Spelling suggestions: "subject:"overactive bladder"" "subject:"overactive ladder""
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Hyperaktivní močový měchýř u pacientek s diagnózou roztroušená skleróza mozkomíšní z pohledu fyzioterapeuta / The hyperactive urinary bladder in female patients with multiple sclerosis as seen by a physiotherapistHavlíčková, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis " A Physiotherapist's View of Overactive Bladder function in Multiple Sclerosis Patients" and the influence of physiotherapy on the symptoms of the overactive bladder. This thesis deals with exert influence on symptoms of an overactive bladder by physiotherapy. Therapy is based on the fact that guarding reflexes that maintains continence at the level of spine and subcortical (micturition centre in pons) are activated by the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Physiotherapy contains pelvic floor muscle training with biofeedback, behavioral training and training of stabilizing function of pelvic floor muscles. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Machine Learning for Responsiveness of Medication in Bladder and Prostate SyndromesJu, Mingxuan 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessing health state preferences and the decision to medicate in overactive bladderHarpe, Spencer E. 11 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Female urinary incontinence : impact on sexual life and psychosocial wellbeing in patients and partners, and patient-reported outcome after surgeryNilsson, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) and urgency are common conditions and can have a profound influence on many aspects of life. Approximately one in four women has UI and one in ten has daily symptoms. Knowledge is lacking, however, on the impact of UI and urgency on the lives of affected women and their partners and on the situation of women with urinary leakage one year postoperatively. Aims: To study the consequences of female UI and urgency for patients and their partners on quality of life (QoL), the partner relationship, and their sexual lives. Also to evaluate the success rates of three operation methods: tension-free vaginal tape (TVT), tension-free vaginal tape-obturator (TVT-O), and transobturator tape (TOT) for stress urinary incontinence (SUI), with a particular focus on women who still have urinary leakage one year after surgery. Methods: Women seeking healthcare for UI and/or urgency and their partners were invited to answer questionnaires. The women completed disease-specific questionnaires and both the women (n = 206) and their partners (n = 109) answered questions about their psychosocial situation, partner relationship, and sexual life. Patient-reported outcomes one year after surgery with TVT, TVT-O, or TOT (n = 3334) were derived from the Swedish National Quality Register for Gynaecological Surgery. Results: Most of the women reported that their urinary problems negatively affected their physical activities, and almost half reported negative consequences for their social life. Women aged 25–49 years were less satisfied with their psychological health, sexual life, and leisure than women aged 50–74 years. One third of both the women and their partners (all the partners were men) experienced a negative impact on their relationship, and sexual life was negatively affected in almost half of the women and one in five of their men. Coital incontinence was reported in one third of the women. Most of their men did not consider this a problem, but the majority of the affected women did. Satisfaction with outcome of the operation did not differ between TVT, TVT-O, and TOT, but TVT showed a higher success rate for SUI than TOT did. Higher age, higher body mass index, a diagnosis of mixed urinary incontinence, and a history of urinary leakage in combination with urgency each constitute a risk for a lower operation success rate. After one year, 29% of the women still had some form of UI, but half of these were satisfied with the outcome and most reported fewer negative impacts on family, social, working, and sexual life than before the operation. Conclusions: Female UI and/or urgency impaired QoL, particularly in young women, and had negative effects on partner relationships and on some partners’ lives. Sexual life was also affected, more often in women with UI and/or urgency than in their partners. At one-year follow-up after surgery, about one third of the women still had some form of UI, but the negative impact on their lives was reduced. A challenge for health care professionals is to initiate a dialogue with women with urinary symptoms about sexual function and what surgery can realistically be expected to accomplish.
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Συγκριτική ουροδυναμική αξιολόγηση της δραστικότητας της οξυβουτυνίνης και τολτεροδίνης στην ιδιοπαθή υπερδραστήρια κύστη : συσχετισμός με το βαθμό ουροδυναμικής βαρύτητας της υπερδραστηριότητας και το "δείκτη υπερδραστηριότητας"Γιαννίτσας, Κωνσταντίνος 22 January 2009 (has links)
Η υπερδραστηριότητα του εξωστήρα μυ της κύστης, που αποτελεί το αντικείμενο
της παρούσας μελέτης, είναι μια ουροδυναμική παρατήρηση. Κατά κανόνα, η
εργαστηριακή αυτή παρατήρηση συνοδεύει ένα κλινικό σύνδρομο, που
χαρακτηρίζεται από συνδυασμό συμπτωμάτων από το κατώτερο ουροποιητικό
σύστημα, και ονομάζεται σύνδρομο της υπερδραστήριας κύστης ή σύνδρομο
έπειξης ή σύνδρομο συχνουρίας-έπειξης.
