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Écologie et implications trophiques de la cyanobactérie Lyngbya wollei dans le fleuve Saint-LaurentLévesque, David 04 1900 (has links)
Les proliférations nuisibles de la cyanobactérie filamenteuse benthique Lyngbya wollei qui forme des tapis déposés sur les sédiments ont augmenté en fréquence au cours des 30 dernières années dans les rivières, lacs et sources de l'Amérique du Nord. Lyngbya wollei produit des neurotoxines et des composés organiques volatils (géosmin, 2-méthylisobornéol) qui ont des répercussions sur la santé publique de même que des impacts d'ordre socioéconomiques. Cette cyanobactérie est considérée comme un habitat et une source de nourriture de piètre qualité pour les invertébrés en raison de sa gaine robuste et de sa production de toxines.
Les proliférations de L. wollei ont été observées pour la première fois en 2005 dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent (SLR; Québec, Canada). Nous avons jugé important de déterminer sa distribution sur un tronçon de 250 km afin d'élaborer des modèles prédictifs de sa présence et biomasse en se basant sur les caractéristiques chimiques et physiques de l'eau. Lyngbya wollei était généralement observé en aval de la confluence de petits tributaires qui irriguent des terres agricoles. L’écoulement d’eaux enrichies à travers la végétation submergée se traduisait par une diminution de la concentration d’azote inorganique dissous (DIN), alors que les concentrations de carbone organique dissous (DOC) et de phosphore total dissous (TDP) demeuraient élevées, produisant un faible rapport DIN :TDP. Selon nos modèles, DOC (effet positif), TP (effet négatif) et DIN :TDP (effet négatif) sont les variables les plus importantes pour expliquer la répartition de cette cyanobactérie. La probabilité que L. wollei soit présent dans le SLR a été prédite avec exactitude dans 72 % à 92 % des cas pour un ensemble de données indépendantes.
Nous avons ensuite examiné si les conditions hydrodynamiques, c'est-à-dire le courant généré par les vagues et l'écoulement du fleuve, contrôlent les variations spatiales et temporelles de biomasse de L. wollei dans un grand système fluvial. Nous avons mesuré la biomasse de L. wollei ainsi que les variables chimiques, physiques et météorologiques durant trois ans à 10 sites le long d'un gradient d'exposition au courant et au vent dans un grand (148 km2) lac fluvial du SLR. L'exposition aux vagues et la vitesse du courant contrôlaient les variations de biomasses spatiales et temporelles. La biomasse augmentait de mai à novembre et persistait durant l'hiver. Les variations interannuelles étaient contrôlées par l'écoulement de la rivière (niveau d'eau) avec la crue printanière qui délogeait les tapis de l'année précédente. Les baisses du niveau d'eau et l'augmentation de l'intensité des tempêtes anticipées par les scénarios de changements climatiques pourraient accroître la superficie colonisée par L. wollei de même que son accumulation sur les berges.
Par la suite, nous avons évalué l'importance relative de L. wollei par rapport aux macrophytes et aux épiphytes. Nous avons examiné l'influence structurante de l'échelle spatiale sur les variables environnementales et la biomasse de ces producteurs primaires (PP) benthiques. Nous avons testé si leur biomasse reflétait la nature des agrégats d'habitat basées sur l'écogéomorphologie ou plutôt le continuum fluvial. Pour répondre à ces deux questions, nous avons utilisé un design à 3 échelles spatiales dans le SLR: 1) le long d'un tronçon de 250 km, 2) entre les lacs fluviaux localisés dans ce tronçon, 3) à l'intérieur de chaque lac fluvial. Les facteurs environnementaux (conductivité et TP) et la structure spatiale expliquent 59% de la variation de biomasse des trois PP benthiques. Spécifiquement, les variations de biomasses étaient le mieux expliquées par la conductivité (+) pour les macrophytes, par le ratio DIN:TDP (+) et le coefficient d'extinction lumineuse (+) pour les épiphytes et par le DOC (+) et le NH4+ (-) pour L. wollei. La structure spatiale à l'intérieur des lacs fluviaux était la plus importante composante spatiale pour tous les PP benthiques, suggérant que les effets locaux tels que l'enrichissement par les tributaire plutôt que les gradients amont-aval déterminent la biomasse de PP benthiques. Donc, la dynamique des agrégats d'habitat représente un cadre général adéquat pour expliquer les variations spatiales et la grande variété de conditions environnementales supportant des organismes aquatiques dans les grands fleuves.
