Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nutritional value."" "subject:"utritional value.""
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Controle de perdas na ensilagem de capim Tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia) sob os efeitos do teor de matéria seca, do tamanho de partícula, da estação do ano e da presença do inoculante bacteriano. / Losses of tanzania grass silage (panicum maximum, jacq. cv. tanzania) affected by dry matter level, particle size, season and bacterial inoculant addition.Mauricio Scoton Igarasi 14 March 2002 (has links)
O objetivo do presente projeto de pesquisa foi a caracterização do processo de ensilagem de capim Tanzânia (Panicum maximum, Jacq.), avaliando a eficiência de colheita da forragem, as perdas durante o processo fermentativo, e o valor nutritivo da silagem. Para a colheita e captação da forragem foi utilizada uma colhedora de forragem comercial, efetuando cortes no inverno e no verão, em uma área destinada a produção de silagem. Para cada corte foram estabelecidos 12 tratamentos com 4 repetições, sendo analisados os efeitos da alteração do teor de matéria seca (forragem na umidade original, pré-emurchecida e a adição de polpa cítrica), do tamanho de partículas (2 níveis), e da aplicação ou não de aditivo bacteriano (1 milhão UFC viáveis/g de forragem ensilada). Nas amostras do material ensilado (forragem) e da silagem (após 120 dias do fechamento dos silos experimentais), foram analisadas o tamanho de partícula, atividade de água, condutividade elétrica,MS, EE, PB, MM, N-NH3, FDA, FDN, N-FDN, N-FDA, Lignina, nitrogênio amoniacal, pH e poder tampão. Também foram avaliadas as perdas de matéria seca na forma de gases, a produção de efluente, recuperação de matéria seca, além da determinação da estabilidade aeróbia da silagem. A análise estatística caracteriza-se em arranjo em parcelas subdivididas (split-plot), sendo que as principais causas de variação foram atribuídas à parcela (alteração do teor de matéria seca, tamanho de partícula, e inoculante bacteriano), e a estação do ano (inverno ou verão), foi atribuída na sub-parcela. A adição de polpa cítrica melhorou as características fermentativas (pH, nitrogênio amoniacal); diminuiu as perdas no processo fermentativo (efluente e gases), aumentou a recuperação de matéria seca, entretanto piorou a estabilidade aeróbica da silagem; aumentou o teor e a taxa de recuperação do NDT, contudo elevou o custo relativo do NDT. O pré emurchecimento elevou as perdas na colheita, entretanto diminuiu as perdas na fermentação (gases, efluente e recuperação de matéria seca) e a estabilidade aeróbica da silagem; diminuiu também o teor de nitrogênio amoniacal, mas não alterou o pH; e apresentou os menores índices de recuperação de NDT. A redução no tamanho da partícula promoveu o aumento na densidade da silagem, entretanto não refletiu na produção de efluente e gases, porém houve a redução na recuperação de matéria seca; melhorou a estabilidade aeróbica da silagem; diminuiu o pH, entretanto elevou o teor de nitrogênio amoniacal; não ocasionou efeito no teor, na taxa de recuperação e no custo relativo do NDT. A adição do inoculante bacteriano não refletiu em alterações nos parâmetros fermentativos (pH e nitrogênio amoniacal), na produção de efluentes e na recuperação de matéria seca, porém promoveu a redução na produção de gases; contudo, houve a elevação no custo relativo do NDT. No corte de verão, a melhoria no processo de ensilagem pode ser alcançado através da elevação do teor de matéria seca. A maior eficiência de recolhimento de forragem pré-emurchecida e a redução no tamanho de partícula, constitui-se em áreas promissoras para o desenvolvimento da indústria de equipamentos de colheita para ensilagem de forragens. / The present trial aimed to evaluate the ensiling process of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum, Jacq. cv. Tanzania), focusing on efficiency of forage chopping and harvesting, fermentation losses and nutritive value. A pull-type forage chopper was used for harvesting the winter and the following summer cuts in a commercial grass field. In both cuts (sub-plot), twelve treatments, with four replicates each, were assigned to a split plot experimental design, where main (plot) effects were combined into three factors: dry matter level (green chopped, wilted and pelleted citrus pulp -PCP added); particle size (small and large) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB, 1 million CFU. g -1 forage) inoculant, (w or w/o). Forage recovery was measured in the field by using 1x1 m quadrats. Silage fermentation losses were evaluated in 20L plastic buckets provided with Bunsen type valve and effluent absorbent substrate. Forage and silage samples were sieved in a Penn State Forage Separator for particle size measurements and analyzed for water activity (Aw), electrical conductivity (EC), DM, CP, NDF, ADF,EE, ash, N-NH3,, ADIN, NDIN, pH and buffering capacity (BC). After the silos were unloaded, dry matter losses, recovery and aerobic stability were measured. The addition of PCP enhanced the fermentation parameters (lower pH, N-NH3, effluent and gases yield), dry matter and TDN recovery rates and the observed aerobic stability was offset by the improved fermentation profile. Wilting also improved fermentation parameters and aerobic stability, with no changes in silage pH, however, led to a poor TDN recovery rate as a result of increased chopping and harvesting losses. Smaller silage particle size determined increases in fresh and dry matter bulk densities, and lower pH levels, which were associated with better aerobic stability. Gases and effluent yields as well TDN recovery rate and cost, remained unchanged with particle size reduction even tough, higher N-NH3 levels and decreased dry matter recovery rates were observed. LAB inoculant resulted in higher forage TDN cost, mainly due to unchanged silage fermentation profile, except for lowered gases yield. In the summer cut, an improved Ta nzania grass ensiling process might be achieved either by lowering forage moisture content and/or reducing particle size. The machinery industry should play a major role in accomplishing the upgraded needs in forage choppers market.
