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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des propriétés tumorigéniques des cellules dendritiques par identification des protéines cibles de l'ATP extracellulaire

Bles, Nathalie 21 June 2010 (has links)
Les nucléotides, et tout particulièrement l’ATP, sont capables de moduler la fonction de l’un des principaux acteurs de la réponse immunitaire à savoir les cellules dendritiques (DC). Les DC expriment à leur surface de nombreux récepteurs P2X et P2Y dont le P2Y11, couplé à la voie de l’AMP cyclique (AMPc) et impliqué dans l’immunomodulation. L’ATP est capable, par son action sur le P2Y11, d’induire une semi-maturation des DC caractérisée entre autre par une diminution de la sécrétion d’IL-12 et une augmentation de la sécrétion d’IL-10. De plus, des données antérieures obtenues au laboratoire montrent que l’ATP confère également des propriétés immunosuppressives aux DC en stimulant l’expression de la thrombospondine-1 (TSP-1) et de l’indoléamine-2,3-dioxygénase (IDO).<p><p>Dans ce contexte, notre projet visait à établir un profil d’expression génique en réponse à l’ATP dans des DC humaines issues de monocytes (MoDC) afin d’avoir une vue globale de l’action de l’ATP sur les DC. Dans un premier temps, nous avons donc réalisé une étude cinétique comparant les profils d’expression génique en réponse à l’ATPγS, un agoniste plus stable que l’ATP, et à la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2), un activateur de l’AMPc induisant une semi-maturation des DC, par la technique de microarray. L’analyse de ces profils a mis en évidence une action précoce et large de l’ATPγS sur les MoDC. Un grand nombre de régulations obtenues ont confirmé les effets déjà connus de l’ATP sur les DC. Par ailleurs, nous avons confirmé par différentes techniques plusieurs nouvelles cibles de l’ATP impliquées dans l’inflammation et la réponse immunitaire (ex. CSF-1, NRP-1, VEGF).<p><p>En analysant plus en détail ces profils, nous avons observés la régulation de plusieurs gènes dont VEGF, AREG, EREG et HB-EGF, intervenant dans les processus d’angiogenèse et de tumorigenèse. Parmi ceux-ci, le gène AREG codant pour l’amphiréguline, un ligand de l’EGF récepteur (EGFR) était le gène le plus régulé dans notre profil microarray. Pour la première fois, nous avons démontré que les DC traitées à l’ATPγS en présence de LPS constituaient une importante source d’amphiréguline capable de stimuler la croissance de cellules musculaires lisses et de cellules tumorales LLC (Lewis Lung Carcinoma) in vitro. <p>Parallèlement, nous avons étudié l’implication des cellules dendritiques traitées à l’ATPγS sur la croissance tumorale in vivo. Pour ce faire, nous avons coinjecté, à des souris C57 black/6, des cellules tumorales LLC avec des surnageants issus de BMDC traitées au LPS ou au LPS+ATPγS. De cette façon, nous avons mis en évidence que des surnageants issus de BMDC traitées au LPS+ATPγS induisaient une augmentation significative de la masse tumorale par rapport aux surnageants issus de BMDC traités au LPS seul. Au moyen d’un anticorps bloquant anti-amphiréguline, nous avons démontré que cette augmentation de la masse tumorale était due à l’importante sécrétion d’amphiréguline par les BMDC traitées au LPS+ATPγS. De plus, nous avons observé une augmentation du nombre de vaisseaux positifs pour l’α-SMA, un des marqueurs des cellules musculaires lisses, dans les tumeurs issues de la coinjection de cellules LLC avec des surnageants de BMDC traitées au LPS+ATPγS. Pour finir, nous avons montré que les DC au sein des tumeurs LLC expriment non seulement le récepteur EGFR mais également l’amphiréguline. Ces différents résultats observés mettent en avant l’importance de l’ATP extracellulaire dans la croissance tumorale par son action sur les DC. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Rôle des nucléotides extracellulaires dans la régulation de l'angiogénèse, l'inflammation et le développement cardiaque / Role of extracellular nucleotides in angiogenesis, inflammation and cardiac development

