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Evaluación de la percepción sobre el uso de redes sociales para la elección de la consulta dental de una población residente en Lima, Perú / Evaluation of the perception of the use of social networks for the choice of dental consultation of a population residing in Lima, PeruNarvaez Puchuc, Aury Luw, Zúñiga Villanueva, César Alejandro 05 February 2022 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción sobre el uso de redes sociales para la elección de la consulta dental de una población residente en Lima, Perú.
Materiales y métodos: Este estudio fue de tipo transversal, descriptivo. Tuvo como muestra a 271 personas residentes de Lima Metropolitana, Perú. Se aplicó un cuestionario de opción múltiple sobre información personal y los factores que influyen en la elección de su dentista relacionado al uso de redes sociales por parte de este. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron las medidas estadísticas descriptivas, frecuencias absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas del estudio y para la variable edad, se obtuvo la mediana y rango intercuartílico.
Resultados: Se encontró que, del total de encuestados, el 90.77% está de acuerdo en la importancia de la presencia en línea por parte del odontólogo. Asimismo, el 97.41% de la población considera “Importante” y “Muy Importante” las reseñas y valoraciones de la página, y el 95.94% considera “Importante” y “Muy Importante” que el contenido de la página sea interesante y original. Además, el 46.86% considera importante las imágenes de antes y después presentadas en la página y el 52.03% la cantidad de “me gusta”.
Conclusión: La mayoría de los participantes utilizan Facebook e Instagram para visitar y agregar a su odontólogo a una red social. Además, indican que es importante que cuenten con presencia en dichas plataformas y que se encuentren activos. También, la gran mayoría de encuestados refieren que la presencia en redes sociales de los dentistas es efectiva para atraer nuevos pacientes. / Objective: To evaluate the perception of the use of social networks when choosing a dental office of the population residing in Lima, Peru.
Materials and methods: This study was cross-sectional, descriptive. It had a sample of 271 people residing in Lima Metropolitana, Peru. A questionnaire of 22 multiple-choice questions about personal information and the main factors that influence the selection of a dentist based on the dentist’s social networks was used. For data analysis, descriptive statistical measures, absolute and relative frequencies were used for the qualitative variables of the study and for the variable ´age´, the median and interquartile range were used.
Results: It was found that of the total of respondents, 90.77% agreed on the importance of the dentist’s online presence. Likewise, 97.41% of the population consider the profile’s reviews and ratings “Important” and “Very Important”, and 95.94% consider “Important” and “Very Important” that the profile’s content is interesting and original. In addition, 46.86% consider “Important” the before and after images presented on the profile and 52.03% the number of “likes”.
Conclusions: Most of the participants use Facebook and Instagram to visit and add their dentist to a social platform. In addition, they indicate that it is highly important that they have a presence on said platforms and that they are active on them. Also, most respondents report that the presence of dentists on social networks is effective in attracting new patients. / Tesis
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O embate do processo de implantação de um currículo modular na educação superior : o curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC, Lages - SCToassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti January 2008 (has links)
Le propos de la présente recherche est de comprendre le développement du procès de construction et d’implantation d’un curriculum modulaire pour le Cours d’Odontologie, basé sur les Directives Curriculaires Nationales, dans une université communautaire au Sud du Brésil. Au coeur de cette thématique, on a apporté la perspective des étudiants du cours, des enseignants et de l’équipe directive de l’Université. La méthodologie qualitative a utilisé une Étude de Cas, dont le champ de recherche a été les témoignages de participants de la réforme curriculaire dans le Cours de graduation en Odontologie de l’Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC – Université du Plateau de Santa Catarina), à Lages – SC. La collecte de données a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues, tout au long de neuf mois, où ont participé les étudiants d’Odontologie (curriculum modulaire), les professeurs, à différents champs de travail et l’équipe directive de l’Université (le Coordinateur de cours, le Chef de Département et le Prorecteur pour l’enseignement). Outre les entrevues, la collecte de données a inclus l’analyse documentaire et l’observation (registres en journal de champ). Les données ont été analysées au moyen de l’Analyse Textuelle Discursive, proposée par Moraes et Galiazzi (2007). Les résultats sont réunis dans les catégories suivantes : 1) Le procès de réforme curriculaire : la proposition de changement possible dans la formation; 2) Les tensions du procès : la différence entre la théorie pensée et la réalité perçue (l’intégration : condition essentielle au curriculum modulaire/ L’organisation ou la manque d’organisation / chirurgiens-dentistes enseignants ou enseignants chirurgiens-dentistes : l’(in)capacité des enseignants du cours d’odontologie ; Évaluations, apprentissages et curriculum : difficultés d’intégration/ La coordination du cours d’odontologie : où est-elle ? Le nouveau émergent : le défi du changement) ; 3) La démarche du procès et ses avances; 4) L’expérience du curriculum intégré : un procès continu d’apprentissage et de dépassement ; 5) Le cours d’odontologie de l’UNIPLAC : qu’est-ce que nous voyons pour l’avenir ? On a été observé un long et complexe procès d’élaboration de la nouvelle structure curriculaire, notamment pour ce qui a concerné la participation et la motivation d’enseignants dans le collégial du cours d’Odontologie. Il y a eu des difficultés dans la compréhension du propos par les enseignants et par les étudiants. Quand même, la méthode proposée a été bien reçue et évaluée par les étudiants dans les différents semestres du cours. Les noeuds de plus grande densité du procès de changement curriculaire incluent : – la manque d’intégralité, d’organisation et de communication à l’intérieur des modules et entre les modules ; – l’ignorance, de la part des enseignants, du propos curriculaire ; – la forme d’engagement des enseignants dans l’institution ; – la difficulté dans le processus d’évaluation des étudiants ; – l’incapacité du coordinateur du cours ; – la manque de qualifications pour le collégial du cours d’Odontologie (avant et après l’implantation du nouveau curriculum). Il est nécessaire une reprise responsable dans la conduction du procès de réforme curriculaire et une gestion plus partagée et collective à l’Université. / O propósito da presente pesquisa foi compreender o desenvolvimento do processo de construção e implantação de um currículo modular para o Curso de Odontologia, baseado nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, em uma universidade comunitária no Sul do Brasil. Dentro desta temática, foi apresentada a perspectiva dos estudantes do curso, dos professores e da equipe diretiva da Universidade. A metodologia qualitativa utilizou um Estudo de Caso, cujo campo de investigação foram os depoimentos de participantes da reforma curricular no curso de graduação em Odontologia da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), em Lages - SC. A coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de entrevistas, ao longo de nove meses, em que participaram os discentes de Odontologia (currículo modular), os docentes, em diferentes áreas de atuação e a equipe diretiva da Universidade (Coordenador de curso, o Chefe de Departamento e o Pró-Reitor de Ensino). Além das entrevistas, a coleta de dados incluiu a análise documental e a observação (registros em diário de campo). Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva, proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os resultados estão reunidos nas seguintes categorias: 1) O processo de reforma curricular: a proposta possível de mudança na formação; 2) As tensões do processo: a diferença entre a teoria pensada e a realidade percebida (A integração: condição essencial no currículo modular / A organização ou a falta dela /Cirurgiões-dentistas professores ou professores cirurgiõesdentistas: o (des) preparo dos professores do curso de odontologia; Avaliações, aprendizagens e currículo: dificuldades de integração / A coordenação do curso de odontologia: onde está? O novo emergente: o desafio da mudança); 3) O caminhar do processo e seus avanços; 4) A vivência do currículo integrado: um processo contínuo de aprendizagem e superação; 5) O curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC: o que vemos para o futuro? Foi observado um longo e complexo processo de elaboração da nova estrutura curricular, especialmente no que se referiu à participação e motivação de professores no colegiado do curso de Odontologia. Houve dificuldades no entendimento da proposta por professores e estudantes. Ainda assim, o método proposto foi bem recebido e avaliado pelos estudantes nos diferentes semestres do curso. Os nós de maior densidade do processo de mudança curricular incluem: - falta de integralidade, organização e comunicação dentro dos módulos e entre os módulos; - desconhecimento, por parte dos professores, da proposta curricular; - forma de contratação dos professores na instituição; - dificuldade no processo de avaliação dos estudantes; - despreparo do coordenador do curso; - falta de capacitações para o colegiado do curso de Odontologia (antes e após a implantação do novo currículo). Há necessidade da retomada responsável na condução do processo de reforma curricular e de uma gestão mais partilhada e coletiva na Universidade. / The aim of the present study was to comprehend the ongoing process of construction and implantation of an integrated curriculum for graduation in dental education, according to the National Curricular Guidelines, in a community university in the south of Brazil. In this sense, it was evaluated the expectations of the engaged students, professors, and the management group of the university. It was employed a qualitative methodology of case study based on the testimonies of the subjects moved ahead on the curricular reform for the graduation degree in Odontology of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in Lages, State of Santa Catarina. Data were gathered along 9 months by direct interviews to all the selected participants belonging to the groups of undergraduate students (from the new integrated curriculum), assistant and full professors (from different professional working areas), and members of the directive group in different hierarchical positions. Besides this approach, research data included documental analysis and notes in regard to direct in loco observations. The writing discursive analysis technique was employed as proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2007). Results were grouped in the following categories: 1) The curricular reform process: one possible proposal for changing graduation standards; 2) Process-related stress: differences between the imagined theory and the perceived truth (Integration: the crucial condition for an integrated curriculum/ Organization or lack of organization/ Dentists as professors or professors that are also dentists: teaching (non-)capacities of the professors of Odontology; Exams, lessons and curriculum: difficulties for the integration/ Where is the Odontology course coordination group? The new and emergent fact: the challenger changing); 3) The development of the process and its forward steps; 4) The ongoing experience of an integrated curriculum: a continuous process of learning and overcoming; 5) The graduation in Odontology at UNIPLAC: what can be foreseen? There was a long and complex process for the elaboration of the new curricular structure, mainly due to the motivation and participation of the professors engaged in the Odontology course. For them and the students, it was not an easy way to realize the rationale of the new curricular proposal. Even though, students from different graduation years felt themselves well adapted to the integrated curriculum and high rated their experience with the new curriculum when asked to. Main limitations that were noted included: - lack of integration, organization and dialogue within and among the modular themes; - professors’ lack of knowledge of the new integrated curriculum proposal; - how is the Univeristy policy for the professor application and selection procedure; - difficulties when evaluating students’ performance; - lack of pedagogical expertise for the course coordinator position; and, - lack of adequate training for the Odontology docent staff prior to and after the beginning of the new integrated curriculum. There is a clear need for redirecting this process of curricular reform aiming a more reliable and consistent way as well as a more participative and collective administration of the UNIPLAC. / El propósito de la presente investigación fue entender el desarrollo del proceso de construcción e implantación de un currículo modular para el Curso de Odontología, basado en las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales, en una universidad comunitaria del Sur de Brasil. En este tema se presenta la perspectiva de los estudiantes del curso, profesores y equipo directivo de la universidad. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa de Estudio de Caso, cuyo campo de investigación fue las declaraciones de participantes de la reforma curricular en el curso de graduación en Odontología de la Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), en la ciudad de Lages –Estado de Santa Catarina. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas a lo largo de nueve meses en las que participaron los discentes de Odontología (currículo modular), los docentes de diferentes áreas de actuación y el equipo directivo de la universidad (el coordinador del curso, el jefe de Departamento y el pro-rector de Enseñanza). Además de las entrevistas, la recolección de datos incluyó el análisis documental y la observación (registros en diario de campo). Se analizaron los datos por medio del Análisis Textual Discursivo, propuesto por Moraes y Galiazzi (2007). Los resultados están reunidos en las siguientes categorías: 1) El proceso de reforma curricular: la propuesta posible de cambio en la formación; 2) Las tensiones del proceso: la diferencia entre la teoría pensada y la realidad percibida (La integración: condición esencial en el currículo modular / La organización o su falta / Cirujanos dentistas profesores o profesores cirujanos dentistas: la (im)pericia de los profesores del curso de Odontología / Evaluaciones, aprendizajes y currículo: dificultades de integración / La coordinación del curso de Odontología: ¿dónde está? / El nuevo emergente: el desafío del cambio); 3) El caminar del proceso y sus avances; 4) La vivencia del currículo integrado: un proceso continuo de aprendizaje y superación; 5) El curso de Odontología de la UNIPLAC: ¿qué vemos hacia el futuro? Se observó un largo y complejo proceso de elaboración de la nueva estructura curricular, especialmente en lo que se refirió a la participación y motivación de profesores en el colegiado del curso de Odontología. Profesores y estudiantes tuvieron dificultades en la comprensión de la propuesta, no obstante el método propuesto fue bien recibido y evaluado por los estudiantes de los distintos semestres del curso. Los nodos de mayor densidad del proceso de cambio curricular incluyen: falta de integralidad, organización y comunicación dentro de los módulos y entre estos; desconocimiento por parte de los profesores de la propuesta curricular; forma de contratación de los profesores en la institución; dificultad en el proceso de evaluación de los estudiantes; ineptitud del coordinador del curso; falta de capacitaciones para el colegiado del curso de Odontología (antes y después de la implantación del nuevo currículo). Hay la necesidad de la toma responsable en la conducción del proceso de reforma curricular y de una gestión más compartida y colectiva en la universidad.
