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Värdering av personburna soldatigenkänningssystem, så kallade Combat Identification Systems (CID), avsedda att förebygga vådabekämpning i urban miljöÖqvist, Anders January 2016 (has links)
För att känna igen eller identifiera egna förband och enheter har man sedan långt tillbaka använt sig av olika metoder. Oftast har dessa utgjorts av olika symboler och tecken på fanor, flaggor, uniformer med mera. I nutid har allt fler olika tekniska system för igenkänning och identifiering, eller så kallad Combat Identification (CID), av egna förband, börjat användas. Dessa system uppvisar mer eller mindre komplexitet, har olika för- respektive nackdelar och bidrar i olika utsträckning till förmågan att framgångsrikt genomföra CID. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra olika CID-system konstruerade för avsutten trupp för att öka kunskapen avseende den militära nytta systemen har med avseende på minskad risk för vådabekämpning när ett förband sätts in i urban miljö. Vid jämförelsen av de olika systemen kan konstateras att CID-systemen endast ger militär nytta när ett förband har en uppgift där stridsförloppen är långsamma, till exempel övervakning. De CID-system som särskilt utmärker sig vid övervakning är TIR-systemen. / Since long ago different methods have been used in order to recognize or identify own units. Most often the methods consisted of different symbols and signs placed on banners, flags, uniforms and so on. Today several different technical systems for recognition and identification of own units, so called Combat Identification (CID), are entering service. The systems show more or less complexity in their construction, hold advantages as well as disadvantages and thus contribute in varying degree to the ability to successfully carry out CID. The purpose of this essay is to compare different CID-systems designed for ground soldiers, in order to increase the knowledge of what military utility the different systems may have in terms of reducing the risk of friendly fire when a unit is deployed in an urban environment. When comparing the different systems it is clearly that CID-systems only give military utility when a unit has a task where the battle progress is slow, such as surveillance. The CID-system that especially excels when used in surveillance is the TIR-systems.
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"Combat Dance" is an eclectic blend of combat and dance art forms combined and taught from the Fall 2001 to Spring 2003. As defined here, combat dance is a blend of techniques and principles gleaned from both unarmed and armed aspects of stage combat, martial arts (such as aikido and kung fu), modern dance and other expressive movements used to tell a story of conflict. Its primary purpose is to provide both actors and non-actors greater awareness and control of their bodies and to provide a range of creative avenues of expression. Combat dance gives the performers a unique and holistic set of exercises and skills that leave no part of the body, mind, or - even deeper - the spirit uninfluenced. The thesis begins with the vision and birth of the class, a description of the preparatory research, an analysis of the reasons for the class, and reflection, revelations, and realizations gained through teaching the class. The ultimate focus of this thesis is to aid anyone interested in any type of combat or dance-related movements: dancers, non-dancers, actors, non-actors, movement coaches, and even those in the fields of dance or drama therapy.
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Recreating Medieval and Renaissance European combat systems : a critical review of The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest, Mastering the Art of Arms vol 1 : The Medieval Dagger, and The Duellist's CompanionWindsor, Guy Stanley Tresham January 2018 (has links)
The three publications offered for evaluation, The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest, Mastering the Art of Arms vol 1: The Medieval Dagger, and The Duellist's Companion, establish by example the relatively young discipline of the accurate recreation of historical martial skills. This discipline includes the following elements: • Textual analysis of historical sources (The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest). • Image analysis for the purpose of establishing details of the execution of the illustrated action (all three works). Mechanical or kinesthetic analysis of the actions described and depicted (The Medieval Dagger, The Duellist's Companion). • Determination of the historical and combat context in which the system is intended to work. In these cases, a formal duel or tournament contest between knights (The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest, The Medieval Dagger), or illegal but socially acceptable unarmoured duelling (The Duellist's Companion). • Observation of the overall tactical and mechanical preferences of the martial system represented (The Medieval Dagger, The Duellist's Companion). • Organisation of the material into a syllabus for study and practice (The Medieval Dagger, The Duellist's Companion). The submitted works demonstrate the discipline as applied to the extant works of three historical masters: Philippo Vadi (ca 1440-1500), Fiore dei Liberi (ca 1350-1420), and Ridolfo Capoferro (ca 1557-1620). The unified body of work is the approach to the material as represented by these books. The submitted works: 1. The Art of Sword Fighting in Earnest (2018) is a translation and commentary on the late 15th-century Italian manuscript De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi. It makes the content of the manuscript available to anglophone non-paleographers, in a transparent way. The translation itself has also been released as a free download, with the original images in colour reproduction. 2. Mastering the Art of Arms vol 1: The Medieval Dagger (2012) is a practical syllabus for understanding and executing the dagger combat skills represented in Fiore dei Liberi's 1410 manuscript Il Fior di Battaglia. It includes detailed reference to the source, but also provides a template for martial skill development, such as ways to gradually increase the intensity and complexity of the drill until it approaches an actual combat environment. 3. The Duellist's Companion (2006) is a training guide for the style of rapier combat represented in Ridolfo Capoferro's 1610 work Gran Simulacro dell'Arte e dell'uso della scherma. Rapier mechanics and actions are refined and complex, so this book covers mechanics in some detail, and provides comprehensive instructions for making Capoferro's techniques and theory accessible to the modern reader. Taken as a whole, these publications represent a new form of manuscript study: the recreation from textual sources of our hitherto lost martial heritage, and the development of a pedagogical method by which these arts can be safely taught and practised.
