Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aperating room nursing."" "subject:"boperating room nursing.""
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Operations- och anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att använda checklista för säkerhet vid operationer / Theatre- and anesthetists nurses' experiences of using the checklist for surgical safetyJonsson, Lina, Hedman, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: World Health Organization, WHO har arbetat fram en checklista för säker kirurgi, som skall stötta arbetslaget i arbetet kring patienten. Checklistans syfte är att förbättra kommunikationen i arbetslaget och minska komplikationer och dödsfall i samband med kirurgi. Studiens syfte var att undersöka operations- och anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att använda checklista för säkerhet vid operationer i sitt dagliga arbete. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie som genomförts i fokusgrupper med operationssjuksköterskor i ena gruppen och anestesisjuksköterskor i andra. Data från två intervjuer analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studien visade att brister fanns vid implementeringen och att personalen arbetade enligt gamla rutiner. Ett varierat intresse fanns till checklistan, vilket resulterade i en varierad följsamhet i användandet. Resultatet visade på att kommunikationen förbättras och att checklistan synliggjorde alla medarbetarna och ökade möjligheten till att alla kunde känna sig delaktig i vården kring patienten. Vid användning av checklistan reds frågetecken ut och checklistan skapade ett öppet klimat där personalen kunde ta upp eventuella frågetecken som fanns. Resultatet i studien visar dock på att checklistan inte löser alla kommunikationsproblem, då det framkommer att dåliga attityder och bristande respekt till varandra fanns och försvårade användandet. Konklusion: Operation -och anestesisjuksköterskorna ansåg att checklistan var ett bra verktyg när det gäller patientsäkerhet, kommunikation och teamarbete men att det fanns brister i följsamheten. De ansåg att användandet av checklistan var personbundet och att det trots checklistans tydliga utformning ändå fanns frågetecken hos personalen, speciellt vem som ansvarade att den blev gjord.
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Elefanten i operationsrummet : En fokusgruppstudie om operationssjuksköterskors medvetenhet och attityder kring hälsorisker samt riskhantering i samband med arbete som involverar kirurgisk rökLindström, Albulene January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kirurgisk rök förekommer dagligen i operationsmiljön och utgör hälsorisker för alla i rummet. Skyddsaspekter innefattar specialbyggda ventilationssystem, rökevakueringssystem, personlig skyddsutrustning, riktlinjer, utbildning och rutiner. Operationssjuksköterskors medvetenhet samt attityder kring risker samt skyddsaspekter är bristande. Studier med svenska operationssjuksköterskors perspektiv är begränsade. Syfte: Att undersöka operationssjuksköterskors medvetenhet och attityder kring hälsorisker samt riskhantering i samband med arbete som involverar kirurgisk rök. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en explorativ kvalitativ studie med en induktiv ansats. Fyra semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer genomfördes med totalt 12 deltagare från fyra olika sjukhus i södra Sverige. Resultat: Hos operationssjuksköterskorna fanns det en medvetenhet om hälsorisker samt riskhantering men med uttryckta kunskapsluckor. Detta speglades av attityder såsom förnekelse, likgiltighet, oro och ambivalens hos operationssjuksköterskorna. Kunskapsluckor innefattade bland annat saknad kännedom om skriftliga rutiner, risker för patienten, munskyddens ineffektivitet och sambandet mellan lukt och kirurgisk rök. Det uttrycktes då behov om ett större ansvarstagande och initiativ från nyckelpersoner hos operationssjuksköterskorna, andra professioner i operationssalen, arbetsgivare, produktleverantörer samt utbildningssamordnare på universiteten. Slutsats: En symbiosliknande relation mellan operationssjuksköterskornas medvetenhet, attityd och kunskap identifierades. Operationssjuksköterskornas medvetenhet och uttryckta kunskaper inom ämnet var beroende av deras attityd i vissa avseenden och vice versa. Det fanns en tydlig lucka i deras kunskaper och brist i motivation samtidigt som det fanns en vilja och intresse om att kunskaperna ska säkerställas och utvecklas genom kollektivt arbete. Studien visar att rutiner bär mycket vikt för hur väl riskhanteringar följs. Mer forskning och samarbete mellan olika parter behövs för säkerställandet av hälsa för alla i operationsrummet. / Background: Surgical smoke occurs daily in the operating theatre and poses