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Proyecto super misk’iGarcés Gallo, Carlos, Fonseca Eras, Luis Gabriel, Melendez Torres, Mileyra Victoria, Ramirez Gastón Berlinger, Christian, Huilcapaco Garcia, Carlos Roberto 30 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto se creó frente a una realidad en el país en la que miles de insumos y productos nativos del Perú no son consumidos o siquiera conocidos, debido a que no existen empresas que desarrollen productos de valor agregado con ellos. La gran mayoría de productores en las regiones del Perú comercializan sus insumos en mercados de commodities, donde es importante la venta al volumen, y donde ellos no pueden influir en el precio de venta. A partir de esta realidad, encontramos un insumo que, consideramos, está siendo altamente desaprovechado tanto como la sociedad peruana, como otros países alrededor del mundo. Por ello, dese Rodríguez de Mendoza en Amazonas, traemos el sacha inchi, una semilla con una gran cantidad de nutrientes entre los que destacan el Omega 3, 6 y 9 que ayudan a llevar una vida saludable combatiendo el estrés y el cansancio. El objetivo del proyecto fue buscar una manera de hacer práctico el consumo de este alimento; por ello, nos comprometimos a esa idea y la hicimos nuestra misión. Con este fin, desarrollamos una barra energética con sacha inchi y la integramos con otros insumos peruanos de gran valor nutricional como la kiwicha, la avena, los arándanos y los aguaymantos. Así, buscamos llevar esta barra a las manos de todos los peruanos y que se conozca el valor del sacha inchi para la cultura y gastronomía peruana. / This project was developed in sight of a reality in the country, in which thousands of Peruvian’s agricultural products are not consumed or even known, because of the lack of companies that develop added value products with these supplies. The big majority of producers in the regions of Peru commercialize their goods in commodity markets, where the whole sale is important and where they have no influence over the price. Using this as a head start, we found an agricultural product that, we consider, is being highly undervalued in Peruvian society and all around the world. That is why, from the province of Rodríguez de Mendoza in Amazonas, we brought sacha inchi, a seed that contains high valued nutrients including Omega 3, 6 and 9 that can help people carry a natural health life battling with stress and fatigue. The main objective of this Project was to find a way in which we can make practical the consumption of this good; that is why we committed to this idea and made it our mission. In that line, we developed an energy bar containing sacha inchi and we integrated other high value agricultural Peruvian supplies like kiwicha, oats, blueberries and aguaymantos. With this, we intend to take this bar to the hands of all Peruvians and make the nutritional value of sacha inchi stand out among our gastronomical culture. / Trabajo de investigación
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Botanical, chemical and pedological analysis of traditional utilized food plants combating malnutrition in Uíge, AngolaBaumgärtel, Christin 20 September 2023 (has links)
The Angolan population has to deal with a high child mortality rate and various deficiency syndromes due to malnutrition. The diet is mainly based on carbohydrate rich plants, lacking important macro- and micronutrients. Currently the majority of cultivated plants originate from regions outside Africa. Although indigenous edible plant species are incorporated in the African diet, they only play a minor role and are often neglected in agricultural systems. The introduction of nutritive, fast-growing American fruit species as ananas, avocado or guava displace natural growing crops. In recent years the potential of wild edible plants to combat malnutrition, face climate change and deal with existing soil conditions has become of special concern. Leavy vegetables as Amaranthus spec., legumes as cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) or fruits as marula (Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) Hochst. or baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) have gained public and commercial interest. However, only a few African edible plant species are cultivated in small plantations (“Fazenda”) or home gardens in the surrounding of villages. Horticultural or nutritional data are often incomplete and not representative. The scientific knowledge even impairs for species which are not cultivated and regarded only as snack or child food by the local population. Such plants as from the genus of chocolate berries (Vitex L.), vine rubber (Landolphia P.Beauv.) or Parinari Aubl. were of special interest for this PhD thesis.
Iron and zinc are widely deficient in the diet of the Angolan population and plant products as fruits from Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. or leaves of Crassocephalum rubens (Juss. ex Jacq.) S.Moore can help to combat resulting syndromes. However, the obtained contents of the 43 plant species have to be verified on additional plant material as contents are known to vary. Nevertheless, the results serve as a baseline and represent first insights into the nutritive profile of the respective wild edible plants. Those important comparative values direct future research, although the inconsistency of plant individuals impede exact statements. On the other hand, this fact also bears a great research potential for studies on the effects of plant varieties, localities or age of tissues. Yields of the studied plant species and incorporated volumes of the edible plant parts are still unknown, but important parameters.
