Spelling suggestions: "subject:"osseous"" "subject:"gasseous""
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Altérations physiologiques et récupération à long terme dans un modéle murin de séparation associée à une restriction du temps d'accés à l'alimentation : un outil pour l'étude des conséquences de l'anorexie mentale / Physiological changes and long-term recovery in a murine model of separation associated with a time restricted feeding : tool for the study of consequences of Anorexia NervosaZgheib, Sara 10 September 2014 (has links)
L'anorexie mentale (AM) est un trouble du comportement alimentaire qui se caractérise par une recherche obsessionnelle de minceur, une forte réduction de la prise alimentaire et une distorsion de l'image de soi. Elle est associée à de multiples perturbations endocriniennes et métaboliques, et à une altération de la masse et de la microarchitecture osseuses. Les facteurs et les mécanismes qui interviennent dans cette maladie sont très mal connus ce qui limite les options thérapeutiques. Il est donc nécessaire de développer un modèle animal qui reproduise les perturbations physiologiques observées en AM et permette d'étudier les facteurs associés à l'altération osseuse. Dans ce but nous avons développé un modèle murin avec une restriction du temps d'accès à l'alimentation associée à un stress induit par la séparation (separation-based anorexia, SBA). Cette phase SBA de 10 semaines est suivie d'une phase de récupération en conditions standard (REC) de 10 semaines. Chez les souris femelles C57B1/6 en fin de croissance rapide, la phase SBA induit une perte rapide et importante du poids corporel. L'analyse de la composition corporelle par DEXA révèle une diminution rapide de près de 40% de la masse grasse ainsi qu'une baisse progressive de la masse maigre et un arrêt de l'acquisition de la masse osseuse. Au niveau des tibias, la densité minérale cortical et la microarchitecture trabéculaire sont altérées. L'observation des frottis vaginaux et la mesure des ovaires révèlent une perturbation importante des fonctions reproductrices. Les tests de tolérance au glucose ont montré que les souris SBA ont une capacité très élevée à corriger la glycémie. Ces animaux sont fortement hypoleptinémiques, et l'axe GH-IGF-1 est très perturbé. L'étude de l'expression génique de différents tissus adipeux a montré une augmentation du niveau des marqueurs de lipogénèse et de lipolyse, ainsi qu'une forte induction du phénotype "adipocyte brun" dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané. Après deux semaines de REC, les souris SBA retrouvent très rapidement leur poids corporel, leurs masses maigre et grasse. La masse minérale toujours basse à ce stade est corrigée après 10 semaines de REC, ainsi que la microarchitecture osseuse (étude préliminaire). Tous les autres paramètres étudiés sont normalisés, sauf l'hypoleptinémie qui étonnamment persiste même après 10 semaines de protocol REC et malgré la normalisation de la masse adipeuse. D'après ces résultats, on peut conclure que le modèle SBA reproduit de nombreuses perturbations physiologiques observées en AM. La phase de REC révèle que ces souris ont une importante capacité de récupération. L'hypoleptinémie persistante pourrait favoriser la récupération. L'identification des mécanismes impliqués pourrait fournir des pistes thérapeutiques afin de favoriser la reconstitution du capital osseux des patientes anorexiques. / Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder mainly developed in adolescent girls and young women. It is characterized by an obsessive search for thinness, a profound undernutrition and a distorted self-image.It is associated with multiple endocrine and metabolic disturbances, decreased bone mass and microarchitectural alteration. Some of the developed adaptations are supposed to be involved in the blockade of the pathologic state. Unfortunately, these adaptations are poorly known and most of them cannot be studied on patients. So it is necessary to develop an animal model which mimics the main consequences observed in human pathology and allows studying the recovery process. For this purpose we adapted a murine model of time restricted feeding associated with chronic stress induced by separation-based anorexia (SBA). C57B1/6 female mice are submitted to a long term SBA protocol (10 weeks) and then a long term phase of recovery (10 weeks). At the beginning of the protocol mice are 8 weeks old, so their fast growth is finishing. SBA protocol induced a rapid and significant loss of body weight. Body composition analysis by DEXA showed a 40% decrease of the fat mass, a progressive loss of lean mass and a blockade of bone mass acquisition. Mice deveoped a high glucose tolerance. The observation of vaginal smears revealed a disruption of the estrous cycle and ovarian histology showed an atrophy of the ovaries. These two alterations suggest a major alteration of reproductive functions. These animals showed a very low leptinemia, and the GH/IGF-1 axis was disrupted. The study of bone alteration by microtomography indicated an alteration of bone microarchitecture and of cortical bone mass, mimicking osteoporosis often described in AN patients. Body weight, lean and fat masses were normalized quickly during the REC protocol. Bone mineral content still low after 2 weeks of REC protocol was fully corrected after 10 weeks. The estrous cycle ovarian size and the GH/IGF-I were normalized. Surprisingly, hypoleptinemia persisted even after 10 weeks of REC and despite the normalization of the fat mass. This result has been confirmed by the low level of leptin gene expression in various adipose tissues. Finally, the SBA protocol is valuable model of AN because numerous physiological alterations described in AN are mimicked in this model. The recovery phase revealed the high capacity of mice to normalize the long term alterations. Persitent hypoleptinemia could contribute to the normalization of body composition. However, the balance between central and peripheral effects of the uncorrected hypoleptinemia remains to be determined. This persisting hypoleptinemia could be used for the revision of the therapeutic strategies aiming to correct AN-induced osteoporosis.
