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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensino da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz por meio de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem / Teaching of the auditory-perceptual assessment of voice through virtual learning environment

Millena Maria Ramalho Matta Vieira 29 February 2016 (has links)
A avaliação vocal é realizada predominantemente por meio da avaliação perceptivoauditiva, sendo dependente de conhecimentos teóricos prévios e de treinamento prático e dinâmico. Entretanto, ainda são escassas as iniciativas educacionais que se utilizam das novas tecnologias para o ensino da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz. A utilização de estratégias com novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, hoje tão presentes e familiarizadas no meio universitário, apresentam o intuito de facilitar e otimizar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Desta forma, este estudo teve o propósito de elaborar e avaliar um curso a distância em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem sobre essa temática. Elaborou-se um curso a distância sobre a avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz organizado em quatro módulos principais: 1. Noções básicas de anatomia e fisiologia da fonação; 2. Ouvindo vozes; 3. Avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz e 4. Aplicabilidade da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz, além de um adicional com vídeos sobre curiosidades e sugestão de material complementar para estudo. O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) também apresentou diversas ferramentas educacionais como textos, imagens ilustrativas, videoaulas, vídeos, arquivos de áudio, atividades práticas individuais, fóruns, além de recursos de interatividade entre alunos e tutora. Este material foi antecipadamente avaliado por três especialistas que avaliaram o material positivamente como uma inovadora e importante ferramenta educacional que poderá ser utilizada na formação de estudantes na área de voz. Foram convidados a participar do curso a distância, 133 alunos do 1o ao 4o ano de um curso de graduação em Fonoaudiologia de uma Universidade do interior paulista. Concordaram em participar 33 estudantes e desses, nove concluíram o curso. Os alunos responderam a avaliações de conteúdo nos momentos pré e pós-curso, de forma presencial e a avaliações de cada módulo, realizadas por meio de questões específicas e atividades práticas, no próprio site. Ao término do curso os alunos também responderam a uma avaliação motivacional do AVA. Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante na média de acertos nas provas pré e pós-curso dos alunos, nas questões teóricas (p= 0,031), nas práticas (p=0,000) e no total (p=0,002), demonstrando que o material elaborado foi capaz de aumentar o conhecimento dos estudantes a respeito de seu tema. O AVA apresentou alto índice de satisfação motivacional e foi avaliado por todos os participantes como um curso impressionante, de acordo com o instrumento de avaliação motivacional utilizado. Conclui-se que foi possível elaborar um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), em formato de curso a distância, sobre a temática da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz e que o material elaborado apresenta um importante potencial de ensino e aprendizagem sobre esse tema. / The vocal assessment is predominantly performed through auditory-perceptual assessment, being dependent on prior theoretical knowledge and practical and dynamic training. Meanwhile, educational initiatives that use new technologies for auditory-perceptual assessment are still scarce. The using of strategies with new information technologies and communication, nowadays so presents and acquainted in the university environment, show in order to facilitate and optimize the process of teaching and learning. Thus, this study aimed to develop and evaluate a distance learning course in a virtual learning environment on this theme. It was elaborated a distance learning course on auditory-perceptual assessment of voice organized into four main modules: 1. Basic anatomy and physiology of phonation; 2. Hearing voices; 3. Auditory-perceptual assessment of voice and 4. Applicability of auditory-perceptual assessment of voice, as well as an additional with videos of curiosities and suggesting complementary material to study. The virtual learning environment (VLE) also presented several educational tools such as text, illustrative images, video classes, videos, audio files, individual practical activities, forums, and interactivity between students and tutor. This material was evaluated advance for three experts, who evaluated the material positively as an innovative and important educational tool that can be used in training students in the voice area. Were invited to participate to the distance learning course, 133 students from 1st to 4th year of an undergraduate degree in Speech Therapy of a University in the São Paulo interior. Agreed to participate 33 students, which nine completed the course. Students responded the evaluation of content in pre-and post-course, in person and the evaluations of each module, carried out through specific issues and practical activities on the site. At the end of the course the students also answered a motivational assessment of VLE. It was possible observed statistically significant difference in the mean score in the tests from pre and post course of the students, the theoretical issues (p = 0.031), in practice (p = 0.000) and overall (p = 0.002), demonstrating that the prepared material was able to increase knowledge students about their subject. The VLE showed high level of motivational satisfaction and it was evaluated by all participants as an impressive course, according to the motivational assessment tool used. Concluded that it was possible to develop a virtual learning environment (VLE), in the distance course format, on the issue of auditory-perceptual assessment of voice and that the prepared material has a significant potential for teaching and learning on this theme.

