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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj dodatka emulgujućih skrobova na tehnološke karakteristike testa i kvalitet hleba / Influence of emulsifying starches on dough technological characteristics and bread quality

Dapčević Hadnađev Tamara 28 October 2013 (has links)
<p>Prema najnovijim istraživanjima modifikovanim skrobovima može se pripisati jo&scaron; jedna uloga &ndash; aditivi u pekarstvu, s obzirom da utiču na pobolj&scaron;anje kvaliteta hleba i<br />usporavaju proces starenja. Međutim, prema saznanjima autora ove disertacije, ne<br />postoje istraživanja na temu uticaja emulgujućih skrobova (skrob-natrijum<br />oktenilsukcinata, OSA skrobova) na kvalitet testa i hleba od p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na.<br />Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da druge vrste modifikovanih skrobova ispoljavaju dobre<br />osobine u smislu pobolj&scaron;anja kvaliteta hleba i da je OSA skrob nutritivno vredna<br />sirovina, s obzirom da se u organiznu pona&scaron;a kao prehrambeno vlakno, od velike je<br />važnosti ispitati ulogu OSA skroba kao aditiva u pekarstvu.<br />Međutim, usled kompleksne prirode testa kao sistema, bilo je te&scaron;ko odrediti relativni<br />uticaj pojedinačnih komponenti (proteina, p&scaron;eničnog skroba, OSA skroba) i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija na osobine testa. Stoga je, u cilju rasvetljavanja uticaja različitih OSA skrobova na viskoelastične osobine testa i retrogradaciju skrobne komponente (fenomen povezan sa starenjem hleba), p&scaron;enično bra&scaron;no frakcionisano na gluten i skrob, i vr&scaron;ena su ispitivanja strukturnih, reolo&scaron;kih i termičkih osobina hidratisanog glutena i skrobnih gelova sa dodatkom OSA skroba. Takođe su pripremani i model sistemi testa.<br />Ispitivanja na realnim sistemima (testo i hleb) izvođena su zamenom 2,5; 5 i 10%<br />p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na, jednim od tri vrste OSA skroba: skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom<br />(OSA-ST), preželatiniziranim skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom (Pregel OSA-ST) i<br />hidrolizovanim su&scaron;enim u spreju skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom (Hydrol OSA-ST).<br />Cilj je bio da se ispita uticaj dodatka OSA skrobova na strukturu testa (SEM), empirijske (miksolab, alveograf i reofermentometar) i fundamentalne (oscilatorna merenja i testovi puzanja i deformacije) reolo&scaron;ke osobine, kao i parametre kvaliteta hleba (specifična zapremina, boja kore i sredine hleba, vlaga sredine hleba, parametri raspodele veličine pora i tekstura sredine). Pored pomenutog, praćena je i promena kvaliteta hleba tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, kako bi se dobio uvid u kinetiku starenja hleba.<br />Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj disertaciji ukazali su da reolo&scaron;ko pona&scaron;anje testa sa dodatkom OSA skrobova zavisi od strukture skrobnih granula, tj. od stepena dezintegracije i depolimerizacije granule tokom procesa modifikacije. Stoga je dodatak OSA-ST doveo do ojačavanja glutenske mreže &scaron;to se odrazilo na porast modula elastičnosti i testa i glutena. Nasuprot tome, Pregel and Hydrol OSA-ST uticali su na kontinualnost glutenske mreže koja je u njihovom prisustvu bila poroznija, a time su i dobijena testa bila mek&scaron;a i rastegljivija. Istraživanja na realnim i model sistemima (p&scaron;enični skrob sa dodatkom OSA skroba) ukazala su da sva tri OSA skroba usporavaju retrogradaciju p&scaron;eničnog skroba. Takođe je dokazano da svi ispitivani emulgujući skrobovi povećavaju specifičnu zapreminu hleba u poređenju sa kontrolnim, pri čemu je Pregel OSA ispoljio najjači efekat. To se odrazilo i na strukturne osobine sredine hleba, a posledično i na mehaničke osobine sredine, čija promena je praćena u cilju određivanja kinetike starenja hleba. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, vrednosti čvrstoće sredine hleba koji je sadržao OSA-ST i Pregel OSA-ST su i nakon 24 h bile slične ili značajno niže od vrednosti čvrstoće kontrolnog uzorka određene 2 h nakon pečenja.</p> / <p>Recent studies have demonstrated that modified starches can be used as novel additives in breadmaking since they improve bread quality and retard stalling. However, up to the author&#39;s knowledge, there are no investigations concerning the influence of emulsifying starches (starch sodium octenyl succinates - OSA starches) on wheat flour dough and bread quality. Taking into account the fact that other modified starches have exhibited significant bread improving properties and that OSA starch has special nutritional value since it can act as functional fibre, it is of a great importance to investigate the feasibility of OSA starch as bread improver.<br />However, due to the complex nature of dough, it was difficult to determine the relative contributions of protein, native and modified starch components and their interactions on dough properties. Therefore, in order to resolve the influence of different OSA starches on dough viscoelastic properties and starch retrogradation (the phenomenon related to bread stalling), wheat flour was fractionated into gluten and starch; and the structural, rheological and thermal behaviour of the hydrated gluten samples and starch gels supplemented with emulsifying starches was also studied. Dough model systems were also prepared.<br />Experiments on real systems (dough and bread) were performed by incorporating<br />starch sodium octenyl succinate (OSA-ST), pregelatinized OSA starch (Pregel OSA-ST) and hydrolysed spray-dried OSA starch (Hydrol OSA-ST) at 2.5, 5 and 10 % into wheat flour. The aim was to investigate the effect of incorporating OSA starches on dough structural (SEM imaging), empirical (Mixolab, Alveograph, Rheofermentometre) and fundamental (oscillatory and creep measurements) rheological properties as well as bread quality parameters (specific loaf volume, crust and crumb colour, crumb moisture, crumb grain features, crumb texture). In addition, the bread quality attributes during storage were also monitored in order to get insight into bread stalling kinetics.<br />The results obtained in this thesis revealed that the rheological behaviour of OSA starch supplemented dough depended on the OSA starch granule rigidity, i.e. extent of OSA starch granule disintegration and polysaccharide degradation during modification. OSA-ST starch caused a reinforcement of the gluten network, as shown by the increase in storage modulus of doughs and gluten. On contrary, Pregel and Hydrol OSA-ST affected the continuity of gluten network which became porous and thus produced softer and stickier doughs in comparison to control. Investigations on real dough and model systems containing wheat and OSA starches revealed that all three types of OSA starches reduced starch retrogradation.<br />In general, all the examined emulsifying starches increased bread loaf volume in comparison to control bread with no added polymers, while Pregel OSA starch has expressed the greatest impact. It also reflected on bread crumb structural features and consequently on the crumb mechanical properties which were used for bread stalling monitoring. Firmness values of OSA-ST and Pregel OSA-ST starch supplemented bread crumbs, after 24 h of storage, were similar to or significantly lower than those of control determined 2 h after baking.</p>

