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At the End of the PeninsulaFine, Jonathan David 01 January 2012 (has links)
In 1865, a settler named James John laid out a small neighborhood at the end of the north Portland peninsula, near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. For a half century, until its annexation to Portland in 1915, St. Johns was an independent municipality. Factories lined the waterfront, and a full complement of businesses in the small downtown area--grocers, bakers, hardware stores, clothing shops--catered to all the residents' needs. St. Johns was always a working-class town with a strong sense of identity. But after World War II, as Portland grew, St. Johns began to seem defined less by self-sufficiency than by isolation and neglect. Mom-and-Pop shops had a hard time staying in business. Junkyards and drinking establishments proliferated. Residents began to realize the full extent of decades of industrial pollution on the St. Johns waterfront. At some point, St. Johns officially became the poorest neighborhood in Portland, a distinction it still holds today. But St. Johns never lost the loyalty of its residents. This thesis is about some of the people and places that embody the neighborhood's eclectic and stubborn character. As St. Johns undergoes a gradual and perhaps inevitable transformation into a trendier, more upscale area, time is running short to meet the old-timers and try to understand the neighborhood through their eyes. This thesis attempts to capture the essence of a neighborhood with a rich past, a colorful present, and a promising but uncertain future.
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The library board and the conscientious objector : a study in war hysteriaBartholomae, Annette Martha 01 May 1968 (has links)
The Selective Service Act of 1917 made provision for the exemption of conscientious objectors belonging to certain religious bodies. It did not provide protection for the sincere individual objector against vilification from a public who labeled him disloyal, unpatriotic, and pro-Hun. This report is based on an incident which occurred in Portland, Oregon. It involves the assistant librarian of the Library Association of Portland who was a conscientious objector, and the repercussions which her stand had on the library board, the head librarian, and the public in general. In April of 1918, Portland had just completed a successful drive for contributions to the third Liberty Loan drive. Indeed, Oregon was the first state to complete its quota. On the day that this victory was confirmed, an afternoon paper broke the news that the assistant librarian of the public library, Miss M. Louise Hunt, had refused to buy bonds. This action touched off a heated controversy which affected not only Miss Hunt herself, but involved the governing body of the library. Before the incident was closed, civic and social organizations and individual citizens found an opportunity to express their views on the subject of conscientious objections. Miss Hunt refused to purchase bonds on the ground that she was a conscientious objector and could not support the war. Her opponents pointed out that she was a well paid county employee and therefore was under obligation to support the war bond drive. A committee from the bond drive headquarters, calling on Miss Hunt at the library, tried to persuade her to change her mind. Her statements, as quoted in the press, were ill-chosen and branded her in the public mind as pro-German. She was also interviewed by an agent of the United States District Attorney. Public indignation was so aroused that a special meeting of the library board was called to consider the matter. With one dissenting vote from the board itself and one from the chairman of the county commissioners who serve as ex-officio members of the library board, the board went on record as believing that Miss Hunt had never in any way obstructed, nor intended to obstruct, the activities of the Government. Although the board plainly stated that they did not share in any way Miss Hunt's opinions, they felt the right to one’s own conscientious opinion was the very foundation of human freedom. They were unwilling to compel anyone to , give up the very thing for which the war was being fought. This, in 1918, was a most unusual and courageous stand for any civic body.to take in the face of accusations of disloyalty. Public disapproval of the board's action was so great that a second meeting was held to reconsider the decision. At this time, Miss Hunt presented her resignation from the library staff. By now, tempers were frayed and the dissenting board member protested the board's stand. Charges of disloyalty were hurled against the president of the board and the head librarian. Immediately, civic and social groups demanded the dismissal of the governing body. Wiser voices spoke up in defense of both board and librarian and the press turned from personal details of the squabbling to a more objective discussion of the principles involved in freedom of conscience. Miss Hunt returned to her home in Maine and, as far as Portland was concerned, the Hunt affair was over. In a larger sense, the Hunt case forced Portland to confront, if only briefly, its historical ideals and to consider to what degree it was willing to protest the right to dissent during a period of crisis.