Αν και το κλινικό σύνδρομο είναι εξαιρετικά συχνό και αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο
τμήμα του καθημερινού όγκου δουλειάς κάθε ουρολόγου ή και γενικού ιατρού, η
χρήση της σχετικής ονοματολογίας για τα συμπτώματα, τα σημεία και
εργαστηριακά ευρήματα είναι πολλές φορές καταχρηστική και, ως εκ τούτου, η
προκαλούμενη σύγχυση αναπόφευκτη.
Η αιτιολογία της υπερδραστηριότητας του εξωστήρα, με εξαίρεση τις περιπτώσεις
όπου ανιχνεύσιμη νευρολογική βλάβη μπορεί να ενοχοποιηθεί αιτιολογικά
(νευροπαθής υπερδραστηριότητα εξωστήρα) είναι άγνωστη (ιδιοπαθής) παρά τις
σχετικές θεωρίες που έχουν διατυπωθεί για την ερμηνεία της.
Όσον αφορά την αντιμετώπιση της σχετικής συμπτωματολογίας υπάρχει
πληθώρα μεθόδων τόσο συντηρητικών όσο και επεμβατικών. Η ποικιλία των
διαθέσιμων φαρμακευτικών σκευασμάτων και διαφόρων επεμβατικών τεχνικών, αν
όχι ανεξάντλητη είναι σίγουρα μεγάλη και αποδεικνύει την έλλειψη ιδανικής
θεραπευτικής προσέγγισης.
Η εκτίμηση του αποτελέσματος της όποιας θεραπευτικής παρέμβασης γίνεται
άλλοτε με αντικειμενικά και άλλοτε με υποκειμενικά κριτήρια. Αδιαμφισβήτητα η
υποκειμενική εκτίμηση του αποτελέσματος είναι ιδιαίτερα μεγάλης σημασίας,
καθώς, δικαιωματικά, ο ίδιος ο ασθενής αποτελεί τον τελικό αποδέκτη των
ενεργειών και παρενεργειών της θεραπείας. Όμως, η επιστημονική μέθοδος,
απαραίτητη για την βελτίωση της κατανόησης της αιτιολογίας , της
παθοφυσιολογίας της φυσικής ιστορίας και της θεραπευτικής προσέγγισης
οποιασδήποτε παθολογίας, απαιτεί αυστηρά αντικειμενικά κριτήρια .
Γίνεται κιόλας φανερό ότι υπάρχουν αρκετά κενά όσον αφορά την
ονοματολογία, την αιτιολογία και τη διάγνωση της υπερδραστηριότητας του
εξωστήρα. Όμως και στον τομέα της θεραπείας ή έλλειψη τόσο προγνωστικών
κριτηρίων για την ανταπόκριση στη θεραπεία όσο και γενικά αποδεκτών, κλινικά
σημαντικών, παραμέτρων εκτίμησης του αποτελέσματος επιβάλλουν την περαιτέρω
μελέτη για την ανεύρεσή τους. Σ’ αυτή την κατεύθυνση επικεντρώνεται και
προσπάθεια της συγκεκριμένης μελέτης. / -
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Assoalho pélvico e sintomas urinários na gestação e após o parto / Pelvic floor and urinary symptoms in pregnancy and after childbirthFrederice, Claudia Pignatti 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eliana Martorano Amaral / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T16:08:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Frederice_ClaudiaPignatti_M.pdf: 1640495 bytes, checksum: 0fb6fab5315024ff3608aa1c7eb6ac16 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar a associação da função muscular do assoalho pélvico (AP) com a presença de sintomas urinários no terceiro trimestre gestacional de nulíparas e em primíparas 60 dias pós-parto. Sujeitos e método: Este é um estudo de coorte prospectivo, com análises tipo corte transversal para a gestação e para o puerpério, apresentadas nesta dissertação. Gestantes entre 30-34 semanas gestacionais de feto único, entre 18-35 anos, que faziam prénatal no CAISM-UNICAMP ou em Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Campinas, foram selecionadas. Gestantes que evoluíram para parto vaginal com episiotomia e cesariana após trabalho de parto foram avaliadas dois meses após o parto. Nos dois momentos estudados, foi registrada a medida da contração do AP por meio de eletromiografia de superfície - EMGs (tônus de base - TB, contração voluntária máxima - CVM e contração sustentada média - CSM), e por graduação de força muscular (graus 0-5). Avaliou-se a presença de sintomas urinários de noctúria, urgência e aumento de frequência urinária diurna (sintomas de Bexiga Hiperativa - BH), enurese, e incontinências de esforço e de urgência por meio de entrevista, na gestação e no pós-parto. Excluíram-se as mulheres com: dificuldade de compreensão, déficit motor/neurológico de membros inferiores, cirurgia pélvica prévia, diabetes, contraindicação para palpação vaginal e que praticavam exercícios para a musculatura do AP. Foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e Exato de Fisher para análise de proporções e o teste de Mann-Whitney para analisar diferenças de médias. Foram calculadas as razões de prevalência (RP) com intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95%. Resultados: Foram avaliadas 91 gestantes, em média com 32 semanas gestacionais e 24,3 anos. Os valores médios encontrados de TB, CVM e CSM foram 4,8µV, 19,2µV e 12,9µV, respectivamente e a maior parte das gestantes (48,4%) apresentou grau três de força muscular. O sintoma urinário mais prevalente foi a noctúria (80,2%), seguido do aumento de frequência urinária diurna (59,3%) e da incontinência urinária de esforço (50,5%). Observou-se associação entre a presença de sintomas de BH com menor TB. Não foi observada associação entre a presença de sintomas urinários com a graduação de força, com CVM e CSM. Gestantes da cor branca apresentaram prevalência 1,79 maior de incontinência urinária de esforço (RP bruta=1.79 [IC95% 1,12-2,87]). Entre as 46 puérperas avaliadas (43% submetidas ao parto vaginal e 57% à cesariana), em média 63,7 dias pós-parto, os valores médios encontrados de TB, CVM e CSM foram 3µV, 14,6µV e 10,3µV, respectivamente. A maior parte (56,5%) apresentou grau três de força muscular. Os sintomas mais prevalentes foram a noctúria (19,6%), urgência (13%) e o aumento de frequência urinária diurna (8,7%). Puérperas obesas e com sobrepeso tiveram 4,62 vezes mais sintomas de BH (RP bruta=4,62 [IC95% 1,15-18,5]). A perda urinária aos esforços foi a mais prevalente entre as incontinências, acometendo 6,5% das puérperas. Nenhuma outra característica, incluindo via de parto, associou-se aos sintomas de incontinência ou BH. Não foi observada associação entre a presença de sintomas urinários com os valores de EMGs ou graduação de força. Conclusão: Foi observado menor TB entre gestantes que apresentavam sintomas de BH. Não se observou associação entre as outras medidas de avaliação do AP com os sintomas urinários. Após o parto não se observou associação entre a graduação de força e EMGs do AP com os sintomas urinários / Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the association between pelvic floor (PF) muscle function and urinary symptoms in the third trimester of pregnancy in nulliparous and primiparous 60 days postpartum. Subjects and method: A prospective cohort was conducted with cross-sectional analysis for pregnancy and the postpartum period presented in this dissertation. Pregnant women between 30-34 weeks of pregnancy of a single fetus, between 18-35 years, from antenatal clinics of UNICAMP-CAISM or from Primary Health Units of Campinas, were selected. Pregnant women who had a vaginal delivery with episiotomy and cesarean section after labor were assessed two months after birth. In both periods studied, PF muscle function was accessed by surface electromyography - sEMG (basic tonus-BT, maximum voluntary contraction-MVC average of sustained contraction- ASC), and by muscle strength grading (grades 0 -5). Were evaluated the presence of urinary symptoms of nocturia, urgency and increased daytime frequency (overactive bladder symptoms - OAB), enuresis, urge and stress urinary incontinence were identified through interview, during pregnancy and postpartum. Women excluded were those with: disability to understand, motor or neurological impairment of lower limb, pelvic surgery, diabetes, contraindication for vaginal palpation and practitioners of exercises for PF muscles. Chi-square and Fisher Exact test were used for analysis of proportions and the Mann-Whitney test to analyze differences in means. Prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Ninety-one pregnant women were evaluated with an average of 32 weeks' pregnancy and 24.3 years. The average values of BT, MVC and ASC were: 4.8µV, 19.2µV and 12.9µV respectively, and most of the women (48.4%) presented muscle strength grade three. The most prevalent urinary symptom was nocturia (80.2%), followed by increased daytime frequency (59.3%) and stress urinary incontinence (50.5%). There was an association between symptoms of OAB with lower BT. There was no association between urinary symptoms and the degree of strength, with MVC e ASC. White pregnant women had a prevalence 1.79 higher of stress urinary incontinence (PR crude = 1.79 [95% CI 1.12 to 2.87]). Among the 46 mothers tested (43% with vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections 57%) on average 63.7 days postpartum, the mean values for BT, MVC and ASC were 3?V, 14.6µV and 10.3µV, respectively. Most women (56.5%) had grade three of muscle strength. The most prevalent symptoms were nocturia (19.6%), urgency (13%) and increased daytime urinary frequency (8.7%). Puerperal obese and overweight had 4.62 times more OAB symptoms (PR crude = 4.62 [95% CI 1.15 to 18.5]). The stress urinary incontinence was the most prevalent incontinence, affecting 6.5% of postpartum women. No other feature, including mode of delivery, was associated with symptoms of incontinence or OAB. There was no association between urinary symptoms and the degree of strength or PF sEMG values. Conclusion: A lower TB was observed among pregnant women with OAB symptoms. No association was observed between other measurement of PF muscle function and urinary symptoms. After delivery there was no association between the grading of muscle strength and PF sEMG with urinary symptoms / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestre em Tocoginecologia