Enfin, nous avons étudié le rôle écologique des tapis de L. wollei dans les écosystèmes aquatiques, en particulier comme source de nourriture et refuge pour l'amphipode Gammarus fasciatus. Nous avons offert aux amphipodes un choix entre des tapis de L. wollei et soit des chlorophytes filamenteuses ou un tapis artificiel de laine acrylique lors d'expériences en laboratoire. Nous avons aussi reconstitué la diète in situ des amphipodes à l'aide du mixing model (d13C et δ15N). Gammarus fasciatus choisissait le substrat offrant le meilleur refuge face à la lumière (Acrylique>Lyngbya=Rhizoclonium>Spirogyra). La présence de saxitoxines, la composition élémentaire des tissus et l'abondance des épiphytes n'ont eu aucun effet sur le choix de substrat. Lyngbya wollei et ses épiphytes constituaient 36 et 24 % de l'alimentation in situ de G. fasciatus alors que les chlorophytes, les macrophytes et les épiphytes associées représentaient une fraction moins importante de son alimentation. Les tapis de cyanobactéries benthiques devraient être considérés comme un bon refuge et une source de nourriture pour les petits invertébrés omnivores tels que les amphipodes. / Harmful proliferations of the filamentous cyanobacterium L. wollei forming conspicuous benthic mats on the bottom sediment have been reported with increasing frequency in the last 30 years in rivers, lakes, and springs in North America. It is a known producer of neurotoxins and volatile organic compounds (geosmin, 2-methylisoborneol) thus exerting socioeconomic and public health impacts. Lyngbya wollei is also considered a poor nutritional source for invertebrates because of its robust sheath and toxin production.
Proliferation of L. wollei in St. Lawrence River (SLR; Quebec, Canada) was first noticed in 2005. We deemed important to determine its distribution over a 250 km stretch of the SLR to elaborate predictive models of its presence and biomass based on chemical and physical characteristics. Lyngbya wollei was generally found downstream of the inflow tributaries draining farmlands. As enriched waters flowed slowly through submerged vegetation, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration dropped but dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) remained high, leading to a low DIN:TDP ratio. Models identified DOC (positive effect), TP (negative effect), and DIN:TDP (negative effect) as the most important variables explaining L. wollei distribution. The risk of L. wollei occurrence in the SLR was correctly forecasted in 72%-92% of all cases with an independent data set.
We then examined if hydrodynamic conditions, namely currents generated by waves and river flow, control spatial and temporal variations of L. wollei biomass in a large river system. We measured L. wollei biomass together with meteorological, physical, and chemical variables over three years at 10 sites along a gradient of exposure to current and wind in a large (148 km2) fluvial lake of SLR. Wave exposure and current velocity controlled spatial and temporal biomass variations. Biomass increased from May to November and persisted during winter. Interannual variations were primarily controlled by river flow (water level) with spring discharge dislodging mats from the previous year. As anticipated under climate change scenarios, drops in water level and rising storm intensity may lead to an increase in the areas colonized by L. wollei, together with more frequent episodes of mat disruption and beach fouling.
Additionally, we evaluated the relative importance of L. wollei with respect to macrophytes and epiphytes. We assessed the influence of the spatial scale in structuring environmental variables and biomass of these benthic primary producers (PP). We also test to which extent their biomass reflected the nature of patches based on ecogeomorphology or the river continuum. To address these two questions, we used a nested design at 3 spatial scales within the SLR: 1) along a 250-km-long upstream-downstream river stretch, 2) among three fluvial lakes located within that river stretch and 3) within each fluvial lake. Environmental factors (conductivity and TP) and spatial structure together explained 59% of the variability in biomass of all three benthic PP. Spatial variability of biomass was best explained by conductivity (+) for macrophytes, DIN:TDP ratio (+) and water extinction coefficient (+) for epiphytes and DOC (+) and NH4+ (-) for L. wollei mats. Within-lake structure was the most important spatial component for all benthic PP, suggesting that local effects, such as enrichment by the inflow of tributaries, rather than upstream-downstream gradients, determined the biomass and composition of benthic PP. Therefore patch dynamics represents a general framework which adequately covers the spatial variability and wide variety of environmental conditions experienced by aquatic organisms found in large rivers.
