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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntesi i funcionalització d’o-carborans i metal·locarborans com a nuclis de dendrons i dendrímers. Aplicacions en medicina.

Pepiol i Martí, Ariadna 19 December 2011 (has links)
La recerca que s’exposa en aquest treball de tesi es divideix en quatre parts: (1) el desenvolupament d'estratègies sintètiques per obtenir orto-carborans funcionalitzats sobre els vèrtexs de bor per tal d’aconseguir nanopartícules tipus arborol, (2) la síntesi i la caracterització d'un conjunt de clústers de bor simultàniament substituïts sobre els vèrtexs de carboni i els de bor, amb la finalitat de proporcionar precursors dendrítics versàtils que continguin grups funcionals terminals sobre els que serà possible assolir noves generacions, (3) síntesi d’orto-carborans Cc-iodats per avaluar la reactivitat en front de complexos fosfinidenoids de tungstè Li/Cl, (4) preparació de ciments ossis altament radioopacs per ser utilitzats en Vertebroplàstia mitjançant l'addició d’orto-carborans B-iodats. El primer objectiu d'aquest treball va ser l'estudi de les diferents vies de síntesi per funcionalitzar orto-carborans B-iodats, per les seves potencials aplicacions en els camps de la medicina i dels biomaterials . Aleshores, mitjançant reaccions d’acoblament creuat de Kumada és possible per substituir els àtoms de iode per grups orgànics apropiats, de tal manera que, l’orto-carborà funcionalitzat que se n’obté es pot concebre com un nucli dendrític robust amb diverses ramificacions que pot oferir una plataforma única per a la construcció de molècules grans amb un control total sobre la posició de els substituents. El creixement de les estructures multibranca o arborols, on el nucli és una estructura d’orto-carborà, és ara possible gràcies a la síntesi de compostos que porten grups orgànics funcionals a la perifèria, com l’hidroxil, el clorur, el bromur, el tosil, l’àcid carboxílic o grups èster. Un nou tipus de metal·lodendrímers polianiònics poli-(alquil-èter) han estat també preparats utilitzant la reacció d'obertura de l'anell del [3,3’-Co(8-OCH2CH2)2-1,2-C2B9H10)(1’,2’-C2B9H11)]. Aquest compost té un àtom d'oxigen unit a la posició del vèrtex B(8) amb una càrrega positiva i aquesta posició és susceptible a l'atac d’agents nucleòfils, com ara el grup alcoholat, que s’obté a partir de la desprotonació dels grups alcohol terminal (-OH) dels derivats di-, tetra -i hexa ramificats de l’o-carborà. El procés de degradació dels derivats de l’o-carborà closo B-iodats i B-alquilats amb agents bàsics genera els corresponents homòlegs nido i la subsegüent reacció de complexació amb cobalt dóna una substitució regioselectiva sobre els àtoms de bor del cobaltabis-dicarballur. En aquest treball es presenta, per primera vegada, una sèrie de compostos ben definits i caracteritzats, derivats del cobaltabis-dicarballur, que proporcionen una seqüència artificial de descens del potencial entre grups donadors i receptors d'electrons, de compostos estructuralment molt similars. El creixement electroquímic del PPy dopat amb derivats poliiodats del cobaltabis-dicarballur mostra que el creixement dels polímers té poca dependència del nombre d’àtoms de iode però, en canvi, dependrà en gran mesura del seu E1/2(CoIII/CoII). Finalment, els clústers de bor sintetitzats 4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12-I8-closo-1,2-C2B10H4 i 8,9,10,12-I4-closo-1,2-C2B10H8, han estat provats com a additius de contrast als raigs X en ciments ossis acrílics radioopacs per ser utilitzats en la tècnica de la Vertebroplàstia. S’ha realitzat una comparació de les principals propietats físiques i químiques que proporcionen els ciments ossis comercials que incorporen sulfat de bari com a agent de contrast i els ciments ossis que contenen derivats B-iodats de l’o-carborà. S’ha arribat a la conclusió que el segon tipus de ciment ossi dóna lloc a masses menys viscoses (més fàcilment injectables), presenta una excel·lent biocompatibilitat in vitro, així com radioopacitat suficient per ser utilitzat en Vertebroplàstia. / The research explored in this Thesis work can be divided into four parts: (1) the development of synthetic strategies of multisubtituted ortho-carboranes on the boron vertexes in order to obtain arborol type functionalized unimolecular nanoparticles; (2) synthesis and characterization of a novel set of simultaneously Cc-disubstituted boron multisubtituted o-carborane derivatives, in order to afford new versatile dendritic precursors with terminal functional groups in which higher generations could be attained; (3) synthesis of Cc-iodinated o-carborane clusters