impacto significativo no desempenho dos negócios digitais. / This research presents a study of digital capabilities in order to better understand these capabilities and the impact of these digital capabilities on digital business performance. The literature indicates that digital capabilities is a critical foundation from which digital business can transform the customer experience, operational processes, and business models. From the theoretical study of these capabilities emerged the following research questions: what are the Digital Capabilities that are related to digital business performance? And, what is the impact of digital capabilities on digital business performance? To answer these questions, the following general objectives were elaborated: to understand what are the digital capabilities that are related to digital business performance, and to measure the impact of digital capabilities on digital business performance. Then research started and is presented in here in four articles that have been developed in sequence in order to answer the research question. So, the first step was a systematic review that was developed in order to understand the digital capabilities state of the art. This research is presented in article 1. In the sequence, qualitative studies were developed, with interviews and case studies presented in article 2 and 3. The second paper examines digital capabilities and their role in the digital business performance. We could better understand the digital capabilities, but it was noticed that ecosystem capability needed more studies as it is a new and fundamental theme for understanding the impact of digital capabilities on the performance of the digital business. So, the third paper was developed to understand the relationship between ecosystems and digital business value. Finally, the research model was adjusted, and a survey was carried out in order to measure the impact of digital capabilities on the performance of the digital business, which is presented in article 4. Finally, it was possible to understand that a digital business should develop digital capabilities in order to be capable of monitoring, being responsive, having efficient digital process and able to belong to other ecosystems what will lead to a improve the digital business performance. In addition, the primary results indicate that responsiveness is a crucial capability that makes a significant impact on digital business performance.

MEIO AMBIENTE, DESENVOLVIMENTO E ACCOUNTABILITY: A responsividade, pelo Estado Brasileiro, em matéria ambiental.

Mendes Junior, Edirenio Mauro 30 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-09-05T18:11:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EDIRÊNIO MAURO MENDES JÚNIOR.pdf: 2200720 bytes, checksum: 30e780a9ce11dfd9f04eaec16c4e598f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-05T18:11:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EDIRÊNIO MAURO MENDES JÚNIOR.pdf: 2200720 bytes, checksum: 30e780a9ce11dfd9f04eaec16c4e598f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-30 / Comment research focuses on environment, development and accountability: responsiveness of Brazil on environmental issues. The environmental theme won a new tonic from the years 70, and is being treated now with unmatched relevance on the international scene, and also at the national. The accelerated and indiscriminate use of natural resources, the irresponsible use of them, as well as the lack of accountability, transparency and information society has been the subject of relevant studies and notes by organized sectors, and States, in order to change this scenario, imputing to the man (individual, group, business, anyway, the State itself) that is pertinent, and the duty to ensure that the environment in which he lives, responsibly, and to answer for the actions derived from the decisions of power, supporting institutions that promote mass awareness about the environment and its preservation, and strengthening the organs to promote the defense of man and nature, creating for that control mechanisms and halting (preventive and repressive) harmful actions that make far sought sustainable development. In short, the study on the agenda seeks to answer, or at least examine the question of responsibility and responsiveness, especially the brazilian, on environmental issues, pointing to existing mechanisms for this purpose, existing treaties, conventions and protocols, and the internal control unit (legal and administrative), such as the public civil actions. The methodology used was bibliographical research, together with the deductive method of analysis, as the study and observation of situations, rules, events and doctrinal positions led to the conclusions adopted in this essay, deepening theoretical and conceptual knowledge about accountability by the State, especially at regional and local level, and responsiveness by State and even private ones. / A pesquisa em comento versa sobre Meio ambiente, desenvolvimento e accountability: responsividade do Brasil em matéria ambiental. A temática ambiental ganhou uma nova tônica a partir dos anos setenta, e vem sendo tratada, agora, com relevância ímpar no cenário internacional, e também no nacional. O uso acelerado e indiscriminado de recursos naturais, a irresponsabilidade na utilização dos mesmos, bem como a falta de prestação de contas, transparência e informação à sociedade vem sendo alvo de relevantes estudos e apontamentos por parte de setores organizados, e dos Estados, no sentido de modificar esse cenário, imputando ao homem (individual, grupo, empresas, enfim, o próprio Estado) a responsabilidade que lhe é pertinente, e o dever de zelar do meio em que vive, de forma responsável, e respondendo pelas ações advindas das decisões de poder, dando suporte a instituições que promovam a conscientização em massa acerca do meio ambiente e sua preservação, e fortalecendo os órgãos que promovem a defesa do homem e da natureza, criando para isso mecanismos de controle e coibição (preventivos e repressivos) de ações danosas que tornam distante o almejado desenvolvimento sustentável. Em suma, o estudo em pauta busca responder, ou ao menos analisar a questão da responsabilidade e responsividade, em especial a brasileira, em matéria ambiental, apontando os mecanismos existentes para tanto, tratados, convenções e protocolos existentes, e o aparelho interno de controle (normativo e administrativo), tais como as ações civis públicas. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, aliada ao método analítico dedutivo, vez que o estudo e observação de situações, normas, acontecimentos e posicionamentos doutrinários levaram às conclusões adotadas na presente dissertação, aprofundando o conhecimento teórico e conceitual sobre a prestação de contas pelo Estado, especialmente a nível regional e local, e a responsividade pelos entes estatais e mesmo privados.