Horckmans, Michael 14 December 2009 (has links)
Notre travail a permis tout d’abord d’investiguer les effets des nucléotides extracellulaires sur les cellules<p>dendritiques (DCs) qui sont des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes capables d’initier et de réguler la<p>réponse immunitaire. Afin d’avoir une vue globale de l’action des nucléotides extracellulaires sur les DCs,<p>un profil d’expression génique de l’ATPgS – dérivé stable de l’ATP - a été réalisé par microarray dans les<p>cellules dendritiques dérivées de monocytes (MoDCs).<p>Notre groupe a préalablement montré que malgré que l’ATP est considéré comme un signal de danger, il<p>confère des propriétés immunosuppressives aux DCs (Marteau et al, 2005). Nous nous sommes focalisés<p>sur des régulations géniques pouvant être mises en relation avec un action anti-inflammatoire de l’ATP.<p>Nous avons ainsi démontré que l’ATP était capable d’inhiber la sécrétion des chimiokines MCP-1 et MIP-<p>1a initiée par l’action du LPS, ce qui a pour conséquence de diminuer la capacité des DCs à recruter des<p>monocytes ou d’autres DCs. Ce travail a fait l’objet d’une publication en tant que premier auteur<p>(Horckmans et al, 2005).<p>Un grand nombre d’autres gènes régulés liés à la réponse immune et à l’inflammation a été identifiée<p>dans le profil microarray de l’ATPgS. Nous avions notamment pu identifier une augmentation de la<p>sécrétion de VEGF-A en réponse à l’ATP, amplifiée en présence de LPS. Cette régulation est extrêmement<p>intéressante au vu de l’action immunosuppressive du VEGF sur les DCs. Par ailleurs, cette régulation<p>pourrait constituer un lien entre les DCs et l’angiogénese. Ce travail a fait l’objet d’une publication en tant<p>que premier co-auteur dans la revue Journal of Immunology (Bles et al, 2007).<p>En conclusion, nos données nous ont ainsi permis de montrer que les nucléotides adényliques peuvent<p>avoir par leur action sur les cellules dendritiques une action anti-inflammatoire voire pro-angiogénique,<p>en inhibant le recrutement leucocytaire et une action immunosuppressive en stimulant la sécrétion de<p>VEGF.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Signalisation Purinergique Vasculaire – Régulation et Rôle de la Nucléoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase-1 (CD39) dans l’Hypertension Artérielle / Vascular Purinergic Signaling – Regulation and Role of the Nucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase-1 (CD39) in Hypertension

Roy, Charlotte 13 December 2016 (has links)
La signalisation purinergique participe à de nombreux processus physiopathologiques dans le système cardiovasculaire. Alors que les nucléotides extracellulaires sont considérés comme des « signaux de danger » ; la NTPDase1(CD39), ectonucléotidase à l’origine de leur hydrolyse, permet de maintenir l’homéostasie vasculaire par ses actions anti-thrombotiques etimmuno-modulatrices. Le rôle de CD39 dans la fonction vasculaire liée à l’hypertension artérielle(HTA) reste méconnu. L’HTA, facteur de risque majeur de complications cardiovasculaires, est caractérisée par un remodelage structurel(hypertrophie, fibrose) et fonctionnel (hypercontractilité, dysfonction endothéliale) des vaisseaux, causées notamment par un stress oxydatif et une inflammation périvasculaire. L’objectif de notre projet a consisté à étudier l’évolution de CD39 ainsi que son rôle potentiel dans la condition vasculaire pathologique de l’HTA. Nous mettons en évidence une diminution de l’expression et de l’activité du CD39 vasculaire dans l’HTA. Une diminution de l’activité ADPase du CD39 soluble a également été observée au niveau circulant. L’étude des éléments à l’origine de cette diminution montre une sensibilité du transcrit vasculaire de CD39 à certaines cytokinespro- et anti-inflammatoires, mais également à une tension mécanique. Une étude in vivo du potentiel rôle de CD39 (souris déficientes pour le gène de CD39 (Entpd1) et traitement à l’apyrase) dans un modèle d’HTA à l’Angiotensine-II a également été réalisée. L’ensemble de ces données suggère qu’une diminution du CD39 vasculaire et circulant pourrait contribuer à majorer les altérations vasculaires contemporaines de l’HTA. / Purinergic signaling is involved in numerous physiopathological processes in cardiovascular system. While extracellular nucleotides are considered as « danger signals » ; the NTPDase1(CD39), ectonucleotidase responsible for their hydrolysis, preserves vascular homeostasis by itsanti-thrombotic and immunomodulatory actions.The role of CD39 in vascular function related to arterial hypertension remains unknown. Hypertension, the major risk factor of cardiovascular complications, is characterized by structural remodeling (hypertrophy, fibrosis) and functional (hypercontractility, endothelial dysfunction) of vessels caused in particular by perivascular oxidative stress and inflammation.Our aim was to investigate the evolution of CD39 expression / function and its potential contribution in the pathological vascular condition of hypertension. We highlighted a decrease invascular CD39 expression and activity in the context of hypertension. A decrease in soluble ADPase activity specific to CD39 was also observed in blood circulation. Investigation of elements responsible for this decrease reveals asensitivity of vascular CD39 transcription to several pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and to mechanical tension. In vivo study of potential role of CD39 (mice deficient for CD39 gene (Entpd1) and treatment with apyrase) in Angiotensin-II model of hypertension was also carried out. All these data suggest that a decrease in circulating and vascular CD39 may contribute to vascular changes associated with hypertension.