to evaluate the reactivity towards Li/Cl phosphinidenoid tungsten complexes; (4) preparation of highly radiopaque bone cements for Vertebroplasty purpose by adding B-polyiodinated o-carboranes. The first aim of this work was the study of synthetic routes to functionalize B-iodinated ortho-carborane derivatives, which have possibilities in medicine and materials science. Functionalization reactions on 9,12-I2-closo-1,2-C2B10H10 and 8,9,10,12-I4-closo-1,2-C2B10H8 are accessible by the Kumada cross-coupling reaction, which allows the introduction of several organic moieties into the boron vertexes, such as allyl, phenyl or phenylethynyl unites. By substitution of iodine with the appropriate organic groups, the o-carborane cluster can be envisaged as a robust dendritic core for multiple and diverse types of ramifications, which may offer a unique platform for the construction of large molecules with full control over the position of the substituents. The growth of multibranched structures, or arborols, where the core is an ortho-carborane framework, is now open with the synthesis of compounds bearing functional organic moieties such as hydroxyl, chloride, bromide, tosyl, carboxylic acid, and ester groups on the periphery. Two or four arms may be densely appended to the cluster through four boron vertexes located at a compact area of the cluster, whilst the two C–H vertices occupying the two positions furthest away from them remain ready for further functionalization or complexation. A novel type of polyanionic poly-(alkyl-ether) metallodendrimers has also been prepared by using the ring opening reaction of the 8–dioxanate in [3,3’-Co(8-OCH2CH2)2-1,2-C2B9H10)(1’,2’-C2B9H11)]. This compound has an oxygen atom bonded to the B(8) vertex with a positive charge and this position is susceptible to the attack by nucleophiles, such as alcoholate functions obtained by deprotonation of the terminal alcohol groups (−OH) of di-, tetra- and hexa-branched o-carborane frameworks. The basic degradation process of closo B-iodinated and B-alkylated o-carboranes generates the corresponding nido counterparts and subsequent complexation reaction with cobalt affords well defined regioselective boron substituted cobaltabisdicarbollides. In this work we show a first case of an artificial large downhill sequence with well defined and characterized, and structurally very similar, individual electron donors and acceptors made from a common frame, the cobaltabisdicarbollide. Electrochemical growth of PPy doped with polyiodinated cobaltabisdicarbollide frameworks has been performed showing that any differences in the growth of PPy will depend little on the number of iodine substituents and largely on their E1/2(CoIII/CoII). Finally, previously synthesized boron iodinated o-carborane clusters, 4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12-I8-closo-1,2-C2B10H4 and 8,9,10,12-I4-closo-1,2-C2B10H8, have been tested as X-ray contrast additives in radiopaque acrylic bone cements for Vertebroplasty technique. Comparison of main physical and chemical properties between B-iodinated o-carborane containing cement and commercial BaSO4 cement has been established, concluding that the iodinated cement exhibited less viscous dough phase, excellent cell-compatibility in vitro, as well as sufficient radiopacity in a realistic experimental set-up.


Varpahovskis, Eriks January 2012 (has links)
Opposition of socialist East and capitalist West in XX century led to division of nations andcreation of new states. Due to historical process Korea and Germany were divided intoDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea, and German DemocraticRepublic and Federal Republic of Germany, respectively. Development of states requiredconstruction of new ethnic identities/ethnicities. In this research through the prism of Cornell andHartmann’s constructivist approach and stereotype theory secondary and primary data isanalyzed.. On the basis of analysis of secondary data this research examines and comparesmeasures that were used by ruling parties of GDR and DPRK in order to create and develop newethnic identities. Further in paper on the basis of results of interviews and analysis of secondarydata is described and compared how West Germans perceive East Germans and how SouthKoreans perceive North Koreans. According to the results of the research it is possible to statewhich measures were undertaken by governments of GDR and DPRK in order to create anethnicity and it is possible to state that West German stereotypes about East Germans and SouthKorean stereotypes about North Koreans are partly based on ideological/political aspects ofdivisions of nations.