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Early Birds Avoid Burnout: Instilling Self-Care Practices in Social Work StudentsAlbert, Benjamin L, Adams, Isabella K 25 April 2023 (has links)
The importance of self-care cannot be overstated in the field of social work, where practitioners are repeatedly exposed to high-stress and high-pressure situations and work directly with clients who have experienced trauma. Without sufficient preventative efforts, this facet of the field leads to job burn out and vicarious trauma (Wilson, 2016). Current research indicates that self-care is an important protective factor in preventing these negative impacts and enhancing professional satisfaction (Caurtero & Campos-Vidal, 2018; Lewis & King, 2019). Social work students consistently endorse high levels of stress due to the high volume of coursework combined with the field practicum experience (O’Neill, Slater, & Batt, 2019). Incorporating self-care education and practice into social work education is vital to preparing emergent social workers for success and longevity in the field. In response to this important problem, one social work faculty member offered a class assignment incorporating self-care in a meaningful way. MSW students conducted a case study, either using themselves or a first-year MSW student as the subject. They identified and tracked problem behaviors or emotions using evidence-based measurement tools and then implemented intervention techniques relating to self-care. This assignment served to not only recreate a clinical experience but also to encourage students to incorporate and measure the effects of self-care techniques. Satisfaction with study outcomes, motivation to continue the self-care intervention, and confidence level related to continuing were assessed at the end of the course. Study outcomes and continuation of interventions were re-assessed at a three-month follow-up. Fifteen MSW students completed the class assignment with eleven using themselves, and four choosing first-year MSW students, as subjects. All students (100%) were either satisfied or completely satisfied with their self-care study results; 77% indicated they were either motivated or completely motivated to continue their interventions with 55% responding they were either confident or completely confident they would continue their interventions. Of the eleven participants who participated in the three-month follow-up, 46% continued to decrease occurrences of their problem behaviors/emotions in comparison to their last reported rate of occurrence, 27% maintained consistent rates of occurrence, and 27% reported an increase in the rates of occurrence. All eleven participants stated that they still regularly utilize their interventions. Many social work students and faculty agree that self-care is important, but actual efforts to integrate realistic, meaningful educational opportunities encompassing self-care are missing from the curriculums. This study demonstrates that student self-care study and practice can be meaningfully incorporated as an engaging assignment, improving student well-being as well as in preparation for social work practice.
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Vilka framgångsmetoder finns det som ger högpresterande lågstadieelever möjligheten att utvecklas i matematik? / Which methods in mathematics education can be successful to challenge high performance children in elementary school?Svensson, Alice, Liljeqvist, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att få en kunskapsöversikt över hur högpresterande elever kan bli utmanade i matematikundervisningen främst i lågstadiet och hur arbetsmetoderna ser ut från lärarens perspektiv. I detta arbete vill vi få fram en slutsats om hur och varför lärare i svensk skola kan utmana högpresterande elever i lågstadieklass efter deras befintliga nivå. Informationssökningar baseras på vår frågeställning, för att kunna få fram en slutsats som är möjlig att applicera i dagens lågstadieklasser i matematik. Resultaten visar att med hjälp av en differentierad undervisning i matematik kan elever oavsett vilken nivå de befinner sig på få chansen att utmanas och möjligheten att utveckla sina kunskaper. Genom andra resultat har det visat sig att lärarutbildningen runt om i världen har andra krav jämfört med här i Sverige.
