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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of the Clery Act: An Examination of the Relationship between Clery Act Data and Recruitment at Private Colleges and Universities

Hall, Dennis H. H. 05 1900 (has links)
The problem this study addressed is the relationship between Clery Act crime data and student recruitment at private colleges and universities. For this quantitative study, I used secondary data from the Department of Education and the Delta Cost Project (2013) to conduct ordinary least squares regression analyses to determine the predictive ability of institutional characteristics, specifically the total number of crime incidents reported in compliance with the Clery Act, on the variance in number of applications and applicant yield rate at private four-year institutions in the United States. Findings showed that the total number of reported incidents was a significant positive predictor of the total number of applications. Conversely, findings also showed that the total number of incidents had a significant negative impact on institutional yield rates. An implication of this study is that although crime statistics required by the Clery Act may not serve as variables used in the student application process, they are part of numerous variables used in the student's decision to enroll at a particular school. The findings highlight the importance of prioritizing and investing in safety and security measures designed to reduce rates of crime; especially for private, enrollment-driven institutions of higher education.

Faculty Senate Minutes January 25, 2016

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 02 February 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Die meetbare effek van ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium : ’n loodsprojek aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch

Loftie-Eaton, Eloise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geografiese ligging van enige bepaalde skryflaboratorium maak dit dikwels moeilik vir verafgeleë afstandonderrigstudente om ’n konsultasie te ontvang. ’n Veeleisende klasrooster kan dit vir residensiële studente enersyds problematiseer om ’n nabygeleë skryflaboratorium fisies te besoek vir hulp rakende ’n spesifieke skryfopdrag. Hierdie twee studentegroepe benodig gewoonlik addisionele skryfhulp om die tekskwaliteit van hulle geskrewe tekste te verbeter. In hierdie werkstuk het die navorser gevolglik ondersoek ingestel of ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium, gegrond op die bestaande World Wide Writing (WWW)-model, ’n statisties beduidende effek gelewer het om studente se skryfvaardighede te verbeter. Die teoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie loodsprojek is verskaf deur Bereiter en Scardamalia (1987) se tweeledige skryfprosesmodel. Laasgenoemde model het ’n belangrike komponent van die ondersoek gevorm om die ontwikkeling van die hersieningsfase (waarmee ook herskrywing bedoel word) in die skryfproses te illustreer, nadat die proefpersone blootgestel is aan ’n skryfadvies oor paragrafering. Altesaam 67 tweedejaarproefpersone van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het die opdrag ontvang om verbeterings aan die paragraafstruktuur van hulle oorspronklike teks aan te bring, ná verwysing van die elektroniese skryflaboratorium wat skryfhulp aangebied het in die vorm van web-advies. Hierna het die proefpersone ook ’n vraelys voltooi om hulle houding ten opsigte van die web-advies bloot te lê. ’n Geselekteerde ekspertpaneel het gevolglik die paragraafstruktuur van die tekste geëvalueer en sodoende aangedui of die tekskwaliteit verbeter het of nie. Hierdie resultate is uiteindelik gebruik om die effek te meet wat ’n elektroniese skryflaboratorium uitgeoefen het om die hersieningsfase van die skryfproses te beheer.

Architecture et mission pédagogique : regards sur le campus de l'Université de Montréal et de l'école des HEC à l'ère d'une société de la connaissance