Alargamiento de fémur con resección de periostio. Estudio experimental en el conejo

Ullot Font, Rosendo 14 July 1994 (has links)
HIPÓTESIS DE TRABAJO:La integridad del periostio no es necesaria para conseguir la consolidación de un alargamiento.OBJETIVOS: 1. Demostrar que el alargamiento de fémur con resección del periostio puede consolidar en el conejo.2. Valorar si el adhesivo de fibrina a nivel del foco de elongación, con ausencia de periostio, endentece o no la consolidación del alargamiento.3. Establecer para medir la elongación, una correlación entre la clínica, la radiología y la ecografía.4. Encontrar una relación entre la radiología y la histología, para valorar la consolidación del alargamiento.MATERIAL Y MÉTODO:El estudio se ha llevado a término con 16 conejos blancos machos de la raza Nueva Zelanda, con edades comprendidas entre los 3 y 3,5 meses, con un peso promedio de 2,7 Kg. Se han utilizado los dos fémures de cada conejo para practicar un total de 32 alargamientos.Se han utilizado 8 fijadores externos monolaterales, M-100 Orthofix® y 16 kits de adhesivo de fibrina, Tissucol®.Con el animal anestesiado con Ketamina y Xilacina im. Se practica un alargamiento de fémur bilateral, colocando un fijador M-100 con 4 tornillos y resecando circularmente 1 cm. de periostio a nivel diafisario medio, donde se practica la osteotomía de fémur. En el fémur izquierdo se aplica Tissucol® en la zona desperiostizada.La distracción se inicia el día 8 del proceso a una cadencia de 0,5 mm por día, hasta conseguir 1 cm.El animal se sacrifica el día 53 del proceso; se remiten los fémures para estudio histológico.CLASIFICACIÓN DE LOS ANIMALES:Han sido distribuidos en 2 grupos homogéneos, el A fémures derechos y el B izquierdos (Tissucol®).RESULTADOS:El promedio de finalización de la elongación para el grupo A ha sido el día 31,938, mientras para el B el 32,750. La media el día 32,344.El promedio de consolidación radiológica de los casos consolidados, en el grupo A es de 45,100 días, en el B es de 48,600 días. En el grupo A han consolidado radiologicamente 10 casos (62,5 %), en vías de consolidación 3 casos (18,8 %) y no unión 3 casos (18,8 %). En el grupo B han consolidado 5 casos (31,3 %), en vías de consolidación 9 casos (56,3 %) y no unión 2 casos (12,5 %). En el total de 32 alargamientos se han presentado como complicaciones 8 fisuras de fémur (25 %), 4 fracturas supracondileas (12,5 %), 4 parálisis del nervio ciático (12,5 %) y 4 perdidas de estabilidad del fijador.CONCLUSIONES:1. El alargamiento de fémur con resección de periostio consolida, en el conejo, siempre que el fijador externo no pierda estabilidad, no se efectue alargamiento la primera semana y la velocidad de distracción sea inferior a 0,5 mm/día.2. La velocidad de elongación media para la consolidación de un alargamiento sin periostio, se considera de 0,41 mm/día.3. Para mantener la estabilidad del fijador externo es necesaria la colocación de una síntesis interna (cerclaje de alambre), en cada segmento del fémur. 4. La parálisis del nervio ciático no impide la consolidación endostica.5. La osteotomía del fémur practicada con sierra circular, no impide la consolidación.6. El adhesivo de fibrina a nivel del foco de elongación, en ausencia de periostio, endentece las vías de consolidación del alargamiento de fémur.7. La ecografía es el método ideal para la medición de la elongación.8. Cada uno de los seis posibles resultados radiológicos de este estudio experimental, tiene una correlación histológica concreta.9. Las tinciones con hematoxilina-eosina y tricomico de Gomori son las más precisas para el estudio de la consolidación de un alargamiento. / "Lengthening of the Femur in rabbits with a resection of the periosteum. Experimental study". WORK HIPOTESIS:Demonstrate that the lengthening of the femur with a resection of the periosteum can consolidate in rabbits.MATERIAL AND METHOD: The study was carried out using 16 male New Zealand white rabbits, aged between 3 and 3.5 months and weighing 2.7 kg.8 M-100 Orthofix ® external monolateral fixators and 16 Tissucol ® fibrin adhesive kits were used.A lengthening of bilateral femur (32 cases) is performed, with an M-100 fixator and 4 screws. 