Quantification des pools de nucléotides à l'aide de la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem : applications à l'étude de la progression tumorale / Quantification of nucleotides pools with liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry : applications in cancer research

Machon, Christelle 13 November 2015 (has links)
Les nucléotides, terme regroupant les nucléosides monophosphate, diphosphate et triphosphate, sont impliqués dans de nombreux processus cellulaires. Ils représentent les éléments constitutifs des acides nucléiques, fournissent de l'énergie à des réactions métaboliques, jouent le rôle de transporteurs et seconds messagers. L'exploration des pools nucléotidiques apparaît indispensable afin de connaître leur rôle précis dans des situations physiologiques ou pathologiques. Nous avons développé une méthode de dosage des nucléotides endogènes (formes mono-, di- et triphosphate) par extraction en ligne sur colonne WAX couplée à la LC-MS/MS. La séparation analytique est réalisée sur colonne Hypercarb, sans agent de paire d'ions dans la phase mobile. Grâce à l'utilisation d'un triple quadripôle et une ionisation en mode positif, les nucléotides endogènes sont identifiés sans équivoque, y compris ceux possédant la même masse molaire. L'extraction et la séparation des nucléotides sont réalisées en 20 min. L'ensemble de la méthode, en comptant la ré- équilibration des colonnes, dure 37 min. La méthode de dosage a été validée pour les formes mono- et triphosphate et est applicable à des séries d'une vingtaine d'échantillons biologiques. D'autre part, dans une étude pré-analytique basée sur les plans d'expériences, nous avons comparé les conditions de préparation d'échantillons en vue du dosage de nucléotides intracellulaires dans 4 lignées cellulaires : 2 adhérentes (Messa et NCI-H292) et 2 en suspension (RL et L1210). Nous avons montré que les conditions pré-analytiques optimales dépendent de la lignée cellulaire soulignant ainsi l'importance de cette phase dans l'analyse des nucléotides. Enfin, l'expérience et les connaissances acquises lors du développement de la méthode de dosage des nucléotides ainsi que la large palette de molécules analysables avec cette méthode (nucléosides, nucléotides sucrés, autres métabolites), nous ont permis de développer des collaborations dans le domaine de la cancérologie avec différentes équipes de recherche. Par exemple, nous avons étudié l'implication des pools nucléotidiques dans le stress réplicatif induit par le stress oxydant et dans la reprogrammation cellulaire observée dans les cellules cancéreuses. Ainsi, les informations apportées par notre approche analytique, complémentaires des autres approches utilisées, ont montré l'implication des pools nucléotidiques dans la tumorigénèse. En conclusion, ce travail a permis de développer une technique analytique et de mettre en place une méthode de travail pour le dosage des nucléotides endogènes dans différents milieux biologiques / Nucleotides, term including nucleoside mono-, di- and triphosphates, are endogenous compounds playing various roles in biology. They are components of nucleic acids, provide energy to metabolic reactions and act as carriers or second messenger. The study of endogenous nucleotides has become of great interest in physiological and pathological conditions. We developed a method for the quantification of endogenous nucleotides, using an on-line extraction on a WAX column coupled with LC-MS/MS. Analytical separation is performed on a Hypercarb column, without ion pairing agent in the mobile phase. The use of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer following positive mode ionization allows the unambiguous identification of nucleotides presenting the same mass. Extraction and separation of nucleotides are achieved within 20 min and the method including re-equilibration of the two columns within 37 min. The method was validated for the quantification of nucleoside mono- and triphosphates, and could be applied to series of more than twenty biological samples. Secondly, in a study based on design of experiments, pre-analytical parameters influencing results of intracellular nucleotides were compared in four cell lines. We demonstrated that optimal pre-analytical parameters depend on cell lines. This clearly highlights the importance of pre- analytical conditions for the quantification of intracellular nucleotides to be as representative as possible of the real levels in cells. Then, thanks to experience acquired during the development and the validation of the analytical method, scientific collaborations have been established with several cancer research teams. For example, implication of nucleotide metabolism in replicative stress induced by oxidative stress or in the metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells was studied. Results obtained by our analytical approach were complementary to those obtained by other techniques. To conclude, our work consisted on the study of the entire workflow for the analysis of endogenous nucleotides in various biological samples

