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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handelsorganisationers digitala mognad och vad de bör göra för att nå digital framgång

Amréus Hammargården, Fredrik, Rothe, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie beskriver vad handelsorganisationer med butiksförsäljning som primär försäljningskanal bör fokusera på för att öka sin lönsamhet. För att samla in information har vi gjort en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som skickades ut till primärt 96 stycken VD:ar i Svenska handelsorganisationer inom B2C. Denna studie visar att handels-organisationer har stora utmaningar när det gäller att hantera digitaliseringen och bli digitalt mogna, även om de aldrig tidigare investerat så mycket i digital teknik som under senare år. Det mest anmärkningsvärda i denna studie är dock att det inte finns något samband mellan deras lönsamhet och digitala mognad. Det indikerar på att deras investeringar de senaste åren inte bidragit till vare sig en ökad lönsamhet eller en ökad effektivitet. Slutsatsen belyser att handelsorganisationer bör se över synen på digital innovation och förbättra styrningen genom att ge anställda möjligheten att skapa bättre strategier med hjälp av digital teknik. Vidare bör de fortsatt värdesätta intuition men till mycket högre grad säkerställa att de har resurserna och möjligheterna att nyttja kund- och affärsdata, för att på så vis kunna använda sig av ett teknokratiskt beslutsfattande. Slutligen bör de behålla satsningar mot en mer organisk organisationsstruktur och säkerställa att de har mätbara målsättningar i deras digitaliseringsstrategier. / This research paper describes what brick-and-mortar organizations, in the new technological world, should focus on in order to increase their profitability. Information was collected primarily from 96 CEO:s at Swedish retail organizations working within B2C. This study shows that retail organizations have great challenges in managing digitalisation and becoming digitally mature, even though they never invested as much in digital technology as in the recent years. The most remarkable result in this study, however, is that there is no link between their profitability and digital maturity. This indicates that their investments in recent years have not contributed to either increased profitability or increased efficiency. The conclusion highlights that retail organizations should review the view of digital innovation and improve management by giving employees the opportunity to create better strategies using digital technology. They should also continue to value intuition but to a much greater degree ensure that they have the resources and opportunities to use customer and business data, in order to be able to use technocratic decision-making. Finally, they should maintain their efforts towards a more organic organizational structure and ensure that they have measurable objectives in their digitization strategies.

Návrh změny organizační struktury firmy / Proposal of change company organization structure

Svobodová, Elena January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to suggest new organization structure in the industry company, the main is to focus on individual organization components and to specify goals, which would be achieved by this restructure. The proposal of new enterprise organization structure is made on basics of analysis of present situation in company, provided information and internal sources from employees and Management Company. In scope of this diploma thesis I suggested new organization structure, which faces to improve of its efficiency – decreasing of costs and increasing of productivity.

Návrh opatření pro rozvoj managementu firmy / Proposal of Development of Management

Kos, Václav January 2009 (has links)
This diploma work analyses the private building company KOS Consult Ltd., in the concrete the up to now way of making business, especially the function of company’s management. The particular economic analyses are utilized and on their base the new project for management development is worked up. This should lead both to the advancement of competitive strength and obtaining and consolidation of company’s position in the marketplace.

Návrh optimalizace administrativy přijatých faktur / Proposal of Optimalization of Received Invoices Administration

Poláchová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Thesis aims to propose increasing the competitiveness of consulting firm that offers accounting, tax and management consulting through extending the range of products offered by the administration of incoming invoices of their clients. The aim of this study also suggest a system of administration of invoices received consultancy clients in order to minimize strain on the client's employees and authorized persons while enabling continuous work with these documents. The proposed solution can be applied for all types of organizations and structures.

Organizační struktura firmy produkující zemědělské stroje / Organizational Structure of the Company Producing Agricultural Machinery

Barák, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The thesis contains a theoretical analysis of the organizational structure of the company producing agricultular machinery. There is a description of the various company departments through the presentation of the product range to its main production processes. The practical part of the waste management solutions based on long-term statistics. Logistics and economic visions are presented in the final chapters.

