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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boendeassistenters kunskap om munhälsa och inställning till munvård / Resident assistant knowledge of oral health and attitude towards oral care

Dahl, Malin, Ljunggren, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Introduktion: Personer med funktionsnedsättning har nedsatt förmåga att fungera fysiskt, psykiskt eller intellektuellt, vilket kan medföra hinder med att sköta den dagliga munhygienen. I omvårdnaden i bostad med särskild service för vuxna ingår skyldighet att stödja funktionsnedsatta med deras personliga behov. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka boendeassistenters kunskap om munhälsa. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka boendeassistenters inställning till munvård samt faktorer som påverkar deras inställning till munvård. Material och metod: Studien är en kvantitativ tvärsnittstudie baserad på en enkät med 31 strukturerade frågor samt en öppen fråga.  Enkäten besvarades av 43 boendeassistenter i en kommun i södra Sverige. Resultat: Resultatet visar att majoriteten (n=34) av boendeassistenterna anser att de boende behöver dagligt stöd med munhygienen. Det största hindret är att de boende inte vill ha hjälp med munhygienen. En stor del (n=31) av boendeassistenterna anser att de har tillräcklig kunskap om munvård för att stödja de boende med den dagliga munhygienen. Resultatet visar att 29 av boendeassistenterna har kunskap om fluor och 38 har kunskap om gingivit. Slutsats: Resultatet tyder på att boendeassistenterna i viss mån har kunskap om munhälsa och att de anser att de boende behöver dagligt stöd med munvården. Vidare anser boendeassistenterna att det största hindret till att stödja med munvården är att de boende inte vill ha hjälp vilket påverkar boendeassistenternas inställning till munvård. / Introduction: Persons with disabilities have a reduced capacity to function physically, mentally, or intellectually, which can lead to obstruction in daily oral hygiene. Health care in supervised residential care facilities for adults includes the responsibility to support disabled persons in their personal hygiene. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge resident assistants have of oral health. A further purpose was to examine the attitude of resident assistants toward oral care and factors that affect their attitude toward oral care. Materials and method: The study is a quantitative cross-sectional study based on a questionnaire with 31 structured questions and one open question. Forty-three resident assistants in one municipality in southern Sweden participated. Results: Results show that the majority (n=34) of resident assistants believe residents need daily assistance with oral hygiene. The greatest obstacle to supporting residents is that residents do not want help with oral hygiene. The majority (n=31) of resident assistants believe they have sufficient knowledge of oral care to support residents in daily oral hygiene. Results show that 29 resident assistants have knowledge of fluoride and 38 have knowledge of gingivitis.  Conclusions: The results indicate that resident assistants have adequate knowledge of oral health to some extent, and that resident assistants believe residents need daily support in oral care. Also, resident assistants report the greatest obstacle in supporting oral care is that residents do not want help, which impacts the attitude of resident assistants towards oral care.

Kunskap om och attityder till munhälsa och munvård bland personal inom kommunal vård och omsorg. : En enkätstudie. / Knowledge about and attitudes to oral health and oral care among nurses and nursing staff in the community care. : A survey.

Andersson, Catarina, Hermansson Cederin, Susanne January 2015 (has links)
Tandhygienist i kommun

Blivande undersköterskors kunskap om äldres orala hälsa : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie / Imminent nursing assistant’s knowledge about elderly’s oral health. : A quantitative cross-sectional study

Bakali Hraiki, Malak, Helmertz, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Perceived oral care needs of terminally ill adults – a qualitative investigation

