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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural congruence and student connection in the community college: a case study

Flannigan, Suzanne Louise 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

La ricezione dell’Ariosto “visualizzato” tra letteratura delle immagini e filosofia morale / La réception de l’Arioste « visualisé » entre littérature de l’image et philosophie morale / The Reception of Visualised Ariosto in the context of Literary Imagery and Moral Philosophy

Modano, Stefania 26 October 2017 (has links)
Dans notre thèse de doctorat, nous nous sommes occupée des interprétations visuelles et morales du Roland furieux au XVIe siècle, en prenant en considération les nombreuses éditions de l’époque, dont le riche paratexte (images, allégories, arguments) a eu un impact considérable sur leur réception « moralisée » et sur la circulation de l’ouvrage. En analysant l’interaction des éléments paratextuels, nous nous sommes concentrée principalement sur le concept de « vice peint », c’est à dire d’images des nains, de géants et d’animaux chargés d’un rôle moral important et ayant un fort impact visuel.Les éditeurs ont, en effet, consacré une attention particulière aux éléments paratextuels qui contribuent à faire du Roland furieux un ouvrage exemplaire du point de vue de la langue, du style, de la rhétorique et de l’éthique, en favorisant la canonisation du poème. Cette canonisation est par ailleurs passée par l’un des débats les plus acharnés de l’histoire littéraire italienne dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle. C’est par une nouvelle analyse des principaux traités de poétique et rhétorique du XVIe siècle que nous avons pu constater que les tenants de ce débat, les « classicistes » et les « modernistes », ont mis au cœur de leur diatribe la capacité de l’Arioste de rendre sous forme visuelle un concept, tout en associant cette puissance visuelle de l’écriture de l’auteur au discours moral du poème et à sa capacité de « delectare » pour pouvoir mieux « docere ». Ces résultats ont été également confirmés par deux lectures importantes du Roland furieux, faites par Campanella et Montaigne, qui nous offrent leur interprétation à la fois « visuelle » et « morale ».Nous avons aussi vérifié l'influence des éditions italiennes sur d’autres éditions réalisées au-delà des frontières de la péninsule. En suivant les étapes de la circulation du Roland furieux en France, en langue italienne, mais aussi en langue étrangère, nous avons pu trouver une confirmation de l’importance de facteurs paratextuels sur la diffusion et la réception de l’œuvre. En partant d’une approche textuelle (les éditions) et formelle (le paratexte) et en passant par une étude interprétative (l’analyse de la valeur « visuelle » et « morale » des éléments paratextuels), nous avons ainsi abouti à la constatation que, par le biais des éditions successives, le Roland furieux devient peu à peu un récipient de préceptes moraux et de fragments iconiques, fait de matériaux de récupération lui donnant une nouvelle cohérence tant au niveau rhétorique qu’artistique et éthique / In this doctoral thesis, consideration is given to Orlando Furioso and his visual and moral interpretations of the 16th century by examining the many editions of the period, whose rich paratext, images, allegorie, argomenti, has had a great impact on their ‘moralised’ reception et on the circulation of the work.By analysing the interaction of the paratextual elements, attention has been given to the concept of ‘depicted vice’, that is to say images of dwarfs, giants and animals charged with an important moral role and having a strong visual impact. Indeed, the editors have given special attention to all the paratextual elements qui make Orlando Furioso an exemplary work from the perspective of its language, style, rhetoric and ethics and these have contributed to the canonisation of the poem.Moreover, this canonisation went through one of the fiercest debates in Italian literary history in the second half of the 16th century. Through a new analysis of the principal treatises of the 16th century on poetry and rhetoric, it was possible to see that those involved in this debate, the ‘classicists’ and the ‘modernists’, have put at the heart of their diatribe Ariosto’s ability to bring a concept into a visual form, whilst at the same time associating this visual power of author’s writings with the moral discussion of the poem and its ability to ‘delectare’ in order to ‘docere’ better.These results have also been confirmed by two of the most important interpretations of Orlando Furioso by Campanella and Montaigne, whose interpretations are both ‘visual’ and ‘moral’.The influence of the Italian editions on other editions published beyond the peninsula’s border has also been verified. By following the phases in the circulation of the Italian version of Orlando Furioso in France, but also in a foreign language, it has been possible to confirm the importance of paratextual factors on the circulation and the reception of the work. Starting from a textual (the editions) and formal (the paratext) approach and moving through an interpretative study (the analysis of the "visual" and "moral" value of the paratextual elements), it is concluded that, through successive editions, Orlando Furioso gradually becomes a repository of moral guidance and iconic fragments – raw materials, giving it a new coherence in rhetoric, art and ethics.