Finally, we investigated the ecological role of L. wollei mats in aquatic ecosystems, especially as a food source and shelter for the amphipod Gammarus fasciatus. We offered amphipods a choice between mats of L. wollei and either chlorophytes or an artificial mat made of acrylic wool in laboratory experiment. Moreover, we reconstructed in situ amphipod diet using mixing model (δ13C and δ15N). Gammarus fasciatus selected the substratum offering the best light refuge (Acrylic > Lyngbya = Rhizoclonium > Spirogyra). Presence of saxitoxins, tissue elemental composition and epiphyte abundance had no significant effect on substratum choice. Lyngbya wollei and its epiphytes constituted 36 and 24% of the in situ diet of G. fasciatus whereas chlorophytes, macrophytes and associated epiphytes represented a less important fraction of its diet. Benthic cyanobacterial mats should be considered a good shelter and food source for small omnivorous invertebrates such as amphipods.
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Estudo da degradação de corante têxtil em matrizes aquosas por meio dos processos oxidativos avançados O3-H2O2/UV e foto-Fenton. / Study on the degradation of a textile dye in aqueous matrices by the oxidative processes O3-H2O2/UV and photo-Fenton.Santana, Caroline Martins 04 December 2009 (has links)
A indústria têxtil gera grandes volumes de efluentes com elevada carga orgânica, forte coloração e toxicidade. Neste trabalho, estuda-se o tratamento de solução aquosa contendo o corante Solophenyl Yellow Arle 154% por meio dos processos O3-H2O2/UV e foto-Fenton, avaliando-se as repostas: remoção de cor em 5 minutos, remoção de cor em 60 minutos, taxa máxima de remoção de cor e remoção de COT em 60 minutos. Os experimentos foram realizados em semibatelada com circulação usando um reator fotoquímico com campo de radiação anular coaxial, constituído de corpo cilíndrico em aço com refletor interno de alumínio para 12 lâmpadas fixadas simetricamente na superfície refletora e um tubo reator em quartzo de 0,7 L, posicionados verticalmente no eixo do refletor. Para o processo O3-H2O2/UV foram utilizadas lâmpadas Phillips TUV (36 W, 254 nm). A corrente gasosa contendo O3 foi introduzida no reator por meio de um difusor. Para o processo foto-Fenton foram utilizadas lâmpadas Sylvania (12 W cada, 300 400 nm) e concentração de Fe(II) de 0,25 mmol/L. Em ambos os processos, solução de peróxido de hidrogênio foi adicionada durante os 30 minutos iniciais de tratamento. As amostras foram analisadas por medidas de carbono orgânico total (COT) e remoção de cor (absorbância medida em 405 nm em espectrofotômetro UV-visível). Em ambos os processos utilizou-se o planejamento experimental Doehlert, definindo os valores mínimo e máximo para cada variável adotada. No caso do processo O3- H2O2/UV (ETAPA I), foram estudados os efeitos da potência elétrica total das lâmpadas (144 432 W), concentração de H2O2 (5 30 mmol/L), concentração inicial de corante (20 100 mg/L), concentração de ozônio (10 40 mg/L) e pH (3 10). No processo foto-Fenton (ETAPA II), estudaram-se os efeitos da potência (160 480 W), concentração de H2O2 (5 30 mmol/L) e concentração inicial de corante (20 100 mg/L). Os resultados da ETAPA I indicaram que o aumento da concentração do corante, em meio ácido, aumenta a remoção de cor em 5 e 60 minutos, sugerindo a eficiência da ação via ozônio molecular sob o grupo cromóforo do corante. Os melhores resultados apresentaram remoção acima de 95% em 5 e 60 minutos de tratamento. Entretanto, para a remoção de COT em 60 minutos o processo não foi eficiente, apresentando resultado máximo de 35,6%. Na ETAPA II obtiveram-se resultados menos satisfatórios para remoção de cor se comparados aos da ETAPA I (56,1% em 5 minutos e 78% em 60 minutos de tratamento), mas melhores em relação à remoção de COT em 60 minutos atigindo 45,1% de remoção. As maiores taxas de remoção de cor foram observadas nos 5 primeiros minutos de tratamento para todos os experimentos. Experimentos complementares realizados em uma terceira etapa (ETAPA III) mostraram que a aplicação do processo O3 seguido do processo foto-Fenton permitiu resultados satisfatórios tanto para remoção de cor (97,2%), quanto para remoção de COT (69,5%). O estudo da ação do processo O3 em modo contínuo e a avaliação econômica preliminar do processo integrado O3 - foto-Fenton sugerem o potencial de aplicação do tratamento integrado a indústrias têxteis. / The textile industry generates large volumes of wastewater with high organic load, strong coloration and toxicity. In this work, the treatment of an aqueous solution containing the dye Solophenyl Yellow Arle 154% was studied by the O3-H2O2/UV and photo-Fenton processes, in order to evaluate the responses color removal after 5 minutes; color removal after 60 minutes; maximum rate of color removal; and TOC removal after 60 minutes. The experiments were carried out in the semi-batch mode with circulation using a photochemical