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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roles of Cellular RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases in Endogenous Small RNA Pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans: A Dissertation

Vasale, Jessica J. 14 June 2010 (has links)
The RNA interference (RNAi) pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans is a two-step, small RNA-mediated silencing pathway. Unlike in other organisms, Dicer processing of double-stranded RNA into small interfering (si) RNAs is not sufficient in worms to induce gene silencing. The activity of cellular RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) is necessary to synthesize a secondary pool of siRNAs, which interact with a unique class of Argonaute proteins to form the functional effector complexes that mediate silencing. The aims of this thesis were to: 1) characterize the role of RdRP family members in endogenous small RNA biogenesis; 2) identify the Argonaute proteins that interact with RdRP-dependent small RNAs; and 3) investigate the biological function of RdRP-dependent small RNA pathways in C. elegans. In this thesis, I describe genetic, deep sequencing, and molecular studies, which identify 22G-RNAs as the most abundant class of endogenous small RNA in C. elegans. The 22G-RNAs resemble RdRP-dependent secondary siRNAs produced during exogenous RNAi, in that they possess a triphosphorylated 5’ guanine residue and exhibit a remarkable strand bias at target loci. Indeed, I show that 22G-RNAs are dependent on the activity of the RdRPs RRF-1 and EGO-1 and function in multiple distinct endogenous small RNA pathways. Interestingly, I have found that RRF-1 and EGO-1 function redundantly in the germline to generate 22G-RNAs that are dependent on and interact with members of an expanded family of worm-specific Argonaute (WAGO) proteins. The WAGO/22G-RNA pathway appears to be a transcriptome surveillance pathway that silences coding genes, pseudogenes, transposons, and non-annotated, or cryptic, transcripts. In contrast, I have found that EGO-1 alone is required for the biogenesis of a distinct class of 22G-RNAs that interact with the Argonaute CSR-1. Surprisingly, the CSR-1/22G-RNA pathway does not appear to silence its targets transcripts. Instead, the CSR-1/22G-RNA pathway is essential for the proper assembly of holocentric kinetochores and chromosome segregation. Lastly, I show that a third endogenous small RNA pathway, the ERI pathway, is a two-step silencing pathway that requires the sequential activity of distinct RdRPs and Argonautes. In the first step of this pathway, the RdRP, RRF- 3, is required for the biogenesis of 26G-RNAs that associate with the Argonaute, ERGO-1. In the second step, RRF-1 and EGO-1 generate 22G-RNAs that associate with the WAGO Argonautes. This work demonstrates how several C. elegans small RNAs pathways utilize RdRPs to generate abundant populations of small RNAs. These distinct categories of small RNAs function together with specific Argonaute proteins to affect gene expression, to play essential roles in development, and in the maintenance of genome and transcriptome integrity.

A Tale of Two ARFs: Tumor Suppressor and Anti-viral Functions of p14ARF: A Dissertation

Straza, Michael W. 21 May 2010 (has links)
Animals have evolved complicated and overlapping mechanisms to guard against the development of cancer and infection by pathogenic organisms. ARF, a potent tumor suppressor, positively regulates p53 by antagonizing p53’s negative regulator, MDM2, which in turn results in either apoptosis or cell cycle arrest. ARF also has p53-independent tumor suppressor activity. The CtBP transcriptional co-repressors promote cancer cell survival and migration/invasion. CtBP senses cellular metabolism via a regulatory dehydrogenase domain, and is a target for negative regulation by ARF. ARF targets CtBP to the proteasome for degradation, which results in the up regulation of proapoptotic BH3-only proteins, and p53-independent apoptosis. CtBP inhibition by ARF also up regulates PTEN, reducing cancer cell motility, making CtBP a potential therapeutic target in human cancer. The CtBP dehydrogenase substrate 4-methylthio-2-oxobutyric acid (MTOB) can act as a CtBP inhibitor at high concentrations, and is cytotoxic to cancer cells from a wide variety of tissues. MTOB induced apoptosis was independent of p53, and correlated with the de-repression of the pro-apoptotic CtBP repression target Bik. CtBP over-expression, or Bik silencing, rescued MTOB-induced cell death. MTOB did not induce apoptosis in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), but was increasingly cytotoxic to immortalized and transformed MEFs, suggesting that CtBP inhibition may provide a suitable therapeutic index for cancer therapy. In human colon cancer cell peritoneal xenografts, MTOB treatment decreased tumor burden, and induced tumor cell apoptosis. To verify the potential utility of CtBP as a therapeutic target in human cancer the expression of CtBP and its negative regulator ARF was studied in a series of resected human colon adenocarcinomas. CtBP and ARF levels were inversely-correlated, with elevated CtBP levels (compared with adjacent normal tissue) observed in greater than 60% of specimens, with ARF absent in nearly all specimens exhibiting elevated CtBP levels. Targeting CtBP with a small molecule like MTOB may thus represent a useful and widely applicable therapeutic strategy in human malignancies. ARF has long been known to respond to virally encoded oncogenes. Recently, p14ARF was linked to the innate immune response to non-transforming viruses in mice. Therefore a wider role for the ARF pathway in viral infection was considered. Previous studies linking p53 to multiple points of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) life cycle suggested that ARF may also play a role in the HIV life cycle. In this study the interdependency of ARF and HIV infection was investigated. ARF expression was determined for a variety of cell types upon HIV infection. In every case, ARF levels exhibited dynamic changes upon HIV infection-in most cases ARF levels were reduced in infected cells. The impact of ARF over-expression or silencing by RNAi on HIV infection was also examined. Consistently, p24 levels were increased with ARF overexpression, and decreased when ARF was silenced. Thus ARF and HIV modulate each other, and ARF may paradoxically play a positive role in the HIV life cycle.