Os senhores de seus mundos: um estudo sobre Angélica e o narrador no \"Orlando Furioso\", de Ludovico Ariosto / The owners of their own worlds: a study of Angelica and the narrator in the Orlando Furioso, of Ludovico Ariosto

Fernanda Zambon Nunes Corrêa 08 August 2014 (has links)
Durante o Renascimento Italiano, em meio a uma situação de guerras e de incertezas, em uma sociedade cortesã permeada de relações aparentes motivadas por interesses políticos e pessoais, surge o Orlando Furioso, uma novela de cavalaria trabalhada durante quase trinta anos por Ludovico Ariosto, literato da corte de Ferrara que dedica seu poema a Ippolito dEste, seu senhor e mecenas. Embora se trate de uma novela de cavalaria. Ariosto deixa nela marcas que nos ajudam a entender um pouco da sociedade em que autor e obra estavam inseridos, por meio, sobretudo, das reflexões do narrador, o qual se coloca como personagem pertencente a uma sociedade historicamente determinada. Essa mistura espácio-temporal acaba concedendo um caráter paródico ao texto ariostesco. Diante disso, nosso estudo tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento contraditório da voz narrativa (que ora se mostra onisciente, ora se compara aos cavaleiros carolíngios errantes) e da principal personagem feminina do Furioso, Angélica, buscando relacionar tal comportamento com o meio social em que se dá a composição da obra e ao qual o próprio narrador demonstra pertencer / During Italian Renaissance, in the midst of a war situation and uncertainties, in a courtesan society permeated with apparent relationships motivated by political and personal interests comes Orlando Furioso, a novel of chivalry worked for nearly thirty years for Ludovico Ariosto, literati at the court of Ferrara, who dedicates his poem to Ippolito dEste, his master and patron. Despite being a novel of chivalry, Ariosto leaves marks on it that help us understand a little of the society in which author and work were inserted through mainly reflections of the narrator which arises as historically determined character; this spatiotemporal mixture just granted a parodic character to the text of Ariosto. Before that, our study aims to analyze the ambiguous behavior of narrative voice (that either shows itself omniscient, or compares itself to Carolingian knights errant) and the main female character of the Furioso, Angelica, seeking to relate such behavior to the social environment in which it gives the composition of the work to which the narrator demonstrates belong

O campo do geógrafo: colonização e agricultura na obra de Orlando Valverde (1917-1964) / Geographer´s area: colonization and agriculture in the Orlando Valverde´s work (1917-1964)