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Estimulação elétrica transcutânea parassacral no tratamento da bexiga hiperativaPaula, Lidyanne Ilidia da Silva de 04 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-27T13:52:13Z
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lidyanneilidiadasilvadepaula.pdf: 1449976 bytes, checksum: 106047368ce623ea5be34f11095b712f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-02T15:18:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
lidyanneilidiadasilvadepaula.pdf: 1449976 bytes, checksum: 106047368ce623ea5be34f11095b712f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T15:18:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
lidyanneilidiadasilvadepaula.pdf: 1449976 bytes, checksum: 106047368ce623ea5be34f11095b712f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-04 / Introdução: A bexiga hiperativa é o distúrbio miccional mais prevalente na infância, tendo como principal manifestação a urgência miccional. Geralmente, a uroterapia é a primeira linha de tratamento, que pode ser associada ou não a anticolinérgicos. A Estimulação Elétrica Transcutânea Parassacral (EETP) foi introduzida como uma alternativa para o tratamento de crianças com hiperatividade do detrusor, porém os protocolos de tratamentos descritos exigem várias sessões semanais, o que dificulta a adesão da criança ao tratamento. Assim, esse estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia da EETP em sessões únicas semanais no tratamento da bexiga hiperativa em crianças. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, controlado e randomizado, no qual 16 crianças foram divididas em dois grupos: GC (uroterapia e estimulação elétrica placebo) e GE (uroterapia e EETP). Em ambos os grupos, foram realizadas 20 sessões, uma vez por semana, durante vinte minutos cada. As crianças foram reavaliadas ao final das 20 sessões e 60 dias após o término do tratamento com diário miccional diurno e noturno, escala visual analógica, critérios de Roma III e escala de Bristol. Resultados: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto à idade, gênero e etnia. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos quanto, as medições volumétricas feitas no diário miccional, a frequência miccional e a constipação intestinal avaliada através dos critérios de Roma III e da escala de Bristol. Sessenta dias após o tratamento, notou-se melhora significativa no GE da urgência miccional (p=0,030) e, naqueles com enurese, no percentual de noites secas (0,039). Ao final das 20 sessões e após 60 dias de tratamento os responsáveis pelas crianças do GE perceberam uma maior melhora em relação aos responsáveis pelas crianças do GC (p=0,052 e 0,046 respectivamente) avaliado pela EVA. Conclusões: A EETP realizada com sessões únicas semanais se mostrou eficaz no tratamento da bexiga quanto aos sintomas de urgência urinária, enurese e na percepção dos responsáveis, porém novos estudos com populações maiores se faz necessários para assegurar estes resultados. / Introduction: The overactive bladder is the voiding disorder most prevalent in childhood, and its main manifestation is urinary urgency. In general, urotherapy is the first choice of treatment. It may be associated with anticholinergics or not. Parasacral Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation (PTENS) was introduced as an alternative for the treatment of children with detrusor overactivity, but the treatment protocols described require several sessions per week, making it difficult for the child to adhere to the treatment. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of PTENS in single weekly sessions in the treatment of overactive bladder in children. Methods: Prospective, controlled and randomized study in which 16 children were divided into two groups: CG (urotherapy and electrical stimulation placebo) and SG (urotherapy and PTENS). In both groups, 20 weekly sessions, with duration of twenty minutes each, were carried out. The children were reassessed at the end of the 20 sessions, and 60 days after the completion of treatment, with both a daily daytime and a voiding diary, visual analog scale, Rome III diagnostic criteria and the Bristol Scale. Results: The groups were similar in age, gender and ethnicity. No differences were found between the groups regarding the volumetric measurements made in the voiding diary, urinary frequency and constipation evaluated by the Rome III criteria and the Bristol Scale. Sixty days after treatment, a significant improvement was found in the SG group (p = 0.030) regarding urgency, as well as in those with enuresis, regarding the percentage of dry nights (0.039). At the end of 20 sessions and after 60 days of treatment, those responsible for the children in the SG perceived greater improvement over those responsible for children in the CG (p = 0.052 and 0.046 respectively), measured by the VAS. Conclusions: The PTENS performed with single weekly sessions proved effective in treating the bladder for symptoms of urinary urgency, enuresis and in the perception of those responsible for the children, but further studies with larger populations are needed to corroborate these results.
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Qualidade de vida de mulheres com bexiga hiperativa no município de Sorocaba / Quality of life of women with overactive bladder in SorocabaAzevedo, Gisele Regina de 29 February 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo quantitativo, do tipo descritivo e exploratório, de corte transversal, em que se utilizou inquérito populacional domiciliar, que teve por objetivo analisar a qualidade de vida de mulheres com bexiga hiperativa no município de Sorocaba/SP, verificar as correlações existentes entre os escores de QV e algumas variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas da amostra, além de verificar as correlações existentes entre os escores de QV e a Escala de Sintomas do KHQ. Foi utilizado um questionário sócio-demográfico e clínico e o questionário específico de QV King\'s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), sendo que o estudo foi aprovado previamente pelo Comitê de Ética da PUC/SP. A população do estudo foi constituída por 334 mulheres das quais foram selecionadas para a amostra as 33 que apresentaram os sintomas caracterizadores de bexiga hiperativa (BH) e que possibilitaram uma estimação da prevalência da mesma para o município. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos domicílios das mulheres e o banco de dados implantado com o uso do software SPSS versão 13.0 foi submetido às análises estatísticas através da análise de regressão linear categórica pelo método CATREG (Categorical Regression with Optimal Scaling), tendo sido realizadas por meio dos programas estatísticos GENSTAT for Windows versão 8, Sudaan 7.5 e NCSS 2007. Foram avaliadas as correlações não paramétricas entre os dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos e os domínios do KHQ pelo Coeficiente de postos de Spearman e foram avaliadas as significâncias do qui-quadrado do Teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow que variaram de 0,384 a 0,85; indicando bom ajuste dos modelos, que foi a forma escolhida para a organização das variáveis para a análise. O teste da razão de verossimilhança mostrou que a contribuição de cada variável nos modelos ajustados foi significante (p< 0,05). A presença ou não de multicolinearidade (alta correlação entre as variáveis independentes) foi testada em cada modelo. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% e as estatísticas com p descritivo <= 0,05 foram consideradas significantes. As propriedades psicométricas do KHQ foram dadas pelo Alpha de Cronbach (LAVD=0,76; LF=0,42; LS=0,82; RP=0,98; AE=0,90; SD=0,83 e MG=0,80). Os sintomas considerados, em ordem de importância foram freqüência diurna, freqüência noturna, urge-incontinência e urgência, sendo que o teste de NagelKerke mostrou que essas características explicam 72% da variação da ocorrência de BH. Os domínios do KHQ com maiores escores médios foram II (49,49); SD (45,95); LAVD (40,40) e PGS (40,15). As variáveis referentes aos sintomas específicos de BH, \"freqüência diurna aumentada\", \"urgência\" e \"urge-incontinência\", tiveram uma associação positiva e significante com todos os domínios do KHQ, com destaque para II (R2 = 0,631), sendo que a UI foi a mais importante. A presença de diabetes mellitus, hipertensão, neuropatias, infecções do trato urinário, dores, climatério, idade mais avançada, constipação intestinal, cirurgias pélvicas prévias, paridade aumentada, pouca atividade sexual e pouca libido e o uso de bebidas alcoólicas, pimenta