Avanços e limites da reforma agrária no sul do Pará: um estudo a partir do projeto de assentamento Canarana / Advances and limitations of land reform in southern Pará: a study from the settlement project Canarana

Marcelo Fernando Terence 26 June 2013 (has links)
Os projetos de assentamento sob jurisdição da Superintendência Regional de Marabá apresentam uma série de dificuldades em relação à evasão de um número considerável de famílias assentadas. Frequentemente essas famílias são responsabilizadas pelo governo e até nos meios acadêmicos pelo seu fracasso em permanecer no lote. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi justamente se contrapor a tal visão sobre os assentados. Para compreender melhor a questão da evasão, a pesquisa se desenvolveu no sentido de investigar causas internas e externas aos projetos de assentamento. Foram realizadas entrevistas com assentados do PA Canarana e com outros sujeitos sociais da região, nas quais puderam ser evidenciados problemas relacionados à falta de apoio à produção e também graves dificuldades de comercialização. Entre tais problemas destacam-se as dificuldades de reversão de pastos degradados para a formação de roças e a dependência dos assentados em relação aos atravessadores para poderem vender sua produção. Em relação aos problemas enfrentados também ficou claro o desencontro das políticas voltadas para essa população assentada, fortemente marcada por uma herança camponesa. Por outro lado, a pesquisa permitiu evidenciar a continuidade da tradição rebelde formada a partir da luta dos posseiros dos anos 1960, 1970 e 1980. O caso das retomadas de lotes reconcentrados realizadas a partir da iniciativa de famílias camponesas foi a prova mais marcante encontrada por essa pesquisa em relação à continuidade dessa tradição, reforçada ainda pela existência de dezenas de acampamentos nas beiras de estradas e cantos de fazendas. A partir desses resultados foi possível ainda contestar a visão governamental atual sobre ser desnecessária a criação de mais projetos de assentamentos. A criatividade e a persistência das famílias camponesas em impedir, resistir ou reverter as investidas do capital sobre as terras dos projetos de assentamento apareceram também na busca de alternativas produtivas e de comercialização. A atuação do grupo do mel e a articulação em torno do projeto da produção de polpa de frutas, com seus avanços e limites, demonstraram a falta de criatividade e ousadia das políticas oficiais, cada vez mais marcadas pela ideia de inserção da produção das famílias assentadas nos mercados capitalistas. / The settlement projects under the Superintendência Regional de Marabá jurisdiction show many difficulties related to a considerable number of settled families evasion. These families are usually considered responsible, by the government and even in the academic fields, for its failure in remaining in their lots. The objective of this research was to refuse this vision of the settled people. To better understand the evasion issue, the research was developed in the sense of investigating the internal and external causes of the settlement projects. Interviews were taken with the settled people in PA Canarana and with other subjects of the region, in which problems related to the lack of support to the production and also severe commercialization difficulties were put in evidence. Among these problems, can be highlighted the difficulties related to the reversion of the degraded pasture to form new clear and productive land, and the dependence of the settled people to the middlemen (atravessadores) to sell their production. Related to the problems faced by these settled population, it also became clear the distance between the politics that aimed these population, strongly marked by a \"peasant heritage\". On the other hand, this research made it possible to put in evidence the continuity of the \"tradição rebelde\" formed from the struggle of the squatters (posseiros) in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. The case of recentered lots taking back made from the initiatives of the peasant families was the strongest proof found by this research concerning the continuity of this tradition, also reinforced by the existence of dozens of camps on roadsides and farms borders. From these results, it was also possible to refuse the current government vision over the necessity of the creation of more settlement projects. The creativity and the persistence of the peasant families in avoiding, resisting or reverting the capital on the settlement projects lands were also pointed in their quest to productive and commercialization alternatives. The performance of the honey group and the articulation around the fruits pulp production project, with its advances and limits, showed the lack of creativity and the boldness of official politics, increasingly marked by the idea of insertion of the settled families production in the capitalist market.

