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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new case for female elders : an analytical reformed-evangelical approach

Hübner, Jamin Andrew 11 1900 (has links)
This study is the product of research in the field of systematic theology, particularly the subject of women in ministry. The goal was to provide, given the scope and limits of the study, the most persuasive case for women elders (or “pastors”) from a Reformed-Evangelical approach to date. The primary means of accomplishing this goal is by making an analytically constructed argument that is both exegetically and theologically sound. The introduction outlines the study’s basic objectives, structure, research methods, assumptions, and overall direction. Two gives a detailed literature review of major publications on the subject of women ministry in order to track the movement of the debate. Three explores theological methods that addresses theological loci, the role of hermeneutics, and the theological-analytical structure and content of Reformed-Evangelical arguments for women elders. Chapter Four explores conceptual framework, which frames the specific, contemporary debate over women elders in Reformed-Evangelical circles, and then addresses the insights and challenges of feminist theology and Roman Catholic theology. The heart of the study is captured in three main chapters that present a case for women elders in the church. The first argument provides a detailed examination of the “prohibition passages” in the New Testament and concludes that they do not prohibit women from being elders. The second argument provides a sweeping account of the proclamation of the gospel in New Testament theology, and affirms that anti-women-elder readings and attitudes simply do not conform to the actions, attitudes, and teachings of the early church regarding gender and gospel-proclamation. Finally, the third section provides three additional arguments in favor of women elders. The first argument addresses the nature of hermeneutics and application of specific interpretations, the second addresses the nature of marriage and its relationship to church leadership, and the third deals with functions of women in NT ministry. The research concludes with Chapter Eight, which summarizes the argument and introduces practical ramifications if the study’s premises and conclusions are true. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Potential Sustainability Improvements by Using Real-Time Measuring Temperature Sensors in Offices : A Case Study at Vasakronan’s Head Office Evaluating Sensor Solutions and Their Applicability. / Potentiella hållbarhetsfördelar av att använda realtidsmätande temperatursensorer i kontor : En studie på Vasakronans huvudkontor med utvärdering av sensorer och deras användbarhet