Selective protein functionalisation via enzymatic phosphocholination

Ochtrop, Philipp January 2017 (has links)
Proteins are the most abundant biomolecules within a cell and are involved in all biochemical cellular processes ultimately determining cellular function. Therefore, to develop a complete understanding of cellular processes, obtaining knowledge about protein function and interaction at a molecular level is critical. Consequently, the investigation of proteins in their native environment or in partially purified mixtures is a major endeavour in modern life sciences. Due to their high chemical similarity, the inherent problem of studying proteins in complex mixtures is to specifically differentiate one protein of interest from the bulk of other proteins. Site-specific protein functionalisation strategies have become an indispensable tool in biochemical- and cell biology studies. This thesis presents the development of a new enzymatic site-specific protein functionalisation strategy that is based on the reversible covalent phosphocholination of short amino acid sequences in intact proteins. A synthetic strategy has been established that allows access to functionalised CDP-choline derivatives carrying fluorescent reporter groups, affinity tags or bioorthogonal handles. These CDP-choline derivatives serve as co-substrates for the bacterial phosphocholinating enzyme AnkX from Legionella pneumophila, which transfers a phosphocholine moiety to the switch II region of its native target protein Rab1b during infection. We identified the octapeptide sequence TITSSYYR as the minimum recognition sequence required to direct the AnkX catalysed phosphocholination and demonstrated the functionalisation of proteins of interest carrying this recognition tag at the N- or C-terminus as well as in internal loop regions. Moreover, this covalent modification can be hydrolytically reversed by the action of the Legionella enzyme Lem3, which makes the labeling strategy the first example of a covalent and reversible approach that is fully orthogonal to current existing methodologies. Thus, the here presented protein functionalisation approach holds the potential to increase the scope of possible labeling strategies in complex biological systems. In addition to the labeling of tagged target proteins, a CDP-choline derivative equipped with a biotin affinity-tag was synthesised and used in pull-down experiments to investigate the substrate scope of AnkX and to elucidate the role of protein phosphocholination during Legionella pneumophila infection. / Proteiner utgör huvudbeståndsdelen av alla biomolekyler i en cell. Dessa är involverade i alla cellulära processer som bestämmer cellens egenskaper. För att förstå de cellulära processerna är det nödvändigt att förstå proteinernas funktion på molekylär nivå. Att studera proteiner i deras naturliga omgivning, det vill säga inuti en cell eller i ett cellextrakt, är en stor utmaning i dagens livsvetenskaper. Eftersom proteiner är kemiskt lika varandra så är det svårt att skilja ett från tusentals andra. Att specifikt märka proteiner för att skilja ut dem från bakgrunden har blivit ett viktigt arbetssätt i modern biokemi och cellbiologi. Avhandlingen beskriver utvecklandet av en ny metod för reversibel och kovalent enzymatisk märkning baserat på fosfokolinering/defosfokolinering av en kort aminosyrasekvens i intakta proteiner. En syntesmetod för att framställa onaturliga CDP-kolinderivat har etablerats vilket tillåter oss att framställa CDP-kolin som bär en funktionalitet, vilket kan vara ett färgämne eller en affinitetstagg. Dessa onaturliga CDP-kolinderivat accepteras som co-substrat av enzymet AnkX från Legionella pneumophila vilket transfererar den funktionaliserade delen av CDP-kolinderivatet till en kort aminosyrasekvens baserad på AnkX’s naturliga substrat vid infektion, det lilla GTPaset Rab1. Under avhandlingsarbetets gång identifierades den kortaste aminosyrasekvensen som känns igen av AnkX, endast de åtta aminosyrorna TITSSYYR är nödvändiga för igenkänning av AnkX. Dessa åtta aminosyror kan genetiskt infogas i början, slutet eller mitt i ett protein för igenkänning och funktionalisering via AnkX och våra syntetiska CDP-kolinderivat. Vid Legionellainfektion i eukaryota celler klyvs fosfokolineringen efter en viss tid, eftersom Legionella pneumophila producerar ett fosfodiesteras, Lem3, som tar bort de fosfokolineringar som AnkX har installerat när de inte längre behövs. Vi har använt Lem3 för att ta bort märkning i sekvensen TITSS(PC)YYR, vilket gör vår strategi helt reversibel. Vi har kunnat demonstrera att AnkX-Lem3 systemet accepterar ett brett spektrum av CDP-kolinderivat, vilket gör metoden till den första av sitt slag, eftersom den är fullt reversibel. Vi har vidare undersökt vilka proteiner AnkX reagerar med inuti celler, vi använde oss av ett CDP-kolinderivat funktionaliserat med biotin, vilket har tillåtit oss att fiska ut alla de proteiner som fosfokolineras av AnkX. Förutom de små GTPaserna i Rab-familjen så identifierade vi även IMPDH2, ett enzym som reglerar det hastighetsbestämmande steget i syntesen av guanosin-nukleotider. Detta är mycket intressant, eftersom det leder till frågan ifall Legionella pneumophila manipulerar sin värdcell genom att förändra mängden GTP i förhållande till ATP.

