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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizavimo procesų gerinimas "Tarptautinio Palangos oro uosto" strategnio planavimo pavyzdžiu / Organizational improvement process by the strategic model of "Palanga international Aiport"

Zajančauskis, Martynas 05 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - Suformuluoti VĮ Tarptautinio Palangos oro uosto plėtros strategiją. Teorinėje dalyje nagrinėjami veiksniai lemiantys veiklos organizavimo ypatumus organizacijoje, bei organizavimo procesą veikiančių veiksnių charakteristika.Nustatant starteginės plėtros organizavimo kokykybę buvo atliktas anketinis tyrimas, kurio metu buvo nustatytas "Tarptautinio Palangos oro uosto" darbuotojų nuomonė apie strateginį organizacijos veiklos organizavimo valdymo lygį. Tyrimo eigoje nustatytas būtinumas efektyvinti strateginio planavimo procesus, kurie leistų didinti darbuotojų naudą organizacijai. Taip pat nustatytas naujų technologijų diegimo poreikis, kuris gerintų darbuotojų veiklos procesų organizavimą. Projektinėje dalyje suformuluoti strateginiai tikslai organizacijos efektyvumui didinti, rekomeduojamos, naujos verslo valdymo sistemos, pristatymas. / The aim of the thesis was to formulate State Enterprise (Lith. "VĮ") "Tarptautinis Palangos oro uostas" (Engl. "International Palanga Airport") development strategy. The theoretical part analyzes characteristics of activity planning in an organization and characteristics of factors which affect organizational process. To determine strategic development quality questionnaire survey was conducted. During it employees' opinion about strategic management level of the organization of the airport was determined. During the research a need to increase efficiency of strategic planning processes, which could allow to increase employees' benefits for the organization, was identified. Also, a need to install new technologies, which could improve performance of process organization of employees' activity, was determined. In the project part, strategic objectives for efficiency growth were formulated and recommendations for new business management system were presented.


Rizzatti, Cláudia Bach 08 August 2013 (has links)
When contacting an organizational environment, many factors influence the perception and reading this site. These factors might be considered as clues and it is through them that the customer satisfaction occurs. However, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the relationship of organizational atmosphere with consumer satisfaction in the aspect of competitiveness. Under this bias, picked up a retail company located in Santa Maria to make it possible to examine this issue. The aim of this study is to assess the contribution of the environment along with the organizational atmosphere for customer satisfaction in the aspect of competitiveness. The research is characterized as qualitative and quantitative. For the qualitative phase, we observed the ten environments stores as the theoretical model of Baker (1987). For the quantitative phase, we calculated the survey sample, taking into account the average annual demand of the organization. The minimum sample size of 367 was found. From the extensive analysis of the results, we can confirm that there is indeed a direct contribution of the environment to consumer satisfaction beyond that, it became possible to evaluate the environment can be a deciding factor at the time of decision making by client, which makes it a contributor to a competitive advantage towards an organization and its competitors. / Ao entrar em contato com um ambiente organizacional, diversos fatores influenciam a percepção e leitura deste local. Fatores esses que podem ser considerados como pistas e será através delas que a satisfação do consumidor ocorrerá. Entretanto, poucos estudos têm sido realizados para avaliar a relação da atmosfera organizacional com a satisfação do consumidor sob o aspecto da competitividade. Sob esse viés, escolheu-se uma empresa de varejo localizada na cidade de Santa Maria para que se faça possível uma análise deste assunto. O objetivo geral deste estudo é verificar a contribuição do ambiente juntamente com a atmosfera organizacional para a satisfação do consumidor sob o aspecto da competitividade. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e quantitativa. Para a fase qualitativa, observaram-se os dez ambientes das lojas conforme o modelo teórico de Baker (1987). Para a fase quantitativa, calculou-se a amostra da pesquisa, levando em consideração a média da demanda anual da organização. A amostra mínima encontrada foi de 367 respondentes. A partir da extensa análise dos resultados, pode-se confirmar que há de fato uma contribuição direta do ambiente com a satisfação do consumidor além de que, se fez possível avaliar que o ambiente poderá ser um fator decisivo na hora da tomada de decisão por parte do cliente, o que torna o mesmo um contribuinte para um diferencial competitivo perante uma organização e seus concorrentes.

