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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Alla ska behandlas efter allas lika värde" : en kvalitativ studie om brottsförebyggande institutioners uppdragsideal kopplat till likabehandling / "Everyone should be treated according to everyone's equal value" : a Qualitative Study on the Mission Ideals of Crime Prevention Institutions Associated to Equal Treatment

Johansson, Rebecka, Salib, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen utforskar hur olika yrkesgrupper inom polismyndigheten och en brottsförebyggande institution förhåller sig till det offentliga tjänstemannauppdraget och skilda tjänstemannaideal, med särskilt fokus på krav om likabehandling. Det har tidigare forskats om hur etniska minoriteter, majoriteter och poliser ser på detta. I den här studien utforskas det om hur utredare, kommunpolis, operatör och kanslichef inom polismyndigheten samt en annan brottsförebyggande myndighet i kommunen ser på de här frågorna. Frågeställningarna som studien besvarar är: - Hur ser olika tjänstemannakategorier inom polismyndigheten och en annan brottsförebyggande institution på sin makt och handlingsutrymme kopplat till det offentliga tjänstemannauppdraget och likabehandling? - Hur kan eventuella likheter och skillnader förstås mellan de olika tjänstemännens professioner? I uppsatsen har vi använt litteratur och elektroniska källor som fokuserar på olika tjänstemannakategorier samt tjänstemannaetik och perspektiv om professioner. Uppsatsen utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Baserat på studiens resultat av respondenternas utsagor framkommer det att alla respondenter är medvetna om att de i sina roller har ansvar och skyldigheter att arbeta för likabehandling. Likabehandlingsarbetet kan påverkas av respondenternas makt och handlingsutrymme eftersom respondenterna kan påverka enskilda medborgare. Respondenterna förklarar därav att det med deras handlingsutrymme och makt finns ett stort ansvar. Utifrån respondenternas utsagor går det att förstå deras yrken som professioner. Kopplat till tjänstemannatyperna visas handlingsutrymmet genom idealtyperna byråkraten och närbyråkraten. I flera av respondenternas roller kunde de förstås som professionella närbyråkrater.

Organisationskultur i ett samverkansprojekt : En kvalitativ studie om vad som händer med organisationskulturen i ett offentligt samverkansprojekt / Organizational culture in a collaborative project : A qualitative study of what occurs to the organizational culture in a public collaboration project.

Håkansson, Nora, Lundblad, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Organizational culture is a phenomenon that characterizes many organizations. The culture reflects the norms, values, and language that organizations use. This information is compiled by the members and passed on in the case of new employment. Projects are the modern way of working in organizations in contemporary society. It is an effective and competence-developing method. By gathering professions from different organizations during an appointed period of time, leads to different professional organizations collaborating with each other. Cultural differences can then emerge, the question is whether a common culture is formed among the participating organizations and if so, how does the cultural aspect affect the collaborative work between authorities? The study is based on six qualitative semi-structured interviews and an evaluation made by The Iceland Project. The collected material has been analysed using a qualitative content analysis. The result is twofold. In some perspectives, the authorities have created a common culture, however aspects have also been discovered that indicate that they cannot adopt a common culture. The impact of the organizational culture on the collaborative work in the project has been considerably small. There have been situations where the organizations have had different cultures that created various cultural clashes, but it has never been an obstacle. Good communication has solved substantial parts of issues that have emerged during the process. The project has created a willingness in the involved authorities to continue to collaborate with each other, as collaboration is of great importance to society.

Förstå, kunna och vilja : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av miljöpolicyn i Borås Stad / Comprehension, Capability and Willingness : A Qualitative Study on the Implementation of the Environmental Policy in the Municipality of Borås

Grelsson, Elias, Lindelöf, Linus January 2022 (has links)
Svenska kommuner har genom sina kritiska samhällsfunktioner, närhet till medborgare samt näringsliv en avgörande roll i genomförandet av Agenda 2030. I kommunen Borås Stad finns en politiskt fastställd miljöpolicy som beskriver hur kommunen ska arbeta med miljön och nämner fem hörnpelare som ska genomsyra allt dagligt arbete och beslutsfattande i hela kommunens organisation. Kommunen är uppbyggd av 16 förvaltningar som var och en styrs av en förvaltningschef. Studiens syfte är att undersöka de givna omständigheterna för förvaltningschefer i fem olika förvaltningar inom Borås Stad att implementera kommunens miljöpolicy. Detta genomförs med Lundquists (1992) teori om tre villkor för en lyckad implementering: Att förstå, kunna och vilja. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie försöker forskarna kartlägga deltagarnas upplevda möjligheter och hinder med implementeringen. Studien visar att samtliga av de intervjuade förvaltningscheferna upplever både möjligheter och hinder med implementeringen av miljöpolicyn i olika grad. Möjligheter i form av en förståelse för miljöpolicyns syfte, en vilja och motivation att implementera den samt avsaknaden av motstånd. Hinder i form av resursbrist vad gäller framförallt tid, pengar och kunskap om praktisk tillämpning. Studien visar även att samarbete och samordning mellan förvaltningar, kommunala bolag, civilsamhälle och näringsliv skapar bättre förhållanden för att lyckas med implementeringen av miljöpolicyn och i längden Agenda 2030 på lokal nivå. / Swedish municipalities, through their critical societal functions, proximity to citizens and businesses have a crucial role in the implementation of Agenda 2030. In the municipality of Borås, there is a politically decided environmental policy that describes how the municipality should work with the environment and mentions five corner pillars that should permeate all daily work and decision making in the entire municipality's organization. The municipality is made up of 16 administrations, each of which is governed by a public manager. The purpose of the study is to examine the given circumstances for public managers in five different administrations within the municipality of Borås to implement the municipality's environmental policy. This is carried out with Lundquist's (1992) theory of three conditions for a successful implementation: To comprehend, be capable and willing. Through a qualitative interview study the researchers try to map the participants' perceived opportunities and barriers for implementation. The study shows that all of the interviewed public managers experience both opportunities and barriers with the implementation of the environmental policy to varying degrees. Opportunities in the shape of an understanding for the purpose of environmental policy, a willingness and motivation to implement it and the lack of resistance. Barriers in the shape of a lack of resources, especially in terms of time, capital and knowledge of practical application. The study also shows that collaboration and coordination between administrations, municipal companies, civil society and business creates better conditions for successful implementation of the environmental policy and in the long run Agenda 2030 on a local level.

