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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of Social Media in the Activism Measures of Nonprofit Organizations : An Empirical Study of Nonprofit Organizations

Ruzic, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Social media and its underlying technologies have created an advanced and sophisticated platform for digital activism. As a result, companies and organizations are undergoing a pivotal transition in how they reach and engage with users in a fast and efficient manner. Specifically, nonprofit organizations have taken advantage of using social media platforms to not only amplify their brand and image, but also spread awareness of their mission to larger audiences. The aim of this study is to delve into the use of social media in the activism measures of nonprofit organizations and determine its effectiveness across the organizations. First, an in depth literature analysis will explore social media and its impact on digital activism as well as how social media has been utilized by renown nonprofits in the case studies of Greta Thunberg, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Second, the study will depict both qualitative and quantitative data taken from local nonprofit organizations that explore the impact of social media towards their activism measures. The case companies used in this study are Dolgin Digital Media and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. After a thorough analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data, it was determined that social media is an effective tool for nonprofits to not only communicate their mission efficiently and quickly to a mass audience, but also as a mechanism for brand amplification. / Sociala medier och dess underliggande tekniker har skapat en avancerad och sofistikerad plattform för digital aktivism. Som ett resultat genomgår företag och organisationer en avgörande övergång i hur de når och samarbetar med användare på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt. Specifikt har ideella organisationer utnyttjat att använda sociala medieplattformar för att inte bara förstärka sitt varumärke och sin image, utan också sprida medvetenheten om deras uppdrag till större publik. Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa användningen av sociala medier i ideella organisationers aktivismåtgärder och bestämmadess effektivitet i organisationerna. Först, en djupgående litteraturanalys kommer att utforska sociala medier och dess inverkan på digital aktivism samt hur sociala medier har använts av kända ideella organisationer i fallstudierna av Greta Thunberg, och Black Lives Matter-rörelsen. För det andra kommer studien att skildra både kvalitativa och kvantitativa data som tas från lokala ideella organisationer som undersöker effekterna av sociala medier på deras aktivismåtgärder. De fallföretag som används i denna studie är Dolgin Digital Media och Local Initiatives Support Corporation. Efter en grundlig analys av kvalitativa och kvantitativa data, det fastställdes att sociala medier är ett effektivt verktyg för ideella organisationer för att inte bara kommunicera sitt uppdrag effektivt och snabbt till en masspublik, utan också som en mekanism för varumärkesförstärkning.

Evaluating an Organization's Response to Vicarious Trauma in Staff and Multidisciplinary Team Members

O'Neil, Molly, O'Neil January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