Antonat, Dan 11 1900 (has links)
Toutes les photos présentes dans ce mémoire (sauf indication contraire) ont été réalisées par Dan Antonat (c). / À l’ère de la société de la connaissance, l’éducation supérieure occupe une place prépondérante dans le monde et les universités sont des acteurs de premier ordre. La connaissance, à travers l’innovation qu’elle permet, est devenue un élément central du processus de production et l’on parle désormais d’une économie du savoir, qui serait porteuse d’un ensemble de changements qui affectent la société sur différents plans. Le mode de fonctionnement traditionnel des universités n’y échappe pas et connaît plusieurs renouveaux. Les NTIC ont fait évoluer les manières d'enseigner et de faire de la recherche et l’on parle aujourd’hui d’un nouveau type de relations inédites entre les universités, l'État et le secteur de l’industrie. Après avoir passé en revue l’ensemble de ces changements, nous proposons d'explorer l'impact de toutes ces transformations sur le développement physique des universités à travers l’étude du projet de construction du futur campus de l'Université de Montréal à Outremont et de l'École des HEC Montréal. Nous analysons dans notre étude l'influence de ces changements sur l'organisation physique des universités et sur l'architecture des bâtiments. / In the era of the knowledge society characterized by the importance of constant innovation, various dimensions of social life are going through notable renewals. The New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC) are offering a large panel of new possibilities that affects the traditional mode of operating of various institutions. In this context, Universities become fundamental actor, by contributing to the high education of the population through their activities of teaching and research. It seems that the traditional mission of universities is going through major changes. Lots of new possibilities permit by the NTIC affects the traditional way of teaching and doing research and we also talk about new kind of unprecedented relations between universities, state and the industry. We offer to explore the impact of all these changes on the physical development of universities through a look at a case study of the campus of Université de Montréal and the business school of HEC Montreal. Our work discuss about the influence of these changes in the physical organization of the university, more specifically on the architecture of the buildings. Through a look at the project of construction of a new campus situated at Outremont, we have attended to study actual tendencies and concerns about university buildings. We then attended to analyse the impacts of these developments on the organisation of universities buildings through a study of the architectural features of the new school of HEC Montréal.

Demanda potencial para um sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas pedelecs: o caso de um campus universitário / Potential demand for a pedelec sharing system: the case of a university campus

Cadurin, Leonardo Dal Picolo 12 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a demanda potencial para um sistema de compartilhamento de bicicletas pedelecs no campus da USP de São Carlos, com foco nos deslocamentos de estudantes entre as duas áreas do campus. Para tanto, foi elaborado um conjunto de procedimentos, que constituem duas etapas: caracterização do público-alvo e análise da demanda potencial pelas bicicletas pedelecs compartilhadas. Na primeira etapa foi aplicado um questionário, elaborado com a técnica de preferência declarada, para verificar as preferências dos usuários em relação às pedelecs compartilhadas e ao ônibus operado pela USP. Os resultados desta consulta, que envolveu variáveis de condições meteorológicas, situação de ciclovias/ciclofaixas entre as áreas do campus e lotação do ponto de ônibus USP, foram posteriormente utilizados para calibrar um modelo logit e treinar uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA). Na segunda etapa foi elaborada uma planilha eletrônica com os dados obtidos na coleta, a fim de analisar as probabilidades de escolha da pedelec (ao invés do ônibus USP). Nesta planilha também foram utilizados dados do histórico meteorológico de São Carlos no período entre 2011 e 2015. Alguns dos resultados obtidos são destacados na sequência. A probabilidade de escolha das pedelecs é, em média, três vezes maior quando existem ciclovias/ciclofaixas (em relação à ausência da referida infraestrutura cicloviária). A ocupação do ponto de ônibus USP também é impactante, pois as probabilidades de uso da bicicleta pedelec praticamente dobram quando o ponto está cheio. No caso da meteorologia, foi constatado que as maiores probabilidades ocorrem no Outono e no Inverno, ou seja, nas épocas em que se concentram os dias mais secos e com menores temperaturas. Para o período letivo de 2011 a 2015, considerando a situação atual (isto é, sem ciclovias/ciclofaixas entre as áreas), os valores de probabilidade de uso da pedelec correspondem a 9% com o ponto vazio e 19% com o ponto cheio. Se houvesse ciclovias/ciclofaixas, a probabilidade seria de até 54%. Desse modo, a estratégia de análise desenvolvida conceitualmente, bem como implantada em planilha eletrônica, se constitui em importante ferramenta de auxílio para a condução da política de transportes que a Prefeitura do campus irá adotar para os anos futuros. Além disso, evidencia uma possível demanda potencial para um sistema com pedelecs compartilhadas. / The objective of this study was to analyze the potential demand for a pedelec sharing system at the São Carlos campus of the University of São Paulo (USP), aiming at the displacements of students between the two campus Areas. The set of procedures developed to reach the objective has involved two steps: characterization of the target audience and analysis of the potential demand for shared pedelecs. The first step was accomplished with a questionnaire designed with a stated preference approach for identifying users\' preferences regarding shared pedelecs and the bus system operated by the university. The survey results, which involved variables of weather conditions, existence of bike paths/bike lanes between the campus Areas, and occupancy rates at the USP bus stop, were subsequently used to calibrate a logit model and to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The survey data were also used in the second step of the process, in which an electronic spreadsheet was created to analyze the probabilities of choosing the pedelec alternative (instead of the bus route operated by university). The spreadsheet was also fed with meteorological data of São Carlos in the period between 2011 and 2015. Some of the obtained outcomes are highlighted in the sequence. The probability of a pedelec being chosen is almost three times higher if bike paths/bike lanes do exist than if they do not exist. The occupancy rates of the bus stop are also particularly relevant. The probability of someone choosing a pedelec nearly doubles when the bus stop is crowded. Regarding the weather conditions, the highest probabilities are observed in the Fall and Winter seasons, i. e. in the driest and coldest days. For the entire academic period comprised between 2011 and 2015, the probabilities range from 9% (empty bus stop) to 19% (full bus stop), considering the current situation (i. e. no cycleways connect the two campus Areas). In the presence of this cycling infrastructure, however, the probability goes up to 54%. Thus, the strategy of analysis conceptually developed, and made available through an electronic spreadsheet, may be an important support tool for the implementation of transport policies by the campus administration. In addition, it highlights a likely potential demand for a system of shared pedelecs.