D'Souza, Violet 01 January 2019 (has links)
Individuals with advance-stage illnesses frequently face illness or treatment-related adverse effects in the mouth. These adverse effects can have serious consequences. Despite that, the importance of oral care in this population is often overlooked and there are no definitive guidelines as to what kind of oral care should be provided to these individuals. Given that, our study aims were to explore and better understand the oral health-related concerns, perceived oral care needs of palliative care patients and the berries that face in accessing dental care services. We conducted a qualitative description study by recruiting a purposive sample of 11 participants with advanced stage health conditions from the outpatient palliative care services of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Data were collected using in-depth, semi-structured interviews using an interview guide. All interviews were fully transcribed, with the data managed with Atlas.ti software to facilitate the analysis. All participants had oral concerns although they varied widely from person to person and their illness statuses. The most significant concerns were related to dry mouth, loose dentures, and eating difficulties. Among those who stated that they would seek dental care if required, they were not planning on seeking dental care even though they had treatable oral problems, suggesting a mismatch between their oral health status and their perceived needs. The frequently observed barriers that prevented them from seeking dental care were their illness and illness related priorities, finances, feeling discriminated against by the dentist, and a dislike towards the dentist. Providing information to the palliative care clinicians about the significance of oral health and its impact, incorporating a dental care provider in palliative care team, and providing timely information to individuals with advanced health conditions may enhance the understanding of their oral health problems and help them better manage their oral health and may enhance their dental care seeking behavior.

Vårdpersonalen och munbedömningsinstrumentet / The nursing staffand the oral assessment tool

Björcke, Fresia, Olafsen, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Munnen kan inte ses som separat från resten av kroppen eftersom munhälsan påverkar den generella hälsan. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa betydelsen av användandet av munbedömningsinstrument för vårdpersonalen. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Resultat: Genom en innehållsanalys framkom de två subkategorierna; Ger möjlighet att upptäcka och Tydliggör fortsatt behov av munbedömning. Dessa ledde till kategorin; Munbedömningsinstrumentet ger struktur. Diskussion: Genom att göra en munbedömning på patienten kan vårdpersonalen lindra/förebygga lidande eftersom munhälsoproblem upptäcks och kan åtgärdas. All vårdpersonal måste förstå varför munvård och munbedömningar är viktigt och munbedömningsinstrument behöver vara tillförlitligt och lättanvänt. Rutiner måste finnas i varje vårdverksamhet, ett munbedömningsinstrument bör väljas ut med omsorg och anpassas till verksamheten.Konklusion: Användandet av ett munbedömningsinstrument kan leda till ökad struktur i vårdpersonalens munvårdsarbete. / Background: Since oral health has an influence on general health, the mouth can’t be viewed as separate from the rest of the body. Aim: To highlight the importance the use of an oral assessment tool has for the nursing staff. Method: A literature review. Result: Through analysis of the text content two subcategories emerged; Gives possibility to detect and Clarifies further need of oral assessment. They led to the category: The oral assessment tool gives structure. Discussion: By performing an oral assessment on the patient, through detection and correction of oral health problems suffering can be reduced/ prevented by the nursing staff. All of the nursing staff must understand why oral care and oral assessments are important and the oral assessment tool needs to be dependable and easy to use. In every type of health organization there needs to be routines for the use of the oral assessment tool, it should be selected with care and adjusted to the organization. Conclusion: The use of an oral assessment tool could lead to an increased structure in the oral care nursing provided by the nursing staff.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om munhälsa och munvård till den äldre patienten : En enkätstudie inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård

Götesson, Jenny, Davenius, Helene January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Munhälsan är central för välbefinnandet, livskvalitet och hälsa. Att förebygga ohälsa i munnen är en viktig hälsoinsats för den äldre patienten. Munvård är likväl en omvårdnadsintervention som ofta hamnar långt ner i prioriteringslistan inom vård och omsorg. Flera vårdgivare och professioner är involverade i äldres munhälsa och munvård vilket leder till otydlig ansvarsfördelning och kräver därför väl fungerande samverkan. Sjuksköterskan inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård har ansvar att tillgodose patientens grundläggande vårdbehov ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva sjuksköterskors, inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård, uppfattningar om sin egen kunskap, förhållningssätt och ansvar angående munhälsa, munhälsobedömning och munvård hos den äldre patienten samt att undersöka om yrkeserfarenhet påverkar uppfattningarna. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes där data samlades in genom webbenkätundersökning. Deskriptiva data presenterades i text och tabell. Data analyserades med Kruskal Wallis test där statistiska signifikansen sattes till p<0,05. Analytisk statistik presenterades i text, tabeller och cirkeldiagram. Inklusionskriterier var sjuksköterskor inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. Sjuksköterskor med nattjänstgöring exkluderades. Resultat: Huvudfynden visade att nästintill alla respondenter erhållit utbildning i munhälsa och munvård i någon form och övervägande del skattade sin kunskap hög i att utföra munvård och genomföra munhälsobedömning enligt ROAG. Resultatet visade att det rådde viss osäkerhet kring sjuksköterskans ansvar för patientens munhälsa, ändå ansåg majoriteten av respondenterna att de hade ansvar för patientens munhälsa och att handleda omvårdnadspersonal i munvård. Respondenternas förhållningssätt till utförande av munvård och genomförande av munhälsobedömning enligt ROAG skattades generellt lågt i avseende hur de upplevde det som obehagligt, tålamodskrävande, tidskrävande eller att det utgjorde ett personligt intrång för patienten. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna i studien hade fått utbildning i munhälsa och munvård i någon form och att de skattade sin kunskap högt, vilket var oväntat. Sjuksköterskans kunskap kunde bidra till att munvård fick samma prioritet som övriga grundläggande vårdbehov och därmed minskade risken för vårdskador. Det fanns viss osäkerhet kring ansvarsfördelningen gällande patienten munhälsa och munvård men majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna i studien uppfattade dock att de hade ett ansvar vilket kunde öka möjligheten att förändringar i patientens munhälsa upptäcktes innan ohälsa i munnen försämrade patientens välbefinnande och livskvalitet. Gällande förhållningssätt påviades att sjuksköterskorna gjorde sitt yttersta för att munvård och munhälsobedömning kunde utföras med respekt för den äldres integritet och självbestämmande och ingå som en naturlig del i god omvårdnad. / Background: Oral health is central to well-being, quality of life and health. Preventing oral health is an important health measure for the elderly patient. Oral care is nevertheless a nursing intervention that often ends up far down the priority list in health and care. Several care providers and professions are involved in the elderly's oral health and oral care, which leads to an unclear division of responsibilities and therefore requires well-functioning collaboration. The nurse in municipal health care is responsible for meeting the patient's basic care needs from a holistic perspective. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe nurses', in municipal health care, perceptions of their own knowledge, attitudes and responsibilities regarding oral health, oral health assessment and oral care in the elderly patient and to investigate whether professional experience affects perceptions. Method: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted where data were collected through web survey. Descriptive data were presented in text and table. Data were analyzed with Kruskal Wallis test where the statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Analytical statistics were presented in text, tables and pie charts. Inclusion criteria were nurses in municipal health and medical care. Nurses on night duty were excluded. Results: The main findings showed that almost all respondents received education in oral health and oral care in some form and the vast majority valued their knowledge highly in performing oral care and conducting oral health assessment according to ROAG. The results showed that there was some uncertainty about the nurse's responsibility for the patient's oral health, yet most of the respondents considered that they were responsible for the patient's oral health and to supervise nursing staff in oral care. The respondents' approach to performing oral care and performing oral health assessment according to ROAG was generally underestimated in terms of how they perceived it as unpleasant, patient, time-consuming or that it constituted a personal intrusion for the patient. Conclusion: The results showed that the nurses in the study had received education in oral health and oral care in some form and that they valued their knowledge highly, which was unexpected. The nurse's knowledge could contribute to oral care being given the same priority as other basic care needs and thereby reducing the risk of care injuries. There was some uncertainty about the division of responsibilities regarding the patient's oral health and oral care, but most of the nurses in the study perceived that they had a responsibility which could increase the possibility that changes in the patient's oral health were detected before oral health impaired the patient's well-being. The current approach showed that the nurses did their utmost to ensure that oral care and oral health assessment could be performed with respect for the elderly's integrity and self-determination and be included as a natural part of good nursing.