health risks for everyone involved. Safety aspects include ventilation systems, smoke evacuation systems, personal protective equipment, guidelines, and education. Studies with the perspective of Swedish operating theatre nurses’ awareness and attitudes regarding risks and protection aspects are limited. Aim: To examine operating theatre nurses' awareness and attitudes towards health risks and risk management related to work involving surgical smoke. Method: The study was conducted as an exploratory qualitative study with an inductive approach. This was done through four semi-structured focus group interviews with a total of 12 participants from four different hospitals in southern Sweden. Results: There was an awareness of health risks and risk management, but with expressed gaps in knowledge. This was reflected by attitudes such as denial, indifference, concern, and ambivalence. Knowledge gaps included written routines, risks for the patient, the ineffectiveness of surgical masks and the connection between odor and surgical smoke. There was a need for responsibility from key personnel in the surgical nursing profession, other professions in the operating theatre, employers, product suppliers and coordinators at the universities. Conclusion: A relationship between surgical nurses' awareness, attitude and knowledge was identified. The surgical nurses' awareness and expressed knowledge was dependent on their attitudes in certain aspects and vice versa. The study shows that routines carry a lot of weight for how well risk management is followed. Further studies and collaboration between different parties is needed to ensure the health of everyone in the operating theatre.
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Students perceptions of the operating room as a clinical learning environmentMeyer, Rhoda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Students undertake their clinical placement in various clinical settings for the exposure to and acquisition of skills related to that particular context. The operating room, for example, is a context that offers the opportunity to develop critical skills related to the perioperative care of the patient. Despite the numerous studies that have been undertaken in this field, few studies that have investigated the operating room as a clinical learning environment in the South African healthcare system have been published. The aim of this study was to determine students’ perceptions of the operating room as a clinical learning environment in a private hospital context.
An exploratory, interpretive and descriptive design generating qualitative data was utilized. Data was collected from nursing students undertaking their training at a private nursing education institution. Ten nursing students participated in an open-ended questionnaire (N=10), and twelve students participated in the focus group discussion (N=12). From the results, four themes emerged, namely, ‘interpersonal factors’, ‘educational factors’, ‘private operating room context’, and ‘recommendations’. This study has highlighted some of the challenges experienced by students in the private sector operating room context. Despite the potential learning opportunities, the key findings reveal negative perceptions of students regarding learning experiences. However, the opinion that the operating room offers an opportunity to gain skills unique to this context, as well as facilitates the integration of theory and practice, was also expressed. Some students reported that the emphasis on profitability and cost to patient, and the lack of a mentoring process in this context posed a constraint to learning.
Exploration into the specific preparatory needs of students specific to learning outcomes before operating room placement should be considered. It would also be necessary to improve collaboration between lecturers, mentors and theatre managers so that a structured teaching programme may be developed for students entering the perioperative environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studente onderneem hul kliniese plasing in verskeie kliniese omgewings vir die blootstelling aan en aanleer van vaardighede wat verband hou met daardie spesifieke konteks. Die operasiesaal, byvoorbeeld, is ’n kliniese omgewing wat die geleentheid bied om kritiese vaardighede te ontwikkel wat verband hou met die perioperatiewe versorging van die pasiënt. Ten spyte van die talle studies wat in die operasiesaal onderneem was, het slegs ’n paar studies uit ’n Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsorg oogpunt, die operasiesaal as ’n kliniese opleidings omgewing ondersoek. Die doel van hierdie studie was om studente se persepsies van die operasiesaal as ’n kliniese omgewing in ’n privaat hospitaal konteks te bepaal.