The forest tree Caloncoba welwitschii Oliv. has spiny fruits with a delicious, fatty orange pulp. Besides our studies no research focus was ever directed to its nutritional potential although the pulp is appreciated by the local population. A high number of seeds in respect to a comparatively low amount of pulp probably impede nutritional analysis and agricultural interest. However, an in-depth analysis of existing varieties and an appropriate selection could improve the yield as the pulp is of special nutritional value. It contains high amounts of calcium and magnesium, vitamin B1, B2 and E. The protein composition further revealed high amounts of indispensable amino acids (Thr, Val, Ile, Leu). The tree often remains in disturbed areas as it is usually protected against human placed fires. The rural population appreciate the ornamental flowers, its diverse medical applications and its ability to attract insects. This demonstrates the enormous potential wild edible plants can have protecting natural habitats and plant individuals. Useful species are safeguarded by locals and emphasizing the manifold utilizations and the nutritional potential of other species seem to be a promising opportunity protecting the natural environment. Benefits of indigenous food plants are therefore manifold. They already grow in surrounding areas and need no expensive cultivation techniques; they are likely more resistant to existing pests and cushion the effects of slash-and-burn farming on soil erosion and rising ground temperatures.
Barren, acidic soils with high plant-available amounts of metals as aluminum and manganese impede the cultivation of commercial introduced crops. Application of fertilizers or soil amelioration techniques to enhance the yield are time and cost intensive. Otherwise, indigenous edible plant species are adapted to local growing conditions and grow without special care. Thus, the analysis of physical and chemical soil characteristics was conducted for eight traditionally utilized edible plants from the province Uíge. As plants evolved together with their parameters, they developed different strategies to deal with high amounts of plant-available metals. One example are accumulators, plants which contain extraordinarily high metal contents in their aboveground tissue. Anisophyllea quangensis Engl. ex Henriq., Landolphia lanceolata (K.Schum.) Pichon, Tristemma mauritianum J.F.Gmel., and Eugenia malangensis (O.Hoffm.) Nied. are first described to contain more than 1000 ppm aluminum in their dried leaves and can thus be categorized as Al-hyperaccumulator. These plants survive on marginal sides and bear additionally edible fruits with nutritional potential and small amounts of Al. For this reason, they are of special interest combating malnutrition and can at the same time cover and protect the ground. Diversifying the agricultural system with local growing plants seem to be a promising alternative to current monocultures of conventional crops.
In course of the data evaluation, it became apparent that there is a huge lack of knowledge concerning wild edible plants in Africa. Comprehensive data about the nutritional profile, growing conditions, germination or yield only exist for model plants or common crops. Results of this PhD thesis therefore serve as first insight into the potential of a selection of wild edible plants from Angola. Exemplary a comprehensive literature review was conducted for the genus Landolphia P.Beauv. covering all research areas from rubber production over botanical investigations to mechanical studies. Striking are the close interactions of the different scientific disciplines. Ethnobotanical utilization patterns are closely linked to pharmacological studies or nutritional analysis. The subshrub Landolphia lanceolata, which is native to the D.R. Congo and Angola, was involved in all different analysis conducted in this thesis. Results and their complex interactions are briefly outlined. The rhizomatous species grows on fine sand in the savannah. The soil of the examined species from Uíge was extremely acidic and low in nutrients. However, high aluminum contents were found in the leaves indicating accumulation processes within the plant tissues. The aluminum content of the edible fruit pulp was further elevated, which, depending on quantity and frequency of consumption, can be a threat to human health. Other hazardous minerals were not found in the pulp. The delicious fruit contains further antioxidants, vitamin B1, C and E. Landolphia species can yield many fruits on one individuum, which are often sold on local markets and generate alternative income for the local population. Furthermore, leaves and roots of this species are known by traditional healers to relieve cough or rheumatism. Pharmacological studies already determined promising antiplasmodial activities of the root and leaf extract. The latex extraction from L. lanceolata roots is destructive and the obtained rubber of low quality. It is accordingly advisable to utilize other species of the genus Landolphia for rubber production.
As illustrated by the many purposes of Landolphia lanceolata, indigenous plant species can help to overcome some of the major problems African populations have to face. Wild edible fruits diversify the local diet and are an important source of macro- and micronutrients. The protection of existing populations and their habitat as well as intensified cultivation can help to recover disturbed, open vegetation sites. Erosion can be prevented and the soil will be safeguarded without external support as power or fund requirements. Further, the economic situation of the rural population would be improved by the sale of products from the species. Another advantage of indigenous plants in contrast to conventional crops are their multipurpose applications. A lasting agriculture with minimum management requirements can be developed, render unnecessary fertilizers, herbicides or insecticides. Investigations on wild edible plants therefore bear a great potential directing future research activities, inform the local population and implement sustainable utilization forms protecting the natural environment.