OSA- wie „ohne sichere Aussagekraft“?

Burkhardt, Birgit, Hagemeister, Carmen 28 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Online-Self-Assessments werden zunehmend als Instrumente der niederschwelligen Studienberatung eingesetzt. Mittels einer fachbezogenen Testbearbeitung durch angehende Studierende im Internet mit anschließender Rückmeldung der Testergebnisse, sollen selbstregulierte Studienselektionsprozesse angestoßen und Studienabbruch vermieden werden. Zur qualitativen Überprüfung bestehender Online-Self-Assessments, wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche im deutschsprachigen Raum durchgeführt, um Angaben über die Aussagekraft für den Studienerfolg machen zu können. Hierbei wurden 19 valide Untersuchen aus 5 Hochschulen, die bis Dezember 2016 erschienen, identifiziert und ausgewertet. Im Leistungsbereich erwiesen sich das schlussfolgernde Denken, als Facette der allgemeinen Intelligenz, und die mathematische Fachkompetenz, als Kombination von Intelligenz und Vorwissen, als gute Indikatoren bei der Vorhersage von Studienerfolg. Im Persönlichkeitsbereich ist die Messung von Leistungsmotivation, Selbstwirksamkeit, Stressbewältigung, Fachinteresse und realistischen Erwartungen an das Studium gewinnversprechend. Eine deutliche Steigerung der prädiktiven Aussagekraft kann durch die Kombination beider Messbereiche zu einem Gesamt-Assessment erfolgen. Abschließend werden die Limitationen diskutiert und ein Forschungsausblick gegeben.

