Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oral"" "subject:"ral""
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Tricksters, heroes, shamans, and ritualists : a cultural analysis of traditional Blackfoot story-tellingBancroft-Hunt, Norman January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Patienters upplevelser av tandhygienisters bemötande inom tandvården / Patients’ experiences regarding treatment from dental hygienists within the Public Dental ServiceWirefeldt, Amanda, Cao, Van January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund Ett sätt att mäta patienternas upplevelser av bemötande är att mäta tillfredsställelsen. Under bemötande ingår humanistiskt arbetssätt och ett professionellt förhållningssätt. Enligt kompetensbeskrivningen bör en tandhygienist bemöta och behandla alla människor likvärdigt med respekt oavsett individuella förutsättningar. Genom gott omhändertagande kan tillfredställelsen bland patienterna höjas. Syftet var att undersöka patienternas grad av tillfredställelse av bemötandet från tandhygienister inom Folktandvården (allmäntandvården), samt hur patienterna upplever tandhygienisternas professionella förhållningssätt. Metod Studien var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Urvalet bestod av personer som var 18 år eller äldre. Fem folktandvårdskliniker valdes strategiskt ut genom klusterurval. Deskriptiv statistik gjordes av bakgrundsvariabler och redovisades i tabeller. Jämförelser av variabler ålder, upplevd munhälsa samt väntetid utfördes med chi-två-tester. Resultat Majoriteten av deltagarna var tillfredsställda med tandhygienisternas bemötande. Samtliga deltagare uppgav att de blivit bemötta på ett respektfullt och hänsynsfullt sätt. Statistiskt signifikant skillnad avseende bemötande i relation till väntetid kunde påvisas. Gruppen där besöket började i tid var mer tillfredsställda än dem som fick vänta. Genom självbedömningen av Humanismskalan påvisades att tandhygienisterna bemötte dem utifrån ett humanistiskt förhållningssätt. Slutsats Studien visade att majoriteten av deltagarna visade tillfredsställelse med tandhygienisternas bemötande och professionella förhållningsätt samt att väntetid påverkade graden av tillfredställelse. / Background A way to measure the patients’ experiences regarding treatment is to measure the satisfaction. Treatment includes humanistic view and professional approach. According to the competence description, dental hygienists should treat all people equally with respect. Patient satisfaction can be increased through good care. Aim To investigate patients’ degree of satisfaction from dental hygienists’ in the Public Dental Service, and how patients experienced their professional approach. Method The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of people ≥ 18 years old. Five dental clinics were chosen strategically by cluster selection. Descriptive statistics was conducted to map background variables. Age, self-perceived oral health and waiting time were compared with chi-square tests. Results Most of the participants were satisfied with the dental hygienists’ treatment. All participants stated that they were treated in a respectful and considerate manner. Statistically significant difference regarding waiting time was detected. The group where the visit started on time was more satisfied than those who had to wait. Through self-assessment of Humanism Scale showed that dental hygienists’ treatment was based on humanistic approach. Conclusion Most of the participants showed satisfaction with the dental hygienists' treatment and professional approach. Waiting time affected the degree of satisfaction.
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Nivel de conocimiento sobre enfermedad diarreica aguda en madres de niños menores de 5 años en el Hospital Vitarte 2015Olivera Ruiz, Ruben January 2016 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre enfermedad diarreica aguda en madres de niños menores de 5 años en el Hospital Vitarte durante Setiembre a Noviembre 2015.
METODOLOGÍA: Diseño de investigación descriptivo. Estudio de tipo observacional prospectivo de corte transversal.
RESULTADOS: Se encuestaron a un total de 157 madres, las cuales en edad promedio tienen de 26.93+-7.01 años. Con un mínimo rango de edad de 16 años y un máximo de 43 años. El 61.78 % de las madres fueron convivientes, el 36.31 % tiene secundaria incompleta, el 75.16 % trabaja, el 68.79% de las viviendas contaban con el servicio de agua y desagüe. Sobre los conocimientos de la diarrea, el 45,86% no conocía el significado de la palabra diarrea, el 36,31% indico que los parásitos son la principal causa. El 43.95 % reconoce a la sed aumentada como signo de deshidratación, por otro lado el 47.77 % comete el error de identificar al dolor abdominal el 84% como signo de deshidratación .El 72 % suspende la alimentación, el 49.68% prefirió usar el suero de rehidratación oral (SRO) como principal medida de tratamiento, aunque un 44.59% admitió que le daría antibióticos, el 29.30% acudiría al centro de salud, mientras que un 36.94% esperaría que se recupere solo.
