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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A onomástica no discurso publicitário turístico das estâncias hidrominerais: Águas de São Pedro, um estudo / Onomastics in tourist advertising discourse of thermal cities: Águas de São Pedro, a study

Doro, Maria da Penha Marinovic 25 February 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a importância dos nomes próprios (topônimos e corônimos) no discurso publicitário das estâncias hidrominerais para divulgar suas potencialidades turísticas. O topônimo utilizado pela indústria turística pode tornar-se o nome de um produto. Para estudar o discurso publicitário turístico e para analisar o topônimo como uma marca, pesquisamos a relação entre turismo, espaço e topônimo. Para essa análise, escolhemos a estância hidromineral Águas de São Pedro, localizada no estado de São Paulo. Realizamos pesquisa documental e de campo, entrevistando familiares do denominador, moradores, hoteleiros e turistas. Estudamos também o desenvolvimento histórico do lugar, suas denominações incluindo seus bairros, vilas, logradouros e suas motivações toponímicas. Através do estudo onomástico, levantamos nomes de corônimos como as denominações dos hotéis do município de Águas de São Pedro, seus atrativos turísticos e a relação entre os nomes dos hotéis com o nome da cidade. Portanto, por meio de estudos teóricos interdisciplinares, buscamos mostrar como o nome do lugar é tratado como marca no discurso publicitário turístico. / This research aims to study the importance of names (toponyms and coronyms) in advertising discourse of water spa resort or thermal cities to promote their tourism potential. The place name used by the tourism industry can become the name of a \"product\". To study the tourist advertising discourse and to anallyse the place name as a trademark, we studied the relationship between tourism, space and place name. For this analysis, we chose the water health resort of Águas de São Pedro, located in São Paulo. We conducted desk research and fieldwork, interviewing relatives of the denominator, residents, tourists and hoteliers. We studied also the historical development of the place, including the denomination of its neighborhoods, towns, places and its toponimical motivations. Through the onomastic study, we found coronyns, as the name of the hotels in the city of Águas de São Pedro, its tourist attractions and the relationship between the the hotels name and the city name. Therefore, through interdisciplinary theoretical studies, we show how the place-name is treated as \"trademark\" in tourist advertising discourse.

Um nome que faz toda diferença: análise literária de Gênesis 32,23-33 / A name that makes all the difference: literary analysis of Genesis 32: 23-33

Figueiredo, Telmo José Amaral de 22 February 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar a perícope de Gênesis 32,23-33 que constitui um dos elementos estruturantes do conhecido ciclo de Jacó que integra a história dos patriarcas de Israel na Bíblia Hebraica. Jacó é tomado como um dos principais ancestrais do povo judeu, não obstante sua tradição, em alguns períodos da história, ter ficado em plano inferior àquela de Moisés, por exemplo. Em Jacó convergem as esperanças de uma parte da nação que não se vê contemplada pela religião oficial que administra um culto a YHWH distante da realidade vivida pelas famílias tribais, que habitam no interior, em pequenos vilarejos e no campo. O nome dado a Jacó, em meio a uma luta, é significativo e revelador. Afinal, ele não é, nem de longe, a figura perfeita, ideal que as tradições religiosas dominantes exigiam para alguém ser considerado um verdadeiro israelita temente ao Senhor. Sua liderança e dignidade chegam, mesmo, a ser questionadas pelo profetismo. Não obstante tudo isso, é sua pessoa que encarnará, através de um nome recebido do próprio ser divino, os destinos de Israel. Personagem e indivíduo se mesclam propositalmente, a fim de revelar a verdadeira vocação daquele povo. / This thesis aims to analyze the pericope of Genesis 32,23-33 which constitutes one of the structuring elements of the well-known \"Jacob cycle\" that integrates the history of the patriarchs of Israel in the Hebrew Bible. Jacob is taken as one of the chief ancestors of the Jewish people, in spite of his tradition, at some periods in history, to have remained lower than that of Moses, for example. In Jacob converge the hopes of a part of the nation that is not seen contemplated by the official religion that administers a cult to YHWH far from the reality lived by the tribal families, that inhabit in the countryside, in small villages and in the field. The name given to Jacob in the midst of a struggle is significant and revealing. After all, he is by no means the perfect, ideal figure that prevailing religious traditions demanded for someone to be considered a \"true Israelite\" who feared the Lord. His leadership and dignity even come to be questioned by prophetism. Notwithstanding all this, it is his person who incarnates, through a name received from his own divine being, the destinies of Israel. Character and individual deliberately merge in order to reveal the true vocation of that people.