Ren mun rena lungor? : Att kartlägga munvårdens effekt i förebyggandet av vårdrelaterad pneumoni / Clean mouth equals clean lungs? : An investigation of the effect of oral care as a prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia

Näslund, Lovisa, Villwock, Helena January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdrelaterad pneumoni är en av de vanligaste vårdrelaterade infektionerna inom svensk sjukvård. Att drabbas av vårdrelaterad pneumoni ökar risken för sjuklighet samt dödlighet. Munvård är en basal omvårdnadsåtgärd som sjuksköterskan ansvarar över. I dagsläget är munvård en åtgärd som genomförs för patientens välbefinnande snarare än som en preventiv åtgärd. När munvård inte utförs kan det leda till förändringar i munhålan som i sin tur ger ökad risk för pneumoni. Syfte: Att undersöka effekterna av munvård som prevention mot vårdrelaterad pneumoni hos patienter inlagda på sjukhus. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på åtta kvantitativa interventionsstudier. Databassökningen genomfördes i Cinahl och PubMed. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av Popenoes analysmodell för att sedan sammanställas till ett resultat. Resultat: I sju av åtta studier minskade insjuknandet av vårdrelaterad pneumoni efter implementering av en munvårdsintervention. Konklusion: Det finns ett samband mellan minskat insjuknande i vårdrelaterad pneumoni och munvårdsinterventioner. För att fastställa munvårdens effekt mot vårdrelaterad pneumoni krävs vidare forskning. / Background: Hospital acquired pneumonia is one of the most common healthcare associated infections in Sweden. Suffering from hospital acquired pneumonia increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. Oral care is basic nursing care. Oral care is often considered a comfort arrangement in caring for patients, rather than a preventive one. The risk of pneumonia increases due to changes in the oral cavity which is a cause of not receiving oral care. Aim: To investigate the effects of oral care as prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia in patients admitted to hospitals. Methods: The analysis was conducted using Popenoe's analysis model. Eight quantitative studies were analyzed, which were identified in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Using Popenoe´s model a result could be concluded. Results: The analysis of the eight studies presented a decreased incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia in seven studies after an implementation of an oral care intervention. Conclusion: It was found to be a relationship between reduction in the incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia and oral care intervention. In order to determine the effect of oral care due to hospital acquired pneumonia, supplementary research is required.

Utsatt för sexuella övergrepp i barndomen - Hur upplevs munhälsan?

Larsson, Louise, Månsson, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Att studera hur personer som blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp som barn, upplever sin munhälsa.Material och metod: Elva informanter (10 kvinnor), 19 - 56 år gamla som blivit utsatta för sexuella övergrepp som barn valdes ut strategiskt och djupintervjuades. Informanterna uppmanades att med egna ord berätta om hur de upplevde att de sexuella övergreppen påverkat deras munhälsa. Intervjuerna spelades in digitalt för att sedan transkriberas ordagrant. Det insamlade materialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet åskådliggjorde temat ”Utmanade förutsättningar för oral hälsa”, som grundar sig på tre kategorier; Emotionell påverkan med tillhörande subkategorier negativa -och positiva känslor; Munvård med subkategorierna tandläkarbesök med svårighet, genväg och egenvård med komplikationer; Heligt tempel med tillhörande subkategorier munhälsan har betydelse och munhälsans påverkan. Slutsats: Oral hälsa associerades med starka känslor som skam, skuld, ångest och till viss del stolthet. Alla deltagare rapporterade tandvårdsrädsla i varierande grad, som hade hindrat dem från att besöka tandvården regelbundet. Det fanns en önskan om nyttjande av olika genvägar, som behandling under olika typer av sedering och att bli kallad av tandvården. Det uttrycktes svårigheter med att utföra daglig oral egenvård. Generellt fanns en önskan om en förbättrad oral hälsa.Nyckelord: kvalitativ studie, munvård, skam, smärta, tandvårdsrädsla. / Aim: To study how victims of child sexual abuse experience their oral health. Methods: Eleven participants (10 women), 19-56 years of age, who experienced sexual abuse as a child were purposively selected and in-depth interviewed. The participants were encouraged to talk about how they experienced that the sexual abuse had affected their oral health. The interviews were recorded digitally and transcribed verbatim. The collected material was analyzed according to Qualitative Content Analysis.Results: The result in this study illustrated the theme “Challenged prerequisites for oral health”, which ground on three categories and associated subcategories; Emotional impact with associated subcategories negative- and positive feelings; Oral Care with subcategories dentistry visits with difficulties, shortcut and self-care with complications; Holy Temple with subcategories oral health is of importance and the oral health impact.Conclusion: Oral health is associated with strong feelings such as shame, blame, anxiety and partially pride. All participants reported dental fear in varied degree which had prevented them to visit dentistry on regular basis. There was a desire for using different shortcuts, such as treatment under sedation and to be recalled by the dentistry. There was expression for difficulties in providing daily oral care. There was generally a desire for an improved oral health. Keywords: dental fear, oral care, pain, qualitative study, shame.