e cafeína estão estatisticamente relacionadas com a BH. O estudo concluiu que a BH contribui para uma piora significativa na qualidade de vida específica das mulheres de Sorocaba por ela acometidas / This study aims to analyze the quality of life (QoL) of the women with Overactive Bladder (OAB) according the ICS definition, verify the correlations between the Qol scores and the social, demographics and clinical characteristics of the sample, and verify the correlations between the KHQ scores and the symptoms scale. It was approved by the Ethical Committee and investigated 334 women in the female population that filled out a social, demographic and clinical questionnaire and the King´s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), a specific health related questionnaire to evaluate QOL and symptoms of women with urinary incontinence and OAB. Women with evaluable data were included (33) in this study and it were possible to assess the prevalence of OAB in the city. The interview were made at the women\'s home and the data was organized with the software SPSS version 13.0 and analysed with the Categorical Regression with Optimal Scaling (CATREG) by the stathistical programs GENSTAT for Windows versão 8, Sudaan 7.5 e NCSS 2007. It was evaluated the non parametric correlations between the KHQ domains and the social, demographic and clinical data by the Spearman Rank Correlation, the significances of the Qui-square of the Hosmer-Lemeshow Test ranging from 0,384-0,85 with a good adjustment of the models. The test shows that the contribution of any variables was significant (p<0,05). The psychometric properties were tested using the Cronbach\'s Alpha Coefficient (RL=0,76; PL=0,42; SL=0,82; PR=0,98; E=0,90; SE=0,83 e SM=0,80). The symptoms considered was diurnal urinary frequency, nocturnal frequency, urinary urge incontinence and urgency in this important sequence and the NagelKerk test shows that this characteristics explains 72% of the occurrence ranging of OAB. The KHQ domains with the high scores were UII (49,49), SE (45,95); RL (40,40) and GHP (40,15). The symptoms diurnal frequency, urgency, and urinary urge incontinence had a positive and significant association with the KHQ domains and the urinary urge incontinence was the best one (R2 = 0,631). Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, neurological problems, urinary tract infections, pain, perimenopausal symptoms, high age, constipation, pelvic surgery, many deliveries, few sexual relationships, few libido, alcoholic beverages, pepper and caffeine were statistical related with the OAB. The authors concluded that the OAB improves a significant worst in the women\'s HRQoL
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Prevalência e grau de desconforto de bexiga hiperativa numa área urbana no nordeste brasileiro / Prevalência e grau de desconforto de bexiga hiperativa numa área urbana no nordeste brasileiroNeves, Raimundo Celestino Silva January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2012-08-02T21:38:04Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Raimundo Celestino Silva Neves. Prevalência e grau de desconforto de bexiga hiperativa numa área urbana no Nordeste brasileiro - CPqGM - Dissertação de Mestrado - 2008.pdf: 741822 bytes, checksum: 52611300a032353b413d569d677cd039 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-08-02T21:38:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Raimundo Celestino Silva Neves. Prevalência e grau de desconforto de bexiga hiperativa numa área urbana no Nordeste brasileiro - CPqGM - Dissertação de Mestrado - 2008.pdf: 741822 bytes, checksum: 52611300a032353b413d569d677cd039 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil / Estimar a prevalência da síndrome de bexiga hiperativa (BH) e de outros sintomas
referentes ao trato urinário inferior em uma amostra com base populacional de um grande
centro urbano do nordeste brasileiro. Adicionalmente, pretendeu-se avaliar o impacto desses
sintomas na qualidade de vida dos participantes, investigar possíveis fatores associados à
prevalência de BH e descrever a busca por tratamento para essa síndrome. Métodos: A
prevalência de BH foi avaliada segundo sua definição mais recente, estabelecida em 2002
,pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência (SIC) e o inquérito domiciliar utilizou o método
de amostragem estratificado em três estágios, abrangendo 17 regiões administrativas da
cidade de Salvador. Os resultados são apresentados de acordo o sexo e a faixa etária.