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Caractérisation chrono-culturelle et évolution du Paléoesquimau dans le Golfe de Foxe (Canada) : Étude typologique et technologique des industries en matières dures d’origine animale / Palaeo-Eskimo chrono-cultural characterization and evolution in the Foxe Basin (Canada) : Typological and technological study of the osseous industriesHoumard, Claire 09 June 2011 (has links)
L’archéologie de l’Arctique canadien, bien qu’ayant fait une large place à certaines catégories d’objets, telles les têtes de harpon, n’a encore que peu exploité la grande richesse informative des objets en matières dures d’origine animale. Une périodisation typologique a été réalisée sur l’ensemble de la période du Paléoesquimau (~ 4000-500 B.P.), classiquement subdivisée en Prédorsétien et Dorsétien au Canada. Les pratiques techniques et économiques des Paléoesquimaux ont été abordées à partir de l’étude de six sites localisés autour du Golfe de Foxe, région centrale pour l’archéologie arctique : région d’Igloolik (Parry Hill, Lyon Hill, Jens Munk, Freuchen et Kaersut) et nord du Nunavik (Tayara). Les données typologiques et technologiques obtenues permettent de confirmer l’existence d’un continuum culturel entre Prédorsétien et Dorsétien. L’évolution des industries en matières dures d’origine animale observée, notamment au moment du passage du Prédorsétien au Dorsétien, a été interprétée en termes de changements socio-culturels. Un fait marquant serait l’apparition des têtes de harpon à logette partiellement fermée, contemporaine d’une intensification de l’exploitation du morse, témoignant de chasses désormais collectives qui auraient incité les chasseurs à séjourner désormais ensemble dans des habitations plus grandes, occupées sur de plus longues périodes. / The studied ivory, bone and antler artifacts from the Canadian Arctic, only correspond to harpoon heads that served to build the Palaeo-Eskimo chronology (~ 4000-500 B.P.). To ascertain the chronological subdivision between the Pre-Dorset and Dorset cultures a typological study associated with a technological approach was performed. Palaeo-Eskimo technological and economical practices have been derived from the study of six sites located around the Foxe Basin: Igloolik region (Parry Hill, Lyon Hill, Jens Munk, Freuchen and Kaersut sites) and northern Nunavik (Tayara site). The assumption of a Pre-Dorset/Dorset continuum could be confirmed. The observed evolution of osseous industries during Palaeo-Eskimo period (and more precisely the Pre-Dorset/Dorset transition) has been interpreted in terms of socio-cultural changes. The observed technological changes (i.e. harpoon head hafting) could be associated with new patterns of raw material exploitation (diversification in the selection of materials and anatomical elements, as well as functional categories). They testify to the important socio-cultural changes (collective rather than individual hunting) already observed in the settlement patterns (aggregation of the humans in larger houses for longer time periods).