Franzén, Linda, Fredheim, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is written on the subject of smart cities, where real-time temperature measuringsensors were tested at Vasakronan’s head office. The purpose of doing so was to evaluate theavailable sensor solutions for real-time measurements as well as analyze the sustainabilitybenefits of doing so. Three sensors were tested: Yanzi Climate, Texas Instruments SensorTag,and Smart Citizen Board. The measurements from the sensors were compared within the sensorsolution as well as between each other and the traditional measuring equipment Testo 480 andTinytags. A multi-criteria analysis was conducted to compare the qualities of the sensors, whichshowed that Yanzi was the best of these. Mainly this was due to the quality of measurementsand conformity within the sensor solution. The performance of the other sensor solutions weresimilar, although they had different strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the temperaturemeasurements from Yanzi was used to make a temperature map over the office. If implementedin real-time, this would serve as an indicator for the superintendents of the building whenmanaging the HVAC system, which could improve energy efficiency and decrease costs.Additionally, employees could use the temperature map for individual choice of the indoortemperature that suits them. This will result in improving social sustainability at the office, aswell as economic sustainability due to increased productivity of the employees. / Smarta städer är ett koncept som växer i popularitet bland forskare inom hållbarhet. Hittills harfokus främst varit på att minska energi- och materialflöden för hushåll, medan tillämpningar förkontor varit få. Därmed sågs ett behov av att utforska vilka hållbarhetsfördelar som kundeuppnås genom att tillämpa smarta städer-strategier på kontor.Syftet med examensarbetet är att utforska hur realtidsmätningar av temperatur på kontor kanbidra till hållbar utveckling. Detta inkluderar dels att utreda hur data från dessa mätningar kananvändas för att bidra till ökad hållbarhet, men också att implementera realtidsmätningar avtemperatur på kontor för att bedöma vilka möjligheter som finns i nuläget. Det var ocksånödvändigt att bedöma om sensorlösningarna har möjlighet att ersätta den traditionellautrustningen för temperaturmätningar.Arbetet krävde forskning inom områden som smarta kontor, sensorer med möjlighet att mätatemperatur i realtid, energiförbrukning i byggnader, traditionell mätutrustning för temperatur,och termisk komfort. Då sensorer med passande egenskaper för att kunna utföra testernafunnits gjordes ett val av tre sensorlösningar som skulle installeras på Vasakronans huvudkontor.Den huvudsakliga sensorlösningen som skulle placeras på hela kontoret valdes till Yanzi. De tvåövriga som skulle testas i mindre skala var Smart Citizen Board och Texas Instruments SensorTag.För att kunna avgöra kvaliteten på mätningarna var det nödvändigt att data sparades på ett brasätt. För Smart Citizen Board och Yanzi innebar detta att data var tvungen att hämtas från derasrespektive servrar, vilket gjordes genom att skriva program som kopplade upp mot deras servraroch hämtade data en gång i minuten. För Texas Instruments SensorTag gjordes lagring direkt pådatorns hårddisk.Yanzisensorerna som var installerade i en större skala användes också under testperioden för attsamla data till en temperaturkarta över kontoret. Den initiala tanken med temperaturkartan varatt användarna av kontoret skulle ha möjligheten att basera vart de sätter sig utifrån derastermiska preferenser. Därför behövdes även ett flertal test göras på Vasakronans kontor för attutröna om en temperaturkarta för denna användning skulle vara applicerbar där.Testerna på Vasakronans kontor var uppdelat i fem delar: 1) Jämförelse mellansensorlösningarna och de traditionellt använda Tinytag 2) Jämförelse mellan lufttemperaturenoch den operativa temperaturen och det termiska klimatet 3) Jämförelse mellansensorlösningarna och den traditionellt använda Testo 480 4) Test av sensorlösningarnastäckning på olika delar av kontoret 5) Insamling av data för temperaturkartan.I det första testet var sensorlösningarna placerade bredvid Tinytagsen och de var inställda för attmäta från fredag till tisdag. Resultaten från detta test var att det var stor skillnad i batteritidmellan sensorlösningarna samt att enhetlighet mellan de två enheterna från vardera lösningenvarierade kraftigt mellan de olika lösningarna. Yanzi bedömdes ha den bästa batteritiden ochenhetligheten mellan sensorernas mätningar.I det andra testet användes den traditionella utrustningen Testo 480 för att undersöka om detvar en signifikant skillnad i den termiska upplevelsen mellan olika områden på kontoret och ifalldessa kan användas för att skapa en temperaturkarta. Testet undersökte också omlufttemperatur var en bra indikator för den termiska upplevelsen i varje område. Resultatet från  detta test var att det är tillräckligt stora temperaturskillnader på Vasakronans kontor för att entemperaturkarta ska vara applicerbar. Slutsatsen var också att lufttemperatur är en tillräckligtbra indikator för det termiska klimatet.I det tredje testet jämfördes sensorlösningarnas tester med mätningarna av Testo 480. Dettagjordes för att utröna sensorlösningarnas noggrannhet. Testerna visade att Yanzi varsensorlösningen med de mest korrekta mätningarna.I testet av sensorernas räckvidd var det tydligt att SCB hade en fördel som endast berodde påhur bra Wi-Fi täckningen var i byggnaden. Varken Yanzi och TI hade täckning i hela byggnaden,då avstånden mellan gateway och sensorer blev för långt. Av de två hade Yanzi dock en fördel dåde kan använda sig av andra enheter som repeterar signalerna.I det sista testet samlades data in för att skapa temperaturkartan som användarna av kontoretskulle kunna basera sitt val av plats på. En lämplig skala och en prototyp av temperaturkartanutformades.Efter testperioden gjordes en multikriterieanalys för att avgöra vilken av sensorlösningarna sompassade denna typ av applikation bäst. Slutsatsen var att Yanzi var den som passade bäst. Dettaberodde främst på mätnoggrannheten, enhetligheten mellan sensorernas mätningar och att denvar mest pålitlig under testerna. TI och SCB hade liknande poäng men hade olika styrkor ochsvagheter och bör därför väljas för att passa varje enskilt fall.Slutsatserna av detta examensarbete är många. Studien har funnit att temperaturmätningar irealtid på kontoret kan bidra till en förbättrad hållbarhet. Förbättringarna uppnås främst inomenergibesparingar genom en annorlunda reglering av VVS-systemet och genom att förbättra dentermiska komforten hos användarna av kontoret via nyttjandet av temperaturkartan.I slutskedet av detta examensarbete är förhoppningarna att smarta städer och smarta byggnaderska fortsätta att utvecklas och då möjliggöras av sensorlösningar som fortfarande är ekonomisktförsvarbara men som är mer tillförlitliga än idag.

