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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mikroplast i hästspillning : En kvantifiering av polymer i träck

Lind, Timmy January 2020 (has links)
Mikroplaster har hittills studerats nästan exklusivt i marin miljö och kunskapen om den ekologiska effekten av plast i våra landbaserade ekosystem är begränsad. Detta trots att det är sannolikt att landmiljöer är de primära utsläppskällorna av plastavfall, och att plastavfall ackumuleras i marina miljöer i anslutning till urbana miljöer och jordbruk. Av den totala mängden avfall som släpps ut eller dumpas i miljön kan plast vara upp till 54% av den totala viktmassan. I jordbruk och deponier i Europa har det i det översta lagret jord ner till ett djup av 10 cm uppmäts så mycket som 607 plastpartiklar per kilo jord. De huvudsakliga källorna till plastpartiklar i jord är slam från avloppsvatten och plastpartiklar avsatta från markdukar och plastöverdrag använda i jordbruksprodukter och trädgårdsprodukter. Det beräknas vara ca 63 000 - 430 000 ton mikroplast som tillförs jordbruket i Europa årligen via gödsel. Hästgödsel står för 10% av den totala mängden gödsel från boskap som används i jordbruk i Sverige, och den totala mängden hästgödsel är uppskattad till 2,7 miljoner ton per år. Hästar utfodras med stråfoder paketerat i sträckfilm tillverkat av polyeten, och hö paketerat med bindgarn tillverkat av polypropen. Utfodring sker även delvis ur fodernät tillverkade av polymerer som polypropen, nylon och terylen (PET; polyester). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om mikroplaster förekommer i hästträck genom att reducera organiskt material i 30% väteperoxid och analysera proverna med ljusmikroskop. Resultatet av studien visade flertalet partiklar i form av små mikroplaster identifierade i primär och sekundär form i samtliga undersökta prover. Kvantifieringen av partiklar i proverna visade signifikant skillnad i medelvärde mellan två fodertyper. Förekomsten av mikroplast i alla undersökta prover i denna studie indikerar att det finns ett behov av ytterligare forskning om mikroplast i djurgödsel för att förstå effekten av olika gödselmedel som används i jordbruk. / Microplastics have been studied almost exclusively in marine environments, and knowledge about ecological impacts of microplastics in land-based ecosystems is limited. This is despite the fact, that marine environments are likely to accumulate plastic waste from land environments, and that the land environments are the primary sources of global plastic contamination. Of the total amount of waste that is discharged or dumped into the environment, plastic account for up to 54% of the total mass. In agriculture land and landfills in Europe, the top layer of soil down to a depth of 10 cm it has been measured as much as 607 plastic particles per kilo soil. The main sources of plastic particles in our soil are sludge from wastewater deposits and mulching films and plastic coatings used in agricultural and garden products. 63 000 – 430 000 tonnes of microplastics is deposited on agriculture land in Europe annually via fertilizers. Horse manure accounts for 10% of the total amount of livestock manure used in agriculture in Sweden. The estimated total amount of horse manure is 2.7 million tonnes per year. Horses are fed with coarse fodder packaged in plastic film made of polyethylene, and hay packed with twine made of polypropylene. Feeding also takes place partly from slow feeding nets made of polymers such as polypropylene, nylon and terylene (PET; polyester). The aim of this study is to investigate whether microplastics are present in horse manure. Manure from horses with different fodder combinations is analysed for presence of microplastic. Organic matter was degraded with 30% hydrogen peroxide and all the samples were examined with light microscopy. The results of the study showed several particles in the form of small microplastics identified in primary and secondary form in all samples. The quantification of particles in the samples showed a significant difference in mean values between two fodder types. The presence of microplastic in all samples in this study indicate that there is a need for further research on microplastics in animal manure, in order to understand the effect of different fertilizers used in agriculture.

La représentation du souillé et de l’impur dans la littérature française narrative des XIIe et XIIIe siècles : idéologie, anthropologie, poétique / Representing the soiled and the impure in French narrative literature of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : Ideology, anthropology and poetics

Chalumeau, Chloé 04 July 2016 (has links)
L’étude interroge les représentations du souillé et de l’impur à travers les œuvres littéraires des XIIe et XIIIe siècles. Présent dans tous les genres narratifs profanes (chansons de geste, romans arthuriens, fabliaux, théâtre, Roman de Renart) le goût – ou le dégoût – médiéval pour le répugnant revêt de multiples facettes dont la prolixité et la diversité interpellent. De la boue aux excrétions du corps, de la lèpre aux tabous du sang, de la macule de la honte à celle du péché, l’expression de la souillure oscille entre sens propre et sens figuré pour énoncer et penser, en les ancrant dans la matérialité la plus concrète, des systèmes de valeur. Servant à établir des frontières, à définir des champs d’inclusion et d’exclusion, les manifestations de l’immonde révèlent, autant qu’elles contribuent à les forger et à les concilier, les ordres idéologiques imbriqués de la société médiévale. Par la place accordée à l’abjection, la littérature expérimente ainsi la manière de dire et de représenter le désordre – pour mieux le circonscrire. Les poétiques contrastées de la souillure élaborées par les différents genres montrent alors combien la mise en scène de l’impur rejoint une interrogation littéraire sur les pouvoirs du langage et la capacité des textes à exprimer le monde : idéologique, esthétique, la question de la souillure est aussi sémiotique. Tendues entre le concret et l’abstrait, le mot et la chose, le rire et l’horreur, les représentations du souillé et de l’impur dévoilent ainsi un univers où le rapport à la souillure, loin de la simple éviction, peut aussi aller dans le sens d’une réappropriation et d’une réhabilitation – voire, même, d’une rédemption. / This study explores the representations of the soiled and the impure through literary works of the 12th and 13th centuries. Present in all profane narrative genres (chansons de geste, Arthurian novels, fabliaux, drama, Roman de Renart), the medieval taste – or distaste – for what is repulsive manifests itself in a startling multiplicity of ways. From mud to body fluids, from leprosy to blood-related taboos, from the stigma of shame to the stigma of sin, the designation of what is soiled oscillates between the literal and the figurative in order to articulate and process value systems by anchoring them in the most tangible materiality. The manifestations of what is vile and squalid are instrumental in drawing boundaries and defining fields of inclusion and exclusion; they also reveal, shape and reconcile the different ideological orders built into medieval society. By giving abjection pride of place, literature experiments with the expression and representation of disorder – the better to circumscribe it. This contrasted poetics of what is soiled took shape across the different genres, which shows the extent to which the staging of what is impure corresponds to a literary attempt to question the powers of language and the capacity of texts to express the world: an exploration of what is soiled has ideological, aesthetical, but also semiotic implications. Between the tangible and the abstract, the word and the thing, laughter and horror, these representations unveil a medieval universe where the relationship with what is soiled goes far beyond mere rejection and can also lead to a form of reappropriation, rehabilitation, and even redemption.

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