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A classification of maxillary premolar sockets in relation to the osseous housing for immediate implant placementPetroche, Maria Fernanda, DMD 13 August 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to establish a classification system for use in immediate implant placement by examining fresh extraction sockets in maxillary premolars and evaluation of the varying morphologies using CBCT imaging. Selection criteria included dentulous patients ages 15-85 that had CBCT imaging taken for varying treatment. A total of 400 maxillary premolars were classified by their root morphology as Type I (two-rooted premolar with interradicular bone), II (fused roots with mesiodistal alveolar constriction) or III (single blunted root with no interradicular bone). The internal root angle was measured for all Type 1 maxillary first premolars (n=40), as well as the interradicular septal bone height. A Type 1 premolar socket is present in 32% of the sampled maxillary first and second premolars. Type 2 socket was present in 22% of premolars, and type 3 socket was present in 46% of premolars. The average internal angle formed between the long axis of the crown versus the long axis of the palatal root was 11.46 ± 4.35° (range 4° to 20.7°). The average interradicular septal bone height was of 6.9 ± 1.6 mm (range 3.28 to 9.61). Type I root form had the highest incidence at maxillary first premolars sites and has the most alveolar bone available, thus having a higher probability for primary stability. The type III root form is most common in the maxillary second premolar site and has the least amount of alveolar support for immediate implant placement. The angulation and alveolar bone support provided by the palatal root in Type I root form maxillary first premolar sites may provide stability for an immediate implant at an appropriate prosthetic position.
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Die dentale Volumentomographie in Diagnostik und Nachsorge fibro-ossärer LäsionenDüerkop, Andrea Katharina 20 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Radiologie fungiert als wesentliches Instrument in der Diagnostik und Nachsorge fibro-ossärer Läsionen (FOL). Hierbei gewinnen überlagerungsfreie, dreidimensionale Aufnahmen aufgrund der im Kopf-Halsbereich vorhandenen hohen Dichte und Vielfalt anatomischer Strukturen und der damit einhergehenden Fülle von Differentialdiagnosen an Bedeutung.
Anhand der Studie wurden die röntgenologischen Charakteristika von ossären Dysplasien (OD) und ossifizierenden Fibromen (OF) im dentalen Volumentomogramm herausgestellt, sowie diagnostische und therapeutische Vorteile der dentalen Volumentomographie (DVT) im Vergleich zur Orthopantomographie (OPG) und Computertomographie (CT) ermittelt und gegenübergestellt.
Zu diesem Zwecke wurden anhand eines Fragebogens 18 Röntgenbildpaare (OPG-DVT) von FOL durch zehn Betrachter auf (A) deren röntgenologische Eigenschaften sowie Metallartefakte befundet und (B) deren Abbildungsqualität von sehr gut (1) bis schlecht (5) bzw. nicht beurteilbar bewertet. Insgesamt wurden 360 Analysebögen ausgewertet. Entitäts- und röntgentechnikspezifische Unterschiede wurden statistisch ermittelt. Die Abbildungsqualitäten der DVT und CT wurden auf Grundlage einer intensiven Literaturrecherche verglichen.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie stellten signifikante Unterschiede in den röntgenologischen Eigenschaften von OD und OF heraus. Acht von zehn Strukturen zeigten in den DVT-Aufnahmen eine signifikant bessere Abbildungsqualität im Vergleich zu den OPG-Aufnahmen. Die teilweise gravierenderen Befunde in den DVT-Aufnahmen deuteten auf eine Unterinterpretation dieser Befunde im OPG hin. Die Literaturrecherche zu Gegenüberstellungen der Abbildungsqualitäten in CT und DVT wies nahezu ausnahmslos auf eine Überlegenheit der DVT hin.
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Die dentale Volumentomographie in Diagnostik und Nachsorge fibro-ossärer LäsionenDüerkop, Andrea Katharina 12 October 2011 (has links)
Die Radiologie fungiert als wesentliches Instrument in der Diagnostik und Nachsorge fibro-ossärer Läsionen (FOL). Hierbei gewinnen überlagerungsfreie, dreidimensionale Aufnahmen aufgrund der im Kopf-Halsbereich vorhandenen hohen Dichte und Vielfalt anatomischer Strukturen und der damit einhergehenden Fülle von Differentialdiagnosen an Bedeutung.
Anhand der Studie wurden die röntgenologischen Charakteristika von ossären Dysplasien (OD) und ossifizierenden Fibromen (OF) im dentalen Volumentomogramm herausgestellt, sowie diagnostische und therapeutische Vorteile der dentalen Volumentomographie (DVT) im Vergleich zur Orthopantomographie (OPG) und Computertomographie (CT) ermittelt und gegenübergestellt.