„Testung inklusive Training?“

Burkhardt, Birgit, Hagemeister, Carmen 28 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In diesem Artikel wird die Bedeutung von Selbstmanagement als Schlüsselkompetenz in der Studieneingangsphase diskutiert. Basierend auf dem Modell von Kehr (2005) wird die Entwicklung eines internetbasierten Instrumentes zur Messung von Selbstmanagement (Dresdner SM) vorgestellt. Die Eignung dieses Testes wurde in einer Onlinetestung mit Studierenden der TU Dresden (N=195) überprüft. Es zeigen sich mittlere Zusammenhänge mit Studienerfolgskriterien. Ebenso wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Testung und Training im Fall von Selbstmanagement beleuchtet. Die Limitationen der Studie werden besprochen. / In this paper the key importance of self-management in first-year college achievement is examined. Based on the model of Kehr (2005) this study reports the development of an internet-based instrument measuring self-management in students (Dresdner SM). Students from diverse study fields at the TU Dresden (N=195) responded to that scale in an online assessment. Self-management was found to be a proper predictor for academic performance. Likewise the connection between testing and training in the case of self-management is elucidated. Limitations are discussed.

OSA- wie „ohne sichere Aussagekraft“?: Ein systematisches Review zur prädiktiven Aussagekraft von Online-Self-Assessment für den Studienerfolg

Burkhardt, Birgit, Hagemeister, Carmen 28 May 2018 (has links)
Online-Self-Assessments werden zunehmend als Instrumente der niederschwelligen Studienberatung eingesetzt. Mittels einer fachbezogenen Testbearbeitung durch angehende Studierende im Internet mit anschließender Rückmeldung der Testergebnisse, sollen selbstregulierte Studienselektionsprozesse angestoßen und Studienabbruch vermieden werden. Zur qualitativen Überprüfung bestehender Online-Self-Assessments, wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche im deutschsprachigen Raum durchgeführt, um Angaben über die Aussagekraft für den Studienerfolg machen zu können. Hierbei wurden 19 valide Untersuchen aus 5 Hochschulen, die bis Dezember 2016 erschienen, identifiziert und ausgewertet. Im Leistungsbereich erwiesen sich das schlussfolgernde Denken, als Facette der allgemeinen Intelligenz, und die mathematische Fachkompetenz, als Kombination von Intelligenz und Vorwissen, als gute Indikatoren bei der Vorhersage von Studienerfolg. Im Persönlichkeitsbereich ist die Messung von Leistungsmotivation, Selbstwirksamkeit, Stressbewältigung, Fachinteresse und realistischen Erwartungen an das Studium gewinnversprechend. Eine deutliche Steigerung der prädiktiven Aussagekraft kann durch die Kombination beider Messbereiche zu einem Gesamt-Assessment erfolgen. Abschließend werden die Limitationen diskutiert und ein Forschungsausblick gegeben.

„Testung inklusive Training?“: Ein Online-Self-Assessment für Selbstmanagement in der Studieneingangsphase

Burkhardt, Birgit, Hagemeister, Carmen 28 May 2018 (has links)
In diesem Artikel wird die Bedeutung von Selbstmanagement als Schlüsselkompetenz in der Studieneingangsphase diskutiert. Basierend auf dem Modell von Kehr (2005) wird die Entwicklung eines internetbasierten Instrumentes zur Messung von Selbstmanagement (Dresdner SM) vorgestellt. Die Eignung dieses Testes wurde in einer Onlinetestung mit Studierenden der TU Dresden (N=195) überprüft. Es zeigen sich mittlere Zusammenhänge mit Studienerfolgskriterien. Ebenso wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Testung und Training im Fall von Selbstmanagement beleuchtet. Die Limitationen der Studie werden besprochen. / In this paper the key importance of self-management in first-year college achievement is examined. Based on the model of Kehr (2005) this study reports the development of an internet-based instrument measuring self-management in students (Dresdner SM). Students from diverse study fields at the TU Dresden (N=195) responded to that scale in an online assessment. Self-management was found to be a proper predictor for academic performance. Likewise the connection between testing and training in the case of self-management is elucidated. Limitations are discussed.