1 cm. of periosteum is resected circularly. Group A right femur, group B left femur with Tissucol ® in the area where periosteum has been removed. Distraction is initiated on day 8 of the process, 0.5 mm per day, up to 1 cm. The animal is sacrificed on day 53.RESULTS:The average period of radiological consolidation of cases actually consolidated amounts to 32.344 days.In Group A 10 cases were radiologically consolidated (62.5%), 3 cases were in the process of consolidation (18.8%). In Group B, 5 cases were consolidated (31.3%), 9 cases in process of consolidation (56.3%) and 2 non-union cases (12.5%).In a total of 32 lengthening cases, the complications that arose were 8 femur fractures (25%), 4 supracondylar fractures, 4 cases of paralysis of the sciatic nerve (25.5%) and 4 cases of loss of fixator stability.CONCLUSIONS:1. The lengthening of the femur with resection of the periosteum consolidates as long as the fixator doesn't lose stability and the speed of the distraction is less than 0.5 cm. 2. To maintain the stability of the external fixator an internal synthesis must be inserted (wire roll) 3. The paralysis of the sciatic nerve doesn't impede endostic consolidation.4. Fibrine adhesive at the level of the point of elongation slows down the process of consolidation.5. Echograph is the ideal way to measure the elongation. 6. Each of the six possible radiological results has a histological correlation.7. Hematoxilin-eosin and Gomori tricomic are the most precise forms of dying for this study.

Anàlisi biomecànica amb elements finits de fractures de tíbia, per estrès, en esportistes

Comellas Berenguer, Carme 14 October 2008 (has links)
La creixent incidència de fractures per estrès, en concret de tíbia, demostra la manca d'informació de la fisiopatologia i la biomecànica de les lesions per microtraumatismes en l'os. Aquestes lesions es deuen a l'aplicació repetitiva de càrregues relativament petites durant molts cicles, o sigui un mecanisme clar de fatiga.Quan la magnitud de la càrrega i la freqüència del microtraumatisme és més gran que la seva resistència òssia, s'inicia un augment de remodelació, i això provocarà la fractura per estrès. Per comprovar el comportament de l'os, respecta a unes forces determinades, de compressió, tracció rotació, etc. hem optat per confeccionar un model amb elements finits.La hipòtesi de treball consisteix a valorar si un determinat gruix de cortical de la diàfisis de la tíbia és indicatiu de possibilitat de patir una fractura per estrès en aquest os.Per aconseguir un model sòlid s'han processat les imatges obtingudes escanejant la tíbia i el fèmur d'un esportista representatiu, s'han tractat les imatges amb un programa que ens ha permès l'obtenció del contorn dels ossos i la separació de les zones cortical i esponjosa.S'ha quantificats els angles articulars en les 3 fases de recolzament de la cursa, fase d'impacte retropeu, fase de contacte avantpeu i fase d'impulsió.S'ha valorat les propietats de l'os cortical i de l'os esponjós.També s'han estudiat forces de reacció del terra i la força muscularS'han aplicat les forces, segons els angles articulars en les 3 fases de la cursa i s'ha observat la resistència del material de l'os. S'han considerat dues condicions especials la cursa en pujades i l'augment de la pronació del turmell.També s'ha considerat el risc de fractura tenint en compte, estats de tensions de tracció, sense microtraumatisme previ de l'os, amb microtraumatisme previ de l'os i compressió amb microtraumatisme preexistent..Amb unes conclusions sobre la hipòtesi de treball que el gruix de la cortical de la tíbia és determinant en el nivell de tensió que es desenvolupa en totes les fases de la cursa. Per el que podem afirmar que el guix de la cortical de la tíbia, per la seva geometria, és una variable molt important per a la producció de la fractura per estrès. S'ha demostrat la importància de la força muscular per disminuir les tensions que actuen sobre l'os.Les zones de màxim esforç de tracció/compressió es desenvolupen durant l'etapa de contacte avant-peu.Quan s'inicia una fissura a l'os es pot fer servir la llei de Paris de propagació de l'esquerda per fer una previsió de vida a fatiga de la tíbia. / Title of the doctoral thesis: BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS WITH FINITE ELEMENTS OF STRESS FRACTURES OF THE TIBIA IN SPORTSPEOPLE The growing appearance of stress fractures, specifically of the tibia, shows the lack of information on the physiopathology and biomechanics of injuries due to micro-traumatisms in the bones. These injuries are caused by the repeated application of relatively small loads during various cycles, thus a clear mechanism of fatigue.When the magnitude of the load and the frequency of the micro-traumatism grow bigger than the bone resistance, an increased bone remodeling is initiated, which may provoke a stress fracture.In order to check on the