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O embate do processo de implantação de um currículo modular na educação superior : o curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC, Lages - SCToassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti January 2008 (has links)
Le propos de la présente recherche est de comprendre le développement du procès de construction et d’implantation d’un curriculum modulaire pour le Cours d’Odontologie, basé sur les Directives Curriculaires Nationales, dans une université communautaire au Sud du Brésil. Au coeur de cette thématique, on a apporté la perspective des étudiants du cours, des enseignants et de l’équipe directive de l’Université. La méthodologie qualitative a utilisé une Étude de Cas, dont le champ de recherche a été les témoignages de participants de la réforme curriculaire dans le Cours de graduation en Odontologie de l’Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC – Université du Plateau de Santa Catarina), à Lages – SC. La collecte de données a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues, tout au long de neuf mois, où ont participé les étudiants d’Odontologie (curriculum modulaire), les professeurs, à différents champs de travail et l’équipe directive de l’Université (le Coordinateur de cours, le Chef de Département et le Prorecteur pour l’enseignement). Outre les entrevues, la collecte de données a inclus l’analyse documentaire et l’observation (registres en journal de champ). Les données ont été analysées au moyen de l’Analyse Textuelle Discursive, proposée par Moraes et Galiazzi (2007). Les résultats sont réunis dans les catégories suivantes : 1) Le procès de réforme curriculaire : la proposition de changement possible dans la formation; 2) Les tensions du procès : la différence entre la théorie pensée et la réalité perçue (l’intégration : condition essentielle au curriculum modulaire/ L’organisation ou la manque d’organisation / chirurgiens-dentistes enseignants ou enseignants chirurgiens-dentistes : l’(in)capacité des enseignants du cours d’odontologie ; Évaluations, apprentissages et curriculum : difficultés d’intégration/ La coordination du cours d’odontologie : où est-elle ? Le nouveau émergent : le défi du changement) ; 3) La démarche du procès et ses avances; 4) L’expérience du curriculum intégré : un procès continu d’apprentissage et de dépassement ; 5) Le cours d’odontologie de l’UNIPLAC : qu’est-ce que nous voyons pour l’avenir ? On a été observé un long et complexe procès d’élaboration de la nouvelle structure curriculaire, notamment pour ce qui a concerné la participation et la motivation d’enseignants dans le collégial du cours d’Odontologie. Il y a eu des difficultés dans la compréhension du propos par les enseignants et par les étudiants. Quand même, la méthode proposée a été bien reçue et évaluée par les étudiants dans les différents semestres du cours. Les noeuds de plus grande densité du procès de changement curriculaire incluent : – la manque d’intégralité, d’organisation et de communication à l’intérieur des modules et entre les modules ; – l’ignorance, de la part des enseignants, du propos curriculaire ; – la forme d’engagement des enseignants dans l’institution ; – la difficulté dans le processus d’évaluation des étudiants ; – l’incapacité du coordinateur du cours ; – la manque de qualifications pour le collégial du cours d’Odontologie (avant et après l’implantation du nouveau curriculum). Il est nécessaire une reprise responsable dans la conduction du procès de réforme curriculaire et une gestion plus partagée et collective à l’Université. / O propósito da presente pesquisa foi compreender o desenvolvimento do processo de construção e implantação de um currículo modular para o Curso de Odontologia, baseado nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, em uma universidade comunitária no Sul do Brasil. Dentro desta temática, foi apresentada a perspectiva dos estudantes do curso, dos professores e da equipe diretiva da Universidade. A metodologia qualitativa utilizou um Estudo de Caso, cujo campo de investigação foram os depoimentos de participantes da reforma curricular no curso de graduação em Odontologia da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), em Lages - SC. A coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de entrevistas, ao longo de nove meses, em que participaram os discentes de Odontologia (currículo modular), os docentes, em diferentes áreas de atuação e a equipe diretiva da Universidade (Coordenador de curso, o Chefe de Departamento e o Pró-Reitor de Ensino). Além das entrevistas, a coleta de dados incluiu a análise documental e a observação (registros em diário de campo). Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva, proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os resultados estão reunidos nas seguintes categorias: 1) O processo de reforma curricular: a proposta possível de mudança na formação; 2) As tensões do processo: a diferença entre a teoria pensada e a realidade percebida (A integração: condição essencial no currículo modular / A organização ou a falta dela /Cirurgiões-dentistas professores ou professores cirurgiõesdentistas: o (des) preparo dos professores do curso de odontologia; Avaliações, aprendizagens e currículo: dificuldades de integração / A coordenação do curso de odontologia: onde está? O novo emergente: o desafio da mudança); 3) O caminhar do processo e seus avanços; 4) A vivência do currículo integrado: um processo contínuo de aprendizagem e superação; 5) O curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC: o que vemos para o futuro? Foi observado um longo e complexo processo de elaboração da nova estrutura curricular, especialmente no que se referiu à participação e motivação de professores no colegiado do curso de Odontologia. Houve dificuldades no entendimento da proposta por professores e estudantes. Ainda assim, o método proposto foi bem recebido e avaliado pelos estudantes nos diferentes semestres do curso. Os nós de maior densidade do processo de mudança curricular incluem: - falta de integralidade, organização e comunicação dentro dos módulos e entre os módulos; - desconhecimento, por parte dos professores, da proposta curricular; - forma de contratação dos professores na instituição; - dificuldade no processo de avaliação dos estudantes; - despreparo do coordenador do curso; - falta de capacitações para o colegiado do curso de Odontologia (antes e após a implantação do novo currículo). Há necessidade da retomada responsável na condução do processo de reforma curricular e de uma gestão mais partilhada e coletiva na Universidade. / The aim of the present study was to comprehend the ongoing process of construction and implantation of an integrated curriculum for graduation in dental education, according to the National Curricular Guidelines, in a community university in the south of Brazil. In this sense, it was evaluated the expectations of the engaged students, professors, and the management group of the university. It was employed a qualitative methodology of case study based on the testimonies of the subjects moved ahead on the curricular reform for the graduation degree in Odontology of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in Lages, State of Santa Catarina. Data were gathered along 9 months by direct interviews to all the selected participants belonging to the groups of undergraduate students (from the new integrated curriculum), assistant and full professors (from different professional working areas), and members of the directive group in different hierarchical positions. Besides this approach, research data included documental analysis and notes in regard to direct in loco observations. The writing discursive analysis technique was employed as proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2007). Results were grouped in the following categories: 1) The curricular reform process: one possible proposal for changing graduation standards; 2) Process-related stress: differences between the imagined theory and the perceived truth (Integration: the crucial condition for an integrated curriculum/ Organization or lack of organization/ Dentists as professors or professors that are also dentists: teaching (non-)capacities of the professors of Odontology; Exams, lessons and curriculum: difficulties for the integration/ Where is the Odontology course coordination group? The new and emergent fact: the challenger changing); 3) The development of the process and its forward steps; 4) The ongoing experience of an integrated curriculum: a continuous process of learning and overcoming; 5) The graduation in Odontology at UNIPLAC: what can be