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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Derrida, nedotknutelné, tělesnost / Derrida, the untouchable, flesh

Uzir, Srijan January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is a reading of Jacques Derrida's critique of an ontology of touch, otherwise known as 'haptocentrism'. It takes as its focus Derrida's reading of Husserl's Ideen II in his book Le Toucher-Jean-Luc Nancy. This is a text that has received much less attention from commentators who focus on Derrida's relationship to phenomenology. Through this reading, we hope to fill an important gap in the critical literature on this subject. Through our reading, we hope to destabilise the concept of the body proper.

Individuální záskok přívodních polí rozvodny 6 kV Energetika Třinec / Individual stand-by of incoming feeder of Energetika Trinecs´ 6 kV substation

Borski, Roman January 2013 (has links)
The thesis titled Individual stand-by of incoming feeder of Energetika Třinec 6 kV substantion is theoreticaly and practically concived work that offers comprehensive information on automatic standby focused on the selected operation of Energetika Třinec. At present, the standby is in authention mode and thesis solves shutdown of transformer T5. The extract of automatic device indicates trouble-free operation and thesis focus on the power take-off for transformer T5. The theoretical part provides information about problems of own comsumption of power plants, automatic device of standby and protection of electrical equipment. Thesis also sloves the protection settings, which is supported by calculations of short-circuit currents. The practical part is formed from the suggestion of solution in accordance to current criteria and the evaluation of possible settings of protective automatic devices together with an assessment of implementation option of standby. The aim of the thesis is to perform analysis of standby and evaluate effects which causes shutdown of own comsumption part. The final part assesses current settings of protection based on calculated values. Existing protections are unsuitable and it is recomennded to deploy digital multi-stage protections as a replacement for present relay protections.

Dimensiones de la percepción de consumidoras jóvenes de marcas propias en la categoría vestimenta de tiendas por departamento de Lima Metropolitana en relación a la intención de compra / Dimensions of perception of Young consumers of own brands in clothing category of department stores in Metropolitan Lima in relation to the purchase intention

Moras Cornejo, Brenda Kelly 10 July 2020 (has links)
El surgimiento de las marcas propias aumenta la competencia dentro del canal minorista. Los esfuerzos de marketing empleados para las marcas propias las posicionan como una amenaza a las marcas de fabricante. El documento aborda el tema de las dimensiones de la percepción de la consumidora de marcas propias de la categoría vestimenta de tiendas por departamento. Las dimensiones: calidad percibida, precio percibido, imagen de la tienda, personalidad de marca y espacio de la góndola fueron tomados en cuenta para el análisis, todos en relación a la intención de compra. / The emergence of own brands increases competition within the retail channel. The marketing efforts used for own brands position them as a threat to manufacturer brands. The document addresses the issue of the consumer's perception of own brands in the department store clothing category. The dimensions: perceived quality, perceived price, image of the store, brand personality and shelf space were taken into account for the analysis, all in relation to the purchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación


Murray, Delaney January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Egna märkesvaror och e-handel inom dagligvarumarknaden : Förbättring eller försämring av konkurrensen när egna märkesvaror och e-handel tar marknadsandelar? / Own-brand goods and e-commerce in the grocery market : Is competition improving or deteriorating as own-brand goods and e-commerce gain market share?