The Mechanistic Role and Therapeutic Potential of microRNA-122 in Alcoholic Liver Disease: A Dissertation

Satishchandran, Abhishek 07 April 2016 (has links)
Chronic alcohol use results in accelerated liver injury, leading to alcoholic steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, due to the complex nature of this disease process, a central, druggable mechanism has remained elusive. microRNAs are potent post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. A single miRNA has the ability to regulate hundreds of pathways simultaneously, defining cellular fate and function. microRNA-122 (miR-122), the most abundant miRNA in hepatocytes, has a demonstrated role as an tumor suppressor, regulator of hepatocyte metabolism, and hepatic differentiation. In this dissertation I demonstrate the role of miR-122 on alcoholic liver disease (ALD) pathogenesis over four parts. In chapter II, I will demonstrate chronic alcoholic patients, free of neoplastic changes, have a reduction of miR-122 and that this miRNA regulates HIF-1α, a determinant of ALD pathogenesis. In chapter III, using hepatocytetropic adeno-associated virus 8 (AAV8) vector, I demonstrate that miR-122 inhibition mimics ALD pathogenesis, and furthermore, using hepatocyte-specific HIF-1α-null (HIF1hepKO) mice that this phenomenon is HIF-1α dependent. Given this finding, in chapter IV, I demonstrate that ectopic expression of miR-122 in vivo can reverse alcoholinduced liver damage, steatosis, and inflammation by directly targeting HIF-1α. Finally, in chapter V, I present evidence that alcohol-induced dysregulation of grainyhead-like proteins 1 and 2 (GRHL2), mediate the inhibition of miR-122 at the transcriptional level. These findings dissect a novel mechanistic regulatory axis of miR-122 and indicate a potential opportunity for restoration of miR-122 as a therapy in early ALD.

Hsp90-Mediated Maturation of Kinases and Nuclear Steroid Hormone Receptors: A Dissertation