Vymezení role HR a liniového manažera ve společnosti LAC, s.r.o. / Definition of the Role of HR And Line Manager at LAC, Ltd.

Ustohalová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The master´s thesis is focused on the definition of the role of HR and line manager at LAC, Ltd. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is based on findings of the literature which is aimed at human resources management, role of HR manager and role of line managers in the company. The practical part deals with description of the company and its human resources management and an analysis of the role of line and HR managers in the company using interview method.

Jämförelse mellan två kulturanalyser / Comparison between two cultural analyzes

Nasjian, Nima January 2020 (has links)
Kulturen i en organisation påverkar hur medarbetarna tänker och agerar och är därför viktig att studera. Varje organisation består av gemensamma normer, värderingar och verklighetsuppfattningar som utvecklas när medlemmar samverkar med varandra. Syftet med studien är att jämföra två kulturanalyser som gjorts tidigare på två skolor i Sverige och jämföra dem för att hitta likheter och olikheter, samt förbättringsmöjligheter. Studien syftar till att besvara frågorna: Vad kännetecknar organisationens kultur? Hur påverkas organisationskulturen av mångfald? Hur påverkas organisationskulturen av ledarskapet? Som metod för studien användes Bergs brevmetod, där medarbetare i de studerade organisationerna fick skriva brev i vilka de beskrev hur de upplevde sin arbetssituation sedan jämfördes deras resultat. / The culture of an organization affects how employees think and act and are therefore it is important to study. Each organization consists of common norms, values and perceptions of reality that develop when members interact with each other. The purpose of this study is to compare two cultural analyzes that were previously done at two schools in Sweden and compare them to find similarities and differences, as well as possibilities for improvement. The aim of this study is to answer the following questions: What characterizes the organization’s culture? How is the organizational culture affected by diversity? How is the organizational culture affected by leadership? As a method for the study, Berg's letter method was used, where employees in the studied organizations write letters in which they describe how they perceive their work situation then their results were compared.

Entwurf einer Enterprise 2.0 - Organisationsarchitektur

Geißler, Peter, Lin, Dada, Kruse, Paul January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Řízení změny v oblasti předávání kompetencí v malé firmě Procesia Zlín, s.r.o.- Případová studie / Managing of the competences transfer process in small companies, case study - Procesia Zlin, Ltd.

Kovaříková, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
Mgr. Šárka Kovaříková ABSTRACT The organization's success and development can be observed from different views and also judged with many different parameters. Basically, We can say that if an organization has developed successfully, many changes in process have been done in the past. The organization's management should be well versed regarding changes expected in the future. The authour of this diploma thesis deals with the issues of management changes based on practical experience dealing with the social enterprise PROCESIA Zlin s.r.o. This enterprise was established in 2011 as a civil association. Since the founding many changes in process where needed. There were indicated a need for changes in the organization structure. During interviews with workers it was found a need to change the competences of the workers. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe managament process in PROCESIA's organizational structure. Description of change is written in recommendation form, which should help management of organization reveal inconsistent competences among employees and help to improve perfomance of organization. Management also expects aplication of recomended changes, simplifying of management process and making control and rewarding system transparent. The theory of a controlled organizational change...

Vliv projektu profesionalizace na organizaci občanské společnosti / The impact of the professionalization project on the organizational of civil society

Kotyk, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the impact of the professionalization project on a selected civil society organization that has joined this grant program. The theoretical part draws on the concept of professionalization and changes in the structure of the organization, its influence leads to the division of labor, transfer of expertise, institutional changes, as well as changes in identity or work procedures needed for the organization. The aim of this work is to understand how the concept of professionalization is understood by the donor, through the grant rules set by him, which should lead to the professionalization of the organization involved. Likewise, the work focuses on understanding the perception of the process of professionalization by the organization, which will examine the reasons and expectations for which it participated in the project. In the empirical part, answers to the research questions will be sought through data obtained from semi-structured interviews and documents related to the grant project. In the end, when evaluating the results through the studied professional literature it was found that there is a different understanding of the concept of professionalization by individual actors. Thanks to this, the managerial procedures implemented in the organization are subsequently...

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