Resultados: Três mil indivíduos com idade ≥ 30 anos foram incluídos no estudo, sendo 1.500
homens e 1.500 mulheres (taxa de resposta de 82,9%). A prevalência de BH foi de 5,1% em
homens e 10% em mulheres. Nicturia (≥ 1 por noite) esteve presente em 64,4% dos homens e
71,2% das mulheres, enquanto que a prevalência de nictúria (≥2 por noite) foi de 33,3% e
36,5%, respectivamente. Já a freqüência urinária aumentada foi descrita por 15,4% dos
homens e 23,7% das mulheres. A maioria das pessoas com urgência, 80% dos homens e 78%
das mulheres, relatou algum grau de desconforto em possuir esse sintoma e indivíduos com
BH tiveram alto grau de depressão e ansiedade (p<0,001). Conclusão: Esse é o maior estudo
epidemiológico com base populacional no Brasil e que utiliza as novas definições referentes
ao trato urinário inferior, recomendadas pela SIC em 2002. O incômodo provocado nos
indivíduos, o impacto na qualidade de vida e a prevalência dos sintomas de BH destacam a
gravidade dessa síndrome. / To estimate the prevalence of overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) and the other
lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in a sample of the big urban center in the Brazilian
Northeastern. Additionally, to evaluate the impact of these symptoms in quality of life of
participants, to investigate possible factors associates to the prevalence of OAB and to
describe help seeking behaviors for urinary problems. Methods: The prevalence of OAB was
evaluated according to your more recent definition established in 2002 for the International
Continence Society (ICS) and the domiciliary inquiry used a three-step sampling method,
enclosing 17 administrative regions of the city of Salvador. The results are presented
according to gender and age cohort. Results: A total of three thousand individuals aged ≥ 30
years were analyzed in the study, (1,500 men and 1,500 women) with response rate of 82.9%.
The prevalence of BH was 5.1% in men and 10% in women. Nocturia (≥ 1 time/ night) was
present in 64.4% of men and 71.2% of the women, while that the prevalence of nocturia (≥ 2
time/ night) was 33.3% and 36.5%, respectively. However the increased frequency was
described for 15,4% of men and 23.7% of the women. The majority of the people with
urgency, 80% of men and 78% of the women, report any bother with symptom and OAB
subjects had high level of depression and anxiety. Conclusion: This is the largest
epidemiologic study with population-based in Brazil and that it uses the new definitions of the
ICS of 2002. The bother provoked in the individuals, the impact in the quality of life and the
prevalence of the LUTS salient the gravity of this syndrome.