Pursell, Natalie W. 28 April 2011 (has links)
Among heat shock proteins, Hsp90 is unusual because it is not required for the proper folding of most cellular proteins but rather is disproportionally linked to the activation of signal transduction proteins including over forty kinases and many steroid hormone receptors. Mutated forms of many Hsp90 clients are causative agents in cancer, making Hsp90 a promising pharmacological target. Many small molecular inhibitors have been identified that competitively bind to the ATP binding site of Hsp90, some of which are in clinical trials as anticancer agents. Although the activation of kinase and hormone receptor clients by Hsp90 and its co-chaperones has been extensively studied, the molecular mechanism of client protein activation is poorly understood. Hsp90 is a dimeric chaperone containing three domains: the N-terminal (N) and middle (M) domains contribute directly to ATP binding and hydrolysis and the C-terminal (C) domain mediates dimerization. At physiological concentration, Hsp90 predominantly forms dimers, but the possibility that full-length monomers might also function in cells has not been tested. In Chapter 3, we used a single-chain strategy to design a full-length Hsp90 monomer (NMCC). The resulting construct was predominantly monomeric at physiological concentration and did not function to support yeast viability as the sole Hsp90. NMCC Hsp90 was also defective at ATP hydrolysis and the activation of kinase and steroid hormone receptor clients in yeast cells. The ability to support yeast growth was rescued by the addition of a coiled-coil dimerization domain, indicating that the parental single-chain construct is functionally defective because it is monomeric. After finding that a full-length Hsp90 monomer containing only one ATPase site was unable to support yeast viability or activate Hsp90 clients, we set out to further explore the role of ATPase activity in client protein activation. Approximately 10 % of the yeast proteome binds to Hsp90 making it important to study Hsp90 function in the cellular environment where all binding partners are present. In Chapter 4, we observed that co-expression of different Hsp90 subunits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae caused unpredictable synthetic growth defects due to cross-dimerization. We engineered super-stabilized Hsp90 dimers that resisted cross-dimerization with endogenous Hsp90 and alleviated the synthetic growth defect. We utilized these super-stabilized dimers to analyze the ability of ATPase mutant homodimers to activate known Hsp90 client proteins in yeast cells. We found that ATP binding and hydrolysis by Hsp90 are both required for the efficient maturation of the glucocorticoid hormone receptor (GR) and v-src confirming the critical role of ATP hydrolysis in the maturation of steroid hormone receptors and kinases in vivo. In addition to its role in the activation of signal transduction client proteins, Hsp90 has been shown to suppress the in vitro aggregation of numerous hard-to-fold proteins. In Chapter 5, we examine the role of charge in Hsp90 anti-aggregation activity. The charge on Hsp90 is largely concentrated in two highly acidic regions. We found that deletion of both charge-rich regions dramatically impaired Hsp90 anti-aggregation activity. Addition of an acid-rich region with a distinct amino acid sequence to our double-deleted Hsp90 construct rescued the anti-aggregation activity of Hsp90 indicating that the net charge contributes to its anti-aggregation activity. The in vitro anti-aggregation activity of Hsp90 studied in Chapter 5 occurs in the absence of ATP. However, all of the biologically important functions of Hsp90 in cells identified to date, including the maturation of kinases and nuclear steroid hormone receptors, clearly require ATP hydrolysis. Why does Hsp90 robustly hinder the aggregation of hard-to-fold proteins without ATP in vitro, but in vivo uses ATP hydrolysis for all of its essential functions? By utilizing separation of function Hsp90 variants (that specifically lack in vitro anti-aggregation activity) we have begun to address this question. We find that anti-aggregation deficient Hsp90 is unable to support yeast growth under stressful conditions, potentially due to reduced cellular expression. Interestingly, the ATP-independent anti-aggregation activity of Hsp90 has no measureable impact on cellular function. Thus, hindering the aggregation of most hard-to- fold proteins by Hsp90 (independent of ATP hydrolysis) does not appear to be important for cell function. These results suggest a cellular model where the Hsp40/60/70 machinery is responsible for hindering the aggregation of most hard-to-fold proteins while Hsp90 assists in the maturation of a select set of clients in an ATP-dependent fashion, potentially aided by its inherent anti-aggregation properties.

A Tale of Two SNPS: Polymorphism Analysis of Toll-like Receptor (TLR) Adapter Proteins: A Dissertation

Nagpal, Kamalpreet 16 May 2011 (has links)
The innate immune system is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. Recognition of microbial ligands by the innate immune system relies on germ-line encoded, evolutionarily conserved receptors called pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are one such family of PRRs and are involved in innate defenses to a variety of microbes. At the core of TLR signaling pathways are Toll interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain containing adapter proteins. Much of the specificity of TLR pathways arise from the differential use of these adapter proteins. The TLR signaling cascade that ensues upon ligand recognition is marked by finely orchestrated molecular interactions between the receptor and the TIR domain containing adapter proteins, as well as various downstream kinases and effector molecules. Conserving the structural integrity of the TLR components is thus essential for maintaining a robust host defense system. Sometimes, changes in a protein can be brought about by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Studies carried out in this thesis focus on polymorphisms in MyD88 adapter-like (Mal) and myeloid differentiation protein 88 (MyD88), two TIR domain-containing adapter proteins, which incidentally are also highly polymorphic. Mal is a 235 amino acid protein that is involved in TLR2 and TLR4 signaling. The known polymorphisms in the coding region of Mal were screened with an aim to identify SNPs with altered signaling potential. A TIR domain polymorphism, D96N, was found to be completely defective in TLR2 and TLR4 signaling. Immortalized macrophage-like cell lines expressing D96N have impaired cytokine production as well as NF-κB activation. The reason for this loss-of-function phenotype is the inability of Mal D96N to bind the downstream adapter MyD88, an event necessary for signaling to occur. Genotyping studies reveal a very low frequency of this polymorphism in the population. Similar SNP analysis was carried out in myeloid differentiation protein 88 (MyD88). MyD88 is a key signaling adapter in TLR signaling; critical for all TLR pathways except TLR3. In reporter assays, a death domain variant, S34Y, was found to be inactive. Importantly, in reconstituted macrophage-like cell lines derived from knockout mice, MyD88 S34Y was severely compromised in its ability to respond to all MyD88-dependent TLR ligands. S34Y mutant has a dramatically different localization pattern as compared to wild type MyD88. Unlike wild type MyD88, S34Y is unable to form distinct foci in the cells but is present diffused in the cytoplasm. IRAK4, a downstream kinase, colocalizes with MyD88 in these aggregates or “Myddosomes”. S34Y MyD88, however, is unable to assemble into Myddosomes, thus demonstrating that proper cellular localization of MyD88 is a feature required for MyD88 function. This thesis thus describes two loss‐of‐function polymorphisms in TLR adapter proteins Mal and MyD88. It sheds light not only on the structural aspects of signaling by these two proteins, but also has implications for the development of novel pharmaceutical agents.