reactor with annular coaxial radiation field, consisting of a cylindrical stainless steel support with an aluminum internal reflector with 12 lamps fixed symmetrically in the internal reflecting surface, and a quartz tube reactor of 0.7 L, positioned vertically along the axis of the reflector. For the O3- H2O2/UV process, Phillips TUV lamps (36 W, 254 nm) were used; the gas stream containing zone was introduced into the reactor through a diffuser. For the photo- Fenton process, Sylvania lamps (12 W each, 300 - 400 nm) and a concentration of Fe (II) of 0.25 mmol/L were used. In both cases, the hydrogen peroxide solution was added in the first 30 minutes of treatment. The samples were analyzed by the measurement of total organic carbon (TOC) and color removal (absorbance measured at 405 nm in a UV-visible spectrophotometer). In both cases the Doehlert experimental design was used, defining the minimum and maximum values of each variable adopted. In the case of O3-H2O2/UV process (PHASE I), the effects of the total electric power of the lamps (144 - 432 W), H2O2 concentration (5 - 30 mmol/L), initial dye concentration (20 - 100 mg/L), ozone concentration (10 - 40 mg/L), and pH (3 - 10) were studied. For the photo-Fenton process, the studied variables were: total electric power of the lamps (160 - 480 W), H2O2 concentration (5 - 30 mmol/L), and initial dye concentration (20 - 100 mg/L). The results of PHASE I indicated that the increase of dye concentration in acidic conditions increases color removal after 5 and 60 minutes, thus suggesting the efficiency of molecular ozone action upon the chromophore group of the dye. The best results showed color removal above 95% after 5 and 60 minutes of treatment. However, for the TOC removal the process was not efficient, with maximum removal after 60 minutes of only 35.6%. In PHASE II less satisfactory results for color removal were obtained in comparison with PHASE I (56.1% after 5 minutes and 78% after 60 minutes of treatment), but with higher TOC removal after 60 minutes, achieving over 45.1%. The highest color removal rates were observed within the first 5 minutes of treatment for all runs. Additional experiments carried out in PHASE III showed that the oxidation by O3 followed by the photo-Fenton process enabled to achieve suitable results for both color (97.2%) and TOC removals (69.5%). The study of the O3 process in the continuous mode and a preliminary economic evaluation suggests a high potential for the use of the integrated O3-photo-Fenton process in textile industries.
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Reservorios y flujos de carbono en un gradiente de intensificación de usos del suelo de un ecosistema mediterráneo: factores de control y capacidad de secuestro de carbonoAlmagro Bonmatí, María 14 October 2011 (has links)
Se estudia el ciclo del carbono en diferentes usos del suelo (uso forestal, campo agrícola abandonado y olivar de secano) de un ecosistema mediterráneo ante la perspectiva del cambio climático. La hipótesis general de esta tesis es que los cambios en los patrones (estructura y distribución espacial) y tipo de vegetación resultantes de la intensificación de los usos del suelo causarán alteraciones en las condiciones microclimáticas (temperatura y humedad del suelo) y en las características del micrositio (comunidades microbianas del suelo, calidad de los detritos procedentes de la vegetación, patrones de escorrentía y erosión del suelo), que afectarán a los flujos de carbono (entradas y salidas), a los factores que controlan dichos flujos y a la capacidad de secuestro de carbono del ecosistema. Para validar dicha hipótesis se plantean los siguientes objetivos generales: i) caracterizar los reservorios y los flujos de carbono; ii) evaluar la importancia relativa
de los diferentes componentes del balance de carbono; e iii) identificar los factores que controlan los flujos de carbono más importantes que regulan la capacidad subterránea de secuestro del mismo en un gradiente de intensificación de usos del suelo. / This thesis provides a useful database of carbon (C) pools and fluxes under different land uses (open forest, old-field, olive grove) in a dry Mediterranean ecosystem of Southeast Spain. To understand how global climate change and alterations in land use are affecting Mediterranean soil biogeochemical processes, I completed four studies that investigated the different C components within the C balance of each land use type, the interactions between them, and their controlling factors. The main objectives were: 1) to quantify C pools and fluxes (outputs and inputs) under different land uses over a three-year period (2006-2009); 2) to compare two C balance approaches based on steady-state or non-steady-state conditions in order to assess the relative importance of the different C fluxes within the C balance of each land use type; and 3) to identify the factors controlling the main C fluxes within each land use type.
