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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A gestão da hospitalidade sob a perspectiva da humanização dos hospitais: um estudo de caso

Verbist, Cinthia Fusquine 14 December 2006 (has links)
A técnica presente nas práticas hospitalares está demandando cada vez mais o complemento oferecido pela subjetividade possibilitada pelo atendimento e condições de hospitalidade. A hospitalidade configura-se como importante aspecto identificado na satisfação dos clientes de saúde, o que pôde ser verificado através do Referencial Teórico construído e também do estudo de caso realizado junto ao Hospital São José, localizado no município de Ivoti, Rio Grande do Sul. Para avaliar a hospitalidade nas instituições de saúde foram identificadas ao longo desse estudo três variáveis - cultura organizacional, arranjo físico/fluxos e estrutura organizacional - para as quais foram atribuídos indicadores que permitem avaliar a hospitalidade nos hospitais. O estudo de caso realizado, portanto, teve como função avaliar a hospitalidade no Hospital São José, através de entrevistas e questionários com os clientes de saúde, questionários aplicados com os funcionários e entrevista com o administrador da instituição, verificando a situação atual encontrada na instituição e a situação a que se pode chegar, tendo como guia as variáveis apresentadas e seus indicadores, visando sempre a satisfação e o bem-estar dos clientes de saúde (pacientes e acompanhantes/familiares). / The present technique in the hospital practical is demanding even more the complement offered by the subjectivity made by service and the hospitality conditions.The hospitality is configured as an important aspect identified in the satisfaction of the customers of health, what could be verified through the construction of the built Theorycal Reference and also the study of case accomplished together with the São Jose Hospital, located in the city of Ivoti, Rio Grande Do Sul. To evaluate the hospitality in the health institutions three variables had been identified through the study - organizational culture, Physic/ Flux Settlement and Cultural Organization - which had been attributed indications that allow to evaluate the hospitality in the hospitals. The accomplished case study, therefore, had its function of evaluate the Hospitality on the São José Hospital, through interviews and questionnaires with the health related clients, applied questionnaires for the employees and interview with the Institution administrator, verifying the current situation found in the institution and the situation that can be approached, using as a guide the variables presented and its indicators, always aiming satisfaction and well-being of the health clients (patients and relatives/ companions.

Estruturas de governança e a capacidade de inovação em pequenas empresas: caso da indústria brasileira de torrefação e moagem de café / Governance structures and innovative capabilities in small firms: case of the Brazilian roast & ground coffee industry