Ödborn Jönsson, Jakob, Dahl, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska dagligvarumarknaden kännetecknas av en oligopolmarknad med hög marknadskoncentration. Marknaden domineras av tre aktörer som tillsammans utgör 90% av dagligvarumarknaden. Detta medför att kritik riktats mot dagligvarumarknaden när priserna stigit med mer än 20% i jämförelse med den generella prisökningen på 10%. Vidare har det spekulerats om dagligvarumarknadens konkurrensförhållanden har försämrats under åren.  På senare år har nya förutsättningar tillkommit på dagligvarumarknaden i Sverige, där e- handelns utveckling och den ökade tillväxten av egna märkesvaror (EMV) är två nya komponenter på marknaden. Tidigare studier och prisundersökningar har fokuserat på att utvärdera hur konkurrensen ser ut på marknaden då tillväxten av e-handel har undersökts, men utan att specifikt fokusera på egna märkesvaror och dess inflytande på konkurrensen på dagligvarumarknaden.  Information från sekundärdata visar att de tre dominerande aktörerna aktivt arbetar med att erbjuda egna onlinetjänster samt köpa in sig i nya aktörers verksamhet. Den informationen tillsammans med resultaten från en egen prisundersökning visar att e-handeln inte nödvändigtvis bidrar till ett främjande av konkurrensen på dagligvarumarknaden. Däremot bidrar e-handeln till en ökad prismedvetenhet hos konsumenter vid jämförelse av aktörers/butikens prissättning. På så sätt kan konsumenter på ett smidigt sätt prisjämföra och avgöra vilken butik som är billigast.  Vidare visar prisundersökningen att egna märkesvaror (EMV) är billigare än de klassiska varumärkena, vilket ger konsumenterna ökat utbud till lägre priser. Trots att EMV visas vara det billigare alternativet, innebär detta ett främjande av en mer vertikalt integrerad marknad, som i sin tur skapar inträdeshinder för nya aktörer. På så sätt kan slutsatsen dras att EMV bidrar till en försämrad konkurrens på dagligvarumarknaden. / The Swedish grocery market is characterized by an oligopoly market with high market concentration. The market is dominated by three players who together make up 90% of the grocery market. This means that the grocery market has been criticized when prices have risen by more than 20% compared to the general price increase of 10%. Furthermore, it has been speculated that the competitive conditions of the grocery market have deteriorated over the years.  In recent years, new conditions have emerged in the grocery market in Sweden, where the development of e-commerce and the increased growth of own-brand products (EMV) are two new components of the market. Previous studies and price surveys have focused on evaluating competition in the market when examining the growth of e-commerce, but without specifically focusing on own-brand products and their influence on competition in the grocery market.  Information from the secondary data shows that the three dominant players are actively engaged in offering their own online services and buying into the activities of new players. This information together with the results from the price survey shows that e-commerce does not necessarily contribute to the promotion of competition in the grocery market. On the other hand, e-commerce contributes to increased price awareness among consumers when comparing the pricing of operators/shops. In this way, consumers can easily compare prices and determine which store is the cheapest.  Furthermore, the price survey shows that own-brand products (EMV) are cheaper than classic brands, giving consumers more choice at lower prices. Although EMV is shown to be the cheaper option, this implies the promotion of a more vertically integrated market, which in turn creates barriers to entry for new players. Thus, it can be concluded that EMV contributes to a deterioration of competition in the grocery market.

The Dilemma of Woolf's Androgyny: A Close Look at Androgyny in <em>A Room of One's Own</em> and <em>Orlando</em>.

Holman, Crystal Gail 01 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores Woolf's concept of androgyny through a comparison of her nonfiction essay A Room of One's Own and her fiction-fantasy novel Orlando. Recent and past critical writings on Woolf and androgyny have been consulted, as well as primary sources including her works, private letters, and diaries. Woolf's concept of androgyny embodies a fundamental dilemma. In A Room of One's Own, Woolf calls for spiritual and mental androgyny while avidly supporting physical, social, and cultural differences between men and women. In Orlando, Woolf creates a character who is unable to reach mental androgyny because of social conditioning of gender and sex roles. The dilemma lies in Woolf's embrace of stereotypical ideas that distinguish men and women, while in the end, such differences inhibit the mental and spiritual androgyny she exalts. The findings shed new light on Woolf and the controversy of her "androgynous vision" by exposing the fundamental dilemma.

Joseph Smith's View of His Own Calling

Boyle, Tucker John 12 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The Prophet Joseph Smith stood in a unique position as the leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He held positions of translator, prophet, seer and revelator. He was taught the responsibilities of his calling as he translated ancient scripture - the Book of Mormon and the Bible. He was further instructed concerning his calling as he received revelations contained in the Doctrine and Covenants. This study examines scriptural passages that surely influenced the Prophet's understanding of his own calling. It then illustrates Joseph Smith's view of his calling as evidenced by statements in his writings and discourses. It examines what he understood to be his duties in his position as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and head of the dispensation of the fullness of times.

