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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relación entre las características observables de los CEO y su salario / Relação entre as características observáveis dos CEOs e a remuneração / Relationship Between Observable Characteristics of CEOs and Their Salary

Pereira, Beatriz da Silva, Theiss, Viviane, Lunkes, Rogério João, Schnorrenberger, Darci, Gasparetto, Valdirene 10 April 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study is to verify the relationship between the observable characteristics of CEOs working for companies listed in Sao Paulo Stock Exchange and their salary. To achieve this goal, we collected and analyzed informationabout the CEOs: age, time on the job, training, previous position and duality, as well as CEOs’ salary in the companies trading on the BM & FBOVESPA between 2010- 2014. The results showed that the longer a person works as CEO, the higher the salary. They also showed that CEOs with a better academic background receive, on average, a higher salary than less-educated CEOs. Executives hired exclusively for that position and those who do not perform the functions of CEO and chairman of the board earn, on average, more than corporate executives in the company andmore than those who are CEOs and chairman of the board at the same time. / El objetivo de este estudio es constatar la relación que existe entre las características observables de los directores ejecutivos de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo y el sueldo que reciben. Para esto, se analizó la información y características de los directores ejecutivos como: edad, tiempo en el cargo, educación, cargo anterior y dualidad, así como su relación con el salario del ejecutivo principal de las empresas que cotizan en la BM&FBOVESPA, entre los años 2010-2014. Los resultados mostraron que cuanto mayor tiempo tenga en ese cargo, mayor es el salario del CEO. También muestra que los CEO con una mejor formación académica reciben, en promedio, un mayor salario que aquellos con menores niveles de estudio. Los ejecutivos contratados exclusivamente para el cargo y los que no desempeñan las funciones de director ejecutivo y presidente del consejo ganan, en promedio, más que los ejecutivos de carrera en la empresa y más que los que ejercen la presidencia de la empresa y del consejo administrativo al mismo tiempo. / O objetivo deste estudo é verificar a relação entre as características observáveis e remuneração do diretor presidente de empresas listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo. Para atingir este objetivo foram analisadas as informações referentes as características do executivo principal como, idade, tempo no cargo, formação, cargo anterior e dualidade e relacionada com a remuneração do executivo principal das empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, entre os anos de 2010 a 2014. Os resultados mostram que quanto maior o tempo no cargo maior a remuneração do CEO. Mostram também, que CEOs com formação acadêmica melhor recebem, em média, mais do que aqueles com menores níveis estudo. Tanto executivos contratados exclusivamente para o cargo quanto os que não acumulam as funções de diretor presidente e presidente do conselho ganham em média mais do que os executivos de carreira na empresa e, os que exercem tanto a presidência da empresa quanto a do conselho de administração.

Portal interactions within leptogenesis and precision observables -- and -- Quantum theory of orbitally-degenerate impurities in superconductors

Le Dall, Matthias 08 September 2017 (has links)
In the first part of the thesis, the need for physics beyond the Standard Model, as attested to by the evidence of dark matter, motivates us to study the effects of introducing into the standard theory of Leptogenesis a hidden sector scalar coupled to the Standard Model through the Higgs portal. We find that the new interactions are not constrained by the Davidson-Ibarra bound, thus allowing us to lower the mass scale of Leptogenesis into the TeV range, accessible to experiments. We then consider a broader class of new physics models below the electroweak scale, and classify precision observables according to whether or not deviations from the Standard Model at current levels of sensitivity can be explained purely in terms of new light degrees of freedom. We find that hadronic precision observables, e.g. those that test fundamental symmetries such as electric dipole moments, are unambiguous pointers to new UV physics. In the second part of the thesis, motivated by recent measurements of the spatial structure of impurities embedded in superconductors (SC), we study the effect of superconductivity on impurity states by generalizing the Anderson model of a quantum s-wave impurity to include orbital degeneracy. We find that the proximity effect induces an electron-electron attractive potential on the impurity site that mirrors the BCS pairing mechanism, resulting in the appearance of atomic Cooper pairs within the superconducting energy gap, called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states. We find that electron orbital degeneracy allows YSR states to have non-trivial orbital quantum numbers thus opening the possibility for optical transitions among YSR states. We enumerate the one-photon selection rules that apply to YSR states, unveiling transitions to the vacuum state that are forbidden in the normal state. / Graduate