Onomastischer Vergleich: Deutsch ‒ Tschechisch / Onomastical comparison: German ‒ Czech

Eichler, Ernst 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Wir wollen an dieser Stelle in Thesenform Prinzipien des toponymischen Vergleichs zwischen Böhmen und Sachsen darlegen, um Anregungen für künftige komparative Forschungen zu geben.

Eine empfehlenswerte Datenbank für die Arbeit des Namenforschers / A recommended database for onomastic studies

Hellfritzsch, Volkmar 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this article the author recommends a hierarchically structured data base, called MemoMaster, as a mighty tool to replace traditional card indexes in the preparatory stage of onomastic research. Referring to Karlheinz Hengst’s exemplary monograph on place names in the South-West of Saxony, he demonstrates how MemoMaster enables the scholar to store and structure information in folders, subfolders, and “memos“ to be utilized in a manuscript later on. His explanation is supported by two screenshots.

Der Name Leipzig als Hinweis auf Gegend mit Wasserreichtum / The name Leipzig as an indication of an area with abundant amounts of water

Hengst, Karlheinz 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The article continues to discuss the origins and the history of the Saxon place name Leipzig. Several questions are under scrutiny. Starting out from recent research which gives the oldest historical evidence of the place name Leipzig as Lib-, it deals with certain new doubts regarding explanations that try to date the origins of the place name in pre-monolingual times. The question whether one can assume an original Slavonic form to the Slavonic root *lib- is dealt with in detail. The results of this discourse are: Today’s research cannot give a satisfactory explanation that the primary place name is derived from Slavonic. Furthermore, the hypothesis of an existing pre-monolingual form is newly evaluated. In this regard also the formerly existing geographical setting of the area around Leipzig is considered as the deciding motive in naming the place.

Bemerkungen aus sprachhistorischer Sicht zur ältesten Urkunde von Greiz und ihrer landesgeschichtlichen Auswertung / Notes on the oldest document of Greiz and its regional historical analysis from a historical-linguistic viewpoint

Hengst , Karlheinz 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In 2009 the oldest documents concerning the place Greiz in Eastern Thuringia were published by a historian. This article now provides a linguistic approach to that publication and its interpretation of the mentioned area in Medieval times. The results may be considered as a contribution to a book of reference for place names of Eastern Thuringia. In this respect some questions have been asked, e. g. whether the region along the river Weiße Elster between the places Weida and Plauen had really been an unsettled area until the 12th century. There is hard evidence that the historian’s assumptions are wrong because of the obvious Slavonic names of settlements in this area dating from the 8th until the 10th centuries. Based on a document from 1209 – respectively its copy from 1510 – as well as on a document from 1225 several facts are discussed in detail with consequences for toponymy and history of settlement with the help of historical linguistics. Thus it becomes evident that it is necessary to exchange ideas and to communicate for representatives of history as well as linguistics. At the same time it is obvious that the publication of documents and their analysis by historians will always be very helpful for linguistic exploitation. As a result the prospective edition of a historical dictionary of place names in Thuringia or of Eastern Thuringia respectively has been asserted as dependent on the continuous co-operation between historians and linguists.

