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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Cross-national Comparison Study of Metabolic Syndrome among Canadian and Korean Older Adults

Song, Geum Ju 23 May 2014 (has links)
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of traditional cardiovascular risk factors including central obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and hypertension. The prevalence of MetS increases risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and increases with age. Purpose: To compare prevalence and correlates of MetS (and components) in Canadian and Korean older adults. Methods: This study consisted of secondary data analysis, using data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) (cycle 1) and the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (cycle 4). The study sample included adults aged 60 to 79 years and who provided fasting blood samples. To compare prevalence of MetS between countries, the same diagnostic criteria (Harmonizing definition) were used. Similar measures of potential explanatory variables for MetS, such as physical activity, dietary patterns, comorbidity, gender, household income adequacy, education, marital status, alcohol consumption, smoking, psychological distress, and duration of sleep were also used where possible. Univariate and multiple logistic regression models were used to examine the cross-sectional relationship between these study variables and MetS. Principal component and cluster analyses were conducted to derive dietary patterns. Results: Included were 550 (weighted N=4,886,039) and 3,040 (weighted N=4,267,182) Canadians and Koreans aged 60 to 79 years, respectively. The prevalence of MetS was 42.0% and 52.2% in the Canadian and Korean sample, respectively (p<.0001). The prevalence of MetS in Korean women was 60.5% and explained the overall increased prevalence in the Korean sample. Results of the descriptive analysis, as well as the univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that the prevalence and pattern or joint distribution of explanatory variables differed across the two populations. In the Canadian sample, the final multivariate model comprised household income, marital status, alcohol consumption and psychological distress, with evidence of an interaction between adequacy of household income and marital status. In the Korean sample, the final multivariate model comprised comorbidity, gender, education, marital status, physical activity, and dietary pattern, with evidence of an interaction between comorbidity and marital status and between gender and education. Conclusions: Findings of this study provided insight into possible underlying mechanisms that might lead to between-country differences in prevalence of MetS and to inconsistent measures of association between MetS and an individual factor like physical activity or dietary intake across studies.

National Survey of Physicians on the Need for and Required Sensitivity of a Clinical Decision Rule to Identify Elderly Patients at High Risk of Functional Decline Following a Minor Injury

Abdulaziz, Kasim 15 January 2014 (has links)
Many elderly patients visiting the emergency department for minor injuries are not assessed for functional status and experience functional decline 6 months post injury. Identifying such high-risk patients can allow for interventions to prevent or minimize adverse health outcomes including loss of independence. For the purpose of a planned clinical decision rule to identify elderly patients at high risk of functional decline a survey of physicians was conducted. A random sample of 534 Canadian geriatricians, emergency and family physicians was selected with half randomly selected to receive an incentive. A response rate of 57.0% was obtained with 90% of physicians considering a drop in function of at least 2 points on the 28-point OARS ADL scale as clinically significant. A sensitivity of 90% would meet or exceed 90% of physicians' requirements for a clinical decision rule to identify injured seniors at high risk of functional decline 6 months post injury.

Perspectives on transportation: building on the age-friendly cities project - a World Health Organization initiative

Love, Janet Anne 13 January 2009 (has links)
The impact of transportation concerning older adults is under scrutiny as the number of older adults is expected to significantly increase in the coming years. The World Health Organization (WHO) spearheaded a world wide initiative that sought to examine what contributed to an “age-friendly community” in both developed and underdeveloped nations. This paper examines, in particular, the role that transportation plays in relation and contribution to an “age-friendly” community in Saanich, British Columbia, as an addition to the WHO initiative. Focus groups were conducted to ensure that information received was the lived experience of the individual. Results suggested that transportation was more than the ability to operate a vehicle, but in the ability to move safely within an environment. Additional information provided by participants spoke to the necessity of increasing awareness of licensing systems and improvements that could be implemented to ensure safety for older adult drivers and the community.