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Raman molecular fingerprints of rice nutritional quality / 米の栄養価のラマン分子フィンガープリントPezzotti, Giuseppe 24 November 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第13520号 / 論農博第2908号 / 新制||農||1096(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R4||N5420(農学部図書室) / 京都府立医科大学 / (主査)教授 中﨑 鉄也, 教授 土井 元章, 教授 及川 彰, 准教授 田中 朋之 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Farelo de algodão e grão de soja integral em dietas com de cana-de-açúcar para vacas leiteiras: consumo, digestibilidade, produção e composição do leite / Cottonseed meal and whole soybean seed in diets with sugar cane for dairy cows: intake, digestibility, milk yield and compositionMigliano, Marina Elena Diniz Amaral 28 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito de dois teores de proteína bruta (PB) e duas fontes nitrogenadas principais na dieta de vacas leiteiras, utilizando cana-de-açúcar como volumoso, sobre o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente, produção e a composição do leite. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas Holandesas em estágio intermediário de lactação, agrupadas em três quadrados latinos 4x4 contemporâneos, com período experimental de 21 dias, sendo 14 para adaptação às dietas e os sete últimos para coletas. As vacas foram alojadas em baias individuais e alimentadas \"ad libitum\" com 4 dietas com duas fontes nitrogenadas principais (farelo de algodão 38 e grão de soja cru integral) e dois teores de PB (130g e 148g/Kg de MS) na dieta. As amostras de leite para análise da composição foram coletadas do 14º ao 17º dia de cada período. A digestibilidade foi determinada por meio de indicador interno FDAi. O consumo de FDN e EE foi maior para vacas alimentadas com grão de soja que para as vacas alimentadas com farelo e algodão. O consumo de extrato etéreo (EE) foi maior para vacas alimentadas com dietas com 148g PB/Kg de MS. Por outro lado, vacas alimentadas com dietas contendo farelo de algodão, apresentaram maior consumo de matéria orgânica do que para vacas alimentadas com grão de soja. Houve interação entre fonte nitrogenada e teor de PB da dieta sobre CMS, que foi maior para vacas alimentadas com grão de soja e menor quantidade de nitrogênio na dieta, em contrapartida, o consumo de MS foi maior para vacas alimentadas com farelo de algodão e maior concentração de nitrogênio na dieta. A digestibilidade aparente da MS, MO e PB não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Vacas alimentadas com dietas contendo farelo de algodão apresentaram menor digestibilidade de FDN, EE e NDT que as vacas alimentadas com grão de soja. Vacas alimentadas com dietas contendo farelo de algodão apresentam maiores concentrações de PB e caseína no leite que as vacas alimentadas com grão de soja. Houve interação da fonte nitrogenada com o teor de PB da dieta sobre a produção de nitrogênio ureico de leite, sendo que, a produção foi maior para vacas alimentadas com farelo de algodão em dietas com alta concentração de PB. Conclui-se que a utilização de concentrações de proteína de 130g/Kg na MS não altera o desempenho produtivo e de composição do leite de vacas leiteiras em comparação com teores de 148g/Kg de PB na MS, além da menor excreção de nitrogênio no ambiente. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two crude protein (CP) levels and two nitrogen sources in the diets of dairy cows with sugar cane as forage on feed intake, total apparent digestibility, and milk yield and composition. Twelve Holstein cows in intermediate stage of lactation (160 days) were distributed into three contemporary 4x4 Latin squares, with experimental period of 21 days, 14 days for diet adaptation and the remaining seven for sampling. The cows were housed in individual pens and fed \"ad libitum\" with 4 diets containing two nitrogen sources (cottonseed meal 38% and whole soybean seed) and two levels of CP (130 and 148 g/Kg DM). Milk samples for compositional analysis were collected on the 14th to 17th day of each period. Apparent digestibility was determined by means of an internal indicator (ADFi). Cows fed diets with whole soybean seed had higher intake of NDF and EE and differed from the cows fed diets with cottonseed meal, where greater consumption of OM were observed. The EE intake was higher for the cows fed diets with 148 g CP/Kg DM. Interaction between nitrogen source and diet crude protein content were observed on the DMI. The intake and apparent digestibility of DM, OM and CP did not differ between treatments. Cows fed diets containing cottonseed meal had lower digestibility of NDF, EE and TDN than cows fed diets with whole soybeans seed. Cows fed diets with cottonseed meal have higher concentrations of crude protein and casein in the milk. Interaction between the nitrogen source and the diet CP content on the milk urea nitrogen excretion was observed, however, the milk urea nitrogen excretion was higher for cows fed diets with cottonseed meal and higher concentrations of PB. In conclusion the use of low concentrations of protein (130g/Kg in MS) does not affect the performance of dairy cows and provides lower excretion of nitrogen in the environment.