CONCLUSIONES: El conocimiento general de las madres sobre diarrea es deficiente. Subsiste la creencia de que ante un cuadro de diarrea se debe suspender la lactancia materna y asumen a los parásitos como la principal causa de esta enfermedad. A su vez, no consiguen identificar los signos de deshidratación adecuadamente. Sin embargo si manejan conocimientos acerca de la utilidad de las sales de rehidratación oral, aunque persiste la idea que debe utilizarse antibióticos como parte del tratamiento.
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Perfil biosocial y su relación con los conocimientos y prácticas sobre la anticoncepción oral de emergencia de las usuarias de planificación familiar del centro de salud el Alamo, junio - 2015López Ramírez, Karol Juliette January 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el perfil biosocial con los conocimientos y prácticas sobre la anticoncepción oral de emergencia de las usuarias de planificación familiar del Centro de Salud El Álamo en el mes de junio del año 2015. Diseño: estudio de tipo observacional, descriptivo correlacional, prospectivo. Lugar: Centro de salud El Álamo. Participantes: se trabajó con 95 usuarias que acuden a consulta de planificación familiar durante el mes de junio del año 2015. Intervenciones: se realizó un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, utilizándose como instrumento un cuestionario que fue recolectado mediante la técnica de la encuesta. Para el análisis descriptivo de las variables cuantitativas se estimó medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y para el análisis de variables cualitativa se estimó frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Para el análisis inferencial se estimó prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados: en cuanto al perfil social y el perfil biológico en relación al nivel de conocimiento acerca la anticoncepción oral de emergencia, el grado de instrucción (p=0.032), el inicio de relaciones sexuales (p=0.000) y el número de parejas sexuales (p=0.002) fueron los únicos que se relacionaron de manera significativa con el nivel de conocimientos. Al respecto del perfil biológico en relación a la toma de AOE, el número de parejas sexuales (p=0.013) y el número de hijos (p=0.041) se relacionaron de manera significativa con la toma de AOE. La relación que existe entre el perfil social y la consejería previa al uso de la AOE, se evidencia mediante el grado de instrucción (p=0.009). en cuanto al perfil social y biológico en relación a la frecuencia del uso al año de la AOE, se observó que la edad (p=0.001), el grado de instrucción (p=0.000), el estado civil (p=0.003), la ocupación (p=0.002), el inicio de las relaciones sexuales (p=0.000) y el número de parejas sexuales (p=0.000) se relacionan significativamente con la frecuencia del uso de la anticoncepción oral de emergencia Conclusión: el perfil biosocial se relaciona de manera significativa con los conocimientos y prácticas sobre la anticoncepción oral de emergencia en las usuarias de planificación familiar del Centro de Salud El Álamo en el mes de junio del año 2015.
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Tradición oral y memoria colectiva en la novelística de Ciro AlegríaSalazar Mejía, Nécker January 2015 (has links)
La oralidad es un rasgo predominante en la célebre “trilogía” novelística de Ciro Alegría (1909-1967), conformada por La serpiente de oro (1935), Los perros hambrientos (1938) y El mundo es ancho y ajeno (1941)1. Tal particularidad se puede observar en la inclusión de canciones y narraciones procedentes de la literatura oral andina; en la utilización de un lenguaje que denota los matices del habla lugareña y sus particularidades lingüísticas y dialectales; en las estrategias narrativas que utilizan sus personajes para contar historias; y en la adhesión del autor a las formas artísticas de la tradición popular. El propósito de este trabajo es estudiar las canciones y las narraciones de la literatura oral andina que Alegría recrea en su novelística. Basados en las peculiares características de su narrativa, se puede sostener que la novelística alegriana guarda una estrecha relación con la literatura oral de la sierra norteña del país. En el corpus alegriano, figuran géneros musicales como el huaino, el yaraví, el vals y la marinera; igualmente, cuentos, leyendas y mitos, a los que se suman narraciones testimoniales e historiográficas.