Gabriela Feresin Jardim 14 June 2012 (has links)
O que motivou a realização desse trabalho foi a pouca relevância que os estudos econômicos, em geral, atribuem à capacidade das firmas de pequeno e médio porte de inovarem. Essas firmas representam a maior parte das empresas brasileiras e respondem por mais de dois terços das ocupações do setor privado (SEBRAE, 2012). Dessa forma, entender essa questão é de fundamental importância, pois a inovação pode incrementar a competitividade dessas empresas diante da concorrência no mercado nacional e internacional. Abordagens recentes da Economia das Organizações relacionam as inovações às estruturas organizacionais das firmas (BARBIERI; ÁLVARES, 2004; COOMBS; METCALFE, 2005; GRANDORI; FURNARI, 2008, 2010). Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar as combinações de estruturas de governança (interna e externa) que permitem maiores possibilidades de desenvolvimento das capacidades de inovação das pequenas firmas. Indo além da abordagem de Grandori e Furnari (2008, 2010), os quais mostram que existe uma relação entre as estruturas de governança interna e a capacidade de inovação das firmas, esta dissertação também incorpora o âmbito externo, na medida em que se admite que o processo de inovação envolva também interações entre as estruturas de governança externa à firma. Essas questões foram abordadas a partir da literatura da Nova Economia Institucional e testadas por meio de uma survey com 110 indústrias brasileiras de torrefação e moagem de café. Dois tipos de inovação foram investigados: i. produto; ii. método/processo. Para encontrar as combinações de elementos foi utilizada a Análise Comparativa Qualitativa (QCA) no software fs/QCA versão 2.0 (RAGIN, 2008). Tem-se como hipótese que a capacidade de inovar está mais presente em firmas que adotam um mix de estruturas de governança (interna e externa) do que as que apresentam estruturas singulares. Como resultado verificou-se que as estruturas de governança interna plurais, que combinam incentivos monetários, burocráticos e comunitários, apresentaram resultados mais consistentes para a inovação das pequenas firmas de torrefação. No que se refere às estruturas de governança externa, a principal estrutura apresentada foi a de mercado tanto do lado dos fornecedores quanto dos clientes. Essa estrutura singular não apresentou resultados significativos para as capacidades de inovação, corroborando com a hipótese apresentada. Observou-se ainda que a combinação entre as estruturas de governança interna e externa não é complementar, visto que para as firmas de torrefação inovadoras as estruturas de governança interna foram as que mais tiveram impacto. Esses resultados, ao permitirem identificar os requisitos organizacionais que produzem maiores possibilidades de inovação, podem ajudar a traçar ações de políticas públicas e privadas para as empresas brasileiras de modo a melhorar a sua taxa de inovação e a competitividade em seus mercados. / The motivation for this work is the lack of relevance generally ascribed by economic studies to the innovative ability of small and mid-sized firms. These firms represent the majority of Brazilian companies, accounting for over two thirds of employment in the private sector (SEBRAE, 2006). Understanding of this issue is important, because innovation can enhance their competitiveness in the global and domestic market. Also, recent approaches from the Economics of Organizations associate innovations with the organizational structures of firms (BARBIERI; ÁLVARES, 2004; COOMBS, METCALFE, 2005; GRANDORI, FURNARI, 2008, 2010). This work therefore aims to find the combinations of governance structures (internal and external) that allow the greatest scope for developing the innovation capacity of small firms. Going beyond Grandori and Furnari\'s approach (2008, 2010), which demonstrates that a relationship exists between internal governance structures and a firm\'s innovation capacity, this paper also incorporates the external framework insofar as it accepts that the innovation process also involves interactions between governance structures external to the firm. We draw on the literature of the New Institutional Economics to address these issues and test them through a survey of 110 Brazilian R&G coffee industries. Two types of innovation are investigated: i. product; ii. method/process. To determine the combinations of elements we used the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) software fs/QCA, version 2.0 (RAGIN, 2008). Our hypothesis is that the ability to innovate is more prevalent in firms that use a mix of governance structures (internal and external) than in those with a singular structure. As a result, it was found that plural internal governance structures, which combine monetary, bureaucratic, and community incentives, have more consistent innovation results for small roasting firms. With regards to external governance structures, the main structure presented--concerning both customers and suppliers--was the market. This unique structure did not show significant results for innovation capacity, supporting the present hypothesis. It was also observed that the combination of internal and external governance structures is not complementary, because for the innovative R&G firms the internal governance structures saw the greatest impact. In allowing the identification of the organizational requirements that create greater opportunities for innovation, these results can help chart the actions of public and private policies which enable Brazilian companies to improve their rate of innovation and competitiveness in their markets.

Vliv organizační kultury na motivaci zaměstnanců / The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employees Motivation

Sedláčková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
My Diploma Thesis is oriented to the research of the effect of organizational structure on employees’ motivation in a selected enterprise. The motivation system has to be set so that it could satisfy the wishes of both the employees and enterprise owners, or the management. This system should be clear and comprehensible for all the involved persons, and should also support all the processes that are under way in the given enterprise. The aim of this Thesis is to establish developmental possibilities of the motivation system in an enterprise, based on analysis of theoretical findings which are mentioned in the first part of the Thesis, and to propose measures for better employees’ satisfaction based on analysis of the current state in the enterprise, as mentioned in the second part of the Thesis.

Analýza personálních procesů a pozice personalisty v prostředí českých hokejových extraligových klubů / Analysis of HR Processes and HR Position in Czech Ice Hockey Extraleague Clubs

Turecká, Hana January 2015 (has links)
5 ABSTRACT There is fourteen ice-hockey clubs in the highest Czech professional ice-hockey league (called "Tipsport Extraliga"), but only two of them have a position of personalist in their organizational structure. This dissertation is aimed on the issue of HR operations administrated in terms of Czech professional sport organizations. On the bases of interviews with employees chosen from two Czech ice-hockey clubs I compare the execution of HR activities on the two clubs there is a special position for HR specialist, in the second one there is a leader or sport manager, who is executing the HR activities. There is also the analysis of HC Sparta Praha HR specialist position in the dissertation. In the special chapter there is the specification of HR processes executed in Czech ice-hockey clubs including processes aplicated in the past. Keywords: Personnel Management, HR specialist, HR activities, organizational structure, sports club, hockey club.