Monitoramento do ambiente organizacional em pequenas empresas: estudo de casos no setores metal-mecânico e base tecnológica / Scanning of the organizational environment in small business: multiple case study of metal-mechanic industries and small technology-based companies

Tiago Fernando Musetti 19 August 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo analisar o processo monitoramento ambiental em empresas de pequeno porte. No atual cenário competitivo, cada vez mais volátil e incerto, em que as fronteiras mercadológicas se alteram com grande rapidez é fundamental que se conheça e monitore o ambiente competitivo em que uma organização está inserida como forma de reduzir o grau de incerteza e garantir a sua sobrevivência no longo prazo. Entende-se por monitoramento ambiental o processo de transformar os dados obtidos no ambiente organizacional em informações estratégicas para ajudar o dirigente na tomada de decisão. O método de pesquisa utilizado nesta dissertação foi estudo de casos em que foram entrevistados quatro dirigentes de empresas de pequeno porte, sendo dois empresários do setor metal-mecânico e dois empresários do setor de base tecnológica. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Como resultado obteve-se que as principais variáveis do ambiente geral são a econômica e a político-legal, enquanto que as principais variáveis do ambiente específico são os concorrentes e os clientes e produtos substitutos. As fontes de informação mais utilizadas pelos dirigentes são a opinião dos clientes e os encontros com outros empresários. A contribuição da pesquisa é demonstrar as principais variáveis e subvariáveis ambientais, assim como as fontes de informações que os dirigentes podem utilizar para monitorar, mesmo que informalmente, o ambiental organizacional. / The objective of this work is to analyse the environmental monitoring process in small enterprises. In the current competitive scene, more and more volatile and uncertain, in which market frontiers are altered very quickly, it is fundamental to know and monitor the competitive environment into which an enterprise is put, as a way to reduce the uncertainty and guarantee its long term survival. Environmental monitoring is the process of transforming data obtained in the organizational environment in strategic information in order to help the manager make a decision. The research method used in this work was the study case, in which four managers were interviewed; among them, two managers from the metal-mechanic and two managers from the technological base sector. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed through the Content Analysis technique. As a result, the main variables of the general environment are the economic and the legal-political ones, while the main variables in the specific environment are the competition and the clients and the substitute products. The most used information sources used by the managers are the opinion of the clients and the meetings with other managers. The contribution of this research is to demonstrate the main variables and environmental sub-variables, as well as the information sources which may be used by the managers to monitor, even informally, the organization environment.

AssÃdio Moral em InstituiÃÃes de Ensino Superior(IES): O Caso dos Servidores TÃcnicos-administrativos da Universidade Federal do CearÃ(UFC). / BULLYING IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEI): THE CASE OF THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES OF FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF CEARÃ(UFC)