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Nutrient stocks, acidity, processes of N transformation and net uptake of methane in soils of a temperate deciduous forest with different abundance of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) / Nährstoffvorräte, Acidität, Prozesse der N-Transformation und Nettomethanaufnahme in Böden eines temperaten Laubwaldes mit unterschiedlicher Buchenhäufigkeit (Fagus sylvatica L.)Guckland, Anja 24 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Verbleib des organischen Kohlenstoffs in Bodenfraktionen nach Landnutzungswechsel in den humiden Tropen / Fate of Organic Carbon in Soil Fractions Following Land Use Conversion in the Humid TropicsPaul, Sonja Marit 18 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation et stabilité de la matière organique du sol en contexte montagnard calcaire : proposition d'indicateurs pour le suivi de la qualité des sols à l'échelle du paysage / Characterization and stability of soil organic matter in calcareous mountain : proposal of indicators for soil quality monitoring at the landscape scaleSaenger, Anaïs 16 April 2013 (has links)
Les sols de montagne représentent d'importants réservoirs de carbone (C) potentiellement vulnérables aux changements climatiques et changements d'usage qui les affectent de manière amplifiée. Or la grande variabilité de ces milieux, leur faible accessibilité ainsi que le manque d'outils de mesure appropriés limitent nos connaissances qui restent aujourd'hui très fragmentaires en ce qui concerne les stocks, la chimie et la réactivité du carbone organique des sols (COS). Ces informations sont pourtant nécessaires pour appréhender l'évolution de ces sols et de leur C dans ce contexte de changements globaux. Les objectifs de ce travail de thèse étaient (i) d'accéder à une meilleure compréhension de la nature, de la stabilité et de la vulnérabilité du COS dans une mosaïque d'écosystèmes des Préalpes calcaires (massif du Vercors), (ii) de rechercher des outils de caractérisation rapides et fiables adaptés à l'étude et au suivi du COS à l'échelle du paysage, et enfin (iii) de proposer des indices pour l'évaluation et le suivi de la qualité des sols en milieu de montagne. Dans un premier temps, nous avons testé l'application de la pyrolyse Rock-Eval pour l'étude du COS à grande échelle sur un ensemble d'unités écosystémiques. Nous avons ensuite comparé la pyrolyse Rock-Eval à deux techniques classiques d'étude de la matière organique du sol (MOS) : le fractionnement granulodensimétrique de la MOS et la spectroscopie moyen infrarouge. Ces approches analytiques couplées nous ont permis de quantifier les stocks de C à l'échelle de la zone d'étude et d'expliquer la stabilité et la vulnérabilité du COS sous des angles variés. Les facteurs responsables des patrons observés dans les différentes unités écosystémiques sont discutés. Ce travail a également confirmé la pertinence de l'outil Rock-Eval pour répondre aux objectifs fixés. Parallèlement, des approches biologiques nous ont permis d'évaluer l'importance de la composante microbienne dans ces sols. Enfin, des indices évaluant le statut organique des sols (stockage de COS, fertilité des sols, vulnérabilité du COS) sont proposés pour constituer des outils de gestion et d'aide à la décision. / Mountain soils are major reservoirs of carbon (C), potentially vulnerable to climate and land use changes that affect them significantly. However, the great variability of these soils, their limited accessibility and the lack of appropriate measurement tools restrict our knowledge. Today, our comprehension of the biogeochemistry of mountain soils remains very incomplete regarding stocks, chemistry and reactivity of soil organic carbon (SOC). Yet this information is necessary to understand the evolution of soil carbon in the current context of global change. The objectives of this work were (i) to gain a better understanding of the nature, stability and vulnerability of SOC in a mosaic of ecosystems in a calcareous massif in the Alps (Vercors massif), (ii) to search for fast and reliable characterization tools, suitable for the study and monitoring of COS at the landscape scale, and (iii) to propose indicators for the assessment and monitoring of soil quality in mountain regions. As a first step, we tested the application of Rock-Eval pyrolysis for the study of COS at large-scale on a set of ecosystem units. Then, we compared the Rock-Eval approach to two conventional techniques for soil organic matter (SOM) study: the particle-size fractionation of SOM, and the mid-infrared spectroscopy. These coupled analytical approaches allowed us to quantify C stocks across the study area, and explain the stability and the vulnerability of COS at various angles. Factors responsible for the patterns observed in the different eco-units are discussed. This work also confirmed the relevance of the Rock-Eval tool to achieve our previous objectives. Biological approaches allowed us to assess the significance of microbial pool in these soils. Finally, indices assessing the status of SOM (SOC storage, soil fertility, vulnerability COS) were proposed and constituted interesting management tools for decision-makers.