Från en ansvarsfull idé till en ansvarsfull verklighet : - En studie om hur företag inom detaljhandeln integrerar hållbarhetsaspekter i sin verksamhet

Fonseka, Christopher January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för vilka övergripande metoder företag använder för att komma fram till en hållbarhetsstrategi samt hur företag styr sina leverantörer för att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter i verksamheten. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur påverkansfaktorerna kommunikation, organisationsstruktur och organisationskultur påverkar ett företags hållbarhetsstrategi. Studien är baserad på tidigare studier och teorier. Författaren har utifrån ett urval på över 60 000 företag valt ut fyra stycken företag inom detaljhandeln. Författaren samlade in data genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och data från företagens års- och hållbarhetsredovisningar. Författaren analyserade genom att använda den teoretiska referensramen och följde samma struktur som den teoretiska referensramen. Studiens empiriska data visar att företag använder sig av en väsentlighetsanalys för att skapa underlag för en hållbarhetsstrategi. Genom dialoger med företagets kunder, medarbetare och leverantörerna skapar företag förståelse för vilken social och miljömässig påverkan de har, samt vilka hållbarhetsfrågor de bör prioritera framöver. En hållbarhetsstrategi skapas på ledningsnivå utifrån väsentlighetsanalysen som underlag och genom interaktioner mellan ledningsgruppen och hållbarhetsansvariga. Av studiens empiri framgår det att företag styr sina leverantörer främst genom en uppförandekod. Uppförandekoden ställer utöver sina kvalitetskrav även miljömässiga och sociala krav på leverantörerna. Företagen genomför regelbundna inspektioner för att undvika avvikelser av uppförandekoden. Vidare visar studiens empiriska data att företag försöker effektivt kommunicera ut hållbarhetsstrategin till sina anställda. Med en decentraliserad struktur på hållbarhetsarbetet fördelas ansvaret av hållbarhetsstrategin till avdelningschefer. Ett företag med en hållbarhetscentrerad organisationskultur integrerar ekonomisk, miljömässig och social hållbarhet i sin huvudsakliga vision och strategi och arbetar med hållbarheten redan från start. / The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of what general methods firms use to create a sustainability strategy and how firms manage their suppliers to integrate sustainable aspects to their business. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how the influencing factors; communication, organizational structure and organizational culture affect a company’s sustainability strategy. The study is based on previous studies and theories. The author has from a sample of over 60 000 firms chosen four firms within retail. The author collected data by using semistructured interviews and data from the company’s annual- and sustainability reports. The author analyzed the collected data by using the theoretical framework and followed the same structure of the theoretical framework. The study’s empirical data shows that firms use a materiality analysis to create a basis for a sustainability strategy. The firm creates an understanding of what social and environmental impact it has through dialogues with the firm’s customers, employees and suppliers. A sustainability strategy is created by an executive management team with the use of the materiality analysis as a basis and by interacting with sustainability managers. The study’s empirical data shows that firms control their suppliers primarily by a code of conduct. The code of conduct sets quality, environmental and social demands on the suppliers. The firms carry out inspections on a regular basis to avoid deviations from the code of conduct. Furthermore, the empirical data shows that firms try to efficiently communicate their sustainability strategy to their employees. With a decentralized structure of the sustainability work, the responsibilities of the sustainability strategy are distributed among the department managers. A firm with a sustainability-centered culture integrates economic, environmental and social sustainability into their general vision and strategy and work with sustainability from the start.