Thalita Natasha Ferreira Damasceno 17 February 2012 (has links)
O AssÃdio Moral no Trabalho à caracterizado por atitudes constrangedoras, hostis, continuamente empreendidas, que tem o objetivo de agredir a dignidade psÃquica do indivÃduo, degradando o ambiente de trabalho. Este fenÃmeno à relevante no Ãmbito das relaÃÃes trabalhistas, envolvendo a sociedade como um todo, contudo, à um tema ainda em construÃÃo. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivos: investigar a percepÃÃo dos servidores pÃblicos tÃcnico-administrativos no tocante ao conceito de AssÃdio Moral no ambiente organizacional; determinar os fatores que levam a percepÃÃo do assÃdio; apresentar uma classificaÃÃo de assÃdio moral que leva em consideraÃÃo a intenÃÃo do assediador e os danos à saÃde da vÃtima; organizar um conceito de assÃdio moral a partir da percepÃÃo dos servidores; e, por Ãltimo, propor melhorias no ambiente de trabalho, com Ãnfase no assÃdio moral. A metodologia aplicada foi, como abordagem geral, uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o MÃtodo de Delphi de anÃlise, a partir de um estudo com 40 (quarenta) servidores da Universidade Federal do CearÃ. Percebemos, a partir de um conceito organizado com a convergÃncia das respostas dos servidores, que estes possuem um consistente conhecimento sobre o assÃdio moral, entendendo o essencial do fenÃmeno, ou seja, a realizaÃÃo e a reiteraÃÃo do ato abusivo e constrangedor; possuem tambÃm acentuada percepÃÃo no que tange as causas, consequÃncias, prevenÃÃo e combate ao assÃdio; todavia apresentam ainda algumas falhas na percepÃÃo no tocante Ãs caracterÃsticas da vÃtima. Com efeito, almejamos que os resultados contribuam para a melhor compreensÃo e caracterizaÃÃo acerca do assÃdio moral, que auxilie interessados no combate efetivo deste problema organizacional e seja alicerce para vindouras pesquisas. / The moral harassment at work is characterized by embarrassing and hostile attitudes continually undertaken, which aims to harm the psychic dignity of the individual, and thus debasing the working environment. This phenomenon is of great importance in the labor relations context and involves the society as a whole. However, it is a topic still under construction. Meanwhile, this paper aims to contribute to reducing the lack of studies in this area, through a survey that aims to: describe mobbing and determine the factors which lead to the perception of harassment; to propose an assortment of moral harassment that takes into account the intent of the harasser and the harm to the victimâs health; to organize a concept of mobbing from the federal employeesâ perspective; and, finally, to propose improvements in the workplace, with emphasis on psychological harassment. The methodology applied was a qualitative survey using the Delphi method of analysis, from a study of 40 (forty) workers of the Federal University of Cearà (UFC). From a concept organized with the convergence of the employeesâ replies, we realized that they have a consistent understanding of moral harassment. They understand the essence of the phenomenon, namely, the completion and repetition of the abusive and embarrassing act; they also have acute perception regarding the causes, consequences, prevention and combating harassment. However, they still have some gaps in perception regarding the attributes of the victim. Indeed, we wish that these results contribute to the better understanding and characterization about the mobbing at work, to assist the concerned people in effectively combating this organizational problem and be groundwork for forthcoming researches.

Relação entre monitoramento do ambiente e orientação estratégica: um estudo da percepção de profissionais de inteligência competitiva / Relationship between environmental monitoring and strategic orientation: a study of the perception of competitive intelligence professionals