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Conocimiento y actitudes sobre anticoncepción oral de emergencia en estudiantes de 5to año de Medicina Humana de la UNMSM, febreroPanta Oré, Miguel Angel January 2016 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes sobre la anticoncepción oral de emergencia (AOE) en estudiantes de 5to año de medicina humana de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos(UNMSM),febrero 2016. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una encuesta a 109 estudiantes del 5to año de Medicina Humana de la UNMSM. La encuesta presentaba 30 preguntas que contiene aspectos sociodemográficos, conocimientos y actitudes sobre la AOE. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Resultados: De 109 estudiantes de medicina,el 11% (12 estudiantes ) obtuvo conocimiento alto ,el 62.3%(68 estudiantes) obtuvo nivel de conocimiento medio y el 26.6 %(29 estudiantes) obtuvo nivel de conocimiento bajo sobre la anticoncepción oral de emergencia. En cuanto a las actitudes,el 14.6%(16 estudiantes) de los encuestados presentó actitud de aceptación,el 70.6%(77 estudiantes) presentó actitud indecisa y el 14.6 %(16 estudiantes) presentó actitud de rechazo. Conclusion :En terminos generales los estudiantes de 5to año de Medicina Humana (89%) presenta conocimiento entre bajo y medio sobre la anticoncepción oral de emergencia. La actitud general de los estudiantes de 5to año de medicina es indecisa sobre la AOE. Palabras clave: Conocimientos, Actitudes, Anticoncepción oral de emergencia, Estudiantes de medicina humana. / --- Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge and attitudes about emergency contraception oral (ECO) in 5th year medical students from San Marcos University February 2016. Materials and Methods: A survey was conducted to 109 of 5th year medical students from San Marcos University. The survey had 30 questions containing socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge and attitudes about ECO. Design: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Results: Of the 109 medical students, 11% (12 students) had high knowledge, 62.3% (68 students) had medium level of knowledge and 26.6% (29 students) had low level of knowledge about oral emergency contraception. Regarding attitudes, 14.6% (16 students) of respondents showed attitude of acceptance, 70.6% (77 students) showed indecisive attitude and 14.6% (16 students) showed attitude of rejection. Conclusion: In general terms the 5th year medical students (89%) has among medium and lower knowledge about emergency contraception oral. The general attitude of the 5th year medical students towards ECO was undecided. Keywords: knowledge, attitude, emergency contraception oral, 5th year medical students.
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Facing the Storm: An Oral History of Elderly Survivors of KatrinaGuillory, Eileen 16 May 2008 (has links)
This paper is drawn from oral history interviews from elderly residents who survived the Hurricane Katrina disaster in 2005. The aged faced similar challenges as their younger counterparts in the evacuation, aftermath, and rebuilding phases of the storm; however, their responses are limited by a number of factors that make the impact on their lives more intense. The majority of storm casualties in New Orleans were elderly. Those elderly who did survive the flooding experienced life-threatening physical and emotional stress. Life-altering changes, such as relocation from familiar neighborhoods to nursing homes in unfamiliar cities or a dependent life with family members, have often meant a loss of independence, a loss of community, and a loss of their sense of history. As natural storytellers, many elderly New Orleanians have important accounts to relate and oral history offers a method to preserve their narratives.