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Make or buy-analys för specialtillverkade komponenter / Make or buy analysis for specially manufactured componentsToro-Hartman, Philippe, Höddelius, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Projektarbetet utförs på uppdrag av Virtual Manufacturing AB (VM) där frågor gällande make or buy av specialtillverkade komponenter har undersökts och besvarats. VM tillverkar och säljer Lean Manufacturing Products, vilket är produktionshjälpmedel, som används inom en rad olika industrier. Idag tillverkas detaljer till deras produkter av andra företag både inom och utom Sverige och arbetet går ut på att undersöka om det skulle vara lönsamt för VM att själva börja producera detaljer in-house. Nuläget sammanställdes för att undersöka hur VM arbetar idag och vilka kostnader som finns kopplat till outsourcing. Inköpskostnaderna förspecialkomponenterna samlades in och sorterades utefter tillverkningsteknik. Därefter sammanställdes kostnader för in-housetillverkning så som investeringskostnader och tillverkningskostnader för kalkylering av lönsamheten i att investera i tillverkningsmaskiner för utförandet av förädling av specialkomponenter in-house. Utifrån de lönsamhetsanalyser som utfördes för de inköpta detaljerna valdes laserskärning, CNC-fräsning och 3-D Printing som de tillverkningstekniker som skulle undersökas. Slutsatsen från lönsamhetsanalyserna av laserskärning och CNC-fräsning visar att det ej är lönsamt för Virtual Manufacturing att köpa in maskiner och börja tillverka in-house. Då VM redan har 3D-printers visar lönsamhetsanalysen att kostnaden att producera är likvärdig med att köpa in färdiga detaljer. Detta innebär att Virtual Manufacturing kan välja att fortsätta tillverka in-house eller att outsourca tillverkningen. / The project work is carried out on behalf of Virtual Manufacturing AB (VM), where questions regarding the make or buy decision for special components were to be investigated and answered. VM manufactures and sells Lean Manufacturing Products, which are production aids used in various industries. Currently, the details for their products are manufactured by other companies both within and outside of Sweden. The aim of the work is to examine whether it would be profitable for VM to start producing details in-house. The current situation was compiled to investigate how VM operates today and what costs are associated with outsourcing. The procurement costs for the special components were collected and sorted by manufacturing technology. Subsequently, costs for in-house production were compiled, including investment costs and manufacturing costs, to assess the profitability of investing in manufacturing machines for in-house processing of the special components. The manufacturing technologies chosen to be examined in the work are laser cutting, CNC milling, and 3D printing. The conclusion from the profitability analyses of laser cutting and CNC milling shows that it is not profitable for Virtual Manufacturing to purchase machines and manufacture special components in-house. Since Virtual Manufacturing already has 3D printers, the profitability analysis made for 3D-printing shows that the cost of production in-house is equivalent to purchasing specialcomponents. This means that VM can choose to continue manufacturing in-house or outsource the production.
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Föräldrars upplevelse av att leva med ett barn med diabetes typ 1 : Litteraturöversikt / The experience of parents living with a child with type 1 diabetesClarke, Mikael, Engelin Wahlvik, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Diabetes typ 1 är en autoimmun sjukdom som i en stor del av fallen drabbar barn mellan 0-18 år. Många familjer som har ett barn med diabetes typ 1 upplever utmaningar i det dagliga livet, familjedynamiken påverkas negativt och hos föräldrarna finns det en upplevd oro över barnets välmående. När ett barn diagnostiserats med diabetes sker en livsomställning för hela familjen med en stor omvårdnadsbörda för föräldrarna. Syftet är att belysa föräldrars upplevelse av att leva med ett barn med diabetes typ 1. Metoden består av en litteraturöversikt över elva kvalitativa artiklar som har granskats med kvalitativ ansats. I resultatet identifierades tre huvudteman, Livsomställningar av att leva med diabetes typ 1, Utmaningar i föräldraskapet med ett barn med diabetes typ 1 samt sjukvårdens ansvar och förmåga att ge stöd. Dessa sammanfattas i följande fyra underteman, En ständig strävan och känslor av maktlöshet, Förändrad föräldraroll, Oro i vardagen med diabetes typ 1 och Föräldrarnas upplevelse av sjukvården. I diskussionen framkommer det att familjelivets dagliga rutiner och aktiviteter behöver omstruktureras efter diagnosen. Föräldrarna upplever oro och stress av att leva med ett barn med diabetes, vilket kan utmynna i psykisk ohälsa. För att skapa trygghet och underlätta diabetesvården är det viktigt att sjukvården stöttar och hjälper föräldrarna med vägledning och tillgängligt stöd. Nyckelorden som använts är children attitude, diabetes type 1 or diabetes mellitus type 1 or diabetes 1, experience och parent attitude.