The Role of Attention and Response Based Learning in the Visual Hebb Supra-span Sequence Learning Task: Investigating Age-related Learning Deficits

Brasgold, Melissa 01 February 2012 (has links)
Using Hebb’s (1961) paradigm, it has been shown that older adults (OAs) fail to learn recurrent visuospatial supra-span sequence information (Turcotte, Gagnon, & Poirier, 2005); a deficit which has not been demonstrated on verbal versions of the same task or in younger adults (YAs). Since the Hebb paradigm is thought to rely on working memory and thus attention (Conway & Engle, 1996), one interpretation concerns an OA’s capacity to allocate the necessary attentional resources to carry out the various components of the task. Five studies investigated this proposal. The first three (Article 1) examined attention in a general manner by reducing the amount of attentional resources that a YA could devote to carrying out the visuospatial Hebb supra-span sequence learning task through the implementation of a verbal dual task (DT) procedure. The fourth (Article 2) further investigated the role of attention by using a DT induced at retrieval that overlapped extensively with the requirements (spatial and response features) of the visuospatial Hebb task. The final study (Article 3) aimed to use our previous findings to demonstrate learning among OAs in a visuospatial Hebb learning paradigm in which the motor response was replaced by a verbal response. Our findings confirm that attentional resources employed at the retrieval phase of the task appear to be particularly important for the demonstration of visuospatial sequence learning. The inclusion of a spatial and motor based DT at recall eliminated learning of the repeated sequence in YAs. Interestingly, the learning deficit of OAs was partially eliminated when the motor and spatial requirements at retrieval were reduced. Our findings offer strong support to the contention that supra-span learning of the Hebb type is not altered by the effect of age. However, learning deficits can be observed among OAs when the retrieval component of the task overly taxes attention-related processes. In the case of the visuospatial sequences, the basis of the deficit likely concerns an individual’s capacity to discriminate between responses made to previously presented sequences versus those that need to be made in reaction to the just seen sequence.

Perspectives on transportation: building on the age-friendly cities project - a World Health Organization initiative

Love, Janet Anne 13 January 2009 (has links)
The impact of transportation concerning older adults is under scrutiny as the number of older adults is expected to significantly increase in the coming years. The World Health Organization (WHO) spearheaded a world wide initiative that sought to examine what contributed to an “age-friendly community” in both developed and underdeveloped nations. This paper examines, in particular, the role that transportation plays in relation and contribution to an “age-friendly” community in Saanich, British Columbia, as an addition to the WHO initiative. Focus groups were conducted to ensure that information received was the lived experience of the individual. Results suggested that transportation was more than the ability to operate a vehicle, but in the ability to move safely within an environment. Additional information provided by participants spoke to the necessity of increasing awareness of licensing systems and improvements that could be implemented to ensure safety for older adult drivers and the community.

Health Services Aimed at Serving the Elderly of Peru / Los Servicios de Salud Dirigidos a Atender a los Adultos Mayores del Perú

González Hunt, César 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article focuses its attention on the analysis of health services provided to seniors in the framework of public politics must give them rights safeguard Social Security and Health, and their level of access in cases of poverty and others; further analysis of the work of those institutions whose responsibility was granted by the Act of Older Persons for the protection of the same in the joint work with the SIS and Essalud. / El presente artículo enfoca su atención en el análisis de los servicios de salud brindados a los adultos mayores en el marco de las políticas públicas que les deben otorgar resguardo de derechos de la Seguridad Social y de la Salud, y su nivel de acceso en casos de pobreza y otros; además se hace un análisis del trabajo de aquellas instituciones cuya responsabilidad fue otorgada por la Ley de las Personas Adultas Mayores para la protección del mismo en el trabajo articulado con el SIS y ESSALUD.

