Spelling suggestions: "subject:"normalization"" "subject:"formalization""
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Implementering av IKBT : En intervjustudie om internetbehandlares erfarenheter av implementering. / Implementing ICBT : An interview study of internet therapists' experiences of implementation.Westman, Johannes, Vilhelmsson, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi (IKBT) för olika former av psykisk ohälsa har presenterats som ett alternativ till traditionell samtalsbehandling baserat på forskning från det senaste decenniet. Trots klinisk relevans och flera fördelar för patienter och behandlare går implementeringen långsamt i flera europeiska länder. Syftet med den föreliggande studien var att undersöka behandlares erfarenheter av att implementera IKBT i sina verksamheter. Intervjuer genomfördes med åtta behandlare hos en svensk offentlig vårdgivare, varefter en tematisk analys gjordes. Fyra huvudteman arbetades fram: En ny metod, En ny roll, Premisser och Lärande. Behandlarna har en övergripande samstämmighet och förståelse kring IKBT och dess användning, vilket är en viktig aspekt av implementeringen. Behandlarna beskriver dock också att kollegor som inte arbetar med behandling, men har en roll i implementeringen, ibland har bristande kunskap och negativa fördomar som förhindrar arbetet. Vidare berättar behandlarna att organiserat samarbete mellan aktiva behandlare bortprioriteras i den kliniska vardagen. Resultaten från analysen diskuteras med utgångspunkt i Normalization Process Theory. Vidare forskning kan utforska upplevelsen hos IKBT-utbildade behandlare som inte börjat arbeta med IKBT och hos icke-behandlande kollegor på arbetsplatser där metoden implementeras. / Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT) for different kinds of mental health issues has been presented as an alternative to traditional face-to-face treatment based on research from the last decade. Despite clinical relevance and several advantages for both patients and therapists the implementation of the method is progressing slowly in many European countries. The purpose of this study was to examine therapists’ experiences of implementing ICBT in their everyday work. Interviews were conducted with eight therapists in a Swedish public health care setting, after which a thematic analysis was made. Four main themes were defined: A new method, A new role, Premises and Learning. The therapists have an overarching mutual comprehension of ICBT and its use, which is an important aspect of the implementation. The therapists explained that colleagues that don't work with ICBT, but still have a role in the implementation, sometimes lack knowledge and have negative preconceptions which obstruct the work. Furthermore, therapists talked about organized collaboration between active therapists not being prioritized in the everyday clinical work. Results from the analysis are discussed by applying Normalization Process Theory to the findings. Further research could examine the experiences of ICBT-trained therapists who have not yet started working with ICBT and of colleagues who do not work with treatment in workplaces where ICBT is being implemented.
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”Tar ni mina barn kommer jag döda er” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av hot och våld från klienter / “If you take my children I will kill you” : A qualitative study about social service workers' experience of threats and violence from clientsKarlsson, Moa, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers experience and understand threats and violence aimed towards them in their profession as well as what factors increase and decrease their motivation to report threats and violence from clients in order to conspire to a better work environment for social workers. Method: The empirical material of this study was collected through semi-structured interviews with six social workers within child protective service in Sweden. Theory: The theories used to analyze the empirical material has been Berger and Luckmanns theory about social construction and Lundgrens theory about the normalization process. Results: The results showed that all six social workers had experienced threats or violence from clients at some point. Our results also indicate that social workers normalize threats and violence from their clients. The normalization may be a result of the mentality that threats and violence is a part of the job which is present among social workers. Another finding was that the social workers propensity to report threats or violence depended on the relationship to the client. If they had a long and good relationship the propensity to report decreased.