Grundlagen des Wörterbuches "Geographische Namen Schlesiens" (Nazwy geograficzne Śląska) / Basic principals of the dictionary "Geographical names of Silesia"

Sochacka, Stanisława 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Das "Etymologische Wörterbuch der geographischen Namen Schlesiens" (Słownik etymologiczny nazw geograficznych Śląska) gehört zu den vier großen wissenschaftlichen Projekten im Bereich Namenkunde und Dialektologie, die Schlesien betreffen und von großer Bedeutung sind. Zu den anderen Vorhaben gehören: Słownik nazwisk śląskich [Wörterbuch der schlesischen Familiennamen; Bde. 1–2: A–K. Wrocław 1967–73], Atlas językowy Śląska [Schlesischer Sprachatlas von Alfred Zaręba. Bde. 1– 8. Katowice 1967– 80] und Słownik gwar śląskich [Wörterbuch der schlesischen Dialekte. Hg. von Bogusław Wyderka. Bde. 1–10. Opole 2000 – 08]. Von den erwähnten Abhandlungen wurde nur der „Sprachatlas Schlesien“ als Ganzes veröffentlicht. Vom „Wörterbuch der schlesischen Familiennamen“ sind lediglich zwei Bände (einschließlich Buchstabe K) erschienen. Am „Lexikon der geographischen Namen Schlesiens“ und am „Wörterbuch der schlesischen Dialekte“ wird weiter gearbeitet, und hoffentlich werden wir in absehbarer Zeit den Abschluss dieser Projekte sehen. Wie zu ersehen ist, könnte Schlesien als einzige Region unter den slawischen Ländern eine volle namenkundliche und dialektologische Dokumentation vorweisen. Die Beendigung dieser grundlegenden Werke wird eine wichtige Forschungsetappe abschließen, deren Ziel es ist, die umfangreichen Quellenbestände dieser Region zugänglich zu machen. In meinem Referat möchte ich sowohl die Genese, die methodologischen und theoretischen Grundlagen des Wörterbuches „Geographische Namen Schlesiens“ als auch seine Perzeption in den polnischen und internationalen wissenschaftlichen Kreisen darstellen.

Leipzigs Name im Lichte seiner Frühüberlieferung / The name Leipzig in early written records

Walther, Hans 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die intensive Ortsnamenforschung der vergangenen 50 Jahre hat dazu geführt, dass auch der Name Leipzigs heute in einem etwas veränderten Licht gegenüber den Darlegungen in Band 8 der Schriftenreihe „Deutsch- Slawische Forschungen zur Namenkunde und Siedlungsgeschichte“ von 1960 erscheint. Insbesondere ergaben sich neue Aspekte durch die Sprachkontaktforschung / Kontaktonomastik seit den 1980er Jahren. So bleibt zwar die Deutung des Namens Leipzig – alt *Lipsk(o) – zu dem aso. Appellativ lipa ,Linde‘ unangefochten, doch handelt es sich bei den diesbezüglichen Namenbelegen offensichtlich um die hochmittelalterliche Umdeutung eines älteren Vorgängernamens mit einer anderen Grundlage. Die genauere Überprüfung der Gesamtüberlieferung führte dazu, die abweichenden Erstbelege bei Thietmar von Merseburg und den frühesten anderen Bezeugungen in Urkunden und Annalen kritischer zu bewerten.

Umstrittene Deutungen Lausitzer Ortsnamen / Controversial analysis of Lusation place names

Wenzel, Walter 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In an extensive article the well-known philologist Heinz Schuster-Šewc presented his views concerning our “Book of Place Names in Oberlausitz” (Upper Lusatia). He attempted to refute a substantial number of place name meanings and suggested new explanations. In some instances his interpretations were preferable to earlier explanations; however, in far more cases his arguments were not conclusive, so that the current explanations can still be considered valid.

Die Ortsnamen auf -leben / Place names on -leben

Winkler, Gundhild 20 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The paper deals with the German place name type of -leben and tries to give new insights to the discussion about these names using the method of typological analysis. With the classification of the personal names within the -leben names, a new typology will be designed and the subtype bipartide personal name plus primary word -leben will be represented. The analysis gives a survey of the contained root of the personal name and shows the preference and also the absence of specific name elements within the different distribution areas Unstrut- and Bodekreis. The presented analysis is completed and illustrated with a map.

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