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Efeito da radiação gama e do processo de germinação sobre as características nutricionais do feijão / Effect of gamma radiation and the process of germination on the nutritional characteristics of beansMartinez, Patricia Cristina Corazza 18 October 2011 (has links)
O feijão é uma importante fonte de proteínas, amido, vitaminas, minerais e fibras na dieta brasileira. A biodisponibilidade mineral e a digestibilidade protéica, entretanto, podem ser afetados pela presença de fatores antinutricionais. Atualmente, o a germinação tem sido empregado como alternativa para remoção ou inativação desses constituintes, melhorando com isso suas qualidades nutricionais. O presente estudo teve por objetivo estudar o efeito da radiação gama e germinação nos aspectos nutricionais dos grãos de feijão. O feijão utilizado foi da variedade carioca, cultivar pérola, adquirido de produtores de Goiás. Os grãos foram irradiados em uma fonte de Cobalto 60, tipo Gammacell, com taxa de dose de 0,456 kGy/hora e logo em seguida foram germinados em temperatura e luminosidade ambiente durante 72 e 96 horas. Em seguida, as amostras foram congeladas e liofilizadas. Os dados da composição centesimal indicaram que a germinação desencadeou aumento nos teores de umidade, proteína e fibras insolúveis e solúveis. Porém apresentou decréscimo no conteúdo de cinzas, lipídeos e carboidratos. A irradiação não influenciou nas concentrações da composição centesimal das amostras. Os testes microbiológicos da amostra germinada nos tempos de 72 e 96 horas apresentaram crescimento de coliformes totais, abaixo dos níveis aceitáveis. Salmonella e coliformes fecais não apresentaram crescimento nas amostras. A análise sensorial, apresentou baixa rejeição nos feijões germinados. Os teores de ácido fítico apresentaram redução em seu conteúdo após a germinação, mas não significativo em relação à amostra controle. Os valores de taninos, após a germinação em 72 horas não foi detectado nas amostras. Uma redução no conteúdo de inibidor de tripsina e fenólicos totais entre as amostras analisadas foi observada com o efeito da germinação. Nas plantas germinadas houve diminuição no teor de hemaglutinina e aumento na digestibilidade protéica. Os flavonóides não foram detectados em nenhuma amostra. A clorofila e carotenóides totais apresentou aumento após a germinação das sementes. A maior atividade antioxidante foi encontrada para o feijão germinado em 96 horas sendo de 78% e 33% para os métodos ABTS e DPPH, respectivamente. A composição mineral não foi influenciada pelo tratamento de irradiação, e sim do processo de germinação. A disponibilidade in vitro de ferro, cálcio, magnésio e zinco, notou-se que apesar da germinação e irradiação e o grão controle não apresentarem diferença significativa, nas amostras germinadas houve aumento nos valores. A disponibilidade de magnésio diminuiu com o processo germinativo. Após a germinação houve aumentou nos teores de riboflavina e vitamina B6, mas diminuiu o teor de tiamina. O processo de irradiação não comprometeu o valor nutricional das vitaminas do feijão. Assim, conclui-se que a germinação melhora a qualidade nutricional do grão, devendo ser estimulado o seu consumo na dieta brasileira. / Beans are an important source of protein, starch, vitamins, minerals and fiber in the Brazilian diet. The protein digestibility and mineral bioavailability, however, may be affected by the presence of anti-nutritional factors. Currently, germination has been used as an alternative for the removal or inactivation of these components, thus improving nutritional qualities of beans. This study aimed to study the effect of gamma irradiation and germination on the nutritional aspects of beans. The carioca bean variety was used, cultivar pérola, obtained from producers of Goiás state Brazil. The grains were irradiated in a Cobalt60 source, Gammacell type, at a dose rate of 0.456 kGy/ hour and soon after, they were germinated in room temperature and light during 72 and 96 hours. Then, the samples were frozen and lyophilized. The centesimal composition indicated that germination caused an increase in moisture, protein and soluble and insoluble fiber. However, it showed a decrease in ash, lipids and carbohydrates contents. Irradiation did not influence concentrations of the chemical composition of the samples. Microbiological tests of the sample germinated in 72 and 96 showed growth of coliforms, below acceptable levels. Salmonella and fecal coliforms in the samples showed no growth. The sensory analysis showed low rejection of the germinated beans. The phytic acid showed a reduction in its content after germination, but not significantly compared to the control sample. The amounts of tannins, after germination in 72 hours, were not detected in the samples. A reduction in trypsin inhibitor content and total phenolic content between samples was observed with the effect of germination. In the germinated plants, the hemagglutinin content decreased and digestibility increased. Flavonoids were not detected in any sample. Chlorophyll and total carotenoids showed an increase after seed germination. The highest antioxidant activity was found for the beans germinated in 96 hours being 78% and 33% for ABTS and DPPH methods, respectively. The mineral composition was not affected by irradiation treatment, but the germination process was. The in vitro availability of iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc, in spite of the germination and irradiation, the control bean did not show a significant difference in the samples germinated was no increase in values. The availability of magnesium decreased with the germination process. After germination was increased the levels of riboflavin and vitamin B6, but decreased the amount of thiamin. The irradiation process did not compromise the nutritional value of vitamins in the beans. Thus, we conclude that germination improves the nutritional quality of the grain should be nurtured their consumption in the Brasilian diet.
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Sobressemeadura de espécies forrageiras em soja para viabilidade do plantio direto e integração lavoura-pecuária no TocantinsAndrade, Carlos Augusto Oliveira de 30 July 2015 (has links)
As regiões do Cerrado brasileiro são caracterizadas por temperaturas altas e ocorrência de chuvas em grande intensidade no verão, porém com inverno seco. Essas condições resultam em maiores limitações para a sustentabilidade do plantio direto, devido à baixa produção de palha no período de outono-primavera, aliada a rápida decomposição durante a estação das chuvas. Uma das formas para tentar solucionar estes problemas é pelo cultivo consorciado de culturas produtoras de grãos com espécies forrageiras, o qual tem apresentado resultados promissores, dando sustentabilidade ao plantio direto, podendo fornecer forragem para os animais no período de maior escassez nas regiões caracterizadas com inverno seco. Entretanto, esta tecnologia é recente havendo necessidade de estudos nas várias áreas abrangidas por esse sistema de produção.