Sjuksköterskor flyr - olika aspekter på hur man behåller personal / Nurses are fleeing - Different aspects how to keep personnel

Johansson, Elin, Zander, Ossian January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva olika tillvägagångssätt för att minska personalomsättningen av sjuksköterskor. Metod: Studien har en induktiv ansats. Forskningsdesignen var en fältstudie, där vi har undersökt vad sjuksköterskor anser att sjukvården bör jobba med för att behålla sjuksköterskor. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom kvalitativa metoder som vi sedan tolkat och analyserat till olika kategorier för att lättare kunna besvara vår frågeställning. Slutsats: Studiens resultat har visat på att det inte bara är en faktor som avgör hur sjukvården kan behålla sin personal, utan att olika faktorer i samverkan med varandra skapar missnöje och leder till uppsägningar. Därför är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till hur olika faktorer påverkar varandra för att minska personalomsättningen. / Purpose: The purpose with the study is to describe different ways to reduce employee turnover of nurses. Method: The study has an inductive approach. The research design was a field study, where we tried to deduce what nurses felt that the health care should focus on, to be able to keep the nurses from quitting. The empirical material has been collected through qualitative methods, which we then interpreted and analysed into different categories to be able to answer our question formulation. Conclusion: The result from the study shows that there are not only one factor which affects the health care’s ability to keep its personnel. Instead we have noticed that different factors conspire with each other, creating discontent which in turn could lead to nurses quitting their jobs. For this reason it is important to consider in which way the different factors affects each other in order to reduce employee turnover.

Návrh systému řízení rekreačního zařízení / Proposal of a solution for a recreational facility management system

Valová, Anežka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this masters thesis is to propose a new organizational structure of the hotel castle Valeč and to evaluate its financial situation. In order to assess the financial situation, financial methods such as horizontal and vertical analysis, cost-effectiveness, return on revenues and accommodation indicators (occupancy, average price per room and price for the available room) are applied to the enterprise. The thesis consists of a theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part defines methods of management of small and medium enterprises, which include marketing strategy, financial management, management of the company development and growth. It is followed by a practical part, which contains a description of the hotel castle Valeč, a SWOT analysis, a financial analysis and an analysis of the current state of the organizational structure. In the conclusion of the masters thesis, problems are identified based on these analyses and changes in the organizational structure are proposed.

Daňová a organizační aspekty vybraných vysokých škol ve vybraných zemích / Tax and Organizational Aspects of Selected Universities in Selected Countries

Fouknerová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis compares organizational structures of selected universities in the Czech Republic, in the Slovak Republic and in France. The aim of this analysis is to determine whether the organizational structures of sampled universities are comparable or not, and whether there are inefficiencies in the management of these universities. The first part describes systems and funding of higher education in the selected countries. The second part is focused on comparison of the organizational structures using annual reports of the universities. The second part of this thesis also concludes and summarizes the outcomes of the analysis and determines the management effectiveness of selected universities.

Organizační kultura a její vazba na organizační strukturu / Organizational Culture and its Connection to the Organizational Structure

Chabrová, Olga January 2013 (has links)
The work describes the organizational structure and analyze the organizational culture in a particular organization. Searches ties that these two areas interlink and finds them in the standards of behavior. Identifies common factors shared values, norms of behavior and identifies them with appropriate typologies of culture. Proposes joint measures that would considered organization secondly eliminate the negative effects of fragmentation of values and norms of behavior of individual members, as well as better utilize their strengths, ie. Compactness values and norms of behavior. All this in order to facilitate efficient management of the organization and the shared goals of the organization.

Skivbolagens ledarskap : Majorbolagens ledarskap i den kreativa processen

Nordlund, Johanna, Oscar, Hallberg, Pettersson, David January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att göra en kartläggning av ledarskapets roll i den kreativaprocessen inom majorbolagens organisationsstrukturer, samt på vilka sätt ledarskapet styr denkreativa processen. Ledarskapets betydelse i den kreativa processen diskuteras kring olikasituationer samt omgivningen och dess krav som styr marknaden och dess förutsättningar.Det dubbla ledarskapets teori får en viktig roll i studiens analys. Tillsammans medentreprenörskapets innovativa ledarskap ger det en koppling till den teknologiska utvecklingsom skett inom musikindustrin, genom framför allt digitaliseringen av industrin. / The purpose of the study is to do a mapping over the role of the leadership in the creativeprocess within the major record labels’ organizational structure and in what ways theleadership directs the creative process. The importance of leadership in the creative process isdiscussed in different situations as well as the environment’s demands which controls themarket and its conditions. The theory of the double leadership has a vital role in the study’sanalysis together with the innovative leadership of entrepreneurship and the connection to thetechnological advancements which have occurred in the music industry, mostly through thedigitalization of the industry.

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