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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regional Patterns of Access and Participation in Non-Formal Cultural Education in Germany

Fobel, Lea, Kolleck, Nina 04 May 2023 (has links)
(1) Background: The equality of life chances in Germany is often assessed along the lines of a west/east and urban/rural differentiation in which the latter usually perform worse. One currently popular proposal for addressing these inequalities is to strengthen cultural and arts education. The question arises to what extent regional characteristics genuinely influence participation opportunities and to what extent individual resources still play a decisive role. (2) Methods: Using descriptive analyses and multilevel logistic regression modelling, we investigate the distribution of and participation in non-formal cultural education amongst German youth. (3) Results: We find that differences are more complex than a simple west/east or urban/rural divides. Rather, cultural activities must be considered in terms of their character in order to assess the mechanisms at play. There seem to be differences in the dependency on district funding between very peripheral and very central districts that frame the cultural infrastructure. (4) Conclusions: Regional discrepancies are not uniformly distributed across different fields of education or infrastructure. Simplifying statements that classify peripheral regions the general losers can be refuted here. Simultaneously, more comprehensive data could yield significantly more results than we are currently able to produce.

The educational effects of pre and post-work in out-of-school laboratories

Streller, Matthias 05 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Since the 1980’s, education had to face various challenges such as new technologies, new ways of information gathering but also a reconsideration of conventional educational approaches. As a result, more emphasis has been placed on laboratory work in school science. In many industry nations, this trend was likewise bolstered by unexpected poor results in international comparative assessments (e.g. PISA, TIMSS), as well as students’ poor perception of science and, in relation to that, negative effects on career choices. To combat this growing trend, in Germany many out-of-school science laboratories were established in the recent years to foster interest in science. However, despite their positive temporary effects, approaches to increase effects or to develop long term positive changes are in demand. This research investigates how the out-of-school laboratory effects are affected by a preparation and post enhancement based upon previous studies. Therefore, an online portal was developed which provided cognitive and affective content in order to prepare and post enhance students for their visit in an out-of-school laboratory. The research-based study was aimed at students from grade 10 of lower and upper secondary level who perform one-day experimental activities at the out-of-school laboratory located at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf research center. In doing so, a comparative analysis was conducted between students who used the online portal and control group members who just regularly visited the laboratory without a special preparation or post enhancement. The evaluation follows a pre, post, and follow-up approach. Based on the results of this research, it could be confirmed that the online portal, as a tool to prepare and post enhance students, had a significant impact. Moreso, students’ situational interest was positively promoted through the online portal. This also applied for related features, like students’ self-concept as well as their perceptions of the out-of-school laboratory environment and even slight effects on their individual interest. As it turned out regarding the desired situational interest, females benefitted most. However, again most results suggest that evoked effects diminish over time. Even though this likely can be traced back to the characteristics of the post enhancement of the online portal, outcomes regarding students’ interest in science and a career in physics indicate the post enhancement’s ability to ensure sustainability. Within the sample three classes were identified based on their interests. Accordingly, for all classes’ members the portal fosters their situational interest. This especially applies for less scientific interested students. Assessments on the portal’s perception by the students revealed a high degree of willingness to prepare for the laboratory visit and to spend the time required. A large majority appreciated the online portal for their laboratory work. An extended preparation, like presented in this study, is still regarded as acceptable to the students. Nevertheless, a compulsory preparation and post enhancement is highly recommended. On the whole, it can be concluded that the online portal respectively a preparation and post enhancement is beneficial for activities out-of-school. / Anfang der 1980er-Jahre ergaben sich im Bildungssektor eine Reihe von Herausforderungen, die im Zusammenhang mit neuen Technologien, neuen Wegen des Informationsaustausches, aber auch des Hinterfragens traditioneller Bildungsansätze standen. Im Ergebnis dessen kam der experimentellen Arbeit im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht eine stärkere Rolle zu. Unerwartet schwache Ergebnisse internationaler Vergleichsstudien (z.B. PISA, TIMSS) sowie ein schlechtes Image der Naturwissenschaften und damit einhergehende negative Auswirkungen auf die Kurs- und Berufswahl verstärkten diesen Trend in vielen Industrienationen. Vor diesem Hintergrund und mit dem Ziel, Interesse an Naturwissenschaften zu fördern, wurden in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche Schülerlabore etabliert. Trotz der Tatsache, dass die Einrichtungen positive Effekte erzielen, sind diese teilweise gering oder schwächen mit der Zeit ab. Wie bisherige Studien vermuten lassen, scheint die Vor- und Nachbereitung von Veranstaltungen im Schülerlabor eine Lösung hierfür zu bieten. Anhand der vorgestellten Studie soll dies untersucht werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde ein Online-Portal für Schülerinnen und Schüler entwickelt. Basierend auf kognitiven und affektiven Inhalten bietet es Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, ihren Schülerlaborbesuch vor- und nachzubereiten. Die Studie richtete sich an Schüler ab der 10. Klasse der Sekundarstufe 1 und 2, die einen Experimentiertag im Schülerlabor DeltaX am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf absolvierten. Dabei wurden in Form einer Vergleichsstudie Teilnehmer mit und ohne Nutzung des Online-Portals gegenübergestellt. Die entsprechenden Daten der Untersuchung wurden durch eine Fragebogenerhebung im Pre-Post-Follow-up-Design erhoben. Die Ergebnisse der Studie bestätigen den signifikanten Einfluss des Online-Portals. So zeigen sich durchaus positive Effekte hinsichtlich der Entwicklung des aktuellen Interesses der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Gleiches gilt auch im Hinblick auf verwandte Konstrukte wie das Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept, die wahrgenommenen Merkmale der Laborumgebung und auch abgeschwächt für dispositionale Interessen. Bezogen auf die angestrebte Förderung des aktuellen Interesses zeigte sich, dass vor allem Schülerinnen profitieren. Allerdings ließ sich für die meisten der hervorgerufenen Effekte ein Absinken im Verlauf der Zeit erkennen. Möglicherweise ist das auf die Umsetzung der Nachbereitung im Rahmen des Online-Portals zurückzuführen. Die Ergebnisse lassen die Vermutung zu, dass die Nachbereitung bezüglich des Interesses an Naturwissenschaften und an einem physikalischen Beruf das Potenzial besitzt, mehr Nachhaltigkeit hervorzurufen. Um Vorinteressen der Teilnehmer zu berücksichtigen, konnten drei unterschiedliche naturwissenschaftliche Interessensklassen identifiziert werden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Entwicklung des aktuellen Interesses aller drei Interessenklassen durch das Online-Portal gefördert wird. Dies gilt vor allem für die gering naturwissenschaftlich interessierten Schülerinnen und Schüler. Untersuchungen, die sich auf das Online-Portal selbst bezogen, offenbarten zum einen ein hohes Maß an Bereitschaft, sich auch mit dem dafür notwendigen zeitlichen Aufwand auf den Experimentiertag im Schülerlabor vorzubereiten. Zum anderen schätzt die breite Mehrheit der Teilnehmer das Online-Portal für ihre Arbeit im Schülerlabor. Selbst eine umfangreichere Vorbereitung wird von den Schülerinnen und Schülern als akzeptabel betrachtet. Es wird dennoch dazu geraten, die Vor- und Nachbereitung obligatorisch durchzuführen. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie den positiven Einfluss des Online-Portals bzw. der Vor- und Nachbereitung auf außerschulische Aktivitäten.

Serious play : exploring literacies and masculinities within drama companies for young adults

Bogard, Treavor Lowell 07 January 2011 (has links)
This multi-site case study examines literacy practices across four theatre companies for young adults. The study draws upon ethnographic methods including interviews, field notes, and video data to show how composing practices situated with acts of design fostered multiple entry points through text, a multimodal stance when reading, collaboration, play, shared response, and sustained engagement in the orchestration of available modalities in the creation of characters. Drawing upon theories of multimodality, play, and masculinities, the study links literacy practices in drama with the configuration of historically subordinated, non-normative masculinities, including self-identified gay youth. These young men reported excessive self-monitoring and identity management strategies within heteronormative school contexts, but took-up a plurality of masculinities as they engaged design practices that encouraged play, risk-taking, and the appropriation of available media in their design of characters. The study cultivates an awareness of how literacy practices in drama intersected with affirming construction of non-normative gendered and sexual identities typically subordinated in school settings, but that were reportedly more aligned with informants’ sense of self. The study draws implications for how educators may help young people critique structures of heternormativity and hegemonic masculinities that often limit the identities and masculinities available in school. In addition, the study draws implications for classroom practice in the language arts that position youth as designers of multimodal texts that allow for multiple representations of the self. / text