Design and Synthesis of Novel Nucleoside Analogues: Oxidative and Reductive Approaches toward Synthesis of 2'-Fluoro Pyrimidine Nucleosides

Rayala, Ramanjaneyulu 17 June 2015 (has links)
Fluorinated nucleosides, especially the analogues with fluorine atom(s) in the ribose ring, have been known to exert potent biological activities. The first part of this dissertation was aimed at developing oxidative desulfurization-fluorination and reductive desulfonylation-fluorination methodologies toward the synthesis of 2'-mono and/or 2',2'-difluoro pyrimidine nucleosides from the corresponding 2'-arylthiopyrimidine precursors. Novel oxidative desulfurization-difluorination methodology was developed for the synthesis of α,α-difluorinted esters from the corresponding α-arylthio esters, wherein the arylthio group is present on a secondary internal carbon. For the reductive desulfonylation studies, cyclic voltammetry was utilized to measure the reduction potentials at which the sulfone moiety of substrates can be cleaved. The 5-bromo pyrimidine nucleosides and 8-bromo purine nucleosides act as crucial intermediates in various synthetic transformations. The second part of the present dissertation was designed to develop a novel bromination methodology using 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DBH). Various protected and deprotected pyrimidine and purine nucleosides were converted to their respective C5 and C8 brominated counterparts using DBH. The effect of Lewis acids, solvents, and temperature on the efficiency of bromination was studied. Also, N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) or DBH offered a convenient access to 8-bromotoyocamycin and 8-bromosangivamycin. Third part of this research work focuses on the design and synthesis of 6-N-benzylated derivatives of 7-deazapurine nucleoside antibiotics, such as tubercidin, sangivamycin and toyocamycin. Target molecules were synthesized by two methods. First method involves treatment of 7-deazapurine substrates with benzylbromide followed by dimethylamine-promoted Dimroth rearrangement. The second method employs fluoro-diazotization followed by SNAr displacement of the 6-fluoro group by a benzylamine. The 6-N-benzylated 7-deazapurine nucleosides showed type-specific inhibition of cancer cell proliferation at micromolar concentrations and weak inhibition of human equilibrative nucleoside transport protein (hENT1). In the fourth part of this dissertation, syntheses of C7 or C8 modified 7-deazapurine nucleosides, which might exhibit fluorescent properties, were undertaken. 8-Azidotoyocamycin was synthesized by treatment of 8-bromotoyocamycin with sodium azide. Strain promoted click chemistry of 8-azidotoyocamycin with cyclooctynes gave the corresponding 8-triazolyl derivatives. Alternatively, 7-benzotriazolyl tubercidin was synthesized by iodine catalyzed CH arylation of tubercidin with benzotriazole.