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Care in revolt : Labor conflict, gender, neoliberalismGranberg, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis is an exploration of normalization processes and the problem of appropriation in labor conflict. More specifically, it analyses the way contemporary labor conflicts in nursing relate to, and thereby help to illuminate, changes in modes of gender normalization under neoliberalism, and how nurse labor conflict thereby sheds light on wider patterns of labor strife. Analysis shows how a “virtue script” bound up with long-lasting patterns of gender normalization in nursing becomes tangled with forms of abstract labor related to “new public management” reform. Although the restructuring of work threatens public professionals’ autonomy, at the same time, it provides opportunities for resistance through collective action. What is more, this restructuring process facilitates the appropriation by nurses and, by implication, other public workers, of the discourses and ideals that belonged to the ethos of the Keynesian welfare state. However, this is a contradictory process, since the discourses and ideals thus appropriated inhere in modes of labor exploitation and normalization. Analysis indicates that although appropriation risks to reinforce gendered and exploitative ideas about work, the strategy can be a lever of collective mobilization, and one of its possible outcomes is the radical transformation of the entities it takes possession of. This interview study is mainly based on four journal articles, attending to different aspects of an act of collective resignation taken by registered nurses at a Swedish hospital ward. This is an emerging form of collective action and the thesis provides one of the first analyses of this new grassroots and workplace-based phenomenon, which may be considered its particular empirical contribution. On the other hand, the chapters of the cover essay unfold a sustained argument on normalization and appropriation, thereby elaborating theoretical themes broached in the articles. The focal point of this discussion is a certain concept of form, deployed in Marxist and feminist theory, a concept pointing to the identity of thought-forms and practically enacted forms. Further, these forms migrate: they are evoked in practices wherein “the mind is not active as sentient” (Hegel), later to be projected by the mind onto different entities. The results of the discussion thus question common approaches to normalization. In particular, it is untenable to oppose a tacit and internal mode of control where individuals are induced to comply by attaching to identifications (by becoming/being made into subjects) to an overt and external mode reliant on sheer coercion. This matter–form dichotomy should be dissolved, and modes of coercion should be understood to leave subjective imprints—not at the level of identity but at the level of thought’s infrastructure, that is, form. / Föreliggande avhandling utforskar normaliseringsprocesser och problem rörande appropriering i samband med arbetskonflikter. Avhandlingen analyserar hur sam-tida arbetskonflikter i sjuksköterskeprofessionen relaterar till och sålunda belyser förändrad genusnormalisering i en nyliberal tid, samt hur dessa konflikter belyser övergripande konfliktmönster i arbetslivet. Analysen påvisar hur en ”dygdighets-norm” kopplad till långlivade modaliteter av genusnormalisering sammanvävs med en form av abstrakt arbete relaterad till sentida NPM-reformer. Men medan denna omstruktureringsprocess urholkar den autonomi som professioner i offentlig sektor länge innehaft medför den också möjligheter till kollektiva motståndshandlingar. Vidare möjliggör denna nyliberala omstrukturering sjuksköterskors—liksom andra offentliga professioners—appropriering av diskurser och ideal som var centrala i den tidigare, keynesianska, välfärdsstaten; men detta är en motsägelsefull process då dessa diskurser och ideal är sprungna ur, och präglade av, historier av utsugning och normalisering. Analysen visar att medan appropriering visserligen riskerar att reproducera former av normalisering underlättar denna strategi mobilisering och kan i förlängningen omvandla övertagna diskurser och ideal. Denna intervjustudie är huvudsakligen baserad på fyra artiklar: de analyserar olika aspekter av en kollektiv uppsägningsaktion bland sjuksköterskor vid en sjukhus-avdelning. Detta är en framväxande typ av aktion i Sverige och avhandlingen är en av de första studierna av denna gräsrots- och arbetsplatsbaserade kampform, vilket kan ses som dess empiriska forskningsbidrag. I kappan förs, å andra sidan, en kon-tinuerlig teoretisk diskussion kring normalisering och appropriering som utvecklar teman som lyfts i de enskilda artiklarna. Diskussionen kretsar kring ett visst form-begrepp, som härrör ur marxistisk och feministisk teori och som påvisar en identitet mellan tankeform och praktiskt artikulerad form. Dessa former migrerar; de uttrycks omedvetet i praktiker där individens fokus är annorstädes och projiceras sedan på andra praktiker. I diskussionen ifrågasätts sålunda vedertagna förståelser av norma-lisering: det är teoretiskt ofruktbart att ställa omedvetna, interna, former av kontroll där lydnad eller konformitet uppnås via internaliseringen av påbjudna identiteter mot medvetna, externa, eller tvingande, former av kontroll. En häri latent dikotomi om materia respektive form bör upplösas i syfte att synliggöra hur ett slags kontroll över arbete lämnar subjektiverande avtryck, inte genom att påbjuda identifikationer utan genom att forma vad som kan beskrivas som tänkandets minsta beståndsdelar. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 2 och 4 inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 2 and 4 submitted.</p>
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Slice me nice : A study exploring Swedish young women`s views and responses to marketing of Aesthetic Surgery in social mediaKubiak, Monika, Lindberg, Annie January 2016 (has links)
With an increased number aesthetic surgeries performed in Sweden combined with social media used as a marketing tool, potential clients are exposed for persuasive marketing messages. The harder competition has led to a pressure on prices and the requirements of marketers’ creativity have increased. We predicted that this industry faces ethical challenges which makes it worth investigating. The purpose of the study was to explore how young women view and respond to marketing by aesthetic surgery clinics in social media. In order to fulfill the purpose a qualitative approach was conducted through the use of two different focus group interviews. Twenty screenshots were discussed by eight young Swedish women where two of them have undertaken aesthetic procedures. The conclusions of the study shows how different marketing messages can be viewed and how clients respond to them. The respondents perceived a normalization of aesthetic procedures due to social media marketing. Furthermore, the findings also suggest that there is a difference in how young women who undertook aesthetic procedures view and respond to the marketing compared to the unexperienced women. Marketing that communicates professionalism is likely to be more positively viewed by clients. This study further confirms our predictions regarding an ethical tension between the marketing messages and the recipients. The implications of the study are an increased awareness of how this type of marketing is viewed from young women’s perspective. Furthermore, future research could focus on if surgeons are persuasive during consolations and how this is revealed.
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Daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimo rezultatų priklausomybė nuo duomenų aibių normavimo būdų / Dependence of the multidimensional data visualization results on data set normalizationŠvaibovič, Natalja 12 July 2010 (has links)
Šiame magistro diplominiame darbe nagrinėjamas dirbtinių neuroninių tinklų taikymas daugiamačiams duomenims vizualizuoti. Darbe apžvelgtos kelios duomenų vizualizavimo strategijos, išnagrinėti keli duomenų normavimo būdai. Detaliai ištirtas SAMANN algoritmas, skirtas daugiamatės erdvės duomenims vizualizuoti į mažesnio matavimo erdvę. Su C++ programavimo kalba sukurtos keturių normavimo būdų ir SAMANN neuroninio tinklo realizavimo programos. Atlikti tokie eksperimentai: keturių duomenų aibių vektorių normavimas 4-iais būdais, daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimas plokštumoje, SAMANN neuroninio tinklo paklaidos skaičiavimas ir rezultatų atvaizdavimas plokštumoje. Eksperimentai atlikti su realiomis ir dirbtine duomenų aibėmis. Nustatyta daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimo tikslumo (projekcijos paklaidos) priklausomybė nuo iteracijų skaičiaus ir mokymo greičio parametro reikšmės, o taip pat nuo pradinės duomenų aibės normavimo būdų. / The application of artificial neural networks for multidimensional data visualization is investigated in this master‘s thesis. Several strategies for data visualization and some data normalization methods are reviewed. A realization of SAMANN algorithm for multidimensional data visualization is investigated in detail. Programs for data normalization methods and SAMANN neural network realization have been developed using C++ programming language. Some experiments have been performed and presented in this theses: four methods for normalization of multidimensional data sets, multidimensional data visualization using SAMANN neural network, calculation of the projection (SAMANN) error. Three real and one artificial data sets have been used in the experiments. Dependences of the multidimensional data sets projection error on the iteration number and normalization methods have been investigated and presented in this theses too. Summarized experimental results and conclusions are presented.