Zu diesem Zwecke wurden anhand eines Fragebogens 18 Röntgenbildpaare (OPG-DVT) von FOL durch zehn Betrachter auf (A) deren röntgenologische Eigenschaften sowie Metallartefakte befundet und (B) deren Abbildungsqualität von sehr gut (1) bis schlecht (5) bzw. nicht beurteilbar bewertet. Insgesamt wurden 360 Analysebögen ausgewertet. Entitäts- und röntgentechnikspezifische Unterschiede wurden statistisch ermittelt. Die Abbildungsqualitäten der DVT und CT wurden auf Grundlage einer intensiven Literaturrecherche verglichen.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie stellten signifikante Unterschiede in den röntgenologischen Eigenschaften von OD und OF heraus. Acht von zehn Strukturen zeigten in den DVT-Aufnahmen eine signifikant bessere Abbildungsqualität im Vergleich zu den OPG-Aufnahmen. Die teilweise gravierenderen Befunde in den DVT-Aufnahmen deuteten auf eine Unterinterpretation dieser Befunde im OPG hin. Die Literaturrecherche zu Gegenüberstellungen der Abbildungsqualitäten in CT und DVT wies nahezu ausnahmslos auf eine Überlegenheit der DVT hin.
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Intérêts des techniques régénératrices dans la préservation du volume osseux lors d’extraction/implantation immédiate : étude animale / Evaluation of different regeneration techniques regarding bone preservation following the immediat extraction implantation technique : animal studyOrti, Valérie 16 November 2012 (has links)
La résorption post-extractionnelle est de nos jours une conséquence inéluctable après avulsion. Cette résorption, lors d'une réhabilitation prothétique sur implants, peut avoir des conséquences néfastes tant dans le résultat esthétique que fonctionnel. Les techniques de régénération pré-implantaire (technique dérivée de la régénération tissulaire guidée) par l'emploi d'autogreffe, de xénogreffe ou encore d'allogreffe associée ou non à une membrane ont montré des bénéfices quant à la préservation du volume osseux. Les délais d'ostéointégration ayant été de nos jours réduits avec un taux de survie implantaire satisfaisant, la technique d'extraction/implantation immédiate a été envisagée dans le but d'éviter la perte osseuse post-extractionnelle et réduire le temps de traitement. Toutefois, les études menées chez le chien par différents auteurs ont montré que cette technique ne permettait en aucun cas d'éviter la resorption post-extractionnelle. La mise en place précoce d'un implant dans une alvéole déshabitée permet seulement de limiter cette dernière. Le but de note étude animale a donc été, dans les cas d'extraction/implantation immédiate, d'évaluer la perte osseuse obtenue au travers des résultats tomodensitométriques et histovolumétriques, perte osseuse comparée, à celle mesurée dans les chirurgies de comblement ainsi que dans les chirurgies régénératives avec membranes positionnées en supra ou intra-alvéolaire. Nous avons également souhaité évaluer l'intérêt de la régénération osseuse guidée dans la préservation du volume osseux lorsqu'une prothèse sur implant est envisagée. Notre choix s'est porté sur une membrane collagénique résorbable qui ont montré au travers de nombreuses études certains avantages : biocompatibilité satisfaisante, exposition n'engendrant pas un échec de la chirurgie et enfin une résorbabilité évitant une chirurgie de dépose. Concernant le matériau de comblement, nous avons opté pour une allogreffe corticale afin d'évaluer la cicatrisation osseuse obtenue, la résorbabilité du matériau et la qualité de l'interface os/implant. Dans une première partie, nous ferons un rappel sur le tissu osseux et son remodelage après avulsion. La seconde partie sera consacrée aux techniques de préservation du volume osseux, la troisième partie faisant le point sur la technique d'extraction/implantation immédiate d'un point de vue cicatrisation osseuse. Enfin la quatrième et dernière partie sera consacrée à l'étude animale. / Post-extraction resorption is nowadays an inevitable consequence of teeth extraction. This loss, during prosthetic implant rehabilitation, strongly affects aesthetic and functional results.Guided bone regeneration, issue from the guided tissular regeneration, using autogenous bone, xenograft or still allograft associated or not with a barrier membrane shows benefits in the conservation of bone volume.The delays of osteointegration having nowadays been reduced with a good rate of implant survival; immediate extraction-implantation is supposed to avoid post-extraction resorption and to reduce overall treatment time. However, animal studies from many authors showed that this technique cannot avoid the post-extraction resorption. The immediate implantation only allows to reduce it.The purpose of our animal study was to estimate the bone loss for immediate extraction-implantation technique through the histotomodensimetric and histovolumetric measurements. Bone