Design and Synthesis of 4-N-Alkanoyl and 4-N-Alkyl Gemcitabine Analogues Suitable for Positron Emission Tomography

Pulido, Jesse E 06 March 2014 (has links)
Gemcitabine is a highly potent chemotherapeutic nucleoside agent used in the treatment of several cancers and solid tumors. However, it is therapeutically limitated because of toxicity to normal cells and its rapid intracellular deamination by cytidine deaminase into the inactive uracil derivative. Modification at the 4-(N) position of gemcitabine's exocyclic amine to an -amide functionality is a well reported prodrug strategy which has been that confers a resistance to intracellular deamination while also altering pharmacokinetics of the parent drug. Coupling of gemcitabine to carboxylic acids with varying terminal moieties afforded the 4-N-alkanoylgemcitabines whereas reaction of 4-N-tosylgemcitabine with the corresponding alkyl amines gave the 4-N-alkylgemcitabines. The 4-N-alkanoyl and 4-N-alkyl gemcitabine analogues with a terminal hydroxyl group on the 4-N-alkanoyl or 4-N-alkyl chain were efficiently fluorinated either with diethylaminosulfur trifluoride or under conditions that are compatible with the synthetic protocols for 18F labeling, such as displacement of the corresponding mesylate with KF/Kryptofix 2.2.2. The 4-N-alkanoylgemcitabine analogues displayed potent cytostatic activities against murine and human tumor cell lines with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) values in the range of low nM, whereas cytotoxicity of the 4-N-alkylgemcitabine derivatives were in the low to modest µM range. The cytostatic activity of the 4-N-alkanoylgemcitabines was reduced by several orders of magnitude in the 2'-deoxycytidine kinase (dCK)-deficient CEM/dCK- cell line while the 4-N-alkylgemcitabines were only lowered by 2-5 times. None of the 4-N-modified gemcitabines were found to be substrates for cytosolic dCK, however all were found to inhibit DNA synthesis. As such, the 4-N-alkanoyl gemcitabine derivatives likely need to be converted to gemcitabine prior to achieving their significant cytostatic potential, whereas the 4-N-alkylgemcitabines reach their modest activity without "measurable" conversion to gemcitabine. Thus, the 4-N-alkylgemcitabines provide valuable insight on the metabolism of 4-N-modified gemcitabine prodrugs.