Atributos de rede para pedestres com restrições de mobilidade em um modelo para avaliação da acessibilidade / Network attributes for pedestrians with mobility constraints in a model for accessibility evaluation

Correia, Suzana Andrade Valverde Lima 17 April 2015 (has links)
Este estudo parte do pressuposto que os atributos qualitativos das vias para pedestres têm um impacto direto sobre os níveis de acessibilidade do local em que estas vias formam uma rede. A partir desta hipótese, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi incorporar medidas qualitativas na configuração da rede de vias de pedestres que compõem um modelo de acessibilidade, a fim de avaliar o impacto das mudanças propostas nos resultados do modelo. Um modelo multicritério para avaliação de acessibilidade, baseado em SIG, foi tomado como referência para as alterações propostas, que foram testadas em um estudo de caso desenvolvido no campus sede da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brasil. O estudo envolveu os seguintes procedimentos: coleta de dados; cálculo dos valores de acessibilidade com o modelo original; inserção de atributos qualitativos na rede do modelo e cálculo dos valores de acessibilidade após as mudanças; comparação dos resultados obtidos com os dois modelos; e avaliação dos níveis de acessibilidade relativa. Valores de acessibilidade relativa são obtidos a partir de uma comparação entre os resultados encontrados para os usuários com restrições de mobilidade e os resultados encontrados para usuários sem restrições de mobilidade. Os resultados confirmaram que as medidas qualitativas de vias para pedestres afetam os valores de acessibilidade, se comparados com os valores calculados com o modelo que considera apenas as distâncias entre origens e destinos como impedâncias. Além disso, a combinação dos efeitos da velocidade e da distribuição espacial dos destinos-chave fez com que os nós da rede mais distantes da região central apresentassem baixos índices de acessibilidade, apesar de em muitos casos pertencerem a segmentos de rede bem classificados na avaliação de qualidade realizada para o estudo. O grupo de deficientes visuais foi o mais prejudicado no caso estudado, o que de certa forma contraria o senso comum, de que os cadeirantes são os mais prejudicados em se tratando de acessibilidade. Este resultado é, no entanto, uma consequência direta da topografia do campus, que se situa em um terreno praticamente plano. Se não são criadas barreiras artificiais, o local é, em princípio, favorável a deslocamentos de cadeira de rodas. / This study is based on the assumption that qualitative attributes of pedestrians\' pathways have a direct impact on the accessibility levels of the site in which these paths form a network. Starting from this hypothesis, the main aim of this research was to incorporate qualitative measures in the configuration of a network of pedestrians\' pathways that form an accessibility model, in order to evaluate the impact of the proposed changes on the model outcomes. An existing GIS-based multicriteria accessibility model was taken as a reference for the proposed changes, which were tested in a case study developed at the main campus of the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. The study involved the following procedures: data collection; calculation of the accessibility values with the original model; insertion of qualitative attributes in the model network and calculation of the accessibility values after the changes; comparison of the results obtained with the two models; and evaluation of relative accessibility levels. Relative accessibility values were obtained from a comparison between the results found for users with mobility constraints and the results found for users without mobility constraints. The results confirmed that the qualitative measures of pedestrians pathways do affect the accessibility values, if compared to the values calculated with the model that considers only the distances between origins and destinations as impedances. Furthermore, the combination of walking speeds and spatial distribution of the key-destinations has produced low accessibility levels in the network nodes that are not close to the campus central area, even though they belong to links well classified in the quality assessment conducted for the case study. Also, the group of visually-impaired users had the worst accessibility conditions of all groups considered. This somehow contradicts the general assumption that wheelchair users constitute the group most affected by low accessibility conditions. This result is, however, a direct consequence of the flat topography of the campus. If no artificial barriers are created, the site is not, at least in principle, unfavorable to wheelchair displacements.