L’approche par les capabilités un nouveau cadre pour l’analyse de l’accessibilité universelle : application à la mobilité des personnes vieillissantes. / The capability approach a new framework for the analysis of universal accessibility : application to the mobility of older adults

Le Morellec, Fanny 17 December 2014 (has links)
Objectif : L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était de proposer une nouvelle approche pour appréhender l’accessibilité afin qu’elle offre des opportunités réelles aux personnes de se déplacer et de se développer. Cette orientation de recherche s’est appuyée sur l’approche par les capabilités qui fournit un cadre théorique pertinent et original pour atteindre une accessibilité capacitante, c'est-à-dire qui permette le développement des personnes. Dans cette thèse, le cadre applicatif de l’approche théorique est la mobilité des personnes vieillissantes.Méthodes : Après une présentation de l’approche par les capabilités, un état de l’art sur l’accessibilité et la présentation du contexte applicatif de cette thèse, nous présentons trois recherches, qui utilisent une combinaison de méthodes (i.e. atelier, observations, questionnaires, projection situationnelle, technique des incidents critiques).Résultats : Les résultats de ces recherches permettent de définir l’accessibilité capacitante et de concevoir un modèle pour l’appréhender en ergonomie. Ce modèle met en évidence des déterminants de l’accessibilité capacitante tels que les ressources et les facteurs d’usage (i.e. les facteurs de conversion et les facteurs de choix). De plus, il décrit le processus qui peut amener à des activités contraintes et/ou empêchées.Conclusion : En conclusion, une présentation du modèle développé dans ce travail est proposée ainsi qu’une définition de l’accessibilité capacitante. Ensuite, les perspectives de recherches portent d’une part sur les recherches en conception visant l’accessibilité capacitante, et d’autre part, sur les effets à long terme de l’accessibilité capacitante sur les activités méta-fonctionnelles. / Objective: The objective of this work was to propose a new approach for the understanding of accessibility. Through this approach, accessibility is considered as a number of qualities of environments or activities providing real opportunities for development to people. This line of research was based on the capability approach which provides a unique and relevant theoretical framework to achieve enabling accessibility (i.e. accessibility which offers real development opportunities to people). In this thesis, the application context of enabling accessibility is older adults’ mobility. Methods: After a presentation of the capability approach, a state of the art on accessibility and presentation of the application context of this research, we present three studies, which use a combination of methods (i.e. workshop, observations, survey, situational projection, critical incident technique). Results: The results of this research are used to define a model of enabling accessibility and to clarify its position in ergonomics. This model highlights a number of determinants of enabling accessibility (e.g. resources conversion factors, factors of choice). This model also describes a number of process which can constraint or hamper activity. Conclusion: In conclusion, a presentation of the model develops in this work is proposed as well as a definition of enabling accessibility. The prospects for research focuses firstly on the research design for enabling accessibility, and secondly, on the long-term effects of enabling accessibility on meta-functional activities.Keywords: enabling accessibility, capability approach, freedom of choice, older people, mobility

Representation av äldre i animerad långfilm : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys / Representation of elders in animated feature films : A qualitative content analysis

Nomark, Sanna, Pålsson, Miriam January 2018 (has links)
Det finns få studier om äldre karaktärer i animerade filmer. Studierna som gjorts visar att äldre karaktärer har porträtterats på ett oproportionerligt negativt sätt. Dessa studier är nu över tio år gamla och därför behövs ny forskning som undersöker hur äldre representeras. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur äldre karaktärer porträtteras i animerad mainstream-film från år 2017 genom en analys av de fem animerade filmerna Coco, Smurfarna - Den försvunna byn, The Lego Ninjago Movie, Monsterfamiljen och Kapten Kalsong. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ och semiotisk innehållsanalys undersöks vilka identitetspositioner, narrativa funktioner, samt stereotyper och tecken som används för att porträttera äldre. Studien visar en positiv förändring av äldres representation i form av mer nyanserade karaktärer i betydelsefulla roller. De vanligaste stereotyperna kring äldre syns inte i materialet, istället används ledarroller och arketyper så som den vise. Förekomsten av äldre och ålderstecken verkar i första hand vara ett uttryck för visdom och erfarenhet snarare än som ett tecken på deras kronologiska åldrande. / There are few studies that investigate older characters in animated film. Older characters have been portrayed in a disproportionately negative manner according to previous studies. These studies were made over ten years ago, therefore new research is needed to investigate how older people are represented. The aim of this research is to examine how older characters are portrayed in mainstream animated films from 2017 by analyzing five animated films: Coco, Smurfs - The Lost Village, The Lego Ninjago Movie, Monster Family and Captain Underpants. Using a qualitative and semiotic content analysis, we investigate how identity markers, narrative functions, as well as stereotypes and signs are used to portray older people. The study shows a positive change in the representation of older people where the characters have more nuanced and important roles. The most common stereotypes around older people do not appear in these films, instead authority roles and archetypes such as the wise are used. Rather than a sign of chronological aging the appearance of elderly and signs of age primarily seems to be used to convey wisdom and experience.