foreseen? There was a long and complex process for the elaboration of the new curricular structure, mainly due to the motivation and participation of the professors engaged in the Odontology course. For them and the students, it was not an easy way to realize the rationale of the new curricular proposal. Even though, students from different graduation years felt themselves well adapted to the integrated curriculum and high rated their experience with the new curriculum when asked to. Main limitations that were noted included: - lack of integration, organization and dialogue within and among the modular themes; - professors’ lack of knowledge of the new integrated curriculum proposal; - how is the Univeristy policy for the professor application and selection procedure; - difficulties when evaluating students’ performance; - lack of pedagogical expertise for the course coordinator position; and, - lack of adequate training for the Odontology docent staff prior to and after the beginning of the new integrated curriculum. There is a clear need for redirecting this process of curricular reform aiming a more reliable and consistent way as well as a more participative and collective administration of the UNIPLAC. / El propósito de la presente investigación fue entender el desarrollo del proceso de construcción e implantación de un currículo modular para el Curso de Odontología, basado en las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales, en una universidad comunitaria del Sur de Brasil. En este tema se presenta la perspectiva de los estudiantes del curso, profesores y equipo directivo de la universidad. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa de Estudio de Caso, cuyo campo de investigación fue las declaraciones de participantes de la reforma curricular en el curso de graduación en Odontología de la Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), en la ciudad de Lages –Estado de Santa Catarina. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas a lo largo de nueve meses en las que participaron los discentes de Odontología (currículo modular), los docentes de diferentes áreas de actuación y el equipo directivo de la universidad (el coordinador del curso, el jefe de Departamento y el pro-rector de Enseñanza). Además de las entrevistas, la recolección de datos incluyó el análisis documental y la observación (registros en diario de campo). Se analizaron los datos por medio del Análisis Textual Discursivo, propuesto por Moraes y Galiazzi (2007). Los resultados están reunidos en las siguientes categorías: 1) El proceso de reforma curricular: la propuesta posible de cambio en la formación; 2) Las tensiones del proceso: la diferencia entre la teoría pensada y la realidad percibida (La integración: condición esencial en el currículo modular / La organización o su falta / Cirujanos dentistas profesores o profesores cirujanos dentistas: la (im)pericia de los profesores del curso de Odontología / Evaluaciones, aprendizajes y currículo: dificultades de integración / La coordinación del curso de Odontología: ¿dónde está? / El nuevo emergente: el desafío del cambio); 3) El caminar del proceso y sus avances; 4) La vivencia del currículo integrado: un proceso continuo de aprendizaje y superación; 5) El curso de Odontología de la UNIPLAC: ¿qué vemos hacia el futuro? Se observó un largo y complejo proceso de elaboración de la nueva estructura curricular, especialmente en lo que se refirió a la participación y motivación de profesores en el colegiado del curso de Odontología. Profesores y estudiantes tuvieron dificultades en la comprensión de la propuesta, no obstante el método propuesto fue bien recibido y evaluado por los estudiantes de los distintos semestres del curso. Los nodos de mayor densidad del proceso de cambio curricular incluyen: falta de integralidad, organización y comunicación dentro de los módulos y entre estos; desconocimiento por parte de los profesores de la propuesta curricular; forma de contratación de los profesores en la institución; dificultad en el proceso de evaluación de los estudiantes; ineptitud del coordinador del curso; falta de capacitaciones para el colegiado del curso de Odontología (antes y después de la implantación del nuevo currículo). Hay la necesidad de la toma responsable en la conducción del proceso de reforma curricular y de una gestión más compartida y colectiva en la universidad.
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O embate do processo de implantação de um currículo modular na educação superior : o curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC, Lages - SCToassi, Ramona Fernanda Ceriotti January 2008 (has links)
Le propos de la présente recherche est de comprendre le développement du procès de construction et d’implantation d’un curriculum modulaire pour le Cours d’Odontologie, basé sur les Directives Curriculaires Nationales, dans une université communautaire au Sud du Brésil. Au coeur de cette thématique, on a apporté la perspective des étudiants du cours, des enseignants et de l’équipe directive de l’Université. La méthodologie qualitative a utilisé une Étude de Cas, dont le champ de recherche a été les témoignages de participants de la réforme curriculaire dans le Cours de graduation en Odontologie de l’Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC – Université du Plateau de Santa Catarina), à Lages – SC. La collecte de données a été réalisée au moyen d’entrevues, tout au long de neuf mois, où ont participé les étudiants d’Odontologie (curriculum modulaire), les professeurs, à différents champs de travail et l’équipe directive de l’Université (le Coordinateur de cours, le Chef de Département et le Prorecteur pour l’enseignement). Outre les entrevues, la collecte de données a inclus l’analyse documentaire et l’observation (registres en journal de champ). Les données ont été analysées au moyen de l’Analyse Textuelle Discursive, proposée par Moraes et Galiazzi (2007). Les résultats sont réunis dans les catégories suivantes : 1) Le procès de réforme curriculaire : la proposition de changement possible dans la formation; 2) Les tensions du procès : la différence entre la théorie pensée et la réalité perçue (l’intégration : condition essentielle au curriculum modulaire/ L’organisation ou la manque d’organisation / chirurgiens-dentistes enseignants ou enseignants chirurgiens-dentistes : l’(in)capacité des enseignants du cours d’odontologie ; Évaluations, apprentissages et curriculum : difficultés d’intégration/ La coordination du cours d’odontologie : où est-elle ? Le nouveau émergent : le défi du changement) ; 3) La démarche du procès et ses avances; 4) L’expérience du curriculum intégré : un procès continu d’apprentissage et de dépassement ; 5) Le cours d’odontologie de l’UNIPLAC : qu’est-ce que nous voyons pour l’avenir ? On a été observé un long et complexe procès d’élaboration de la nouvelle structure curriculaire, notamment pour ce qui a concerné la participation et la motivation d’enseignants dans le collégial du cours d’Odontologie. Il y a eu des difficultés dans la compréhension du propos par les enseignants et par les étudiants. Quand même, la méthode proposée a été bien reçue et évaluée par les étudiants dans les différents semestres du cours. Les noeuds de plus grande densité du procès de changement curriculaire incluent : – la manque d’intégralité, d’organisation et de communication à l’intérieur des modules et entre les modules ; – l’ignorance, de la part des enseignants, du propos curriculaire ; – la forme d’engagement des enseignants dans l’institution ; – la difficulté dans le processus d’évaluation des étudiants ; – l’incapacité du coordinateur du cours ; – la manque de qualifications pour le collégial du cours d’Odontologie (avant et après l’implantation du nouveau curriculum). Il est nécessaire une reprise responsable dans la conduction du procès de réforme curriculaire et une gestion plus partagée et collective à l’Université. / O propósito da presente pesquisa foi compreender o desenvolvimento do processo de construção e implantação de um currículo modular para o Curso de Odontologia, baseado nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, em uma universidade comunitária no Sul do Brasil. Dentro desta temática, foi apresentada a perspectiva dos estudantes do curso, dos professores e da equipe diretiva da Universidade. A metodologia qualitativa utilizou um Estudo de Caso, cujo campo de investigação foram os depoimentos de participantes da reforma curricular no curso de graduação em Odontologia da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), em Lages - SC. A coleta de dados aconteceu por meio de entrevistas, ao longo de nove meses, em que participaram os discentes de Odontologia (currículo modular), os docentes, em diferentes áreas de atuação e a equipe diretiva da Universidade (Coordenador de curso, o Chefe de Departamento e o Pró-Reitor de Ensino). Além das entrevistas, a coleta de dados incluiu a análise documental e a observação (registros em diário de campo). Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva, proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os resultados estão reunidos nas seguintes categorias: 1) O processo de reforma curricular: a proposta possível de mudança na formação; 2) As tensões do processo: a diferença entre a teoria pensada e a realidade percebida (A integração: condição essencial no currículo modular / A organização ou a falta dela /Cirurgiões-dentistas professores ou professores cirurgiõesdentistas: o (des) preparo dos professores do curso de odontologia; Avaliações, aprendizagens e currículo: dificuldades de integração / A coordenação do curso de odontologia: onde está? O novo emergente: o desafio da mudança); 3) O caminhar do processo e seus avanços; 4) A vivência do currículo integrado: um processo contínuo de aprendizagem e superação; 5) O curso de odontologia da UNIPLAC: o que vemos para o futuro? Foi observado um longo e complexo processo de elaboração da nova estrutura curricular, especialmente no que se referiu à participação e motivação de professores no colegiado do curso de Odontologia. Houve dificuldades no entendimento da proposta por professores e estudantes. Ainda assim, o método proposto foi bem recebido e avaliado pelos estudantes nos diferentes semestres do curso. Os nós de maior densidade do processo de mudança curricular incluem: - falta de integralidade, organização e comunicação dentro dos módulos e entre os módulos; - desconhecimento, por parte dos professores, da proposta curricular; - forma de contratação dos professores na instituição; - dificuldade no processo de avaliação dos estudantes; - despreparo do coordenador do curso; - falta de capacitações para o colegiado do curso de Odontologia (antes e após a implantação do novo currículo). Há necessidade da retomada responsável na condução do processo de reforma curricular e de uma gestão mais partilhada e coletiva na Universidade. / The aim of the present study was to comprehend the ongoing process of construction and implantation of an integrated curriculum for graduation in dental education, according to the National Curricular Guidelines, in a community university in the south of Brazil. In this sense, it was evaluated the expectations of the engaged students, professors, and the management group of the university. It was employed a qualitative methodology of case study based on the testimonies of the subjects moved ahead on the curricular reform for the graduation degree in Odontology of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in Lages, State of Santa Catarina. Data were gathered along 9 months by direct interviews to all the selected participants belonging to the groups of undergraduate students (from the new integrated curriculum), assistant and full professors (from different professional working areas), and members of the directive group in different hierarchical positions. Besides this approach, research data included documental analysis and notes in regard to direct in loco observations. The writing discursive analysis technique was employed as proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2007). Results were grouped in the following categories: 1) The curricular reform process: one possible proposal for changing graduation standards; 2) Process-related stress: differences between the imagined theory and the perceived truth (Integration: the crucial condition for an integrated curriculum/ Organization or lack of organization/ Dentists as professors or professors that are also dentists: teaching (non-)capacities of the professors of Odontology; Exams, lessons and curriculum: difficulties for the integration/ Where is the Odontology course coordination group? The new and emergent fact: the challenger changing); 3) The development of the process and its forward steps; 4) The ongoing experience of an integrated curriculum: a continuous process of learning and overcoming; 5) The graduation in Odontology at UNIPLAC: what can be foreseen? There was a long and complex process for the elaboration of the new curricular structure, mainly due to the motivation and participation of the professors engaged in the Odontology course. For them and the students, it was not an easy way to realize the rationale of the new curricular proposal. Even though, students from different graduation years felt themselves well adapted to the integrated curriculum and high rated their experience with the new curriculum when asked to. Main limitations that were noted included: - lack of integration, organization and dialogue within and among the modular themes; - professors’ lack of knowledge of the new integrated curriculum proposal; - how is the Univeristy policy for the professor application and selection procedure; - difficulties when evaluating students’ performance; - lack of pedagogical expertise for the course coordinator position; and, - lack of adequate training for the Odontology docent staff prior to and after the beginning of the new integrated curriculum. There is a clear need for redirecting this process of curricular reform aiming a more reliable and consistent way as well as a more participative and collective administration of the UNIPLAC. / El propósito de la presente investigación fue entender el desarrollo del proceso de construcción e implantación de un currículo modular para el Curso de Odontología, basado en las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales, en una universidad comunitaria del Sur de Brasil. En este tema se presenta la perspectiva de los estudiantes del curso, profesores y equipo directivo de la universidad. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa de Estudio de Caso, cuyo campo de investigación fue las declaraciones de participantes de la reforma curricular en el curso de graduación en Odontología de la Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), en la ciudad de Lages –Estado de Santa Catarina. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de entrevistas a lo largo de nueve meses en las que participaron los discentes de Odontología (currículo modular), los docentes de diferentes áreas de actuación y el equipo directivo de la universidad (el coordinador del curso, el jefe de Departamento y el pro-rector de Enseñanza). Además de las entrevistas, la recolección de datos incluyó el análisis documental y la observación (registros en diario de campo). Se analizaron los datos por medio del Análisis Textual Discursivo, propuesto por Moraes y Galiazzi (2007). Los resultados están reunidos en las siguientes categorías: 1) El proceso de reforma curricular: la propuesta posible de cambio en la formación; 2) Las tensiones del proceso: la diferencia entre la teoría pensada y la realidad percibida (La integración: condición esencial en el currículo modular / La organización o su falta / Cirujanos dentistas profesores o profesores cirujanos dentistas: la (im)pericia de los profesores del curso de Odontología / Evaluaciones, aprendizajes y currículo: dificultades de integración / La coordinación del curso de Odontología: ¿dónde está? / El nuevo emergente: el desafío del cambio); 3) El caminar del proceso y sus avances; 4) La vivencia del currículo integrado: un proceso continuo de aprendizaje y superación; 5) El curso de Odontología de la UNIPLAC: ¿qué vemos hacia el futuro? Se observó un largo y complejo proceso de elaboración de la nueva estructura curricular, especialmente en lo que se refirió a la participación y motivación de profesores en el colegiado del curso de Odontología. Profesores y estudiantes tuvieron dificultades en la comprensión de la propuesta, no obstante el método propuesto fue bien recibido y evaluado por los estudiantes de los distintos semestres del curso. Los nodos de mayor densidad del proceso de cambio curricular incluyen: falta de integralidad, organización y comunicación dentro de los módulos y entre estos; desconocimiento por parte de los profesores de la propuesta curricular; forma de contratación de los profesores en la institución; dificultad en el proceso de evaluación de los estudiantes; ineptitud del coordinador del curso; falta de capacitaciones para el colegiado del curso de Odontología (antes y después de la implantación del nuevo currículo). Hay la necesidad de la toma responsable en la conducción del proceso de reforma curricular y de una gestión más compartida y colectiva en la universidad.
