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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rangel, Vanessa Marie 01 January 2023 (has links)
Chemotherapy works by killing fast dividing cells. Unfortunately, these drugs are not specific to cancer tissue and can damage normal cells. Chemotherapy is like taking poison and hoping it kills the cancer cells before it kills you. As an alternative, many researchers have investigated the use of antigene therapy to selectively target cancer causing genes to avoid off target effects. Although promising, the theory is limited by the stability of the triplex structure. Here, we report the discovery of potent triplex binding ligands derived from the natural product quercetin. Chemical derivatives of 5-substituted 3, 3’, 4’, 7-tetramethoxyquercetin derivatives were characterized using several biophysical methods: thermal denaturation monitored by UV, circular dichroism, viscometry, differential scanning calorimetry, and isothermal titration calorimetry. The data revealed that these derivatives specifically stabilize triplex DNA and do not influence the stability of duplex DNA, triple RNA, or duplex RNA. Structurally, the amino containing side chains at the 5-position and the linker length are critical for the observed binding affinity and specificity. Two derivatives, 5 and 7, are comparable (if not better) to the triplex groove binder Neomycin. Our data confirm the binding mode as enthalpically driven intercalation. Piperidine or pyrrolidine 5-substituted 3, 3’, 4’, 7-tetramethoxyquercetin derivatives with a three-carbon linker are the lead compounds for development as a potential antigene enhancer.

Characterization of two unique pathways for wyosine biosynthesis in Kinetoplastids

Sample, Paul J. 09 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Mapping Allosteric Sites and Pathways in Systems Unamenable to Traditional Structure Determination / Mapping Allostery in Unconventional Systems

Boulton, Stephen January 2018 (has links)
Allostery is a regulatory process whereby a perturbation by an effector at one discrete locus creates a conformational change that stimulates a functional change at another. The two sites communicate through networks of interacting residues that respond in a concerted manner to the allosteric perturbation. These allosteric networks are traditionally mapped with high resolution structure determination techniques to understand the conformational changes that regulate protein function as well as its modulation by allosteric ligands and its dysfunction caused by disease-related mutations (DRMs). However, high resolution structural determination techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy and nuclear Overhauser effect NMR spectroscopy are not always amenable for systems plagued by poor solubility and line broadening caused by μs-ms dynamics or systems where allostery relies primarily on dynamical rather than structural changes. This dissertation discusses methodologies to map the allosteric sites and pathways for such challenging systems. The foundation of this approach is to model allosteric pathways in the context of their respective thermodynamic cycles. In chapter 2, the thermodynamic cycle of a DRM in the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel 4 (HCN4) is analyzed with respect to structure, dynamics and kinetics, revealing how the DRM remodels the free energy landscape of HCN4 and results in a loss-of-function disease phenotype. In chapter 3, the mechanism of action of an uncompetitive inhibitor for the exchange protein activated by cAMP is elucidated by characterizing its selectivity for distinct conformations within the thermodynamic cycle that are trapped using a combination of mutations and ligand analogs. In chapter 4, we discuss two new protocols for the chemical shift covariance analysis (CHESCA). The CHESCA is an approach that identifies allosteric signaling pathways by measuring concerted residue responses to a library of chemical perturbations that stabilize conformational equilibria at different positions. Overall, the approaches discussed in this dissertation are widely applicable for mapping the mechanisms of allosteric perturbations that arise from ligand binding, post-translational modifications and mutations, even in systems where traditional structure determination techniques remain challenging to implement. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Allostery is a regulatory mechanism for proteins, which controls functional properties of one distinct site through the perturbation of another distinct, and often distant, site. The two sites are connected via a series of residues that undergo conformational changes once perturbed by the allosteric effector. Mapping these communication pathways reveals mechanisms of protein regulation, which are invaluable for developing pharmacological modulators to target these pathways or for understanding the mechanisms of disease mutations that disrupt these pathways. Allosteric pathways have been traditionally determined using structure determination approaches that provide a static snapshot of the protein’s structure. However, these approaches are typically not effective when allostery relies extensive changes in dynamics. The goal of this thesis was to develop methods to characterize systems that are dynamic or otherwise unsuitable for traditional structure determination. Herein, we utilize NMR spectroscopy to analyze the allosteric mechanisms of three cAMP-binding proteins involved in cardiovascular health.