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Qualidade de vida de mulheres com bexiga hiperativa no município de Sorocaba / Quality of life of women with overactive bladder in SorocabaGisele Regina de Azevedo 29 February 2008 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo quantitativo, do tipo descritivo e exploratório, de corte transversal, em que se utilizou inquérito populacional domiciliar, que teve por objetivo analisar a qualidade de vida de mulheres com bexiga hiperativa no município de Sorocaba/SP, verificar as correlações existentes entre os escores de QV e algumas variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas da amostra, além de verificar as correlações existentes entre os escores de QV e a Escala de Sintomas do KHQ. Foi utilizado um questionário sócio-demográfico e clínico e o questionário específico de QV King\'s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), sendo que o estudo foi aprovado previamente pelo Comitê de Ética da PUC/SP. A população do estudo foi constituída por 334 mulheres das quais foram selecionadas para a amostra as 33 que apresentaram os sintomas caracterizadores de bexiga hiperativa (BH) e que possibilitaram uma estimação da prevalência da mesma para o município. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos domicílios das mulheres e o banco de dados implantado com o uso do software SPSS versão 13.0 foi submetido às análises estatísticas através da análise de regressão linear categórica pelo método CATREG (Categorical Regression with Optimal Scaling), tendo sido realizadas por meio dos programas estatísticos GENSTAT for Windows versão 8, Sudaan 7.5 e NCSS 2007. Foram avaliadas as correlações não paramétricas entre os dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos e os domínios do KHQ pelo Coeficiente de postos de Spearman e foram avaliadas as significâncias do qui-quadrado do Teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow que variaram de 0,384 a 0,85; indicando bom ajuste dos modelos, que foi a forma escolhida para a organização das variáveis para a análise. O teste da razão de verossimilhança mostrou que a contribuição de cada variável nos modelos ajustados foi significante (p< 0,05). A presença ou não de multicolinearidade (alta correlação entre as variáveis independentes) foi testada em cada modelo. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% e as estatísticas com p descritivo <= 0,05 foram consideradas significantes. As propriedades psicométricas do KHQ foram dadas pelo Alpha de Cronbach (LAVD=0,76; LF=0,42; LS=0,82; RP=0,98; AE=0,90; SD=0,83 e MG=0,80). Os sintomas considerados, em ordem de importância foram freqüência diurna, freqüência noturna, urge-incontinência e urgência, sendo que o teste de NagelKerke mostrou que essas características explicam 72% da variação da ocorrência de BH. Os domínios do KHQ com maiores escores médios foram II (49,49); SD (45,95); LAVD (40,40) e PGS (40,15). As variáveis referentes aos sintomas específicos de BH, \"freqüência diurna aumentada\", \"urgência\" e \"urge-incontinência\", tiveram uma associação positiva e significante com todos os domínios do KHQ, com destaque para II (R2 = 0,631), sendo que a UI foi a mais importante. A presença de diabetes mellitus, hipertensão, neuropatias, infecções do trato urinário, dores, climatério, idade mais avançada, constipação intestinal, cirurgias pélvicas prévias, paridade aumentada, pouca atividade sexual e pouca libido e o uso de bebidas alcoólicas, pimenta e cafeína estão estatisticamente relacionadas com a BH. O estudo concluiu que a BH contribui para uma piora significativa na qualidade de vida específica das mulheres de Sorocaba por ela acometidas / This study aims to analyze the quality of life (QoL) of the women with Overactive Bladder (OAB) according the ICS definition, verify the correlations between the Qol scores and the social, demographics and clinical characteristics of the sample, and verify the correlations between the KHQ scores and the symptoms scale. It was approved by the Ethical Committee and investigated 334 women in the female population that filled out a social, demographic and clinical questionnaire and the King´s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), a specific health related questionnaire to evaluate QOL and symptoms of women with urinary incontinence and OAB. Women with evaluable data were included (33) in this study and it were possible to assess the prevalence of OAB in the city. The interview were made at the women\'s home and the data was organized with the software SPSS version 13.0 and analysed with the Categorical Regression with Optimal Scaling (CATREG) by the stathistical programs GENSTAT for Windows versão 8, Sudaan 7.5 e NCSS 2007. It was evaluated the non parametric correlations between the KHQ domains and the social, demographic and clinical data by the Spearman Rank Correlation, the significances of the Qui-square of the Hosmer-Lemeshow Test ranging from 0,384-0,85 with a good adjustment of the models. The test shows that the contribution of any variables was significant (p<0,05). The psychometric properties were tested using the Cronbach\'s Alpha Coefficient (RL=0,76; PL=0,42; SL=0,82; PR=0,98; E=0,90; SE=0,83 e SM=0,80). The symptoms considered was diurnal urinary frequency, nocturnal frequency, urinary urge incontinence and urgency in this important sequence and the NagelKerk test shows that this characteristics explains 72% of the occurrence ranging of OAB. The KHQ domains with the high scores were UII (49,49), SE (45,95); RL (40,40) and GHP (40,15). The symptoms diurnal frequency, urgency, and urinary urge incontinence had a positive and significant association with the KHQ domains and the urinary urge incontinence was the best one (R2 = 0,631). Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, neurological problems, urinary tract infections, pain, perimenopausal symptoms, high age, constipation, pelvic surgery, many deliveries, few sexual relationships, few libido, alcoholic beverages, pepper and caffeine were statistical related with the OAB. The authors concluded that the OAB improves a significant worst in the women\'s HRQoL
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