家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之研究─以臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭為例 / The influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy: the cases of Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland

許瑋珊, Hsu, Wei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養之現況,並分析其關係,進而建構與驗證家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之模式,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,針對家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養進行文獻探討,俾做為研究立論基礎與分析之依據;其次,透過PISA 2009資料庫中學生問卷資料與評量結果進行分析,以了解現況並驗證理論模式;最後,依據研究結果進行綜合討論,以形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論與建議歸納如下: 壹、各國學生在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養有顯著差異 一、不同國家學生在家庭資源的多寡有顯著差異:加拿大學生所擁有的財富資產、教育資源最為豐富,而在文化資產方面,則以韓國學生為最高。 二、不同國家學生在課後學習的情形有顯著差異:韓國學生參加語文補救課程的比例最高,臺灣學生則在語文加強課程以及學習技巧課程的參加比例最高。 三、不同國家學生在閱讀素養的表現有顯著差異:整體而言,以韓國學生表現最好,芬蘭學生次之,接著為加拿大學生,而以臺灣學生表現為最低。 貳、各國學生在家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響模式之檢定結果 一、經適配度檢定結果顯示:本研究模式在整體適配度指標、比較適配度指標、精簡適配度指標、基本適配度指標與內在適配度指標皆佳。 二、家庭資源愈豐富,閱讀素養愈高:家庭資源對閱讀素養有顯著的正向影響,亦即各國學生所擁有的家庭資源愈多,則閱讀素養越高。 三、課後課程的學習不必然能提升閱讀素養:臺灣、加拿大、芬蘭學生在課後學習對閱讀素養呈現負向影響,然韓國學生在課後學習對閱讀素養則呈現正向影響。   最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供主管教育行政機關、學校教育人員及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. The research methods included literature review and data analysis from PISA 2009 database. First, the literature review was the basis of argument and for the development of the model. Secondly, the statistical analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and structural eduation modeling. Finally, the comprehensive discussion was based on the research findings, and to draw the conclusions which were summarized as follows: A.The path leading from home possessions to reading literacy was positive in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. That is, home possessions have significant influences on reading literacy in this four countries. B.The path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was positive in South Korea. That is, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and positive influences on reading literacy in South Korea. However, the path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was negative in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In other words, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and negative influences on reading literacy in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In the end, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, school personnel, and future research, attempting to benefit the development of secondary school education in the future.

Doučování žáků 1. stupně ZŠ v mimoškolním prostředí / Tutoring of elementary school pupils outside school

Dufková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Title: Tutoring of elementary school pupils outside school Summary: The diploma thesis provides complex analysis of pilot of National library focused on supporting pupils of elementary school with preparation for school tasks. Within the first part thesis is focused on methods of out of school tutoring in Czech Republic. Subsequently I have monitored the participation of pilot's volunteers within Municipal library in Prague - Bohnice and their interaction with pupils. Thesis describes individual approaches of particular tutors and try to identify drawbacks and finally evaluate ideal approach. Key words: Tutoring, elementary school pupil, disadvantaged pupil, library, project, out of school premises, preparation for school tasks, regular preparation, mentoring, volunteerin