Nesse sentido, o objetivo do capítulo I foi avaliar a produção de palha e o desempenho agronômico de soja consorciada com diferentes espécies forrageiras sobressemeadas, em plantio direto. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 + 2 , sendo cinco espécies forrageiras consorciadas com soja (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu; Urochloa ruziziensis; Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça; Panicum infestans cv. Massai e; Pennisetum americanum), em duas safras agrícolas (2013/2014 e 2014/2015), mais dois tratamentos testemunhas (Pennisetum americanum em sucessão ao cultivo da soja e pelo cultivo tradicional de soja, seguido de pousio no inverno). Foram avaliados os componentes de rendimento da soja e a produtividade de palha das forrageiras. O consórcio da soja com as espécies forrageiras Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha cv. Marandu, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça e P. infestans cv. Massai em sobressemeadura não diminui a produtividade de grãos da soja. O consórcio soja x mombaça aumenta a estatura das plantas e produtividade de grãos da soja quando comparada a soja solteira. O P. maximum cv. Mombaça é mais eficiente no acúmulo de matéria seca quando cultivado em sobressemeadura na soja no período de outono/primavera em relação às demais forrageiras.
O capítulo II teve como objetivo avaliar a produção de forragem e a composição bromatológica de diferentes espécies forrageiras consorciadas com a soja e em cultivo solteiro. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 + 1, sendo cinco espécies forrageiras (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu; Urochloa ruziziensis; Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça; Panicum infestans cv. Massai e Pennisetum americanum), em dois sistemas de cultivo (consorciado com a soja e solteiro), mais um tratamento padrão (Pennisetum americanum em sucessão ao cultivo da soja). Foram avaliados componentes de produtividade de forragem e a composição bromatológica das espécies forrageiras. As espécies Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha, Panicum maximum e P. infestans apresentam maior capacidade produtiva de forragem, tanto cultivadas em consórcio com a soja quanto solteiras em relação ao Pennisetum americanum. O cultivo das forrageiras Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha, Panicum maximum e Pennisetum americanum de forma solteira, proporciona maiores produtividades de forragens em relação ao cultivo consorciado com a soja. As forrageiras Urochloa ruziziensis e U. brizantha quando semeadas em cultivo consorciado, revela melhor valor nutritivo com o decorrer do período de outono-inverno. / The regions Brazilian Cerrado are characterized by high temperatures and rainfall in great intensity in the summer, but with dry winter. These conditions result in major constraints for the sustainability of tillage due to low straw production in the autumn-spring period, combined with rapid decomposition during the rainy season. One way to try to solve these problems is for the intercropping of grain crops with forage species, which has shown promising results, giving sustainability to tillage and can provide fodder for livestock in most lean period in areas characterized with winter dry. However, this technology is new and there is need for studies in the various areas covered by the production system.
As such, the objective of chapter I was to evaluate the straw production and the agronomic performance of soybean intercropped with different forage species oversowing, in direct planting. The experiment was in a complete randomized block, with four replications in a factorial arrangement 5 x 2 + 2, being five species forage intercropped with soybean (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu; Urochloa ruziziensis; Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça; Panicum infestans cv. Massai and; Pennisetum americanum), in two growing seasons (2013/2014 e 2014/2015), more two treatments witnesses (Pennisetum americanum in succession to soybean cultivation and the traditional soybean cultivation, followed by fallow in winter). Were assessed the soybean yield components and straw productivity of forage. The soybean intercropped with forage species Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha cv. Marandu, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça and P. infestans cv. Massai in oversowing does not reduce the soybean grain yield. The soybean x Mombasa intercropped increases plant height and soybean grain yield when compared to single soybeans. The Mombasa is more efficient in dry matter accumulation when grown in oversowing in soybeans in autumn/spring compared to other forages.
The chapter II to aimed was to evaluate forage production and bromatologic composition of different forage species intercropping with soybean in oversowing system and single crop. The experiment was in a complete randomized block, with four replications in a factorial arrangement 5 x 2 + 1, being five species forage (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu; Urochloa ruziziensis; Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça; Panicum infestans cv. Massai e; Pennisetum americanum), in two crop systems (intercropped with soybean and single), more a standard treatment (Pennisetum americanum in succession to soybean cultivation). Were evaluated forage yield components and the chemical composition of the forage species. The species Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha, Panicum maximum and P. infestans have higher production capacity de forage both grown intercropped with soybeans as compared to single Pennisetum americanum. The cultivation of the forages Urochloa ruziziensis, U. brizantha, Panicum maximum and Pennisetum americanum way single, provides higher productivity of forages compared to intercropping with soybean. The forages Urochloa ruziziensis and U. brizantha when sown in intercropping, reveals better nutritional value over the course of the autumn-winter period.
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Maistui skerdžiamų avių kiekiai ir mėsos kokybė / Quantities and quality of sheep meat slaughtering for foodBudreckis, Donatas 18 June 2013 (has links)
Per pastaruosius tris dešimtmečius įvyko daug socialinių, ekonominių pokyčių, padidėjęs visuomenės sąmoningumas keičia gyvenimo būdą ir poreikį aukštesniems gyvenimo standartams. kurie savo ruožtu iškėlė labiau integruoto maisto saugos požiūrio reikalingumą. Pasikeitė žemės ūkio produktų gamybos, perdirbimo, pardavimo ir vartojimo struktūra. Padidėję gyvulinių produktų mainai sudarė sąlygas vartotojams gauti pigesnį ir įvairesnį maistą, bet tapo sunkiau atsekti produktų kelią nuo gamintojo iki galutinio vartotojo.