Autocrine loop in the purinergic control of airway surface liquid volume : monitoring with a novel side-view imaging technique

Dubois, David 03 1900 (has links)
La Fibrose Kystique (FK) est une maladie dégénérative qui entraine une dégénération des poumons dû au problème de clairance mucociliaire (CMC). Le volume de surface liquide (SL) couvrant les cellules pulmonaires est essentiel à la clairance de mucus et au combat contre les infections. Les nucléotides extracellulaires jouent un rôle important dans la CMC des voies aériennes, en modifiant le volume de la SL pulmonaire. Cependant, les mécanismes du relâchement de l’ATP et de leurs déplacements à travers la SL, restent inconnus. Des études ultérieures démontrent que l’exocytose d’ATP mécano-sensible et Ca2+-dépendant, dans les cellules A549, est amplifié par les actions synergétiques autocrine/paracrine des cellules avoisinantes. Nous avions comme but de confirmer la présence de la boucle purinergique dans plusieurs modèles de cellules épithéliales et de développer un système nous permettant d’observer directement la SL. Nous avons démontrés que la boucle purinergique est fonctionnelle dans les modèles de cellules épithéliales examinés, mis appart les cellules Calu-3. L’utilisation de modulateur de la signalisation purinergique nous a permis d’observer que le relâchement d’ATP ainsi que l’augmentation du [Ca2+]i suivant un stress hypotonique, sont modulés par le biais de cette boucle purinergique et des récepteurs P2Y. De plus, nous avons développé un système de microscopie qui permet d’observer les changements de volume de SL en temps réel. Notre système permet de contrôler la température et l’humidité de l’environnement où se trouvent les cellules, reproduisant l’environnement pulmonaire humain. Nous avons démontré que notre système peut identifier même les petits changements de volume de SL. / Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients suffer from respiratory problems associated with pulmonary infections and exacerbations, due to improper mucociliary clearance (MCC). The airway surface liquid (ASL) covering pulmonary epithelial cells plays a pivotal role in MCC and infection control. Extracellular nucleotides control MCC in airway epithelia by modulating ASL volume, ciliary beating and mucin secretion. The mechanism(s) of their release and dispersal within the ASL remain incompletely understood. Studies with A549 cells, a human alveolar type II cell model, have shown that mechanosensitive, Ca2+-dependent ATP secretion is strongly amplified by the synergistic autocrine/paracrine actions of released nucleotides. The aim of this study was to examine whether the autocrine purinergic loop operates in different lung epithelial cell models and to develop an imaging system allowing the direct monitoring of ASL height during purinergic stimulation. We demonstrated that the signaling loop is functional in all epithelial cells tested, with the exception of Calu-3 epithelial cells. With different purinergic signaling modulators, we demonstrated that ATP release and [Ca2+]i elevations evoked by hypotonic stress were strongly amplified by autocrine/paracrine effects in cells expressing the P2Y receptor family. To monitor ASL volume changes in real time, we developed a novel epi-fluorescence, side-view microscopy system to observe ASL height. During experiments, cell cultures grown on permeable filters were mounted in a custom-designed chamber that allows control of the temperature, humidity and air flow above the cell monolayer, mimicking the pulmonary environment. This system detects even small changes in ASL volume following purinergic stimulation.