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Leopold and Loeb : texts and contexts of an American cause célèbrePotter, Holly January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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The early development of Islamic fiqh in Kûfah with special reference to the works of Abû Yûsuf and Shaybânî /Ansari, Zafar Ishaq January 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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Geostatistical analysis of the troilus deposit : uncertainty and risk assessment of the mine planning strategyDubé, Pascal 20 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie l’effet de l’incertitude locale et spatiale sur les réserves du gisement d’or Troilus. Deux méthodes géostatistiques ont été utilisées, soit le krigeage des indicatrices et la simulation séquentielle des indicatrices. En premier lieu, une nouvelle interprétation géologique du gisement a été faite basée sur les trous de forage d’exploration. Pour chaque zone définie, une série de variogrames ont été calculés et un modèle de bloc a été interpolé par krigeage des indicatrices. La calibration de ce modèle a été faite en le comparant au modèle basé sur les trous de forage de production et aux données actuelles de production. L’incertitude reliée à la variabilité de la minéralization a été quantifiée par l’entremise de 25 simulations séquentielles. Une série de fosses optimales basées sur chaque simulation ont été réalisées afin d’analyser l’impact sur la valeur présente nette, le tonnage de minerai et le nombre d’onces d’or contenues. / This thesis examines the effect of local and spatial uncertainty of the mineral reserves estimates for the Troilus gold deposit. Two geostatistical methods have been used: indicator kriging and sequential indicator simulation. A new set of geological envelope has been defined based on the grade distribution of the exploration hole samples. For each zone, composites, statistics and variograms have been calculated based on gold assays coming from exploration holes (DDH) and production blastholes (BH). A recoverable reserve block model based on indicator kriging was created from the exploration holes and a grade control block model was produced from the production blastholes. The recoverable reserve model was calibrated based on the grade control model and the data from the mined out part of the orebody. Uncertainty related to the variability of the mineralization was assessed through 25 conditionally simulated block models. Open pit optimization Whittle software was used as a transfer function to compare each model. Elements such as ore tonnage, grade, ounces contained and discounted value (NPV) have been used to analyse the risk inherent to each model. Finally, reserve estimates within an already established pit design were used as a second method of comparison.
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Small mammal and bird abundance in relation to post-fire habitat succession in mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) communitiesHolmes, Aaron L. 28 December 2010 (has links)
Fire is an important disturbance mechanism in big sagebrush (Artemisia
tridentata) communities, yet little is known about wildlife population dynamics during
post-fire habitat succession. I estimated the abundance of small mammals and birds in
relation to fire history in mountain big sagebrush (A.t. spp. vaseyana) communities on the
Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in the northwestern Great Basin, USA. I employed a
chronosequence approach that took advantage of multiple wildfires that had occurred in
similar plant communities between 7 to 20 years prior to sampling.
Belding’s ground squirrel (Spermophilus beldingii) were approximately 10 times
as abundant in burned areas relative to adjacent unburned habitat regardless of the
number of years since a burn occurred. Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) was more
abundant on more recently burned sites, but not at sites closer to full vegetation recovery.
Great basin pocket mouse (Perognathus parvus), sagebrush vole (Lemmiscus curtatus),
and least chipmunk (Tamius minimus) abundance did not vary as a function of fire
history, but some variance was explained by habitat features such as rocky areas and the
canopy characteristics of sagebrush.
Bird diversity was higher in unburned habitats irrespective of the number of years
of recovery out to 20 years. Nine of the 12 most widely occurring species of birds in the
study have population densities influenced by fire or post-fire habitat succession to at
least 13 to 20 years following a burn. Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli), Black-throated
Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata), and Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus) occurred at
relatively low densities and were nearly restricted to unburned habitats. Green-tailed
Towhee (Pipilo Chlorurus), Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii), American Robin
(Turdus migratorius), and Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothus ater) occurred at lower
densities in burned areas than adjacent unburned areas although the relationship was not
strong for the latter two species. The magnitude of the difference in density between
burned and unburned sites within a landscape diminished with the number of years of
vegetation recovery for Green-tailed Towhee. Brewer’s Sparrow (Spizella brewerii)
occurred at lower densities relative to adjacent habitat in the most recent burn, but
occurred at higher densities after 20 years of habitat succession, suggesting a positive
response with a multiple decade lag period. Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris) and
Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) respond positively to fire, but densities were
similar to unburned areas after 20 years of habitat succession.
An ordination analysis captured 86% of the variation in 12 bird species with 3
orthogonal axes. My research demonstrates that strong community structure exists for
birds associated with mountain big sagebrush habitats, and that fire influences
community structure for multiple decades. / Graduation date: 2011 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Dec. 22, 2010 - Dec. 22, 2011.
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