Maria Cristina Pereira Pimentel 29 November 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda a existência de relação entre o monitoramento do ambiente externo por uma organização e sua orientação estratégica. A abordagem metodológica é empírico-positivista de natureza quantitativa com método de pesquisa survey (levantamento). Elaborou-se um questionário fundamentado na tipologia de Miles e Snow (2003) para identificar a orientação estratégica e no estudo teórico de Daft e Weick (1984) para identificar o modo de monitoramento. Analisaram-se 120 questionários respondidos por profissionais relacionados ao monitoramento em organizações de grande porte. Empregaram-se técnicas de análise multivariada para identificar e classificar o modo de monitoramento em procura formal e procura informal. Classificou-se a orientação estratégica em Prospectora (inovação), Defensiva (eficiência), Analítica (híbrida) e Reativa por meio de questões da escala de Conant et al. (1990). Os dados da amostra indicam o predomínio de organizações Analíticas. As Prospectoras parecem mais presentes entre as organizações multinacionais. No geral, o monitoramento procura informações quantitativas de fontes claramente definidas, sendo os concorrentes o principal foco de atenção. Os aspectos econômicos, de inovações tecnológicas e regulatórios são mais observados do que os socioculturais e políticos. A falta de apoio da Alta Direção é percebida como a principal dificuldade da prática do monitoramento. A estruturação das atividades, a estruturação das informações coletadas e a ocasionalidade das pesquisas qualitativas são aspectos que diferenciam a procura formal da procura informal. Como principal resultado, encontraram-se indícios de que o modo de monitoramento varia com a orientação estratégica, com uma tendência da procura formal ser mais utilizada pelas organizações Analíticas e Prospectoras e da procura informal, pelas Defensivas e Reativas. Daft e Weick (1984) pressupõem a ocorrência maior de uso da procura formal pelas Analíticas do que pelas Prospectoras, o que não foi evidenciado neste trabalho de investigação. Considera-se que o viés da inovação presente nas Prospectoras e o viés do seguimento de inovações bem-sucedidas nas Analíticas demandam uma observação mais abrangente e constante do ambiente, justificando nestas organizações a tendência ao monitoramento do tipo procura formal pela sua maior estruturação e regularidade. / This research investigates the relationship between the scanning of the external environment by an organization and its strategic orientation. The approach was the quantitative-empirical-positivist method together with the survey research method. It was developed a questionnaire based on the typology of Miles and Snow (2003) to identify the strategic orientation and the theoretical study of Daft and Weick (1984) to identify the scanning mode. One hundred twenty questionnaires completed by professionals involved with scanning in large organizations were analyzed. Techniques of multivariate analysis were used for identifying and classifying the scanning mode in formal search and informal search. The strategic orientation was classified as Prospector (innovation), Defender (efficiency), Analyzer (hybrid), and Reactor by using questions of Conant et al. (1990) scale. The sample data indicate the predominance of Analyzer organizations. The Prospector organizations seem more prevalent among multinational companies. Overall, scanning seeks quantitative information from clearly defined sources, with competitors being the main focus of attention. Economic, technological innovation and regulatory aspects were more observed than socio-cultural and political aspects. The lack of support from top management is perceived as the main difficulty in the practice of scanning. Activity structuring, structuring of gathered information, and the occasional qualitative research are aspects that differentiate formal search from informal search. As a main result, it was found evidence that the scanning mode varies with strategic orientation, with a tendency of formal search being more used by Analyzer and Prospector organizations, while informal search is more frequent among Defender and Reactor organizations. Daft and Weick (1984) assume a higher use of formal search by Analyzers than by Prospectors; however, this was not evidenced in this study. It was considered that the bias of innovation present in Prospector organizations and the bias of following successful innovations in Analyzer organizations require a more broad and continuing observation of the environment, which explains the tendency to the formal search type scanning mode in these organizations due to its greater structuring and regularity.

Inteligência competitiva e interpretação do ambiente: um estudo com fornecedores do serviço público federal / Competitive intelligence and interpretation of the environment: a study with suppliers of the federal public service