’n Ondersoekende, verklarende en beskrywende ontwerp wat kwalitatiewe data genereer, is gebruik. Data is ingesamel van verpleegstudente wat hul opleiding by ’n privaat verpleegonderrig instelling ontvang. Tien verpleegstudente (N=10) was genooi om ’n onbepaalde vraelys te voltooi en twaalf student (N=12) het aan die fokusgroep bespreking deelgeneem. Vier temas het na vore gekom, naamlik ‘interpersoonlike faktore’, ‘opvoedkundige faktore’, ‘privaat-operasiesaal konteks’, en ‘aanbevelings’. Hierdie studie het ’n paar van die uitdagings uitgelig wat die studente in ’n privaat sektor operasiesaal ondervind. Ten spyte van die potensiële leergeleenthede teenwoordig in die privaat sektor operasiesaal, toon die belangrikste bevindings egter die negatiewe persepsies van studente jeens hierdie kliniese omgewing. Die opinie is egter ook uitgespreek dat hierdie omgewing ook ’n geleentheid aanbied om unieke vaardighede aan te leer. Dit bied ook ’n geleentheid om teorie en praktiese kundigheid te integreer. Sommige studente rapporteer dat die klem op winsgewendheid en koste vir die pasiënt, asoók die gebrek aan mentorskap in hierdie kliniese omgewing ’n beperking plaas op die leerproses.
Die spesifieke voorbereidings behoeftes van studente insake leeruitkomste voordat plasing in die operasiesaal omgewing geskied, moet eers deeglik ondersoek word. Dit is ook nodig om die nodige samewerking tussen dosente, mentors en operasiesaal bestuurders te verbeter sodat ’n gestruktureerde onderrig program ontwikkel kan word vir studente wat die perioperatiewe omgewing betree.
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Et helsefremmende arbeidsmiljø i operasjonsavdelingen –fra operasjonssykepleiernes perspektiv. : En kvalitativ studie. / Health promoting work environment in the operating room–from the perspective of the operating room nurses. : A qualitative studySandersen, Vivi-Ann January 2010 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å få en dypere forståelse av hva operasjonssykepleierne opplever som positivt, og dermed helsefremmende, i arbeidsmiljøet i operasjonsavdelingen, og som bidrar til at de fortsetter å utøve sin profesjon. Metode: En modifisert Grounded theory har blitt benyttet som analysemetode av ti åpne intervjuerResultat: I analysen fremkom kjernekategorien: Samarbeider utfyllende og inkluderende med fokus på pasienten,tre vilkårskategorier: Blir sett og hørt som medarbeider, Har kontinuerlig faglig oppdatering,Har forutsigbarhet i arbeidetog tre konsekvenskategorier: Fyller arbeidstiden og rekker det meste, Opplever at arbeidet er meningsfullt og Opplever samhold og fellesskap med kollegene.Kjernekategorien belyser et samarbeid i operasjonsteamet basert på støtte, gjensidig respekt, tillit, klar kommunikasjon og koordinering samt et tydelig pasientfokus. Vilkår for et slikt samarbeid er mulighet for medvirkning, fokus på operasjonssykepleiefaget og forutsigbarhet gjennom god planlegging og koordinering. Konsekvensene av et godt samarbeid er økt jobbtilfredshet med effektivitet i arbeidet, opplevelse av å gjøre noe av betydning for andre og samhørighet med kolleger. Konklusjon: Et positivt interprofesjonelt samarbeid slik operasjonssykepleierne opplever det, kan bidra til et helsefremmende arbeidsmiljø med positiv effekt på jobbtilfredshet ved god kontroll over kravene i arbeidet, noe som gir økt pasientsikkerhet. Vilkårene for et godt samarbeid som har fremkommet i studien, kan iverksettes i praksis umiddelbart. Det er imidlertid behov for mer forskning på området når det gjelder alle profesjonene i det interprofesjonelle teamet. / Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to gain deeper knowledge of what operating room nurses consider positive in their work environment, thereby promoting employee health and making them stay working in the operating theatre. Method: A modified grounded theory was used to analyze ten open interviews. Result: Analysisof the interviews yielded a core category: inter-professional teamwork that focuses on patient safety. It also identified three subcategories that generate positive teamwork (employee validation, increased opportunities for continuing education, work predictability) and three subcategories that show the consequences of positive teamwork (effective work patterns, experiencing work as meaningful and positive relationships with colleagues). The core category illustrates teamwork that is based on support, mutual respect, trust, clear communication, and coordination. Such teamwork demands the possibility of participating in the decision-making process, focusing on professional work, and making work highly predictable. The consequences of such teamwork include increased jobsatisfaction, an effective and meaningful work experience, and supportive relationships with colleges. Conclusion: From the perspective of operating room nurses interviewed during this study, positive inter-professional teamwork can create a work environment that promotes health, enhances jobsatisfaction, exerts control over work demands,and increases patient safety. The conditions mentioned in this study can be implemented immediately in the workplace. Future research should focus on the different aspects of the inter-professional team / <p>ISBN 987-91-85721-99-3</p>