Prevalencia y factores asociados con síntomas depresivos en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de una Universidad privada de Lima, Perú 2010*.

Pereyra Elías, Reneé, Ocampo-Mascaró, Javier, Silva-Salazar, Vera, Vélez-Segovia, Eduardo, Da Costa-Bullón, A. Daniel, Toro-Polo, Luis Miguel, Vicuña-Ortega, Joanna 21 March 2014 (has links)
Agradecimientos: Al Dr. Percy Mayta-Tristán por su asesoramiento durante el desarrollo de la investigación. A la Dra. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2010; 27(4): 520-26. Síntomas depresivos en estudiantes de ciencias de las salud 526 Claudia Mory Arciniega, por el apoyo durante la recolección de datos; al Dr. Luis Alfonso Díaz, por su disposición y orientación en la elección del instrumento y a María Gracia Pereda por su apoyo en la digitación de la base de datos. / Este trabajo fue presentado al XXIV Congreso Científico Nacional de Estudiantes de Medicina, Arequipa 2010, organizado por la Sociedad Científica Médica Estudiantil Peruana (SOCIMEP). / Introducción. Los síntomas depresivos en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud son comunes y podrían ser potencialmente perjudiciales. Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos y sus factores asociados en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima (Perú), junio 2010. Materiales y métodos. Estudio analítico transversal; se realizó una encuesta previo consentimiento informado a 590/869 estudiantes. Para medir la variable de respuesta (síntomas depresivos) se usó la escala de Zung abreviada. Se empleó la regresión logística múltiple para evaluar los factores asociados, considerando un nivel de significancia de p<0,05. Resultados. La edad media fue 18,97 ± 2,45 años; 71,1% fueron mujeres; 19,6% fueron migrantes y 62,5% fueron de la carrera de medicina. La prevalencia de síntomas depresivos fue 31,2% en la población y de 33,6% en estudiantes de medicina. No se encontró asociación en el análisis bivariado con el sexo, carrera de estudio, si ha repetido cursos, si vive solo o si es migrante (p>0,05). En el análisis multivariado, se encontró asociación con la inconformidad de su rendimiento académico (OR=2,13; IC95%:1,47-3,08), inconformidad con la situación económica actual (OR=1,93; IC95%:1,24-2,99) y vivir con un familiar externo a la familia nuclear (OR=1,62; IC95%:1,07-2,45). Conclusión. Existe una alta prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en la población estudiada, especialmente en los alumnos de la carrera de medicina, siendo la inconformidad con el rendimiento académico, con su economía y vivir con un familiar externo a la familia nuclear, factores asociados que podrían tomarse en cuenta para trabajar programas preventivos. / Introduction. Depressive symptoms in health sciences students are common, these might be potentially detrimental. Objectives. To determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and its associated factors in students from the Health Sciences Faculty of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima (Peru), June 2010. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional analytic study; a pre-consented survey was applied to the population 590/869 students. Zung’s abbreviated scale was used to measure depressive symptoms. To evaluate de associated factors, logistic regression was used, p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. The mean age was 18.97 ± 2.45 years and 71.1% were women, 19.6% were migrants and 62.5% were medical students. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 31.2% in the whole population and in medical students was 33.6%. Depressive symptoms were not associated in bivariate analysis with sex, career, having failed a course, living alone or being a migrant (p>0.05). In the multivariate analysis, significant statistical association was found between depressive symptoms and dissatisfaction with the own academic performance (OR=2.13 CI95%1.47-3.08), dissatisfaction with the current economic status (OR=1.93 CI95%1.24-2.99) and living with a relative external to the nuclear family (OR=1.62 CI95%1.07-2.45). Conclusion. A high prevalence of depressive symptoms was found, especially in medical students; being dissatisfaction with academic performance, economic status and living with a relative external to the nuclear family associated factors that could be taken into account in order to build preventive programs.