Alexandre Tabosa Trevisani 04 August 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como tema a Inteligência Competitiva (IC), assim entendida como o conjunto das atividades envolvidas na coleta, análise e utilização estratégica de informações do ambiente competitivo no processo decisório das empresas. A IC é aqui estudada a partir de uma visão distinta de seu Contexto e de seu Processo. Argumenta-se que as empresas interpretam seu Ambiente Competitivo (AC) de forma distinta e, por esse motivo, organizam-se diferentemente para as atividades envolvidas no Processo de IC. Investiga-se neste trabalho os relacionamentos entre o modo com que essa empresa interpreta o ambiente competitivo e os elementos característicos do Contexto e do Processo de IC, com foco em empresas fornecedoras de produtos e serviços para órgãos do governo federal brasileiro. A partir de pesquisa realizada com uma amostra de 73 empresas, o estudo adiciona indícios confirmatórios da validade de alguns dos constructos teóricos de IC propostos na literatura e conclui pela existência de uma relação entre o modo com que a empresa interpreta o seu ambiente competitivo e as características de seus elementos contextuais e de suas atividades de IC. / This study discusses Competitive Intelligence (CI), defined as the set of activities involved in collection, analysis and use of strategic information from the competitive environment in decision-making process of organizations. CI is studied here from a perspective of its context and its process. It is argued that firms interpret their Competitive Environment in distinctive ways and, therefore, organize themselves differently for the activities related to CI. This work investigates the relationships between the way in which companies interpret the competitive environment and the elements characteristic of Context and Process of IC, focusing companies that supply products and services to federal agencies in Brazil. From a survey conducted with a sample of 73 companies, the study adds evidence confirming the validity of some of the theoretical constructs of IC proposed in the literature and concludes that there is a relationship between the way the company interprets its competitive environment and the characteristics of their contextual elements and activities of CI.

Percepção de justiça distributiva no clima organizacional: um estudo sobre organizações brasileiras que buscam se destacar pela qualidade do ambiente de trabalho / Perception of distributive justice on organizational environment - a study on brazilian organizations that seek to enhance the quality of the work environment

Sandra Mara de Andrade 21 December 2010 (has links)
As organizações estão inseridas num contexto de grande competitividade, no qual mudam as bases de suas vantagens competitivas. Essas mudanças contextuais causam impactos nos processos de gestão e nas relações entre pessoas e organizações. De um lado, as organizações procuram diferenciar o desempenho das pessoas, de acordo com suas competências ou impactos nos objetivos estratégicos do negócio. De outro, as pessoas ganham autonomia e espírito crítico, ou seja, questionam os critérios adotados para diferenciar, reconhecer e recompensar seu desempenho no trabalho. Por estes motivos considera-se necessário estudar a questão da percepção dos funcionários sobre Justiça Distributiva, a qual se torna um dos principais fatores intervenientes na qualidade do ambiente organizacional das empresas contemporâneas quando estas orientam suas decisões sobre pessoas pela meritocracia. Considerando esses aspectos, o objetivo geral desta dissertação foi investigar se há ou não diferenças significativas entre os resultados das variáveis que indicam a percepção de Justiça Distributiva e os demais fatores componentes do clima organizacional de um conjunto diferenciado de organizações brasileiras. A pesquisa foi realizada com 139.230 funcionários de um grupo de 481 empresas que pretendem se destacar pela qualidade do seu ambiente de trabalho. Do ponto de vista metodológico, esta pesquisa se caracteriza como quantitativa, descritiva, com perspectiva temporal transversal e utiliza o método survey. Os principais resultados deste estudo são: a Justiça Distributiva se confirma como um componente essencial para avaliação do Clima Organizacional e se configura como um fator crítico entre os demais analisados, pois apresenta o menor resultado quando se trata da percepção dos funcionários. A correlação e a diferença significativa entre as dimensões estudadas comprovam que o fator Justiça é o que menos contribui para um resultado favorável de clima organizacional e que o índice desse fator está associado aos dos demais fatores. Em relação ao perfil dos funcionários constatou-se que sexo não influencia a percepção a respeito de Justiça Distributiva. Contudo, é possível que idade e tempo de casa afetem positivamente o escore desse fator, mas certamente o aumento da escolaridade afeta negativamente os índices de percepção positiva de Justiça Distributiva. / Organizations are embedded in a highly competitive context, which changes their competitive advantages bases. These contextual changes impacts on management processes and relationships among people and organizations. Organizations seek to differentiate peoples\' performance according to their skills or impact on strategic business objectives. On the other side, people gain autonomy and critical spirit, so they question criteria adopted to differentiate, recognize and reward their performance at work. For these reasons it is considered necessary to study the issue of employees\' perception about Distributive Justice which becomes one of the main factors involved in the quality of contemporary enterprises organizational environment that take decisions based on meritocracy. Considering these aspects, the objective of this thesis was to investigate significant differences among variables results that indicate Distributive Justice perception and other factors involved in organizational environment of a Brazilian organizations differentiated set. The research involved 139.230 employees of 481 companies that intend to highlight the quality of their work environment. From the methodological point of view, this research is characterized as quantitative, descriptive, cross-temporal perspective and uses the survey method. The main results of this study are: because Distributive Justice shows the lowest result by the employees perception, it is confirmed as an essential component to evaluate organizational environment and configures as a critical factor among the other factors tested. Correlation and significant difference among studied dimensions prove that the Justice factor is the one that less contributes to the favorable organizational environment and the index of this factor is associated with the other factors. Concerning employees\' profile, it was discovered that sex do not influence Distributive Justice perception. However it is possible that age and time of permanence in the company positively affect this factor score, increased level of schooling probably affects the rates of Distributive Justice positive perception in a negative way.