The educational effects of pre and post-work in out-of-school laboratories

Streller, Matthias 04 November 2015 (has links)
Since the 1980’s, education had to face various challenges such as new technologies, new ways of information gathering but also a reconsideration of conventional educational approaches. As a result, more emphasis has been placed on laboratory work in school science. In many industry nations, this trend was likewise bolstered by unexpected poor results in international comparative assessments (e.g. PISA, TIMSS), as well as students’ poor perception of science and, in relation to that, negative effects on career choices. To combat this growing trend, in Germany many out-of-school science laboratories were established in the recent years to foster interest in science. However, despite their positive temporary effects, approaches to increase effects or to develop long term positive changes are in demand. This research investigates how the out-of-school laboratory effects are affected by a preparation and post enhancement based upon previous studies. Therefore, an online portal was developed which provided cognitive and affective content in order to prepare and post enhance students for their visit in an out-of-school laboratory. The research-based study was aimed at students from grade 10 of lower and upper secondary level who perform one-day experimental activities at the out-of-school laboratory located at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf research center. In doing so, a comparative analysis was conducted between students who used the online portal and control group members who just regularly visited the laboratory without a special preparation or post enhancement. The evaluation follows a pre, post, and follow-up approach. Based on the results of this research, it could be confirmed that the online portal, as a tool to prepare and post enhance students, had a significant impact. Moreso, students’ situational interest was positively promoted through the online portal. This also applied for related features, like students’ self-concept as well as their perceptions of the out-of-school laboratory environment and even slight effects on their individual interest. As it turned out regarding the desired situational interest, females benefitted most. However, again most results suggest that evoked effects diminish over time. Even though this likely can be traced back to the characteristics of the post enhancement of the online portal, outcomes regarding students’ interest in science and a career in physics indicate the post enhancement’s ability to ensure sustainability. Within the sample three classes were identified based on their interests. Accordingly, for all classes’ members the portal fosters their situational interest. This especially applies for less scientific interested students. Assessments on the portal’s perception by the students revealed a high degree of willingness to prepare for the laboratory visit and to spend the time required. A large majority appreciated the online portal for their laboratory work. An extended preparation, like presented in this study, is still regarded as acceptable to the students. Nevertheless, a compulsory preparation and post enhancement is highly recommended. On the whole, it can be concluded that the online portal respectively a preparation and post enhancement is beneficial for activities out-of-school.:1. Science, Education, & Society 2. Out-of-school laboratories 3. Out-of-school science education 4. Applied educational psychological concepts 5. Studies on out-of-school science laboratories 6. Research Questions and Hypotheses 7. Methods 8. The Study 9. Statistics 10. Determination of the student groups 11. Verification of the hypothesis 12. Investigations on the online portal 13. Discussion 14. Summary 15. Limitations of the study 16. Implications and recommendations / Anfang der 1980er-Jahre ergaben sich im Bildungssektor eine Reihe von Herausforderungen, die im Zusammenhang mit neuen Technologien, neuen Wegen des Informationsaustausches, aber auch des Hinterfragens traditioneller Bildungsansätze standen. Im Ergebnis dessen kam der experimentellen Arbeit im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht eine stärkere Rolle zu. Unerwartet schwache Ergebnisse internationaler Vergleichsstudien (z.B. PISA, TIMSS) sowie ein schlechtes Image der Naturwissenschaften und damit einhergehende negative Auswirkungen auf die Kurs- und Berufswahl verstärkten diesen Trend in vielen Industrienationen. Vor diesem Hintergrund und mit dem Ziel, Interesse an Naturwissenschaften zu fördern, wurden in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche Schülerlabore etabliert. Trotz der Tatsache, dass die Einrichtungen positive Effekte erzielen, sind diese teilweise gering oder schwächen mit der Zeit ab. Wie bisherige Studien vermuten lassen, scheint die Vor- und Nachbereitung von Veranstaltungen im Schülerlabor eine Lösung hierfür zu bieten. Anhand der vorgestellten Studie soll dies untersucht werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde ein Online-Portal für Schülerinnen und Schüler entwickelt. Basierend auf kognitiven und affektiven Inhalten bietet es Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, ihren Schülerlaborbesuch vor- und nachzubereiten. Die Studie richtete sich an Schüler ab der 10. Klasse der Sekundarstufe 1 und 2, die einen Experimentiertag im Schülerlabor DeltaX am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf absolvierten. Dabei wurden in Form einer Vergleichsstudie Teilnehmer mit und ohne Nutzung des Online-Portals gegenübergestellt. Die entsprechenden Daten der Untersuchung wurden durch eine Fragebogenerhebung im Pre-Post-Follow-up-Design erhoben. Die Ergebnisse der Studie bestätigen den signifikanten Einfluss des Online-Portals. So zeigen sich durchaus positive Effekte hinsichtlich der Entwicklung des aktuellen Interesses der Schülerinnen und Schüler. Gleiches gilt auch im Hinblick auf verwandte Konstrukte wie das Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept, die wahrgenommenen Merkmale der Laborumgebung und auch abgeschwächt für dispositionale Interessen. Bezogen auf die angestrebte Förderung des aktuellen Interesses zeigte sich, dass vor allem Schülerinnen profitieren. Allerdings ließ sich für die meisten der hervorgerufenen Effekte ein Absinken im Verlauf der Zeit erkennen. Möglicherweise ist das auf die Umsetzung der Nachbereitung im Rahmen des Online-Portals zurückzuführen. Die Ergebnisse lassen die Vermutung zu, dass die Nachbereitung bezüglich des Interesses an Naturwissenschaften und an einem physikalischen Beruf das Potenzial besitzt, mehr Nachhaltigkeit hervorzurufen. Um Vorinteressen der Teilnehmer zu berücksichtigen, konnten drei unterschiedliche naturwissenschaftliche Interessensklassen identifiziert werden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Entwicklung des aktuellen Interesses aller drei Interessenklassen durch das Online-Portal gefördert wird. Dies gilt vor allem für die gering naturwissenschaftlich interessierten Schülerinnen und Schüler. Untersuchungen, die sich auf das Online-Portal selbst bezogen, offenbarten zum einen ein hohes Maß an Bereitschaft, sich auch mit dem dafür notwendigen zeitlichen Aufwand auf den Experimentiertag im Schülerlabor vorzubereiten. Zum anderen schätzt die breite Mehrheit der Teilnehmer das Online-Portal für ihre Arbeit im Schülerlabor. Selbst eine umfangreichere Vorbereitung wird von den Schülerinnen und Schülern als akzeptabel betrachtet. Es wird dennoch dazu geraten, die Vor- und Nachbereitung obligatorisch durchzuführen. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie den positiven Einfluss des Online-Portals bzw. der Vor- und Nachbereitung auf außerschulische Aktivitäten.:1. Science, Education, & Society 2. Out-of-school laboratories 3. Out-of-school science education 4. Applied educational psychological concepts 5. Studies on out-of-school science laboratories 6. Research Questions and Hypotheses 7. Methods 8. The Study 9. Statistics 10. Determination of the student groups 11. Verification of the hypothesis 12. Investigations on the online portal 13. Discussion 14. Summary 15. Limitations of the study 16. Implications and recommendations