Kommunala chefers organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö : En studie baserad på första linjens chefers upplevelser / Municipal managers’ organizational and social work environment : a study based on first line managers’ experiences

Stjernquist, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa första linjens chefers organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö inom kommunal verksamhet. Genom ökad kunskap kring de villkor och förutsättningar som kännetecknar chefers arbetssituation finns ökade möjligheter att rikta insatser till de utvecklingsområden som chefer särskilt belyser. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i faktorer som påverkar organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö enligt Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift om organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö. Det finns få studier som har undersökt första linjens chefers organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö vilket gör det aktuellt att undersöka deras villkor och förutsättningar. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med första linjens chefer inom en förvaltning i en kommun i södra Sverige har använts. Intervjuresultatet har relaterats till tidigare forskning, litteratur och teorier. Cheferna upplever otillräckliga villkor och förutsättningar för att leva upp till rollen som chef. Den höga arbetsbelastningen behöver vara i balans med resurser. Resurser som eftersöks är framförallt administrativ avlastning, hjälp vid prioritering av arbetsuppgifter och mer tydlighet gällande rollen, direktiv och mandat. Rekommendationer vid fortsatt forskning är att vid liknande studier använda kvantitativ metod för att kunna inkludera ett större urval eller att undersöka första linjens chefers överordnade chefers organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö. / This study’s purpose is to highlight organizational and social work environment of first line managers in municipal operations. Through increased knowledge of the terms and conditions that characterize managers’ work situation there are increased opportunities to direct efforts to the areas of development that managers particularly highlight. The study is based on factors that affect organizational and social work environment in accordance with the Swedish work environment authority’s regulation on organizational and social work environment. There are few studies that have examined the first line managers organizational and social work environment which makes it relevant to examine their terms and conditions. A qualitative research-method in terms of ten semistructured interviews with first line managers within an administration in a municipality in southern Sweden has been used. The result of the interviews has been linked to previous research, literature and theories. The managers experience insufficient terms and conditions to live up to their role. The high workload must be balanced with resources. Desired resources are primarily administrative support, assistance in prioritizing work tasks and more clarity about the role, directive and mandate. Recommendations for further research is similar studies with a quantitative method which can include a larger sample or to examine the organizational and social work environment of managers above first line managers.

Technology Acceptance and Compliance in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients

Kidwai, Asif 01 January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this study is the problem of declining trend in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patient compliance. Studies reported improved compliance in patients with chronic diseases due to technology-based interventions. However, researchers have not investigated the advantages of technology to improve the compliance of OSA patients in detail. The specific problem was the lack of engagement between patients and healthcare managers, resulting in low compliance within OSA patients. The purpose of this qualitative study was to evaluate how technology-based interventions can improve OSA patient engagement with the healthcare managers resulting in improved compliance with treatment procedures. In this study, the technology acceptance model was used as the instrument in evaluating the information collected through interviews with 20 healthcare managers about their attitudes toward usage, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use. The transcribed interviews were open-coded using the RQDA library in R Studio. In general, results from this study indicated that the healthcare managers showed a positive attitude towards the use of technology for patient engagement and expressed that the technology is useful for patient engagement and is easier to use. However, they identified technology-related and patient-related challenges in implementing technology for patient engagement. Further, the respondents identified process-related and patient-related opportunities in using technology for patient engagement. Results from this study have practice and policy implications by enabling healthcare managers to devise better compliance plans for OSA patient management. The findings could have a social benefit by helping healthcare managers to implement technology-based interventions to better achieve a higher compliance resulting in better patient health at lower costs.

A non intrusive OSA severity estimation for CPAP therapy screening based on snoring acoustical analysis / Uma estimativa não invasiva da gravidade da OSA para a recomendação do tratamento de CPAP baseado em uma análise acústica dos eventos de ronco