Sergio Adas 05 March 2007 (has links)
Com o intuito de contribuir para os estudos sobre a história do pensamento geográfico no Brasil, este trabalho apresenta a análise da produção científica de Orlando Valverde (1917-2006), primeiro geógrafo contratado pelo CNG (Conselho Nacional de Geografia) em 1937, no Rio de Janeiro. Particularmente dedicado à análise de seus escritos elaborados entre 1942 a 1964, busca compreendê-los baseando-se em quatro eixos bibliográficos complementares e essenciais, ou seja, sócio-político, institucional (CNG/IBGE) e intelectual e, quando demonstrou-se salutar para depreender o posicionamento político-ideológico do autor, metodológico. Entre os resultados obtidos, defende-se que o discurso geográfico valverdiano apresenta influências significativas das políticas lideradas por Getúlio Vargas durante o Estado Novo (1937-1945) relativas aos temários colonização, povoamento e agricultura. Ademais, tanto no que tange à eleição de temas quanto na forma de tratamento, demonstra-se como a produção científica do geógrafo manteve estreitas relações com o pensamento nacional-desenvolvimentista gestado mais pronunciadamente a partir do segundo governo de Getúlio Vargas (1951-1954) e como nela encontram-se certas reservas políticas do geógrafo com relação ao tratamento dedicado à questão agrária durante o governo de Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961). A compreensão desses aspectos foi efetuada partindo-se dos próprios escritos do autor e, por intermédio das evidências neles coletadas, a pesquisa as comparou e interpretou mediante os elementos de conjuntura circundantes à sua produção. / In order to contribute to geographical thought in Brazil the aim of this work is to assess the scientific production of Orlando Valverde, the first geographer hired by CNG (National Council of Geography) on 1937, in Rio de Janeiro. Particularly dedicated to the analyzes of his paper\'s written from 1942 to 1964, this assessesments takes four forms: social-politics, institutional, intelectual and methodological (on the bases of author?s politic-ideologic position). We realized that Valverde geographic discourse represents significative influence of Getúlio Vargas politics on the New State regarding colonization, settlement and agriculture. Furthermore, not only the election of subjects but also the way of treatment shows that the geograper\'s scientific production was closely tied to national developmental thoughts mainly after Getúlio Vargas second government (1951-1954). The geographer presents also some political critics regarding to the agrarian issue Juscelino Kubitschek\'s (1956-1961) government (1956-1961). The comparative and interpretative analysis was done considering the context of the geographer production.

Att välja medicinen : Aspekter som kan påverka följsamheten till underhållsbehandling för personer med bipolär sjukdom. En integrativ litteraturstudie. / Choosing the Medicine : Aspects that may affect adherence to maintenance treatment for people with bipolar disorder. An integrative literature study

Engström, Anna, Stenberg, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Bipolär sjukdom är en kronisk och allvarlig sjukdom och risken för återinsjuknande är livslång. Risken för suicid och olycksfall är förhöjd under både maniska och depressiva episoder. Farmakologisk långtidsbehandling är den primära behandlingen för att behandla och förebygga maniska och depressiva skov vid bipolär sjukdom. Bristande läkemedelsföljsamhet är den vanligaste orsaken till återinsjuknande och ett stort hälsoproblem. Syftet med studien var att utforska aspekter som kan påverka följsamheten till underhållsbehandling hos personer med bipolär sjukdom. En integrativ litteraturstudie genomfördes inspirerad av Whittemore och Knafls metod. Totalt 15 studier med kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad ansats inkluderades. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt i resultatdiskussionen användes Orlandos teori om en reflektiv omvårdnadsprocess. Ur dataanalysen framkom fyra teman vilka innehöll totalt åtta underteman. De fyra identifierade teman var: Patient/sjukdom; Familj och samhälle; Läkemedel samt Behandlingsallians och undervisning. Att ha kunskap om avgörande faktorer för läkemedelsföljsamhet kan fungera som ett viktigt verktyg i specialistsjuksköterskans hälsoarbete med patienter med bipolär sjukdom. Behandlingsalliansens betydelse för följsamheten framkom i studien. Samlad kunskap om faktorer som påverkar följsamheten till långtidsmedicinering kan ge ökad förståelse och verktyg för sjuksköterskan i mötet med patientgruppen.