loses were compared for allogenic bone grafting associated or not with supra or intra alveolar barrier membranes. We investigate also the benefits of guided bone regeneration in the preservation of bone volume for delayed implantation. The parameters followed were the alveolar bone loss, the resorbability of the material and the quality of bone/ implant interface. We selected absorbable collagenic barrier membrane which have shown in numerous studies many advantages: good biocompatibility, exposure don't challenge clinical results and resorbability avoiding an additionnal removal surgery. Concerning the bone grafting material, we opted for a cortical allograft. In the first chapter, we made a review of the bone histology and physiology and of its remodeling after extraction. The second chapter is dedicated to alveolar bone preservation techniques and in the third chapter we reviewed immediate extraction-implantation surgical techniques from the point of view of bone healing. Finally the fourth part of our thesis is dedicated to the presentation and analysis of our animal study.
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Correlation between systematic and periodontal bone loss in non-human primates Papio ursinusSuliman, Khudaija 20 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudo retrospectivo das características clínico-demográficas e histopatológicas e avaliação da imunoexpressão da interleucina-6, osteocalcina, osteoprotegerina e RANKL na distinção entre a displasia fibrosa e o fibroma ossificante / A retrospective study of the clinical and demographic characteristics and histopathologic evaluation and immunohistochemical interleukin-6, osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin and RANKL in the distinction between fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibromaRuiz, Marcelo Martinson 24 April 2017 (has links)
As lesões fibro-ósseas da região maxilomandibular constituem um grupo heterogêneo de patologias que incluem lesões de desenvolvimento, reativas (displásicas) e neoplásicas, sendo que as duas principais entidades incluídas neste grupo são a displasia fibrosa e o fibroma ossificante. Devido a grande similaridade histológica entre estas patologias a avaliação das características clínicas e imaginológicas, juntamente com os aspectos histopatológicos, são o principal método de diagnóstico diferencial, porém devido a presença de diferentes níveis de maturidade destas patologias, em diversos casos os componentes histológicos assim como seu ordenamento são muito semelhantes. A busca por um processo de diagnóstico histológico mais fundamentado, hoje inexistente, é justificada pela diferença do curso clínico assim como pela eleição do tratamento entre a displasia fibrosa e o fibroma ossificante. Desta forma o propósito deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise retrospectiva descritiva das características clínico-demográficas e histopatológicas, e estabelecer um critério de diagnóstico diferencial que associe algumas características histopatológicas padronizadas juntamente com uma análise imunoistoquímica dos fatores de atividade de remodelação óssea destas lesões. Desta forma foram aplicados diferentes marcadores proteicos e moleculares em casos previamente diagnosticados de displasia fibrosa e fibroma ossificante, objetivando direcionar um critério de diagnóstico mais preciso. Nesse estudo retrospectivo foram avaliados 54 casos, sendo 30 casos de displasia fibrosa e 24 casos de fibroma ossificante, definidos após uma revisão nas análises das lâminas seguindo um padrão com algumas particularidades histomorfológicas para o diagnóstico diferencial. As características histológicas utilizadas para essa diferenciação, baseadas na revisão da literatura, foram: 1- limite entre a lesão e o tecido ósseo adjacente; 2- depósitos esféricos basofílicos (calcificações cementóides); 3- espaços negativos limítrofes entre o tecido ósseo e o tecido conjuntivo; 4- intensidade da celularidade do estroma e; 5- paralelismo das trabéculas ósseas lesionais. Após a reavaliação das lâminas seguindo a padronização de diferenciação com os cinco critérios histológicos mencionados anteriormente, foram reconsiderados os diagnósticos de 7 lâminas, ou seja 12,96% das amostras apresentaram alteração no diagnóstico anatomopatológico inicial. Posteriormente foram utilizados os seguintes imunomarcadores proteicos e moleculares do metabolismo ósseo em 9 lâminas de fibroma ossificante e em 7 lâminas de displasia fibrosa: interleucina 6 (IL-6), osteoprotegerina (OPG), osteocalcina (OCN) e o ligante do receptor do ativador do fator nuclear Kappa B (RANKL). A imunoexpressão destes marcadores foi observada nos seguintes locais: osteócitos, osteoblastos, osteoclastos e no estroma. Apenas a osteoprotegerina apresentou significância estatística nos osteócitos, osteoblastos e