Une signature du polymorphisme structural d’acides ribonucléiques non-codants permettant de comparer leurs niveaux d’activités biochimiques

Dallaire, Paul 05 1900 (has links)
Des évidences expérimentales récentes indiquent que les ARN changent de structures au fil du temps, parfois très rapidement, et que ces changements sont nécessaires à leurs activités biochimiques. La structure de ces ARN est donc dynamique. Ces mêmes évidences notent également que les structures clés impliquées sont prédites par le logiciel de prédiction de structure secondaire MC-Fold. En comparant les prédictions de structures du logiciel MC-Fold, nous avons constaté un lien clair entre les structures presque optimales (en termes de stabilité prédites par ce logiciel) et les variations d’activités biochimiques conséquentes à des changements ponctuels dans la séquence. Nous avons comparé les séquences d’ARN du point de vue de leurs structures dynamiques afin d’investiguer la similarité de leurs fonctions biologiques. Ceci a nécessité une accélération notable du logiciel MC-Fold. L’approche algorithmique est décrite au chapitre 1. Au chapitre 2 nous classons les impacts de légères variations de séquences des microARN sur la fonction naturelle de ceux-ci. Au chapitre 3 nous identifions des fenêtres dans de longs ARN dont les structures dynamiques occupent possiblement des rôles dans les désordres du spectre autistique et dans la polarisation des œufs de certains batraciens (Xenopus spp.). / Recent experimental evidence indicates that RNA structure changes, sometimes very rapidly and that these changes are both required for biochemical activity and captured by the secondary structure prediction software MC-Fold. RNA structure is thus dynamic. We compared RNA sequences from the point of view of their structural dynamics so as to investigate how similar their biochemical activities were by computing a signature from the output of the structure prediction software MC-Fold. This required us to accelerate considerably the software MC-Fold. The algorithmic approach to this acceleration is described in chapter 1. In chapter 2, point mutations that disrupt the biochemical activity of microRNA are explained in terms of changes in RNA dynamics. Finally, in chapter 3 we identify dynamic structure windows in long RNA with potentially significant roles in autism spectrum disorders and separately in Xenopus ssp. (species of frogs) egg polarisation.

Vias intracelulares da ação do Sildenafil no diabetes insipidus induzido pelo lítio / Sildenafil action in lithium-induced NDI: intracellular pathway

Sanches, Talita Rojas Cunha 13 June 2012 (has links)
Os pacientes que usam lítio (Li) para tratamento do transtorno bipolar frequentemente apresentam poliúria e deficiência de concentração urinária, sintomas do Diabetes Insipidus Nefrogênico (DIN). Animais tratados com Li apresentam baixos níveis de produção de adenosina monofosfato cíclico (AMPc) em resposta ao hormônio antidiurético (HAD). O Sildenafil (Sil), um inibidor da fosfodiesterase 5 (PDE5), eleva os níveis intracelulares de guanosina monofosfato cíclico (GMPc), levando a inserção de aquaporina 2 (AQP2) na membrana plasmática das células do ducto coletor. Portanto, inibidores de PDE podem promover a inserção de AQP2 na membrana plasmática mesmo sem a ativação do receptor de HAD, indicando a participação de uma via alternativa mediada pelo GMPc. Nós investigamos as vias de ação do Sil no tratamento da DIN induzida pelo Li. Ratos Wistar foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: grupo controle, recebendo dieta alimentar normal durante quatro semanas; grupo Li, recebendo dieta alimentar normal com 40 mmol Li por quilo de dieta durante quatro semanas; grupo Li + Sil, recebendo dieta alimentar normal com 40 mmol Li por quilo de dieta durante quatro semanas e 200 mg por quilo de dieta de Sil a partir da segunda semana; grupo Sil, recebendo dieta alimentar normal durante a primeira semana e a partir da segunda semana recebendo dieta normal com 200 mg de Sil por quilo de dieta. Os animais do grupo Li desenvolveram poliúria, diminuição da osmolalidade urinária e diminuição da expressão da AQP2 tanto na fração citoplasmática como de membrana celular e o Sil reverteu essas alterações. Demonstramos ainda que a concentração de GMPc intracelular estava aumentada nos túbulos papilares tratados com Sil. Observamos que a provável via de fosforilação da AQP2 induzida pelo GMPc é pela PKA. Além disso, o tratamento com Sil aumenta a expressão de pCreb, fator de transcrição para ativação do gene da AQP2. Observamos ainda que o Li diminui a expressão de eNOS e o tratamento com Sil normaliza essa diminuição. Assim, concluímos que o tratamento com Sil em ratos com DIN melhora a poliúria aumentando a produção e a inserção de AQP2. O tratamento com Sil pode ser benéfico para pacientes que sofrem com DIN induzido pelo Li / Patients taking lithium to treat bipolar disorder often present polyuria and urinary concentrating defect. In addition, lithium-treated animals present lower cyclic adenosine monophosphate production in response to vasopressin. Sildenafil (Sil), a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, elevates intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels, leading to plasma membrane accumulation of aquaporin 2 (AQP2). Therefore, PDE inhibitors might induce AQP2 membrane insertion even without vasopressin receptor activation by activating a parallel cGMP-mediated signal transduction pathway. We investigated Sil pathways of action in rats with lithium-induced nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus (NDI). Wistar rats received lithium (40 mmol/kg food) or not for 4 weeks (Li or control), some rats also receiving sildenafil (200 mg/kg food) in weeks 2-4, with or without lithium (Li+Sil orSil). Animals in Li group developed polyuria, decreased urinary osmolality and decreased expression of AQP2 in both the cytoplasmic fraction and the cell membrane and Sil reversed these changes. We also demonstrated that intracellular cGMP concentration was increased in papillary tubules treated with Sil. We found that PKA may be involved in the pathway of cGMP induced AQP2 phosphorylation. In addition, Sil treatment increases Creb phosphorylation. Creb phosphorylation, acts as AQP2 gene transcription factor. We also observed that Li decreases eNOS expression and treatment with Sil normalizes this alteration. We conclude that Sil treatment improves polyuria by increasing production and insertion of AQP2. Sil treatment may be beneficial to patients suffering from induced DIN Li