Detection And Evaluation Of Exisiting Pavement System With Brick Base

Desai, Karishma 01 January 2004 (has links)
At the turn of the century, the City of Orlando initiated the "Neighborhood Horizon Program." This program involved local citizens to help improve their community resources by engaging in a process of planning where the problems associated with the communities were identified. Many residents favored to bring back the brick roads that were overlaid with asphalt concrete to provided better transportation in the mid 1900s. With majority of the neighborhood streets already bricked, removing asphalt ensured safety, served as a technique for slowing traffic, and added to the historical integrity. Since there were no official documentations available that stated the definite existence of bricks beneath the asphalt surface course, it would have been rather impossible to core hundreds of locations to ensure the whereabouts of these anomalies. Thus, without time delays and excessive coring costs, a nondestructive instrumentation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was employed in the detection of bricks. This geophysical survey system distinguishes materials based on their different electrical properties that depend upon temperature, density, moisture content and impurities by providing a continuous profile of the subsurface conditions. The Ground Penetrating Radar operates on the principle of the electromagnetic wave (EMW) theory. The main objectives of this study was to investigate the existing pavement by using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in detecting the brick base and to analyze the performance of pavement system for fatigue and rutting. The results of this study will assist the City of Orlando in removing asphalt layer, rebuilding of brick roads, and facilitate in better zoning and planning of the city. The construction of controlled test area provided with a good sense of brick detection, which helped in precise locations bricks for sections of Summerlin Avenue, Church Street and Cherokee Drive. The project demonstrated a good sense of detecting the subsurface anomalies, such as bricks. The validation of the profile readings was near to a 100%.

Ground Access to the Orlando International Airport: Design and Evaluation of Various Mass Transportation Alternatives

Fan, George S. 01 April 1981 (has links) (PDF)
This research presents designs and evaluations of various mass transportation alternatives for reducing the problem of the ground access congestion in the Orlando International Airport. The alternatives considered in this research are conventional bus service, minibus service, express bus service, light rail transit service, rail rapid transit service, and monorail service. Details of the origin-destination studies for the present traffic are given. A discussion of the various mass transportation alternatives is provided, with provisions for future systems expansion. Three economic evaluation methods were used in this research for evaluation of various alternatives. According to the results of the economic analysis, the modified bus service is recommended.

The Orlando Utilities Commission's Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center- A Case Study of Community Power Structure

Shirley, Girvan G. 01 January 1985 (has links) (PDF)
This study builds on the work on community power structure which had evolved since the publication of the Lynds' Middletown. An empirical examination of the conflict over the proposed construction of the Orlando Utilities Commission's Curtis H. Stanton Energy Center is undertaken in the context of alternative hypotheses concerning the structure of power. The theoretical positions of the two major schools of community power structure--plural-elitist and single-elitist--are examined. The origins and arguments for the plant are presented, and the origins, tactics and counter-arguments of the opposition to the plant are also examined. The interaction and development of the conflict between the opposing strategies is then analyzed. This study concludes that in the case of the Stanton energy Center, the single-elitist hypothesis was confirmed. A small, business-oriented elite, having control over major financial resources and access to the mass media, overwhelmed public advocacy groups which had a narrow base of support, few organizational and financial resources, and little cohesion.

Ramp and route choice analysis for the expressway system using GIS

Huang, Yile 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Reflektionsrapport för reportage om Kjell Jonevret

Furubacke, Hampus, Richnau, Max January 2017 (has links)
I slutet av februari 2017 utnämns Kjell Jonevret till ny tränare för den sydafrikanska storklubben Orlando Pirates. Efter att tidigare endast ha varit verksam i Sverige och Norge väntar nu en helt ny utmaning för den svenske 54-åringen. I Orlando Pirates brottas han med utmaningar som en stor och svårhanterad spelartrupp, en luddig organisation samt höga krav och förväntningar. Vi åkte ner till Sydafrika för att på plats följa hans dagliga arbete i en av hela Afrikas största klubbar. Vi analyserar vår arbetsprocess utifrån journalistiska principer om bland annat nyhetsvärdering, undersökningsmetoder, källor och etik. Vi analyserar också svåra beslut som vi har tvingats ta under processen. Vi har kommit till slutsatsen att vi på ett bra sätt har följt god journalistisk sed samt vetenskapliga principer. I en del etiska dilemman vi har ställt inför har vi kanske inte alltid tagit rätt beslut, men vi är övertygade om att det har varit nödvändiga övertramp för att kunna genomföra arbetet och skriva vårt reportage.

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