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Navy Personnel and Effects of Select Factors on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder SymptomologyPalmer, Thomas J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Since the establishment of the individual augmentee role within the U.S. Navy, little research has examined this nontraditional role associated with combat units. The majority of combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) research has been dedicated to Army and Marine Corps personnel with little research conducted on the Navy population. The purpose of this nonexperimental study was to identify the prevalence of combat-related PTSD symptomology for Navy personnel returning from an augmentee tour. The link between component and tour length and the presence of individual resilience factors on PTSD were examined. The theoretical foundation of this research included the cognitive link between the single and multiple exposures to traumatic events and the automatic conditioned responses related to the combat-related trauma using a retrospective view of archival datasets. Data analysis included a chi square test of independence and factoral analysis of variance to identify the combat-related PTSD symptoms and its associated variables. The sample size was a stratified random sampling of 570 cases. The results of this analysis support an association between location of tours and PTSD symptomology as well as a small effect between number of deployments and PTSD symptomology irrespective of status. These results will benefit the U.S. Navy enlisted personnel by increasing the awareness of a trend in combat-related PTSD, identify protective factors in resilience, and showcase the need for greater focus of these issues within Navy policy and leadership.
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Svensk undsättningsförmågaWärja, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>I takt med att Försvarsmakten ökar sitt internationella engagemang ökar också riskerna för att svensk personal ska bli isolerad, tillfångatagen eller kidnappad. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om svensk undsättningsförmåga är tillräcklig för de insatser som Försvarsmakten genomför internationellt.</p><p>Det kan konstateras att flera faktorer bidrar till ett behov av en undsättningsförmåga. Försvarsmakten har en moralisk skyldighet mot sin personal att göra allt för att se till att de kommer hem ifall något skulle hända dem. Försvarsmakten har heller inte råd att få personal kidnappad då det genom media och hemmaopinion kan ge ett högt tryck på politiker vilket i sin tur kan leda till att Försvarsmakten tvingas dra sig ur en insats. Förvarsmakten måste även kunna ansvara för sig själv och inte förlita sig på att en annan nation ska lösa problemet när situationen inte kan hanteras. I övriga europeiska länder saknas i många fall en fullgod undsättningsförmåga och därför blir det än viktigare att Försvarsmakten innehar en egen förmåga. Förmågan bör åtminstone omfatta kvalificerade helikoptrar och välutbildade undsättningsenheter med rätt utrustning för att en trovärdig undsättningsförmåga ska finnas i organisationen.</p><p>Resultaten av uppsatsen tyder på att Försvarsmakten har kommit långt i sin strävan att utveckla en undsättningsförmåga men att organisationen brister i att utveckla verkligt kvalificerade undsättningsförband. Dessa förband bör tilldelas mer resurser för att en trovärdig förmåga kopplat mot Försvarsmaktens målsättning ska upprätthållas.</p> / <p>When the Swedish Armed Forces are increasing its contribution to international peacekeeping missions there is an increasing danger that Swedish personnel could find themselves isolated and taken hostage. The purpose with this work is to examine whether the level of Swedish Personnel Recovery is acceptable due to the international missions the Swedish Armed Forces is participating in. </p><p>The Swedish Armed Forces has the moral responsibility to bring all personnel home when deployed. One reason to have Personnel Recovery capability is to reduce the danger of getting personnel executed and media exploiting it which could lead to a withdrawal from the area. Further on Swedish Armed Forces have got to have its own Personnel Recovery capability since not very many countries has a sufficient capability. The Swedish Armed Forces Personnel Recovery capability should at least contain qualified helicopters and Personnel Recovery units.</p><p>The results of this work is that the Swedish Armed Forces has made huge progress in developing a Personnel Recovery capability although there is a lack of truly qualified Personnel Recovery units which should be given sufficient funds to enhance the Swedish Personnel Recovery capability.</p>
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Svensk undsättningsförmågaWärja, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