陸宛蘋, lu ,wan pin Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織對社會來說,象徵著社會善的一面,因此不是被蒙上善良、公益的面紗,就是被視為擁有較高的自我道德要求。非營利組織是社會正義、道德的維護者與實踐者,所以非營利組織被認為是不會做壞事的。在台灣非營利組織中,社會福利基金會在數量上是各類別基金會第二位,多數具有具體輸送的服務,以及多數資源來自組織外部的捐助與社會資源,因此本研究以台灣社會福利基金為為主要研究對象。事實上,台灣從過去1987年「彭昭揚社會福利基金會」事件 、1988年的「溫暖雜誌事件」 、到1999年的921大地震事件,都曾陸續發生以社會慈善之名誘發大眾善心,卻危害社會公益的弊案,在在都影響著公民社會中的信任資本。 企業界在2001年11月底,安隆(Enron)破產的消息震驚了一項深受美國投資人信任的華爾街。世界通訊(WorldCom)、泰科(Tyco)等投資者及分析師眼中的頂級企業陸續發生危機。虛構交易、浮報營收、竄改收支等,接二連三的企業醜聞讓投資人的信心盡失。在收拾殘局的同時,各國有識之士咸認為,重塑及強化「公司治理」是為斧底抽薪的根本療劑,經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)因此簽署了「治理原則」以為各國公司治理的標準與指南。本研究試圖以同樣的實務工作者的觀點將企業「公司治理」之原則,以跨界類比方式,探索以初步探討台灣「非營利組織之治理原則」。 本文結合理論與實務的面向分析,在分析過程中,結合質化與量化資料。探討台灣社會福利基金會的治理現況以及對治理原則的態度,研究方法並以質化為主,佐以量化方式,質化部份以立意抽樣七個社會福利基金會為對象,每個基金會深度訪談董事(長)及執行長,並對台灣基金新台幣一千萬元以上之426家社會福利基金會,以問卷調查方式收集資料。再將訪談資料作整理、歸類與分析,問卷資料則經過除錯、登錄,再以SPSS做統計。之後將訪談資料與問卷資料作對照、整理、歸類與分析解釋。 本文的研究價值為:本研究係以企業公司治理原則跨界類比至社會福利基金會之研究,在研究價值上是以跨界運用,並且是運用企業公司治理原則較周延的考量,突破過去台灣對基金會治理研究的以董事會或董事會與執行長的研究範疇,第三是研究者本身係跨社會工作與管理兩界,因此本研究雖為探索性研究,但是價值上已跨出原來社會福利與企業管理結合的研究。 本文在研究的貢獻上,計有對政策的、理論的以及實務上的貢獻:對政府的政策而言,台灣在推動基金會治理之時,由於是由近33各業務主管單位分別管理不同目的事業的財團法人,因此政府需要透過治理原則建構一個良好基金會發展的法規環境。對基金會治理的理論則可以跨界運用企業的公司治理之理論和責信的理論,唯企業公司治理,以吸收社會大眾資金的上市上櫃公司為重要對象,其責信的對象的利害關係人是具體的股東、員工、顧客、供應商等,但是基金會的治理則不限規模大小都需要治理,責信的對象也擴及不特定的社會大眾;因此透過治理原則共識利害關係人所重視的責信,卻是相似的。在實務上的貢獻是發現目前談基金會治理,在概念上已有認知,但是在落實建構機制與執行,則尚有一段差距,加上基金會的多元性,因此建議目前在實務上應開始先探討治理原則,同時倡導和教育,再邁向治理機制的建構。 / Nonprofit organization symbolizes bright side of the human society. Nonprofit organization always be covered with kindhearted yashmak and regarded as high moral standards. Nonprofit organization is the preserver of social justice and morals, bust also the practicer. Nonprofit organization won’t be regarded as law-breaker. The welfare and charity foundations are the second large of Taiwan’s all foundations. Most of them have direct service programs and lots of resources from outside. My research will focus on the welfare and charity foundations in Taiwan. In facts, there were some social events in Taiwan that encouraged people kindness and endangered public welfare at the same time, such as “Pong Chou-Yang social welfare foundation event in 1987”, “nice and warm magazine event in 1988” and “921 earth quake in 1999”. They were endangered the trust capital of Civil Society in Taiwan. Profit sector on November in 2001, the news about Enron went into bankruptcy shocked the well street which always be trust by American investors. There are some reliable and top firms which faced crisis one after another, such as World com and Tyco. A lot of enterprise scandals were reported continuously, such as fictitious business transactions, faking up profit and income, falsify income and expense report. The investor lost their confidence finally. During the recovery period, most of advisers and consultants think the best way to resolve these problems is rebuilt and reinforce the “Company Governance”, and OECD has signed the “OECD Principle of Corporate Governance” for the standard and guideline of the member state’s company. This research try to use the same perspective of workers in practice, the “Company Governance” concept and method, and try apply in the nonprofit sector by analogy. The research will try to explore and built the “Governance Principle of nonprofit organizations in Taiwan”. This research combined theory and practice for analysis. It is include qualitative and quantitative data in the analyzing process for discussing Taiwan’s social welfare foundations’ reality and attitude of the governance. Except for content analysis, this research used the qualitative method for the most part and quantitative method is in secondary. This research also used “Purposeful sampling” method to choose seven social welfare foundations in Taiwan. The researcher interview with the board chairman and executive director for each foundation and send the questionnaire to the 426 foundations which fund were over ten million dollars. Next step is generalizing and analyzing the interview data, then use SPSS software for statistic analysis. Final step is comparing, generalizing, analyzing and explaining. The value of this research is: Try to revise the governance model of the profit sector and apply to the social welfare foundations. It’s the first time to apply the governance model crossing two sectors and use the conscientious model. It was broken through the focus on the governance of the board committee and executive director. Because of the researcher was crossing social work and business management, this research is not only a simple exploring research. It also have more plus values. There are policy, theory and practical contributions of this research. Because there are 33 Departments in Charge to manage different foundations for different purpose, government need to construct the environment for the development of foundations through the principle of governance. The only suggestion about the law is “in principle”, “in directly” and “in good time”. Beside this suggestion, the category of the management should be classified for different level by size and mission. For the theory purpose, this research can apply governance and accountability theory for crossing two sectors. The company governance is mainly suit for entering the market company. The main accountability target is for stakeholders, staff and customers. There is no size limitation for the governance of foundation. The accountability target is all public. The practical contribution is discovering the present situation that already had the governance concept, but not to carry out the constructive mechanism, the executing stage. We should encourage Taiwan’s nonprofit organization to explore the principle of governance in practice. At the same time, they should propose and educate the construction the mechanism of governance.