Assisted Living Facility as a Home: Cases in Southwest Virginia

Kim, Youngjoo 05 June 2002 (has links)
Older people are as diverse a group as they were as younger people. Home environments should reflect these diverse individuals' varying interests, preferences, and needs. In spite of efforts to remain independent and at home, some elderly people have to leave conventional housing and move into long-term care facilities because of factors such as mental or physical health problems or the loss of family members. Most elderly people who move into these facilities do not feel "at home" in their new living arrangements. Assisted living facilities (ALFs) have been developed as a response to these issues. The major goal of assisted living is to create a supportive social setting that elderly residents can call home. Although assisted living is the fastest growing long-term care alternative, it still needs to continually change in response to the needs of older residents and the desires and interests of family members. The purpose of this study was to examine the features that make residents feel "at home" in ALFs in Southwest Virginia and to suggest further policy and design guidelines for better quality of ALFs as a "home." For this purpose, residents' needs, experiences, and opinions of the physical environment, the social environment, and the organizational environments such as policies and programs of ALFs were identified. As a multi-site case study, I studied five ALFs in Southwest Virginia and did a cross-case analysis. In addition to face-to-face interviews with 25 residents and five administrators of five ALFs, I also conducted observations and recorded my feelings in a personal journal with document review. To analyze the data gathered in this study, I used the constant comparative method of data analysis. The respondents' age range was between 64 and 95 and the average age was 82. There were 6 males and 19 females among the respondents and most of them were widowed. They came from a wide geographic area, and most of them have lived in single-family homes for a long time. Many had children or family members nearby. Overall, the five sites selected presented homelike features showing the philosophy of assisted living which combines housing and services. Each facility was designed to be a single-family house or multi-family dwelling in outside appearance. However, the older the structure, the fewer homelike features were provided. As a whole, residents felt isolation and loneliness and they did not have active interaction with other residents because of diverse background among the residents. During meals, people had active interaction with one or two residents. However, all of them had close relationships with the staff. The staff's attitude and behavior seemed to influence greatly the residents' feeling "at home." Friends and family members also provided an important role for the residents to adjust to their new environment. Despite the provision of diverse activities by the facilities, many residents did not participate in the programs. Among the services provided, there were only a few complaints about food and mealtimes. Most of the residents agreed that the rules and regulations were fair; however, one person disagreed with the smoking rules. For the meaning of "home," many residents talked about love, fellowship, privilege, stability, and security. The administrators tried to make the residents feel "at home;" however, they mentioned the limitation of providing a real "home" for the residents due to the residents' diversity. Some categories which could contribute to the perception of ALFs as a "home" were classified by the researcher: safety and security, services and care, autonomy/privacy, independence, social life/friendship, family support, daily routine, personalization, physical environment, and management. Regardless of the type of facilities and the residents' characteristics, most of the respondents were satisfied with their current dwelling. In spite of high satisfaction with the facility, many people did not think of their current dwelling as a real "home." As the biggest difference between living in their own homes and living in the ALF, people pointed out a lack of independence, freedom, and autonomy. Moreover, they talked about the loneliness stemming from living with strangers who are not their family or friends. Residents of ALFs may have reordered their priorities in their current life situation so that safety, security, and care were more important to them than feeling "at home." Among the four factors --personal, physical, social, and organizational-- that affect the residents' perception of ALFs as a "home," many emphasized the importance of social factors such as relationships with the staff and residents, and social support from their family or friends. / Ph. D.