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Estudo da degradação de corante têxtil em matrizes aquosas por meio dos processos oxidativos avançados O3-H2O2/UV e foto-Fenton. / Study on the degradation of a textile dye in aqueous matrices by the oxidative processes O3-H2O2/UV and photo-Fenton.Caroline Martins Santana 04 December 2009 (has links)
A indústria têxtil gera grandes volumes de efluentes com elevada carga orgânica, forte coloração e toxicidade. Neste trabalho, estuda-se o tratamento de solução aquosa contendo o corante Solophenyl Yellow Arle 154% por meio dos processos O3-H2O2/UV e foto-Fenton, avaliando-se as repostas: remoção de cor em 5 minutos, remoção de cor em 60 minutos, taxa máxima de remoção de cor e remoção de COT em 60 minutos. Os experimentos foram realizados em semibatelada com circulação usando um reator fotoquímico com campo de radiação anular coaxial, constituído de corpo cilíndrico em aço com refletor interno de alumínio para 12 lâmpadas fixadas simetricamente na superfície refletora e um tubo reator em quartzo de 0,7 L, posicionados verticalmente no eixo do refletor. Para o processo O3-H2O2/UV foram utilizadas lâmpadas Phillips TUV (36 W, 254 nm). A corrente gasosa contendo O3 foi introduzida no reator por meio de um difusor. Para o processo foto-Fenton foram utilizadas lâmpadas Sylvania (12 W cada, 300 400 nm) e concentração de Fe(II) de 0,25 mmol/L. Em ambos os processos, solução de peróxido de hidrogênio foi adicionada durante os 30 minutos iniciais de tratamento. As amostras foram analisadas por medidas de carbono orgânico total (COT) e remoção de cor (absorbância medida em 405 nm em espectrofotômetro UV-visível). Em ambos os processos utilizou-se o planejamento experimental Doehlert, definindo os valores mínimo e máximo para cada variável adotada. No caso do processo O3- H2O2/UV (ETAPA I), foram estudados os efeitos da potência elétrica total das lâmpadas (144 432 W), concentração de H2O2 (5 30 mmol/L), concentração inicial de corante (20 100 mg/L), concentração de ozônio (10 40 mg/L) e pH (3 10). No processo foto-Fenton (ETAPA II), estudaram-se os efeitos da potência (160 480 W), concentração de H2O2 (5 30 mmol/L) e concentração inicial de corante (20 100 mg/L). Os resultados da ETAPA I indicaram que o aumento da concentração do corante, em meio ácido, aumenta a remoção de cor em 5 e 60 minutos, sugerindo a eficiência da ação via ozônio molecular sob o grupo cromóforo do corante. Os melhores resultados apresentaram remoção acima de 95% em 5 e 60 minutos de tratamento. Entretanto, para a remoção de COT em 60 minutos o processo não foi eficiente, apresentando resultado máximo de 35,6%. Na ETAPA II obtiveram-se resultados menos satisfatórios para remoção de cor se comparados aos da ETAPA I (56,1% em 5 minutos e 78% em 60 minutos de tratamento), mas melhores em relação à remoção de COT em 60 minutos atigindo 45,1% de remoção. As maiores taxas de remoção de cor foram observadas nos 5 primeiros minutos de tratamento para todos os experimentos. Experimentos complementares realizados em uma terceira etapa (ETAPA III) mostraram que a aplicação do processo O3 seguido do processo foto-Fenton permitiu resultados satisfatórios tanto para remoção de cor (97,2%), quanto para remoção de COT (69,5%). O estudo da ação do processo O3 em modo contínuo e a avaliação econômica preliminar do processo integrado O3 - foto-Fenton sugerem o potencial de aplicação do tratamento integrado a indústrias têxteis. / The textile industry generates large volumes of wastewater with high organic load, strong coloration and toxicity. In this work, the treatment of an aqueous solution containing the dye Solophenyl Yellow Arle 154% was studied by the O3-H2O2/UV and photo-Fenton processes, in order to evaluate the responses color removal after 5 minutes; color removal after 60 minutes; maximum rate of color removal; and TOC removal after 60 minutes. The experiments were carried out in the semi-batch mode with circulation using a photochemical reactor with annular coaxial radiation field, consisting of a cylindrical stainless steel support with an aluminum internal reflector with 12 lamps fixed symmetrically in the internal reflecting surface, and a quartz tube reactor of 0.7 L, positioned vertically along the axis of the reflector. For the O3- H2O2/UV process, Phillips TUV lamps (36 W, 254 nm) were used; the gas stream containing zone was introduced into the reactor through a diffuser. For the photo- Fenton process, Sylvania lamps (12 W each, 300 - 400 nm) and a concentration of Fe (II) of 0.25 mmol/L were used. In both cases, the hydrogen peroxide solution was added in the first 30 minutes of treatment. The samples were analyzed by the measurement of total organic carbon (TOC) and color removal (absorbance measured at 405 nm in a UV-visible spectrophotometer). In both cases the Doehlert experimental design was used, defining the minimum and maximum values of each variable adopted. In the case of O3-H2O2/UV process (PHASE I), the effects of the total electric power of the lamps (144 - 432 W), H2O2 concentration (5 - 30 mmol/L), initial dye concentration (20 - 100 mg/L), ozone concentration (10 - 40 mg/L), and pH (3 - 10) were studied. For the photo-Fenton process, the studied variables were: total electric power of the lamps (160 - 480 W), H2O2 concentration (5 - 30 mmol/L), and initial dye concentration (20 - 100 mg/L). The results of PHASE I indicated that the increase of dye concentration in acidic conditions increases color removal after 5 and 60 minutes, thus suggesting the efficiency of molecular ozone action upon the chromophore group of the dye. The best results showed color removal above 95% after 5 and 60 minutes of treatment. However, for the TOC removal the process was not efficient, with maximum removal after 60 minutes of only 35.6%. In PHASE II less satisfactory results for color removal were obtained in comparison with PHASE I (56.1% after 5 minutes and 78% after 60 minutes of treatment), but with higher TOC removal after 60 minutes, achieving over 45.1%. The highest color removal rates were observed within the first 5 minutes of treatment for all runs. Additional experiments carried out in PHASE III showed that the oxidation by O3 followed by the photo-Fenton process enabled to achieve suitable results for both color (97.2%) and TOC removals (69.5%). The study of the O3 process in the continuous mode and a preliminary economic evaluation suggests a high potential for the use of the integrated O3-photo-Fenton process in textile industries.
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Evaluation of the mechanisms of trace elements transport (Pb, Rare Earth Elements,... ) and the elemental and isotopic fractionation (Ca and Sr) at the interface water-soil-plant / Évaluation des mécanismes de transport des éléments traces (Pb, REE, ...) et du fractionnement des rapports élémentaires et isotopiques (Ca et Sr) à l'interface eau, sol, planteGangloff, Sophie 28 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail est axé sur l’étude d’un profil de sol et des solutions de sol prélevés sur une parcelle expérimentale couvertes d’épicéas. Tous ces échantillons proviennent du Bassin Versant du Strengbach (Observatoire HydroGéochimique de l’Environnement – OHGE), ont été échantillonnés à différentes profondeurs (5, 10, 30 et 60 cm) et durant la période comprise entre 2009 et 2013.Les caractérisations des extraits des sols par spectroscopie Infra-Rouge ont permis de mettre en évidence les modifications des groupements fonctionnels organiques avec la profondeur et que ces modifications ont une forte incidence sur le comportement des cations (majeurs et traces) dans le sol. Des expérimentations d’ultra-filtration ont permis d’identifier les flux colloïdaux et dissous du carbone organique ainsi que ceux des éléments majeurs et traces présents dans les solutions de sol. L’utilisation conjointe des traceurs isotopiques (87Sr/86Sr et δ44/40Ca) et chimiques (Terres Rares) ont mis en évidence des processus ayant lieu aux interfaces eau-sol-plante, comme le prélèvement racinaire ou l’altération des sols. / This work is focused on the study of a profile of soil and soil solutions collected on an experimental plot covered with spruce. All these samples come from the watershed of the Strengbach (environment - OHGE Hydrogeochimique Observatory), were sampled at different depths (5, 10, 30 and 60 cm) and during the period between 2009 and 2013. Characterizations of soil extracts by infrared spectroscopy allowed to highlight changes in the organic functional groups with depth and that these changes have a significant impact on the behaviour of the cations (major and trace) in the soil. Ultrafiltration experiments helped to identify flows of colloidal and dissolved organic carbon as well as those of the major and trace-element present in soil solutions. The joint use of isotope tracers (87Sr / 86Sr and δ44 / 40 Ca) and chemical (Rare Earth Elements) have highlighted processes taking place at the water-soil-plant interface, as the uptake by root or soil alteration.