Les usagers des campus universitaires marseillais face à la délinquance et aux incivilités / University campuses users in Marseille confronting delinquency and incivility

Weiss, Pierre Olivier 03 December 2018 (has links)
La question de la sécurité et du sentiment d’insécurité à Marseille se résume trop souvent à la problématique des « cités » et à l’image des trafics de drogue et des règlements de compte qu’ils évoquent. Ces sujets sont certes réels et importants, mais ils ne doivent pas occulter les problèmes de « délinquance » et d’« incivilités » plus classiques et autrement plus nombreux qui se posent dans toutes les grandes villes, de multiples manières. Les années 1980, sous l’influence des recherches anglo-saxonnes, marquent justement un tournant majeur puisque, conscient des limites de la statistique administrative, on commence à mesurer ces phénomènes sociaux du point de vue de la victime. Alors que des enquêtes en population sont réalisées en France depuis plusieurs années, aucune d’entre elles ne s’intéresse aux usagers des campus universitaires quand bien même les effectifs d’étudiants explosent dans le dernier quart du 20e siècle. En effet, aujourd’hui, l’université représente un passage obligé pour une part importante de la jeunesse.Comment, les campus universitaires, des espaces sociaux similaires au premier regard, laissent-ils apparaître des différences en termes de victimation et de sentiment d’insécurité ? Quelle est le volume des victimations recensées et qui sont les victimes ? Peut-on comprendre l’origine des peurs éventuelles des étudiants et des personnels de l’université ? En quoi l’organisation de la sécurité, les problèmes de délinquance locale ainsi que les représentations sociales forment-ils un ensemble de phénomènes qui s’articulent et s’alimentent ? / The question of security and fear of crime in Marseille is all too often limited to the problem of "cités", the image of drug trafficking and the settling of accounts they evoke. These topics are certainly real and important, but they should not overshadow the more classic and numerous "delinquency" and "incivility" problems that arise in many ways, in all major cities. The 1980s, under the influence of Anglo-Saxon research, mark a turning point. Aware of the limits of administrative statistics, we began to measure these types of social phenomena from the point of view of the victim. While population surveys have been carried out in France for several years, none of them are interested in members of university campuses even though the student population exploded in the last quarter of the 20th century. Indeed, today, the university represents a necessary passage for a substantial part of the youth.How do social spaces, which are similar at first glance, reveal differences in terms of victimization and fear of crime? What is the intensity of victimization and who are the victims? Can we understand the origin of the fears of students and university staff? In what way are the security organizations, the problems of local delinquency as well as the social representations a set of phenomena that articulate and feed each other?This thesis, which is a part of the sociology of delinquency and urban sociology fields, does not resolutely lean towards spectacular crime incidents absent from the campus landscape, but rather, towards everyday life problems of members of 3 main Marseilles’ campuses.