Career decision-making and the relationship between congruence and academic performance

Thomas, Colin Whitley 11 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / With recent socio-political changes in South Africa, it was considered important to review the career expectations of black South African youth, given the reported poor state of career guidance within certain schools. The literature review revealed that South African youth, particularly those from an Afrocentric culture, also tend to be unrealistic in their perceptions of job availability once they left school, with low self and occupational knowledge. Compromise was included as an important factor when considering the perception of job accessibility and the possibility of having to adjust aspirations to meet the realities of the world of work. The aim of this study, therefore, was to assess the occupational choices made by the grade 10 and 12 pupils at RAUCALL high school. The study attempted to determine the degree of congruence of the pupils' occupational choices in comparison to their occupational expectations and how this congruence correlates with academic performance. The results of the correlational analysis indicated that there was no statistically significant relationship between congruence and academic performance. From the findings of this research it was possible to conclude that students with low vocational identity may not experience any more academic difficulty than do students with high vocational identity. An additional finding was that John Holland's concept of congruence, Il` • his theory as a whole, needs to be validated to incorporate the South African context with its various cultures and language groups. The knowledge of self for black South African adolescents must be placed within the framework of a black identity if vocational guidance programmes are to be seen as meaningful and relevant.

Loopbaanontwikkeling in verhouding tot bedryfsmaatskaplikewerk : 'n teoretiese fundering (Afrikaans)

Kasselman, Joachim Petrus Hermanus 11 January 2007 (has links)
The full text of this thesis/dissertation is not available online. Pending permission from the author/supervisor access may be provided on <a href="mailto:upetd@up.ac.za">request.</a> Read the abstract in the section 00front of this document. / Thesis (D Phil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

An in-depth study of entrepreneurs and PhD students' practical processes and self identities : are they really two different species?

Heywood, Dale Carol January 2012 (has links)
This research explores two polarised occupations; entrepreneurs and PhD research students. It exposes similarities and differences between them which specifically defuse the species premise that all entrepreneurs are different and often portrayed as superior to the rest of society and that they, entrepreneurs, are diametrically opposed to PhD research students in the objectives of their work and ultimate intentions for that work. An explorative, interpretive approach is taken which helps illuminate how people understand, interpret and employ their self identity to qualify the practices of both entrepreneurship and PhDship. This methodology enabled exploration of perceptions of self and role in a small sample of people of different age, gender, class, ethnicity and economic standing of two externally polarised occupational groups. This approach permits a compare and contrast of both similarity and differences between these two roles. Qualitative interviews were conducted with six entrepreneurs and six current PhD students from two North West of England research-led universities in a multitude of disciplines and industrial sectors. Numerous existing studies have compared entrepreneurs to managers, to leaders and more recently to business students. Other studies have aimed to ascertain why some people become an entrepreneur as oppose to a salaried employee. To date, no previous research that I am aware of considers doctoral researchers in the same way, that is, as individuals making a contribution to society that is of social, economic and intellectual benefit by furthering knowledge and innovation. The findings from this research show that there are overwhelming similarities between these two occupations in both their practical processes and their sense of self. In fact, there are more differences within the two occupations than between them. It is suggested that identification of individual purpose may prove a valuable determinate of whether people select either of these occupations for socioeconomic reasons or for socioemotional ones. The contribution this research and its findings make is in the recognition of the different purposes individuals express as their primary reason for engaging in either PhD research work or venture formation. This recognition helps expand our understanding beyond the existing opportunity-necessity or push-pull hypothesis to demonstrate a more sophisticated intention based form of inquiry. Individuals in both occupations are subsequently sub categorised as conformists, alterpreneurs, changemakers or vocationalists. Conformists aim to meet perceived social expectations of them; Alterpreneurs are those who buy-a-job; Changemakers intend to improve or fix a self identified problem; Vocationalists intend to develop their skill and expertise in their chosen field.