The Role of College Unions in Developing Students' Sense of Community: A Narrative Inquiry of Physical and Organizational Environments

Camputaro, Justin 27 February 2018 (has links)
Sense of community (SoC) positively promotes persistence and graduation rates of college students by helping them to feel cared about by others, accepted as members of the campus community, and that they matter to their peers and other community members (Cheng, 2004; Harris, 2007a; Schlossberg, 1989). The college union is one of the most influential settings in developing SoC (Barrett, 2014; Janisz, 2014; Maxwell, 2016; Smyth, 2016) and improving student persistence (Tierno, 2013). However, scholars and educators lack understanding of the ways in which the physical and organizational environments of college unions contribute to SoC development among students. The purpose of this narrative study (Clandinin, 2013) was to understand the role of the college union in developing SoC among college students. Anchored in a modified version of Strange and Banning's (2015) campus ecology framework, the study explored how physical and organizational environments within a college union influenced the community conditions necessary for supporting the educational purposes of student engagement and learning. To understand the role of the physical and organizational environments of the college union in students' SoC development, this study used photo-elicitation methods and semi-structured interviews with seven participants from one large, public, historically White university with high research activity. Students' stories revealed a College Union Sense of Community (CU-SoC) Actualization Model in which students progressed through developmental stages: feeling overwhelmed initially, connecting with campus sub-communities, building localized community, and deepening connections and strengthening bonds with administrators and peers. By progressing through these stages, students developed a SoC toward the institution. The data also highlighted how the college union's physical and organizational environments advanced the SoC development process by creating a home-like feeling, encouraging and enhancing interactions through design, cultivating lasting memories, and nurturing a student-centered culture. These findings represent a narrative account describing the students' personal experiences in relation to how the college union shaped their SoC. / Ph. D.

大學實驗室組織平台與知識流通之研究─以八間光電領域之實驗室為例 / The Impact of Characteristics of University Laboratory Organization Environment and Knowledge Circulation─ A Case Study on Eight Optical Laboratories