Architecture et mission pédagogique : regards sur le campus de l'Université de Montréal et de l'école des HEC à l'ère d'une société de la connaissance

Antonat, Dan 11 1900 (has links)
À l’ère de la société de la connaissance, l’éducation supérieure occupe une place prépondérante dans le monde et les universités sont des acteurs de premier ordre. La connaissance, à travers l’innovation qu’elle permet, est devenue un élément central du processus de production et l’on parle désormais d’une économie du savoir, qui serait porteuse d’un ensemble de changements qui affectent la société sur différents plans. Le mode de fonctionnement traditionnel des universités n’y échappe pas et connaît plusieurs renouveaux. Les NTIC ont fait évoluer les manières d'enseigner et de faire de la recherche et l’on parle aujourd’hui d’un nouveau type de relations inédites entre les universités, l'État et le secteur de l’industrie. Après avoir passé en revue l’ensemble de ces changements, nous proposons d'explorer l'impact de toutes ces transformations sur le développement physique des universités à travers l’étude du projet de construction du futur campus de l'Université de Montréal à Outremont et de l'École des HEC Montréal. Nous analysons dans notre étude l'influence de ces changements sur l'organisation physique des universités et sur l'architecture des bâtiments. / In the era of the knowledge society characterized by the importance of constant innovation, various dimensions of social life are going through notable renewals. The New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC) are offering a large panel of new possibilities that affects the traditional mode of operating of various institutions. In this context, Universities become fundamental actor, by contributing to the high education of the population through their activities of teaching and research. It seems that the traditional mission of universities is going through major changes. Lots of new possibilities permit by the NTIC affects the traditional way of teaching and doing research and we also talk about new kind of unprecedented relations between universities, state and the industry. We offer to explore the impact of all these changes on the physical development of universities through a look at a case study of the campus of Université de Montréal and the business school of HEC Montreal. Our work discuss about the influence of these changes in the physical organization of the university, more specifically on the architecture of the buildings. Through a look at the project of construction of a new campus situated at Outremont, we have attended to study actual tendencies and concerns about university buildings. We then attended to analyse the impacts of these developments on the organisation of universities buildings through a study of the architectural features of the new school of HEC Montréal. / Toutes les photos présentes dans ce mémoire (sauf indication contraire) ont été réalisées par Dan Antonat (c).

臺北市國民中學校園休憩活動空間之研究 / The study of junior high school campus leisure activities space in Taipei City