Cyclic AMP-Regulated Protein Lysine Acetylation In Mycobacteria

Nambi, Subhalaxmi 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Tuberculosis continues to be one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Several mycobacterial species such as M. tuberculosis and M. africanum are responsible for causing this disease in humans. Reports of high cAMP levels in mycobacterial species (as compared to other bacteria such as E. coli) suggested that this second messenger may play an important role in the biology of mycobacteria. Further, it was reported that infection with mycobacteria led to an increase in the cAMP levels within the host macrophage. More recent studies have shown that this cAMP increase may be due to bacterially derived cAMP, hinting at a role for cAMP in mycobacterial pathogenesis. Given this background, the study of cAMP in mycobacteria proves to be an interesting field of research. Signalling through cAMP involves an interaction of this cyclic nucleotide with a cAMP-binding protein. These proteins typically contain a cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNB domain) linked to another (effector) domain. The CNB domain is thought to allosterically control the activity of the effector domain, thus mediating cellular responses to altered cAMP levels. For example, in the case of eukaryotic protein kinase A (PKA), binding of cAMP to the CNB domain results in relieving the inhibitory effects of the regulatory subunit on the catalytic subunit. The catalytic subunit then phosphorylates its target substrates, eliciting a variety of cellular responses. This work involves the characterisation of novel cAMP-binding proteins from mycobacteria, in an attempt to better understand cAMP signalling mechanisms in these organisms. The genome of M .tuberculosis H37Rv is predicted to code for ten CNB domain-containing proteins. One of these genes is Rv0998 (KATmt). KATmt was found to contain a GCN5 related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) domain linked to a CNB domain. KATmt finds orthologues throughout the genus Mycobacterium, thereby suggesting its role in the basic physiology of these organisms. In addition, such a domain fusion is unique to mycobacteria and hence promises to deliver insights into the biology of this medically important genus. Presented here are the biochemical and functional characterisation of KATmt and its orthologue from M. smegmatis, MSMEG_5458 (KATms). Recombinant KATms bound cAMP with high affinity, validating the functionality of its CNB domain. Mutational and analogue-binding studies showed that the biochemical properties of the CNB domain were similar to mammalian protein kinase A and G-like CNB domains. The substrate for the GNAT acetyltransferase domain was identified to be a universal stress protein from M. smegmatis (MSMEG_4207). MSMEG_4207 was acetylated at a single lysine residue (Lys 104) by KATms in vitro. Further, cAMP binding to KATms increased the initial rate of acetylation of MSMEG_4207 by 2.5-fold, suggesting allosteric control of acetyltransferase activity by the CNB domain. To ascertain that KATms acetylated MEMEG_4207 in vivo, an in-frame deletion of the KATms gene was generated in M. smegmatis (ΔKATms). MSMEG_4207 was immunoprecipitated from wild-type M. smegmatis and the ΔKATms strains, followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Acetylated MSMEG_4207 was only present in the wild-type strain, confirming that KATms and MSMEG_4207 is an in vivo enzyme-substrate pair. Key biochemical differences were observed between KATms and KATmt. KATmt had an affinity for cAMP in the micromolar range, close to three log orders lower than that of KATms. In addition, KATmt showed strictly cAMP-dependent acetylation of MSMEG_4207. This demonstrates that orthologous proteins often evolve under varied selective pressures, resulting in divergent properties. Using a combination of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) and amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDXMS), the conformational changes that occur upon cAMP binding to the CNB domain of KATms were monitored. A BRET-based conformation sensor was constructed for KATms by inserting KATms between GFP2 (green fluorescent protein) and Rluc (Renilla luciferase). An increase in BRET upon cAMP binding to the sensor was observed. HDXMS analysis revealed that besides the CNB domain, the only other region that showed conformational changes in KATms upon cAMP-binding was the linker region. To confirm that the linker region was important in propagating the effects of cAMP-binding to the acetyltransferase domain, an additional construct for BRET analysis encompassing the CNB domain and the linker region was generated. The magnitude of the increase in BRET was similar to the full length BRET-based sensor, validating the crucial role of the linker region in propagating cAMP-mediated conformational changes. A ‘PXXP’ motif found in the linker region, showed maximum exchange in HDXMS analysis. Mutation of both these proline residues to alanine in KATms, as well as KATmt, resulted in decoupling of cAMP-binding and allosteric potentiation of acetyltransferase activity. In contrast to the intricate parallel allosteric relays observed in other CNB domain-containing proteins, the CNB domain in KATms functions as a simpler cyclic nucleotide binding-induced switch involving stabilization of the CNB and linker domain alone. Therefore, KATms is an example of a primordial CNB domain where conformational changes are a consequence of binding-induced ordering alone. Using a computational approach, putative substrate proteins of KATmt from M. tuberculosis were identified. The substrate specificity of lysine acetyltransferases is determined loosely by a consensus sequence around the lysine residue which is acetylated. Using this property of protein acetyltransferases, the genome of M. tuberculosis H37Rv was mined for proteins harboring lysine residues in a similar sequence context as seen in MSMEG_4207. In vitro biochemical analysis of some of the predicted substrates helped confirm a subset of enzymes belonging to the fatty acyl CoA synthetase (FadD) class as substrates of KATmt. The acetylation of FadDs by KATmt was cAMP-dependent. In each of the four proteins tested, acetylation was found to occur at a single conserved lysine residue. To confirm that FadDs were acetylated by KATmt in vivo, BCG_1055, the orthologue of KATmt in M. bovis BCG, was deleted using the specialised transduction method. FadD13, one of the FadDs acetylated by KATmt in vitro, was immunoprecipitated from wild-type M. bovis and the ΔBCG_1055 strains using a FadD13-specific polyclonal antibody. Acetylated FadD13 was almost completely absent in ΔBCG_1055 but substantial amounts of acetylated FadD13 were present in the wild-type strain, indicating that FadD13 was indeed an in vivo substrate of KATmt. The functional consequences of acetylation of FadDs were analysed using an in vitro fatty acyl CoA synthetase assay. The activities of FadD2 and FadD13 were inhibited on acetylation with KATmt, while acetylation of FadD5 resulted in the formation of a novel product. Therefore, modification of the highly conserved lysine residue in these enzymes by acetylation led to loss or alteration of their enzymatic activity, suggesting that acetylation may be used as a regulatory mechanism to modulate the activities of some of the FadDs by KATmt in a cAMP-dependent manner. Given the extensive role of FadDs in cell wall biosynthesis and lipid degradation in mycobacteria, it seems possible that post-translational control by KATmt in a cAMP-dependent manner constitutes a novel mechanism utilised by these bacteria to regulate these pathways. This direct regulation of protein lysine acetylation by cAMP appears to be unique to mycobacteria, as orthologues of KATmt are not found outside this genus. In addition, the biochemical differences between KATmt and its orthologue from M. smegmatis KATms, indicate species specific variation, on a common theme. This study is the first report of protein lysine acetylation in mycobacteria. In addition to the identification of several proteins subject to this post-translational modification, the effect of acetylation on the enzymatic activities of some of them has been elucidated.