Sex-Typed Occupational Aspiration of College Students

Hafer, Myra Wyatt 05 1900 (has links)
This study examines occupational aspiration and choice of traditional first-time college students utilizing longitudinal data from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP). Focus is given to beliefs about the importance of family and money in relation to selection of an occupation that is classified as sex-typed. Change from one occupational category to another is also considered. The dissonance between students' beliefs about the importance of family and money as associated with their sex-typed occupational choice is explored. Understanding students' occupational plans that subsequently determine future prestige, wealth, and status is vital to higher educational professionals who facilitate students in their career selection and major. Therefore, environmental factors of satisfaction with career counseling and academic advising are examined. The U.S. Census Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) data is applied in the classification of sex-typed occupations. Race and ethnicity is investigated to determine if the same gender patterns exist among cultural groups with regards to their occupational selection. The results indicate that students' occupational aspirations were influenced by their belief regarding the importance of family or money. In addition, their beliefs regarding family and money changed after four years of college with family increasing in importance. Strong beliefs that were, either concordant or discordant with relation to students' gender and occupational choice predicted change after four years of college. Also, race and ethnicity showed some relation to sex-typed occupational aspirations of students. Being Hispanic predicted female sex-typed occupations, while being Asian predicted male sex-typed occupations. However, the results of this study may have been compromised by the extremely skewed representation of an elitist student sample. Thus, future research that includes a more diverse student sample (race/ethnicity, social class, and geographical location) was recommended for validation of this study's findings.

Effects of race on CEO pay performance sensitivities

Barrett, Sean January 2014 (has links)
Orientation: The available literature has revealed a polarised picture regarding the effects of race on CEO remuneration. This division centres on whether race is a beneficial factor or not with regard to the level and sensitivity of remuneration received. Introducing South Africa’s affirmative labour policies and the growing societal calls to better explain executive remuneration creates the unique opportunity to examine the effects of race on CEO pay. Research purpose: The purpose of the research centred on two important themes. Firstly the research sought to investigate the effects of race on the sensitivity of executive pay to corporate performance. Secondly the effects of race on the level and structure of executive pay was probed. Motivation for the study: The primary motivation of the study centred on determining whether race is has an affect, if any, on the remuneration paid to CEOs in South Africa. This will assist in understanding whether the affirmative polices implemented in South Africa have made any impact in the top level of executive remuneration. Research design: The study was designed to be quantitative, descriptive and longitudinal in nature utilising valid secondary data sources. The BFA Macgregor online financial database was selected as the most appropriate source of both corporate performance information and directors’ remuneration. Nineteen black CEOs were identified along with a random sample of 45 white CEOs. Following the data been analysed for reliability and validity it was then subject to primary and secondary statistical tests to determine significance and correlation strength. Main findings/results: All components of South African CEO remuneration studied were found to strongly correlate to PAT and EBITDA and to a lesser degree ROE and HEPS. ROE and HEPS have shown correlation strength growth in recent years. This collection of measures reflects a balanced basket of accounting-­‐based and non-­‐ accounting based measures. Black and white CEO mean remuneration when compared was found to have no significant difference due to race. A notable difference found was the higher degree of pay-­‐performance sensitivity and variability seen within the black CEO sample. Practical/Managerial implications: King III compels boards and remuneration committees to ensure remuneration of directors is fair and reasonable, sensitive to performance and aligned with the strategy of the organisation. Ensuring realistic pay-­‐ performance sensitivities are not just a corporate governance requirement but also help alleviate principle-­‐agent issues while correctly incentivising the CEO. Boards looking to appoint black or minority CEOs should continue to remunerate in a equitable and fair manner and be aware of such mental biases such as the “inverse Matthew effect” and other social out-­‐group biases especially when evaluating performance. Contribution: The study showed that race doesn’t affect the level of CEO remuneration but does impact on the pay-­‐performance sensitivity and the variability. The difference in sensitivity and variability could indicate the presence of mental biases such as the “inverse Matthew effect” and other social out-­‐group biases when evaluating performance. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lmgibs2015 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Extinct Fauna Processing During The Pleistocene-Holocene Transition In Northcentral Chile / Procesamiento de fauna extinta durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el centro-norte de Chile