Gravida kvinnors kunskap om kostvanor, munvård och karies hos barn under 3 år / Pregnant women´s knowledge of diet habits, oral care and caries in children under 3 years

Gullberg, Louise, Mohammed, Shilan January 2015 (has links)
För en god uppväxt är barnets hälsa av stor betydelse och den orala hälsan är en del av den allmänna hälsan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka gravida kvinnors kunskap om kostvanor, munvård och karies hos barn under tre år. Metoden var kvantitativ och har genomförts med en enkät. Undersökningsgruppen var gravida kvinnor och enkäten har distribuerats till dessa via barnmorskor. Resultatet har analyserats deskriptivt och baseras på 243 besvarade enkäter. Data visar att 10 % av de gravida kvinnorna svarade att färskpressad fruktjuice lämpligast bör ges mellan måltiderna. Av respondenterna svarade 93 % att tänderna bör borstas två gånger dagligen. På frågan ifall en mjölktand är känsligare än en vuxentand för karies svarade sammanlagt 60 % felaktigt nej eller vet inte. Slutsatsen tyder på att gravida kvinnor har hög kunskap kring munvård för barn under tre år, men kunskapen om kostvanor och karies är lägre. / General health is crucial in upbringing a child. Good oral health is an essential part of good general health. The aim of this study was to evaluate pregnant women's knowledge about nutrition, oral hygiene and caries in children under three years. A quantitative method was used with questionnaire. The study was carried on pregnant women and the questionnaires were distributed by midwives. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed based on 243 responses. The result indicates that 10 % of the pregnant women replied that freshly squeezed juice should preferably be given between meals. Of the respondents, 93 % responded that the teeth should be brushed twice a day. When asked if a baby tooth is more susceptible to caries than an adult tooth for caries 60% responded incorrectly no, or do not know. The conclusion suggests that pregnant women’s knowledge of oral care in children under three years is good, but knowledge with regard to diet and caries is lower.