Vymezení konceptu komunitní školy v českém školském systému / The Definition of community school concept in the Czech educational system

Lauermann, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation is designed as a theoretical research study, whose aim is to explore the possibilities of mapping and development of the community aspect of schools. This field of study is still relatively unexplored. The goal of this dissertation is to outline theoretically the concept of a Community school, and to stress the change of paradigm of current education and focus on how the role of school changes in current society. The dissertation also focuses on theoretical aspects of school perception and current scientific knowledge in given area. The research focuses on the analysis and characteristics of the Community school model. Further goal of the empirical research was to determine whether there is a reliable instrument to help identify the type and quality of a given Community school, identify a basic typological distribution of Community schools in the Czech Republic, identify how individual concepts of Community schools differ in the content and delivery of their curricula, and how are principles of Community schools interconnected with the principles of inclusive education, and in particular with the provision of equal opportunities. The qualitative research was carried out in five elementary schools in the Czech Republic that identify themselves as Community schools. These five...

Vliv sociálního prostředí na mimoškolní hudební vzdělávání dětí / Influence of the social environment on extracurricalar music education of children

Jiroušková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with social environment, especially its influence on out-of-school musical education of children. The thesis also examines factors, that influence out-of- school education of children. The thesis contains theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part the term of social environment and its possible influence on out-of- school musical education of children are defined and clarified. Different social groups, that children usually walks through in their lives, are described in individual chapters. Big attention is given to these social groups. In thesis problematics of influence of massmedia on children's musical development is delineate. The thesis also offer detailed list of institutions in which children have opportunity to musically educate themselves. The practical part consists of research of influence of social environment on out-of-school musical education of children and maps factors, that decide where children musically educate themselves, which musical instrument children play and also delineates problematics outlines of commuting to out-of-school music instititions. The research was realized in the form of questionnaire for parents of children, who study on three elementary art schools in cities, which significantly differ in size. It was ZUŠ Vimperk, ZUŠ Bohumila...