Växelbruk på Hornsbruksgatan

Persson, Per January 2012 (has links)
Längs den skuggiga Hornsbruksgatan bryter en veckad volym upp den långa sträckan. En ny bergssida som definierar park och gata och serverar scener för medborgarinflytande på både gräs och betong. Med biblioteket som katalysator får den bortglömda delen av Hornstull ett välbehövligt komplement av både mångfacetterad verksamhetslokaler, kontor och större lägenheter. Med mer park i parken och mer stad längs gatan bygger Hornsbruksgatan vidare på områdets karaktär av experimentalitet – ett urbant växelbruk.

The Intersection between Fiction and Reality

Saleme, Aran January 2020 (has links)
In the first phase of my thesis I seek to explore how novelist use the fictional architectural environments in order to propel narrative and create an immersive experience for a reader, using the well-known 1984 by George Orwell and The Castle by Franz Kafka as the primary vehicle for investigation. The thesis studies the narrative and architectural typologies, physical settings and imagined spaces used to connect the viewer to the narrative’s highly detailed world. In the second phase of my thesis, I used elements learned from this two novels and applied them to propose a building in Midtown Manhattan in New York. I chose misinformation and fake news as the my main theme in order to design a mixed use proposal as it is one of the biggest challenges of our era. I end my thesis with a comic-style story using my proposal building as the main key in the comic-strips. If the first phase is about how architecture is used in fiction, the second phase is about creating a fictional story using architecture.

Marketing de serviços na odontologia : uma diagnóstico das aplicações e das necessidades dos cirurgiões dentistas do Vale do Paraíba /

Picco, Constantino Americo Palacios. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Gabbay de Souza / Coorientador: Eduardo de Paula Silva Chaves / Banca: Rodrigo Máximo / Banca: Vladir Wagner Ribas / Resumo: A odontologia está inserida no setor de serviços onde a competitividade pela preferência dos clientes é agressiva. Nesse ambiente, os cirurgiões dentistas vivem o desafio de serem excelentes especialistas e empresários. Sendo assim, diariamente precisam tomar decisões de marketing inerentes ao seu negócio na odontologia. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa, que investigou as aplicações de marketing em clínicas e consultórios odontológicos do Vale do Paraíba. Foram investigadas as percepções, os conhecimentos e as práticas de marketing utilizadas pelos cirurgiões dentistas em suas atividades profissionais. A metodologia combinou revisão de literatura, pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa onde, os participantes passaram por entrevistas em profundidade, grupo de foco, e um questionário-survey. Os resultados mostram que os cirurgiões dentistas definem marketing como propaganda, divulgação, publicidade e vendas, e 87,5% dos participantes, consideram que o marketing é essencial para o sucesso do seu negócio, porém, apenas 11,1% se consideram capacitados para administrar tais processos. Não conhecer as etapas de planejamento de marketing afeta o desempenho de diversas variáveis ligadas a esse tema, como a comunicação, a formação de preços etc. Entre esses profissionais, 88,7% buscam, por conta própria, a capacitação dessa área para planejar ações para aumentar a sua carteira de clientes. Este estudo permitirá ao cirurgião dentista, a compreensão da importância de conhec... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Dentistry is part of the service sector where competitiveness customer preference is aggressive. In this environment, dental surgeons face the challenge of being excellent experts and entrepreneurs. Therefore, they need to make marketing decisions inherent to their dental business on a daily basis. This paper presents the results of my research, which investigated the marketing applications in Paraíba Valley dental clinics. The perception, knowledge and marketing practices used by dentists in their professional activities were surveyed. The methodology combined literature review, qualitative and quantitative research where 88 respondents participated in in-depth interviews, focus group, and a survey questionnaire. The results show that dental surgeons define marketing as advertising, publicity, advertising and sales, where 87.5% of participants consider marketing essential to the success of their business, but only 11.1% consider themselves able to manage marketing processes. The survey showed that 89.9% of participants never had contact with any marketing discipline during their graduation, and that use 10 ways to meet the need for this knowledge. Dental surgeons have not learned about marketing during their training but are required to make important decisions in this area. Not knowing the marketing planning process affects the performance of several variables related to this theme, such as communication, pricing, etc. These professionals seek knowledge of this field to pla... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Magistratury v antickém Římě za období principátu / Magisterial powers in Ancient Rome in the period of Principate