bone behavior with regard to some determined forces of compression, traction, rotation, etc., we decided to design a model with finite elements.Our working hypothesis consisted in assessing if a determined cortical thickness of the tibial diaphysis indicates the possibility of suffering a stress fracture in this bone.To achieve a reliable model, the images obtained by scanning the tibia and femur of a representative sportsman were processed, editing them with a program, which gave us the outline of the bones as well as the separation of the cortical and trabecular bone.The articular angles were assessed in the three phases of support phase while running: the stage of back foot contact, midstance, and the stage of giving impulse.The characteristics of the cortical bone and the soft-tissue bone were also assessed.At the same time, we looked at the reaction force of the ground and the muscular force.When applying the forces according to the articular angles of the three phases of running, we were able to observe the resistance of the bone material.Two special conditions were taken into consideration: running up slopes and the increase in the ankle pronation.The fracture risc was also taken into account, bearing in mind states of traction tension with and without previous micro-traumatism of the bone, and compression with a pre-existing micro-traumatism.And so is the importance of the muscular force to reduce the forces acting on the bone.In conclusion to the hypothesis of the study, we can say that the cortical thickness of the tibia is a deciding factor in the tension level developed in all the stages of the running process. We can confirm that due to its geometry, the cortical thickness of the tibia is a very important variable for the occurrence of stress fracture, could be observed the importance of the muscular force to reduce the tensions acting on the bone.The zones of maximum traction/compression effort develop during the stage of front foot contact. At the early stage of a bone fissure, Paris' Law for crack propagation can be applied to make a prediction of the duration of the tibia fatigue.

From Critical Race Theory to Critical Religion Theory: An Adaptation for In-Country Struggles based on Race, Religion, Skin Color, and Capitals. A Globalized Cultural, Social, Political, Educational, Historical, and Contemporary “East versus West” Crisis.

Labisch, Diana 25 June 2019 (has links)
Multiculturalism and the merging of local communities with immigrants demands glocal policies in various sectors—especially in education. In order to successfully integrate immigrants, language acquisition is oftentimes the first initiative educators and politicians regard as one of the most essential attributes for successful and prompt integration. However, language acquisition cannot be separated from the need to bridge communities and their different values, tradition, ideologies, and identities based on their cultural heritages and religious affiliations. In order to properly respond to newly-emerging glocal dynamics in, for instance, classrooms, it is crucial to understand the shifts in racisms from black versus white to East versus West. Therefore, concepts need to consider different dynamics and embrace issues related to gender, sexuality, skin color, habitus, social, financial, and cultural capital, as well as educational achievement (gaps) on an interdisciplinary level. While seeking to find appropriate adaptations of school curricula, it is necessary to not try to run before one can walk—in other words—to not try to let educators teach before they have been taught cross-cultural communication. In addition, racisms cannot be limited to conflicts between immigrants and non-immigrants; racisms also occur among a homogeneous group. The complexity of reuniting and/or integrating various immigrant, non-immigrant, (Middle) Eastern and Western identities and their (intercultural) belonging is critical because of the various circumstances and settings that need to be considered for responding to linguistic, cultural, social, psychological, educational, and financial matters individually. Although there is not one concrete theoretical framework or outcome that can be applied for integration; this dissertation thesis functions as a roadmap for becoming more aware of regional and international struggles. Despite the multifaceted approaches that need to be combined and implemented in terms of second language acquisition, updated teacher training, cross-cultural policies, access to social services and support