Pyrimidine Enzyme Specific Activity at Four Different Phases of Growth in Minimal and Rich Media, and Concomitant Virulence Factors Evaluation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Azad, Kamran Nikkhah 12 1900 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative rod, aerobic, non-fermenting, oxidase positive, pigment producing, and nutritionally versatile bacterium. Infections by P. aeruginosa are the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients, given virulence factor production that suppresses antibiotic therapy and promotes persistent infection. This research is the first comprehensive report of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway for all phases of growth in minimal and rich media coupled with the evaluation of virulence factor production of P. aeruginosa in comparison to four other bacterial species (Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Burkholderia cepacia, and Escherichia coli wild-type strains). Cellular growth and passing genetic information to the next generation depend on the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines, the precursors of DNA and RNA. The pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway is essential and found in most organisms, with the exception of a few parasites that depend upon the pyrimidine salvage pathway for growth. Both the pyrimidine biosynthetic and salvage enzymes are targets for chemotherapeutic agents. In our laboratory, research on pyrimidine auxotrophic mutants showed the role of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway and its intermediates on P. aeruginosa metabolism and impaired virulence factors production. The present research shows that pyrimidine enzymes are active in all phases of growth, including the production of two forms of ATCase in the late log phase in P. aeruginosa. This finding may be explained by the displacement of the inactive PyrC' by the active PyrC or PyrC2 to form a new and larger pyrBC encoded ATCase. Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild-type appears to produce by far the most virulence factors, haemolysin, iron chelation, rhamnolipid, adherence, and three types of motility (swimming, swarming, and twitching) investigated in this study, when compared to the other four wild-type strains. Growth analysis was carried out as typically done in minimal medium but also in rich medium to simulate conditions in the blood and lung tissues of humans as P. aeruginosa infections develop.

Nouveaux anti-viraux pour le traitement des affections associées aux virus émergents / New antiviral for the treatment of the infections associated with the emergent viruses

Kasthuri, Mahesh 09 December 2011 (has links)
Dans un premier chapitre, nous avons présenté un historique succinct de la chimiothérapie antivirale et l'utilisation d'analogues nucléos(t)idiques. Nous nous sommes focalisés en particulier sur les nucléosides phosphonates acycliques (ANP) en tant qu'antiviraux potentiels. Dans un second chapitre, nous avons décrit la synthèse de β-céto, β-hydroxylamino et β-O-(benzyl)hydroxylamino ANP dérivés de l'adénine et de la cytosine. Les isomèrs (R) et (S)-β-hydroxy-ANP ont été préparés par dédoublement du racémique correspondant avec le (S)-MPA et l'attribution des configurations absolues a été effectuée par RMN et calculs de modélisation moléculaire. Nous avons aussi développé une méthodologie de synthèse de β-azido-ANP, ces derniers étant utilisés pour la préparation de β-amino-ANP par hydrogénation catalytique. Dans un troisième chapitre, nous avons présenté la synthèse des 2H-azirine et cis-aziridne-ANP et examiné lʹ ouverture de cycle comme voie d'accès à des ANP α,β-fonctionnalisés. Les propriétés biologiques de ces nouveaux ANP ont été évaluées en culture cellulaire sur un certain nombre de virus à ADN et ARN. / In the first chapter, we presented a brief history of antiviral chemotherapy and use of nucleos(t)ide analogues, especially acyclic nucleoside phosphonates as potential antiviral agents. In the chapter-II we have successfully synthesized ¦Â-keto, ¦Â-hydroxylamino and ¦Â-O-(benzyl)hydroxylamino ANPs of adenine and cytosine derivatives. Then (R) and (S)-¦Â-hydroxy-ANPs were prepared via chiral resolution of racemic ¦Â-hydroxy-ANPs with (S)-MPA and assignment of absolute configuration was achieved using NMR and molecular modeling studies. We also developed a methodology for the synthesis of ¦Â-azido-ANPs and those were used for the preparation of ¦Â-amino-ANPs by catalytic hydrogenation. In third chapter, we synthesized 2H-azirine and cis-aziridine-ANPs and explored their ring opening to functionalized ¦Á,¦Â-ANPs. The novel ANPs obtained during this study were evaluated for their inhibitory effect on a number of DNA and RNA viruses in cell culture experiments.

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