陳定銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「台灣社區大學之研究─公民社會建構與終身學習政策的實踐」主要目的在研究台灣最近四年以來,蓬勃發展的另類高等教育社區大學,目前已經招生上課的社區大學共有卅七所,每年參與選課的學員將近七萬人次,並且仍然持續增加之中。本論文藉由個案研究(採取質的研究中文獻分析、參與觀察與深度訪談等方法)探討:1、公民社會建構(社會面向)。2、終身學習政策(政策面向)。3、社區大學的定位、法制化(文憑授予)、財源、課程與教學,以及與政府關係(組織管理面向)。研究結果分析與歸納為:   研究發現(一):社區大學的環境。   1、社區大學是民間教育改革(四一○教育改造)運動的延續;在意識型態方面是由民間自發性的草根運動,訴求改革官方傳統的制式教育;此外,由於宗教團體涉入社區大學的經營,其重視個人心靈成長的教育,則和社區大學「知識解放與公民社會」宗旨有所差異。   2、社區大學透過發展地方產業文化、社區參與、課程社團化和社團課程化等策略,繼續發揚社區總體營造的精神。   3、知識解放是社區大學的核心價值,民眾透過社區大學強調經驗知識與對話的學習,培養批判思考能力,建立個人價值觀,並朝向改造社會與建構公民社會的理想邁進。   4、社區大學全國研討會的參與觀察,以加強社區大學扣緊本土社會脈動與議題發展,以及全球化趨勢(例如:農村、原住民、勞工議題,以及WTO的因應策略等)。   研究發現(二):社區大學的實踐。社區大學對於公民社會建構與終身學習政策等指標的實踐,歸納為下列的結果。   1、倡導公共性:社區大學是透過非營利組織的倡導,以及提升公民參與能力,強化其公共性特質。   2、促進社區參與:社區大學將社團活動納入正式課程,並採取工作坊方式運作,走出學校進入社區服務策略,使得社區大學在社區意識凝聚的成效顯著。   3、型塑公共領域:社區大學利用公共論壇的實施,提供一個公共議題對話的平台,來喚醒學員的公共意識與公民參與的能力。   4、提昇終身學習的品質:社區大學提供民眾系統性的終身學習場域,並建構成為學習型組織,以提昇個人知能與素質,以及整體社會的水準。   5、延伸社區大學的視野:研究發現法制化是目前社區大學最急迫的議題,也是拓展社大視野與永續發展的關鍵要素。   最後,本論文綜合研究結果,提出對於政府部門、社區大學、社會大眾,以及後續研究的建議,以作為政府部門(特別是地方政府)、社區大學、非營利組織、社區工作者、民眾,以及將要開辦社區大學機構的參考。 / The objective of this doctorial dissertation, A Study of the Community Universities in Taiwan: the Practice of the Structure of Civil Society and Lifelong Learning Policy, is mainly about the growing of the higher education system, the ‘community universities,’ in the past four years in Taiwan. Up till this moment, there are totally thirty-seven community universities in Taiwan with approximately seventy thousand students, which are still increasing in every year.   Through cases studying, the structure of civil society (in terms of society), lifelong learning policy (in terms of policy), and the definition of the community universities will be discussed in this dissertation. The result can be divided into two parts:   A. The environment of the community universities:   a. The community university is the continuing of the nongovernmental education revolution (410 educational reformation), an activity initiated by the locals in order to reform the traditional education system made by the authorities. Moreover, the involvement of religious associations and their idea of inner growing of an individual differ from the mission statement, liberalizing of knowledge and civil society, of the community universities.   b.The community university helps to develop the spirit of social construction by developing local culture, taking part in the community, and using the tactics of making courses socialized and bringing social activities into class.   c.Liberalizing of knowledge is the key point of the community universities. The mass population can not only train their thinking ability, but also build their own value as individuals in the community universities which emphasizes the learning from the knowledge of experience and dialogue. Furthermore, they can move on toward the idea of social reformation and civil society.   d. Participating in the National Conference of the Community Universities can reinforce the ties of the universalities, the movement and the growing issue of local communities, and the global tendency.   B. The practice of the community universities:   a.Advocating its public nature: The quality of the public nature in the community university is advocated by nonprofit organizations and the elevation of citizen participation.   b.Promoting social participation: The community university adds social activities into formal courses and runs as a workshop to join in social service, and makes a successful effort from gathering social consciousness.   c. Sculpting public sphere: The community university uses the public forum as a place for discussing public issues in order to arouse the social consciousness and the citizen participation of the students.   d.Advancing the quality of lifelong learning: Forming as a study organization, the community university provides people a systematic lifelong learning to advance not only individual knowledge and competency, but also the level of the whole society.   e.Expanding the outlook of the community university: According to the research, the most important issue for the community university is to make it legalized, which is also the key point to expand the outlook and the interminable development of the community university.   To conclude, the comprehensive study result of the dissertation gives the government, the community universities, the public, and the follow up study a word of advice and serves as a reference to them and the organizations that is about to found a community university.

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