蔡坤良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討臺北市國民中學休憩活動空間規畫現況與使用情形,並分析不同背景變項下規畫與使用之差異,進而瞭解學生在下課選擇校園休憩活動空間的原因、活動形式、改善設施及放學欲使用情形,最後歸納規畫校園休憩活動空間之規劃與改善意見。因此研究採用休憩活動空間設置調查表,用以調查校園休憩活動空間之現況資料,並配合休憩活動空間使用問卷調查瞭解學生使用與需求情形,共寄發出1,200份問卷,回收有效問卷共1,072份,最後輔以訪談以深入了解學校規劃與使用情形,根據資料整理,本研究發現結果如下: 一、校園靜態休憩活動空間設置最多為教室、走廊、圖書館、合作社與庭園,其次為戶外劇場,設置比例較少為交誼平臺、交誼室及屋頂花園。 二、校園動態休憩活動空間設置最多為田徑場、室外球場與活動中心為主。 三、不同學校類型在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、庭園的附屬設施與戶外劇場設置略有差異;在動態休憩活動空間在田徑場與室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 四、不同學校規模在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、合作社略有差異,在動態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 五、下課學生較常使用的靜態休憩活動空間,以教室、走廊與合作社為主;動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場、田徑場與活動中心為主。 六、下課選擇靜態休憩活動空間的原因以距離較近、放鬆身心與同學因素為主;選擇動態休憩活動空間的原因以身體活動、放鬆身心、距離較近與同 學因素為主。 七、下課學生在靜態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天為主,其次為睡覺、看書、發呆與散步;動態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天、打球為主。 八、在靜態休憩活動空間使用頻率上完全中學使用頻率高於市立國中;在動態休憩活動空間使用頻率小規模與中規模使用頻率高於大規模,七年級使用頻率高於八年級使用頻率,男生使用頻率高於女生。 九、在靜態休憩活動空間學生希望增設或改善的空間以教室、合作社與圖書館為主,並增設音樂聆聽區、電腦設備區與休憩座椅等設施為主。 十、在動態休憩活動空間以學生希望增設或改善的空間以室外籃球場、室內籃球場與活動中心為主,並增設休憩以球類設施與休憩座椅為主。 十一、學生放學從事的休憩活動依序最多為聊天、打球與散步;選擇的休憩活動空間依序最多為教室、走廊與室外籃球場。 根據結論以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、國中校園靜態休憩活動空間以教室、走廊、圖書館與合作社等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 二、國中校園動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場與活動中心等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 三、高樓層校舍應就近增設休憩設施,以滿足高樓層學生休憩活動空間之需求。 四、彈性調整下課時間,利於學生進行多樣化的休憩活動。 五、動態休憩活動空間宜考慮性別的需求作適當的調整 六、國中學生在休憩活動選擇以聊天為主要活動,顯示社交需求應被重視,應此宜多設置休憩座椅,以提供學生下課聊天的硬體需求。 七、以經費持續補助學校進行校園空間改善,以增加休憩活動空間設施。 八、對未來的研究建議可在研究內容上可針對休憩附屬設施如:休憩座椅、閱讀桌椅或球場等設施之規畫形式與使用狀況進行研究。 / This study focuses on the current situation of the planning and use of recreational spaces in junior high schools in Taipei city. An analysis was conducted to find out differences in the planning and use of these spaces under different background variables in order to further probe into the reasons students choose the recreational spaces on campus after class, the activity types, improvement of facilities, and use after school. The recreational space planning and improvement suggestions were then summarized. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of recreational spaces on campus. The questionnaires were distributed to find out the use and needs of the students. A total of 1,200 questionnaire copies were distributed and 1,072 valid copies were recovered. Interviews were also conducted to gain an insight into the planning and use of the school recreational spaces. The study findings based on the compiled data are as follows: 1. Most passive recreational spaces on campus are allotted for classrooms, corridors, libraries, cooperatives, and gardens, followed by outdoor theaters. Friendship platforms, recreational rooms, and roof gardens on the other hand have the least passive recreational spaces. 2. Most dynamic recreational spaces are allotted for track and field, outdoor courts, and activity centers. 3. The passive recreational space planning in different schools is generally the same except for corridors, libraries, ancillary facilities in gardens, and outdoor theater layout that slightly differ. For the dynamic recreational spaces, the ancillary facilities such as the track and field, outdoor courts, etc., differed slightly. 4. There is not much variation in dynamic recreational space planning at different schools except corridors, libraries, and cooperatives that showed slight differences. In terms of dynamic recreational space planning, the schools do not differ much except for ancillary facilities of outdoor courts that show slight variations. 5. Students more frequently used passive recreational spaces after class, particularly classrooms, corridors, and cooperatives. The dynamic recreational spaces are primarily outdoor basketball courts, track and field, and activity centers. 6. The reasons for choosing dynamic recreational spaces include: closer in distance, relaxing the body and mind, and influence of peers. The reasons they choose dynamic activities include: physical activity, relaxing the body and mind, closer in distance, and influence of peers. 7. After class, the activities that take place in the passive recreational spaces are primarily chatting, followed by taking a nap, reading, trance, and taking a walk; the activities that take place in the dynamic recreational spaces include chatting and playing ball games. 8. The usage rate of the passive recreational space in complete high schools is higher than that of city junior high schools; the usage rate of the small-scale and medium-scale dynamic recreational spaces is higher than that of the large-scale spaces; the usage rate of the 7th graders is higher than that of the 8th graders, and the usage rate for the boys is higher than that of the girls. 9. In the passive recreational space, the students’ requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily classrooms, cooperatives, and libraries and setup of music areas, computer areas, and recreational chairs. 10. In the dynamic recreation space, the students requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily outdoor basketball courts, indoor basketball courts, and activity centers and setup of ball sport related facilities and recreational chairs. 11. The students’ recreational activities after school in sequence are chatting, playing ball games, and taking a walk. And the recreational spaces chosen in sequence are classrooms, corridors, and outdoor basketball courts. Based on the conclusions above, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. In terms of the passive recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in classrooms, corridors, libraries, and cooperatives for students’ recreational use. 2. In terms of the dynamic recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in outdoor basketball courts and activity centers for students’ recreational use. 3. Additional recreational facilities should be set up in the vicinity of high-rise buildings to satisfy students’ recreational space needs. 4. Make flexible adjustment of the class schedule to facilitate students’ versatile recreational activities. 5. Take gender needs into consideration in making appropriate adjustment to the dynamic recreational space. 6. Most junior high school students choose chatting as the recreational activity,showing the need to emphasize social needs. Therefore, additional recreational chairs are recommended for students’ hardware needed for chatting. 7.Continue to grant money to improve the campus space and add more facilities in the recreational space. 8.It is suggested that future researches focus on the planning and usage of recreational ancillary facilities such as recreational chairs, desks/chairs for reading, and ball courts.