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A brief history of 19th–20th century genocidal Indian education in British Columbia and oral history of Gitxsan resistance and resurgenceMowatt, Gina 04 September 2019 (has links)
Indian Education, including but not limited to Indian Residential Schools and Indian Day schools, are one part of an ongoing system of elimination of Indigenous people in Canada. I argue that Indian Education in 19th – 20th century British Columbia, controlled and operated by churches and state, intended to destroy Indigenous collectives, constituting genocide. I follow this analysis with a oral history of four Gitxsan elders who experienced Indian Education in different forms. These interviews reveal the impact on Indian Education on self, family, community and nation. Most importantly, the elders express their vision for Gitxsan people to know who they are, to heal and to thrive in their homelands. / Graduate / 2020-08-07
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Avaliação da pragmática da linguagem oral no transtorno do déficit de atenção/hiperatividade com e sem o uso de medicação / The assessment of the pragmatic of oral language in attention defict and hyperactivity disorder with and without medicationBotana, Neusa Maria Lima 28 June 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a pragmática da linguagem oral através do Teste de Linguagem Infantil - ABFW em dois grupos de crianças entre sete e 11 anos incompletos, sendo um com diagnóstico de TDA/H e outro sem diagnóstico (grupo controle), com quociente intelectual >= 90. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico, prospectivo. O projeto foi desenvolvido em crianças diagnosticadas com TDA/H, pela equipe multiprofissional no ambulatório do Distúrbio do Aprendizado do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A linguagem oral foi avaliada através do teste de fonoaudiologia da linguagem infantil (ABFW), nas áreas de fonologia, vocabulário e pragmática (atos comunicativos). As crianças diagnosticadas com TDA/H foram avaliadas pela fonoaudióloga em dois momentos, inicialmente na vigência do tratamento medicamentoso de curta ação, com 0,3 - 0,5 mg/kg/dose, administrado de 30 a 60 minutos antes da testagem, a mesma foi refeita após 15 dias, sem o uso da medicação por 48 horas antes da testagem. As crianças do grupo controle realizaram a avaliação fonoaudiológica somente uma vez. Dessa maneira, houve a formação de três grupos: TDA/H sem medicação, TDA/H medicado e grupo controle. Foram realizadas no total 60 avaliações (20 TDA/H medicado; 20 TDA/H não medicado, 20 grupo controle). Os dados indicaram que não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as médias das idades das crianças dos grupos TDA/H e controle (p=0,35). Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as medianas de QI >= 90 nos grupos TDA/H e controle (p=0,62). Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as medianas dos escores da pragmática da linguagem oral nos grupos controle e TDA/H medicado (p=0,14). Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as medianas do escore da pragmática da linguagem oral nos grupos de TDA/H medicado e TDA/H não medicado (p= 0,001). Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre as medianas do escore da pragmática da linguagem oral nos grupos controle e TDA/H não medicado (p=0,002). As crianças diagnosticadas com TDA/H estudadas apresentaram comprometimento na pragmática da linguagem oral, tendo sido observado que a medicação possibilitou a melhora no escore quando comparado ao sem uso de medicação. Acreditamos que a alteração da pragmática da linguagem oral esteja associada com a dificuldade de aprendizagem, que também é frequentemente observada nos pacientes com TDA/H, embora não tenhamos efetuado a correlação desses fatos no atual estudo pretendemos fazê-lo posteriormente. Deve ser considerado que através da pragmática empobrecida os turnos dialógicos não são adequadamente estabelecidos, com isso há dificuldade na conquista de vínculos e manutenção das habilidades sociais / The present study evaluated the pragmatics of oral language through the Children \'s Language Test (ABFW) in two groups of children between the ages of seven and 11 years old incomplete, one with a diagnosis of ADHD and one without a diagnosis (control group) with IQ >= 90. The comparison of these groups is of great importance in the current context of pediatrics. This is a prospective clinical trial. The project was developed in children diagnosed with ADHD by the multiprofessional team at the Learning Disorder outpatient clinic of the Children\'s Institute of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. The language was evaluated through the phonoaudiological test Children\'s Language Test (ABFW), in the areas of phonology, vocabulary and pragmatic (communicative acts). The children diagnosed with ADHD were evaluated by the speech therapist in two moments, initially during the short-acting medication treatment, with 0.3 - 0.5 mg/kg/dose, which is administered 30 to 60 minutes before the start of phonoaudiological evaluation, and again after 15 days without medication for at least 48 hours. The children of the control group were evaluated at one time. Thus, three groups were formed: ADHD without medication, ADHD medication and control group. A total