Quantitative Analysis of Novel Chemical and shRNA Based Methods to Increase Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Levels

Evans, Matthew C. 20 June 2011 (has links)
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that is the leading genetic cause of infantile death. SMA is caused by homozygous deletion or mutation of the survival of motor neuron 1 gene (SMN1). The SMN2 gene is nearly identical to SMN1, however is alternatively spliced. The close relationship to SMN1 results in SMN2 being a very power genetic modifier of SMA disease severity and a target for therapies. In this study we attempt to characterize novel chemical compounds identified as potential activators of the SMN2 gene. Additionally, we sought to determine the regulatory role individual HDAC proteins use to control expression of full length protein from the SMN2 gene. We used quantitative PCR to determine the effects of novel compounds and shRNA silencing of individual HDACs on the steady state levels of a SMN2-luciferase reporter transcripts. We determined that the compounds identified in multiple reporter high throughput screens increased SMN protein levels via transcriptional activation of the SMN2 gene. Other compounds identified in the same screen functioned post-transcriptionally, possibly stabilizing the SMN protein itself by decreasing degradation. Furthermore, we determined that reduction of individual HDAC proteins was sufficient to increase SMN protein levels in a transgenic reporter system. Knockdown of class I HDAC proteins preferentially activated the reporter by increased promoter transcription. Silencing of class II HDAC proteins maintained transcriptional activity; however silencing of HDAC 5 and 6 also appeared to enhance inclusion of an alternatively spliced exon. This collective work defines a quantitative RNA based protocol to determine mechanism of SMN reporter increase in response to any chosen treatment method. Additionally, this work highlights HDAC proteins 2 and 6 as excellent investigative targets. These data are important to the basic understanding of SMN expression regulation and the refinements of current therapeutic compounds as well as the development of novel SMA therapeutics.

A CNS-Active siRNA Chemical Scaffold for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Alterman, Julia F. 13 May 2019 (has links)
Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are a promising class of drugs for treating genetically-defined diseases. Therapeutic siRNAs enable specific modulation of gene expression, but require chemical architecture that facilitates efficient in vivodelivery. siRNAs are informational drugs, therefore specificity for a target gene is defined by nucleotide sequence. Thus, developing a chemical scaffold that efficiently delivers siRNA to a particular tissue provides an opportunity to target any disease-associated gene in that tissue. The goal of this project was to develop a chemical scaffold that supports efficient siRNA delivery to the brain for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, specifically Huntington’s disease (HD). HD is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder that affects 3 out of every 100,000 people worldwide. This disorder is caused by an expansion of CAG repeats in the huntingtin gene that results in significant atrophy in the striatum and cortex of the brain. Silencing of the huntingtin gene is considered a viable treatment option for HD. This project: 1) identified a hyper-functional sequence for siRNA targeting the huntingtin gene, 2) developed a fully chemically modified architecture for the siRNA sequence, and 3) identified a new structure for siRNA central nervous system (CNS) delivery—Divalent-siRNA (Di-siRNA). Di-siRNAs, which are composed of two fully chemically-stabilized, phosphorothioate-containing siRNAs connected by a linker, support potent and sustained gene modulation in the CNS of mice and non-human primates. In mice, Di-siRNAs induced potent silencing of huntingtin mRNA and protein throughout the brain one month after a single intracerebroventricular injection. Silencing persisted for at least six months, with the degree of gene silencing correlating to guide strand tissue accumulation levels. In Cynomolgus macaques, a bolus injection exhibited significant distribution and robust silencing throughout the brain and spinal cord without detectable toxicity. This new siRNA scaffold opens the CNS for RNAi-based gene modulation, creating a path towards developing treatments for genetically-defined neurological disorders.