osteoclastos. A osteoprotegerina no estroma e os demais marcadores não apresentaram significância estatística em nenhum dos locais. / The fibro-osseous lesions of the maxillomandibular region constitute a heterogeneous group of pathologies that include developmental, reactive (dysplastic) and neoplastic lesions, and the two main entities included in this group are fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma. Due to the great histological similarity between these pathologies the evaluation of the clinical and imaging characteristics, together with the histopathological aspects, are the main method of differential diagnosis, however due to the presence of different levels of maturity of these pathologies, in several cases the histological components as well as their arrangement are very similar. The search for a more substantiated histological diagnosis process, which does not exist today, is justified by the difference in the clinical course as well as by the choice of treatment between fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to perform a descriptive retrospective analysis of the clinical-demographic and histopathological characteristics and to establish a differential diagnosis criterion that associates some standard histopathological characteristics together with an immunohistochemical analysis of the bone remodeling activity factors of these lesions. In this way different molecular and protein markers were applied in previously diagnosed cases of fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma, aiming at directing a more precise diagnosis criterion. In this retrospective study, 54 cases were evaluated, 30 cases of fibrous dysplasia and 24 cases of ossifying fibroma, defined after a review in the analysis of the slides following a pattern with some histomorphological peculiarities for the differential diagnosis. The histological characteristics used for this differentiation, based on the literature review, were: 1- border between the lesion and the adjacent bone tissue; 2- basophilic spherical deposits (cementoid calcifications); 3 - borderline negative spaces between the bone tissue and connective tissue; 4- intensity of stroma cellularity; 5- parallelism of lesionous trabeculae. After the reassessment of the slides following the standardization of differentiation with the five histological criteria mentioned above, the diagnoses of 7 slides were reconsidered, that is, 12.96% of the samples presented alterations in the initial anatomopathological diagnosis. Subsequently, the following protein and molecular biomarkers of bone metabolism were used on 9 ossifying fibrous slides and on 7 fibrous dysplasia slides: interleukin 6 (IL-6), osteoprotegerin (OPG), osteocalcin (OCN) and the activator receptor ligand Of nuclear factor Kappa B (RANKL). Immunoexpression of these markers was observed at the following sites: osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and in the stroma. Only osteoprotegerin presented statistical significance in osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The osteoprotegerin in the stroma and the other markers did not present statistical significance in any of the sites.
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Análise histológica dos efeitos da solução de Carnoy em defeitos monocorticais realizados na mandíbula de ratos Wistar / Histological analysis of Carnoy\'s solution effects on mandibular monocortical defects of Wistar ratsSilva, Yuri Slusarenko da 01 September 2016 (has links)
A solução de Carnoy é rotineiramente empregada na prática clínica do cirurgião buco-maxilo-facial no tratamento coadjuvante de tumores odontogênicos benignos, por acreditar que ela possa provocar uma osteonecrose local e promover uma margem de segurança à cirurgia. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar em um estudo in vivo, se a solução de Carnoy (substância teste) realmente causa osteonecrose e qual o seu impacto na reparação do tecido ósseo quando comparada com o soro fisiológico 0,9% (substância controle). Para isso, um defeito monocortical de 3 mm de diâmetro foi criado bilateralmente na superfície vestibular da mandíbula de 15 ratos Wistar sendo que, do lado direito foi realizada uma aplicação da solução de Carnoy por 5 minutos e do lado esquerdo, uma aplicação de soro fisiológico 0,9% por cinco minutos. Os animais foram igualmente subdivididos em três grupos para avaliar os efeitos da solução imediatamente, 3 e 10 dias após as aplicações, quando os espécimes foram coletados e preparados para as análises histológicas e estatísticas. Imediatamente e após 3 dias de sua aplicação, a substância teste não demonstrou provocar mais osteonecrose que a controle. No terceiro dia, ocorreu maior formação de coágulo sanguíneo dentro do defeito monocortical após a aplicação da substância controle; contudo, após 10 dias das