Šiandieninė situacija skirtinguose Lietuvos žemės ūkio sektoriuose keičiasi. Mažėjant ūkių, mažėja, kai kurių auginamų gyvulių skaičius. Statistikos departamento duomenimis nurodoma, kad šiuo metu Lietuvoje yra 105 tūkst. ūkių, kuriuose auginami galvijai. 2012 m. pradžiai mūsų šalyje buvo priskaičiuota 748 tūkst. galvijų, 9264 tūkst. kiaulių, 9466,3 tūkst. paukščių, 79 tūkst. avių. Sparčiausiai auga paukštienos, ypač kalakutienos paklausa, palaipsniui didėja avienos, ožkienos, triušienos, žvėrienos poreikis. Tai siejama su vartotojų požiūrio į sveikesnį maistą kitimu.
Atsakomybė už galutinį produktą, kuris patenka ant vartotojo stalo prasideda nuo pašaro gamintojo ir apima tiekėjus, gamybos įmones, augintojus, aptarnaujantį veterinarijos gydytoją, galimus prekybos tarpininkus, skerdyklas ir produkcijos perdirbimo įmones iki mažmeninės prekybos. Pirmoje vietoje turi būti saugumas, stabilumas ir skaidrumas visuose gamybos lygmenyse, taip pat duomenų perdavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This final study is written in the Lithuanian language, containing 59 pages and includes: an introduction, literature review, materials and methods, results, conclusions, a list of used literature including references 140, tables 12 and pictures 4.
Many social and economical changes have occurred within the three recent decades, increased consciousness of the society changes the life style and the need for higher standards of life, they subsequently revealed the necessity of more integrated attitude towards food safety. The structure of production, processing, sales and consumption of agricultural products has changed. Increased exchange of animal products allowed users to get cheaper food and bigger variety thereof, but tracing the path of products from the manufacturer to the end user became more difficult.
Today the situation in different sectors of Lithuanian agriculture is changing. As the amount of farms is decreasing, the amount of some of the bred animals is decreasing as well. According to the data from the Department of Statistics, there currently are 105000 farms breeding cattle in Lithuania. In the beginning of 2012, there were 748000 cattle, 9264000 pigs, 9466300 birds, 79000 sheep in our country. The demand for poultry, especially turkey, is increasing the most, the need for sheep meat, goat meat, rabbit meat, game meat is gradually increasing. It is associated with the change of attitude of users towards healthier food.
Responsibility for the final product... [to full text]
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Kvietrugių maistinės vertės tyrimai ir jų panaudojimas viščiukų broilerių mityboje / Triticale nutritional studies and their use in broiler dietsValuckas, Julius 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: ištirti kvietrugių maistinę vertę ir jų panaudojimo galimybes viščiukų broilerių mityboje. Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti kvietrugių maistinę vertę; ištirti kvietrugių įtaką viščiukų broilerių virškinimo procesams. Rezultatai: išanalizavus 11 kvietrugių veislių nustatytas vidutinis žalių baltymų kiekis – 11,99 proc., žalių riebalų – 0,83 proc., žalių pelenų – 1,31 proc., vidutinis krakmolo kiekis – 69,69 proc., kalcio – 0,07 proc., fosforo – 0,303 proc. Pagrindinių aminorūgščių, lizino, metionino, treonino ir triptofano vidutiniai kiekiai atitinkamai nustatyti – 0,36 proc., 0,17 proc., 0,3 proc., 0,13 proc. Naudojant viščiukų lesinimui multifunkcinį fermentą bei kvietrugių veislę Tulus žarnyno svoris, ilgis bei aklosios žarnos ilgis mažėjo 4 – 6 proc., o naudojant veislę Lego - esminių pokyčių nenustatyta. Naudojant fermentą bei kvietrugių veisles Lego ir Tulus širdies svoris padidėjo atitinkamai 8 ir 10 proc., lesinant minėtas kvietrugių veisles ir fermentą kepenų svoris padidėjo atitinkamai 10 ir 8 proc. Naudojant viščiukų lesinimui multifunkcinį fermentinį priedą virškinamosios masės klampumas viščiukų broilerių aklojoje žarnoje padidėjo 11 – 23 proc. / Purpose of work: investigate the nutritional value of triticale as well as the use of it as a feed to broiler chicken. The tasks of work: investigation of triticale nutritional value; investigation of triticale influence to digestive processes of broiler chicken. Results: an analysis of 11 triticale varieties has shown that the average crude protein content is 11.99 percent, crude fat 0.83 percent, green ash 1.31 percent, starch 69.69 percent, calcium - 0.07 percent, phosphorus - 0.303 percent. The average amount of basic amino acids, lysine, methionine and tryptophan in triticale are as follows: 0.36 percent, 0.17 percent, 0.3 percent, 0.13 percent. The research has shown that by using multifunctional enzymes and triticale variety Tulus intestinal weight, length and caecum length decreased by 4-6 percent; whereas the use of triticale variety Lego has resulted in no major differences. The use of both varieties Lego and Tulus resulted in increase of heart weight by 8-10 percent and increase in liver weight by 10 for Lego and 8 percent for Tulus variety. The use of multifunctional enzyme has also resulted in viscosity of digestible mass in an increase in broiler caecum by 11-23 percent.
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Investigation of the chemical composition and nutritional value of smoothhound shark (Mustelus mustelus) meatBosch, Adina Cornelia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the proximate composition of five individual body sites of
the Mustelus mustelus shark in order to evaluate the cross carcass variation of the individual
proximate components (moisture, protein, lipid, ash) of the meat. This variation was determined in
order to find a representative sample of the edible part of the shark (fillet and body flap). Secondly,
this sample representing the entire shark fillet was used to investigate the endogenous factors
(gender, size and life cycle stage) and their effects on the individual proximate components and
other meat components (amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, histamine and mercury contents).