Caracterização de novos isolados fracos do vírus do mosaico do mamoeiro ocorrendo naturalmente no estado do Espírito Santo; Avaliação da infecção natural de cucurbitáceas com esse vírus; Caracterização de um isolado do mosaico da alfafa infectando mamoeiro (Carica papaya) em campo / Characterization of new mild isolates of papaya ringspot virus naturally occurring in state Espirito Santo state; Evaluation of natural infection of cucurbits with this virus; Characterization of the alfalfa mosaic virus infecting papaya (Carica papaya) in the field

Moreira, Adriana Gonçalves 07 May 2009 (has links)
No estado do Espírito Santo (ES), uma das principais áreas produtoras de mamão do país, a eliminação sistemática de plantas doentes tem sido aplicada desde a década de 1980 para o controle do mosaico do mamoeiro (Papaya ringspot virus - type P; PRSV-P). O uso permanente dessa prática nos últimos 25 anos levou a uma aparente seleção e predominância de isolados fracos do vírus. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: investigar a prevalência desses isolados fracos, bem como a estabilidade e o efeito protetor contra isolados severos do vírus; estudar a infecção natural de abobrinha de moita (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) e abóbora moranga (C. maxima cv. Exposição) com o PRSV-P quando plantadas ao lado de mamoeiros infectados e caracterizar um isolado do Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) em infecção natural em mamoeiro. A detecção de possíveis isolados fracos do vírus foi realizada por PTAELISA, microscopia eletrônica e RT-PCR. Todos os isolados também foram inoculados mecanicamente em mamoeiro cv. Golden para avaliação de sintomas. Sequências de nucleotídeos e de aminoácidos deduzidos do gene da proteína capsidial de alguns isolados fracos mostraram identidades superiores a 89% e 90%, respectivamente, com isolados do PRSV-P. De 119 amostras de mamoeiros analisadas, 86 estavam infectadas com o PRSV-P, mas somente 75 induziram sintomas fracos em mamoeiros. Quatro isolados fracos foram selecionados ao acaso para estudos de estabilidade, e de proteção em casa de vegetação. Apenas dois isolados fracos induziram sintomas estáveis em mamoeiros até a oitava transferência. A proteção total só foi obtida com plantas premunizadas com dois isolados fracos e desafiados com o isolado PRSV-PES. Plantas de mamoeiros cv. Golden premunizadas com vários isolados fracos do PRSV-P foram expostas em condições de campo na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP, em dois experimentos independentes. Poucas plantas permaneceram com sintomas fracos de mosaico até o final dos experimentos. Uma terceira exposição foi realizada em Linhares, ES, com mamoeiros cvs. Sunrise Solo e Golden premunizados com oito isolados fracos, coletados nos experimentos em campo na ESALQ/USP. Apenas uma planta premunizada com um isolado fraco permaneceu com sintomas leves da doença até a última avaliação. Tentativas de detectaçao de infecções naturais de cucurbitáceas com o PRSV-P foram realizados em dois plantios de abobrinha de moita e dois de abóbora moranga, na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP. A detecção do vírus foi feita por meio da inoculação de extratos foliares das cucurbitáceas em mamoeiros cv. Golden. Os mamoerios foram avaliados por meio de sintomas, PTA-ELISA e RT-PCR. Nenhuma planta de mamoeiro inoculada com extratos foliares das duas cucurbitáceas exibiu sintomas de mosaico, embora o gene ci, mas não o cp, tenha sido detectado em uma amostra de folhas de mamoeiro, indicando que ao menos uma