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Utilização de imagens tridimensionais da cavidade sinusal frontal provenientes de TCFC para determinar dimorfismo sexual entre indivíduos / Use of three-dimensional images of the frontal sinus cavity from CBCT to determine sexual dimorphism between individualsChoi, Isabela Goulart Gil 08 December 2016 (has links)
Foram poucos os estudos realizados para avaliar a capacidade da cavidade dos seios frontais para a diferenciação sexual. No entanto, a predição do sexo dos indivíduos é o passo mais importante para o desenvolvimento de um perfil biológico confiável durante a análise de restos esqueléticos. O advento da tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico trouxe uma série de vantagens à clínica odontológica, e a quantidade de pacientes que realizam exames tomográficos para fins de diagnóstico tem aumentado cada vez mais permitindo com que estes dados sejam úteis para propósitos de identificação forense. Neste estudo, o objetivo foi propor uma nova metodologia para avaliar a capacidade de imagens em 3D da cavidade sinusal frontal, provenientes de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico, em determinar dimorfismo sexual entre os indivíduos. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta por 130 exames (65 do sexo masculino e 65 do sexo feminino) que foram segmentados e reconstruídos tridimensionalmente. O volume 3D foi exportado em formato Tiff nas normas frontal, lateral e basal. E as seguintes variáveis foram mensuradas em um segundo programa: área, perímetro, retângulo delimitador, elipse delimitadora, circularidade, razão de aspecto, arredondamento do objeto, solidez e diâmetro de Feret. O estudo foi capaz de demonstrar a existência de dimorfismo sexual com uma acurácia do modelo final de regressão logística igual a 80,0%. A norma basal foi a que garantiu maior poder de explicação na equação final. A metodologia foi validada e os resultados mostraram alto grau de confiabilidade. / There were few studies to assess the ability of the cavity of the frontal sinuses for sexual differentiation. However, the prediction of the sex of the individuals is the most important step in the development of a reliable biological profile during analysis of skeletal remains. The advent of cone beam computed tomography brought a number of advantages to the dental clinic, and the number of patients undergoing CT scans for diagnostic purposes has increased increasingly allowing that these data are useful for forensic identification purposes. The study aimed to propose a new methodology to assess the 3D images capacity of the frontal sinus cavity, from computed tomography cone beam, to attribute sexual dimorphism between individuals. The survey sample consisted of 130 exams (65 male and 65 female) who were reconstructed three-dimensionally. The 3D volume was exported in Tiff format in the frontal, side and basal views. In addition, the following variables were measured in a second program: area, perimeter, bounding rectangle, ellipse fit, circularity, aspect ratio, roundness, solidity and Feret\'s diameter. The study was able to demonstrate the existence of sexual dimorphism with an accuracy of the final logistic regression model equal to 80.0%. The basal view assured greater explanatory power in the final equation. The methodology has been validated and the results showed a high degree of reliability.
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Os efeitos de uma intervenção psicoterápica breve junguiana em um grupo de portadores de doença periodontal / The effects of brief Jungian psychotherapeutic intervention for individuals suffering from periodontal diseaseGreghi, Mônica Perri Kohl 16 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:40:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Monica Perri Kohl Greghi.pdf: 3478004 bytes, checksum: a580a5114c0db04ae57fb84e398509c7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-10-16 / The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of a brief Jungian
psychotherapeutic intervention for a group of individuals suffering from periodontal
disease. A total of 26 subjects were selected, male and female, aged between 30
and 60. The subjects were randomly divided between an experimental group (N=13)
and a control group (N=13). The experimental group experienced a
psychotherapeutic process, which consisted of 14 weekly sessions, of one and a half
hours each. The two groups were evaluated with respect to the level of cortisol
saliva, level of stress and periodontal conditions, before and after the experimental
period. The results identified improvements in the experimental group, that were
statistically significant, with respect to the levels of cortisol saliva (NC), the levels of
stress and evidence of plaque (IP) gingivitis (IG), which measure, respectively, the
accumulation of bacterium plaque and gum inflammation. The control group, which
did not undergo a psychotherapeutic process, reported a statistically significant
worsening in the plaque levels (IP), with no statistically significant alterations in the
other indices. Descriptions and qualitative analyses were made of some thematic
categories from the psychotherapeutic sessions, highlighting, amongst others, the
difficulty of verbal assertive expression by the subjects. Interpretations and symbolic
interpretations were made of the mouth and speech. Non verbal expressive
techniques and symbolic amplification provided the transduction of the organic
symptom to the abstract expression of the complex, which resulted in improvements
in the periodontal disease. The results identified the need to consider the use of
psychotherapy as an integral part of treating periodontal disease / O presente trabalho objetivou analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção psicoterápica
breve Junguiana em um grupo de portadores de doença periodontal. Foram
selecionados 26 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 30 e 60 anos. Os
sujeitos foram divididos aleatoriamente em grupo experimental (N=13) e controle
(N=13). O grupo experimental passou pelo processo psicoterápico, que constou de
14 encontros semanais, com a duração de 1H30. Os dois grupos foram avaliados
quanto à taxa de cortisol salivar, nível de estresse e condições periodontais, antes e
depois do período experimental. Os resultados apontaram melhoras no grupo
experimental, com significância estatística, nas taxas de cortisol salivar (NC), nos
níveis de estresse e nos índices de placa (IP) e gengival (IG), que medem,
respectivamente, o acúmulo da placa bacteriana e a inflamação gengival. O grupo
controle, que não passou pelo processo psicoterápico, apresentou piora
estatisticamente significante para o índice de placa (IP), não ocorrendo modificações
com significância estatística nos demais indicadores. Foram descritas e analisadas
qualitativamente algumas categorias temáticas das sessões psicoterápicas,
destacando-se entre elas, a dificuldade de expressão verbal assertiva dos sujeitos.