Marek, Richard January 2019 (has links)
Thesis title: Magisterial powers in Ancient Rome in the period of Principate The aim of this thesis is to provide a systematic overview of the image of the Imperial administration and palace offices during the times of the Principate during the first three centuries of Common Era. Their enumeration, powers and administrative agenda are described chronologically according to their presumed and documented origin in the reigns of the respective Emperors and dynasties, together with the most significant administrative policy and reforms of individual sovereigns. The description of the Imperial cabinet is set to a basic historical context, which sheds more light on the eventual motivation and reasoning behind the creation or abolition of individual offices or the enactment of the appropriate reform since the ascension of Octavianus to the throne until the overview of fundamental changes of state administration during the reign of Diocletianus. The Imperial administration played a significant role during the principate era. Although it was not officially institutionalized until the reign of Claudius and its image and organisation was not perfected until Hadrianus during the second century CE, since the very beginning of the Principate, the imperial magistracies helped with the development of the Empire...

Společensko-kulturní centrum s radnicí v Kohoutovicích / Socio-cultural centre with townhall for the district Brno-Kohoutovice

Ieromenko, Alina January 2016 (has links)
The area is located in Kohoutovice on Libušina trida street. The location of socio-cultural center with townhall is at the site of the largest concentration of people and intensive traffic in the area. The concept is based on the attempt to create an architecture blending into the surrounding landscape , respecting the context of space and favorably affect the environment. The building consists of two spaces and its dispositions forms a clearly defined exterior space - the new square. The main entrance and the main pedestrian axis are oriented to the square. Externally, the timber building is distinguished by the interplay of wood cladding and vertical louvres, variable light and shadow.

Employee perceptions of South African office spaces

Koor, Muneeba January 2016 (has links)
Research report is submitted in partial fulfilment to the requirement of the degree of Master of Science (Building) in the field of Property Development and Management, to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Construction Economics and Management, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / The purpose of this study was to explore the type of office spaces in South Africa together with the presence of generational and cultural/ethnic differences in employee’s perception in the office environment on particular aspects. The research was carried out as a single case study of an office using private consultancy firm, located in Johannesburg, South Africa. Questionnaires were sent out to employees based in various segments within the firm. The study showed that the leading office typology is open plan/group office spaces as opposed to all other office configurations within the firm, such as private/cellular offices. The case study highlights the trade-off between collaboration and privacy in the primary office typology, open plan office spaces. The findings demonstrated that no significant differences exist between the different generations’ and cultures’ ability to conduct activities which are influenced by personal and interpersonal aspects of the office spaces. Furthermore, findings illustrated that no generational and cultural differences exist in the environmental, personal and design aspects of the office space. Lastly, findings showed that generational and cultural differences do exist in group cohesion and intension to stay. The main limitation of research is the small sample size which may have resulted in an untrue reflection in the generalisation of the population. The paper’s findings add to the cultural and ethnic differences experienced in open plan offices on personal/interpersonal, environmental and design aspects. Further studies need to explore the possible theoretical links between the workspace, group cohesion, intension to stay and productivity for South African office using firms. Keywords: generational differences, cultural/ethnic difference, employees’ experiences, collaboration, privacy, team work / MT2017

Shared Service in Commercial Real Estates in Stockholm / Gemensam service i kommersiella fastigheter i Stockholm