Finally, all this data was combined to describe the average chemical composition and nutritional
value of M. mustelus meat.
None of the proximate components showed any variation between the different fillet
positions. This indicated that the fillet is homogenous and samples for chemical analyses can be
taken anywhere on the fillet as representative of the entire fillet.
It was found that all three main effects (gender, size and life cycle stage) did not have major
influences on most of the components of the chemical composition of M. mustelus meat analysed.
Higher fatty acid levels (SFA, MUFA and PUFA) were observed in large females than in large
males as well as in non-pregnant large females compared to pregnant large females. According to
statistical analysis, large males had higher total mercury levels than large females. The only
component affected by size variation was the fatty acids, showing a trend to decrease in quantity
before maturity was reached. Variation due to life cycle stages was mostly evident in the fatty acid
component with some small effects on two mineral components, aluminium and copper, which had
slightly higher levels in pregnant large females than in non-pregnant large females.
M. mustelus meat has an average proximate composition of 75% moisture, 23% protein,
1.6% lipids and 1.4% ash (weight per wet weight). The protein is, however, an over-estimation of
the true protein value as the meat contains significant amounts of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) in
the form of urea which contributes to the N concentration. M. mustelus meat is a good source of
some essential amino acids, especially lysine and threonine (78% of the daily requirements for an
adult in a 100g portion), but low in minerals. The meat has a healthy lipid content with a good ratio
(>0.45) of PUFA:SFA (0.83) as well as a healthy (<4) n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratio of 0.39. The histamine
content was very low or not detectable but some samples contained total mercury values above
the maximum safe limit.
Although further research is needed for some meat components, these results are a
valuable contribution to the new South African Food Composition Tables being compiled. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die proksimale samestelling van die vleis vanaf vyf afsonderlike
posisies op die liggaam van die Mustelus mustelus haai te bepaal. Sodoende is die variasie, met
betrekking tot die verskillende proksimale komponente (vog, proteïen, lipiede en as), in terme van
die totale karkas, bepaal. Die proksimale variasie is bepaal om vas te stel hoe ʼn
verteenwoordigende monster van die totale karkas geneem kan word. Gevolglik is hierdie
verteenwoordigende monster gebruik om die effek van geslag, grootte en die verskillende fases
van die lewens-siklus op die afsonderlike proksimale komponente asook ander vleis komponente
(aminosure, vetsure, minerale, histamien en kwik inhoud) te ondersoek. Laastens is al hierdie
inligting gebruik om die algemene samestelling en voedingswaarde van M. mustelus vleis te
Geen van die proksimale komponente het enige variasie getoon tussen afsonderlike
liggaamsposisies nie. Hierdie resultaat dui daarop dat die vleis van ʼn M. mustelus haai homogeen
is regoor die karkas en dat ʼn vleis monster vanaf enige posisie op die karkas geneem kan word as
ʼn verteenwoordigende monster.
Daar is gevind dat geslag, grootte en fase van die lewens-siklus geen merkwaardige
invloed het op die vleis se samestelling nie. Hoër vetsuur konsentrasies (versadigde, monoonversadigde
en poli-onversadigde vetsure) is gevind in groot vroulike haaie en nie-dragtige
vroulike haaie as in groot manlike haaie en dragtige vroulike haaie onderskeidelik. Statisties, het
groot manlike haaie hoër vlakke van totale kwik as groot vroulike haaie. Die enigste vleis
komponent wat beïnvloed is deur die grootte van die haai, is die vetsure, wat verminder het voor
volwassenheid bereik is en dan weer vermeerder soos die haai groter word. Variasie as gevolg
van die verskillende fases van die lewens-siklus is meestal gevind in die vetsuursamestelling, en
die minimale het ook gevarieer ten opsigte van die elemente aluminium en boor wat effense hoër
vlakke getoon het in dragtige haaie as in nie-dragtige haaie.
M. mustelus vleis het ʼn gemiddelde proksimale samestelling van 75% vog, 23% proteïen,
1.6% lipiede en 1.4% as (nat massa). Die proteïen waarde is ʼn oorskatting van die ware proteïen
waarde as gevolg van hoë nie-proteïen stikstof in die vorm van ureum wat bydra tot die totale
stikstof inhoud. M. mustelus vleis blyk ʼn goeie bron van sommige essensiële aminosure soos lisien
en treonien (78% van die daaglikse aanbevole dosis), maar laag in mineraal inhoud. Die vleis het ʼn
gesonde vet inhoud met ʼn goeie (>0.045) poli-onversadigde:versadigde vetsuur verhouding (0.83)
asook ʼn gesonde (<4) omega 6 tot omega 3 vetsuur verhouding van 0.39. Die histamien inhoud
van die vleis was baie laag of onder die meetbare limiet, maar sekere monsters het ʼn totale kwik
inhoud getoon wat bo die maksimum veilige limiet is.
Hoewel verdere navorsing ten opsigte van sekere van die vleis komponente vereis word,
lewer hierdie resultate ʼn waardevolle bydrae tot die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse voedsel samestellings
tabelle wat tans opgestel word.
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