planta de abobrinha de moita estava infectada. Finalmente, no decorrer dos ensaios de campo na ESALQ/USP, constatou-se uma planta de mamoeiro apresentando sintomas severos de mosaico amarelo, deformação foliar e necrose sistêmica, diferente daqueles induzidos pelo PRSV-P. Análises biológicas, sorológica e moleculares confirmaram tratar-se do AMV. Este é o primeiro relato de infecção natural de mamoeiro com esse vírus. / Papaya ringspot virus type P (PRSV-P) causes the major disease in Brazilian papaya orchards that result in significant yield losses. In Espírito Santo state systematic rouging of infected plants has been applied since early 1980s for the control of this disease. Its permanent use over the last 25 years has lead to an apparent selection and predominance of mild strains throughout papaya orchards. The objectives of this work were to investigate the prevalence of mild isolates, as well the stability and protective effect against severe isolates of the virus; The aim of this work was to study the natural infecction of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) and pumpkin (C. maxima cv. Exposição) grown near to papaya trees infected with PRSV-P and characterize an isolate of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) in natural infection in papaya. The detection of possible mild isolates of the virus was performed by PTA-ELISA, electron microscopy and RT-PCR. All isolates were inoculated mechanically in papaya cv. Golden for symptoms evaluation. Nucleotides and deduced amino acids sequences of the coat protein gene of some mild isolates showed identities above 89% and 90%, respectively, with isolates of PRSV-P. Of 119 samples from papaya plants analyzed, 86 were infected with PRSV-P and 75 induced mild symptoms on papaya. Four mild isolates were randomly selected for stability and protection studies under greenhouse. Only two isolates induced mild symptoms on papaya and remained stables until the eighth transference. Full protection was obtained with preimmunized plants with two mild isolates and challenged with the isolate PRSV-P-ES. Plants of papaya cv. Golden preimmunized with several mild isolates of PRSV-P were exposed under field conditions at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,SP, in two independent experiments. Few plants remained with mild mosaic symptoms at the end of the experiments. A third field exposition was held in Linhares,ES, with papaya cvs. Golden and Sunrise Solo preimmunized with eight mild isolates, collected in field experiments at ESALQ/USP. Only one plant preimmunized with a mild isolate remained with mild symptoms of the disease until the last evaluation. Attempts of detection of natural infections of cucurbits with PRSV-P were carried out in two plantations of zucchini squash and pumpkin at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,SP. The detection of the virus was made by inoculation of leaf extracts of cucurbits in papaya cv. Golden. The papaya plants were assessed by symptoms, PTAELISA and RT-PCR. None of papaya plants exhibited symptoms of mosaic, while the ci gene, but not the cp, was detected in a sample of leaves of papaya, indicating that at least one clump of zucchini squash plant was infected. Finally, during the field test at ESALQ/USP, a papaya plant was found showing severe symptoms severe yellow leaf mosaic, leaf distortion and systemic necrosis, different from those induced by PRSV-P. Biological, serological and molecular tests confirmed the infection with AMV. This is the first report of natural infection of papaya with this virus.