Decentralisering av katastrofriskreducering : Utmaningar i Bangladesh

Larsson, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Systembundna sårbarheter i svenskt krishanteringssystem : -

Hallberg, Karl January 2022 (has links)
2001 publicerades Säkerhet i en ny tid SOU 2001:41 från 2001, även kallad Sårbarhets- och säkerhetsutredningen. Utredningen ledde till införandet av tre grundprinciper som idag styr ansvarskedjorna i det svenska krishanteringssystemet; ansvars-, närhets- och likhetsprincipen. Denna studie undersöker om grundprinciperna som legat till grund för svenskt krishanteringssystem de senaste 20 åren leder till sårbarheter längre ner i systemets led. Studien förklarar hur formuleringen av de tre grundprinciperna påverkar ansvarskedjor i systemet genom att undersöka metodmaterial och applicera det på Sveriges hantering av Covid-19. Detta utförs för att bidra till ytterligare lärdomar om grundprinciperna genom att svara på frågan hur institutionella sårbarheter i svenskt krisberedskapssystem och dess ansvarskedjor kan förstås med hjälp av sårbarhetsparadigmen. Studien landar i en förklaring till hur problematik på operativ nivå härstammar från grundprinciper som producerar systembundna sårbarheter inom krishanteringssystemet.

“Oh shit, should I be afraid now?” : Interpretations of responsibility and individual resilience in Stockholm

Henriksson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to attain a deeper understanding of individual resilience as shaped by interpretations of individual responsibility in Stockholm. The research questions that will guide this effort are which interpretations of responsibility for crisis preparedness are there among Stockholm citizens? And, how do understandings of responsibility influence individual resilience? To answer those questions, seven semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted and analysed through a thematic analysis, using resilience as a theoretical framework. The theoretical contribution of the thesis is therefore a better understanding of what shapes individual resilience. The findings show that while individual responsibility is conceptualised in the similar ways by the participants, the descriptive empirical accounts of individual responsibility and how they are influenced also present a struggle to adapt to uncertainty and complexity.

Populism & masslojalitet. : Demokrati och kriser – En studie om masslojalitet bland etablerad makt & populistiska korrektiv inom Grekland & Sverige. / Populism & massloyalty : Democracy and crisis - a study about massloyalty amongst established government & populist correctives within Greece & Sweden.

Petersson, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Populism in a Democratic sense undermines the representative aspect of any democracy’s public interest, which plays a key role in the legitimacy, also known as credibility, of any democratic representation. In both Greece and Sweden during an extensive amount of time, populists have gained a seemingly steady increase in support. In this sense this essay will also pursue an attempt to find out if factors like crisis could be an underlying explanation to as of why established power is losing their previously assumingly secured mass loyalty within these societies. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the health of two European democracies, namely Greece and Sweden, to potentially find out to which extent established parties succeed to maintain a healthy political organization within society. Europe’s free democracy is affected by the even more so present populism we see today. In theory this means we are investigating the representation of the citizens and the popularity towards populist parties, through voting support. This should give us an idea of how these democracies are faring, in favor of populists one could also assume there is a detoriating support for established parties. Depending on how these similarities or differences play out, the actual populist support could potentially undermine the legitimacy of any given democratic representation, if populist tendencies are widely present during times of crisis. Therefore, this essay will pursue the investigation of the questionable growth of populism within Sweden’s and the Greece democracy to find out if established parties have addressed day to day political topics in a credible way, or if they might have a potential inability to handle crisis could be the underlying factor, as of why and how populists have increased in both popularity and support over distinguishable periods of times in crisis. During a crisis, the state apparatus is faced with new challenges. If these developing challenges are not tended to or subdued, it will of course in theory make the democratic voter seek an alternative solution, hence also resulting in a mass loyalty loss for established parties.

Leder intern policyförändring till extern policyförändring? : En studie av svensk migrationspolitik i EU

Erdogan, Aysegül January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Statlig satsning av miljöpolitik : En studie om hur möjligheter för statlig styrning och finansiering av miljösatsning kan skapa ett mer hållbart Sverige

Johansson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
One of our modern days biggest challenge to solve is our fight to live sustainable for the upcoming future. For a long time under hard condition we are all trying to transform our society to become a better and more efficient society. But is there another way to solve it? According to much science, based on historical philosophy fram ancient times to modern day and also that fact that some states today that are authoritarian are even more advanced with better progress in the question to solve the sustainable issue have proved that aristocratical and authoritarian regime actually is having a big advantage in solving the issues of how to work for a more sustainable society

Fostering or Faltering Peace? : Civil Society’s Enabling Environment in Peace Agreements and its Impact on the Durability of Peace

Louw, Louis Hendri January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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