X-Ray Micro- and Nano-Diffraction Imaging on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Cells

Bernhardt, Marten 15 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Physical determination of the action

Hartmann, Bruno 01 December 2015 (has links)
Mein Ziel ist eine Begründung der Physik aus der Operationalisierung ihrer Grundmaße. Wir beginnen mit der klassischen und relativistischen Kinematik. Dann greifen wir einen programmatischen Entwurf von Heinrich Hertz auf und gelangen über die Quantifizierung von Energie und Impuls zu den Bewegungsgleichungen und dem Wirkungsfunktional. Den Abschluß bildet eine relativistische Revision der Energie, Impuls und Massenvorstellung. Das Ziel ist nicht primär, den mathematischen Aufbau der Mechanik zu ändern oder zu verbessern, sondern ein tieferes physikalisches Verständnis der Mechanik zu erlangen, so wie Einstein mit seinen Gedankenexperimenten zur relativistischen Kinematik. Ausgehend von anerkannten Messhandlungen und Naturprinzipien wird der mathematische Formalismus erst erzeugt und somit neu beleuchtet. Die Arbeit steht damit im selben Kontext wie die aktuellen Bemühungen zur "Fundierung der Quantenmechanik", nur eben mit Bezug auf die Interpretation der klassischen und relativistischen Kalküle. / My objective is a foundation of physics from the operationalization of its basic observables. We begin with classical and relativistic kinematics. Seizing on a programmatic proposal by Heinrich Hertz we arrive via quantification of energy-momentum at the equations of motion and the action functional. Finally we present a relativistic revision of energy, momentum and inertial mass. The goal is not primarily to change or improve the mathematical structure of mechanics, but to gain a deeper physical understanding of mechanics like Einstein with his gendanken experiments on relativistic kinematics. Starting from undisputed measurement operations and natural principles the mathematical formalism is only created and thus shown in a new light. This work is in the same context as current efforts to the "foundation of quantum mechanics", just with respect to the interpretation of the classical and relativistic calculuses.

Essays on Child Care and Higher Education

Holmlund, Linda January 2009 (has links)
This thesis consists of a summary and four self-contained papers. Paper [I] examines whether fathers influence the time their children spend in subsidized child care. Two non-nested models of family child care demand are estimated. The parameter estimates indicate that several characteristics of the father are associated with the time his child spends in child care. J-tests and bootstrapped J-tests also show that a model where the father’s characteristics are excluded can be rejected in favour of a model where his characteristics are included. Paper [II] considers the effects of the Swedish child care fee reform on public expenditures and taxation in the municipalities. A difference-in-difference approach is employed where outcomes are compared with respect to the municipalities’ pre-reform fee systems. The results show that pre-reform characteristics determine taxes and child care expenditures in the post-reform period. It is also found that changes in child care quality were not connected to the pre-reform systems characteristics. Paper [III] provides evidence of the effect of college quality on earnings in Sweden. The results suggest that the link between college quality and earnings is weak. A small positive effect is found for individuals that are likely to work full time. Controlling for region of work affects the estimated effects, indicating a correlation between choice of college quality and choice of labour market region. In Paper [IV], earnings differences between transfer and non-transfer students are analysed. The results show that earnings, during the first years after leaving the university, are significantly lower for students who change universities compared to students who do not change. The earnings differences decrease significantly over time and over the earnings distribution.

Synthèse d'observateurs pour les systèmes non linéaires, non uniformément observables / Synthesis observers for non uniformly observable nonlinear systems