Foram feitas interpretações e amplificações simbólicas da boca e da fala. As
técnicas expressivas não-verbais e o método de amplificação simbólica propiciaram
a transdução do sintoma orgânico para a expressão abstrata do complexo,
promovendo a melhora da doença periodontal. Os resultados apontam para a
necessidade de se considerar o uso da psicoterapia como parte integrante no
tratamento da doença periodontal
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Contribuição dos exames periódicos odontológicos na manutenção da saúde bucal dos servidores do Instituto de Engenharia NuclearMartins, José Antonio dos Santos 08 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-24T17:09:46Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERT José Antonio dos Santos Martins.pdf: 2220571 bytes, checksum: d2a8c0ae3c3c50da3e560e214a0093ab (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-08-29T15:56:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERT José Antonio dos Santos Martins.pdf: 2220571 bytes, checksum: d2a8c0ae3c3c50da3e560e214a0093ab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-29T15:56:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERT José Antonio dos Santos Martins.pdf: 2220571 bytes, checksum: d2a8c0ae3c3c50da3e560e214a0093ab (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-09-08 / Nos dias atuais, a presença do cirurgião-dentista especialista em Odontologia do Trabalho se faz necessária e de fundamental importância no ambiente laboral das diversas classes de trabalhadores, com o intuito de atuar favoravelmente sobre a saúde destes, através da identificação de potenciais riscos a ela e, também, pela necessidade de se educar o trabalhador para que ele mesmo seja o melhor promotor da saúde na empresa. Neste sentido a Odontologia do Trabalho visa à busca permanente da compatibilidade entre a atividade laboral e a preservação da saúde bucal do trabalhador e, sob a ótica da gestão, a Odontologia do Trabalho difere das atividades comumente praticadas no consultório, exatamente por não mais caracterizar uma relação simples entre Dentista-cliente. Dentro deste contexto o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a contribuição dos exames periódicos odontológicos na manutenção da saúde bucal dos servidores do Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN), através da avaliação do prontuário de saúde bucal do Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO). Como metodologia, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura que fundamentou a pesquisa de campo que visa mapear a percepção de 30 (trinta) especialistas em odontologia do trabalho sobre o protocolo utilizado durante os exames periódicos odontológicos do IEN, através da aplicação de um questionário. Nos resultados da pesquisa, observa-se que todos os respondentes possuem mais de 10 (dez) anos de experiência profissional, e os itens que julgaram mais importantes nas investigações clínicas foram as doenças cardiovasculares, hematológicas, transmissíveis e as hepáticas. Além disso, foi atribuída também uma importância alta na realização dos exames clínico e radiológico. Sendo assim, conclui-se com as respostas obtidas, que a aplicabilidade e eficiência dos exames periódicos odontológicos são de grande valor para a saúde dos servidores do IEN. Desse modo, tem-se a expectativa de que este trabalho auxilie na conscientização sobre saúde bucal com os trabalhadores, buscando-se relacionar os riscos ocupacionais com as doenças manifestadas na cavidade bucal e contribuindo essencialmente para a manutenção da saúde bucal dos servidores do IEN. / Nowadays, the work of Surgeon Dentist specialized on Occupational Odontology, it is more essential than ever, being extremely necessary in the labor of many work classes, acting in favor over the health of the employees, by the identification of potential risks associated to their labors and also by the need to educate the employee in order to make himself the best promoter of health in their companies. With this main goal, the occupational odontology aims the constant searching of the compatibility between the labor activity and the preservation of the worker´s oral health and under the management point of view, what makes the activities from this professional different from the usual activities practiced in a dentist office, not being an ordinary relation between client and dentist. Inside this context, the goal of this research it is analyze the contribution of dental periodical examinations in the oral health maintenance of the workers from Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN), through an evaluation of the oral dental health record from Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO). As methodology, a literature review was made to substantiate the field research that aims to map the perception of 30 (thirty) dentistry experts on the protocol used for the periodic dental checks from IEN, applying a survey. The results of the research, it is observed that all respondents have more than 10 (ten) years of professional experience and the items that they judged more relevant in clinical investigations were: cardiovascular, hematologic, assignable and liver diseases. In addition, it was also given a high importance of performing the clinical and radiological examinations. Thus, its concluded with the answers that the applicability and efficiency of dental periodic examinations have a great value for the health of IEN employees. In this way, it is hoped this research helps the awareness of the employers regarding oral health, seeking to relate occupational hazards with the diseases that emerged from the oral cavity and essentially contributing for the maintenance of oral health from IEN´s workers.