Designing Genomic Solutions for Abiotic Traits in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Khan, Nadeem 15 December 2022 (has links)
Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is a self-pollinated crop widely cultivated for fiber and oil production. Flaxseed is renowned for its health attributes but the presence of compounds, such as the heavy metal cadmium (Cd), is undesirable. Genomic studies in flax have produced large amounts of data in the last 15 years, providing useful resources to improve the genetic of this crop using genomics-based technologies and strategies. The goal of this thesis is therefore to capitalize on these advances to address the Cd problem and to propose solutions to improve breeding efficiencies. To find genomic-based solutions to Cd content, to the currently low breeding efficiency and to abiotic stress resistance in flax, this study utilized four major strategies: (1) genomic cross prediction, (2) gene family identification, (3) genome-wide association study (GWAS) and (4) genomic selection (GS). Characterization of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter and heavy metal associated (HMA) gene families was performed using the flax genome sequence. A total of 198 ABC transporter and 12 HMA genes were identified in the flax genome, of which nine were orthologous to Cd-associated genes in Arabidopsis, rice and maize. A transcriptomic analysis of eight tissues provided some support towards the functional annotation of these genes and confirmed the expression of these ABC transporter and HMA genes in flax seeds and other tissues. A diversity panel of 168 flax accessions was grown in the field at multiple locations and years and the seed content of 24 heavy metals (HMs) was measured. The panel was also sequenced and a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) dataset of nearly 43,000 SNPs was defined. A GWAS was conducted using these genotypic and phenotypic data and a total of 355 non-redundant quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) were identified for ten of the 24 metal contents. Overall, a total of 24 major and 331 minor effect QTNs were detected, including 11 that were pleiotropic. After allelic tests, 108 non-redundant QTNs were retained for eight of the ten metals and ranging from one for copper (Cu) to 70 for strontium (Sr). A total of 20 candidate genes for HM accumulation were identified at 12 of the 24 major QTN loci, of which five belonged to the ABC transporter family. Many of the metal contents, including Cd, appeared to be controlled by many genes of small effects; hence, GS is better suited than marker-assisted selection for application in breeding. To test this, predictive ability using ten GS statistical models was evaluated using trait-specific QTN and the random genome-wide 43K SNP datasets. Significantly higher predictive abilities were observed from the GS models built with the dataset made of QTNs associated with metal contents (70-80%) compared to that of the 43K dataset (10-25%). This study showed the feasibility of using GS to improve the predictive ability of polygenic traits such as metal content in seeds. GS can be applied in early generation selection to accelerate the improvement of abiotic stress resistance and either select low-Cd lines or discard high-Cd lines. These findings validate the use of a QTL-based strategy as a highly effective method for improving the efficiency of predictive ability of GS for highly complex traits such as resistance or tolerance to HM accumulation. Identification of both large and minor effect QTNs and/or pleiotropic effects hold potential for flax breeding improvement. Candidate gene functional validation can be performed using methods such as genome editing or targeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING).

Probing the Chemistry and Enzymology of Translesion DNA Synthesis: Applications in Developing a Novel “Theranostic” Agent against Leukemia

Motea, Edward A. 31 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


Huber, Tyler D. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to various substrates including DNA, proteins, and natural products (NPs), is accomplished by methyltransferases (MTs). Analogs of AdoMet, bearing an alternative S-alkyl group can be exploited, in the context of an array of wild-type MT-catalyzed reactions, to differentially alkylate DNA, proteins, and NPs. This technology provides a means to elucidate MT targets by the MT-mediated installation of chemoselective handles from AdoMet analogs to biologically relevant molecules and affords researchers a fresh route to diversify NP scaffolds by permitting the differential alkylation of chemical sites vulnerable to NP MTs that are unreactive to traditional, synthetic organic chemistry alkylation protocols. The full potential of this technology is stifled by several impediments largely deriving from the AdoMet-based reagents, including the instability, membrane impermeability, poor synthetic yield and resulting diastereomeric mixtures. To circumvent these main liabilities, novel chemoenzymatic strategies that employ methionine adenosyltransferases (MATs) and methionine (Met) analogs to synthesize AdoMet analogs in vitro were advanced. Unstable AdoMet analogs are simultaneously utilized in a one-pot reaction by MTs for the alkylrandomization of NP scaffolds. As cell membranes are permeable to Met analogs, this also sets the stage for cell-based and, potentially, in vivo applications. In order to further address the instability of AdoMet and analogs thereof, MAT-catalyzed reactions utilizing Met and ATP isosteres generated highly stable AdoMet isosteres that were capable of downstream utilization by MTs. Finally, the development, use, and results of a high-throughput screen identified mutant-MAT/Met-analog pairs suitable for postliminary bioorthogonal applications.

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