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The impact of the South African nursing council regulation number 212 on the training of theatre nurses in the northern area of the Eastern Cape ProvinceGcawu, Nyameka Sybil 29 February 2004 (has links)
A quantitative, descriptive and contextual research study was conducted to establish the impact of the South African Nursing Council regulation number 212 on the training of theatre nurses in the Northern are of the Eastern Cape Province.
A survey was conducted, using a questionnaire as research instrument. Convenience sampling was used to select the required sample of registered theatre nurses employed in the area. The data analysis revealed that the way theatre nurses are utilized in the area does not yet show an impact in terms of the aim of this course namely to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to be effective practitioners. However, the respondents felt positive about the curriculum. / Health Studies / MA (Health Studies)
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The impact of the South African nursing council regulation number 212 on the training of theatre nurses in the northern area of the Eastern Cape ProvinceGcawu, Nyameka Sybil 29 February 2004 (has links)
A quantitative, descriptive and contextual research study was conducted to establish the impact of the South African Nursing Council regulation number 212 on the training of theatre nurses in the Northern are of the Eastern Cape Province.
A survey was conducted, using a questionnaire as research instrument. Convenience sampling was used to select the required sample of registered theatre nurses employed in the area. The data analysis revealed that the way theatre nurses are utilized in the area does not yet show an impact in terms of the aim of this course namely to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to be effective practitioners. However, the respondents felt positive about the curriculum. / Health Studies / MA (Health Studies)
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Implementation of a Beta Blocker ProtocolHeriot, Jody L 01 January 2012 (has links)
Background: Beta blockers are recommended by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for high and intermediate-risk cardiac patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Beta blockers are a class of drugs that moderate the effects of increased catecholamine levels on the heart by selectively blocking beta receptors in the heart and blood vessels, resulting in a lower heart rate and blood pressure. Beta blocker use perioperatively has been shown to reduce the risk of ischemia and infarction.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to address beta blocker use in a group of anesthesia providers who routinely attend to high-risk and intermediate-risk cardiac patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery in a medium-sized private hospital in suburban South Florida. There are barriers to the implementation of the published guidelines for beta blocker administration, including lack of awareness of the best current practice and a lack of a formal beta blocker protocol at the institutional level.
Methods: A simple and inexpensive beta blocker protocol was implemented and evaluated by various means. Beta blocker administration practices were examined and documented prior to and after protocol implementation. Beta blocker usage was examined prior to and after protocol implementation
Findings/Implications: It was hypothesized that increased anesthesia provider awareness would lead to increased administration of perioperative beta blockers to high-risk and intermediate-risk cardiac patients undergoing non-cardiac procedures. Although there was a knowledge increase related to the new beta blocker protocol, no change in practice was observed.
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