Expansão da educação superior: um estudo sobre trabalho docente no Campus Pontal da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (2006-2012) / Expansion of higher education: a study of teaching work on Campus Pontal at Federal University of Uberlândia (2006-2012)

Coelho, Luciana Zacharias Gomes Ferreira 10 April 2015 (has links)
In face of a globalized society, dominated by technology and capital in all its dimensions, the less privileged seek in formal higher education the possibility of ascension and self-realization. It should be noted that the expansion has been taking place in public higher education, which includes restructuring investment in existing universities, creation of new university centers and various forms of entry, as well as other measures; but it is necessary to check whether such expansion has occurred without creating precarious labor condition of those involved in the process, like the teachers, who may encounter a lack of basic resources to offer an education that ensures not only quantity, but also quality In this sense, this study aims to understand some aspects of the phenomenon of expansion, especially in the context of the Federal University of Uberlândia s internalization. The creation of the Campus Pontal, located in the city of Ituiutaba (MG), refers to the first experience of this institution regarding the implementation of a physical and organizational structure out of its headquarters, in order to meet regional demands of free and quality education in this city and its surroundings. The scope of this study was to investigate the perception of teachers allocatd there about the working conditions which were offered in such expansionist context, the exogenous and endogenous factors that that triggered the internalization of the institution in the city of Ituiutaba and sought to identify and discuss the main aspects related to the working conditions of teachers in the new campus outside of headquarters. / Em face de uma sociedade globalizada e dominada pela tecnologia e pelo capital em todas as suas dimensões, os menos privilegiados buscam na educação formal em nível superior a possibilidade de ascensão e auto-realização. É de se notar a expansão que vem ocorrendo na educação superior pública, cuja reestruturação abrange investimentos nas universidades já existentes, criação de novos polos universitários e variadas formas de ingresso, além de outras medidas; porém faz-se necessário verificar se tal expansão vem ocorrendo sem precarizar a condição laboral dos atores envolvidos no processo, a exemplo dos docentes, que podem se deparar com a falta dos recursos mínimos para ofertar uma educação que prime não apenas pela quantidade mas também pela qualidade. Neste sentido, o presente estudo visa compreender alguns aspectos inerentes ao fenômeno da expansão, mormente no contexto da interiorização da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. A criação do Campus Pontal, situado no município de Ituiutaba (MG), remete à primeira experiência desta instituição no que concerne à implantação de uma estrutura física e organizacional fora de sede, com vistas a atender demandas regionais da oferta de educação superior gratuita neste município e seus arredores. O estudo teve por escopo investigar a percepção dos docentes ali lotados acerca das condições de trabalho que lhes foram ofertadas neste contexto expansionista, os fatores exógenos e endógenos que deflagraram a interiorização da instituição para o município de Ituiutaba, bem como buscou identificar e problematizar os principais aspectos atinentes ao trabalho docente no âmbito do novo campus situado fora de sede. / Doutor em Educação

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