Energetic processes driving potential peptide protometabolisms at the origin of living systems / Processus énergétiques gouvernant des protométabolismes peptidiques à l’origine des systèmes vivants

Ajram, Ghinwa 29 November 2018 (has links)
La thèse aborde différentes questions de chimie prébiotique dans le contexte de l’origine de la vie par une approche de chimie systémique. La première partie est dédiée à l’étude de processus d’activation chimique important non seulement pour la formation de polymères, mais aussi pour alimenter le système en énergie de manière à le maintenir dans un état éloigné de l’équilibre, un prérequis pour l’auto-organisation. Il a été suggéré que les intermédiaires 5(4H)-oxazolones formés par l’activation de l’extrémité C-terminale des peptides pourrait être impliquée dans l’auto-organisation du vivant. Dans ce but, nous avons évalué la réactivité de réactifs pertinents dans un contexte prébiotique et décrits dans la littérature comme capables d’activer des acides α-aminés. Aucun d’entre eux n’a manifesté une activité satisfaisante pour l’activation C-terminale des peptides, montrant qu’une voie possible pour alimenter un protométabolisme des peptides en énergie n’est pas identifiée à ce jour à l’exception notable des N-carboxyanhydrides (NCA) qui peuvent être formé par des voies prébiotiquement plausibles. Nous avons par ailleurs démontré que les carbodiimides sont aussi efficaces pour l’activation des N-carbamoylamino acides que pour celle du carboxyle terminal des peptides en milieu aqueux dilué. La seconde partie du document expose de nouveaux résultats en faveur d’un processus de coévolution peptides-nucléotides. D’abord, une étude de la réactivité d’agents d’aminoacylation de l’extrémité 3’ de l’ARN est présentée. Ensuite, nous évaluons des co-polymères acides α-aminés-nucléotides liés par des enchaînements phosphoramidate et esters comme partenaires éventuels de l’évolution chimique. La pertinence cinétique de ces structures est démontrée ainsi que des voies chimiques permettant leur formation. / The thesis addresses several issues in prebiotic chemistry in the context of the origins of life through a systems chemistry approach. The first part is devoted to the study of chemical activation processes that are not only important in the formation of polymers, but also to feed the system with energy in order that a far from equilibrium state is maintained, a prerequisite for self-organization. It has been suggested that 5(4H)-oxazolones intermediates formed by C-terminus peptide activation could be involved in self-organization of life. To this aim, we have checked the reactivity of relevant prebiotic reagents previously proposed to activate α-amino acids. None of them led to a satisfactory C-terminus activation of peptides, showing that no general process for feeding a protometabolism of peptides with energy is identified yet, with the notable exception of N-carboxyanhydrides (NCAs) that can be formed through prebiotically relevant pathways. Additionally, we demonstrated that carbodiimides reagents are as efficient in the activation of N-carbamoyl amino acids as in that of the C-terminus of peptides in diluted aqueous media. The second part of the dissertation discloses new results in support of a process of coevolution of peptides and nucleotides. Firstly, a study of non-enzymatic aminoacylation reagents of the 3’-terminus of RNA is presented. Secondly, we assessed co-polymers of α-amino acids and nucleotides bound by phosphoramidate and ester linkages as potential players in chemical evolution. The kinetic relevance of these structures was demonstrated as well as potential chemical processes that allow their formation.

Caracterização de novos isolados fracos do vírus do mosaico do mamoeiro ocorrendo naturalmente no estado do Espírito Santo; Avaliação da infecção natural de cucurbitáceas com esse vírus; Caracterização de um isolado do mosaico da alfafa infectando mamoeiro (Carica papaya) em campo / Characterization of new mild isolates of papaya ringspot virus naturally occurring in state Espirito Santo state; Evaluation of natural infection of cucurbits with this virus; Characterization of the alfalfa mosaic virus infecting papaya (Carica papaya) in the field