Ltaief, Ali 19 May 2017 (has links)
Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse s’articulent autour de la synthèse d’observateurs de type grand gain pour des classes de systèmes non linéaires multi-entrées, multi-sorties non uniformément observables. Dans un premier temps, la classe de systèmes considérées est telle que la dynamique des variables d’état est décrite par la somme de deux termes. Le premier correspond à une partie affine en l’état décrite par le produit d’une matrice, dont les entrées (fonctions non linéaires de l’état) ont une structure triangulaire, par le vecteur d’état. Le deuxième terme est composé par les non linéarités du système qui ont aussi une structure triangulaire. Le gain de l’observateur proposé est issu de la résolution d’une équation différentielle ordinaire de type Lyapunov.La convergence exponentielle de l’erreur d’observation sous-jacente est établie sous une une certaine condition d’excitation persistante dépendant de l’entrée du système et de l’état de l’observateur.Dans un deuxième temps, la synthèse de cet observateur est étendue à une classe plus large de systèmes non linéaires où des états peuvent intervenir de manière non triangulaire.La notion d’indices caractéristiques associés à ces états est alors introduite et elle a permis de définir une structure triangulaire étendue pour la quelle la synthèse de l’observateur a aussi été effectuée.Enfin, il a été établi que les observateurs proposés peuvent être utiliséscomme observateurs adaptatifs pour l’estimation simultanée de l’état et de certains paramètres et une forme adaptative de ces observateurs a été générée.Les performances des différents observateurs proposés ont été illustrées à travers des exemples en simulation / The results given in this thesis deal with the design of high gain observers for some classes on Multi Input Multi Output non uniformly observable nonlinear systems. In a first step, the class of considered systems is such that the dynamics of the state variables is the sum of two terms. The first term is affine in the state and is composed by the product of a matrix, whose entries are nonlinear functions of the state with a triangular structure, by the state vector. The second term describes the system nonlinearities which also assume a triangular structure. The gain of the proposed observer is issued from the resolution of a Lyapunov ordinary differential equation. The exponential convergence of the underlying observation error is established under a persistent excitation condition involving the system inputs and the state of the observer. In a second step, the observer design has been extended to a larger class of nonlinear systems where some state variables may intervene in a non triangular way. The notion of the characteristic indices associated to these state variables is then introduced and it allowed to define an extended triangular structure for which a high gain observer has been designed. Finally, it has been established that the proposed observers can be used as adaptive ones to jointly estimate the system state together with some unknown parameters and an adaptive form of these observers has been derived. The performance and main properties of the proposed observers have been illustrated in simulation by considering many examples throughout this thesis.

Open Shell Effects in a Microscopic Optical Potential for Elastic Scattering of Exotic Helium Isotopes

Orazbayev, Azamat January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Study of Pion Photo-Production Using a TPC Detector to Determine Beam Asymmetries from Polarized HD

Kizilgul, Serdar A. 22 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Phénoménologie de modèles à symétrie droite-gauche dans le secteur des quarks / Phenomenology of Left-Right Models in the quark sector