Jackson, Donald, Méndez, César, Núñez, Lautaro, Jackson, Douglas 10 April 2018 (has links)
We discuss faunal and contextual information of four late Pleistocene archaeological sites (Tagua Tagua 1 and 2, Quebrada Santa Julia, and Valiente) of Central-North Chile (~31° to 35° S). We synthesize available taxonomy, anatomical parts represented, evidences of anthropogenic marks, taphonomic aspects, and associated contexts. This assessment shows the behavioral variability of bone assemblages with regards to site functions. We suggest that models of transport and discard of anatomical parts of large and medium-sized prey were seldom patterned and very variable among late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in these latitudes of South America. / En el presente artículo se discute la información faunística y contextual de cuatro sitios arqueológicos (Tagua Tagua 1, Tagua Tagua 2, Quebrada Santa Julia y Valiente) correspondientes al Pleistoceno Final del centro-norte de Chile (31° a 35° S). Se sintetizan los datos referentes a la taxonomía disponible, partes anatómicas representadas, evidencias de huellas antrópicas, aspectostafonómicos y se examinan los contextos asociados. Este análisis muestra la variabilidad en el comportamiento de los conjuntos óseos en relación con las funciones del sitio. Se sugiere que los modelos de transporte y descarte de partes anatómicas de presas grandes y medianas fueron poco generalizados y muy variables entre los cazadores-recolectores del Pleistoceno Final en estas latitudesde Sudamérica.

Arte Ocupação: práticas artísticas e a invenção de modos de organização / Arte Ocupação: artistic practices and the invention of organizational modes.

Ana Emilia Jung 18 September 2018 (has links)
Esta tese é uma pesquisa em Poéticas Visuais que tem como ponto de partida o Arte Ocupação -- movimento de ações colaborativas nas escolas ocupadas no Paraná em 2016, que, por meio de intervenções diretas, gerou uma série de situações e proposições, as quais refletem e afirmam a condição-ocupação como dispositivo relacional, ao mesmo tempo que interpelam o campo da arte sugerindo um território de desbordes com imagens por vir. Partindo de um referencial conceitual baseado nas ideias do artista, pensador, político e ativista Marcelo Expósito, para quem a arte deve ser articulada por meio de uma função organizadora, buscou-se uma contextualização circunstancial, que, somada a outras interlocuções artísticas e teóricas sobre arte, política, imagem e esfera pública, é indicada aqui como \"prática modal\". Ainda como parte desta, transcreveu-se e traduziu-se para o português a apresentação El arte como producción de modos de organización, de Marcelo Expósito, traduziu-se o texto Sobre el Militante Investigador do Colectivo Situaciones e analisou-se o processo de trabalho do Arte Ocupação a partir da constituição de seu acervo propositivo, a dizer, a oficina Imagin(Ação): narrativas poético-políticas para estados de crise. Atelier-oficina para manifestações-exposições-ópera e as proposições Corpos que se descobrem como corpos que se manifestam, Colar de Chaves, Mato, A Revolução Francesa e Jogral, que podem ser vistas em www.arteocupacao.com. / This thesis is a research in Visual Poetics that has, as a starting point, the Arte Ocupação - a movement consistent of collaborative actions at occupied schools in Paraná, in 2016. This movement, through direct interventions, has generated a series of situations and propositions, which reflect and affirm the occupation-condition as a relational device, at the same time, interpellating the art field suggesting a land of overflows with coming images. Starting from a conceptual referential, based upon the ideas of the artist, thinker, politic and activist Marcelo Expósito, to whom art should be articulated by means of an organizational function, it was sought a circumstantial contextualization, which, added to other artistic and theoretical interlocutions about art, politics, image and public sphere, is here indicated as \"modal practice\". Still as a part of this, it was transcribed and translated into Portuguese the presentation Art as the sourceproduction of organizational modes, by Marcelo Expósito, it was translated the text About the militant investigador from Colectivo Situaciones and it was analized the work process of Arte Ocupação from the constitution of it\'s propositional collection, that is, the workshop Imagin(action): politic-poetic narratives for crisis\' states. Workshop-studio for operaexpositions- manifestations and the propositions Bodies that discover themselves as bodies that manifest themselves, keys necklace, Bush, The French Revolution and Jogral, wich can be seen at www.arteocupacao.com.

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