Adriana Gonçalves Moreira 07 May 2009 (has links)
No estado do Espírito Santo (ES), uma das principais áreas produtoras de mamão do país, a eliminação sistemática de plantas doentes tem sido aplicada desde a década de 1980 para o controle do mosaico do mamoeiro (Papaya ringspot virus - type P; PRSV-P). O uso permanente dessa prática nos últimos 25 anos levou a uma aparente seleção e predominância de isolados fracos do vírus. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: investigar a prevalência desses isolados fracos, bem como a estabilidade e o efeito protetor contra isolados severos do vírus; estudar a infecção natural de abobrinha de moita (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) e abóbora moranga (C. maxima cv. Exposição) com o PRSV-P quando plantadas ao lado de mamoeiros infectados e caracterizar um isolado do Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) em infecção natural em mamoeiro. A detecção de possíveis isolados fracos do vírus foi realizada por PTAELISA, microscopia eletrônica e RT-PCR. Todos os isolados também foram inoculados mecanicamente em mamoeiro cv. Golden para avaliação de sintomas. Sequências de nucleotídeos e de aminoácidos deduzidos do gene da proteína capsidial de alguns isolados fracos mostraram identidades superiores a 89% e 90%, respectivamente, com isolados do PRSV-P. De 119 amostras de mamoeiros analisadas, 86 estavam infectadas com o PRSV-P, mas somente 75 induziram sintomas fracos em mamoeiros. Quatro isolados fracos foram selecionados ao acaso para estudos de estabilidade, e de proteção em casa de vegetação. Apenas dois isolados fracos induziram sintomas estáveis em mamoeiros até a oitava transferência. A proteção total só foi obtida com plantas premunizadas com dois isolados fracos e desafiados com o isolado PRSV-PES. Plantas de mamoeiros cv. Golden premunizadas com vários isolados fracos do PRSV-P foram expostas em condições de campo na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP, em dois experimentos independentes. Poucas plantas permaneceram com sintomas fracos de mosaico até o final dos experimentos. Uma terceira exposição foi realizada em Linhares, ES, com mamoeiros cvs. Sunrise Solo e Golden premunizados com oito isolados fracos, coletados nos experimentos em campo na ESALQ/USP. Apenas uma planta premunizada com um isolado fraco permaneceu com sintomas leves da doença até a última avaliação. Tentativas de detectaçao de infecções naturais de cucurbitáceas com o PRSV-P foram realizados em dois plantios de abobrinha de moita e dois de abóbora moranga, na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP. A detecção do vírus foi feita por meio da inoculação de extratos foliares das cucurbitáceas em mamoeiros cv. Golden. Os mamoerios foram avaliados por meio de sintomas, PTA-ELISA e RT-PCR. Nenhuma planta de mamoeiro inoculada com extratos foliares das duas cucurbitáceas exibiu sintomas de mosaico, embora o gene ci, mas não o cp, tenha sido detectado em uma amostra de folhas de mamoeiro, indicando que ao menos uma planta de abobrinha de moita estava infectada. Finalmente, no decorrer dos ensaios de campo na ESALQ/USP, constatou-se uma planta de mamoeiro apresentando sintomas severos de mosaico amarelo, deformação foliar e necrose sistêmica, diferente daqueles induzidos pelo PRSV-P. Análises biológicas, sorológica e moleculares confirmaram tratar-se do AMV. Este é o primeiro relato de infecção natural de mamoeiro com esse vírus. / Papaya ringspot virus type P (PRSV-P) causes the major disease in Brazilian papaya orchards that result in significant yield losses. In Espírito Santo state systematic rouging of infected plants has been applied since early 1980s for the control of this disease. Its permanent use over the last 25 years has lead to an apparent selection and predominance of mild strains throughout papaya orchards. The objectives of this work were to investigate the prevalence of mild isolates, as well the stability and protective effect against severe isolates of the virus; The aim of this work was to study the natural infecction of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) and pumpkin (C. maxima cv. Exposição) grown near to papaya trees infected with PRSV-P and characterize an isolate of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) in natural infection in papaya. The detection of possible mild isolates of the virus was performed by PTA-ELISA, electron microscopy and RT-PCR. All isolates were inoculated mechanically in papaya cv. Golden for symptoms evaluation. Nucleotides and deduced amino acids sequences of the coat protein gene of some mild isolates showed identities above 89% and 90%, respectively, with isolates of PRSV-P. Of 119 samples from papaya plants analyzed, 86 were infected with PRSV-P and 75 induced mild symptoms on papaya. Four mild isolates were randomly selected for stability and protection studies under greenhouse. Only two isolates induced mild symptoms on papaya and remained stables until the eighth transference. Full protection was obtained with preimmunized plants with two mild isolates and challenged with the isolate PRSV-P-ES. Plants of papaya cv. Golden preimmunized with several mild isolates of PRSV-P were exposed under field conditions at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,SP, in two independent experiments. Few plants remained with mild mosaic symptoms at the end of the experiments. A third field exposition was held in Linhares,ES, with papaya cvs. Golden and Sunrise Solo preimmunized with eight mild isolates, collected in field experiments at ESALQ/USP. Only one plant preimmunized with a mild isolate remained with mild symptoms of the disease until the last evaluation. Attempts of detection of natural infections of cucurbits with PRSV-P were carried out in two plantations of zucchini squash and pumpkin at ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba,SP. The detection of the virus was made by inoculation of leaf extracts of cucurbits in papaya cv. Golden. The papaya plants were assessed by symptoms, PTAELISA and RT-PCR. None of papaya plants exhibited symptoms of mosaic, while the ci gene, but not the cp, was detected in a sample of leaves of papaya, indicating that at least one clump of zucchini squash plant was infected. Finally, during the field test at ESALQ/USP, a papaya plant was found showing severe symptoms severe yellow leaf mosaic, leaf distortion and systemic necrosis, different from those induced by PRSV-P. Biological, serological and molecular tests confirmed the infection with AMV. This is the first report of natural infection of papaya with this virus.