of 60 evaluations were performed (20 ADHD medicated, 20 unmedicated ADHD and 20 control group). Therefore their means were compared, no statistically significant difference was found between the means from the children\'s age of the group with ADHD and group control (p=0,35). No statistically significant difference was found between the IQ >= 90 in the same groups (p=0,62). No statistically significant difference was found between the medians of the initial scores in the pragmatic oral language group control and ADHD medicated (p=0,14). A statistically significant difference was found between the medians of the initial score in the pragmatic oral language in the groups with ADHD medicated and not medicated (p=0,001). A statistically significant difference was found between the medians of the oral language pragmatics score in the control and ADHD unmedicated groups (p=0,002). The children diagnosed with ADHD studied showed impairment in the oral language pragmatics which has been observed that the medication allowed the improvement in the score when compared to the non-use of medication. We believe that altering the pragmatics of oral language is associated with learning difficulties, which also are frequently observed in patients with ADHD, although we did not correlate these facts in the current study, we intend to evaluate them later. It should also be considered that through impoverished pragmatics the dialogic shifts are not adequately established, with this there is difficulty in gaining links and maintaining social skills
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Attitudes of oral hygiene and dental therapy students regarding the introduction of community service.Bhayat, Ahmed 23 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9001367H -
MPh research report -
School of Public Health and Oral Health Sciences -
Faculty of Health Sciences / Introduction: Compulsory Community Service (CS) for health professionals has been
introduced in South Africa since 1997. Some of the aims for its introduction were to:
1) address the maldistribution of health service providers, 2) prevent qualified health
professionals from emigrating and 3) improve clinical skills and knowledge of newly
qualified medical graduates. The Oral Hygiene (OH) and Dental Therapy (DT)
professions have as yet not been included in the performance of CS. However the
Department of Health (DOH) is planning to introduce CS for these groups of health
professionals in the near future. The role of the oral hygienist and dental therapist in
South Africa (SA) cannot be over emphasized. Given the high caries levels, low oral
hygiene education levels, large unmet oral health needs and the preventative approach of
the DOH at all levels, the oral hygienist and dental therapist can provide invaluable
human and technical resources that are currently required to address these concerns.
Aims: To assess the attitudes of OH and DT students registered during 2004 at the five
dental schools in South Africa regarding the introduction of CS.
Objectives: 1) To obtain the demographic data of the OH and DT students, 2) to
determine whether their current training programme prepares these students for CS, 3) to
identify the provinces in which the OH and DT students would prefer to be placed for CS
and 5) to identify the different types of professional activities that the OH and DT
students would like to perform whilst completing CS.
Methods: A self administered questionnaire was jointly developed between the Kwa-
Zulu Natal Department of Health and the Division of Public Oral Health at the University
of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The questionnaire was sent to all OH and DT students
who were registered at each of the five dental schools in SA during 2004.
Results: There were a total of 163 students (68%) who responded to the questionnaire.
Of the respondents, 109 (70%) were OH students and 54 (64%) were DT students.
There were 132 (81%) females and 31 (19%) males. The average age of the student’s was
21 years (17-37; mode 19; median 20 and SD 3.2). There were 59 (36%) Whites, 53
(33%) Black, 31(19%) Asian and 18 (11%) Coloured students. The majority of OH
students (63%) were against the introduction of CS. There was a significant number
(p<0.05) of White students who were registered for the OH degree that did not want to
perform CS. A significant number of respondents (p<0.05) felt that they were adequately
trained to perform all the necessary duties that may be required of them during their CS.
Most of the respondents chose Kwa-Zulu Natal (26%), Western Cape (26%) and Gauteng
(22%) provinces respectively as their first choice province for carrying out their CS.
The majority of students (p<0.05) chose their resident province as their first choice
province in which they would prefer to perform their CS. Students indicated a preference
to perform oral health promotional activities (56%), health educational activities (21%)
and clinical work (18%) in their CS programme.
Conclusion: The majority of DT students supported the concept of CS. This was in
contrast to the OH students where less than half of them supported its introduction.
Overall, most of the students chose the more urban provinces (Kwa-Zulu Natal, Western
Cape and Gauteng) to complete their CS.
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