Cedervall, Ofelia, Wränghede, Tove January 2023 (has links)
The office market in Stockholm is constantly evolving, and property owners must actively work to meet tenants' demand for office spaces. The increased demand for alternative office solutions has led to the development of coworking facilities and fully furnished offices. Digitalization and the ability to work remotely have raised higher expectations for offices. Consequently, shared services have become a significant part of the current development in commercial offices, aiming to provide attractive workspaces that employees want to be in. The purpose of this master thesis is to map the shared services offered by property owners in their properties, how shared services are included in lease agreements, what property owners consider to be included in the concept of shared services, and how companies manage their customer relationships. The objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the evolution and applications of shared services in the commercial real estate market in Stockholm. The concept is rooted in value creation of properties, customer relationships, business models, and strategies. To achieve the goals and objectives of the master thesis, a qualitative study was conducted. Additionally, a literature review and  an empirical study was carried out through semi-structured interviews with the nine largest property owners in Stockholm. The results showed that property owners have different perspectives on the concept of shared services and that shared services can be categorized into three different levels with the lowest level being changing rooms, shared reception and bicycle rooms. The next level includes car parking, conference facilities, bookable meeting rooms, a gym and the last level is peculiar services such as dog daycare, laundry handling and car charging points. Furthermore, the results indicate that some property owners have chosen to implement more shared services in their portfolios than others. Property owners have also chosen different methods to account for the fee for shared services in lease agreements, with the majority of the companies charging it as x SEK/sqm . The authors also note that property owners have expanded their range of office solutions to adapt to the current market such as coworking and fully furnished offices. / Kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm är i ständig rörelse och fastighetsägare måste aktivt arbeta med att möta hyresgästernas efterfrågan på kontorslokalerna. Den nya ökade efterfrågan på alternativa kontorslösningar har bidragit till utvecklingen av bland annat coworking anläggningar och fullt möblerade kontor. Digitaliseringen och möjligheten att arbeta på distans har medfört att större krav sätts på kontoren. Gemensam service har därför blivit en stor del av dagens utveckling av kommersiella kontor för att kunna erbjuda attraktiva arbetsplatser som anställda vill vara på. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att kartlägga vilken gemensam service fastighetsägare erbjuder i sina fastigheter, hur gemensam service inkluderas i hyresavtalen, vad fastighetsägare anser ingå i konceptet gemensam service samt hur företagen arbetar med sina kundrelationer. Syftet är att få en djupare förståelse för utvecklingen och tillämpningarna av gemensam service inom den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden i Stockholm. Konceptet har en bakgrund inom värdeskapande av fastigheter, kundrelationer, affärsmodeller och affärsstrategier. För att uppnå masterarbetets mål och syfte har en kvalitativ studie genomförts. Vidare har en litteraturundersökning och en empirisk studie genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med de nio största fastighetsägarna i Stockholm. Resultatet visade att fastighetsägare har olika syn på konceptet av gemensam service. Efter analys av den empiriska studien kan gemensam service kan delas in i tre olika nivåer där den lägsta nivån innehåller omklädningsrum, gemensam reception och cykelrum. Nästa nivå innehåller bilparkering, konferensrum, bokningsbara mötesrum och gym och den sista nivån är service som hunddagis, tvätthantering och el-laddningsplatser för bilar. Vidare visar resultatet att vissa fastighetsägare har valt att implementera mer gemensam service än andra i sitt bestånd. Fastighetsägarna har även valt att redovisa avgiften för den gemensamma servicen på olika sätt i hyreskontrakten där majoriteten av företagen debiterar gemensamma service som x SEK/kvm. Författarna kan även konstatera att fastighetsägare har breddat sitt utbud på kontorslösningar för att anpassa sig till dagens marknad som bland annat coworking och fullt möblerade kontor.

Dvě rýmovaná officia, složená pro svátek Navštívení Panny Marie: srovnávací studie a kritická edice / Two rhymed offices composed for the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: comparative study and critical edition

Hallas, Kathryn Rhianydd January 2021 (has links)
The feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary was one of the last medieval Marian feasts to be introduced into the Roman Calendar, and is unusual in the wealth of contemporary, and near contemporary, documentation available for study in relation to its introduction. The offices written by Jan of Jenštejn [1347-1400] and Adam Easton [1330-1397] for the feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary have never been the subject of detailed examination or comparison, nor have critical editions of these offices been produced. This thesis addresses both these gaps in scholarship and presents an analysis and comparison of the texts, melodies, and dissemination of the offices. Using contemporary evidence and secondary sources the reasons for the institution of the new feast, the motivations of both Jenštejn and Easton, their compositional styles including choice of texts and melodies, and the introduction process itself are examined within the wider context of contemporary Marian devotion and fourteenth- century textual and musical composition. Chapter One provides a contextual background to the celebration of the Visitation, from its inclusion in the Gospel of Luke and apocryphal sources to contemporary sermons, showing the importance of the Visitation in the West long before the new feast's introduction....

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