systems, etc., the education sector remains the foundation for prospective integration: Integrative and multiculturally-aware education provides the glocal society with intercultural and interdisciplinary-applicable assets and capitals. Such abilities help create a politically, socially, financially, culturally, and educationally responsible future embracing transatlantic intermingling instead of oppressing Otherness. Local and global communities benefit from better-adjusted and well-integrated immigrant families and students. The better societies and politics educate, integrate, and value non-locals, the more societies will benefit culturally, socially, politically, and economically from the glocal population. The newly-introduced PIC SAM guidelines provide, in cooperation with key actors and community-centered programs for immigrants and non-immigrants, a roadmap for combining theory and practice in glocal contexts.:Table of Contents vi List of Figures, Tables, and Illustrations x Chapter One 1 Personal Narrative and Relevance: Education as Powerful Integration Tool 1 Rationale, Overview, and Global Integration and Education 7 Theoretical Framework and Methodological Approaches 14 Terminology 17 Steps for Globally-Adjusted Integration and Education 29 Step 1: Understanding Legal Challenges of Turkish Immigrants 29 Step 2: Understanding that Not Every Middle Easterner is a Muslim 33 Step 3: Starting Successful Integration in Kindergarten 33 Step 4: Nurturing Integration Instead of Oppressing Immigration 36 Step 5: Adapting CRT—From Colorblind to Headscarfblind 39 Step 6: Taking the Education Exit for Integration 43 Step 7: Taking the Education Exit to Integration 44 Step 8: Sprucing Up the Headscarf Image 45 Chapter Two 48 Literature Review 48 Chapter Three 103 “Other” Ideologies and Identities—Theoretical Approaches 103 (1) How to Approach Different Ideologies 103 (2) Reasons for Othering and Biased Headscarf Images 103 (3) Disempowering the Exotic Other 104 (4) The Danger of Ill-Ideologies 106 (5) Ideologies as Utopia and Fantasy 108 (6) Capitalization and Mass Economization of Identities and Ideologies 109 (7) Institutionalization of the ISA (aka the School) 110 Chapter Four 113 Individuals are Always-Already Subjects of Ideology 113 Concepts Creating the Multifaceted Constructions of Ideology 114 (1) Ideology as A-Historical 114 (2) Is Ideology “Real” or an Illusion? 115 (3) Individuals are Always-Already Subjects (of Ideology) 116 (4) Subjects within a Mass-Produced Media (Ill)Ideology 117 (5) Shift: From Dominant via Repressed Ideology to State Apparatus 119 (6) Concluding Thoughts on Ideologies 120 Chapter Five 123 Race as Product of Social, Political, and Educational Thought 123 Chapter Six 128 Shifts in Racisms: Whitewashed—From Black to (Middle) East 128 The Wende within Immigration and Globalization 134 (1) History and Its Effect on Pre- and Post-Activism 134 (2) GDR Museums—(False?) Nostalgia in Times of Globalization 141 (3) Cross-Generational Racisms and Racialized White Others 145 Chapter Seven 149 Different Social and Cultural Capitals: East vs. West (German) Habitus 149 Adapting Bourdieu’s Habitus to Different Contexts 151 Comparative Examples: Disadvantaged Groups in the Education Sector 154 Getting to the Nitty-Gritty: The Case of Oscar 156 Concluding the Nitty-Gritty: Political Trust and Progressive Educators 165 Chapter Eight 170 Reverse Activisms: The Importance of Transnational Post-Activism 170 Tear Down that Church! 173 Transferring Activism from the GDR to the 21st Century 177 From “Teaching” Activism to “Doing” Activism 181 East versus West: Striving for Balanced Activisms 184 Activism, Aktivismus, and Activisme—or Negativism? 187 Chapter Nine 190 Adapting and Diversifying CRT 190 Teaching and Learning German and Intercultural Communication 195 Global and Anti-Racist Pedagogies In- and Outside of Schools 200 Roadmap for Changing (the) Dynamics in Germany’s Education 203 (1) Cross-Language Policies: Bilingualism for Everyone 203 (2) Current Challenges in Germany’s Education System 207 (3) Key Actors and Levels in Addressing the Integration Problem(s) 208 (4) Solution Approaches 210 Chapter Ten 212 Glocal Frameworks: Adding “Bi-Religionism” to Bilingualism & Biculturalism 212 Getting to the Nitty-Gritty: The Case of Mo 215 Educational Policy Recommendations 224 Concluding the Nitty-Gritty 230 Chapter Eleven 233 Outlook and Conclusion: Striving for Glocal Awareness and Activist Change 233 References 243 Endnotes 263

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