李憲璋, James Lee Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的 主要欲探討大學實驗室的組織平台,以及組織知識流通的重要活動,以及組織平台與組織知識流通的互動。 研究方法 本研究採「多重個案分析」(multi-case)之「個案研究法」,以深入訪談大學實驗室的教授、實驗室成員等為主,次級資料蒐集閱讀為輔,期能夠依照研究目的提出結論與建議。 研究發現 壹、領導者角色與組織的知識流通 1.在光電領域的實驗室中,領導者的研究方向會影響成員題目概念的生成方式。 1-1.在光電領域實驗室中,老師的研究方向愈趨向於執行業界的合作案時,碩士班學生的題目概念生成愈趨於上而下。 1-2.在光電領域實驗室中,老師的研究方向愈趨向於學術研究時,碩士班學生的題目概念生成愈趨於下而上。 1-3.在光電領域實驗室中,老師的研究方向不論是趨向於執行業界的合作案或是學術研究,博士班學生的題目概念生成均趨向於下而上。 貳、教育訓練與組織的知識流通 2.在光電領域實驗室中,成員教育訓練的設計有助於實驗室之知識取得與蓄積。 3.在光電領域實驗室中,聚餐、出遊、球敘以及玩LAN-game是最常見的促進成員感情之方式,良善的群體關係有助於實驗室氣氛的和諧,進而有利群體目標的達成。 叁、激勵制度與組織的知識流通 4.在光電領域的實驗室中,激勵學生最常使用的方法是教授以身作則、培養成功的經驗、給予口頭上的贊許與勉勵、給予適當的獎勵津貼以及提供代表出席研討會的機會。 5.在光電領域的實驗室中,使用具正面增強作用的獎勵津貼制度,有助於實驗室成員知識創造的動機。 肆、團隊溝通合作與組織的知識流通 6.在光電領域的實驗室中,透過團隊與合作有助於實驗室知識在轉換過程中的擴散與蓄積。 6-1.在光電領域的實驗室中,知識經驗透過師徒制,以學長帶領學弟共同實做的方式,有助於知識在共同化過程中的蓄積與擴散。 6-2.在光電領域的實驗室中,知識經驗透過技術化文件、實驗成果文件的方式,有助於知識在外化過程中蓄積與擴散。 6-3.在光電領域的實驗室中,知識經驗透過meeting的舉行以及面對面的直接溝通,有助於知識經驗在結合過程中的創造。 6-4.在光電領域實驗室中,知識經驗透過實驗室內部的資料庫建置,有助於知識經驗在結合過程中的蓄積與擴散。 伍、團隊組成與組織的知識流通 7.在光電領域實驗室中,實驗室成員的組成會影響實驗室的知識流通。 7-1.在光電領域實驗室中,以物理/材料、電機/電子、機械/力學背景的學生居多,並當學生來自於物理/材料、電機/電子相關領域時,有助於縮短教育訓練的時間及加速內隱知識的分享。 7-2.在光電領域實驗室中,老師傾向選擇具有積極的學習態度及意願者,並當新進成員擁有積極的學習態度及意願時,有助於實驗室成員對知識創造的動機。 8.在光電領域實驗室中,擁有知識創造型成員有助於組織內部知識的流通。 8-1.博士後研究員及博士班學生趨向為實驗室中之知識工程師以及知識執行人員,使內部知識可由中而上而下的傳遞,其任務包含計劃的協調和管理、創造新知、引領學弟妹熟悉實驗室、執行計畫、分享知識經驗。 8-2.碩士生及大學專題生趨向為實驗室中之知識執行人員,累積和產生實驗室內隱及外顯知識,其任務包括執行計畫、分享知識經驗。 研究結論 對大學實驗室領導者 1.給予學生適切且明確的目標,降低組織給予成員的焦慮和不確定性 2.提倡增強作用的獎勵機制 3.創造各種知識學習的機會 4.建立利於創造的環境,避免成員遭受被評價的恐懼 5.重視知識的整合與應用,跳脫僵硬化的強記 6.強化實驗室成員知識分享的意願和習慣 對大學實驗室成員 1.加強專業技術的背景 2.增強自我學習的動機 3.培養獨立思考的能力 / Abstract Research Objective It discuss about the Organizational Environment of laboratories in the University, activities which help to circulate the knowledge in an organization and the interaction between Organizational Environment and the knowledge circulation. Research Method According to the Case Study by the Multi-case theory, the major information is base on the interview of both professors and the members in laboratories, and the inferior information is gotten by ways of searching and collecting a large amount of data. Hoping to bring up the conclusion and the suggestion by the aim. Research Conclusion For leaders of laboratories in the University:1. Students are given clear and definite targets and leaders also have to reduce the anxiety and the uncertainty of members.2.Making use of the reward policy according to the Positive Reinforcement Theory.3.Creating opportunities of learning.4. Creating an environment in which creativity is encouraged.5. Instead of cramming the knowledge in to one’s memory, integration and application are paid much attention.6. To form the habit of sharing knowledge. For members of laboratories in the University:1. To reinforce the specialized field or subject.2. To strengthen the motive of self-learning.3. Develop the ability of thinking independently. Keyword:Laboratory, Organizational Environment, knowledge circulation, optical science

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