I takt med att Försvarsmakten ökar sitt internationella engagemang ökar också riskerna för att svensk personal ska bli isolerad, tillfångatagen eller kidnappad. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om svensk undsättningsförmåga är tillräcklig för de insatser som Försvarsmakten genomför internationellt. Det kan konstateras att flera faktorer bidrar till ett behov av en undsättningsförmåga. Försvarsmakten har en moralisk skyldighet mot sin personal att göra allt för att se till att de kommer hem ifall något skulle hända dem. Försvarsmakten har heller inte råd att få personal kidnappad då det genom media och hemmaopinion kan ge ett högt tryck på politiker vilket i sin tur kan leda till att Försvarsmakten tvingas dra sig ur en insats. Förvarsmakten måste även kunna ansvara för sig själv och inte förlita sig på att en annan nation ska lösa problemet när situationen inte kan hanteras. I övriga europeiska länder saknas i många fall en fullgod undsättningsförmåga och därför blir det än viktigare att Försvarsmakten innehar en egen förmåga. Förmågan bör åtminstone omfatta kvalificerade helikoptrar och välutbildade undsättningsenheter med rätt utrustning för att en trovärdig undsättningsförmåga ska finnas i organisationen. Resultaten av uppsatsen tyder på att Försvarsmakten har kommit långt i sin strävan att utveckla en undsättningsförmåga men att organisationen brister i att utveckla verkligt kvalificerade undsättningsförband. Dessa förband bör tilldelas mer resurser för att en trovärdig förmåga kopplat mot Försvarsmaktens målsättning ska upprätthållas. / When the Swedish Armed Forces are increasing its contribution to international peacekeeping missions there is an increasing danger that Swedish personnel could find themselves isolated and taken hostage. The purpose with this work is to examine whether the level of Swedish Personnel Recovery is acceptable due to the international missions the Swedish Armed Forces is participating in. The Swedish Armed Forces has the moral responsibility to bring all personnel home when deployed. One reason to have Personnel Recovery capability is to reduce the danger of getting personnel executed and media exploiting it which could lead to a withdrawal from the area. Further on Swedish Armed Forces have got to have its own Personnel Recovery capability since not very many countries has a sufficient capability. The Swedish Armed Forces Personnel Recovery capability should at least contain qualified helicopters and Personnel Recovery units. The results of this work is that the Swedish Armed Forces has made huge progress in developing a Personnel Recovery capability although there is a lack of truly qualified Personnel Recovery units which should be given sufficient funds to enhance the Swedish Personnel Recovery capability.
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Logistical analysis of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) operating independently in the PacificBaggett, John P. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S., operations research)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2008. / Title from title screen (viewed Oct. 9, 2008). Thesis Advisor(s): Pilnick, Steven E. "March 2008." "ADA479828"--DTIC URL. Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-95).
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Body count : the politics of representing the gendered body in combat in Australia and the United States /Buttsworth, Sara. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2004.
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Logistical analysis of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) operating independently in the Pacific /Baggett, John P. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S., operations research)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2008. / Thesis Advisor(s): Pilnick, Steven E. "March 2008." Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-95).
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Entre corps invaincus : les luttes rituelles de Zitlala au Mexique / Between unvanquished bodies : ritual combats in Zitlala, MexicoRoussely, Véronique 12 December 2016 (has links)
À Zitlala, dans l’État du Guerrero au Mexique ont lieu, plusieurs fois par an, différents combats rituels où les protagonistes s’affrontent à coups réels. Présentés dans les années soixante-dix comme « tradition en perdition », ils connaissent aujourd’hui un regain d’intérêt à l’intérieur duquel s’élaborent de nouvelles significations. À la croisée de l’histoire et de l’anthropologie, cette thèse analyse ces combats à partir d’une exploration autour de trois axes. Le premier, politico-historique, s’intéresse au contexte pour comprendre cette pratique corporelle dans l’épaisseur du temps long et au-delà d’une approche première qui les réduirait à des singularités locales. Le deuxième axe présente une ethnographie de sept combats (dont deux disparus dans les années 1980), eux-mêmes resitués dans le contexte plus général de jeux d’affrontements paysans. Le troisième axe de cette recherche est dirigé vers la matérialité de ces combats et l’étude des interactions corporelles et leurs effets subjectivants sur les protagonistes actuels. Ce parcours s’appuiera sur les transformations observées sur le terrain et mettra en lumière les ajustements du système symbolique aux nouvelles réalités économiques et sociales. / In Zitlala, located in the Mexican State of Guerrero, ritual combats during which protagonists confront each other, inflicting real blows, take place several times a year. Presented in the seventies as an “endangered tradition”, these combats are today attracting renewed interest, with new meanings being elaborated. At the crossroads of history and anthropology, this thesis analyses these combats based on an exploration taking in three avenues. The first, politico-historical, focuses on the context in order to understand this corporal practice, seen as rooted in the long term and transcending a primary approach that would reduce the combats to local particularities. The second presents an ethnography of seven combats (two of which disappeared in the 1980s), themselves situated in the broader context of rural games of confrontation. The third avenue of this research deals with the materiality of these combats and studies the corporal interactions and their subjective effects on contemporary protagonists. This work will also take into account transformations observed in the field and highlight the adjustments of the symbolic system to the new economic and social realties.
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