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Analyse bioinformatique des mécanismes de régulation durant le développement précoce des cellules T / Computational biology applied to the analysis of the regulatory mechanisms in early T-cell developmentBenoukraf, Touati 16 June 2010 (has links)
Les réseaux de contrôle de l'expression génique sont, pour une large part, à la base des processus cellulaires physiologiques ou pathologiques. Ces contrôles dépendent des mécanismes épigénétiques impliquant la dynamique de la chromatine et permettent la transmission de programme spécifiques d'expression génique. Lors du développement des lymphocytes T, l'expression d'une chaîne TCRß à la surface des précurseurs CD4-CD8- (ou DN) induit une signalisation intercellulaire dont les effets multiples, regroupés sous le terme de "sélection beta", se traduisent par une prolifération cellulaire et la différenciation vers un stade de maturation ultérieur, CD4+CD8+ (ou DP). Ces événements s'accompagnent de changements d'expression d'un grand nombre de gènes sous l'effet d'un programme épigénétique spécifique. De nouvelles technologies comme le ChlP-on-Chip ou le ChlPSeq permettent de caractériser les profils cellulaires épigénétiques. Les données ainsi générées nécessitent pour leur analyse des approches informatiques et statistiques. Mon travail de thèse s'est articulé sur 3 axes :1) Elaborer des outils bioinformatiques dans le but d'analyser les profils épigénétiques de régions génomiques suspectées de jouer un rôle dans la différenciation entre les stades DN et DP de la différenciation des cellules T.2) Analyser de manière in silico deux régions phares de la régulation du locus TCRß3) Concevoir une pipeline d'analyse de données issues des technologies de séquençage à haut débit permettant de caractériser les interactions facteur de transcription/ADN / Gene expression regulatory networks make up, for the most part, the basis of physiological cell processes. This regulation depends on epigenetic mechanisms involving chromatin dynamics and allow propagating specific gene expression programs. during T-cell development, the expression of the surface TCRß chain in CD4- CD8- (DN) toggers intracellular signaling cascades. their multiple effects, know as "beta selection", translate as increased cell proliferation and differenciation towards the CD4+ CD8+ stage (DP). These mechanisms are supplemented by changes in expression of several genes under the effect of a specific epigenetic program. New technologies, such a ChlP-chip or ChlP-Seq, allow characterizing epigenetic cell profiles. analysis of data such generated requires computational and statistical approaches. My thesis work focused on 3 goals :1)To develop computational tools to analyse epigenetic profiles of genomic regions that are presumed to play a role in DN-DP T-cell differentiation2) To analyse txo flag regions of TCRß regulation3) To design an analysis pipeline for high-throughput sequencing technologies, in order to allow characterizing transcription factor/DNA interactions
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Generating a Normalized Database Using Class NormalizationSudhindaran, Daniel Sushil 01 January 2017 (has links)
Relational databases are the most popular databases used by enterprise applications to store persistent data to this day. It gives a lot of flexibility and efficiency. A process called database normalization helps make sure that the database is free from redundancies and update anomalies. In a Database-First approach to software development, the database is designed first, and then an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool is used to generate the programming classes (data layer) to interact with the database. Finally, the business logic code is written to interact with the data layer to persist the business data to the database. However, in modern application development, a process called Code-First approach evolved where the domain classes and the business logic that interacts with the domain classes are written first. Then an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool is used to generate the database from the domain classes. In this approach, since database design is not a concern, software programmers may ignore the process of database normalization altogether. To help software programmers in this process, this thesis takes the theory behind the five database normal forms (1NF - 5NF) and proposes Five Class Normal Forms (1CNF - 5CNF) that software programmers may use to normalize their domain classes. This thesis demonstrates that when the Five Class Normal Forms are applied manually to a class by a programmer, the resulting database that is generated from the Code-First approach is also normalized according to the rules of relational theory.