aplicações, a quantidade de neoformação óssea não foi diferente entre elas. Concluímos que os efeitos da solução de Carnoy sobre o tecido ósseo devem ser questionados, mas seu poder fixativo das células tumorais não pode ser desprezado. / Carnoy\'s solution is routinely used in clinical practice of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the supplementary treatment of benign odontogenic tumors, given its capacity to cause local osteonecrosis, promoting a safety margin to the procedure. The aim of this study was to verify by an in vivo model, if Carnoy\'s solution (test) causes more osteonecrosis and what is it effect on bone healing when compared to saline solution 0,9% (control). For this, a monocortical defect was created bilaterally at vestibular aspect of 15 Wistar rats mandibles; right side received one 5 minutes Carnoy\'s solution application and left, one 5 minutes saline application. The animals were equally subdivided in three groups to investigate Carnoy\'s effect immediately, three and ten days after applications, when specimens were collected and prepared to histological and statistical analysis. Immediately and three days after its application, test substance did not show more osteonecrosis than control. At third day, it was observed more formation of blood clot inside monocortical defect for control; however, 10 days after applications, bone healing was not different between substances. We conclude that Carnoy\'s solution effects to bone tissue ought to be questioned but its capacity to fixate tumor cells may not be despised.
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Análise histológica dos efeitos da solução de Carnoy em defeitos monocorticais realizados na mandíbula de ratos Wistar / Histological analysis of Carnoy\'s solution effects on mandibular monocortical defects of Wistar ratsYuri Slusarenko da Silva 01 September 2016 (has links)
A solução de Carnoy é rotineiramente empregada na prática clínica do cirurgião buco-maxilo-facial no tratamento coadjuvante de tumores odontogênicos benignos, por acreditar que ela possa provocar uma osteonecrose local e promover uma margem de segurança à cirurgia. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar em um estudo in vivo, se a solução de Carnoy (substância teste) realmente causa osteonecrose e qual o seu impacto na reparação do tecido ósseo quando comparada com o soro fisiológico 0,9% (substância controle). Para isso, um defeito monocortical de 3 mm de diâmetro foi criado bilateralmente na superfície vestibular da mandíbula de 15 ratos Wistar sendo que, do lado direito foi realizada uma aplicação da solução de Carnoy por 5 minutos e do lado esquerdo, uma aplicação de soro fisiológico 0,9% por cinco minutos. Os animais foram igualmente subdivididos em três grupos para avaliar os efeitos da solução imediatamente, 3 e 10 dias após as aplicações, quando os espécimes foram coletados e preparados para as análises histológicas e estatísticas. Imediatamente e após 3 dias de sua aplicação, a substância teste não demonstrou provocar mais osteonecrose que a controle. No terceiro dia, ocorreu maior formação de coágulo sanguíneo dentro do defeito monocortical após a aplicação da substância controle; contudo, após 10 dias das aplicações, a quantidade de neoformação óssea não foi diferente entre elas. Concluímos que os efeitos da solução de Carnoy sobre o tecido ósseo devem ser questionados, mas seu poder fixativo das células tumorais não pode ser desprezado. / Carnoy\'s solution is routinely used in clinical practice of oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the supplementary treatment of benign odontogenic tumors, given its capacity to cause local osteonecrosis, promoting a safety margin to the procedure. The aim of this study was to verify by an in vivo model, if Carnoy\'s solution (test) causes more osteonecrosis and what is it effect on bone healing when compared to saline solution 0,9% (control). For this, a monocortical defect was created bilaterally at vestibular aspect of 15 Wistar rats mandibles; right side received one 5 minutes Carnoy\'s solution application and left, one 5 minutes saline application. The animals were equally subdivided in three groups to investigate Carnoy\'s effect immediately, three and ten days after applications, when specimens were collected and prepared to histological and statistical analysis. Immediately and three days after its application, test substance did not show more osteonecrosis than control. At third day, it was observed more formation of blood clot inside monocortical defect for control; however, 10 days after applications, bone healing was not different between substances. We conclude that Carnoy\'s solution effects to bone tissue ought to be questioned but its capacity to fixate tumor cells may not be despised.
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