A Screen Of One's Own The Tpec And Feminist Technological Textuality In The 21st Century

Barnickel, Amy J. 01 January 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation, I analyze the 20th century text, A Room of One's Own, by Virginia Woolf (2005), and I engage with Woolf's concept of a woman's need for a room of her own in which she can be free to think for herself, study, write, or pursue other interests away from the oppression of patriarchal societal expectations and demands. Through library-based research, I identify four screens in Woolf's work through which she viewed and critiqued culture, and I use these screens to reconceptualize "a room of one's own" in 21st Century terms. I determine that the new "room" is intimately and intricately technological and textual and it is reformulated in the digital spaces of blogs, social media, and Web sites. Further, I introduce the new concept of the technologized politically embodied cyborg, or TPEC, and examine the ways 21st Century TPECs are shaping U.S. culture in progressive ways.

Einfluss eines Maßnahmenpakets auf die Entlassnahrung von Frühgeborenen Kindern am Universitätsklinikum Dresden

Hoffmeister, Vanessa Katharina 22 February 2024 (has links)
Diese retrospektive Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss eines Maßnahmenbundles bestehend aus drei Interventionen: einem Stillteam, Bonding im Kreißsaal und einem Ernährungsprotokoll. Das primäre Outcome dieser Studie beinhaltet die Muttermilchernährung Frühgeborener mit einem Gestationsalter < 320/7 SSW in den letzten 48 h vor Entlassung. Die primäre Hypothese dieser Arbeit lautet, dass nach der Einführung des Maßnahmenpakets mehr Kinder mit Muttermilchernährung entlassen worden sind als vor der Einführung des Maßnahmenpakets. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die Maßnahmen sowohl als Bundle als auch als einzelne Interventionen im Hinblick auf die Entlassnahrung untersucht. Die Daten werden mit einer Kohorte vor Einführung der genannten Interventionen verglichen. Frühgeborene der historischen Kontrollgruppe erhielten kein striktes Ernährungsprotokoll, sondern lediglich Ernährungsempfehlungen, keine Beratung durch das Stillteam und nur unregelmäßiges Bonding im Kreißsaal. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die einzelnen Maßnahmen sowie die kombinierte Durchführung der Interventionen zu einem größeren Anteil muttermilchernährter Frühgeborener führt. Im Vergleich zu einer historischen Kontrollgruppe konnten diese positiven Effekte allerdings nicht in der Grundgesamtheit widergespiegelt werden. Möglicherweise erklärt sich dies durch die unzureichende routinemäßige und frühzeitige Etablierung der Maßnahmen. Ob sich das Maßnahmenpaket nach optimaler Implementierung und Erfahrungsgewinn auch in einer historischen Kontrollgruppe niederschlagen würde, muss in Zukunft untersucht werden. Insbesondere die Frage nach den Auswirkungen über einen längeren Zeitraum nach der Entlassung ist von besonderer Relevanz. Darüber hinaus wäre es interessant zu erfahren, welche zusätzlichen Faktoren die Ernährung in den letzten 48 Stunden vor der Entlassung von Frühgeborenen beeinflussen.:1. Einleitung 2. Methodik 3. Ergebnisse 4. Diskussion 5. Zusammenfassung 6. Summary 7. Danksagung 8. Literaturverzeichnis 9. Anhang

Hyperfart till läsning? : En kvantitativ studie i skönlitterära hypertexters plats i svenskundervisningen / Hyperspeed to reading? : A quantitative study of fictional hypertexts in Swedish teaching

Skog, Jacob, Larsson, Niclas January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hypertextuell skönlitteratur och dess inverkan på viktiga aspekter i läsutvecklingen hos lågstadieelever. Detta utförs genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning i sex klasser i årskurs 3. Hälften av klasserna fick läsa en berättelse med hypertextuell progression medan de andra tre fick läsa berättelsen med en traditionellt linjär progressionsutformning och därefter svara på identiska enkäter. Lärarna i klasserna fick också svara på en enkät. Genom jämförelse mellan klassernas svar har texternas inverkan på läsförståelse, motivation och upplevd svårighetsgrad kunnat utläsas. Studien har funnit en signifikant ökning av läsmotivationen hos de elever som läst den hypertextuella berättelsen.

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