Avaliação da contaminação das escovas dentais de estudantes de odontologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Siqueira Júnior, Hélio Machado 30 October 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-02-24T18:38:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 heliomachadosiqueirajunior.pdf: 1597049 bytes, checksum: 6f12fa644b305784707d3f2a7f0e5ba7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-03-06T19:30:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 heliomachadosiqueirajunior.pdf: 1597049 bytes, checksum: 6f12fa644b305784707d3f2a7f0e5ba7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T19:30:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 heliomachadosiqueirajunior.pdf: 1597049 bytes, checksum: 6f12fa644b305784707d3f2a7f0e5ba7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-30 / Neste estudo verificou-se o nível de contaminação das escovas dentais de 54 estudantes dos 2º, 5º e 9º períodos do curso de graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brasil, com relação à higienização e ao armazenamento, bem como a eficácia da solução aquosa do digluconato de clorexidina a 0,12% em spray, na descontaminação das escovas dentais. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, com duração de 15 dias cada: na etapa 1, os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos (G1 e G2), onde cada acadêmico recebeu escova e creme dentais. Na etapa 2, o G1 passou a se chamar experimental e o G2, controle: o experimental recebeu escova e creme dentais, um frasco borrifador com solução básica aquosa, composta de água destilada e edulcorante estévia, acrescido de digluconato de clorexidina a 0,12%. No grupo controle, cada participante recebeu o mesmo conjunto e o frasco borrifador continha apenas a solução básica. Receberam um protocolo de orientação para utilização, desinfecção e armazenamento da escova dental. Antes de iniciar a pesquisa e após as duas etapas, os acadêmicos responderam a questionários com dados sobre seus hábitos de higiene e armazenamento das escovas dentais. As escovas dentais foram devolvidas em envelopes lacrados ao pesquisador para a análise microbiológica, realizada no Laboratório de Microbiologia do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da UFJF. As escovas dentais foram inseridas em tubos de ensaio estéreis identificados, contendo 7mL de solução fisiológica esterilizada a 0,9% e agitados no Vortex®, por 20s. Com o auxilio de uma alça calibrada foi coletado 1μL desta solução e semeado por esgotamento no meio de cultura CHROMagar Orientation®. As placas foram incubadas a 35,5°C, em aerobiose por 24h. Os dados foram submetidos a testes estatísticos. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que ocorreu um maior índice de contaminação das escovas dentais dos alunos do 2º período em relação às dos alunos do 5º e do 9º períodos. Houve uma redução acentuada nos índices de contaminação na etapa 2, sendo estatisticamente significante para os 2º e 9º períodos. No 5º período ocorreu uma redução, porém sem significância estatistica, que pode ser explicado pelo relato da ocorrência de contato de suas escovas dentais com outras escovas no local de armazenamento. Entre os grupos, a redução da contaminação foi estatisticamente significante entre G1 e o experimental. Entretanto, uma redução foi observada entre o G2 e o controle, demonstrando que hábitos de higiene e armazenamento adequados são suficientes para reduzir a contaminação das escovas dentais. / This study evaluated the level of contamination of toothbrushes from 54 students of 2nd, 5nd and 9nd period of the undergraduate course in Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, with respect to hygiene and storage, and the effectiveness of the aqueous solution of chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% spray for decontamination of toothbrushes. The study was divided into two phases, with duration of 15 days each. In Step 1, participants were divided into two groups (G1 and G2), where each received a toothbrush and a dental cream. In step 2, the G1 has been called experimental and G2, control: in experimental received toothbrushes and dental cream, a spray bottle with basic aqueous solution, composed of distilled water and sweetener stevia added with chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12%. In the control, each participant received the same set and spray bottle containing basic solution. Received protocol guidelines for use, storage and disinfection of toothbrushes. Before starting the study and after two steps, the students answered questionnaires with data on their hygiene and storage of the toothbrushes. The toothbrushes were returned in sealed envelopes to the researcher for the microbiological test, performed at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Institute of Biological Sciences of UFJF. The toothbrushes were placed in sterile test tubes identified, containing 7mL of sterile saline 0.9% and agitated in the Vortex®, for 20s. With a calibrated loop was collected 1μL this solution and spreaded by exhaustion in the culture medium CHROMagar Orientation®. The plates were incubated at 35,5°C under aerobic conditions, for 24h. Data were subjected to statistics. The results of this study showed that an increased rate of contamination of toothbrushes of 2nd period students compared to the students of the 5th and the 9th periods. There was a marked reduction in contamination levels in step 2 and was statistically significant for 2nd and 9th periods. In the 5th period was a reduction, but without statistical significance, which can be explained by the reported occurrence of contact for their toothbrushes with other brushes in the storage location. Between groups, the reduction in contamination was statistically significant between G1 and experimental. However, a decrease was observed between G2 and the control, showing that hygiene and proper storage are sufficient to reduce the contamination of toothbrushes.

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