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Charakterizace extracelulárních a intracelulárních organických látek produkovaných fytoplanktonem ve vztahu k procesům úpravy vody / Characterization of extracellular and intracellular organic matter produced by phytoplankton in relation to water treatmentZezulová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This study investigated characteristics of algal organic matter (AOM) derived from four species (cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and Merismopedia tenuissima, diatom Fragilaria crotonensis and green alga Chlamydomonas geitleri) dominating phytoplanktonic populations in the reservoirs supplying drinking water treatment plants - the water reservoirs Švihov (the Želivka water treatment plant) and Josefův Důl (the Jizerské Mountains), Czech Republic. The four mentioned microorganisms were cultivated under laboratory conditions and the algal growth was quantified by a number of cells, chrorophyll-a and optical density. Production of AOM was evaluated by dissolved organic carbon concentration measurements, by specific UV absorbance, the amount of peptide/protein and non-peptide (carbohydrate) contents, water affinity and molecular weight (MW). AOM of all considered microorganisms are formed predominantly by hydrophilic substances with low values of specific UV absorbance (< 2 L/(m.mg)). Considerable portions of both types of AOM, i.e. extracellular and cellular organic matters are represented by substances with MW < 1 kDa or with MW > 100 kDa. However, the total amount and composition of AOM significantly depend on algal species and their growth. The obtained results imply that the knowledge of AOM...
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Fate and transport of POPs in the aquatic environment : with focus on contaminated sedimentsJosefsson, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are hydrophobic substances that readily sorb to organic matter in particles and colloids instead of being freely dissolved in the water phase. This sorption affects the bioavailability and environmental transport of the POPs. The major part of this thesis concerns the role of sediments as secondary sources of POPs. As the primary emissions decrease, contaminated sediments where POPs have accumulated can become the main source of contamination. If the contaminated sediment by time becomes covered with cleaner layers, the POPs are buried and no longer in contact with the aquatic environment. Experiments in this thesis showed, however, that new invading species can alter the sediment-water dynamics as a result of their bioturbation, i.e. mixing of sediment particles and pore-water. Marenzelleria spp., invading species in the Baltic Sea that burrow deeper than native species, were found to increase the remobilization of buried contaminants. The sediment-to-water flux was inversely related to the burial depth (2-10 cm) of the POP congeners (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers) and also inversely related to the hydrophobicity of the congener. The flux was therefore most pronounced for less hydrophobic contaminants, which was linked to the bioirrigating behaviour of these species. Marenzelleria spp. also accumulated the buried POPs and increased concentrations in surface sediment. Contaminants previously considered buried at a ’safe’ depth can thus be remobilized as a result of the invasion of Marenzelleria spp. in the Baltic Sea. One method to decrease the remobilization of contaminants from sediments is ’capping’, i.e. a layer of clean material is placed as a cap on the sediment. By amending the cap with active materials, which sequester the POPs and decrease their availability, thinner layers can be used (’active capping’ or ’thin-layer capping’). Results from an experiment with thin-layer capping using different active materials (activated carbon (AC) and kraft lignin) showed that both the sediment-to-water flux and the bioaccumulation by benthic species of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and octachlorostyrene (OCS) decreased with increased thickness of the cap layer (0.5-5 cm). Amendments with active materials further increased the cap efficiency. AC was more efficient than kraft lignin, and a 3 cm cap with 3.3% AC reduced the flux and bioaccumulation with ~90%. The reduction of the sediment-to-water flux was inversely related to the hydrophobicity of the POP, and reductions in the flux had similar magnitudes as reductions in the concentration in deep-burrowing polychaetes, demonstrating the importance of bioturbation for sediment-to-water transport. In a one-year study on the levels of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and HCB in a coastal area of the Baltic Sea, the correlations between the POP levels and the levels of particles and organic carbon in the water were found to differ for POPs of different structure and hydrophobicity. The levels of PCDD/Fs decreased to one third in May, which could be related to the increased sedimentation, i.e. water-to-sediment transport, during spring bloom.
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