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Det rationella och det normala : om lönearbetets logik, praktik och etikKlinton, Markus January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis concerns the tense situation of the pregnant employee in Sweden. Drawing on the critical ontology of Michel Foucault the situation is characterized as a specific problematization within a historical theme around procreation (as an eventuality). The purpose of the thesis is to explain the functioning of the current situation of the pregnant employee as an inherent conflict, but also to draw out the implications of this specific analysis in relation to general wage labor. First an objective analysis is out-lined on how free wage labor gradually develops into a) a rational way of “knowing” about wo/man, b) a normal (institutional) way of organizing this knowledge, and c) a normalized subject position for the expectant individual. Second the investigation turns towards the subjective experience of this positioning. This analysis, drawing on the works of Iris Marion Young and Erving Goffman, focus on a) the conflicts logic b) its practical management and c) the situations’ ethical implications. The empirical material for the second part consists of legal cases, diaries and discussion-threads from the Internet. The conclusions drawn suggest that the pregnant employee is a rather abstract problem but that this abstraction still is real enough to make her disqualified from the calculus regime of employment. The second conclusion states that the pregnant employee becomes temporarily “closeted” and engaged in practices of concealment and tension management. Finally the ethics of this situation is analyzed, stating that the pregnant employee becomes positioned in a situation of structural shame which she has to relate to no matter her specific employment conditions. In the end the wider implications of the analysis is drawn out, stating that wage labor has developed into a biased categorization of individuals as proper or non-proper labor power. Rational discrimination has been normalized, just as the handling of oneself as more or less deviant from norms.
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Methods for Integrative Analysis of Genomic DataManser, Paul 01 January 2014 (has links)
In recent years, the development of new genomic technologies has allowed for the investigation of many regulatory epigenetic marks besides expression levels, on a genome-wide scale. As the price for these technologies continues to decrease, study sizes will not only increase, but several different assays are beginning to be used for the same samples. It is therefore desirable to develop statistical methods to integrate multiple data types that can handle the increased computational burden of incorporating large data sets. Furthermore, it is important to develop sound quality control and normalization methods as technical errors can compound when integrating multiple genomic assays. DNA methylation is a commonly studied epigenetic mark, and the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip has become a popular microarray that provides genome-wide coverage and is affordable enough to scale to larger study sizes. It employs a complex array design that has complicated efforts to develop normalization methods. We propose a novel normalization method that uses a set of stable methylation sites from housekeeping genes as empirical controls to fit a local regression hypersurface to signal intensities. We demonstrate that our method performs favorably compared to other popular methods for the array. We also discuss an approach to estimating cell-type admixtures, which is a frequent biological confound in these studies. For data integration we propose a gene-centric procedure that uses canonical correlation and subsequent permutation testing to examine correlation or other measures of association and co-localization of epigenetic marks on the genome. Specifically, a likelihood ratio test for general association between data modalities is performed after an initial dimension reduction step. Canonical scores are then regressed against covariates of interest using linear mixed effects models. Lastly, permutation testing is performed on weighted correlation matrices to test for co-localization of relationships to physical locations in the genome. We demonstrate these methods on a set of developmental brain samples from the BrainSpan consortium and find substantial relationships between DNA methylation, gene expression, and alternative promoter usage primarily in genes related to axon guidance. We perform a second integrative analysis on another set of brain samples from the Stanley Medical Research Institute.
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Kritická diskurzivní analýza televizního seriálu Okres na severu / Critical discursive analysis television series Okres na severuSzabó, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This work is dedicated to exploring television series Okres na severu written by Jaroslav Dietl and directed by Evžen Sokolovský. The series was filmed in 1980 in the Czechoslovak television and falls into the normalization period (1968-1989) in Czechoslovakia. The aim of this study was to conduct a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of series Okres na severu, with special emphasis on the political power of Communism (Marxist-Leninist ideology) and its use of propaganda through the mass media (television). The text analyzed the discourse of the concept of a propaganda series and tried to answer the question of to what extent and whether the strip Okres na severu is a part of the propaganda. The main concept of this text was a discourse that we can define as a set of codes and rules used in producing the meanings related to any topic. Fairclough concept of critical discourse was chosen for its clear division of the so-called three-dimensional discourse (the text, discursive practice and social practice), which focuses on the interconnection of all three relationships (communication events) and the rules of discourse to explore the relationship to society and social conditions. We address the exploration of the concept of normalization, which is used for the second half (1968-1989) of the existence of the...
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