Bublitz, Carlos Fabiel January 2018 (has links)
A Sindrome da Apneia Hipopneia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) é caracterizada por episódios repetidos de obstrução parcial (hipopneia) ou completa (apneia) das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono. Os efeitos clínicos da SAHOS estão relacionados aos efeitos cumulativos da exposição à asfixia periódica e à fragmentação do sono causada por apneias e hipopnéias, como o aumento do risco de hipertensão, disritmias noturnas, insuficiência ventricular, infarto do miocárdio e acidente vascular cerebral. O padrão ouro para o diagnóstico de SAHOS é a Polissonografia (PSG), na qual requer que o paciente permaneça durante a noite inteira no laboratorio de sono, conectado a diferentes sensores biológicos e sob a supervisão de um técnico. Além do desconforto causado pelos sensores invasivos, a necessidade de um ambiente clínico e infraestrutura altamente especializada resulta em uma longa lista de espera nos laboratórios do sono e altos custos, restringindo assim o acesso ao diagnóstico e tratamento. Para melhorar o monitoramento da evolução da OSA, o acesso ao diagnóstico e o acompanhamento do tratamento, propõe-se uma solução baseada em Mobile Health (mHealth) para utilizar os recursos do smartphone a fim de desenvolver uma estimativa não invasiva da gravidade da SAHOS. Utiliza-se o áudio gravado através de um smartphone para detectar automaticamente os eventos de ronco durante a noite e, através da análise desses eventos, estimar a necessidade do paciente para o tratamento de Pressão Positiva Contínua nas Vias Aéreas (CPAP). Para isso, dividimos nossa solução em duas fases: (i) uma solução completamente não supervisionada para detectar automaticamente os eventos de ronco em um ambiente não controlado e (ii) a análise das características acústicas dos eventos de ronco para estimativa de gravidade da SAHOS. Na primeira fase, podemos comprovar a viabilidade de gravar o áudio e detectar os eventos de ronco usando um smartphone em um ambiente suscetível a ruídos aleatórios. Na segunda fase, mostramos que um conjunto de características acústicas globais dos eventos de ronco pode prever a necessidade do paciente para o tratamento com CPAP. Nossa solução proposta foi avaliada em ambiente não controlado (domicílio do paciente) e controlado (laboratório do sono), atingindo resultados satisfatórios na detecção de eventos de ronco e classificação do paciente de acordo com a necessidade de tratamento com CPAP. / Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is characterized by repeated episodes of partial (hypopnea) or complete (apnea) obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. The clinical effects of OSA are related to the cumulative effects of exposure to periodic asphyxia and sleep fragmentation caused by apneas and hypopneas, such as an increased risk of hypertension, nocturnal dysrhythmias, ventricular failure, myocardial infarction, and stroke. The current gold standard for diagnosing OSA is the overnight Polysomnography (PSG), which requires a full-night sleep laboratory stay, attached to different biological sensors and under the supervision of a technician. Besides the discomfort caused by the invasive sensors, the necessity of a clinical setting and highly specialized infrastructure results in a long waiting list in sleep laboratories and high costs, thus restricting the access to diagnosis and treatment. To improve monitoring of OSA evolution, access to diagnosis and treatment follow up, we propose a Mobile Health (mHealth) solution to take advantage of the smartphone capabilities to deploy a non-invasive OSA severity estimation. We make use of the audio recorded through a smartphone to automatically detect snoring events throughout the night and through the analysis of such events estimate patient’s necessity for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. For that, we have divided our solution into two phases: (i) a completely unsupervised solution to automatically detect the snoring events in an uncontrolled environment and (ii) the analysis of acoustical features of the snoring events for OSA severity estimation. In the first phase, we can prove the viability of recording the audio and detect the snoring events using a smartphone under an environment susceptible to random noises. In the second phase, we show that a set of global acoustical features from the snoring events can predict the patient’s need for the CPAP therapy. Our proposed solution was evaluated in an uncontrolled (patient’s home) and controlled (sleep laboratory center) environment, reaching satisfactory results in snoring events detection and patient’s classification according to the need for CPAP therapy.