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A multidisciplinary risk assessment of dental restorative materials.Tillberg, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Amalgam has been used as a dental restorative material for centuries, but its potential health effects and biopersistance has lead to a decreased use especially in the Nordic countries. New materials have been introduced, partly to replace the mercury containing amalgam and partly because of esthetical reasons. The possible health effects of amalgam have been studied extensively and the material has been replaced with other less well-examined materials during the last few decades. The prevalence of side effects of dental materials is considered to be low in relation to the vast number of dental treatments undertaken. With the introduction of new and more complex materials, side effects related to dental treatment may increase. Epidemiological data suggest that the side effects of dental resins that have almost completely replaced amalgam fillings in Scandinavia, possess a risk for adverse reactions; however, the causal relation has not been fully established. Therefore, the type and extent of side effects caused by resin-based materials are of great interest. The aims of the study were: - to describe the change in health over time for patients with problems related to their dental materials. The hypothesis was that the patients could be divided into subgroups based on their symptoms and that the ability to recover differs between these groups [Paper I]. Furthermore, to determine whether factors such as the replacement of dental restorative materials and follow-up time had any impact on the perceived health. - to assess the long-term development of symptoms and their social consequences among patients referred for diagnosis and treatment of symptoms related to dental materials [Paper II] - to investigate the possible risks with dental restorative materials other than amalgam [Paper III]. - to describe side effects assessed to be caused by resin-based materials that occurred in a group of patients as well as treatment and long-term consequences of the reactions [Paper IV]. A questionnaire was sent to 614 patients [Paper I and II] that had been referred to the School of Dentistry, Umeå, Sweden, with symptoms allegedly caused by dental materials. The questionnaire contained questions on, among others; civil status, present health, medical and dental treatment and other measures and precautions taken because of psychosocial problems related to current employment situation, feelings, self-image and coping behavior. Moreover, information was collected [Paper III] from the Swedish Dental Materials Register 2003 (DentMr), a compilation of MSDS for 487 materials, and information from the user guide of the materials. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) included in the DentMR were examined regarding the given composition of the products, the occurrence of CAS-numbers and the risk- and safety phrases of the substances. Information was collected [Paper IV] on 36 patients with reactions to resin-based restorative materials from the Swedish National Register of Side-Effects of Dental Materials. Patients with complex symptoms had a more unfavorable long-term prognosis concerning persistent complaints than those with local symptoms only. Furthermore, the results indicate that the patients might experience health improvements after removal of their dental restorative materials. However, the reason for this improvement was unclear. Replacement of dental restorative materials had no significant impact on the ability to recover completely. Our results also indicate a relationship between patients’ self-related health and social consequences in daily life. Those with remaining complex symptoms had more often stopped working or had decreased their work hours because of their symptoms The information about hazards with dental materials seems insufficiently described in MSDS and there might be materials with side effects unknown to both patients and dental professionals. A literature search indicated that some of the listed substances had possible hazards, e.g. substances with embryotoxic and neurotoxic potential. The patients were very heterogeneous; a few with only local symptom free reactions while other had more complex symptoms. The latter group would gain from a multidisciplinary approach, i.e. dental, medical, as well as social and psychological factors have to be considered when developing care management programs for this group of patients. Furthermore, there is a need for stronger regulations of dental materials, such as those applied to pharmaceutical drugs. Finally, it was found that the majority of symptoms suspected to be caused by resin-based materials were local or a combination of local and extra-oral symptoms that appeared within the first 24 hours after treatment. The most frequent adverse effect reported was skin problems/dermatitis. It appears as though immediate reactions to resin based materials are not uncommon and more prevalent than allergic reactions. Still, we have had, difficulties in verifying associations between the dental restorative materials and adverse reactions and also to identify the offending component.
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Sergančiųjų lėtiniu priedančio audinių uždegimu padidinto jautrumo dantų ypatumai / Peculiarity of hypersensitive teeth with chronic periodontitisVaitkevičienė, Inga 21 February 2007 (has links)
In this scientific work was performed the extended study of hypersensitive teeth on patients with chronic periodontitis in order to evaluate the frequency of this painful condition and the intensity of provoked pain, its dependency on individual′s age, sex, nutrition and oral hygiene habits, extent of tooth mobility and dental attachment loss, amount of the plaque on tooth surfaces, professional oral hygiene, surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis; to examine the structure of dental pulp and hard tissue of hypersensitive teeth, to assess the effectiveness and possibility of treatment using a new generation desensitizing materials. It was determined that the prevalence of teeth hypersensitivity and the pain intensity among the patients with chronic periodontitis is high and directly dependent on individual′s nutrition, oral hygiene habits, age, the extent of tooth mobility and dental attachment loss; professional oral hygiene and surgical treatment significantly increases the pain intensity of hypersensitive teeth; were not found any structural changes in the pulp, hard tissues and myelinated nerve fibres of hypersensitive teeth; new generation desensitizing materials ensure fast, effective and long-lasting reduction of pain intensity.
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Kūginio pluošto kompiuterinės tomografijos diagnostinių galimybių endodontijoje tyrimai / Evaluation of diagnostic abilities of cone-beam computed tomography in endodonticsVenskutonis, Tadas 04 September 2014 (has links)
Daktaro disertacijos „Kūginio pluošto kompiuterinės tomografijos diagnostinių galimybių endodontijoje tyrimai” tikslas - įvertinti kūginio pluošto kompiuterinės tomografijos (KPKT) galimybes tiriant viršūninio apydančio būklę ir danties šaknies kanalo gydymo rezultatus klinikinėmis sąlygomis bei ex vivo modelyje. Uždaviniai: 1) palyginti skaitmeninės intraoralinės rentgenografijos (SPR) ir KPKT metodų efektyvumą, diagnozuojant danties šaknies kanalo perforacijas žmogaus apatinio žandikaulio ex vivo modelyje bei nustatyti optimalų tūrinio vaizdo elemento dydį; 2) palyginti dantų šaknų perforacijų vietos ir dydžio įtaką KPKT diagnostinėms savybėms žmogaus apatinio žandikaulio ex vivo modelyje; 3) palyginti dantų šaknų perforacijų diagnozavimą skirtingose KPKT rekonstrukcinėse projekcijose žmogaus apatinio žandikaulio ex vivo modelyje; 4) palyginti SPR ir KPKT metodų tikslumą, vertinant endodontiškai gydytų pacientų dantų šaknų viršūninio apydančio (VA) būklę; 5) Sukurti pacientų VA būklės ir endodontinio gydymo kokybės įvertinimo sistemą (PESS), pagrįstą KPKT metodo tyrimo rezultatais; 6) Pagal kompleksinį viršūninio apydančio būklės įvertinimo indeksą, (COPI) ištirti pacientų VA būklę, naudojant KPKT ir skaitmeninę ortopantomografiją (SOR) bei palyginti abiem metodais gautus rezultatus; 7) Pagal endodontiškai gydytų dantų indeksą (ETTI), įvertinti pacientų endodontinio gydymo kokybę, naudojant KPKT ir SOR bei palyginti abiem metodais gautus rezultatus. / The aim of doctoral dissertation "Evaluation of diagnostic abilities of cone-beam computed tomography in endodontics” are to evaluate the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) diagnostic ability in assessment of periapical bone lesions and tooth root canal treatment outcome clinically and in ex vivo model. Objectives: 1) to compare the diagnostic abilities of CBCT and digital periapical radiogram (DPR) methods in the detection of root perforations ex vivo and to assess the use of different voxel sizes of a CBCT unit; 2) to assess the influence of root perforations sizes and locations on diagnostic performance of CBCT ex vivo; 3) to assess the influence of different reconstruction planes of CBCT in diagnosing root perforations ex vivo; 4) to compare the accuracy of DPR and CBCT in the detection of periapical radiolucencies in endodontically treated teeth; 5) to develop new patients Periapical and Endodontic Status Scale (PESS) by means of CBCT analysis; 6) to investigate periapical status of the patient using Complex Periapical Index (COPI) with two radiological methods (CBCT and digital orthopantomogram (DOR)) and to compare their results; 7) to investigate endodontic treatment quality using Endodontically Treated Tooth Index (ETTI) with two radiological methods (CBCT and DOR) and to compare their results.
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