Conformationally Constrained Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides : Design, Synthesis and Properties

Honcharenko, Dmytro January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is based on six original research publications describing synthesis, structure and physicochemical and biochemical analysis of chemically modified oligonucleotides (ONs) in terms of their potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Synthesis of two types of bicyclic conformationally constrained nucleosides, North-East locked 1',2'-azetidine and North locked 2',4'-aza-ENA, is described. Study of the molecular structures and dynamics of bicyclic nucleosides showed that depending upon the type of fused system they fall into two distinct categories with their respective internal dynamics and type of sugar conformation. The physicochemical properties of the nucleobases in the conformationally constrained nucleosides found to be depended on the site and ring-size of the fused system. The incorporation of azetidine modified nucleotide units into 15mer ONs lowered the affinity toward the complementary RNA. However, they performed better than previously reported isosequential 1',2'-oxetane modified analogues. Whereas aza-ENA-T modification incorporated into ONs significantly enhanced affinity to the complementary RNA. To evaluate the antisense potential of azetidine-T and aza-ENA-T modified ONs, they were subjected to RNase H promoted cleavage as well as tested towards nucleolytic degradation. Kinetic experiments showed that modified ONs recruit RNase H, however with lower enzyme efficiency due to decreased enzyme-substrate binding affinity, but with enhanced turnover number. Both, azetidine-T and aza-ENA-T modified ONs demonstrated improved 3'-exonuclease stability in the presence of snake venom phosphodiesterase and human serum compared to the unmodified sequence. Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing pyrene-functionalized azetidine-T (Aze-pyr X) and aza-ENA-T (Aza-ENA-pyr Y) modifications showed different fluorescence properties. The X modified ODNs hybridized to the complementary DNA and RNA showed variable increase in the fluorescence intensity depending upon the nearest-neighbor at the 3'-end to X modification (dA > dG > dT > dC) with high fluorescence quantum yield. However, the Y modified ODNs showed a sensible enhancement of the fluorescence intensity only with complementary DNA. Also, the X modified ODN showed decrease (~37-fold) in the fluorescence intensity upon duplex formation with RNA containing a G nucleobase mismatch opposite to the modification site, whereas a ~3-fold increase was observed for the Y modified probe.

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