Creative Writers in a Digital Age : Swedish Teenagers’ Insights into their Extramural English Writing and the School Subject of English

Morris, Paul January 2022 (has links)
The digital age has re-shaped the landscape of creative writing. One example of the changes that have taken place is the way in which millions of young people, globally, now write and share stories as online fanfiction. This is an out-of-school leisure pastime that can also help improve language skills (Aragon & Davis, 2019; Black, 2008). English taught as a second language (i.e. L2) in schools can be less authentic, less motivational and engaging than English used in free-time situations (extramural English, Sundqvist, 2009); thus, there is a need to “bridge the gap” between the English taught in the formal setting of school and the English encountered in informal settings (Swedish Schools Inspectorate, 2011). This licentiate thesis focuses on extramural English creative writing and aims to raise understanding about the ways it can motivate and engage. Also, the issue of L2 English is addressed in relation to pupils’ perspectives of their informal learning as well as their insights into creative writing and challenge in the school subject of English. The participants in the study were thirteen teenage pupils of Swedish secondary and upper-secondary schools who write creatively in English in their free time. Their writing included stories, comics, poems and songs, and some of this work was published online. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews, and it was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings confirm that writing can be closely related to reading, as participants were motivated by stories they wished to imitate and adapt. Also, the results show how teenage creative writers were able to use networked communication to access a large global readership. There was a strong motivation to write for pleasure – for oneself – and this writing, and enjoyment, could subsequently be shared with others. The free-time writing activity was fun, playful and imaginative, and also aided understanding of the participants’ own experiences and emotions. The state of flow (Csíkszentmihályi, 1990) was an aspect of the pupils’ engagement with creative writing as well. The activity was rewarding as it brought praise, enabled role-play, involved social contacts, and opened the way to new affiliations and friendships. Moreover, the pupils considered that their language learning was enriched through their free-time creative writing. Finally, the participants offered valuable insights into aspects of English as a school subject: there was some creative writing in English lessons, but there was a need for both more creative writing and more challenge.

Les postures des animateurs et des animatrices scientifiques quant au dialogue "sciences en/et société"

Gorry, Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a eu pour objectif d’explorer les postures d’animateurs et d’animatrices scientifiques quant au dialogue « sciences en/et société » et les moyens qu’ils utilisent pour assurer ce dialogue à travers leurs interventions pédagogiques dans le cadre d’ateliers scientifiques hors scolaires. Six animateurs scientifiques ont été interviewés. Ces entretiens ont permis de recueillir des données riches sur leur compréhension de la nature des sciences, leurs postures pédagogiques en tant que transmetteur, guide ou médiateur du développement de l’alphabétisation scientifique chez les jeunes dans les espaces hors scolaires, ainsi que sur la manière dont ils perçoivent le rôle de leurs interventions pédagogiques dans le cadre du développement de l’alphabétisation scientifique chez les jeunes et de la compréhension qu’ils ont des sciences comme outil d’action sociopolitique, tel qu’entendu dans le dialogue « sciences en/et société ». Les postures épistémologiques, pédagogiques et sociales identifiées sont d’une grande diversité et révèlent des tendances qui s’inscrivent dans des spectres allant de l’empirisme au constructivisme, du divertissement à l’empowerment et de la valorisation de la place des sciences en société à la critique de sa primauté. Plusieurs animateurs scientifiques de notre échantillon ont ainsi eu des postures hybrides et parfois conflictuelles, ce qui met en évidence la valeur potentielle d’interventions éducatives qui donnent aux animateurs scientifiques l’occasion de questionner et de réexaminer de manière critique leurs pratiques. / The purpose of this study was to explore informal science educators’ position on the “science in/and society” dialogue and the means whereby they ensure that dialogue through their pedagogical interventions in out-of-school settings. Six informal science educators were interviewed, leading to rich data in terms of their understanding of the nature of science, their pedagogical positions as transmitters, constructors and mediators of children’s development of science literacy in out-of-school settings, and the manner they perceive the role of their pedagogical interventions in children’s science literacy development and understanding of science as a tool for socio-political action, as called for by a science in/and society dialogue. The epistemic, pedagogical and social positions identified range from empiricism to constructivism, from entertainment to empowerment, and from recognition of the value of science in society to a critique of its pre-eminence, suggesting great diversity among the educators studied. Many of the sampled educators held hybrid and at times conflicting positions, suggesting the potential value of educational interventions that offer a means for informal science educators to question and critically re-examine their current practices.

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