Design of a Network Independent Emergency Service

Khayltash, Golara 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9301997W - MSc thesis - School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / Emergency services are vital for the minimization of damage, injury and loss of life. These services are, by definition, a combination of telecommunications and information services, and are by nature, distributed. However, most current emergency services do not take advantage of emerging technology, and hence, are restricted in the functionality they offer. This project proposes the design a full information structure for an emergency call centre service, which can be offered as a service or application on any core network. As emergency services are distributed, and combine both telecommunications and information services, an appropriate design tool which caters for these issues, is the Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), which will be used in the design of the emergency service. In addition, OSA/Parlay Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) will be used for the application to access telecommunication network functionality. The enterprise viewpoint examines the design requirements and considerations for an emergency system, which is the first step in designing a service based on the RMODP guidelines. Secondly, the information viewpoint is defined, which identifies the information flows between the objects and classes defined in the enterprise viewpoint with the aid of robustness diagrams and high level message sequence charts. Next, the computational viewpoint of the emergency service describes the components that the service consists of and the interfaces through which they communicate, enabling distribution of the system to be visualized. In addition, the engineering and technology viewpoints are briefly touched upon. The RM-ODP proves to be a useful tool the design of this application. In addition, the use of OSA/Parlay APIs have also proved beneficial, enabling the application to run on any platform, irrespective of the level of functionality it already provides. The benefits that this design offers over conventional emergency services are allowing callers and emergency response personnel full access to the functionality of the service, despite any limitations on their telecommunications network, finding the location of a caller from a fixed or mobile phone, ease and speed of obtaining relevant emergency information, and the ease and speed of sending relevant information to emergency response personnel. Finally we recommend improvements in the reliability and accuracy of finding the location of mobile phones, as well as creating ways of identifying the location of VoIP users.

Αναγνώριση ακουστικών συμβάντων ανθρώπου κατα τη διάρκεια του ύπνου με μικροϋπολογιστικό σύστημα χαμηλού κόστους

Αυξέντης-Αξέντης, Παναγιώτης Δημήτριος 03 October 2011 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια αυτής της εργασίας παρουσιάζεται ένα ενσωματωμένο σύστημα χαμηλού κόστους το οποίο καταγράφει, αποθηκεύει και επεξεργάζεται αναπνευστικό σήμα που έχει ληφθεί κατά τη διάρκεια ανθρώπινου ύπνου. Στα κεφάλαια που ακολουθούν αναλύεται η δομή ,οι επιμέρους συνιστώσες του συστήματος καθώς και μέθοδοι επεξεργασίας του σήματος. Αρχικά λοιπόν ορίζεται το ιατρικό και θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο πάνω στο οποίο στηρίζονται οι ισχυρισμοί και μέθοδοι που ακολουθούνται. Εν συνεχεία, γίνεται εισαγωγή στους στοιχειώδεις ορισμούς όπως αυτοί του μικροελεγκτή και ενσωματωμένου συστήματος και γίνεται μια πρώτη αναφορά στο μικροελεγκτή ADuC 7026 της Analog Devices που χρησιμοποιήσαμε και στα περιφερειακά αυτού. Επίσης γίνεται και ανάλυση των στοιχειωδών χαρακτηριστικών του περιβάλλοντος μVision της Keil που μας επιτρέπουν να κάνουμε προσομοιώσεις με μηδενικό υλικό στη διάθεσή μας. Στο επόμενο κεφάλαιο γίνεται αναλυτική επεξήγηση του μικροελεγκτή μας και δίνονται επιπλέον ενδεικτικά παραδείγματα με τα οποία γίνεται κατανοητές βασικές δυνατότητες που προσφέρει αυτός και στις οποίες θα στηριχθούμε για να δομήσουμε το δικό μας πρόγραμμα. Σημειώνουμε εδώ πως ο προγραμματισμός του μικροελεγκτή και των περιφερειακών του έγινε σε γλώσσα προγραμματισμού C. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο επεξηγούμε τον αλγόριθμο που χρησιμοποιήσαμε για την επεξεργασία του σήματος και τους λόγους επιλογής του. Έπειτα παραθέτουμε αναλυτικά τον κώδικα της εφαρμογής μας και τέλος καταλήγουμε σε αποτελέσματα και συμπεράσματα. / Within this thesis, we present a low cost embedded system that records, stores and processes the respiratory signal of snores obtained during human sleep. In the following chapters we analyze the structure, each component of the system and the methods being implemented. Initially we define the medical and theoretical background on which we are based to build in our program and apply our methods. Moreover, we give the basic definitions such as the microcontroller's and the embedded system’s, and we make the first presentation of The next the microcontroller ADuC 7026 of Analog Devices and its peripherals that will be used for implementation. We also present the μVision Keil environment which enables us to emulate the microcontroller having at our disposal zero hardware. The next section gives a detailed explanation of this microcontroller and some basic examples of its programming possibilities are presented that will help us with the application. The programming of the microcontroller and its peripherals was done in C programming language. In the fourth chapter we explain the algorithm that will be used for the signal processing and the reasons for its selection. Afterwards the programming of the microcontroller is given and explained in detail and finally we conclude with the results.

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