Study of the interaction of older adults with touchscreen / Etude de l'interaction de personnes âgées avec des écrans tactiles

Genaro Motti Ader, Lilian 21 March 2016 (has links)
Utiliser une tablette ou un smartphone est désormais courant. Cependant, les effets de l'âge sur les capacités motrices nécessaires pour l'exécution des gestes d'interaction tactile n'ont pas été suffisamment pris en compte lors de la conception et de l'évaluation des systèmes interactifs, une des raisons qui a empêché l'inclusion numérique de ce groupe d'utilisateurs. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'interaction des personnes âgées avec les écrans tactiles afin d'identifier des problèmes d'utilisabilité sur des supports variés (smartphone et tablette, doigt et stylet). Pour cette étude, nous avons conçu un système interactif constitué de jeux de type puzzle numérique tactiles, où le geste d'interaction drag-and-drop (glisser-déposer) est employé pour positionner les cibles. Dans ce contexte, une attention particulière a été portée à l'analyse des mouvements de l'utilisateur. L'analyse des postures du poignet durant l'interaction a permis d'élucider la relation entre les caractéristiques des mouvements des personnes âgées avec leurs performances, à savoir, des temps plus longs et une augmentation du nombre d'erreurs par rapport aux utilisateurs adultes plus jeunes. Prendre en compte la variabilité des capacités motrices des utilisateurs lors des phases de conception et évaluation des systèmes interactifs est nécessaire pour comprendre leurs difficultés et améliorer l'ergonomie et utilisabilité de l'interaction tactile. / Tablets and smartphones have become mainstream technologies. However, the aging effects on the motor skills implied on tactile interaction haven't been enough considered during the design and evaluation of tactile interactive systems, what prevent this group of older adult users to be digitally included successfully. This thesis aims to study the interaction of older adults with touchscreens in order to identify usability issues on different devices and input modalities (smartphone and tablet, finger and stylus). To this study, we designed an interactive system consisted of tactile puzzle games and using drag-and-drop interaction for positioning the puzzle pieces into their corresponding targets. In this framework, a special attention was given to the analysis of the movements of the user. The analysis of the postures of the users' wrists during interaction allowed to elucidate the relationship between the characteristics of the movements of older adults and their performances, particularly concerning the longer times needed for executing the gestures of interaction as well as the increased error rates of this group of users when compared to younger adults. Taking into account the variability of users' motor skills during the design and evaluation of interactive systems is necessary to better understand their difficulties as well as to improve the ergonomics and the usability levels of tactile interaction.

Prevence vzniku závislosti na návykových látkách u žen ve věku starší dospělosti / Prevention of the Rise of Dependency on Addictive Substances in Older Adult Women

ČMUGROVÁ, Žaneta January 2008 (has links)
The dissertation contains the general nature of physical and psychological changes in older adult women, a brief definition of most commonly abused addictive substances within the given target group and the factors that influence the rise of dependency on addictive substances. The typical causes for the rise of dependency in older adult women are analyzed in detail. The final part of the dissertation is dedicated to current possibilities for prevention of the rise of dependency in women in the afore-mentioned age. Herewith new forms of timely prevention are offered in the area of health services, media and free time based on influence of individual women´s attitudes.

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