Estimativas de efeitos gênicos de diversos caracteres relacionados à eficiência e resposta ao fósforo em milho tropical / Estimative of gene effects for traits related to phosphorus efficiency and responsiveness in tropical maize

Parentoni, Sidney Netto 19 February 2008 (has links)
Informações sobre a herança de caracteres relacionados à eficiência e resposta ao P em milho, obtidas em ensaios conduzidos até a maturação em ambientes tropicais são limitadas, sendo prérequisitos para se estabelecer estratégias de seleção eficientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a herança e as relações entre caracteres de eficiência e resposta ao P em milho tropical. Foram utilizadas seis linhagens e sete F1´s entre elas, contrastantes quanto à sua eficiência ao P. Os genitores, F1´s, F2´s, RC1P1, RC1P2, RC2P1 e RC2P2 de cada um dos sete F1´s, foram avaliados em três ambientes sob baixo P, e dois ambientes sob alto P no solo. Caracteres de eficiência avaliados foram: peso de grãos (PG), teor de P nos grãos (TPG), quantidade P total na parte aérea (FTOT), eficiência de absorção (EFABS), de utilização (EFUTIL), e de uso de P(EFUSO), índice de colheita de P (ICP) e quociente utilização (QUTIL). Caracteres de resposta avaliados foram: diferença PG entre níveis de P (DIFPG), relação PG entre baixo e alto P (RELPG), eficiência recuperação aparente (EFREC), eficiência fisiológica (EFIS) e eficiência agronômica (EFAGR). Foi também avaliado o intervalo entre florescimento masculino e feminino (ASI), que tem sido relacionado à tolerância a estresse de seca. As médias das gerações de cada cruzamento foram utilizadas para estimar o efeito médio (m), efeitos aditivos (a), efeitos de dominância (d) e efeitos epistáticos digênicos (aa, ad e dd) sob baixo e alto P no solo. Deficiência de P causou redução média na produção de 47,10%. Efeitos de dominância, seguidos de efeitos epistáticos (quando detectados) foram superiores aos efeitos aditivos para a maioria dos caracteres estudados. O ambiente afetou a herança dos diversos caracteres e estimativas de dominância para PG foram de maior magnitude nos ambientes sob alto P e efeitos epistáticos foram verificados com maior freqüência, nos ambientes sob baixo P no solo. Quanto à variabilidade observada para eficiência de uso de P, EFABS foi duas a três vezes mais importante que EFUTIL sob baixo e alto P respectivamente, indicando que, processos relacionados à absorção de P em milho, foram mais importantes que àqueles relacionados à utilização interna do P na planta, nos ambientes estudados. EFABS mostrou baixa correlação sob baixo e alto P, sugerindo que diferentes mecanismos de aquisição de P podem estar atuando nestes ambientes. EFUTIL mostrou alta correlação entre ambientes sugerindo que mecanismos de utilização interna de P semelhantes podem estar agindo sob baixo e alto P. ASI mostrou correlação média e negativa com PG sob baixo P. Critérios de seleção mais adequados para os diversos componentes de eficiência e resposta ao P seriam: PG sob baixo P no solo para determinar a EFABS nestes ambientes; baixo teor de P nos grãos obtido sob alto P no solo, para determinar a EFUTIL; DIFPG para determinar a resposta ao P; menores valores de ASI sob baixo P como critério auxiliar de seleção. Correlações entre variáveis de eficiência e resposta ao P indicaram ser viável obter genótipos eficientes e responsivos ao P nas condições deste estudo. / Low information is available concerning the inheritance of phosphorus (P) efficiency and responsiveness in tropical maize, obtained from trials conducted until maturity in tropical environments. This information is the basis to establish selection strategies for these characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate the inheritance and relationships between characteristics related to phosphorus efficiency and responsiveness in tropical maize. Six tropical maize lines with contrasting P use efficiency and seven F1´s derived from them were used. The parental lines, F1´s, F2´s, RC1P1, RC1P2, RC2P1 e RC2P2 from each of the seven crosses were evaluated at three low P and two high P environments. Efficiency traits evaluated were: grain weight (GW), grain P concentration (GPC), total P in the shoot (PTOT), P uptake efficiency (PUPE), P internal utilization efficiency (PUTIL), P use efficiency (PUE), P harvest index (PHI) and quotient of utilization (QUTIL). Responsiveness traits evaluated were: grain difference between high and low P environments (DIFGW), ratio GW of low and high P environments (RGW), P apparent recover (PAR), P physiological efficiency (PFIS) and P agronomic efficiency (PAGR). Anther silk interval (ASI), which has been related to drought tolerance, was also determined. The generation means from each cross in each group of environments (low and high soil P) were used to estimate the parameters mean effect (m), additive effects (a), dominant effects (d) and epistatic digenic effects (aa, ad, dd). A 47,10 % mean yield reduction was observed across soil P levels. Dominance effects, followed by epistatic effects (when detected) were more important than additive effects for the majority of the traits studied. Soil P level affected the inheritance of many traits. Dominance estimatives for GW were higher at high P environments than at low P environments and generally,epistatic effects were detected more frequently at low P environments. The component PUPE showed to be two to three times more important than the component PUTIL for the variability observed for P use efficiency under low and high P environments respectively, indicating that mechanisms related to P acquisition were more important than mechanisms related to P internal utilization efficiency in the environments and genotypes studied. PUPE showed low correlation under low and high P environments, suggesting that different mechanism of soil P acquisition should be acting at these environments. PUTIL showed high correlation under low and high P environments suggesting that similar plant internal mechanisms should be acting at low and high P environments. A mediun and negative correlation was observed between ASI and GW at low P environments. Selection criteria that showed to be more adequate to select for P efficiency and responsiveness were: GW under low P environments to determine PUPE under low P soils; grain P concentration under high P environments to determine PUTIL; DIFGW to determine P responsiveness and short ASI at low P environments as an additional selection criteria. Correlations between efficiency and responsiveness traits indicated that it would be possible to obtain efficient and responsive genotypes in the conditions of this study.

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