Vale Silva, Luiz Henrique 20 September 2016 (has links)
Bien qu'ayant beaucoup de succès pour décrire la grande variété de phénomènes de la physique des particules, le Modèle Standard (MS) laisse certaines propriétés de la nature sans explication. Ici, nous allons mettre l'accent sur le traitement différent des chiralités de type gauche et droite dans le cadre du MS. Une façon naturelle d'expliquer cela est de plonger le MS dans un modèle plus fondamental, capable de traiter les chiralités d'une manière symétrique. Cette classe de modèles, connue sous le nom de "modèles à symétrie droite-gauche" (LR models, en anglais), introduit une nouvelle interaction qui couple préférentiellement aux champs "droitiers". Puis, à une haute échelle d'énergie, la symétrie reliant droite et gauche est brisée spontanément donnant naissance au MS et aux phénomènes de violation de symétrie de parité. La manière spécifique par laquelle le mécanisme Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) se produit dans les modèles LR peut être sondée par des observables électrofaibles de précision, ce qui sert de premier test de l'extension du MS dans le secteur électrofaible. Comme conséquence du mécanisme BEH dans les modèles LR, de nouveaux bosons de jauge sont présents. Ce sont W’ et Z’, censés être beaucoup plus lourds que les bosons de jauge W et Z afin d'expliquer pourquoi ils n'ont jamais été vus jusqu'à présent. Ces nouvelles particules sont accompagnées d'une riche phénoménologie, comme de nouvelles sources de violation de CP au-delà de celle du MS. En outre, un nouveau secteur scalaire neutre introduit des courants qui changent la saveur (FCNC, en anglais) au niveau des arbres, un processus fortement restreint dans le MS, où il arrive seulement à l'ordre des boucles. L'existence de FCNCs fournit des contraintes extrêmement puissantes sur les modèles LR, et mérite donc une attention spéciale, en particulier lors du calcul des corrections venant de la QCD. Nous calculons donc les corrections au Next-to-Leading Order des effets à de courtes distances venant de la QCD aux contributions du modèle LR aux observables liées au mélange de mésons neutres et sensibles donc aux FCNC.Ensuite, nous considérons l'étude phénoménologique des modèles LR afin de tester leur viabilité et leur structure. Plus particulièrement, nous considérons le cas où des doublets scalaires sont responsables de la brisure du groupe de jauge des modèles LR. A cet effet, nous menons une étude combinée des observables de précision électrofaible, des bornes directes sur la masse des nouveaux bosons de jauge et des observables qui dérivent de l'oscillation des mésons neutres, dans le cas plus simple où la matrice de mixing dans le secteur droit est égal à la matrice CKM. Ces observables sont combinées dans le cadre du paquet CKMfitter d'analyse statistique. La combinaison de différentes classes d'observables doit prendre en compte la particularité des incertitudes théoriques, qui ne sont pas de nature statistique comme d'autres sources d'incertitude. A ce propos, nous considérons aussi la comparaison de différentes modèles d'incertitude théorique, afin de trouver des méthodes bien adaptées à la situation actuelle de notre connaissance des incertitudes théoriques impliquées dans un fit global en physique de la saveur. / Though very successful in explaining a wide variety of particle physics phenomena, the Standard Model (SM) leaves unexplained some properties of nature. Here we focus on the different behaviours of left- and right-handed chiralities, or in other words the violation of parity symmetry. A possible and somewhat natural avenue to explain this feature is to embed the SM into a more symmetric framework, which treats the chiralities on equal footing. This class of models, the Left-Right (LR) Models, introduces new gauge interactions that couple preferentially to right-handed fields. Then, at an energy scale high enough, LR symmetry is spontaneously broken through the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism, thus giving origin to the SM and to parity violating phenomena. The specific way in which the BEH mechanism operates in LR Models can be probed by EW Precision Observables, consisting of quantities that have been very accurately measured, serving as a first test of consistency for extensions of the SM in the EW sector. We revisit a simple realization of LR Models containing doublet scalars, and consider the phenomenological study of this doublet scenario in order to test the viability and structure of the LR Models. In particular, there is a rich phenomenology associated to the new gauge bosons W’ et Z’ introduced by LR Models, such as new sources of CP violation beyond the one of the SM. Moreover, the extended neutral scalar sector introduces Flavour Changing Neutral Couplings (FCNC) at tree level, which are strongly suppressed in the SM where they arrive first at one loop. FCNCs typically lead to extremely powerful constraints since they contribute to meson-mixing processes, and therefore deserve close attention. For this reason, we consider the calculation of short-distance QCD effects correcting the LR Model contributions to meson-mixing observables up to the Next-to-Leading Order (NLO), a precision required to set solid lower bounds on the LR Model scales. Finally, we combine in a global fit electroweak precision observables, direct searches for the new gauge bosons and meson oscillation observables in the simple case where the right-handed analogous of the CKM mixing-matrix is equal to the CKM matrix itself (a scenario called CKMfitter symmetry). The full set of the observables is combined by using the CKMfitter statistical framework, based on a frequentist analysis and a particular scheme for modeling theoretical uncertainties. We also discuss other possible modelings of theoretical uncertainties in a prospective study for future global flavour fits made by the CKMfitter Collaboration.

Analysis of Covariance with Linear Regression Error Model on Antenna Control Unit Tracking

Laird, Daniel T. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / Over the past several years DoD imposed constraints on test deliverables, requiring objective measures of test results, i.e., statistically defensible test and evaluation (SDT&E) methods and results. These constraints force the tester to employ statistical hypotheses, analyses and perhaps modeling to assess test results objectively, i.e., based on statistical metrics, probability of confidence and logical inference to supplement rather than rely solely on expertise, which is too subjective. Experts often disagree on interpretation. Numbers, although interpretable, are less variable than opinion. Logic, statistical inference and belief are the bases of testable, repeatable and refutable hypothesis and analyses. In this paper we apply linear regression modeling and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to time-space position information (TSPI) to determine if a telemetry (TM) antenna control unit (ACU) under test (AUT) tracks statistically, thus as efficiently, in C-band while receiving both C- and S-band signals. Together, regression and ANOVA compose a method known as analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). In this, the second of three papers, we use data from a range test, but make no reference to the systems under test, nor to causes of error. The intent is to present examples of tools and techniques useful for SDT&E methodologies in testing.

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